HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-02-20, Page 31111 ,• II SPRAYING TREES TO Fa1.1.1 PESTS. It le well now to eoneider the eubject epra,ylug and have everything in readiness. The eproying elieuld be done about four weeks before the bude of the trete) etart, which time, however, var. lee with the apple, pear, peaeh, ete„ ae v11ite With the year. The spraering should he dime on warm daye, tte, it is then thitt the ineeete are more *tease) old coasequently more eiteilv destroyed. There are a large number of iuseets on the infested. trees in the fall', and, AA a rule, eomparatively few in the epring; from limited eibeervittiene it eeetae that the groat ehange in temperature from the WarM days to the eoit1nighte has =eh to do with the great rettnetiou numbere. On the winter ie survived, the he i;tet raU1tiplie6 rapidly on the hratathes and goes from them to the fruit, speck- ing it up and eausing it tobe unfit far the market, W course, 60Mo injory is eaueed to the tree, but thie is slight lu eamparieon to that of the fruit, and the treee are rarely ever killed by it. The. iiVies.it spreads from one tree to another very The ihne-sulphur twat- is conceded to be the best. To prepare this spray, mix 15 pounds of sulphur with enough water to make a paste, and add this paete to gedlone of boiled -water, Then add 20 011 A USEFUL REPORT iJatiglis With Joy ! RABBIT'S LEO , 4 No More Indigestion is Used by Surgeons to MOO 00 Boy's Cu * reti Stonlacit Oriso the eggs and put the ,Inoney in the Or. it theY wish,, another hen MaY hit oppe iccortgos whi'a neuitiioutis-t1 POrcluteod with the say TIP. Tills is ll:teaccit14;YahirdwIli: Jive es Arm d 11 is Annual of Dominion Ex. Thoee whose faith in the effleacy.of the St "left hind foot of a rabbit in the p perunentat Farms. montreal Man SQ int Thought Ho daek ef the MOOP." is wavering may have alas in the Stomach That 'Yield to Would Dlo of Stomech Trotillie, their 'weakened belief )4trengthenod by Nothing Else, Pass Away Quickly The ieport of the Illepelimental Found a Farins or the year ending Zilarch 31t, Kept 1012, le out. (if all Lie many publiva- awe, iseeeti 'from tine, to Owe by the Department et tutu() at Ottawa this annuai revolt hy far the most tee- eomprehensive, as it deele with practi- eally eeery pletee of the ,ilanadiau ag- grieultural activity, ranging trom the cultivation of fruits and ornamental plants te the growing and preserving of L1)311 for steel.. foed; fou the hatehing, and rearing of fowle to the rearing and feeding of cattle; ',beep and swine.; from the nutnagemeut of beee to Lilo proteetion of erope fitnn insevie and die - ease, and so on throughout the wholt range of farming. Ae Acting Dominion A.gricultieriet, Mr. Griedale deals with the work car- ried on at tho Ceneral Farm with live . etock and with crop rotations from h ett ports the lucky foot I ant a, learning .that titeee ine 1 lett Simple Remedy That Has hind leg w e p Him Well Ever Since'. hae beenWith appall:1A mew in p t' to eavo hoy'e arm, Read Mr, Braun's Statement iteep a few chickens. TAS (10.14011, OUT. -take the color entirely out of a eat. ton dress atter it has beeorne somewhat faded. boil the dregs in cream of tartar water. perfectly white drese results, WASHII\G 49 To prevent wool shrinking when 'wash. lug it avoid sudden changes in tempers,» ture of the water and the use ot eroms Mr - Mrs, rankhurst Feerns to be defying both the police and the wer authoritiee of London. Axe the reeOureeS Of civilize,. The opera,tion was performed by Dr. eoarpe, Wash end rinse in 'Water ot the tion exhausted? ,4001.4°& Italph L, 11fattrarland, of No, 03 Clinton • Alt iVir a 0,8 Men. The Alpine Club is now expeeted sbires, Guernseye Canadians, Lel grades one very common to -day: ;Memorial Hospital Ansonia. Dr. Bratin'e favorable opinion. of the high There cachets in Nish, in southeast Bar- to follow its example. Tally ano er . . Baum temperature, Pry in a. sheay - avenue, ,Taniaica, L. LI chief of the env. , t bl d o fruit that Was not A few weeke ago I. ate some green place. , Corm,1 near Ansonia, The boy is a reht. opted into hicoouglis, ttecompletitedii hr., illZmp. 4itherwise the irons are stick. particularly eo it the garment is taere is not a newr.paper man temong g, , 61.**AiteliFID OOODS. Toronto is said to have ten roillione and Mrs. Jamee Totnlintion, of Oxford, u tisPhtiv until tiller levtAael'tjtIorilltbaiya lailerte8*wSitihr 14;1161,14014(7,000Mateokericierbedie44t1.1% Dirt d4.itilinilt(1 bte drif titind . gical etaff of the Jamaica hospiteloipon leqe 4 ee an ft mo iteipai Tmellteeoe, 144.year.ola son of Mr. Tilte ripe. It ftrst brought oll., a lit of mai eetion but tutfortunately at devel- insersellrtleat7 tile of the eurgeon. nauees, and cramps. I was diead isysi rather wet and the iron only warm. them. the yard, fell. 13oth berrele were die. I woe Unable to sleep at night. A it it be blacItleatled and left twenty -tour °1°11 1) 1" a '` ) charged. On charge gr zed the boy's neighbor happened in to see me and hours or even for a couple ot dalte. The- court itd! appointed two policewomen. fi 10 left forearm, tte other antlered the limier urged. re to try Nevviline. Well, I blaeklead win absorb the rust and the t /‘ the_eLinni:;0\iNirssiLbliedLinpAti;egRor.olnary But there will be no wornap. judge on part of the arm, tearing aWay more wouldn t have believed that any pre- sINtmeeyi. raTno I t i than half the flesh and eauselee with an paration could help fie tpli.ekly. I tn.