HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-02-20, Page 141ST YEAR, NO. 25 The ••• WINGII.A.M, ONT., TIIITESDAY, FEBRUARY 20; 1913. Letter Bes' Boxes No. UndBusiness SOW. erwent Operation. M Geor g Bryce of Turoherry Itleeere, Richardson a Rae i30‘Ve dis- LOOKING BACK HALF A beeo eiected, and Reba Beattie has underwent ao operation fey tumor on posed of their har ware " El Mr .......-oaareeeseeeeeeeeeeseeseeeaseee INTERESTING DATA OF HURON FIFTY YEARS AGO the contract temporerily• for the col- Moodaly of last week at her home. D. Rae. brother of one of the members teeth:ea of the mail tWice daily. After the operation, ehe was kindly of Mae firm is the purchaser, It is a asaareaeleeeaaaaweee.a.....e..e., cared for by Norse Mies Tayloe and good busioess, but we are eorry 0:tat ric'w f66.44'9' Mrs. McGregor visited. with beck- Wear Greer'e Shoo and Rubbere, The Editor of the Advance ba in hits possession a small, old. dhectory of Died In Saskatchewan. her eister, Mra. Robert o g . the change will mean the removal of Miss Alice Siramons hoMe this g d roads week from Parise anooultimate. expenditure of $500,000 on —Wellington, County is planning for he vaeatee the which he this evefek of the death of his brother hear that she is improving nicely. There Nothing, with friends in town this week. Rev. Mr. jeakins a Clinton vielted The visit of Major Morrie, anemone - Huron Comity, publisiaed in 1863, or fifty years ago. Thinking that it might Mr. MurraY Wilson received wold 1 -der many friends will be pleased to two fanailies from our town. I ter- "TheY SaY it took the Suffragette Mr. john Davidson of Neveton visit- Jamee Baird'e this week. ed for Thursday of this week has been postponed until Marcia Oth, surss°Rlira°N I KT° 0,T:131;gottitsx:s$4013: Personate 1Locat Items be of interest to his readerthe Editor, e hee occupied for fifteen years, gives, herewith, a little of the infotrnation Stewart, su Merry e moot will take place at Winghata, IAA tee. • The Treacherous The Huron Tract was explored in 1827. In 1828 there were only three stated, Griffin met with an accident on Thuts- point," said the husband. of one of the Miss E. Parr a 'Brussels was the took 62 ballots to elect the War- intereet both youog and old. at time of writing the time canoot be We regret to bear that Mrs, O. N, proceseion four hours to pass a, given e • gleaned. from this early soorce, hoping it will recall memories a the past, and miserable buts and two utifiniehed frame houses in the whole Traet. day last that may lay leer aside for women, "That's nothiog," said an- guest of Mise Ruby Hart this week, den of Oxford, and the voting took towiaships of Colborne, Goderich, Hallett, McKillop, Tuckersraith, some time. She evae out calling ou a other, "My wife alone got talking on 1Vtr. Elliott of Saeltatoon WaS the one day and a half and cost $120. The Hay, Stephen and Ueborne formed part of this extensive Tract.. I13 Stapley, Euless Cookies. 1832, Two cups sugar, one cull butter or neighbor, when she slipped on an icy suffrage the other day, and she didn't guest of Mr. J. 0, Currie over Sunday. Goderich township (which may have included oor present prosperous county • —Miss Mabel Goy, formerly a this tie' le bone. get past a given point for nine Jas, VanCarap of London is town) only had 300 inhabitants, and a mail was carried twice a week from visiting friends in Winglaarn and vi- vceicsisrtfultiYhl air gno°0was, cb°unedinuecstsining eauesipube: GoderIch to Guelph In 1831, the Canada Co. built email steamer at Goderich, but on account of a sand -bar in the Maitland, the little craft could not get out a tile river that summer, and flour rose fecun $5 to $9. The county began to develop rapidly by the inflow of settlers, and schools were establiehed, until in 1801, the Legislative grant for salaries a testehere was $5,557.60, Goderich receiving $315.00 and Clinton village $92 00. The amount provided by natinicipal assessineut in 1801 for the county was $6,788.