The Wingham Advance, 1913-02-20, Page 8TICE WIN AM A VANO ;+i THE DOMINION BANK ClR EDMUND R. OSI.e R, M.P., PRESIDENT, W. D. MATTHEWS, YIOEw.PRESIPENT, O. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital paid up - , , - $5,000,000 Reserve Fund • •r.• a • • $6,000,000 Total Assets • $76,0oo,oao. Business Men On Farms -like business men in towns and cities --make good use of the facilities which this Bank offers. In addition to their Savings Accounts, they open Checking Accounts and make all payments by Cheque. The Bank makes collections promptly, Discounts Sales Notes and transacts every kind of banking business. Are you conducting your affairs in this business -like way? WiNGHAM BRANCH : N; EVANS, Manager. .ii 11 11,111 Hearing the new Edison Blue Amberol Records is more convincing than hearing about them In tone production lies the real test of any record. Amberol is the clearest, sweetest, most lifelike record that has yet been made. But it is more. It• is practically unbreakable. A fall from the table won't smash. it. And it is so sturdy`that the results of the thousandth time you play it are as perfect as the first. Ask your dealer to let you hear them. The Blue Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J.. U. S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at DAVID BELL GET YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW I have a large fresh stock of die best and latest goods, which are sure to please. Suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed, E. C. WHITE MAXWELL'S OLD STAND. Phone 227, OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON. rElla OM= ( SEED � OATS i i We have in stock a quantity of choice Seed Oats for quick sale at 60 cts. per bus. These are extra fine sample of bright heavy Oats weighing about 40 lbs. per bushel and have had no rain. Now is the time for you to secure your seed and we can show you something really good in this line. Also Alsike, Timothy, Red Clover, Alfalfa and Barley. AWDEI IJ. A sttslr1111111.M111111111 IMMO 1111.ala11111 ..• MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 14th March, 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Con- tract for four years twelve times per each way and one collection on Sundays if acquired, between Wingham and Street Letter Boxes, from the Post- master General's Pleasure. Printed no- . tices containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obttained at the Post Office of Wing- • ham. G. 0. ANDERSON Superintendent. Post Office Department, Mail Service Branch, Ottawa, 24th January, 1913. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 1 will receive marked tenders up to noon on the 17th day of March next, for a two-story cement building. 22x35, to be erected at the goal in the town of Goderich. Tenders for whole work or for separate trades will be con- sidered. A marked cheque for ton per cent. of tendered price must aocompAny tender. No tender necessarily accepted. Plans and speci- fications can be seen in the County Clerk's office. B. C. MUNNINGS, Chi Dated, Goderich, Feb. 10th, 1913 an of Com. Farm For Sale. South half of lot 35, con. 9, East Wawanosb ; 100 acres, 2e miles from Belgrave, s mile from school and post - office ; well -watered, comfortable house, frame barn and straw -shed, with stone Stabling under both. For sale at a bargain. For futher parti- culars apply on the premises. ESAIAS PEAREN, Marnoch P. O. PURE BRED HEREFORDS. Olearview Farm is offering for sale four young Bulls, and a number of females of all ages, These will be sold at bargain prices, to make room for natural increase. H. T. PERDUE, 23- Wingham P.O. North Huron Phone -line 613, ring 12, Farm Wanted. Will exchange good town property for a good farm close in to Wingham, Apply by letter to Box 10, ADVANCE OFFICE. FARM FOR SALE The north parts of lots 15 and 16, con, 2, Morris, comprising 120 acres ; good soil, in firat•class state of oultivation ; two acres of orchard and five acres of bush. This