The Wingham Advance, 1913-02-27, Page 3twAretopprow.rflo,-vo....4.--.0.,,,,---p•--.4.1watomsirvaem' 000 14,10420001$wswomimoso Chats With h e Doctor By 1 Physicist" I . . . C`IIILDREe7. At tire twesent time the term "Week - Ward" is tieea by the isehool medietie in- epeetor in the eiritee of defective, but sug. z;ve,tizig that elm cause of tne backward- ne$3 can bo removed. Vor example the child, who has adenoles is oettai rather deaf, stud being unable to eaten all that eata he Mlle behind the t'est of the elaes and falls to go up from standard to etandarti in the proper time. Tne same thing applies to the ebild witoee eresight wants attention, anti in bath eaSes med- ical inspection peints out the reMedY. wiien that is applied the ehild b•rigletons and is no lenger backward. But it la eather with lette other meaning of the worel that we aro now dealiug, the back- wardness which is realler ohlY stowae$s of mental evolution. No racial standard of lintelligenee. :however earefully adjust- ed, van be universally applied, for the rate or brain growth variee .different a34 heieltWaraness eellethootl is not Ai. iUdiVi(ILIttIS et different temperaments 'tntl baekevareiness in childhood, is not al- waya the forerunner of adult defieieney, In fact it is well known to medical men that the extremely precocious .child too often becomes dull awl of most ordinary intelligence In later years. The prenta ture sharpness and 'cunning of the city child is noticeable, and many people are inenned to eontraet dt with the simplicitt and .stolidity of country children, but in the tong tem it is quite likely that the latter turn out superior in intelligence et t.he best. sort. Wthere a child is decal- edly procoeious great care should Ise taken not to urge hien forward or compel diem to snow otie with a backward child every erfort enould made to see that lie de labormg under no pliysical h.a.ndi- cap, and that his training is suited to hien as far as possible. Many a tact sup posed to be duel is really possessed of enough. individuality to :have streng lelas in a certa,in direr:Aden, and onoe this is recognized and training' giverz elong that line he proves colic': to learn. The happiest child is really the average ohild, who with good heath steadily rises to his full powers, experieneing neither un- natural. progress, aior equally unnatural stagnation, There are times in the lives of most ethildren when they may seem to be making little or no advance, but this is generally due to physioal growth which makes special demands on tbe -body. At such titries the mental powers are apt to flag and .proper allowance must be made eor tiler condition. ' 'WIIAT ARE TENDONS. alost ot the =soles of the body are attached to the bones by tendons or el. new,s, strong inelastic eellular extensions, wee.on play al1 important part en conclite. Jag to freedom of movement, besides add- ing to the sYrometry o,f the limbs, When an efrort Is made to bend the knee a trong tondoll known as the hamstring can rea.dily be felt, and there is a power. ful tendon juet above tile heel known as the end= Achilles." !Bilis, though capable of resisting a force equal to a thousand pounds weight as often imp. Lured by the oontraetion or the muscle* of the calf .of the leg 3n the sudden ex. tension of the fo.ot. There are -a. feNt muscles not attached to bones at either extremity, and also a row which have no tendons hut Anese may he eousklered ex. ceptien.4 .to .the general rule. Simple in fiamaration may attack a tendon as the result of a. sprain or Owing to gout ot rheumatism, their synevial sheaths beine also affected. Best. and. gentle rubbing, also nvarm fomenttaions will. do good in such cases. 6'omettines when the sheath of a teneen rs irritated and more than the proper amount of lubricating fluid .poured into it, a email, firm anti mote able swelling ,ca.lied a ganglion forms al e,orne place In the course of a, tendon. Tins la very comenrort on the back of the wrist, and the gaeglion when opened is found to contain, e, firm gelatinous sub- stance. 'This should be removed,. after which pressure =St be. exerted on the 'Rare to prevent the return of the swell. ing. DIZOPSY. When an abnormal quantity of scrota or water ruid colects in the coital membrane beneath the skin or in 'differ. 4ent .eavities of the body, such as the nhest or the head or the abdomen. inedi ,eal men giva It different t-echnical name* According to its situation; but it "Toper. ey it le known as dropsy. It may be brougbt on by a variety of causes, long ,exposure to cold end moist atmosphere protracted fevers, excessive use or Its, insuffielent and indigestible food, a* well as positive disease of heart, diges- tive canal or liver. The immediate cause IA : GI dropsy is either a profuse exhalation of the small veins and erten les, or a want of reetion in the absorb- ing veasels. The condition is arseays a eeriOus one, sometimes extremely darn gterous; but ,acute dropsy oan sometimes be cured when the cheonie forrne can. not, because theke ate the sign and re suit o:f some disease *which has a firn hold on the patient, and is steadily ad. vaneing. . There Is no disease whiell requires more varied treatment than dropsy+, beca.use its origin may be traced to such. opposito -conditions. of the systein. Means are trennenstli taken to evaeuate the atlete amleted, rinid, sometimes by certain nee. !eines of a purgative and duiretic oharac ter, sometirnes by the bp.eration fa.nil laxly knOwn as 'tapping ' A.fter thu: ilea been done efforts mu.st. be Inade t 4. Invigorate the ,const,tution by the ese. 01 tonics, regular exercise and change air. The diet In all eases of dropsy must be nourishing, and easy of digestioe while the extreme thirst usually presto may be quenched by dra.ughts of wan or skim-naillt with a little crearn of tar tar dissolved in boto. SOFTD.NING WATER FOR WASIefeas There is no doubt es to the value ei eoft water for cleansing the skin and re the same time keeping it In good