HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-02-13, Page 5.44 THURSDAY, E131 U, 1 Y 13, 1913. McGee & Campbell GOING OUTOF. USIN SS The iest ues offered ye_ in as pines of den's and Boys' dear. Prises -° e11 wort oking 1 to. 'PFS T, �� Y `.. ts. 02 We still have a, good assortment of Men's and Boys' Tweed Overcoats. Thee must be clear. d out at ontie. . They are made from the best qualitics of Tweeds, ii.i the IAN 0 -‘Nay collar styles, some with belted ba(aks and others without. We have quoted some prices on Men's Overcoats below that should clear out every Coat in a few days. Don't wait, $20.00 Coats to clear at $15.25 18.50 66 14.25 15.00 itit 1 1.50 12.50 it 9.00 10.00 ti 7.50 ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE TrAID AT ONCE. Mesisioluilatentaisessameassomase Inisismossimeasamelarealemaisal McGee & Cay Abell V +a,, O d `fx. .R S I t NAE„ swr ruitAttrint •f* • TRE WING.TIAN ADV,A,110B • THE DOMINION BANK Proceedings of The Forty-Sirond Annual Goneral Meeting of the Shareholders '11-114 E FORTY+SECOND ANNUAL G1 N ItAZ4 MEETING OF TUE DO, MINION 1.3ANIC was held at the Banking ?-louse of the Institution, Toronto, on Wednesday, 29th January, 1918. There was a large number of shareholderspreeent, It was moved by A. W. Austin, seeontled by E. W. Namber, that Sir Edmund 13. Osler, M.P., do take the chatr, and that Mr, C. A. Begert do not as Secretary. 1 Messrs. A. R. 13oswell, K,C,, and W. Gibson Oasseis were appointed; scrutineers.The Secretary Read the Repert of the Directors to the Shareholders, and submitted the Annual Statement of the affairs of the Bank, which is as follows :---� TO the Shareholders ; The Directors beg to submit the Forty-second Annual P,eport of the affairs of the Bank, and the result of its operations for the twelve months ended 31st December, 1912, which they feel will be received with satisfac- tion by the Shareholdears ; - Balance of Profit and Loss Account, 80th December, 1911, , , . 4$ 5°0,1" 10 Net profits for the year, after deducting all charges and making full provision for bad and doubtful debts , . , , , , . , , . 901,529 44 Premium received on new Capital Stock. . 207,200 63 Making a total of , . ... $1,698,846 17 Which has been disposed of as follows Dividends (quarterly) at Twelve per cent. per Bonus, Two Two per cent 100,000 00 4-, an - $588,6$6 68 Total distribution to Shareholders of per cent for the year Contribution to officers' Pension Fund... Transferred to Reserve Fund -Premium Stock . . • . . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Fourteen ,.,.,..,,$6$8,536 53 25,000 00 on New 0,40,.,6, 297,200 63 1,010,787 16 Palance of Profit and Loss carried forward $ 688,109 01 RESERVE FUND. Balance at credit of account 30th December, 1911 $6,702,799 37 vansferred from Profit and Loss Account ,297,200 63 86,000,000 00 There has been a further gratifying increase in the business of the Bank, as evidenced by the figures in the Statement' presented. The prosperity of the country and the consequent demand for banking accommodation permit- ted the employment of its funds to unusual advantage throughout the year, resulting in earnings sumelent to enable the Directors to distribute a bonus of 2 per cent. in addition to the usual dividend of 12 per cent. To meet the general expansion of business in Canada, in which this Bank continues to participate, your Directors decided to issue to the Shareholders of record of the 15th of February, 1913, a further $1,000,000 of new Capital Stock, at a premium of 100. This issue is a part of the $5,000,000 of new stock authorized by the Shareholders at the Annual Meeting of the 26th January, 1910, and duly , approved by the Treasury Board at Ottawa. Particulars of this allotment will be given forthwith to the Shareholders by circular. When payment of this issue has been made in full the paid-up Capital of the Bank will amount to $6,000,000, and of the -total Authorized Capital of $10,000,000 there will remain unissued $4,000,000. Owing to the growing importance of the Bank's business the Directors