- 10; Goderich, $2,400; Clinton, $297.10. Rate -bills for fees fot pupils that year were $580.07 for the county, The school population (between 5 and 16) for Huron was 13,621, Goderich reporting 770 and Clinton 350. Tea,cherts nernber- ed 140, or 120 melee and 14 fenaales, Ties Iiighest salary paid was in Goderich, and was $550 ; the lowest that year(1801) was $81. The county bad 141 school -houses, or 10 brick, 21 frame, 107 log. Of the 140 schools, 103 were opened and closed with prayer, and in 112, the Scriptores were read. The Superintendent of Schools in. 1803 for Turnberry, Grey and Howick was Rev. W. C. Youog of Morrisbank, and for Astifield, Colborne, Goderich, Flullett, Morris, Stanley, Tuckersmith and Wawanoeb, John Navin of Tiae total population cf the county in 1863 was 51,951; Morris reported Godericle. 2,88S; Tutrnberry, 1,264; Wawanoeh, 8,151; Etovvick, 2,252 The total value of live stock in the county was then $1,400,571. In passieg, we may note that hy the census of 1911, Huron only has 87,190, so that it has decreased since 1803 by 14,734. The County Judge was Robt, Cooper; Court cleik, Hugh Johnston; Warden of County, R Gibbons of Goderich ; County Treasurer, A, M. Ross; Registrar, jno. Galt; County Connell clerk, D. II. Richie of Bayfield ; Shatiff, , Morris township was surveyed in 1840 and sold in 185213 In 1863, 25,000 John McDonald, . acres bad been taken up in Turnberry, and the population of the township was 1,264 In 1850, only 450 acres were reported under cultivation in the whole of Waveartosh, but in 1801, there were 12,706 acres cultivated. In 1852, the popu- lation of Wawanosh (comprising ease and west) was 722 ; nine years later, it In 1863, Bluevale reported a sawmill, grist -mill, lathe and cabinet factory, was 8,151. three stores, two blackteniths, one carriage shop, four shoe shops, two Wilms, Religious services were held by Presbyterians, Primitive 1VIettiodists, Wesley- an Methodists, Congregationalists and Bible Christians. The Presbyterian Church was built in 1857, cost $400; pastor, Rev. Hastie. The Methodist Church was built but not finiehed in 1863; Rev, Re Paul pastor. John Messer was postinaster, and the village had a mail three times a week. - - Wingbara postoMee was established in 1861; mail three times a week , from Clinton, and vveekly from Zetland and Teeswater, E. Foley was the first postmaster, and if we are correctly informed, the postoftice was situated near Mr. John Ansley's residence on th.e road to Whitechurch. In 1862, the amount. of eanarniseion and allowance for stationery for Wingham posteilice wast $38 23 The following was the directory of residents in Wingham fifty years ago, or in 1863 :— Bailey, (Mark & Finlay) tannery, Gregory Thomas, slaw mill. Beven•John, framer. .Gray John, hostler Winghaca Hotel. -, Bowman T. W., merchant commis- Hicks Joseph, laborer. • .. Johnston Wm., carpenter and joiner, Kane Hetry, limber piler. Kerr james, shoe maker. - lard, one cup sour milk, gait, one levelplace, and fe • rea g teaspoon soda, flavoring to snit', flour She was taken to the Hospital, where laours." Cookies veill be enappY and crisp at A romfortahle Flame. Joseph Guest met with a painful °IllnoistpY.ital staff, visitedaher home here Miss Dell Borwash of Killearditle ,—A. millioia dollar corapany has firet, and grow better with age. The editor of this paper offers for accident at the Western Foundry on this week. been organized to operate a chain of groceries between Winnipeg and Vic- toria. enough to roll. Bake in quick -oven. she is receiving careful attention. Nuts or raisins may be need if desired, Ofie Eye II:tiered. sale hie entrifortahle home on Shilter Wednesday of last week, when a piece Me. Joseph 4.rnderson returned to . • 1 bl eitua e ; s a hot iron struck biro on the right ht Winnipeg, on oesdrey, He will re- main a few days in Toronto. a Mer- March lea—A. E. Smith, agent. Rooms To BENT.