HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-02-13, Page 8ete •!) • p -• • • 4 ) 8 emststimaggom. FARM FOR SALE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The ninth parte of lets 10, eon. 2, Moiri, comprising 120 web; good soil,. IU.Arsteolass state of cultivation ; two twee of orchard and live aoree of bleat. This farm is Aeven miles from NiVingham, 2i from Bluevale; buildings IV -class. Eay terms of payment. Apply to- ' J. E. PARREND, 211-27' Bluevale P 0. Or to Dudley Holmes, Wingluttn. BROADVIEW STOCK FARM. "SHORMORNS" BMW IITS*A.DED BY "FAVORITE CHARACTER" (IMP ) For sale are, two choice young Bulls of a serviceable lige with the beet of breeding and ours of good milking deme ; will be sold reasonable for quick sale, J. G, Fyfe, Proprietor 20U Wingharn, Ont. Farm, le ,Miles South of Wingham. 1 will receive znarkee teuders up to noon oil the 7tit da' of March next, for a two7mtery cement bultding, 22x3). to bo meted at the goal in the town of Oederielt. Tenders for whole work or for separate trades wilt bo Con- sidered A marked cheque for ten per cent. or tendered price must 0000104ny tender. No tender neeehsarily ,tecepted. elans and spew.- fleations can be seen in the Countyclerk's office, B. C. N NINO% Chairman or Com Dated, Gioderleh, Feb. 1004. iPta, Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fells. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van' S are sold at SS a box, or three for $1Q. Mailed to any address. The 0091)011 Drum: CO., t. Camas -ince, Ont, Farm Wanted. Will exchange good town property for a good farm close in to Wingham. Apply by letter to Box 10, ADVANCE Omen )1111•0110kt Atnietlair".‘ 0. I Alrii • ,-Irli•••,* 'Om - gry ,A.VALIAI4-- -- • CAPITAL PAII) UP 0 Head Office HAMILTON $ 8.000,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits . 3,500,000 45,000,e00 - Total Assets. TT is not in its power to purchase that thereat- est71. value of ineney Hes. Tho feeling of inde- pendence, and of security against the effects of adverse fortune that a reserve fund gives you, Is infinitely more satisfying than the passing gratin - cation which you would obtain by spending it. Small amounts-whieh you will hardly miss -dc - posited regularly, will gradually, but surely, accu- mulate to a sum large enough to insure against the effects of business reverses or loss of employ- ment. G. P. SMITH AGENT -WINGHAM -."1.1r•v4r•17-irinermvxrp,..iorri,*-,,VIIIMPINO:o• • , ••• ••• THE DOMINION BANK OIR EDMUND B. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT, W, D. MATTHEWS, VIOE-PRESIDENT. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. 1 Capital paid up - Reserve Fund • Total Assets - -•, e • $5,000,000 ..,•441g -7 $0,000,000 ' • * $78,000,000 Whenever You Travel -at home or abroad -carry funds in Travellers' Cheqttes'or Letters of Credit, issued by The Dominion Bank, They are current all over the world, and cashed at their face value. They prevent loss -and save all the annoyances of being identified, and the worries of foreign exchange, WINGHAM BRANCH: N. EVANS, Manager. '4"..."........"1".0.10,0".....•••••••••••••••..••••••••mr•••,oprowawrwom.••••••. . . What kind of music do you like best -opera, concert or vaudeville? 1 The Edison Phonograph plays records covering every phase of music -records made by the world's greatest artists. A sapphire reproducing point that wbn't scratch, a smooth running motor -every detail contributes in bring- ing out just the right volume of tone, clearly and sweetly. Ask your Edison dealer to play some of the new Blue Amberol Records on an Edison Phonograph for you, and you'll not be satisfied until you on an Edison outfit. The entertainment in your home is greater than you ever dreamed of. Tome A. Mon, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U. S. A. . A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at DAVID BELL ..)