farm is seven miles from Wingham, 21 from Bitievale; buildings first -Blase. Easy terms of payment, Apply to - J. E. FA/MEND, 20-27 Binevale P.O. Or to Dudley Holmes, Wingham, Itch Gone Instantly= -=Proof at 25c Whet green% engerrer would not spend 23 cents to stare that terrible agoniein,r itch` Since nur reppttI e't roe.inteendstiont failed to incluse somn Eczema kultdrots riot In this town to try I). D. D. Prescription at $1 00 a bottle, we arranged with the D.D.D. Labora- tories to otf'ier a spooled trial—for the oaten t only 2 *sate for'thin spode], bottle. Thlas ntominnl prieo tfi inado to ,assure a trial by every `skin sufferer. ) .1� 1)'. Preecrlptioit will dement° Sett its- $nt y, for it takes the iteh away the vet naorraeatt you Start to wash the 'skin, and it otnree- a We KNOW, A. L. 10a>tniltott, Druggist. Howick Boundary. The storm of last week btu put tb roads in very bad shape; the boundar is very bad. Mrs. J. Neil has been on the sic list for a week or two ; we hope am to see her around again,. Mr, David Gallaway, we are sorr to say, is very poorly at piresent ; w hope soon to hear that be is restore to health again. Mr, and Mrs. 'J, tIVIel3urney of Turn berry, and Mr, and Mrs, J. Harris ( Saskatoon visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. John Fitch on Monday. Quite a number from these part. attended the lecture in the Methadi church in Belmore on Monday nigh and report a very enjoyable time. There passed peacefully away at her home lot 4, con. 15, Howick, on Sunday, 94.h inst„ Elizabeth Miller, wife of David Gallaway in her 54th year, after months of severe suffering, which she patiently bore with chris, tian fortitude. She was born in the township of Hibbert in 1858, removin later with her parents to Howick, where she was married 31 years ago to her now bereaved husband, who. keen- ly feels the loss of a loving wife. She leaves four daughters, Mee. H. Johann of Belrrlore, Mrs, F. S. Ballagh of nesr Teeswater, Mary and Myrtle at home, also two nephews, Wilbert and Oliver whom she dearly loved, Her memo) y will be long cherished by the family. Interment took place on Tuesday in. Wroxeter cemetery. Service (which was private at the house on account o the illness of her husband) was con .ducted by Rev. Mr, Lackland o Wroxeter. Farewell dear Mother, rest in peace, Thy cares and sufferings o'er ; And thou art free from troubles now, Thy care on earth's no more. Tis h aYd to lay thy dear, clear form . Within the cold, cold clay, Our hearts are sad and sore with pain Since Mother passed away. It does not seem like home to us, There is an empty chair, -• And it seems so very lonely now For Mother is not there. We did not dream that Death BO soon Would bear thee from our side, It took from us a loving friend, A true and faithful guide. But oh ! how sad and lonely now, We miss thy counsel dear Ob ! there was none more dear to us Than Mother was when here. Our hearts are sad and sore with pain, We often sit and weep, O ! could we press butonemore kiss Upon thy loving cheek. We children and friends are sad ; Our hearts with grief are riven, But Oh ! we think it's wrong to weep When thou art safe in Heaven. But, when we meet in that blest land, With joy our hearts shall swell, To meet dear Mother gone before, No more to say farewell, 1....1.1._,.11 Mi 1 Uiorarie. he Mins, Darling of Port Elgin is visit. y ing her daughter, Mrs. L. Shire. Ex -Reeve T, G. Shearer we are lk Sorry to report is very ill with some n brain trouble,. Miss Violet Haetie is spending a y couple of weeks visiting with fclends e near Gltfford, d Mr. Crawford of Elora is visiting 'at Mr, James Rustle's. He is an old friends whom they have not seen for f twenty-five years, Mr, John Hyndman, who has been confined to his bonne for several weeks s with heart trouble, Is not improving st as fast as his many friends wish. t g , Councillor J. W.Edar of "Stoney Bank" farm is under the doctor's Dare, suffering from lumbago, We hope soon to