condi tio; but unfortunately rain water whlet is naturally soft cannot be otstained stored in laree quantities, and thus vete few of use Carl indulge in the luxury of Welshing in .soft water. The housewife too, knows tow remelt anore economical is soft water than hard fOr all ,houseitole purposes, i,tneluding the washing of linen A supply' of good soft water may be este Ily obtained by adding six ounces of nice, ly fresh burnt lime to 40 gallons of vat er. ean be stored for uso as re- quired, and added to ordinary -water in the propertion of a pint of lame water to nine pints of Water. In a. very short time this vvill become quite clear and soft, and you will see a nreellaitate at the bottom of the vessel. leour off a'nd -use n, larger quanitity is required it is tgood plan tn keep a two gallon stone .eask. with a tap into which pat Pint and a. half of lime, water filling up with ordiriery water. After standing Epli night t he water can be drawn off, and eacb time the,. cask ia emptied, the sediment must be removed. .00 4 THE CZAREVITCH MA, 101..-,4.0•41r Roweled:Is 113 by 310 Meant; so well se - Mired in tho direet line WI Mat of the Holieneollernfil. The Knitter himselt bus six sous and goodness knows how many grandsone. in this ease the Salle taw eliminates women from the problem. This autefeminist decree has not, curiously enough had the acme vigor - out application in autocratic Russia, wnielt la the eighteenth. century was blessed, or cureed, as the eaue might be, with several Empresees. The later tendency, however, in that em- Pire lets been to exclude wom.en from tele line of sueceseion. In 1797 the Emperor Paul decreed that the succession should be that of regular descent, by the riglit of primo- geniture, with preference of male over female heirs. It was in virtue of this decree that the present Czai"s eldest brother, George. who died in.1899, waa declared eeir preettniutive in spite of Nicholas II. having several daugb.terie and it was only on the birth of the Grand Dulte Aiexis that Ids uncle Michael was deposed from his position as Chown Prinea—Pall Mall Gazette. A. CYNTFIIA GREY'S ANSWERS •Dear Mite Grey, ---I am 19 year's ohl, low to redliee 1113.7 eigh len pounds. Can you. tell Me weight, my buee and hips especially? 2. I met a boy a few days ago wno seems too basbful to aek to call on ma „yet seexoe to pay. a good deal of atteittion to me. Would it be proper for. me to ask him to call en mei a Hew .ean I remove mildew from a table cloth? 4. What is the birthstone for the month of eune?---Topsy. The best way will be to take regular -exercise, eat few eweete 'and live an aetive life. Riding is an excel- lent means of reducing the hips. So IS walking. &rubbing floors, sweeping and general housework win take the super, Mums flesh off your llody and. make your musties hard and firm, 1 do not recommetel any outward applications to reduce Resit 2. There would be no real ham in it, But I think you will find that he will gain sufficient confidence' to ask you if you are pleasant and un- afitetea with him. - is always nicer to allow the -man to ask to call. Then you are .dre he really wishes to con- tinue your acquaintance, and is really intmsted in you. 3. Make a thick paste of table salt and buttermilk, and cover the mildew with it. Lay in the hat sun for a day, renewing the paste at the end of four hours. leobstinate, repeat the next day. 4, Pearl. • Dear Miss' Grey,---Tlease - tell me how to. prepare white mountain cream to be us• -ed as a frosting on chocolate nougat cake, and obli7e, • A. ---Put -harif cup of sugar over about the same quantity of sugar: Doil till it forms a, eyrup which will form a thread when dripped from a fork. Beat whites ef two .eggs stiff, and stir a teaspoonful at a time into the sugar mixture, beat- ing Itard.' Remove the whole from the tire and keep beating it until it !opus quite .ft thick cream. - Let it *dal and then add a little lemon juiee for flavor - tag, perhaps a teaspoonful. Spread it on the ton of the cake. It may also. be used for fining, if desired. Sprinkle With pow- dered engar. Considered Most Valuable Child in the World. The Czarevitcle whose Illness is oe- cupying the sympathetio attention. of Europe, Is the idol of his father. Ever since his birth it has been the cus- tom of the Czar to assist in his son's rising In the morning and occasionally usurp the functions usually relegated to nurses and mothers and give the imperial baby his bath. Not frequently has the Czar given audience to his ministers in the Czar- evitelee nursery or received them in the audience chamber with the small heir to the imperial throne perched upon his knee, The ezarevitch has been described as the moat valuable child In the world. If he tuceeeds to the throne he will be in teetoeesion of some Z40,- 000,000, at Welch sum the private for- tune of the Remanolls is waited. His yearly salary as ruler of the Russian 'people will be te2,000,000 and he wilt be in abeolute control of 500 estates ,employing 30,000 servants. Within a few days of his birth the infant's life was insured for £500,000,1 a:300,000 less than the amount for whiedt the Grand Mellen Olga, the eldest child, was Insured. A banking aceount Was Opened for the baby Into which is Wad every three, months a geeerniattnt cheque on the National Bank of Ituttele. whieh allows the thild 010.000 a year. The inteeession to the throne of the ,C1' -404 T A KESDR. W ILEY'S PLACE 4g) et." Ago. ROAMS tii) DR. G. ALSBERG, Appointed Chief of the bureau of ,chemIstry at Washington—the place vacant since Dr. Harvey W. Wiley's resignation. He has been In the de- partment four years: . He is thirty - 'five years old, a native of Germany, and graduate of Columbia university NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE. A neW baking powder is being made from a heretofore valueless by-product of the manufaeture of maple syrup. The Russian government recently ordered for its army- aviators 200 silk parachutes of a type