••••;•••wir,'"•:' " TUBWINA DVANCE,_ Winghant Public School Report for January Total marka 450, honor 337. poem 270, Dept 1, Intranet Cleats- F Cart 205, W Schaefer 817, P Holmes, 203, 0 Wilson 323, 0 Crawford 301, Moore 318, 11 Kennedy 812, J (Armee 214, 8 Hamilton 325. 14 Huffman 163, N Haugh 287, N Otirietie 272, (s,n. 'lou 322, tl Iserd 804, E Hit 230 K Pringle. 408 B Hkt all 238 Rintoul 354 E Doee 275. M Sop h 318. fhrn's 280, V Webe 312, F Moffai. 281, 0 Hingeton 251, V Patterson 331, B bard 310, E Pocock 333, K Smith 801, F Walker 359, J Maxwell 1398, 11 Dennis 325, M Cassels 327, N 1‘,IcRitchie 285, McLean 115, Dept 2, Sr 3id, Exaniined in arith„ gram„ and history Those merited miised examinations, Total 636 t -A Willianakon 595, N McLeen 589. J Nichol541, 0 McTavish 431, K 480, N Drummond 476, P Johow 475. A Davidson 460, U McDonald 415, la Currie 427, A Baler 425. 3 Soli 422% V Schaefer 421, G Alien 414. f' Sturdy 408, F Robinson 405, T Mulch 101, 3 Christie 304, V Davidson 394. R. Fersyth 387, 0 Newman 388*, W Walker 384, 0 Angus 383, Et Angus; 378, L Bell 375, V Stricker 370, E Oook 861, M Piper 351, W Dear 345. o Smith 339, L Stephens 335', E Hoffman 314, 0 Isard 285*, L Zur- brigg 260, II Mann 235, R Hewer 184", 1 Hewer 151", M Austin 91% Jr 3rd, Dept 3, Sr Division, Marks obtainable 600. M Walker 534, F Brown 526, 0 Below 493, G Fryfogle 483, E Musgrove 475, H Aiteheson 470, J Dobie 457, R Anderson 453, M Allen 443, A Imlay 436, p Joynt 435, E Hamilton 427, H Angus 386, L Duncan 361, 0 Markley 850, M Robertson 335, Is Sturdy 308, 0 Wild, 201, J Cla,sham 290, B. Showers 191, 5 Bell 142, Jr 3rd, Dept 3, Jr Division. Marks obtainable 550. S Robinson 457, E Angus 430, V Hamilton 421, T San- -Jerson 405, M Passmore 403, E Dobie 498, R Smith 369, 0 Lloyd 366, L Jarvis 3", A. Kennedy 330, Adams 319, A V Johnston 243, F Hinscliffe 339, Bloomfield 300, K Nichol 299, 0 Pocock 289, E Johnston 286. L Mc- Oreight 219, J Saint 205, L Casemore .191, Dept 4, Sr 2ncl, Sr Section, Total 893-A Thomas 653, A Williamson 020, G Holmes 603, 0 Hardy 588, M inincan 577, 0 Hutton 509, H Gannett 567, S Donaldson 567, E Rintoul 551, A. Galbraith 518, A Taylor 520. 11 Hamilton 514, C Bell 500. R Sander- son 500, J Davidson 473, W Aitehesc 405, W Currie 399, 0 Sao wdrs 372, K Wilkinson 361. Turnberry. The following la the report of S. S. No. 2 Turnberry and Howick,,for the month of jainmAry. Oat -Emily Ring 88. Sr, 4th -'en - ale Wheeler 87, Eva Turner 78, Henry Wheeler 72, Olive Turner 61, Bertha Sharpin 54, Malcom 131ftek 53 Jr, 3.4 Maggie elentgonne y 81, Viejo. Sties pit, 70, IN One Oil 67. Tom 45 J he ileev 28. Sr. 2.-Ii1sits e My,' 88, h»l 11 (nee 71 Aediee El, I .p, r '70, Jennie Stacey 65, Robert Montgomery 35, Stuart Turner 23. Jr. 2 Alice Wheeler 89, Primer -Alice Shemin 85, Mary Finley 25, L, E. Holmes, t catcher. The following is the repent of 8. S. No 5, TurnberrY, for the month of January «-Sr. 4th-Etheil Hastings 1260 Jr, 4th -Myrtle Deans 1243, Graaf/ Tucker 1189, Alvin flastitaks 1013, Harold Galt trp4on 818 Sr, 3 d Mary Haugh 473 D. -la Reid 451, Frazer Haugh 399. Nominee. McGill 386, Alvin Smith 310, Jack Reid 283, Jr. 3rd -Lawrence McLean 997, Obese ter Oilkinson 933, Jim Hardie 024, Laura Reid 