considered it advisable to recommend an increase ;in their number from nine to eleven, and a by-law will be submitted to you covering this change. You will also be asked to give your sanction to a by-law increasing the remuneration of the Directors, made necessary by these additions to the Board. In connection with Bank Premises the year just closed was one of unusual importance, several transactions of great moment having been brought to ..completion. You were informed at the annual meeting in 1911 of the purchase of the property on the Northeast corner of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto, for the purposes of Head Office premises, as your directors were at that time unable to acquire sufficient land immediately adjoining the present site. Last year, however, they succeeded in purchasing the property directly south of that now occupied, and extending to Melinda Street. A sale of the northeast corner was subsequently effected at a satisfactory price. Plans have been prepared, and it is the intention to begin active opera - time at an early date for the erection of a building that should meet the Bank's requirements for many years to come. Necessary outlays have been made for improvements to several offices already established, for new Branches opened, and for the purchase of the premises which the Bank has for many years occupied at the corner of Queen and Sherbourne Streets, Toronto, and at Oshawa, Out, Sites were also secured at West Toronto, Edmonton South (formerly Strathcona), Elmwood (Winnipeg), and additional property was acquired adjoining our Windsor, Ont., Branch.. Branches of the Bank were opened in 1912 as follows ;-In. Ontario --- Dupont and Christie Streets, Roncesvalies and High Park Avenues, Dufferin Street and Lappin Avenue, Dufferin Street and St. Clair Avenue, Toronto ; By -Ward Market Branch, Ottawa ; and Port Arthur. In the Western. Provinces -Swift Current, Moose Jaw (South Hill Branch), Saskatchewan ; Edmonton (First Street Branch), Calgary (River- side Branch), Alberta ; North Vancouver, British Columbia. New Dundee and Malton, Ont., and Weavota, Sask., Branches were closed In 1912. Every Branch of the Bank has been Inspected during, the year by Head Office officials, specially qualified for such duties, and, as is cu'tomary, the Balance Sheet of the 31st December, 1912, including the Cash Assets and Investments of the Institution, has been verified by a Committee of your Directors. E. 3. OSLBIR, Toronto, 29th January, 19'13. President. The Report was adopted. A by-law was passed authorising an increase In the nurnber of Directors from nine to eleven. The thanks of the Shareholders were tendered to the President, Vice- Presidcnt and Directors for their services during the year, and to the General Manager and other Officers of the Bank for the efficient performance of their respective duties. The following gentlemen were duly elected Directors for the ensuing yer :-Messrs. A. W. Austin, W. R. Brock, James Carruthers, R. J. Christie, J. C. Eaton, J. J. Foy, ICC., M.L.A., E. W. Hamber, H. W. Hutchinson, W, D. Matthews, A. M. Nanton and Sir Edmund, B. Osler, M.P. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors Sir Edmund B. Osler, M.P., was elected President, and Mr. W. D. 'Matthews Vice -President for the ensuing term. GENERAL STATEMENT LIAttrui'I iEs. Notes in Circulation . , Deposits not bearing interest ; 9,564,669 61 Deposits bearing interest (including interest ac- crued to date) .. 