that is exit -hated to open automatically and save a man should be fall. The back of a new couch hammock that a Wisconsin man has patented is so mounted that it adjusts itself to the angle at which an occupant may be eitting or reclining. Vnglish automobile building w'ho eaters to colonial trade encloses his magnetos and carburetors in water- tight compartments and tests his cars. by running them thiough water. ingenious machine operated by an electric motor enables one type- writer company to test its machines before they leaee the factory at a, speed faster than. they eye can follow. A reeeet German patent covers the use of carbonic acid gas in a machine which sprays mortar or plaster on a wall of a building, to hasten. the set- ting of the material mo sprayed. If the heat and muscular effort ex- pended by art average man in a dear could be converted into electrical en- ergy it would be sufficient to run a sewing machine ntoter for 100 hours. Australia teems to have an !nee- baustible, supply of marble, the stone being found there in many colors in addition to pure white. Operated by a crank, a machine that a Tennessee man has patented is said to tie shocks of grain more quiekly than possible by hand. One of the finest *mimic observa- tories in the world is being eonetruct- ed on the side of the famous Taal volcano In the Philippines. A French automobile that Is driven by an aerial propeller have proved ef- ficient, its inventor claims, beeftuse the blades of the propeller bave been shaped like a bird's wing. . 'When militant enffragettes get mad 1114 1101'11091 i1111,./ won't eat." "T wonder wily?" -Maybe food reminile them of the kitehen and the kitelien remind.; them of thrftliloni."--11oueton Poet. Sinee thought have winge, be. easeful what kind you 'tett on a joutneye— Mantitiester Union. • For the Kiddies AN' VP-To-DA:re: There NV3k; 4.taCt1 a little girl Item wat ' eXccedingly fund Of icc cream sedas — nothing etrango z‘beat that; nor doce gem pooeible teat we tun enything Interesting treout sneh very ,ordinary fact. this young lady of whom We ere eye:lame not only mei a iikine for sodas, but eito would haVe none other but the best. Stu toed of tile good kind Wt1P7 410 that wbenever her mamma gave her niekel iihe wouldn't rush off im- mediately to buy a five t!ent land, bet , would trait until her papa came home jand gave her another unite' so that Oho could gratify her with a fiestislieus taste with a luscious—um-um-um, crushed fruit lee cream SOU. One day when manuria hue a lot of company to tea Aunt Abigail, Who WaS there, gave 'Virginia ewe whole nickels. Mamma being SQ busy with her gueeei and Tillie bustling about in the kitchen getting the tea things ready no one noticed Virginit with her dolly leaving for the good -goody shop, taking a shert eut across some vacant Iota. On the way she mist a little ragged girl minding a tiny baby brother, 'all ragged, too. He wasn't quite se ragged, but that was only because there weren't so many clothes on his little body, e'ttst when the ragged children presented them, selves to view she was picturing a, plate piled up with the daintlee she relished. But her heart wee touebed and without hesitation she geve the tin nieltele to the ragged kiddies. It seemed a Jong, lona, way home. You See she did not notice where her little feet were leading her, as she was still thinking of the ragged children, The path tho.t she followed was bordered on each side bY tall plants with yellow and Purple autumnal powers, Soon the path became narrower and the plants taller. Beautiful clusters of golden rod were there, meeting their plumes as if biddink ber welcome. One 'eery large plume caught her eye; it was bent over so far that it almost berred the way. Virginia suddenly stopped, on account hearirg a grange voice. At first elle did not know wins= it came, but she soon saw it Callie from a cornice). little figure perched on the cluster ef goleeen blossoms, It was a• tiny ele with prettily colored wings. "Row do you do?" he saki, making tho branche go up and down as it he en- JoYed the swingin.g. "1-lere I am!" Vir- ginia. waS too Startled to answer, so the elf continued. "Wily are you so surprised? Don't you know that you are in the Enchanted Glen, sacred to the fairies and elves We have no objection, thougle to good little girls like you. Why, in feet, the Fairy Queen sent ino especially to reward you tor giving your nickels to the ragged ebild ran." Even with these reassuring remarks Virginia was too amaZed to speak. "I'm in a great hurry," the elf now Mid. "so I'll proceed to business at once. Now. wateleelosely, young ladY." As he spoke he struck with his wand the very end qf a golden rod branch, which instantly tweed into real gold and began to shower down in a dust, Then with a whirl of his wings the elf flew away, while Virginia felt cooling Duffs of air on her cheeks, which she thought came from. the elf's wings. But, no. it wae the panting breath of ma Rover, who had juet come pp, and what do you thin'. he woe carrying in his mouth? It was a eilver-meshed nurse and within It were ten twenty dollar gold pieces: Some traveller had dropped et on the road and although inquiry was made everywhere the owner was never found. Virginia's- papa and mamma, be- stowed some of it on the two ragged children and kept quite a portion of it apart for their' little daughter's. everY day "immediate" 1.180 and called it "Vir, ginia's Ice Cream Soda Fund." Don't you believe the golden rod fairY had something to do with it? I I - • THAT FURNACE. If it Gives YTOhite:rottbie, Read To get the best htestats from the fur- naee fire, so flint the honse is heated uniformly throughout, and yet keep the coal bill within a reasenable amount, it is a problem that can only be worked out with an intelligent understanding al tee furnace and the full :value of the coal used, • • To Iwo a clear, steady fire, there must first of all be a good draught. lf the fire as grey-logking on the surfac-e