& the benelt. There is another reason, 0n Nov, 23 the boy, dragglog ?o two laiy)esto-h7e4Alliaii eontima, head. aeltedu fatra A. MISTY' ClftATC. q****0.0.0.. father'e double-barrelled shot -gun tterose et Is little trouble -to clean rustY' Orate 7 . t I e tlilished a woman'S 11101 and Q. ball of the bone. half a teaspoonful of Nerviline in. hot powdered borax and rub briskly on the Take a clean duster anti dip it into dry, hapst why women Want the vote • Varlend was eummoned, He said that times, and was completely restored." r..o.*.m..*.*mw•4* The bone wee wired teinsporarily by ae sweetened water ,and my stomach felt var xap:r.;011vistgentri of el* g A TOWER. OF SICULLS. Royal Geographical Society has than 1-64eueutti ev:i 'with g}irbergt414,114 'surgeon to hold it in plaee, and :Dr, Mae. better at once, need. Nerviline several decided by a vote of ,1.139 to 678 to ad - 'the only way to eave the arrn. was to 1.`he above from. a letter written by • i f be e into the etattered G. E, Braun, A Weil:known steeklalan mit women as felloevs on the eame terms gra I) various .kinds of farming, He sh.ows 'hat the dairy herd <erne -lean& of Ayr. The experience of Mr. Laroee No part, fru!, lad, wite taken to the Griffie and farmer Tlear Let 11 'o 1 ' $98.60 during the milking per- my -work. 1 -woe -weak and lost all off. cut Nerviline is simply a marvel for crampe, exploded a powder inagasine and per- 40,41.41**.'"'"..•••• $13.80 to in 1809, the *Arlan garriison here fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants. , it a y stile. et Ian to eeping ervt me o . diak rrh. °ea:: flat.ulence, naueett, and am - r f ir your family roue A battle bad previously teleen pheee, mon The stable fly has been found out to and that the eows gave profits of from muoh that T could, hardly attend to a rabbit killed and its left hind leg 'Wrist, me. iv. T. maeoun, deals with my great surprise. 1 immediately be this seetion nett • 11 * *11 • ti tl 0 of these proeoueeA butter at coste rang. cec guttered from dyspepsia and in Matte of DerhY, was celled into aid merit VI Nerstiline ia shared by thou- via, a °whew* monument a modern eoureere, I enjoyed no rest until 1 A three-inch piece of the rabbit's bone se& disordero .Safe to 11Se, gUara.rdeea jolted therein rather thau fall into the be even • t r 'ruler than is the core. In ing front 14.1 cents to 2.1,4 cents per lb., digestion for five Years. I suffered s° Ma4'arT030-• The boY was etherizedt Sands of Ce,nadians who have proved barbarism. During the wax of indepeed. tory for the women. a glee, e l'he report of the Dominion Ratio -al. decid:d) to follow your treetment. To was seraPed and sterilleed One-half of °un --you can make no raisteeeke in Isauds 01 the rillirke• house ily. it has been fowl to be flgan to feel better. I am now using boy's humerus, was inserted into the edy. end the Turks, .to commemorate their the propagator of infaatile paralysis, pounds of good stone lime, and stir vig- The Dominion Cerealist, Dr, Ohms E. the eeeond box of Dr. Hamiltons en.ds of the bone out or Weil the inch Large eeneuy size bottlee 50e, trial vietorY, erected a rude tower Orna, (pifeeinVers, Ifeeirye st•ephrtihg the results anti the edict lute gone forth to swat it: orously. It will generally be found And occa.sional light dressings any experonen e n field d I b Ms, and I feel so well that I want and ti, half niece had been shot lea.vin t that I 1 ' eat exposed- exaetly aS Tailoh bone as ha zone 00. Baffalo, N. Y., an - ' a size .., • , 4 Kim e mies Aged Inhahltanta of tl 'a 11' 1 .• t 2 • 054 All dealers or the Catarrh°. ge. on, . it lei iie mented with the heads of their ens. i s o ana a It r i ' ' r • • ' an exaggeration. ,, .. roOorertiodn. to igiireeitritlee oterttecierttbt4ha3ketrieaage nd Week n i ' arl er th e . • » an Maiquis, and ranks Larose 33B Joliette street, 'Montreal, Dr. MiecFarlancl eald: . Lamartine and other travellere relate ave illueteated the beneEite whieh accrue spei s fully a pepente lour grateful eervant, D. R. with silver Wire. red in eolor end add to it fifty galloni3 time to keen the mixture from. boiling vent it when all else fauls. orhich promises to become of great value commend Dr. Hamilton's Pills to ev- the ends of the httmerns and through 4 I : S 11,1 flii; ate; : ' tt:(11.1';1111:Ai: thri en agl li‘isi.A1-14.1:11;41eiltb: aesure the vitiator that there were ono, than 25 feet Welt title ie trobahl; . 