49,777,866 86 Deposits made by and balances due to other Banks in Canada . Balances due to Banks in foreign countries.. , e Total Liabilities to the Public ... , ...... • . , Capital Stock paid up Reserve Fund $ Balance of Profits carried forward ... Dividend No. 121, payable 2nd January, 1913 . Bonus, two per cent., payable 2nd January, 1913 Former Dividends unclaimed Reserved for Rebate on tills Discounted, Exchange, etc. .,-,..................... ASSETS. Specie $ Dominion Government Demand Notes Notes of and Cheques on other Banks Balances due from other I3anks in Canada . , Balances due by Agents in the United Kingdom and Banks in foreign countries Provincial Government Securities .. , .. - . , .. Canadian Municipal Securities and British or Foreign or Colonial public Securities other than Canadian Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks Loans on call, secured by Stocks and Bonds , Bills Discounted and Advances Current .. Deposit with Dominion Government for Security Of Note Circulation , Overdue Debts (estimated loss provided for) heal Estate, other than Bank Premises . , Mortgages on Real Estate sold . Baths rremises .. .......................... Acceptances of Credit Toronto, 6,000,000 688,109 149,092 100,00000 192,324 00 01 50 00 36 78 1,563,011 28 7,514,872 50 4,402,526 88 440,021 20 2,043,299 15,963,731 18 437,274 32 607,677 6,193,081 6,040,075 46,415,841 231,420 115,961 5,010 978,167 2,236,439 • 09 56 93 29 57 $5,256,368 00 59,342,436 47 511,504 99 1,984,196 15 $67,094,505 61 5,000,000 00 00 07 63 67 37 7,130,174 65 $79,224,680 26 29,241,840 Ob 49,982,840 21 $79,224,680 26 CONTINGENT Is/ABILITIES, under Comtnereial Letters against Merchandise £174,789 10s. 8d. C. A, 33OGEP.T, General Manager, 81st 1ecetnber, 1912. rSTenoraphers, Bookkeepers, i Cashiers, Mee Asal;tterat, Commercial and Shorthand Teachers are in great do - mend if they graduate from, the ELLtOT ° /// TOX ONTO 0/17,„ Marty fanner studentq are now earning from $ 00 to $2000 a year. We deal in only the BEST KIND of Praetteel lt;ducetion. We use beat systems, employ bolt tescherii and produce the bust reeelte. Enter now. Catalogue free. W• d., £LLIO'i`r, PMtINoIr1A1„ Oor, *roams and Alexander Ohs; CENTRAL STTA•TI"OR!Z ON1'1 C, 'rile best practical training school in On- taritf. Thrco departments- C OMM1i t CXAi,, SIIORTIIAND and 1 LCGtIt.A.- PBY. All c0ur$e4 aro tee- Ill and practiaat Toitobear are est% •. sd and graduates aro placed in poets, `` We give individual attention and a.. ante may enter at any time. Write t our free catalogue at once. D. A. McX. &CUL M ,, Prissiest 1 P OPERATION FOR PILES FAILED. ZamMBuk Was Then - Tried And Work. ed A cure. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• \siting from Poplar, B. C., Mrs. 0. Hanson, wife of the proprietor of he Commercial .Hotel, says ;-"1 euf- teared for years with bleeding piles. The pain was so bad at tines that I could hardly walk, and ordinary re- rned;es seemed utterly unable to give me any ease, Finally T decided to undergo an operation, and went to the peered Heart Hospital in Spokane. There they performed an operation and did all they could for me. For a time I was certainly better, but with- in 12 months the trouble started again and the piles became as painful as ever, I tried liniments, hot poultices, various 'pile cures,' and indeed every- thing I could think would be likely to do any good, but still T continued to suffer, and the shooting, burning, ingiog pains, the dull, aching and wretched worn-out feeling that the 1isease causes continued as bad as. ever, "One day I read about Zana -Bak and thought I would try it, The first one or two boxes gave me more ease than anything else I bad tried, so I went on with the treatment. In a short time t began to feel altogether different and better, and I saw that Zaan-Buk was going to cure me. Well, I went on using it, and by the time T had used six boxes T was delighted to find myself entirely cured. That was three years ago, and from then to the present time there bas been no return +,f the trouble trouble." Zama -Bak is a sure cure for piles, eczema, ulcers, abscesses, cold sores, chapped hands, varicose sores, burns, .t:a1di, bruises, inflamed patches, and all skin injuries and diseases. Drug- gists and stores everywhere, 50e box. or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price, Refuse harmful substitutes. About Punctuation. "Close" punctuation which consists in inserting the points frequently, has apparently gone out in the daily .4riss, for in a New York city news- paper the other day a sentence of 100 words ,was noticed which carried no