the flues are stopped! iap with. deposits of earbon and ashes, and the only rem- felis to put out the fire and elean the *. * * To kindle a new fire in the fire pot use as little paper as possible. Get a good wood fire burning,by turning on all the draughts and leaving the ashpit door upon for more air. Then put on two- ecuttles of coal, scattering both cora and wood evenly over the drum, -so that the fire will burn tie well around the edges as it does in. the midale. As soon' as the two scuttles of eoei have become NVell ignited put on two or three more, according to the size of the furnace, and again spread it out evenly, so that the fire will be well distributed, and the casing will get 'all the heat possibie. CloSe the ashpit door turn the drafts half off and in a little while you will have a clean, eteady fire that will give out a uniform heai for many hours without further etten. Lion, says the Modern Priscilla. Having started. our fire all right, hoe then shall we keep it up from day tO day to avoid making a new one very often. The answer is, keep your fire free from ashes and elinkers aud bank it regularly twice a ,f4y, -do lei ever turn the drafts on full After. the fire has taken its iirst good start, es the extra supply of fresh air makes the fire burn. furiously at th'e centre, wastes the coal, and canses the fire to go down around the sides where the heat is most wanted. Another thing to guard against is opening the ashpit door to "start up the fire," as thie only causes an extra supply -of lulu% to form. et the bottom bofentelitietigere and the fire above ie * * * Ashes when. siftea should. aever be left in uncovefed tins or boxes. Many house- wives complain that ashea come up from the furnace tti the rooms through the regieters. Itantai oily with the eonstruc- tion of the furntice priivcd that such an idea is enone, as the pipei do not open into the firepot at all. Then ashes are often Neel -thy sifted in the cellar with the door leading npstaire left open. thus allowing' them to make their way upward along with tiql draft throng', the Mille. All ashes that are sifted out of the furnace should be sprinidea witb water and then kept tightly coyered. * * * Tbe iemoval of elinkere from the fire Pfill he aone by tee 11$10t of A toms -bandied iron fork, which eomee for tuchtenir poees. Open the doer of the firepot Abe eig right riewn in the fire. If there Aro pieeee of elinkere amoeg the glowing eoal they ean easily deteeted their twisted, whitislegrey appearanee, and ite they interfere with eonfleistion, should be eonetantly inokea for, Two zany eliekere indicate a poor quality of coal Ana a consequent hum of fuel valve, * * The differenee in the SiZtli -of real used in Annual is alweye n, mooted queetion, ' Ifowever, a good kind of anthracite for ordinary We 14 A Mietitre of "fertinee" end "stole" tea The eouthinetioe of tte smell and huge together seem to fit in the firepot nieelat, and make a more ueiferm glow. --eeeeeesetateeeet Mopped (alerts, potato and iipplee Melte .W011 entnitimitheiteterved, sith cleeteinft. I I, 'Brrd Look What They're Wearing a Palm Beach These Days ! ettnel re -salted in an appreetable low- 1 teesion vrieuld still further effect lake Je41.1 ace and Fur eau of the lake levels) and. itg ex - levels awl become a satins mow- • p • to itiviegation. AA tt, result of reoeut .. activitiee on the part of the promot- ers of the scheme for the extension xetbier mettles, feminine elegance De of the &Mime canal, a further tio womenie were enore than lace Etna fur. vestigation haa been made, end even No niatereee are mere hecomirtN and the catizene of Chicago are protesthig oieturosque, eettenhis the lines in the age.intt any further lowering of the ritat eue -figura Their peculiar texture lake leveis, and Geneva Bixby inks or weave lends variety to the more fort made a, strong protest to nenabere of etuy woven fabrice. 1400 nes been of congrets on the subjeat, stating that very secondary consideration in. the last any further diverelon of water from. eecade of fashion. The 14.11103810/3100 Of the lakes would imperil eitylgotion, it came Mat througb. the popularity 0 thereon. An eight -foot canal would trait emigre. tries loVelY artiotie 48-(-* be useless for purposes of eavIgattoil WAS erCOCiletea bY thafete, whov IV 11/ tir the cootruction of a deep waterwity alttwene °Yee: bfallsyLtna8I441ult:Illsme°11L:lat:g1144°Itirintettlirsit:r:t en this day of large eapacity veeeele. few werde. The report re d ItIeneita.wei ilta;,:itto:Ittit trIell'elteeo:ert:,: tin ioe a I hes. TA s Vile :wooed proopsition calling for to the Gulf of ttlexico is ingrained g d lea al d facilitated the in. aes: et 24- t n 4 e a ova of u tu• lby the federal commission in very 11 t.i n Ze°11V, liez:r% tette lace ?Ir oeC If lidltfl 1 bitotoy'f:861e1 ,c, )frnewagx:ri de: os sei,vbraebilrttlitfieriarleelotiefigialsafte:re:w:te Sot e:uodl ndstibi(iii ete- jain:tifts:sttnotilo:111:Ibleifiti:utgearsi • 1 iblEokti inel ui aivile;ga::::: nueleveli:esiveollsilcrloil!ewhtlisebedinetoemliedericiittlly. by go to melte ac°11elit tstTenilleallijniiirsitIllit - Even if stteli a canal were con- Ilse.tatriLielid tilel"rsy rif7u1:111thecArseaninic:etavayinwint; thousand mike to the distance. they ii7 xf;t7sitylltorili!rnticz:a wiliti Tit tilitat promises to ee t 1 ul teij rill. t tiaull:ie eoteretittente‘i,lessaellisd. imt it.vvtleouiracittaleaabloever foor. woeld have to travel in order to AI'S INI"sotrni.e" It 104not %lir aat mn mettrweiro; suggested would, in itself, make the thennieur ttlaitz for AR crpogiotainItoil. 