—L1 Meyer Block, Mr. Thos. Jones formerly of Wing. p ar I or, sitting -room, dining -room, eye, badly burning it. It is thoug Alviu Hart of Winnipeg an Married In England. street, re e len y It Relieve Your Cold Or Money Back I You don't risk a cent. You don't take the slightest chance, You can try the Cough and Cold Remedy—which we firmly be- lieve to be the very best Of the meny kinds we carry—entirely at our risk. If you find that Rexall Cherry Bark \. Cough Syrup Parnell, Mr. and Ildre, Jones intend ro'ome, water and sewer connection, but it might have been. We hope no fine bath -room ; electrtc lighted, permanent injury will result. ens Mr, and Mrs, Ezra Hart. Mrs. D. Rush vvho has been visiting erected in Canada during the past 18 months with a capacity —Eight new paper millsolea,:e5 leteoeines does not relieve you we will gladly refun don't want :eyeonutr fmoroniteyo. on Jan. 231d, to Bliss M. Winntfred large kitchen, pantry, four good bed- that the sight may not be injured, ton of Toronto are visiting their par - ham was married in Shifnal, England, ali vvhere they will make their laome. good furnace, cellars, etc. ; hard and soft water inside. There is a good - for some time with her daughter, Mrs. r an; Tom's many Wingham friends wish The following subscriptions towards Hart, returned to Toronto last week. per day. other of the "Rexall Remedies" him a very pleasant voyage both on The little son oE Johan1 during gey4 sae, -8V aariBraconsspitiipelpeahelbdy avvt that does not satisfy and please corairig to Canada in the near future This Week's Report. verv the trip to Canada, and on bis journey y. Hele,ou. Can you afford to over- , through life with the young lady of look this offer? his choice. (Miring a good home in a desirable town, has been garden and stable. Any person re - the building fund have been receive location, should take this offering into by the treasurer of the Wingham past week, but hopes of his recovery General Hospital :—W, T. Fyfe, Har- are now entertained. coiasideration. ris, Sask.—$5. ; A. E, Griffin, British Mr. and Mrs. K. Rae removed this Those Clinton Ballots. • Columbia—$25 ; Jas. Bowman M week to Ingersoll ; they were .good, - 30 Geo Town, Wroxeter—$5, ; wcitsiten ji,eandsutchceesirs garranmewl;i1.0endes. (formerly of Winghatn) won sewn prize, valued at $S0. WANTED.—A competent girl t89 _dno grenierroanling7 - erwBrol:k. keLIN11(dY.74 g —A harnessmaleer Elmvale has on exhibition a bridle inade of horse- hair by an Araerican convict, An joffer of $100 for it was refused. Rexall Cherry Bark 0 ough Syrup is very pleasant to the taste. Children -and older peo- ple like it. Equally effective for either. Price, 50c and $1.00. Instead of buying Patent Medi. eines buy Rexall Remedies. ()vowel GIRL WANTED.—With Some knowledge of book-keepinge Apply in own hand writing. P. 0. Box 125. Children's Aid. The Children's Aid Society met in the Council chamber Thursday even- ing, Mr, Elliott, the agent was storm stayed in Clintoo, and did not appear. Mr. Abner Cosens was present in the ,chair and general bosiness was trans- acted. The officers of last year were reappointed : John Groves, See. ; C. P. Smith, treas. ; and the clergyinen of the different churches were made vice-presidents. It was decided to hold a. concert shortly to raise mopey for the society, and we understand that the Choral Society is undertaking the work. • sinner Queen s Benc Brooks jamas, tailor Campbell David, teamster. , Carruther Thomas, blacksmith. King William Hotel, Thos. Cornyrt °asset, John, tail sawyer. proprietor. Coroners William, carpenter (Se joiner. Knight James, carpenter & framer. Cooper John, laborer. Lidiet Williain, laborer. Cooper Mee. Little Robert, general merchant, Coughlin Thomas, shoe maker. Long Thomas, ashery. Fairweather William, shoe shop. Luxford ,Albert, carpenter & joiner. Farley Edward, trader. McDonald — gentleman. Fisher Archibald, manager of Wing- McDonald Lachlin, merchant, barn saw nettle. MeLertehan James, sawyer, Fisher John, sr. gentleman. Misner John, cabinet maker. Fisher John; jr, carpenter & builder, Newlove Samuel, laborer. Foley Edward, general merchant. Nowlove Stephen, leborer, , _ -- Risden Joseph, shoe maker, ........Eraier Donald, St. George, general store, auctioneer for Huron & Bruce. Rutherford Isaac, head sawyer ( I Gatner J. H.,-M,D phyeician, surgeon See, boards at Wingham Hotel. Wingham mills. Green George, butcher shop. Soigley Robert, wagon maker. Zetlaod at that time had a steana sawmill, two hotels and a school with 80 pupils. L J, Brace was postmaster, and it la''ad a tri-veeekly mail. If there are any inaccuracies in the above, the old-time directoty referred to, is responsible, as the editor has no nersOnal knowledge of those early days. In Regarding the mystery o • , change in the local option ballots. John H. Youpg, Winnipeg $10. the close of the poll atld their BeonEsT PRICES Paid for logs of ...."