hear of his complete recovery, Rev, 3. H, Hibbert was in Lucknow over Sunday, He exchanged pulpits with .Rev, Mr. McKinley of that place, each preaching Educational Sermons. The Woman's Institute field their February meeting at the home of W. Stinson on 'Wednesday afternoon. After the usual business was disposed of, Rev. J. W. Hibbert gave the mem- bers an excellent address on "Books and what to read." Miss Mabel Ed- wards sang a solo. The tea meeting held by the Ladit s' Aid of the Presbyterian Church on Friday evening last was very success- ful. An excellent hot supper was served, followed by a program of music, acts Two good addresses were f given by Rev, T. Wesley of Wroxeter and Rev. 3, W. Hibbert of Corrie. The pastor Rev, A. B. Dobson was absent through illness and the chair was ably filled by Dr, Armstrong. The ladies held a social in the town hall on Monday evening which was well ttende3. After lunch was serv- ed, games were enjoyed by the young and old alike, and a very pleasant evening spent. East Wawanosh. On Wednesday, Febrnary 12th, of the home of M -r. and Mrs. Robertson, a quiet evtxnt took place, when their niece Miss Margaret L. Shiell and Mr. James V. Breen were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. A. Fergu- son of Belgrave. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, was be- comingly attired in cream silk poplin with. gold drop trimming and em- broidered chiffon, and carried a baguet of carnations and ferns. Her little sister, Gertrude, as flower girl, was dressed in white Swiss embroidery. After the ceremony, the guests par- took of a sumptuous' wedding dinner. The happy couple left on the 310 p.m. train for Mount Forest and other points. The Council met on Feb. IOth ; members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed on motion of Councillors Currie and Irwin. The tender of the Wingham Times at $45 for the ordinary township printing for the current year, being the lowest, was accepted on motion of Councillors Irwin and Stonehouse. R, Vanstone, Wingham, was appointed township solicitor for the present year. The Auditors Report and Treasurer's Abstract received and read. Coun- cillors Currie and Irwin moved and seconded that the Fame as now. read be adopted and the Auditors' report as now read be adopted and the Auditors be paid $8 each for their services. - carried. The following accounts were paid - John Menzies, refund of dog tax, $1; R. Vanstone, fees as solicitor for year, $1.00 ; Geo,Mason, minute -book, 75c ; F. Anderson, Trgasurer's salary, $100 ; Corporation of Blyth telephone as- sessment, $067.88, The Municipal World supplies and express charges, $7.00, Geo. T. Robertson, balance salary as Collector, $10 ; Alex. Porter- field, fees as Div, Registrar ,for year $12 00; J. W, Bone and John S. Scott, Auditors, $8 each. Next meeting of Council will be held on March 10th, at one o'clock. A. Porterfield, clerk, Blyth. Mr. A. H. Wilford of Winghann was in town on Friday, Mrs. Emma McTavish of Detroit is visiting friends in this vicinity. Rev. Josiah Green of Clinton preach- ed in Methodist church on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, John Plewes of Brock - vine are visiting the latter's sister, Mro, Chellew. Mrs. James Barr, Principal of our Public School entertained the scholars of her room on Friday evening in St, George's club rooms ; all report an enjoyable evening. A public meeting under the auspices of the Women's Institute was held in Milne's hall at 2 30 pain, on Tuesday of rhie week ; an interesting ,larogtarra Was rendered and ecidtessesf�romri Mrs W. 3. Hunter and others.., .a,oe ratan. . ere .Itmtiuute will sndet in Industry Hall at same time. A joint meeting will be held in industry Hall, The Howick Mutual Fire Insurance, Co. held their 40;.h annual meeting in the town hall here on Wednesday, 12th inst. The meeting was well at- tended, the hall being packed to the door, showing the interest taken in the Society. The two retiring direc- tors