4, talloreed and thre pi setveltifteivi, rweortteilhd betilseuffiteknet tir:Itnmdaktehatbhe raolguntee wb,..,uying a fur get or unprofitable. but the gine taken in suit, that NV111 make the less exp a route an impreetieable one. furs almOrat as popular as thos,e that Pre lamhing through a, meal of the kind It is therefore evident that the beyOnd the reach of the avenage wont, drainage canal will never be requir- sal i lei 1)sstukyruise:,;:f rinoEnivaerite.evYniikitiae:to°itibtlefe:c1 ca,TtesTiFipnee; Lake Michigan to li is3t tmetiatgYinag Iltierla°1p1prOpinittalleirs nee 11 the citizens of Cilicago were the Gott or ataxic°. bv./learesrp.eatisatotravborrelitteschowt atnbze, liit,rseeneemn edteo. ed. as the first link in a canal from extension of the . drainage °anal would toy furs, etedie stole remains, as always cItt:titclpgrlyi a. 1) I Get i rlue ki 1 Ibreeeneittligee ri tisni te eir:enYisult- given clearly to understand that the signers, perhaes widener the construction of a prae- at the head of the lint. more important to them to make Chi- btrnegitestenher tune uteri at% eopaeir enhraesn or. Opnil utnrogeb tfe pnrxopeliss.. board, they would be aniongst the soCtiliril.t isootesw41 ticable cleep waterway to the sea - first to oppose thet extension.; it A tsiiiveem cago a seaport than it is to lend their 1:a.vrefliEVS NinAntetV 1:11:trat°E aid in furthering the development of a. lanngd. tchuef tws .1 de irshheapsehda bpiodrelebrazeldolliasr,exrenve ee dr a -t - Florida winter resorts are seeing the first use of the new taffeta water repellant beach suits. After a clip in the surf tee suit remains crisp ana frese, A cap of the :tame material tied with a taffeta ribbon, completes this stunning bateing costume. The Development of the Waterways (James Hunter Duthie, in Detroit -N.ews.) THE LAKES TO THE GULF CANAL. cet. 24 -foot waterway from Chicago to the Gulf of Mexico has never been considered by Congress, but its cost ,vould be enormous, and even if con- structed it never would be used com- nfercially by the foe which inission appointed by the United States intended."—Extra.et from report pf corn - G (worriment, There are before us to -day three separate and, distinct propositions for the construction of a deep -waterway from the great lakes to the Atlantic seaboard. Bach of these schemes hos enthueiastie supporters, some of whom ire tiding from motives of self-interest, tut many beettuse of a genuine belief ut the practicability of the route they ere supporting. The three propositione tre as follows: route. The lakes to the gulf canal. The Georgian Bay Canal. The development of the St. Lawrence When the lakes to the gulf scheme was prnmulga,ted it attracted wide Ittenttsn, and as a result of the pub- acity given it by the promoters, the ederal government appointed a com- mission, headed by Geuceal W. H. Bigs- by, to make a thorough investigation of tee eubject, and this commission was dso directed to make a report on the iroposition submitted by the State of Illinois for the extension of the drainage anal. It must be borne in mind that he exteneion of the drainage canal is an intirely -different propoeition from that if the lakes to the gulf cane' proper, athough • the promoters of eaeh of theee schemee are using the argument that later on the drainage camel nuty 'orm the first link in the lake to tile gulf canal sbould that work ever be undertaken. - Two propositions were given consid- eration by the commission appointed by the Goeernment, viz.: Viret.—Calling for the constrattion of an eight foot waterway /rola ehicago to the Illinois River. Seemi L. -The construction. to a water- way of riet, leas than. 14 feet and even - Wally of 2 t feet. from the lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. The report of this commiesion was ••••••••,•••••••• preeented tO Congress eome time ago, aud we ask you to coneider the conclu- alone arrived at, and decide for yourself as to the necessity ler enterin„e• npon an aggreeeive eaanitaigll to cheek the adop- tion by. the Government of any project which, directly or indirectly, threatens to injuriously affect navigation .m the great lakes and menace the welfare of the nation. In their report on the first proposi- tion the commission recommended the construetion of an eight foot waterway from Chicago to the Illinois River, which. it says is entirely feasible and would be a highway of great commercial value to the businese of the middle west. Farther along in this report the corn- Mieeiee Says t "The work now propoeed by the State of Illineis connection with the canal of the Chicago sanitary district, contem- plates a waterway from Lake Michigan to -Utica, which although departing Iran the linee of the old canal, subetitutes waterway more than sufficient .for any probable nattigation, This will, in face „fulfill the orieinal agreement between the State and.the Government, and in- cidentally develop a, waterpower which the State considers a profitable. invest- ment. The board believee that the State is more generous in its provisions for navigation than neeeseity requires, that the locks are larger than will be utilized, ete." The two parageaphs referred to ap- pear to be rather eonflicting, as an eight foot waterway, which would be more than sufficient for any prob- able navigation, could not pbssibly prove to be a highway of gieeat com- mercial value to the business of the middle west. As a matter of fact, on .Tune 25th, 1909, the Circuit Court of Cook Coulity, Illinois, gave a deci- sion denying the navigability of the drainage canal, and this decision was later affirmed by the Supreme Court of Illinois. So far as the State of Illinois is concerned, the gist of nen. propo- sition is contained in the statement "and Incidentally develop a water- power which the state considers a profiteble investment:). The promot- ers of the Miele° for the extension of the drainage canal are not 111ft-r- ested in furnishing. transportation fa- cilities; they want the development of woterpower whieh will become a per- sonal benefit, to themselves; therefore the eelieme must stand' or fall upon its own merits as a power proposition, not as a portion of the lakes to the gulf canal. The construetion of the drainage SLEEPING " PORCH TO FIT OVER YOUR HEAD. Physielans reeommend outdoor sleeping for people who are subject to pulmonary troubles end plenty of fresh air is said