^"."."0".%"*.^,*".•%""^"..* betweefl examination by the judge, the News- all kinds. Call at J. A. McLean s of - Record says :—"The deputy in St. fice for prices. John's ward gave the vote on local Cburth `Pews option as 81 for and 51 against, and L......—...—..... —A French Canadian by his will leas -.Al respectively ballots in the box, naen with their families, single men, earth can make a man do wrong veith No power on earth, nor under the left $1,000 to each of two Quebec pro- ., vince editors. May he rest in peace, Immigrants Coming. the judge on scrotiny finding only 69 A party of immigrants, married seventy-nine electors have made sworn and domestic help, will arrive in out the consent of his own will. and his example be widely folloveed. law. Two or three more 41,re said to I shall be able to supply all farmers Aurelius uttered these words :—"Our Marc" —To polish new boots cut a. lemon in half, and rub the boots with it, declaration that they voted for the by- Wingbam in the latter part of March. Hundreds of years ago, be willing to so declare, if it is foetid needing help, as other parties; are anger and impatience often prove are angry otrbinioaS8- be the result. allowing them to dry; then black in necessary, In view of this a higher coming later. Any person requiring amorebout msv bisicohbievw7s the usual way. A brilliant polish will court has been applied to for a man- heip should let the undersigned knovv , Thoughtful And Kind. Mr, Irwin Elliott of Turnberry, who has been ill for over two years, was kindly remembered by his neighbo'rs one evening last week, when they ae tangible expression of their sympathy with laim, they handed him a purse of $71 The presentation was unexpect- ed, and Mr. and, Mrs. Elliott were so touched by the kind act, that they could not find words. to express their gratitude. They deeply appreciated the kindness of their neighbors, and hope that if the shadow of .misfortune ever falls across their pathway, this kind act will return to them in °bun, dant measure, pressed down and run- ning over. damus authorizing Judge Holt to take at once. Write ; or phone No. 235. patient." —The auctioneers of Western On - evidence. Thr n what ? David Lougheed, Wingham. ' The series of sermons on the Pil- tario veill petition the Ontario Govern - WANTED —Gond general servant. Tkoughtless Trick. Apply to Mrs, Richard Clegg, Wing- One day la,st week, a misehievous ledge. is proving very interesting, and ment to provide for a provincial . grim's Progress, by Rev. Dr. Rut - hare, license to take the place of the pre- school -boy placed a "tack" on one of tlae diseourse on Sunday evening last, sent municipal licenses. Tie Wedding. the seats at High School, Willie was one of the best so far. Next maid • one who The following from the Clinton Elinscliffe, unaware of the presence of day evening, the topic will be Van,-, knows how to cook. Apply to Supt. News -Record, has reference to a form- the "tack," knelt on the seat and the ity Fair," or "Fighting on low levels. of Wingharo General Hospital. er esteemed resident of Wingham, sharp little intruter piereed•his knee. The publie are cordially invited. —A most successful sale was held at "On Tuesday morning Rev. 0, E and Later blood.poisoning set in, and for a Many will remember Rev. W. A. Wm. Maxvvelre on Tuesday, One Mrs. Jeakins received a surprise when while "Billy" bad a painful•Itn.ee, and Cameron, leader of the McMaster horse went at $365 ; cows went up to a dray drove up to the rectory door had to keep quiet and still for some Band of Evangelists, who held special $100 ; hens 80 cents to $1. There was with a load of tin and gra,niteware, time. At last accounts, he vvas im- serviCes in Wingham Baptist Church. a large crowd and lively bidding. etc., things useful and ornamental, proving. Care Of Cemetery Plots. The proper care of the resting-piaces of depart( d friends indicates perennial affection and loving remembrance. Messrs. Joseph and Richard Anderson have a unique 'plan for providing for the e ere of their family' burial plot, thee others would do well to imitate. 