1,200 Ifeade, but .ae. the tower was sieVal $1o118, which must have preeented a , . 1 , tial that the work be done thoroughly A BUSY +,,/ OMAN'S THOUGHTS. TI'te Dominion Chemist Mr Frank T. aches, bilioueneas, can be perfectly eured - the rabbit and human bonee will knit ' who suffer with indigestion, head- Of course, it is too soon to teU whether ( is ..te Appel to totteou. mixed, and spray the trees while the cortaDept.eerenestoiete. . A.. ii.. -4. 111teiSre ,rirst „to: 0111111 glrosd ybieeelin..amed "Pre- All who have weak stomachs, and tion :should not be ettarety euceessful. , gruesome speetacle. During many years vigitors were in the habit of earryirg mixture is still hot. It is very eeseu. eee t that every portion of the bark of the Ilueettics le the hogie crY of modern Shutt, gives Gut a great deal of useful by Dr, Hamilton's Pille, 25c per box, at at) we hope, but I feel confident that e beeame S'eareq-iast(t)livtlitleil.€*rebrnuatinlietrin tSvil!.rile joe\tt 7.'4 it;rae):01..11.f'fi(Z1711:11,(s''itityl; 1.1.11:i:i:e. jal:cs: 1 ree is well eovered with a good eoritine' lovers. matter on the enrichment or sone, soil druggists and storekeepers, ar the Oa- this will be the result. 1 do not think Ci X ANS A. ILA.NDSMI. telecessary to add the lime a little at a of euticura Ointment will pre- tatory work, announces a new wheat ohmage, to your famous pills. I ee- been shot away. Holes were bored 311 caneen,,, an it or- to ell you owe in the more northerly agricultural sec- cry Person who is suffering from sp. ebe rablyit's%one, and all WaS Made' fast 111"4•1 , • • suffritee exhibitioe in a eity etore, where r$ Cook the mixture until it is brick- CetieureSeapaud Ointment ere sold turoughout tion f C d over. that they saw hair clinging to the te eomitry by giving womee votes. very high in baking etrength, This r. Q. ' of water, straining it carefully as it is scalp, seat eest-tree. Address ratter Drue ez Chem. "1 can see reaeon why the opera- : Hoiney hints. supply of farm homesteads, and other — will prevent the arm from growing ag kid, when, soiled by usage, need not be 1.111.Piect-i,e4 .tmong tile Celestials. Their taken away for tle.eeet begird, all eavt . a few that were too dee 1 ' .1 1 d p y no vat .6 . done thoroughly one is generally all that for heroism. '• . handbag or satehel, of undussed snoi4 radi•?al eia inr, w I ' re the advocacy of the spray. Two applications may 1:171 * • oir analysis, fodders and feeding stuffs, tairrhozone CO Kiwi tOil Ont and Buf-; that the ineertion of the rabbit bone , neeeseary ou badly -infested trees, but if Red blood well mixed with blue inekee conservation of soil moisture, the water fele, N. 1. add.'ecl to the mixture at any time but Inopportune prayer is almost ft4 Offen. gation Gordon- Hewitt, reports the work done Lime.sulphur, unlike moat other * * * • • t the professienal cleaner. Recently ethe remains of the tower have *-10 matters efitieli call for ehemical investi- • r \ itil a roof to proteet thou, of et -vial edileational rights for women the boy grows. I believe the arm will . grow just as its mate, for the grouth cames from the end ofethe arm. "Before the operatieet T. eonfil have twisted the bay's injured rtrio off as though it were a stalk of celery. nut afterward it was found that by grasping the boy's writ hie whole arm could be swung from the shoulder, showing Una the fastening of the bone wee secure. I heard to -night that my young relative wile doing weely and that the indica- tions were very eneouraging.":—New York World, MONKEY -SHINES is required. Ten. pounds of salt may be this has not proven to be of any valite. Bin as gratuitous profanity, The Dominion Entomologist, Dr, G. sprayo, has 04) -ti" val----------- , n insecti- Obvious attempts to be interesting arc by his Division under the following I WAte et". a eide and a fungieide. There are several oftener banal than lurieg. heads: The administration of the De- 44.60 / 1W t -if) insects which can be more suceesefully struetive Insect and Pest Act, Inseets * ** combatted by the use of this than Criticiiin eragrins the moment it erffecting field crops, forests, domestic . by other means. Among the number trends outward. * . ** , . animals and man, garden and green - which are combated with the spray is house, agriculture and miscellaneous. the San Jose scale. This insect is quite Only. the young o rile foolish burn The Poultry Manager, Mr. A. C, Gil - injurious to most all the fruit trees their bridgee. bert, deals fully, among other things, * 0* with the production and marketing of and also to the fruit of the apple and • pear. Great big btiketifeiltdolls are too coot. new.laid eggs, whilt eare year by year As indicated by its name, it is cover- ly ler real 'nen.