were Mr. Hugh Edgar and Mr. James Wyley ; Mr. Edgar had been appointed by the board to fill bis de- ceased father's time. Thesa_ two were reelected, Mr. A. A. Graham also ran for a director and polled a good vote. R T. Bennett and T. G. Shearer were elected auditors. The number of policies issued during the year was 1690 ; amount of insurance written $3,225,230 ; net amount in force at end of year, $10,628,910, being an increase during the year of $582,795 in the amount of risk. Morris. Miss Lizzie Srraehan has arrived home from near Elmira, where she has been teaching. Miss Maggie Strachan of Toronto has been visiting at her grandparents, Thos, and Mrs. Strachan's. Richard Jacklin lost a valuable horse last week. The animal dropped dead while coming home from town. Mrs. Mulligan left for the West Iast Tuesday, where she will visit her son, Norman, and daughter, Mrs. C. Ecket, Mr. Jos. Rollo has purchased fifty acres from Wm. Thornton, lot 87, first line, for $3,300, and Mr. Thorn- ton bas purchased from Thos. Spiers, the fifty acres near the station form- erly owned by T. Coultes; price, $3600. A very enjoyable time was spent at the horde of John and Mrs. Cutt, Tuesday evening.. As they are about to leave for their future home in Goderich friends and neighbors as- sembled to wish them happiness and prosperity. Mr. A. Johnston of the 5th line bad a bad fall last week. He was standing on a high platform over the barn floor, when it fell carrying him with it. It is a wonder that his limbs were not broken ; he was hurt of course, but `night have been killed. James B. Kerney, 4th line, las pur- chased the 100 acre farm of the late William Knox, 3t'd line, for the sum of $3,200. Mrs. Knox and family will remove to the West in the near future. We wish Mr. Kerney success in his increased acres. He will move to the 3rd line`property next month. Belmore. Mr, and Mrs, Paul Willie are home again from Berlin. BORN, -To Mr. and Mrs, T. Baker, on Saturday the 15th,, a son. Mies Kathleen McGrogan end Miss Gertrude Miller spent Sunday with Miss Irene Kirby. We are glad to welcome back Mr. E, Teskey, who has been visiting his son near Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs, John Gibson of Simcoe and Mrs. Gibson of Hamilton, were week -end guests of the Rev, A. Gibsbn of the Manse. The last of the cottage prayer -meet• ings for this season was held at the home of Mr, WWV`,n. Crawford, 17th Howick, when about eighty were present. 11r. Fred Johann led the meeting and Mies Bax spoke on the "Call to Faith," basing her :remarks on the text "Launch out into the deep," Luke V, 4. Owing to illness the Rev. Dr, Oaten of Brussels was unable to preach the Anniversary sermons in the Methodist church, so Rev. A. L, Itufiseli took the morning service and Rev. Laekland the evening service. At the latter the church WAS filled to he inmost seating capacity, and the large audience listened with great interea.t to the very Able and r.onvincing ser- mon by the pastor, The mows by the Salem Choir was very much apprecl- ated and enjoyed. 222222222,22224,2211252222.2222222122222.222222222.2022222,2222222222222.22. Binevale. Every rneetin4 of the Literary social and Debating Society le better than the last, Trn epite of the stoney wea- ther and lead roads, the selxool-room was packed on Feb. 12. The event of the evening was the debate ••a'l,e- solved that life west of Winnipeg offers greater advantages than life east of Witsuipa'g, The fan that with other's t• ut'lt well known spol,ktaz.s gas J, W. King, A Abel; wen, Robe) t Black and A L pot.' a w et a in the opposing ranks insured the success of the debate from the first, and it was thoroughly enjoyed by the large numbers present. The judges. were J. F, McCracken, Miss Cora M. Messer and Walter Smillie, and they were uuanimous in awardipg the victor, to the negative. The other numbers Oa the program were very enjoyable, Wm. Speirs and Harold Kearney gave several violin duetsand delighted their