839. jr. 2nd - Leelie Deane 537, West Haugh 533. Pearl Mc- Lean 861, Pt. lst -Ivan Haugh 212, Rena Haugh 171, Edith Reid 143, Emerson Armour 130, Tom Gilmour 121, Katie Gilmour 100. Maude A. Horton, teacher. Council met Feb, 3rd; members all present. Reeve Mulvey in the chair. Among the motions passed, was one instructing Mr. Wellwood to attend to culvert on B line, and Assessor W. S. King was granted $5 extra for postage. Robt. Blade laid the Auditors' re- port before the Board, and after being carefully examined it was adopted. By-law 'No. 5 was. amended by ad- ding the name of Mr. W. 8. Linklater, Sanitary inspector for current year. At 2 p.ni, Engineer's report of the .Bolt drain was laid before the Board. After some discussion it was adopted as read. The Clerk was then instruct- ed to have necessary by-law printed and mailed. A Court of Revision will be held March 3rd at 2 p,m. Poundkeepers, fenceviewers and pa,thmasters will be appointed at the next meeting. Any ratepayer wish- ing a change of any of these officers will please notify some member of the Council or the Clerk, on or before date of next meeting, Dept 4th, Sr 2nd, Jr section. t'otel 677 -M Reid 602, I Reid 560, Li Hoffman.. 517, A. Biaekhall 517, 3 Uteri 515, 0 Pecock 512, M RObeerson 536, J Linton 532, C Roberton 408, M Dalgleish 492, A Vickers 472, I Sim -- Inoue 470, V Hill 417, D Lynett 432, 0 S,apleton 428, I Day 424, M Walker 306, B Stevens 265. Dept 5, Jr 2nd, Sr class, total Ellacott 400, A Anderson 380. K Hutton 376, 0 Zurbrigg 372, D Fell370, M • Johns 360. 3 Vanstone 355, Lillian Etlacott 350, F Spai-ling 342, M Seli 832, D Perrie 330, H Allis 32(3, V Joynt 320, E Kew 319, S Hart 318, A Sturdy 310. B. ()ar- eal 290, H Wilsnn 230, N Morden 100, 0 Armour 160, G Boyd 96, Ard 95. Dept 5, Jr 2nd, Sr class, total 450 - Bell 405. R Willierns 352, N Board- man 341, R ()lark 330, N Shielle 325, A. Baird 320, 0 Kingston 312, A Gould 300, F Piper 200, 0 Henderf-on 280, G MeRitchie 273, S Holmes poo, W Angus 261, L Johnson 263, R McOreight 260, W Ellaeott 259, II Williams 242, V Forler 240, R Madi gen 210, E Wild 189, F Seli 160, G Weir 62. Dept 6, Sr class, total 450- M Cosens 441, S Harrison 430, A Irwin 419, M Clark 419, K Donaldson 417. M Vanstone 415, M Delia 414, Duncan 410, A Brown 409, M Red- mond 403, A Fergie 400, L Bell 391 L. Campbell 388, 0 Fixter 386 D Pullen 381, D Cloakey 370, D nye,. 369, 8 Robinson am, M Donnie 368, 0 Elinsoliffe 310, A Williams 288, 0 Ca'emore 140. Dept 6, Jr class, total 410-E Tear' for 406, 0 Mason 402, 0 Bisbee 395, Bower 381, M Pilon 380, V. Ams bury 379, E. Rogers 378, L Sanderson 331, F Pocock 319, 0 Lockman 288, 0 Simmons 286, A Carruth 281, 0 Boyce 279, 0 Dobie 278, E Gibson 260, M Angus 250, W Brooks 190 0 Cook 188, J Holes 165, H Aldington 143, J Mann 116, Dept 7. 4th claes, marks 800-D Th sir. as 615 L Z ari rigg 6..5, A Cloa,k,•a 6U5; R Brewe 595, 1 LIALLOU 570, J Johnston 565, 13 Bordman 530, F Oldington 515, 0 Oruillehenk 470, G "McTavish 465, V Bell 430, T Vicker 410, W Lockridge 395, R Holloway 350, .0 Jenkins 320, V Robinson 265, J Casemore-250. Dept 7, .3ed class, total 800-E Currie 725, E Riehardeon 670, B Joynt 665, D Lea,vie 505, K Cruikshank 430, [1 Aitcheson 425, 0 Comte 865, J Carr 350, 0 Pattersou 335, M Schaefer 315, D Haller 245, 0 Aide 180, W Sturdy 180, I1 Holloway 170, 0 Hardy 115, W Clark 110, J Cook 85. Dept 7, 2nd cla4s-V Robertson, Autton, 0 Donaldson, V Dennie,P Ellcorn, D Lloyd, P Bell, W Merlev 0 Showers, M Hill, A Williamson, Simmons, T Stricker, E Forgie, E Lynet, B jarvi' s 0 Tennant, M Ten- ) nant, M Pelle% T Saint, -0-1111100111040 400•• • • 111•00111 •446110.0.414.