11considerable number should fol - v the example set by the gentlemen, .hat a transformation would take f the avenues ..........a.....•''''.......'''•.• 4••••••............ Mfssionary Services la St3 a warning because the volume a loco migra,tion into Canada is greater than Paul's. that of the 'United States in former days. A 111k111 may change his home, s , but hebrings his character with him. A most suecessful Lenten Course in The Church in the United States was Missions was boon in St. Paul's asleefi during the great tide of haunt - Church on Sunday, Feb. I0-13, with. geation, and so the middle West is we are bonding op a nation the char - Canon Goold, who was formerly a eater of whose people veill not be, medical missiouary in Palestine, and trade good by law, but by vvholesome veho is rove the General Setretary of influences in the home and, the daily the Missionary Society of the Church work. of tlogiand. The text of tte evenittg serrnot, The text of the morning sermon, "Our Responsibilities, Abroad," vets "Our 'Responsibilities, Oanada," Wes Wee, 21 :21, Pleaders arid apologists Matt. 20 :.1.• The followiog is an out- for Christian Mb3sions base their line of the discouraes :— claims tett t-1 The mandatory char Itis a, notevvorthy fact that Missions acter of the Christian faith; 2 The occopy a t antral place in our Lord's interpretative function of Ohristian- teaelaing and in his church. They are ity ; 8 The exclosive claim of Jeso.s the subjeet of Ills special tonitriencl, °hetet ; words of the text. ' ' h r There is no evAding of the duty of Be is receiving $3000 salary as pestor but mostly the former and all suitable .of Bloor St. Church, Toronto, and —Jean, the little daughter of Mrand for the house. The rector was out at Serni-Pinals Hockey. . recently declined a salary of $12,000 Mrs. Hector McLean of Culross. bdy. the time and Mrs, leakins was some- Until norldaY night, Mt. Forest and offered by a New York Church. Last took suddenly ill on Friday of lase what at a loss to account for the Elaryistort were ties in their district, Sunday morning when Mr. Cameron week, A playsicia,n was called, and donation until a letter was handed her but on Monday, these teams came aunounoed that he had declined the we are gla,d to learn she is recovering. congregation ;f St, Paters on the at- score of 13-11. This will bring Mt. call at $12,000 salary from Calvary Churing ; one who ibright, industrious, ch, New York, the congregation Bo WANTED.—TO learn the Print- tainment of the tenth anniversary of Forest to Wingham to play the local rose and sang the doxology, The and has passed the Relevance examinee ti 'containing the congratulations of the together, Mt. Forest winning by a their marliage, with a hint of a "Tin team, who are winners of this district. tion. Apply at the Advance Office, or Wedding" and the whole thing was The game is to be played WednesdaY School service, the seholera singing ' same enthusiasm marked the Sunday to Mr. Geo. Spottore explained,' two winning teams clash, there will "Blest Be the Tie That Binds," when Riche e consist not of material APPRENTICES WANTED.—TO learn they heard their pastor's decision. things; intellectual and spiritual evening, and when the sticks of these well. be some game. If our boys win, they Special of rejoicing prevailed at the knowledge eonstitute the only lasting Baby By Parcel Post. Clean Sweep Sale, are you getting • Ben- RIISII FOR BARGAINS at Isaretis ea away' deeds make a character, and character your thoughts. Thoughts expressed in dressmaking. Apply to Miss Max - Vernon 0. Lytle, mail carrier on a your, share; move quick and get first makes our eternal destiny. rural route out of Betavia, N.Y., is choice. Whitechurch. . the first man to 'accept and deliver —Mrs. Burgess of town, has word of under parcel post conditions a live Death Of Mrs. Leathorn. Mr, Hector