hearers by the skill and sweet - nese of their playing, The Ruttan orchestra Wv also popular and added greatly to the interest of the pro, gram, while Bert. Groaier was warm- ly received in his rnandoline soiree Miss Lillian McCall gave a recitation in German, and Miss Lila Grey read "Cremation of Sam McGee," Stella and, Laura Turvey contributed a duet and Fred, Jcihnston a song, and .the audience joined in singing "Jingle Bells" with laughing chorus, The Literary Society has justified its ex- istence, if in no other way, by the ex- cellent quality of the entertainment provided at a merely nominal cost. Next Wednesday night there will be another debate, "The pen is mightier than the sword." As the captains are Mrs. Robert Black and Miss Irene McEwen, people will have an idea what to expect, Miss Jean McPhee, honor graduate to Household Science McDonald In- stitute, Guelph, and expert demonstra- tor will demonstrate bread and pastry making to the ladies of Bluevale in the Forester's Hall on March 1st showing how easy it is to make the nicest and lightest bread in four hours also showing easy methods of pastry making. Meeting to open at 2 30 p.m. sharp under the auspices of the Wo- men's Institute. Member and non- members heartily welcome. Adtnis- sion 10 cents, 5000 Facts About Canada: The public will welcome the 1913 Edition of "5000 FACTS ABOUT CAN- ADA," compiled by Frank Yeigh, the acknowledged authority on things Canadian and the author of "Through the Heart of Canada." Ten thousand are now sold annually, which find their way all over Canada and the Empire, indeed the world. "The Facts booklet is stuffed as full of information as a sausage is of meat," is the happy and true way an English Journal puts it, and the new issue, which includes many new fea- tures and improvements, such as a colored map of the Dominion, presents a striking story of the wonderful ad- vance of Canada in a single year. We now talk in billions. The booklet is issued at 25 cents a copy, by the Canadian Facts Pub. Co,, 588 Huron Street, Toronto, and is sold by all the leading newsdealers, Progress In Prison Reform. Hon'. W. J. Hanna is doing good work for Ontario along Prison re- form lines. The Courier in referring to this work, has the following :- Hon. W. J. Hanna, provincial secre- tary for Ontario, is more concerned with practical reforms than with idle vaporings on party questions. He makes few party speeches, but pro- ceeds steadily, with his social reforms. He is changing the term "central pri- s.an" to "reformatory," as he has already changed the substance by putting the psisonere on an un -walled farm instead of keeping them in a walled and barred brick-and-inotar structure. He is also changing the law so that "asylums" become "hos- pitals for the insane." The man with a broken leg goes to hospital, and so does •the man whose mental machin- ery has been broken temporarily or permanently. Perhaps the greatest of his reforms, the result of years of experiment and study, will be the indeterminate sen- tence for all men and women sent to institutions under the control of the Provincial Government. Whether the individual is to be confined for a ciente, for immoral conduct or for any other offence against society, no man or woman is to be without dpportuni- ty to get out of the hospital, reform- atory or other disciplinary institution, as soon as there acre evidences of im- provement. This is a rational and humane policy which, while not wholly original, refi ,'cts great Credit on the hamanity 'and sagacity of Hon. Mr, Hanna, -There is a redeeming feature about having one big worry ; you don't have time to bother with a lot of little worries. O'W'NERS WANTED FOR STOLEN WATCHES. Ladies Gold hunting -rasa watch, No. 748011, Watton movement, nnonogranl "A.B.D." engraved on ontside. Silver open -failed watch, Ann. Walton move- tent No 4074408 Silver hunting.ease *atoll old stop WOO -h, ,.N. N"arden, 14 tJ t t E " (altpnts. firiv 'maker's name) 'unwed