to bo the very best Sort of litoliver to any kind of noctac —no matter how strong they may be naturally. Hemet§ with sieeping porches are not easily obtained in the city, nor is it aiwaYs eonvenient to have all the Windoets Of a bedroom open at night, becautte of the necessity of get- ting up in the morning and thus get. ing thilled. maltirtg a. hood at thown in the sketeh, to fit over the window at night, and drawing the bed sap to the 1 *window, peroon cart Nieto irt great 1 7 comfort and at the sam.e time have the aead taut the breathieg apparel - us practically outside. in very told 'weather it is, of course necessary. to wear a cap and be wen bundled up to prevent freezing. Tito hood .can be made of iron and tovered with heavy eartvas, or it end be made of light lathe or ,other form of wooden stripe. It is designed to be attached to the window frame with eerew eyes, anti the material with which it is eovered should be Of suf. fielent leugth to permit the peroon in bed to tuck the ends in around him after he has made himself tom- fortable under the covered. Mg. 1 in the sketeh shows the frame in nee: rig 2 le a frame made of piping, and rig. a Is a frame made of power acheme for the benefit of tnclivid- ingly decorative, as it is fashioned 0 oblong skins, beautifully marked five tials. pelts being used at the widest Part.'shaP- The lakes to the gulf scheme will mg down to two at the revers and collar. • not furnish a deep waterway to the The caracul is draped just enough so it ocean thrt will meet the necessities of (tier prittnbIgg n:itif:gtreeelell):e" abraT.6btiyt trade; therefore, it should. be dismissed Puns the wale in at the feet. The lilies "WWI WOOD." Soznething of the Land of the 014 Everybody ImoTaweletile otOri at ttie 413abee 1,n the Wood" as it is recited in that faxnens old Itigiiith baited which Addison in the iiipeetatOr des- cribed as "one 0! the darlings of the common people" and ao the "delight of moot of W3 in Bente Part of all ages," Many suppose that the old story Is based upon folklore and iletit ing more, as there is solnething very like It in the folklore of other ra00s. But the English version is not whollY fiction and there is really a home land of the Idabee In the Wod in the Brock - land Of 'Norfolk, England, and a eharrn. ing conntry it is. There is proof that the babes once live and hat they ere rea ly left in QUI house, too, that any one may visit divt the ood 0 die by_ t eir vac ed uncle, anci he ouse Of t e wic ed uncle stands to.day, A quaint and wonderful Ino twhiellsf;outhwestera Part Of Norfolk and on the adloining Stiffen; beater is a high. expanse of heath, bare rabbit warrents and woodland, more Qr lefel turni et rt 0 wd di tehno ubtymtehaeitintoguraisht.tunDaour bmeiinlegs, and miles one may traverse this dis- Roade are few and lonesome, the scenery is wild and enchenting, the WairorilidketocwiraPnadgnveiliwagheisle, qauafeinwt aiDnidd unexplored, await the antiquary. This is the 13reekland, and one mile south- east of the small market town of Watton, on the edge of the Breckland, lies Wayland Wood, the tradttienal scene of the story of the 'Babes. NoTrhweloitstobryy 11,vha:lrifalt mptitibilinisghtecin atilt 3.595 as The Norfolk Gent: His Will and Testament and hoWe he CemlnY- tted the keening of his children to his owne brother, who dente most wiek- edly with them and howe God plaugeie him for it." Certainly from the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign, if not be- fore, Waylanti Wood Was identified by the country as the scene of the mur- mdeern'oarndhou(treist aobnoullda liciaulaix, telanof olad mile south of the wood, was known as "the house of the 'wicked uncle." This house, now a farmhouse, was re- built in, part in 159-7, two years after the publication of the story, and there is traditional evidence to show that in the rebuilding there was carved intet the house a representation of the tragedy. The facts are these: "Thomas de Grey, grandson of Ed- mnnd de Grey, who purchased Gris- ton Hall in 1541 with ither land, was 7 years 4 months and 4 days old when his father died in 1562. He was a ward of Queen Elizabeth, and was married when under age to Elizabeth Drury, or rather sold in marriage by the Queen. This little boy had an uncle, Robert De Grey, who would suc- ceed to the Merton estates in case of his nephew's death without issue. Robert de Grev was an ardent Popish rescusant, hated by the country people on account of his zeal for the old faith. "Nor was he loved by his brother, the boy's father. There is evidence that there had been serious disagree- ments, if not a quarrel, between there, for in the brother's will, dated 'Waren 10, 1562, he said: 'I will to my brother Robert, so that he confesseth that he hath offended me, to have his,annuity of 40 shillings to continue during his life" The testator died shortly after7-, ward, May 2, 1562. "The boy Thomas had a stepmother, Temperance Carewe, the second wife of ,Thomas de Grey, his father. She had married foreher second • husband Sir Christopher Heydon, of Gacons- thorpe, a Protestona. Four years af- ter his father's death the boy went on: a visit to his s.te...4pmother, and died tht ere." ESCAPED THE BULL, • from consideration. oe the muff are of the newest, with the outlining strip croesing the muff. and the FOR BABY. re-* ineide pieces running parallel, leuby, the new color i*.ed, is used in vet - Modern Authorities' Rules for His gown wrapped in twe views. et. is are- . Care. is worn over a matching brocade ball vet to make n. gracefel draped wrap. Its Dr. Anna, B. Newton and other sp glowing in color, modified kimono shaped ical of all the wraps of this season — e . Wr ps of this . ea annd hettedly fur trtnitnn, d n a ki d are made so se t at they draw ialists who tiave made, and are making, themselves over the eiguie 1. The nursery should be a lar fi'r:r cuffs are °Arnett' muff size. Linings of boa fashion, replaces the revere, and the ci °duel atrEL:4 the study of the