McKay is at work filling the death of her son John, who died. in baby. The bany, a boy, weighing 101 On Monday last, another respected up the ice.house at the Creamery. Dauphin, Manitoba, last week, aged pounds, just within the 11.pound resident of Wingham passed over the A number from the village attended 32 H had been ill eight days with weight limit, is the child of Mr. and - silent river, in the person of Mrs. the party at Walter Lott'e on Monday ' e . pneumonia. John will be remembered Mrs, Jesse Beagle of near Glen Este. John Leathorn. Deceased had been by many, as he went west about The "package" was well wrapped and in failieg health for some time past, night. The Whiteclaurch elevator will close eleven years ago. i eady for "mailing" when the carrier and had entered her 81th. year. She f:xitiosnintbesis at the. end of the present • he —Tcensus of the stars, which ments reached 71 inches, also just land, and with her parents came to Mrs. Andrew Clow of Carievale, was uodertaken by Franklin Adams within the law, which makes 72 inches Ottnada when 14 years of age. For Sask., is visiting her mother, Mrs. and nearly finished before his death, get it on Saturday. Its measure- was born in 1829, rlea•' Glaegc'w, Scot- the limit. Mr. Lytle delivered the five years they resided near Perth, n McIntosh, on the 2d line will fee complete when the last section i "parcel" safely. to the addreis on the Bathurst township, and then removed The Whitechurch Literary Society othe survey is carried Mit in South f Africa card attached, that of its grandmoth- to Wilmot township, Waterloo 0o. intends holding another concert in . Already more than 50,000,- er, Mrs. Louis Beagle, who lives about She was married to her 130:407 bereaved the Foresters' hell on Feiday eveuing ; FSmei—Dog-sleigh, with shafts husband in 1851, and fourteen years a good program is prepared. 000 stars have be.ten counted. and harreees couiplete. Enquire at— The Advance otrwe, on, e place in the appearance o of our cemetery, lined on each side by the resting -places of loved ones "gone on before," The iMessrs. Andereon propose to place an deposit in the Postafice Savings Bank, °tie thousand dollars to remain there in perpetuity, and the interest, $30 per annum will be devoted to the eare of the plot. The Minister of the Methodist Claureh is to inspect the plot about May ist and direct the caretaker as to the work necessary, and again in July to see if the work is done. To coparrierice with, the Town is to get $5 for registering the agreement, and the Methodist Chorch $5, The annual interest on the money will be $30, and this is to be apportioned as follows :—Town of Winglaam, $3 00; Cemetery caretaker, $0 00; pastor (Inspector) $1.00; total $13. The balance of yearly interest ($17) remelts on deposit and when itt process of time the accumulated in- terest amour:Its to $500, it is to be divided eqmilly between Wingharn Hospital and the Methodist Church. The Town is to make the draft, and retalo one per Cent. for its fee, and thus loses nothing by the trartsaetion. At next meeting of the Council, a by. described the streets with whic e the agreemetit. As we remake& at has to deal with, arid eompared the ehire, Seotland. At the time of his the ontset, the plan is einicitie, and it qualitiee of macadam, bitulithie and death he was in his 87th year, Ile 'Tolvki, ata mem ga, smith, a sou, la.V7 will probaably be passed coefirming is difficult to see how it could be kn. cotitteetuily to the many questiorie isn, settling in the townsttip eentent work. Re replied felly and earri'e to this cothatty with his fatally omooloro wingliara noorita,, February lltb, to Me. and Mrs, Ail- —.The regular ni-mthly meeting of 'ri tiaconsy in the county of Peel in drew Oasenaore of Morris, it aweigh- the local braneh of the Wotnan'e In- stituto vvill be held on Thursday Feb, rrawdoota...e... specisd servites conducted by Rev. Pagatt. They offer us a challenge for I W. McKibben DRUGGIST St OPTICIAN The Te.460.211d (Sidie Eyesight tested free and glasses sup plied teaSOilabk prices,. at was,15 cents, and the "parcel" was in- a,go renaoved to Wiogharn. There Belgrave. a. mile