punctuation mark except at the end. How different this from the t3 p : - graph'ca1 style in the time of Rufus Choate, whose tribute to Daniel Web- ster, in a single sentence of over 1,000 words carried nearly as many com- mas, semicolons and dashes. --Every ten days since New a hank president has been sent from Brooklyn by supreme Justice Crane. Year's to jsit Cour t ,n Success. ,Success, my boy ie the aint of all, But to live that joy to the full, You want to get there Tbrougia the door marked I'US[ And nob through the door maritFf BULL. Coming Through The Rye. Probably very few persons under- stood the expression "Cowin' Through the Rye." There is in Scotland a email stream called the Rye. The girls ferci- ed it going to church, school and to market, and as the. water Was a foot or two deep they had to hold their skirts up. The boys would meet thein in raid -stream and kiss them without any difficulty, as the girls couldn't drop their skirts to make any re- sistance. That's what the poet insane when he wrote "Conoin' Thro' the Rye," but most people think he meant a field of rye,. Cure Por Rheumatism, A coal miner, whose fingers were drawn completely out of shape by chronic rheumatism, and whose limbs had becotne so stiff that he could 4Wcarcely wale, introduced into his dietary the eating of an onion every morning with his breakfast. After following this regime faithfully for several weeks, he began to improve. Greatly encouraged, he continued to use the onions quite freely, with the result that he was eventually entirely cured. The raw onions, acting as a blood purifier, had gradually eliminat-1 ed the rheumatic poisons from the subject's system, HOW OLD ARE YOU BY YOUR HAIR. You may be 30 in years, but if you are baldheaded or gray, you cannot prevent people from thinking you are years older. Dandruff is the root of all hair evils. - If it were not for the little destructive germs working with a persistency worthy of a better cause there would be no baldness. _ PARISIAN Sage, Canada's greatest = = hair restorer, will-• keep you looking young and attractive. It ie guaranteed by J. W. McRib- bon to make hair grow and stop fall - ing Bair; to cure dandruff in two I weeks ; to stop itching of the scalp I almost instantly.PARISIAN Sage is the most invig- orating, satisfying, and pleasant hair .1 dressing made ; it makes .the hair eofr, luxuriant and handsome ; it is especial- 3 t ly praised by women who love beauti- I ful hair, 50 cents a bottle. 4 1 9 L�ss-Proof--- '7OMEN are fast learn- ing the advantages of Express Money Orders in sending money through the in a i l s. An Express Order is easy to obtain, simple to understand, and always safe. There is no need to register letters containing Express Money Orders. They are loss - proof. All pro- gressive stores and merchants prefer to receive remittances in this way -if an order goes astray in the mails the money is promptly refunded or a new order issued free of charge. Both sender and receiver are fully protected by using D inion xpr' Every railway station ha* An Express Office tubera "Orders" niay be obtained; and in almost every town t h ere are branch Offices located In t h e r.sidential districts. one riers andForegncneques RATES 85 and unset . . 3 cts, Over 11 5to510 . . 6 "' " 10 " 30 . l0 " 30"50 , 15" " 50 at same rates; 1Rews 'items -The farmer who raises objections sure of a large crop. -As a result of largely signed petitions having been presented to Stephen Township Council asking that licenses in Dashwood, Crediton, Cen- tralia, and Grand,Bend be cut off, it is expected that this will be done. -Paris Town Council, by a vote of 5 to 4, decided not to entertain the petition of 201 ratepayers asking for tare repeal of the liquor license by-law, which, limits the number of hotel licenses to four. --It hag been discovered that in then Municipality of Eitntra, Waterloo aeunty, that in the 28 years since it has been incorporated there has never 'leen any on in arrears for takes, -The campaign of the London i .u• inane Society received much