chile their specialty, wlane ge tanutY Ilete nibt tw esoobciii;t:etillmo st Supple fal3-- are in favor of the following rulee ,for White fox fur. used in thyo tpbte-leYalailing the eare of the baby: room aibove the first floor, and be sira- ries, mestaline; "eh fon or Liberty satin, ply furnished. simplest kind, and should be /tired. and ergo echiffon, often re-covere4,, when, the sheen of the by a veiling of mousseline ae sole or satin is too beight or the color too strong, 2. The bed for baay should :be of the • - pdil 11381.ot teAea carefully screened open fire ie thread, makes ore° evening gown. It is, -adnactlyb.e4Iteoshveoluilndgai jagvhet. tel -n' lelltvveliAlti:, "" Itedbtbre cad e, with interwoven gold ).33orgzildielirl weviittjhl stritptnintetnrlottecnederei-tesrerre best Tor the nursery; the temperatuee of is of a ricb. East Melia design, and beth altheee usghotlhl led, dnalt. be a b ov e 70 de- it and the lace aro combined in an inter - 5. Never pet soiled or wet clothing on srGriri make the line of demarcation very un- trast between the lace and the skin as to 4. Tire room should be kept clean and seasories loti necked dresseZ the top is mingled drapery,. the folds ofeone lost in the folxlis tot the other. Likee-of al this well dusted and thoroughly aired twice almost transparent, with so little con - the floor. Place in a tamper while dress- corsage is a narrow pearl strand; on the tt.day. certain, On the sleeveless side of the lug baby and AtemoVe front the eoorn. aa other shoulder the tulle 'undersleeve has G. Have tae baby's clothing for the ace° three pearl strands, the centre 'one red. Soon as possible. uncovered. night so arranged that he will never be are yellow roses, The flowers, which are an invariable rnpaniment of ball gowns this winter, • 7. In. bathing the baby the nurse e; Coiffure decorations are lovelY% and, end for the :baby to lie on. and the 'other one double bandeaux. One strand is made what is better, becoming. Very elaborate nd of the latest style is one with a should wear a double flannel apron, ure. Only the best grade of soap sho ld of twisted tulle, with three_ wired loops, setting well- back upon the head; the end to cover him, thus avoidiog expos - U gold roses and leaves. other. placed crown fashion, is of tiny creases. ter than rubbing. Dry him carefully, par- tieularly between the toes and in the es do the topknots be used. . ed about the head, with gourah or aig- rette ornaments sticking up In front, just single or double strands of pearls tdist- Other new coiffure decorations are of of. certain tropical . 8. In drying the infant, patting is bet - day, using eboracie acid solution; this fashion. As on birds. Others baffle. osprey feathers ptilaecedbeireaautat:reg nwezilneldirniiiisi the hats, the tendener 0.—Wash his moubb out gently every gaecyedarien l aids digestion. . • A : s is to have them swirl out toward the NEW AFRICAN SILK WORIYI. fashioned "pouf" of ostrich tips and up - back when only one is used.. The old - has also returned, and standing aigrette use of a nativie silk coming from the one of the queer novelties is a small shell covered with pearls and supposed to be It Is proposed to Make a commercial African. region which does not appear tsvtorpncitsu.eked in among the interlaced hair to ha.ve been utilized heretofore. This lee 1 THE FIRST BUTTONS. is a silk found hr the Belgian Congo region, and it is furnished by worms dimmille••••••••••• of the a,naphe, which variety is wide- OnOe Mere Ornaments, spread in the Uganda, the German East Africa, Cameroon, and Congo, as Necessity. Corporation has already begun to in- In early times when man was master, well as other regions. The African Silk stall plants of the kind in the Uganda clothes were faetened with strings and. and elsewhere, and two other firms be:no:hese. The Norman nobility, who al- waye had an eye to effect, sphnt consid- are soon to begin, work in Belgian Con- unt of money on their brooelies, ge. The worms are very voracious and which weie chastely wrou ght, and added are covered with hairs which have a greatly to the beauty 9f a costume. stinging effect on the skin. They When the poorer people inludged in hardly ever change their place except brooches they were content if sitch acces- during the night, in order to seek fooe series to the toilet fulfilled the purpose or search for good places for building of holdirtg the -clothes ' together. The hteir nests. They feed on plants such earliest buttons were merely adopted as as Abizza fastigiate, also, Bridelie, mi- ernairientS end fulfilled no usoful fune- carantha and others. On the under tion. In thd*earliest painting one finds side of this latter leaf the nnaphe lays buttons without any corresponding but - two months after hatching, the worms tonholes, Buttons were also sewn on proceed to make a eombined effort, in shoee, and figured. promineetly on, the order to build a kind of nest upon the sleeves. plants which furnish their food. The This latter fashion is still popular ae nest is of a silky appearance, and has a repeat ceremonial garbs and uniforms. color varying from coffee color to a The button as an article crf use and not rusty red. - Of an irregular shape, the nacrely as an. ornament, may bse said to nests have a size ranging from that date from the reign of Edward I. These 1 of an. egg up to a child's head, and early buttone were of modest appearance they contain from 10 to 100 cocoons and were maitufaetured. from bone and tightly pressed together. When the wood. butterfly is hatched it secrets a liquid R WaS- the ensal custom to have two which attacks the cocoon and the en- buttons Welted on the eoat at the small velopes of the nOSt, so that it tan find of the i'spaele to enable a man to button its way to the outside. It appears that back hie coattail,* so that he could walk this does not injure the silk of the to- or draw his sword the more easily. nese I coons, so that it is not required to two buttons are Still