from its bottle. The postage eared for $50. were nine of a family ; three of these • This shoe will be advertised from Coast to Coast in Canada - as "Empress" Shoes have been for years, and each season adds newer lines and greater beauty to this well-known shoe for women. Always above thc. others. We are agents. —Messrs. Join:a William and Isaac FOR SALE —Good second-ha,nd or- Mrs. Abell of Dunkeld, Mrs. J. Orr of Mr. and Mrs, John Hopeer, a son. Davidson received on Sunday last the , are deceased. Those renartining are— Born -00 Tuesday, Feb. llth, to gan. — W. A. Mines, Turnberry sea unexpected news of the death of (Wroxeter R. R. No. 1 ) Stratford, Mrs. R. Orr of Ingersoll, Mr. A. L. Burt, B.A., who captured Bobert of Turnberry, ja.naes of Van- the Rhodes Scholarship at Toronto their brother, George, in Fairdale, Public Meeting. couver and George at home. Mrs. University in 1910, and who is now North Dakota, No particulars are at hand, Wm. Davideon left on Mon. The potato meeting called to discuss _ Leathorn was a Ane type of a woman, completing his 3rd year in post-grado, day morning to attend the federal, paving Soseplaine street, and held on a member of the Methodist Church, ate work at Oeford University, has I. d d arid her death will leave a, sad vacancy beeti awarded. the Belt prize of $250. —Gal, must have bee . n a thirsty . • h been eustaireed there, it we notiee &het once Local • rive is --------- nually for at place, for 'Friday evening was we a, e MayorVanStorte presided and in open.- in the home• ing referred to the necessity of per- manence in the work; a (flight extra A Pather Gone, cost should not be considered, if it There died in Brampton, Oat., ma I History. h 10th inst. Mr. Adam. Morton, welt. zeoship or With Colonia Mr. Burt is a cousin of Mrs. (Dr) the essay upori some suject couneeted Ptto vvith the advattages of Impetial Chi- has been found neteeeary to enlarge a lot of the fottr-inch watermains to eight beetles. As this increases capacity of the mains four -fold, no 000 should go thirsty. would secure more lasting Work. r. T. Harry Jonee, city engineer of known to many of the citizetts of Stewart. , Braotford, was the first speaker and Winghain and toerounding neighbor- hood He Wag bern in Darvel, Ayr - BIRTHS. GOING WEST P—Travel In Wingham, Fe'brutery id h, and buy your ticket from liaTeing & Coats's, Town agents. 3 n the home of Mrs, TREADEASY This "Empress Treadeasy Cushion Sole Shoe" keeps your feet dry, saves them from exhaustion, and preventsheatt, aches or injury to the sensitive nerves a the foot. We ere Exclusive Agent rookitsA W. J. Greer THE SHOE MAN A.Aa•*o&.i..gwi of missions upon the ehtneh are both Jesus ()Witt 18 the only way. /OA the amount deposited need not be so the ease with wbieh it could be paved, great many years. lie was a, groat n Wingharo Feb 17ch 120 capacity (Chatham meke) one Fort Sazze—Two incubators, an 1>t the sacred, records. The elainie of interprets the rieeds of the people al shoetti. eommend. itself to °there ; at the front street, as to grades arid whieh county lie taught school for a e MATEO. 27t p , doubts the power of -Chtist to fatal supporting niissiouary etiterprio. proved ; bathing seems to have been asked, atid expessed himself as nlease corporate, beams*, every member is lastly, the riehest gifts of earth are tititest4 desirds for less wenifit and rentioded the audience that all teacher and.tnatiy men now promin., tio_a_thorn— Jos, Hall -(Vietotia, Ste Hest), Sobject and he who opposes 111188I011 •'-....VetAriSible.o'iiii6Guthuvitati,70,berauae bestowed upon it. If the work is well smoce. It appears to os that this Water and sewer eonneetions, storm set le Canada were his pupils, After margare 0 e r• rf • elkt Ke ie wit !A for this meeting "Making the most of aecond.haud 2,tde lood as tiew o a WOtai or doubts the attheritfeity is a command, "Go t" Christianity omitted that is esseotial, The iu.ortos. the highest legislative body in the done in Catutcla, we will riot stop here, move may be the fouridation of a plat( drains, etc., must be made firat, Mr, retiring from the teachieg prof d talon Leathote, aged 83. Life," to 