in.idr', N. 1163. Owlt'-r°tt please telephone A. WEll`TESIBE, High Constable of ldttrbn, Hensttll, Ont. "$10)14134)1.0 ftk SATURDAY AFTERNOON itg1 f1� 01 AT 2 O'CLOCK 1.0 11a WE WILL COMMENCE CLEARING THE DECKS WATCH OUR WINDOW �t!MARSHALL'S Sc, 10c, 15c and 25c Store TIwwRsDA , F• rRUARY 2 SPECIAL CRUISE AROUND THE WORLD EMPRESSES OF `RUSSIA' and `ASIA' _ (New 0f P. R. Pacific Steamships) - The Empress of Russia will leave Li- verpool April lst, cal1►ng a,t Gibraltar, • Villetranohe and Port Said, proceeding via _ Suez, Colombo„ Singapore, Hong Dong, Shanghai. Nagasaki, Kohn and Yokohama, arriving Vancouver Juke 7th 1913 Vessels remains 10 days at Hong Kong. - Empress of Asia will sail from Liverpool - June 18th, particulars of trip will be an- nounced later. Most dire; t connection for April lst sail- - ing is via "Empress of Britain" from St. _ John, N.B., March 21st. RATE .FOR ENTIRE CRUISE $639,10 Exclusive of maintenance between arrival time in England and departure of "Empress of Russia," and stopover at Hong Kong • Get particulars from Ritchie & Cosenp, Town Agents, phono 123 ; J. H. Beamer, _ Station Agent, phone 7. ; or write M. G. MURPHY D.I'.A., C,13,11y., Toronto. ARE YOU GOING WEST ? The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Win- nipeg, Saskatoon, Eumonton. Fast trains leave Winnipeg at: 6.00 p.m. Daily 8.45 a.m. Daily Except Sunday -FOR- Portage la Prairie Rivers Melville Regina Watrous Saskatoon Tofield Camrose Wainwright Edmonton Smooth Roadbed Electric lighted 'sleeping cars. Superb dining car service. Ask nearest Grand Trunk .Agent for full information, literature, etc., or write A. E. Duff, 1),P.A.., t1.T. ti, , Toronto, Ont. H. B. Elliott, Town Passenger & Ticket To W Agent ; phone 4. W. Burgman, Station Ticket Agent ; phone 74. CHRISTIE'S GROCERY PHONE .59 LAKE HERRING BY DOZEN OR BARREL Like everything else, Herring are graded and p„a c k e d accordingly. We can confidently recommend the kind we are selling as No. 1 quality. TRY THEM CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our kind neigh- bors and surrounding friends for the bountiful way in which they remem- bered us in aur time of sickness. It being so unexpected, words failed to express our feelings, when the purse of $74 was presented. May we one and all be found worthy . to again shake hands in God'e Glorious King - clout, when done with earth's troubles and sorrows. Mr, ands Mrs. Irwin Elliott, FARM i1 ELP. During tbe coming seaFon I will be in a position to supply experienced and inexperienced farm laborers from rural districts of British Teles. A party of twenty to arrive first week in March. WM, MoQUILLIN,' 24,-- St. Helens P.O., Ont. Phone --N Enron connection. FARM FOR SALE. North half of lot 14, con. 2, Morris, 100 ores, 90 pleat>ed, brick house and kitchen; harn with stone stabling, good driving shed, two good wells, opting Creek. For further particulars apply on the premises. MRS. L, FRASER, Bluevale P. O. FOR SALE. That desirable borne condoling of Boor acres of land, clnsaa by tbe Town foie Winghattis.. A mood part of this pinto is under whited, small frusta and plantation. Buildings are all in good repair. Apply an the pretnises, try VAIN AGNEW LOWER WINGRAM. THE NEW DERBY SHOES FOR SPRING DERBY SHOES REPRESENT THE HIGH STANDARD OF VALUE IN FOOT WEAR FOR MEN ARE NOW BEING SHOWN IN OUR SOUTH WINDOW THEY 14,E THE NICEST EVER' RIGHT UP TO THE MINUTE TAKE A LOOK AT THEM Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE ?LP.0.40L FOR. sHo�' LADIES aetsamesialieeeteimaiseelleieseatiseeekkaatiaiee.easieesialeteeveteieelariti SI; I 25 LADIES' SUM'S ON SALE In Blue, Black and Tweeds Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 Regular, $20.00, $16.00, $15.00 THIS WEEK Sale Price $8.9 We talie this way .of clearing out our Ladies' Suits before our newSpring Suits are put in stock. Come in and fit them on. See our south window for Mello' urns on sale this week. ALL KINDS OF TRADE WANTED IIANNA '.I>I t ON.14 7(1