encour- agement on Thursday vehen three - men who so ctaelly beat a horn, last summer that it died, and who were trot apprehended until .a few days ago, were given I enalties of both tunes and inapt isonnnent, 1tnerson Brooke paving $57 and being sent- e;need to five days, Anil Hedley Femur i ted 3obn Bragg each paying $36 and being sentenced to twenty flays. -�.... _: A .i :; 1 25Per Cent. Off All Men's Suitsand Overcoats. During the month of February we will give 25 per cent. off all Men's Suits and Overcoats of all kinds, including Coon, Corean Beaver, Dog, Calf, Astrican Lined, °F'ur Collars, &c. We do not wish to carry over any of these Coats and will give real barkains in same. Following our Two Week Sale we find a lot of remnants in Prints, Ginghams, Dress Goods, &c.,which will be cleared out at bargain prices. Also a few doz. cans of Peas to clear at I.Oc can. Seeded Raisins, 3 packages 25c. Sultana Raisins, 3 lbs. 25c. kinds Produce wanted --Butter, Eggs, White Beans. 1 il is (Successor to T. A. MILLS) � v WNOHAM- » Lemeawasatala, -• .,,I00`••-•-,n•"„t.l.l,4.�11.d„IW4444„v. M it 11. Il. -I 1. 41.41. LAIL 44.:4rtiwL-'4r.iil..0-�-SL.*:Alimt •i444 1» 11 rsYllll Ji .Y .4. 1.4 1 A. .A 1 144 .44 l, 1, • .1 .7 .. Difficult Tasks, When a hard thing is to be done the natural inclination of most of us is to allow ourselves to think on the effort necessary to do it, instead of going ahead and doing it. And here we make one of the most common mis- takes in our lives. When one is con- fronted hy a severe task of duty which seems almost beyond one's powers, it is fatal to pause to consider its difficul- ties. Never mind how bard it may seem, nothing can he tolerated in the mind except the consideration of ways of accomplishing it. The secret of ac- complishment lies in the answer of the urchin NI, ha was asked if he thought he could get the wood -chuck for which he was energetically dig. ging: "Get him ? Why, man, I've got to get him ; the m&taister'e coming to dinner and there ain't no meat in the house 1" --After all, the fuel problem did not prove as serious as was feared. There has been no real famine, nor even a very serious scarcity, though the price h -ss been higher than usual. With the mild winter, the danger is now past. This is perhaps another illus- tration of the rales that many of the troubles we worry over the most, never overtake us, and we mar much of life by "crossing the bridge before we come to it," Try The Advance. For Sale Bills. For Church Reports, For Posters of all kinds. For Bill Heads,. Memos. For Note Heads, Letter Heads. For Job Work of All kinds. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY person who is the sole head of a family or any male over 18 years old may home stead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatohewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agenoy for the distrust. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father. moth- er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend - in homesteader. Duties. ---Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the laud in each of three years. A, homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-ompto quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties. -Must reside upon the homestead or pro-omption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty aorbs extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may,enter for a purchased honrested in certain districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties. --Must side six months in each of three years, culti- vate fifty acres and ereot a. house worth $300. W. W, CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this ad. vertisoment will not bo paid for. t9Jf /5 YOUR CIIANCE- / • 0 BRIGHTEN OUR TARNI$HED ONOR.-REPEAL SHE PANAMA CANAL ACT AND USE - L* CK KNIQj STOV POLi,. • 4* No mixing --ind dirty work -no dress when, you use the handy paste ill the big -calix• S'ort'ld Common Sense . ' v ce It makes work easy a few light rubs bring n brilliant, last. ing shine. Not affected by heat, 46