1)e taken by Rev. G, Victor two.furrow riding -plow (new); one ttMtaaf8ilt7Yof 2gatNTonotd and Poultry ehorch has rnade mieelons a duty. but carry the Work abroad, It will be that would make the "eity of the 1"Itell representing the Canada ha etigaged in the re.al estate an rt. Oollins,„ Roll call to be responded to ttegulator, at bargain priees to dear. f tle church la converition- no lost effort, for nothing is lost which as worth (Aso) ttAt 0ere und upon the dorability of eemett-paved ea hint a year age. e leavee ee ,a for25,th, on 1004. cob. dead" a beauty spot, ieetead of (as it t Ile showed. a, number of viewe hied hint two children, Mrs. Andrew Cereeot Co., ViEtS present ona dwelt surance business, Ills Nsiro p b redeeeav AUCTION SATAC—A,u. unreserved ettle stoek, implements ete.. ie &mamma - 2, Mortis, The proprietor, Wm. Me- by tile Pleatures of Snow", Tew 'ketland batter ht ------------ or. —In view of the reported sale of —Alex. Yout g. ti 001110 Duroort. Michael, Is giving up farmi g, n Wils1011AM a he ee onto, Ottawa and other olaees, Dairy Caritela. In the provideriee of God, realized that Japart ia datiger of a GIRL WAena.),—Fot light' hottoe- itiformatioe. Mr. Gray of tile On- Seotlatid, and Mr, J. A. Morton, bar. there will be oo reserve. Tetras -8 Commissioner I. A.. Ruddick draWa time. 3.--Tna great inerolgratiott into japariese stateeixten arid scholare have of streets to paved, arid gaNe much Morton of Seam) - religien, We intuit take loto ae - at the titne it was dotte, w is in tom The curse o e couot three great tritivemente oor doing. japan wantt Christianity„ diegr ace, stree fib Canada hag beeo kept to the last for moral rot, And they Voite the urgent work._ APPISr to Mrs, 11, M. tette Good Roads department Was also titter, of this towtt. Me. A. D. Mor - insoles Wingtiam. treditpt.aptil-ovrfiti joiet notes. atterition to a settion of the Inspection the working out of Ills divirtes purpose. teed for moral trairileg 011 Christian present eta dwelt with road iraprove• ton ana Num; I. Fay Mortoo, both of 't:Itavtett: tirrn'd ouoictitialteniselisl,, 161! arid sitle act, wbieh requires that all 2,—Tha etream from the Elet toe the prineiples. Chiba le in need of the "it"' merit gerterally, urging the acceotttnee Toronto, tue ehildren of the deceased's doeaen to the higheat bidders, foreigo hotter eheese soia in Ca. wege, Maoy of tile most vitile of the gospel eat is seett front the pitiable 6011. NE r rotolailiciosiatio•iiiiimiommaipsia. of the Ontario tioverovient's offer of son, mr, 30hu A, Morton, of Lei- W.ttmo.—All kinds of grain. tie. • . • nada must have the packages rioly la lands are, sesitieg homes in the ditioo of ite people. also is it 1 W spasio Dtitoy s hetet of the Christier, stiots„Nictst tvzR the County Cowell, the 'Warden , ton:t Brandon, Moani, Are alsgrand- We scre also in the market !or anv ttegisterteecom . The 'goad mittee of cester, England, Etna Mr. M. W. Mora County Clerk and the Itagineer were sons, Mr, Samuel Yonog of this ijtiantity firtt-clus & of an inch wide. is a nephew. Mr. Stitt Mts. J. mine* livered at ofir warehouse, at G. T. 11. To learrt J. 11. Chiistie's grocery, Apply to Dr. brantleu in lettere not leis than three - eights of au holt high and one (outer To 11ENT.----Comfortable rooms over 0, road material. tend the fattersil nrikroptoti* the barberlog. Apply to John Hower. A. J. Irwin. new world 3—The movement from third fore gri p the cortntry to the eity, Miley of our Church, The resporisibility for the large eities are threatened with slant wotk of the evartgelization of the eonditions. Which are the bone a the -world seems to rest on the tiritish and old lands, These Movements Agora us Getaka3310 ra00a, M,L•:• WILILIS 4? 0, itiou given, oetaatt win out, in A., Morton lett at on weaneaday to itt. APPUPINTICA WASTIM) — READ OUP. All ON zAsr mem present. judging from the informetow r _ n 4•••1•0.6.64••••••0 Wheat -00e to Ole. te-28 to 45 eta. 13arley-48 to 55 ete, .60 to $1-01) 114y-1011.00 to $12.00 a to, 8otter--22 to 21 ets, 1gge-22 to 24 ete. 1'0010os-80e to 600 per bust. Live flogs—$8 60. or full lotoetri market taporat- see Pitke