* becomieg dearer during the winter seam- ed by a scale, which is circular in sha,pe m Until Sir Grump eacottuters the r gl t the report on, Pn the question of raising fowls diameter, The scale is gray in color ana pair of eyes he is immune; no longer. knee of Intmlnyteas.rosutin t`lhiaattatilnieg eexdoker: and about one -sixteenth of an inch in * ** ens, .at different periods of spring time, Rowe e to be made up of a number of -Motor generosity is t,epterti ofea lailY leads to the eonelusion that chickens rings, with an elevated portion in the a,nd her Tar. hatched Out duritig the first week in centre; this portion is a little darker e ** Miter Make the meet satisfactory growth, in color than the other part of the scale.catehing up to and frequently surpasre are a, number of them present on the . The 'bigger the man the less wilting IS hie the earlier hatched birde. Sere -telt a prude and behold a cat. The scale is almost flat, and when there 1 t fieht, And vice versa. le 0 The reports of the 'Superintendents al , tree they give it a rough appearance. By * * * the Braneh farms and Statione are of turning; the scale over the little renew 'Fools are immensely pleasedwith life special value to forri,rs operating, in beeiue fools never grasp 1T.'si values. the reepeetiva provincee and dietriets served. Phi e report, whielt ta•ot ides muth leo,. ftd matter for gtnee Oroing the winter months. is availave to -ell who apply for opies to the ' -' 'tions' Braneh. Department of Aete—etette. Ottawa. and je now being sent i 1 all ihohe ou the mailing list of the Pfxperimental Warms. — 1 0-41------ inseot nmv be IS een. The females lay about fifty eggs en- der their own seales. After hatehing. the young inseets spend a few days tin- der the scales of the parents, then go to new feeding ground,- where they pierce the bark of the treesor the skin of the fruit,' and begin their feeding, moving no more. This is one of the many insects. 'which get their food by sucking it from the tissue of the plant or fruit. Being a sucking insect it is not affected at all by the Spraye need for the codellitn moth and other bleeds of that class. Having the thiele covering that it does, it eau etried more eoneentrated spneys than the frnit upon which it feeds, so -it cannot he eombatted well in summer. Then, too, the -winter is the time when it is at its lowest in vitality and will be more eaeily kifled, all thinos being con- sidered, for it has more adverse condi- - tions and enemies at this time. * Intuition usually wears skirts; the ex.- eeptions stoiild evette thent. it 41. * Black eate bring leek and yellow doge misehief, I: THE SACK OF LONDON. • (f2licago Tribune.) * To keep your mind on. the thieg deir ed helps, but yon*Int*tet.aleo hustle. The love Of pity is the Toot of nitwit * * * Infidelity 16 as apt to integi the mind as the body, • * nusbanfis ana wives who argue in public are short on melinary omen -ton sense. * * The only tip Capid gives is barbed. * * * Personages should be permitted to go ways. theix ways, which are not ordinary * * "Paragons" are about as good to live SHE USED ONLY THE NATURAL CURE ,A London despatch says: with as mosquitoes. Both sting with _ -- "Mrs, Pankhurst has brought up from i°Y. pr * * the pro-vinces all her 'fiercest, most un- governable, and kast amiable followers, Neatness rampant leads to friction, who are quartered in town awaiting an but loveliness. rampant to the Divorce opportunity to demonstrate their fear- Court. lessness."* * 4p The skirted Goths, impatient for the Superficial education usually fails iii 'rack of London; walking the streets in- an emergency. 4 * * . solently and. searing the timid shop- keeper by staring him out of eounten- A badly furniehed house usually repre- nnee• wild ereatures from the provinees, sents a lot of money. looking about them curiously at the * * * evidences of a, strange civilization and Sham beauty is worse than confessed eager to tear it down; brawling here plainneee; the latter may be lovable, and there, but held baelt, impatient and never the former. menacing, by their chiefs; it -wild and ' uncouth tribe, terrible to the timid but A NEW BLOUSE, faithful to the cause. : It% of printed. silk. The citizen scurries through the streets But the skirt is plain. when unweleome necessity entries him The blouse is eut wrist length. beyond his barred door, and is fetid- There's a 'Ord run in the lower edge, Wed, fluttering, when he reaches cover. nother eOrd defines the waist line, Prayers are offered for the safety of such a -s go forth by night. The good man froBnott.h cords tie with tassels at the is barricaded in his home and in his shop The only ;seams in it ate under the and presses a eestless head on a dis- . arnaO• tressed pillow-. An opening for the head ie Ma,de from At any time a red glow on the horizoe shouldee to shouldef. toad shrieks far borne