••• .441 ; 44411: • 4•40: UN TO WASH it:: 204104144110,004100040044: . • *** • to • • • 40. • so 4 04 higiso • 111•01.010.116•01.00.00000Wro, sftee.....•0000000000• Ili Slaw 1111••• Je • • • a • *****• • 14 • eAk-s • 411000410.41•••••••••••••""a ***tatnea•ssesessossessonai••411.„ • • • • • • • woe 4se.* • **•41041- • ontespanniost ersiessern nee* 45. 4••••••••••••••••••es•e0.0 Asa,* 0, • a • ea ai 4 4 • 4 a 0401 6.110•••••6110•001000040 aiw. 111010***410000000419111400.41gri ••••••0••••••koe4••••••.: 41), titAllia*PdeetAileireirWoltes. 0 • a...we-4 44.4 tar •4411*•4111L410 6.111010•4110 • • 640•111•• 411.."• _o•sfonasso**.**••••ass.w• ea, 'a to • vs vs sv 11„411 40saiessinsslassoo***ensassOre alioissaonntosessaa•sa****** • • Oit, al et a 0 a do • • • 4_1 0010411410•411040111.41,1600-01.4141.4:11, dociosseser****•erestis!tet 4,.. ••• ••• Art 4P4 • „... **a 0:0 40#4 410 0: 4 • 4 ...T 00 16;11 6: FEBRUARY 0 CONTEST FUN Ai TO WASH. Washing Powder $200.00 IN CASH AND PRIZES First Prize $1O. in Cash. Second Prize $5. in Cash. Third Prize $3. in Cash. Next Five Prizes each $2. in Cash. Next Twenty Five Prizes each $1. in Cash and ONE THOUSAND PRIZES IN NEW AND USEFUL KITCHEN UTENSILS Izse even as follower - 100 PRIZES to the 1st leo correct answers received by us on Wed., Feb. 5th, 100 PRIZES to the xst wcreorrect answers received by us on Wed., Peb.12th. 100 PRIZES to the nit too correct answers received by us on Wed., Feb. 19111. • Send in as many replies as you like but all answers must reach ue by three O'clock on Saturday, Ndtecli 1st. All the replies will be thoroughly shaken together and the first thirty three correct replies will receive the cash prizes in the order drawn and the next Seven Hundred will each receive a useful Kitchen 'Utensil. 1033 Prizes. Answer Today. You know how good Fun -To -Wash is? The prizes are awarded err Lite same strictly botiorebly methodmployed in the nuxnua facture of FunsTo-Wash. The Only Conditions. with each reply mut be enclosed one "illitintny Heed" cut from n sc. ot roc. pacitage of Furi.Te-Wesh Washing Powder, and not more than one An‘wer to be tricio4eci in each envelope. Eat+ contestnet receiving ft utensil prize during the month must send in another answer to entitle them to compete in the February testi prizes drawn on March xst. Ile careful to oddness Lontest Deportment. STANDISH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. 11 Coltorne Street Toronto. e.01041410111110111101111e sis, - Aecopuanaste, sdto the amount. of $77 75 were Council then adjourned to meet. March 3t'd at 10 a in -P. Powell, Clerk, Beigrave. Mrs, G, G Henderson and daughter, of Fernie, B O., have been visiting at J. A. Brandon's and other friends. The social of the Woman's Insti- tutq was postponed on account of the storm until Feb. 21st, when a good programme awaits those who come. Mrs. Bobier and family will leave on Wednesday of this week for Guelph, where Mr. Bohier has been appointed by the G. T. R. The family will be very much naiseed in Belgrave, especi- aily in Trinity Church. Mr. Bobier was President of the A. Y. P. A. eire. Bobier was a member of the Ladies Guild, and a teacher in the 8, S. They eook an active part in all church work. One day recently, the teachers and officera and her chisel in the Sunday School, presented Mrs, Bobier with an address expressing their profound appreciaticin of her good work, their sincere regret at their departure and hearty good wish- es for their future