retained on modern , smother tb.e insect within the chry- coata, though any reason for their ex. salis to avoid hatching the butterfly. ietenee has tenet since departed. The nests must be handled Under As wealth ittereaged, gold and silver I water in order to prevent the nettle - buttons made their appearance. We find like action of the hairs upon the skin, popysi writing: ',This morning came such hairs and also fragments of skin home my firm camlett ooat, with gold being scattered through the nest. The buttons, and a eitk suit, which cost me silk of the envelopes and that of the nmeh money, and I pray God to anake cecoons are treated separately, the operation being a washing with ear. p,meepyasblltietoto pittoyasor.ittedk.a"mApolietotimet l‘avtig bonate of potash solution until nO more color is discharged; then the silk eliVer buttons, end records the feet that is dried in the air, and packages ot he put on for the first time, "my bleek , it are sent to the factories. The irt tha preeent eatie IS estlinated at wbieh it is evident he had a eemlett met yield eunittnilletetizo:tthillvtittehntet ilav: bounett:st,i: fgrooeuld. °sill: pPotnddsoof fsirikawthsrielair °I)tm dillogesfrnoomt Pepes was only a mat of moderato seem difficult tO carry on silk raising means, and et the -time when he was in this VISO, as the matter of. ameline, making fetch a dis,Oty with his gold and lir :heel f wtoorla, ating the silk worm, which is such an ewilovretrh ib,tbubtotounte £85"Oresledeat important one with the usual kind, does not need to be dealt with here, But the gold and silver butane were either for the insects nor for the food neccesery if he were to keep in the plants. NO dieettses attack the in- fashion. Those who stood outside the sects, as far as ,an be noticed. "George' Washington never fold a lie. later &le eloth buttons beam° very fashionable world ilettered their love for dieplay by sporting gilt buttons. At a It doee not seam poseible." "He know popular, but when Birminghent beget to it would be of no WO."' "How so " "Ile turn out metal buttons, an net VMS paise- married a widow, and you eardt lie to ea in the reign of George T. forbietlitier - a. widow and get away with it."--Itoue- the nientifaeture of eloth buttous ill eider ilia the nOW iudnetry Of trit:tel ton Post. form' of lose ol ambition." "In Whet The metal hraton industry made the env hair le troubled with an mate buttene miget Iteve a thattee to flourish. way?" "It peye 110 attentiert to the feet met of te6 ormort,untty., for on kin& of that there is always room at the top." buttene 1141V tompete on an equal foot- lloAten Iteeerd. ifig for popular faver.—Lotidon Glebe. Now a •••••••••••=0. But Took Novel Moans to Get Away. An amusing story of foar 111410. retreat- ing backyards on their hands aad knees bezore infuriated bull. is related by a eorrespondent . of the Field. The other nigia, he says, the farmer who owns the field in wbich I have been fishing, came to say I must bewttee of the bun, for he had just had a veey nasty experience th it. The .said bull ha d always greet- ed me with a rather unpleasant Moaning whenever 1 passed at all near it, but as the farmer had alWays• aertured me the animal was quite goiet, though "it did. make a tittle noise," I took no notice, and quietly walked. in front of it. walla should have done if the brute had cotue for me I don't quite know, for, clad. in my wading elothe.s I was unable. to make much ef -run fOr Well, the farmer's, story is thiee-that he was quietly walking behind elle COWS' and tee bud wheat, without any NVO,M. ing, it turned and Mee straight .a,t. item Ho leut a Leavy elub in his band, and strit0c the bell With all his might over the head and eyes. at leavt dozen thnee, when the club broke. For the moment ha did tot, know what to do., and thought it WAS, all over with him when he remernbered eeine one lied told hint that a bull would net attack you if you lay down, so- he threw himself flat on his face and shouted for .help, and three of hie luen. Who were net far off came running to the TOMO. When. they got within about twenty yards be told them to ciente on their lands and kneee, and in; this way they came up aiongiside of him. The question then was, what to do? They came to, the eetteleMon. that the only thing left was for all of them to retreat beet - wares. on their heads and knees. This they did. with. the boll within, a yard, followirig them up with: its head slight. y on one side, si?orting and bellowing, t ite eyee ehowitig all the whites, the farmer mid, and looking tis though they would. eome out of ite head. At est they ail reaehed the AM 'bank And disappeare4 over the side, ana eo eft- ceped. 00.4.T TRIMMINGS. Coats are being trimmed this settsozt ia a great veriety of styles that are triton- esting and ihdividual, arid it is a trzark s.',/%1r1; VfiEe11(111stiliiiia:dtg7lAttitg general effect 1st sotriewitat the sante. Pltish arid fur 4:113 used to trim the etirrie coats, and amity unusual kinds of tItTnitaergig1:1"ineZile°3'itdsgtrrietittla initg 0411 not be a pelt or any kind of animal known to nature that lies not been brought into use as a trimming, if not tIsed ior icirri One smart s n _um ctiffe tied tal- ler of black plush berdered with a nee- , row strip of pale gray estrakhan. Oho of the ernarteet costemies seen this 8055011 WAS of dark Mite trim - teed with blaek plush bOrdered with pleeee of pale gray astreithan. The deen laugh, entre had the astrakhan rot in points rit the book and then a. narrow band bf the ear etintinued around the tuff, A most effective blaek sant teat suit heti tionar anti miff, of leopard skin nor- eered With black plush. Ariother rztelk- lng eult of musiterel brown (10til WitA trimmed with ermine and fox. It Was tile nrrengeMent of theeis furs whien tenet- tuted the individuality of the snit. The deep tuffs 'and rolling collet Were meat ?'"t ;4+Vrilletel f4I'leA a% 111,$ te p 1 brown in color. The brown fox borderee the eurf and collar. •