on the night wind . * ' t V ) - This shoulder slit extends quite out to „ HOW NOVA SCOTIA WOMAN WAS RELIEVE° OF I4ER HEART DISEASE. Made 1 -ler kIdeleys Right with Deciclis Kidney Pills and ail her troubles - vanished speedily And completely. Eel Creek, Cumberland Vo.. .1.Z. S., Feb. 3. --Suffering from Female, kidney and Heart Trouble, so run down, nervous and depressed that all the brightness had gone out of her life, and never ex- peeting to be it healthy woman again, Mrs. J. W. Leadbetter, of this place, tried Dodd'e Kidney Pills, and is one.e. Mote in the best of health. Her eimple statexnent is the best evidence that no ease of kidney disease is so bad that Dodcre Itidney Pills will not sure it, "1 was treated by five doctors," lies. Leadbetter states. "Four of them did_ me no good. The fifth operated on me and that gave me relief for it. time. 1 had Female, Kidney and Heart trouble. I was so nervoua and. run down that my friends !'diel not think would ever get better. "An advertisement led me to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, and. I found in them a cure for all my troubles, I cannot praise Dodd's Iceidoey Pills too highly:" Verriale Trouble end Heart Disease are caused by Kidney Disease. The natural way to Cure them is to eure the Kidneys by using Dodds Kidney pins. STATUE PUZZLES WISE /MEN. The lions of Westminster are legion, goine in the elesh and others in stone SORES FROM ELBOW TO FINGERS ed States is planning to inaugurate a ashidr;tate,tearhdItthise far lelesns ?rouble than NV sandpaper rubbed over the surface, age inst the elements, and they are i.e.- and the snly,titation of personal ehmee The secret of reetoration is a Piece . term o very fine grade of sand -paper is required. Itlirethtellienae,tigicatl griinage.--, arper s le eeKly. u , se. ,s, , , of husbande,;etele eive 4 for the present garde(' is a pious ebieet ef nxtriotie pil. 'iets•laneliaigt(1.141si, iasnausneod in'iniittirhy 4 1 7 t system. of the arretetement of iroirriage accrues, atany kinds of leathers NV it11- 011t polished serfaces—for example,seede, undreseed and ooze ealfs.kin — can he eleaned thus. LAMP GLASSES. To clean lamp glasses hold them over glafsses very rarely break. Caused by Lumbado, II Form of eountry-wide, movement having for its seNtte CHIPPING. When waehing valuable china or cut china. and glass getting chipped. is often unable to move, even to turn where foodstuffs are sold are clean and ACUTE PAINS IN THE BACK by go-betweene. She found nine evenneu , members in the teveton Assembly. a Jug of boiling water- until. well steam- '.rhe 1Tousewives' League cf the (In:a- d tl olish with a dry Muscular Rheumatism. Object the giving of it guarantee to Turkish towel at t bottoM of the built- lounba,go is sudden in its attacks and grocery stores and all places OLISTI LINOLEUM. in bed or rise from. a ellair. The trouble wholesome and have successfully passed f the league. glass it is a good plan to place a, heavY hortzekeepers that bakeries, buteber in. This prevents all danger of the is so intenaely,peinful that the sufferer bik°P8' Zetm—Sule Wterkecl a Miracle of When the linoleum or floor-cleth has chiefly occurs among workmen, among inspestion of the mem ers o Healing. been washed and thoroughly dried make 1'0 P Iv tom it n.umhers thousands. of victims. Signs will be hung in the windows of a little starch in a pint basin with boil - Co rrobo rates. Navnith out any further rubbing or polishing, d has the advan.tage of being glossy xneane much loss of time and money as such stores, certifying the slate and re - stilt of inspection ;and this -will be the ing water and rub lightly over with a As the attac is come on quite frequent - clean cloth. It will dry very brightlY, ly and are so tortnring, this disease Miss Kate le. 'Tolliver, of Oalednaia, -without being- slippery. well as the endurance of much euffer- league stamp of approval. This will edu- Reverend Gentleman- Fully Queen.% tio„ N, S., says: "1 nutet add ing. ,No victim needs to be told. that cote the dealer' to keep his store clean. Ulcers and sores broke ont on my arms with ordinary salt,. smear each egg ever kind. of treatment Is merely a waete of liniment will not cure the disease, 'I'his my testimony to the value of Zalm-Buk, To preservel=s,S tninGT.wooden box and although 1 tried to heal them by' wnet olive oil, and place it in the salt ,. t 'It pays t ------...4o provide ''a pure eva.ter sup - using various preparations, aothing INerletlititetc111°131:otiziiitisedmettnndnedio,,wnwards. Eiggs will keep fresh .ly a species of muscular rheumatism, time and money. The trouble is eleal- ply. Chicago's typhoid fever death rate-- seeperme:cld utloaidi of= ainjnygegrosottlo. el!blioewsomr:iteee for some Unto. and is due to poor blood, and. eau ooly for 1912 was 7 per 100,000 inhabita.nts, one mass of ulveration. SPRINKLE SARDINVS. be cured