welfare. The ad- dress was accompadied with a hand- some brass card tray, and was signed by her class, Mabel Ferguson, Annie Brydge, Greta Armstrong and Jose- phine Johnson. • Morris. Bert. Cote, who has been spending a few week's vacation at his hutue, 6th line, received a telegram on Fria day last from the supwrintendent of rue Central Light and Power station, Regina, Sitek , that he had been pro- moted to Chief Eogineer so he left on Wednesday moeteing and will begin his new duties on Feb. 15:..h. Report of S. S. No. 8, Morris, for January. Sr. 4th-Arith,, Geog., Gram , Spell. Total 400, `pass 240.- 0. Johnston 303, j Bosman 281, L. Purvey 263, G. Agar 242 Jr. 4th- Arith., Liter., Geog., Spell. Total 400, pees 240. L Brewer 310, 3 Mc- Michael 280, °L. Souch 165. Jr. 3rd - Total 300, pass 150, L Turvey 225, G, Brewer 211, E Sellers 207, S Mc- Michael 132, 0 Scuola 124 Sr. 2nd - Total 500, pass 225, E Warwick 378. 0, Mustard 325, C Sough 310, 0 B ,ernan 276. Jr. 2nd (Int.) -Total 400, ass 200.-G Fell 315, E Garnist, 286, F. Garniss 201, H. Garnies 80 Jr 2nd - E Poebee 413, E iLleMiehael 392, 'A. Gallsgher 101, *I Gallagher 86 Pt. 1st' Sr. -A Johneten 301, 3. Turvey 286Prlst Jr -F Brewer 162, M Warwick 113. Prime] -B Soucn 151, W Sellere 117, L Oarnies, 69 Aver age attendance 27. - I B Frain, teacher. East Wawanosh. School report of S. 5 No 8, East Wawanosb ; in order showing the standing of the pupils in the diffecent classes. Sr. 4.h-Glacie Scott, Gert- rude Bone, Robe Swint, May Bone, Laura, Bone, James Gibbons. Sr. 3rd Francis Gibbons. Jr. 3rd - Gladys. Stapleton. Sr. 2nd -Alberta Staple- ton, May Menzie, Olarence Page. Jr. 2nd -Violet Pearen, Annie Page, gary Bolt, Annie Mentle, James Page, Willie Bolt. St'. Pt, 2nd - Agnes Gibbon, Eihel Page, May Mc- Intosh. Jr. Pc. 2ud-Myrtle Henry, Alex. Menzie, LtilVia Bone, je.,Pr.,, lst -Ruth M nzie, Eveline Gibbons, tile, Page. -John Morritt, teacher. Report of S. 8 No. 1, East Wavee osh for January, Sr. 4th-44ailde Is•edale 83 per cent., Lena OhAinney (17 Jr. 143 -Irene Belie 60, Eva Hoyle 03, Hilt* J04.11)014 53 St. 8 (l- amas. R loineoti 69, JPph Fltitt'Orl 58, Sr. 2nd.- Meiville Beecroft. 88, viery noleon 77, Lyle Jarnee 78, Mary Boyle 60 Jr 2ed-tharence (mama 'toy 48, Charlie Robineors 45 Jr. Wilfred Robinsoe 82 reinter, Cecil Ohaneney 55.-1. II. A. Taylor, 4eacher, St. Helens. Mr John Johnston of Stanley visited friends around here last week. Rev, Jae. Nilson of Toronto visited at his old home on the 3th con, last week, Mrs. 3as. Hyde visited friende •at Oatgill for a few days lately. Mr, Alex. Agar of Belfast, was at Fordyce on Tuesday on hush:Seas. Don't forget the Literary debate on Friday, Pleb. 14th, Mrs. Wm. Woods him; been visiting her daughter, Mem Jae. Irwin, for the last Week or two. HOW AN INDIANA GIRL Got Strong and Well Again at Small Cost, Miss Alta Abel, of West Baden, Ind., says; "I was A complete wreck, al» ways tired, wornout and. nervous. I had to spend about one-third of my time in bed and my life was not worth. living. Vinol, your delicious cod liver and iron tonic, was recommended, and it has done me more good. than all the medicine I ever took in ray life, That nervous and tired feeling is all gone, I have gained in health, flesh and strength, until I feel like another per. sou." Vinol is the most efficient strength» creator for such women, It is the medicinal elements of the cods' livers contained in Vinol, aided by the blood - making and strengthening properties of tonic iron, which makes it so far superior to all other tonics to build