through the blood :It is for the lowest in the history of the city. el ha -d fir. different doctors, and When a. box of sardines is opened it this reason that Dr. William& Pink Pills faithfully tqtrried Ont. their ill,f3i 3" tle., t!.3110:11t1 lea el i Zit ifitel griVdoci)ljrinblise,riair. ..J.Iwith lemon' Juice. They .shouPld be are so successful in curing this ttcouble, This figure is among the lowest of Arrt- aux]. those who are afflicted by it should erican cities, and is close to the low re- mtioenasic.inle,s(ilrtelt.lekapisantivt-etft:frtelit,in5talovfe,blaonoldl. drained again before serving. The lern- lose no tinle ill giving the pills a trial. cords of leading European cities. As late lotion after Mitre; but it -Was of Ito on will eut the remainit‘g oil and make If the treatraeut is persisted in the dirt- ' ae 1891 Chicago was a typhoid fever rid - "My father then took me thirty wiles CUR FOR BURNS. eaSe will be driven from the system and the cure be made permanent. lu sule den city, with a death rate of 173.8 per avail. t,he sardines more palatable. - to see a well•known doctor, ne photo- ' leiValvlipaati-lis.an.g. sweet clean ciote.h, dipped A eimple: good dreinogr for bur Ins stantiation Mrs. Alfred Derby, Etty- ville, Ont., says: 'A few yeais ago I been devoted during the last 14 years to - 300,000. Something over $62,000,000 has ,grgreapptedi%,,atsliecieanrtintoanadxlerwd.yorlihciehcpelptoititoi in tt, should be applied over a burn, and was attacked by excruciating pains in to the specialist; but they eent word, protection of the water fiopply, the they could do nothing further for me, on this a layer of absorbent cotton or clean clothe. the back which the doctor called lum- the bago. t was not able to do Si, bit of iinproved quality of which hae eeduced and I: -wits in despair. -worth of whiting from the druggist. Put To clean buckskin shoes get five canto' 13IMICSKIN POLISH. about the honee and suffered dread - full , 7 rv time 1 moved about. 1 took ) ere . typhoid. *th an old 'tooth brush and let It lief. In a, thoroughly diseoura un m ed on in Berlin. He tried Zam-Bilkf,rietridsallake'I‘liliailde- Ibtat water -areftleq„dulatuntteitylinin a diSh with enough til it is like milk. AP- used liniments, 'without getting any re- They c, better in Europe. the doctor's , medicine all winter, and rged An. unknown dle or loiterer is "One day l't* n began using Dr. Williams' I g•ot a box right away. That first box Pt . tinned the treatment, Every box heeled N This is cheap and simple!_, _ riI Igiucseervoltveiseizolnil, b lad to k ow WASH -DAY HINT. c - a long story short, Zam-Bak healed all when .1,, thlit boning the clothes, will make them eeutg thickly nand was better Villit. Pills. .After using six boxes 1 wiabtle.beteon adifouemteya with did me more good than all the medicine "r -r. • the sores more and MOte Until, to mane With the rInd on, if put into the holler work, and iirV(el. I bad tried up to that time, so I eon - Minister cerroborges. The Rev. W. b iler until the clothes are ready to. l. -.-.e the trouble since. I now always re - those ailing." commend. Dr. Williams' rink Pine .-tte - tpihaeceeorkesnecnosmpolfetraelj.casEevseraen'haodtlymitnittles peoautifoliy wlitte. T.4st it remain in the Zara-Buk alone which cured me." B. M. Parker, of Caledonia, Miss Dolli- These pills are sold by ail medicine ver's minister, writes: "This is to certify taken ()etc. evisbaZg7iratedrsislieshw'llAverigti: TILTIVATt THRIFT, totheerpeendariz1400 nfl:a5: edeenthe:rsa boorxmoneysir bboxaed8 bfyornsi2a.i510aftro5m0 encourage thrift. Try . The Dr. Willierns' Meelleine Co„ Omsk. that the testimonial of Mise Dolliver le getting them to save uo their pennies ville, Oflt. until they have enough to buy a hen, 301 correct as far, as my knowledge goee. 1 , have known her for a year and a half, `- . i and her cure effeeted by Za,m•Illik is A remarkable." • • Whoever there is ulceration, blood- merican Fashions for American Women poieon, eores, eold-ereekS, ObSeasses, or mete, • The Country Heaven Forgot. buries, bruises. or any skin injary Wilder than the A'friean jungle, mare dieeaee, there Zasn-Buk should be applied. Inipenetrable than the tropical forests If is eleo a sure eure for piles, All of the Amazon valley are parts of Louis - druggists and stores Seri at 50e, PM' hot, Ana, There are thousands of square miles _o_.rapoTitorfrpete.k0.-frBoien_uZsr-Bille Co.. To - f cheap and harm - in the State 'where the foot of a white for imitatielle and enhetitntes. man bas never trod, and none know 4.-•4 with certainty the manner of beasts which roam through the morassee. Facts for the Curious. As Captain lildNowland, of the steam- boat Wenona, of 'Memphis, puts it: Badman Langdon, of Castleton, Vt., "The Lord line forgot. Re ever made that . who i$ not yet five years old, is thought country around Plaquemine and the to be the youngeet farmer in that state. Long bayous, and the United States Last summer he planted seed and raised. It from one hill two pumpkins, one weigh - government probably doeen't know °woe the distriet," ing 43, the other '24 pounds. The AV'enona is ordinarily it Mississip- pi River excursion boat, but Captain 5••••••.•••0•••••\ There flOtirislies in Chinese rivers and Newland recently passed several weeks on the vessel in the two )a.y i . telly tell the dweller en sw , "Those two bayous are the most pie. wood. Scrubs, Paticham Rye, and tippet the end of each shoulder, turesque bodies of water I hove ever baek aed front over the shouldees. he said, eeeently. "You would Tooting that the sack of the eity ie on. Little strape and buttons catch the or Marble; recently there has been an -seelh .................,......— addition to the menagerie, around whieh think you had. left the United States s- Westminster ball there is dimly to be zon forests. The Wenona reit over more ins wear it -is pieturesque without. tweets, To feed it women's vanity, it is A lidt gliimPe may be worn' with it, there ie. au. agreeable halo, mid 'Were Brazil, only- the jungle is of course neeeseary to feed her an thoughfor home wear or informal even. in a gloomy niche half Way devin ever so much more dense than the which b.as just been taken oat of the alive. They fairly swarm in these wat- Over long ilownig hair, the beard is that several thileS alligatOre Wert p , deserted a gray St 0110 statue of a khne alligatore than ever dreamed of being Make Birds Photograph Themselves /11`rItZtelehlanlillisvrialtrAotr.lvdirIft.eiritEl agfatd 41111;19en of Captain Nowland's crew said Phaogra.phy hag; 'become so common that now even the birds of the air are ee,.. taking pletures a therneelvegs. Of course the birds do not use the pietures te decorate their nests—but Avo they do all the work of making the , exposure, and the man who owns the camera reaps thee.benefit ot their la- - (eteete . _,- .beeseteee0 4006/0 The man ie regaired to give it little Oeiltreeeci atotietance tb.e way of Dieting the emnera. and fixing things oo th0 the bird etat put in the firtal toneh, .Anyone can impreee the birde into ser - vier) for this purpoee with the aid. of It, little electrieal device that ie ehown in the eketelt. The elritter of the camera la actuat- ed by ft, piston whielt in used to force air Into the rubber tuba attath.ed to ilvet.tieritteferseel,&#* ti"ktk ishUttor, the bird ulighte on which melees the electrieal connettion ihroUgh a powerful magnet. Thif.4 trips teigger whielt holds the pitton in plate, the rpring doing the rest. Ito device is quite wimple for anyone funnier with euth ertlinery eleetrieal work Ali wirieg bell, end exeollent tomtits strei obtained. Of eouree the esitOteera to toeusot leourately on tuot rippled and majeetie. In hie left band ed up ley one of the paddle wheels and. he holds the orb, but the Seepter band flung into the air. Some of the animals is gone. The old king broode over the landed on the heads of the erew, hall of kings. The experts are puzzled over his his- tory. He Mood in Westminster hall for 'many centnriee •side by side with other stone klugs awl all wen tided away by the governmen .••,)13. Recently it oeeurred to Lotd Bonigehamp to iry the effeet of belegine them back. Several oi the beautiful itoth.e windoware blind, fOrMilig nie11e:41,,2itaUe for Mathes awl all the old fo., thu kings may take their place 'Mit) first one is a leettitifol personage. No one knows what Line lit, is or Wheth- er it iS Merely an f1 -ase of majes- ty, but it is certain that ho is the work of some fine fourteenth century erafte. Man. The tattered 111,4 lethe grandeSt stable itt the hall. Below hint lie ghoetly YOW the kingdone with the teall-un of the modern age?. bit- tueditiely wider hie Mimi niejette'egaZIS is the broad feet., e3ilbsily furrowed of the metry reertotelt. lite unknown king towers over 'bete prople lik4 tk vieitant fro** ampler tim- I ,etelon Times. SI -tot v,itere the bird alights. tome- timeit is necessery to wait for hours to get Snell a, picture, and then again 9, bird will be attrected to the plece almost ar, f!oon ae the eamerit, igt met, A fevr erurobs or e. piece of fruit fixed oi• the limb will itoluoe I bird to oot at tko extore.. Ate...i.did I 11=11.11111ill[Jr=141. lakee email fish remarkable for its bril- lian coloring of crimson and blue, says an exelutrige. It is called the paradise fish. In the sunlight it shows in rain- bow hues. The most interesting thing about this little fish is the nest made by the male of glutinous bubbles below the eurfaee of the weter, and measuring up to ele inches across. Here it places the eggs, some 240 in number, and a0111)18 ORM over them driving ineabite eon. net the c ereNreT, snereper, w n4 !MST 110St3t DY., nob con buy. -Why von don't irf**11$11% to know what KIND of Cloth your Goods nob Outdo of...510 Milvtake‘ ore tinpostibte, NEW for rfte (AOC i fa, Siete Dookle,t, imd Dooklet Ovine teituItiril IVt'Ang ovo• *Aber volori, 11%. :0111N501.4,1tICHNItt)S0N C0.,1,4inttewit, Montreal. coma*. 