up health and strength for weak, tired, ailing women. It contains no Oil and has a delicious taste. We give back your money if Vinol does not do all that we claim. J; W. Mollibbon, Druggist, Wingham. Uorrle. Mr. Mathew Sharpin of Owen Sound is visiting friends in town. Two ears of cattle and also two cars of hogU were shipped from here on Monday. Mrs. Skilling of Teeswater it visit- ing her daughter, Miss Maud Skilling, for a few days, Mr. Ed. Lambkin is haiing a sale of stock, impleruente, etc., shortly. Mr. Lambkin intends moving into Corrie to live and will occupy Mr. Harnmond's house. The Presbyterians are going to celebrate St. Valentine's evening by having an old time tea meeting. Tbey intend serving a hot suppal- after which a good program will be render- ed. A number from town attended he Scotch concert in Wroxeter on Friday evening, given by the 8taaffer-Ooutts -Bain Co. in aid of the Uublic Library. All pronounced it one of the beet ever beard in this part of the country. The amoral meeting of the Public Library Beard was held best week; all the old board of managers were re- eleesed with Rev, Mr. Kinder ae President. The Gamete people have a first Oasis library and it is to he re- gretted that more do not avail them selves of the opportunity to read a good class of books for their own benefit, and also help to support so worthy an object in their town. ARE YOU GOING .WEST ? The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Win- nipeg, Saskatoon, Evmonton. rabt trains leave Winnipeg at: 6.00 p.m. Daily 8.45 a.m. Daily Except Sunday -FOR- Portage la Prairie Rivers Melville Pegina Watrous Saskatoon Tofietd Cam fones Wainwright Edmonton Ask nearest Grand Trunk Agent for full information, Literature, oto., or write A. Duff, D.P.A., , Toronto, Ont. II. B. Elliott, Town Passenger & Ticket Agent; phone 4. W. Burgman, Station t Ticket .Agent; phone 71. Smooth Roadbed Electric lighted sleeping cars. Superb dining ear bervico. PURE BRED HEREFORDS. ••••••••=mmomml... Oleatview Farm is offering for sale four young Bulls, and a number of females of all ages. These will be sold at bargain prices, to make room for natural increase. H. T. PERDUE, 23- Wingham P:O. North Huron Phone -line 613, ring 12. FARM 11 ELP. During the coming season I will be in a position to supply experienced and iuexperienced form laborers from rural districts of British Isles A party of twenty to arrive first week in March. WM. MoQUILKIN, 24- St. Helens P.01, Ont. Phone -N Heron connection. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make you a now man. Price 53 a box, or two for VS. Mailed to any address. Tho Scohell Drug Co:, et. enitlialixtb5. Ont. MID eagellinatellie I SEED 1 OATS 1 Wt' have in stock a quantity of ehoiee Strolifi Oats for quick E•41.fle at 60 cts. per but, 'These arcs f,Xtra, fine sample of bright heavy Oata weighing about 40 lbs. per btiehel and have bad no rain. Now is the time for you to secure your seed and we can shoW you something rally good in this line. Also Alsike, Tinnothyt Red Clover) Alfalfa and Barley. IJ. L AWDE1 011.01010101101010110100111010111000110001001100011 Ja THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 131 1913 Farm For Sale. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••AAWA South half of lot 35, con. 0, Blot Wawanokh ; 100 acres, 2i miles from Heigrave, mile from school and post. °Moe; weil»watered, comf or t a hie house, frame barn ad straw -shed, with stone stabling under both. FOP Kiale at a bargain. For hither para. Polars apply on the pretnieee, 0 E*4AIAS PIC ARON. Maximo) P. 0 MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 14th March, 1918, for the conveyance of HIE Majesty'e Mails on a proposed Con tart for four years twelve times per ewer wey and one colleotion on Sundays if Required, b .tween Wingham and Street Letter Boxes, from the Post- master General's Pleasure. Printed no- tices containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the'Post Office of Wing - ham. O. 0. ANDERSON Superintendent. Post Offiee Department, Mail Service Branoh, Ottawa, 21th January, 1918. MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 14th Mareh,1913, for the conveyance of His Mojeety's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week, over Rural Mail Route No. 1 from Ripley, Ontario, to commence at the pleasure of the Postmaster General, Printed noti- ces containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Ripley, Lochalsh. Verdun, Plover Valley, and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at London. 0, ANDERSON Super';nteudent. Post Office Department, Mail Service Branoh, Ottawa, 18th &misery, 1913. = GET YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW have a large fresh ,stoek of the best and latest goods, which are sure to please. Suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed, f. C. WHITE MAXWELL'S OLD STAND. Phone 227, OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON. s CHRISTIE'S GROCERY rliowt 59 LAKE HERRING BY DOZEN OR BARREL Like everything els., Herring are graded and packed accordingly. We,, can confidently recommend the kind we are selling as No. 1 quality. TRY THEM .;•••••••• •11,1••••••••111,11••••••••••••••••••• • 1•Il 1 1.1111,1 0. 4111133:3Er3119 1E P. OM OOP tiefi f& ; 0 0 0 WATCH I.R P.R THIS . . . SPACE . . . . . . in in . . . 1.6 N EXT et te * OS 6ts es * 4 tt' 4 oit 0 WEEK in . 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 MARSHALL'S ! . . . . 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Store t 1044140 $9011:0009”913Waita 1 117-7 1777777 , 0119 fM614•011411.••ti,1013, ANOTHER SHOE SALE FOR MEN. It was not our intention, but COLD AND STORMY WEATHER prevented last week's sale from being the success it would have been. WE HAVE 52 PAIRS MEN'S 11101 GRADE SHOES Regular $4.00 and $5.00 lines which must be cleared from our shelves at once. These we offer on SATURDAY NIGHT AT EIGHT O'CLOCK PRECISELY FOR $1.97 PER PAIR One Shoe of each pair shown in south window. Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE 7.00esel, FOR .s/f0z., LADIES Up-to-date Men's Furnishings Fop the Up-to-date Man. LET US SELL YOU YOUR NEW SPRING HOBBERLIN SUIT. Recognized to be the best and most up-to-date tailoring concern for good dressers. Prices $22.00, $25.00 and $30.00. FITWELL HATS Are known to give best satisfaction for the money in soft and stiff Hats, in all the newest shapes for Spring wear. Easy fitting. Price $2.50. W. G. 8' R. SHIRTS For quiet dresser, in best Washing patterns, in Prints, English Zephyrs and fine Oxfords, in all sizes 14 to 18. W. G. 8' R. COLLARS All the newest shapes for young men's trade ; the best fitting Collar in Canada. Ask ,to see the Derby, the close fitting Collar. Any shape ; price, 2 for 25 cts. NIGHT ROBES AND PYJAMAS W. G. & 'R. make, in all sizes, in flannelettes, cottons and silkenes. :Prices $1.25 to $3.00. See our North window for Ladies' New Spring Goods, also Fancy Gloves and Trimmings. SEE OUR SOUTH WINDOW FOR MEN'S OVERMT SALE Regular $10.00 and $12.00 Overcoat>""* --- FOR $6.88 , I I ALL KINDS OF TRADE VVANTED HANNA & CO. '.I.)IIONV 1 ,.