110,4•••••••••,ii. The new Freneh Schneider ambulance is it veritable portable hospital, being a, trttek probably the largest size ',yet eonstrueted, and having an operatirtg room in the Middle part, With two Mall. er rooms at the olds, says the Indiana- polis Xevet, It contains an electric) plant which it tised for lighting, water putepieg and sterilizing, and for surgical motore. Water is pumped In 'by hose front a well or pond, and, after passing through the ultre-violet ray sterilizer, it iet stored. in a tank. 'When the am. bulttnee 14 brought to the spot, for In. stauce, on it battlefield, a wiug ht the shape of a tent im formed by a tarpaulin etaelt aide Of the wagon, and the two tents ere e1ectr1call5r lighted through Window* irt the aides of the eitr. ikteClettehttn, "the fog 'horn of the .Ozerltel, tailed the figures foe the - Itnelent equate denetis whith detorated Vie inaugural bell of Mieeourre gayer - nor. Belgian eughttere beeked by $1.0,000,066 ital Will develop lite weter rwwere of P1elerx1 and eonvey emelt et the energy otylegAstedto Vtl'eteiebarg, American. designers and dreserattle- ors ere giving to the AineriCati WO. Man BO many beautifel and original fashion designthat the best dream - ere eve "wooing up" more and More the eceentric ideas whith the rrertelt tee eontinually sendieg over here, aa tb.e kind of gowne whieit intuit be leten for the fashionable woreare Title ;tinting the lorettelt designere all show the influence of Tutititsh and Bulgarian 'dears, while OAS AinatiCSla desigrteria eleg the eXquisite line and cheete itotoration Of the ctreoke. - 'rho inustration dentorietratee the ability of the American dreeentaiter is questioned -by the firet policeman who takes note of him. If be sets up the ueual out-of-work-and-can't4ind-it story lie ie referred to the municipal employ - anent bureau, where work will be pro- vided that he may get a, place to sleep and smelling to ,iiat`; It te dove not work under these condition e he ie.nut to work against his wni or compelled' --ttote lealelo the city. He le kept moving eller' little annaullin sympathy ie wasteel eit him. The reeult is that there are few tromp., in Germany. eet. In. earlier times the treatment of the insane was confiried largely to taking care ef themixt their .confinement. They We n otttined 1,1 asylums beeamze 11; was not possil& to rare for them in their homes. Little effort was made te cure their =lady. But of re4..ent years these asylums have become hospitals, and re- medial measures are taken for the re- lief of file patients 'from their trouble. Employment ate' annteement are pro- vided for thorn, and the inedieal treat- ment their care eall,s for is given. Tht reeelte from this syetera of treatment have been of flirt bily,liest, the asees res- ponding to proper entrative measures be- ing ntuncrous. This is gratifying so far IS it goes, but the public appareutly has not been eduotted up to the lie- eegsities of the situation. Dr, T. T. Bur- gess, niedieal ouperinteralent of the Ver- dun lIospital for the Insane, Montreal, and formerly connected with the Hamil- ton institution, in his annual report states that, tileen in if iutipient stages. insanity wee, with rare exceptions, our - able. The trottble was that, as a general rule, the relatives of an afflictek illai- vidttel, provided lie was not dangemas, allowed his -complaint to become chronie before any action was taken. By Buell eourse the work of hovita,1 ataffil Wa4 inereaseti, and. the ellanco of the reeov' ery of the patient greatly tliminiehed. 'foolish notion prevalent that the new importe. tiongt from Prance, It JO 'pito as gtr. to equal if not exce1 tittle in line Ettld etilorIng and Muth Mere suited to the Atnerlean form. and temperament than those oriental at- tain which Prim seenta te be, going wild over. This gown is WOrn. by 'Mitt* Itegge Leslie, the stetreste, ht "All for the Ladies:- end le the design. of aoseptt of Now York,. It is of white eliffort with rhitestone tritntnittlea• lkith Greelan key desigu and rhinestone tl'udereett.th the ehiffen Mint the kneet is a, pink sath whielt holde the iskirt into the narrOW -confined* tre now imperative, e 3. it ieo tliseraee to be mentelly afflieted, and as a rule relativee try to hide thse,e +alto thtte suffer. Mentel Office tiou is no mere to he itehanted of thau is pleteleal and oue might 4V4 W011. pet Off ealling the doetor for those sufferilv from seene pie:Ask:el ailmett, bemuse they were aehamed of it, tte put off the proper tmitinent ol tlx6,40. afi1iett4.1. It 14 a phyzieal,0411flititni thet produeee utentel derivegement, VIA no time should he loet in seeking, a remedy or this Teazel& anterit.