HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-02-13, Page 44 THE EARTH CRUST Its Density, its Thickness and the Pressure it Exerts, A BAR TO WORLD EXPLQSiON.. The Reasons Why This Old Planet of Ours, With All Its Pentup Fiery, Volcanic or Gaseous Forces at Work, Could Never Be Blown to Fragments, Some writers. have accounted for the nsterotds on the theory that they are the fragments of a world that from some unknown cause has been explod- ed in its orbit. Similarly, many have thought that perhaps at some distant time, when the seas shall have been drunk up into the cracked and thick- ened crust of the age shrunken earth and the volcanoes -those vents of the fiery interior --shall bare become chok- ed and extinct, the pentup gases gener- ated from the descending moisture by the stili great internal heat may ac- tually explode the old earth like a ,veritable bombshell. But that can never happen. In 1883 Krakatoa, a sleepy old vol. cane on a small island in the strait of Sunda, between Java and Sumatra, began to show marked signs of uneasi- ness. round the volcano the quaking earth opened enormous fissures in the bottom of the sea, down which rushed Niagaras of water. Then the fissures closed and confined the engulfed flood In the hot subterranean depths. The water was quickly converted into pteam, the steam into dissociated stases, without room for expansion. It exerted a pressure equal to that of the strongest dynamte. The great, chimney of Krakatoa, sealed since the memory of man, barred the normal path of escape. Higher and higher mounted the pres- sure under the bug mass of the vol- cano; then, of a sudden, came a blast that actually shook the earth. Never before in historic time had there been such a shock. The whole top of the old` mountain was blown into the sky. The recoil was distinctly felt clear through the terrestrial ball. '.Phis great cataclysm has been cited as an indication of the power of the pentup forces that may some day dis- rupt the earth itself. Let us examine the underlying principles that trust guide us in passing judgment on the correctness of this theory. An explosive compound is a combust- ible combined mechanically or chem- ically either with oxygen or with an oxidizing substance that will burn with- out the help of atmospheric oxygen. Among the most powerful high ex- plosives are nitrogeltttin and picric acid, each of which has n density more than one and a half times• that of water. The products of their combus- tion are nearly all gaseous, whereas the. products of the cornbustion.e1{'orii1nnry black guupolydar ;ire less than half gases 3. 'rhe larger part is the solid utter that makes the smoke. }The energy that a high explosive can exert depends on the volume of the uses liberated and the temperature to which the heat of the explosion can raise them. The exact temperature of the gases liberated by n high exlilosive at the in• 5tnnt of detonation is not absolutely known. btt.t may he approximately learned through chemical experiment. Nor is tiie amount or pressure known with absolute c'ertainty. It is probable, however, thnt nitroglycerin, nitrag;eln- tin and picric acid, when detonated in a confined space. exert n pressure soipe cohere between 000.000 and 500,000 hounds to the square inch. 1f we assuiue that the earth crust has a density five titres that of crater and that Its average thickness is fifty , miles, then it follows that it exerts a pressure or more than 500,000 pounds to the square tarn; it the crust is a hundred miles thick, then the pressure Is more than n million bounds to the square inch --a pressure certainly great- er than the expansive force exerted by the most powerful high explosive. Plainly, no quantity of high explosive detonated under the trust of the earth would be able to lift it, and consequent- ly we know that no world of the size of the earth can ever explode from its own pentup internal force's. If, then, no high explosive force is sufficient to blow up a world the size of the earth, how can worlds explode? There is only one way in which the heavenly bodies can become possessed of sufficient energy actually to blow up, and that is by collision. ° The stars are flying about In space with velocities that range all the way from five miles a second to 500 miles a second, If two celestial orbs, traveling each at a velocity of 200 miles a second, met in a head-on collision they would be fused and gasified by the impact, and the heat generated would be sufficient to break up the matter of boot into its ultimate elements and to expaitcl it Into nebulous haze. This is the way In which science says that new sans, new nebulae and new stars are bt rn.-iiud son Maxim in Youth's Companion. Sorry He Spoke. IIe�-1`d like to know ri'hat enjoy - Mont you can find in going from store to store looking at things yell haven't the least idea of buying. She --I know 1 can't buy thetn. but there is n sort of mt'laneloiy pleasure in thinking that I could have bought 1h'in If I hod nutr tied George Sends when Ihad the chance instead of taking you. itec'olIe tion is the only paradise from which we cannot be turned Out.-- Richter. ut- Rlchter. Send us ye5iur 11a3116 and address and we will forward to you free a map of THE CITY OF WINNIPEG and frill description of our very high olags sub division Rosewood C1'tscantt, with price list CRESCENT LANG CO. 11. X'. GItte111 , Sistaroarant. O9 e ttiturBldg., WINtil lsga, Main. G000 FARMS FOR SALE W. J. WIG TTS AN --Lot 2(, con. 4. West Wawauosh, 200 acres, brick house, large bank barn good as new, all other necessary buwldings, silo, good water, 25 noses hardwood bush, 4 miles from. .Auburn, rural telephone, Post Office, school and churches near at hand, Good reasons for selling F. W. STAOKROIJSE-East x lot 32 eon. 4, East Wawanosh; good botici- Ings, young orchard, two wells, gond farces, 10 sores hardwood bush, half mile from school and church and sixty rods from store and Post Office with daily mail, six and one-half miles from Blyth, Belgrave or Auburn, Owner going West. KNOX ESTATE -South lot 13, con 3, Morris, 100 acres, frame house and bank barn, two orchards, god fences, 0 acres fall wheat, 20 sores fall plowed. Will be sold cheap to wind up estate ROBERT MESSER---North half lots 47 and 48, Coe. 1, Morris, brick house bank barn and drive shed, conveni'-nt to schools, two miles from Bluevale on good gravel road. Owner wants to buy a larger farm. For further particulars regarding any of the above apply on the premises or to Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE C. P. R. TOWN TICKET AGENCY G. II. ROSS, D.D.S., L,D,S. Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OYER Ii. E. ISARD & CO'S. STORE ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office in Macdonald Block-- WINOHAM General Hospital. (Under GovernmeLb Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which inolude board and nursing). -.14.90 to $16.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion -Address MISS L. MAT LBEWS Superintendent), Box 223, Wingham, Ont. WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE " INS. CO. established ist , • Head Office - &•ii1LPH, ONT. .• Rtsiis taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. GEO. SLEEMAN, President. RITCHIE Agents. JOHN DAVIDSON Secretary. d'c COSENS, Wingham, Ont TRH T I N G, A M ,ADVANCE W. R. UAMBLY, BSc, M.D., O.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medtoiue. Office in the Kerr residenoe, be- tween the Qufen'e Hntt-1 and the Blptisst Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54,, P. Co. Box 118 DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFFxaas--Corner Patriok and Centre streets PZIoNES Of ces 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 161 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery, Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND MR, C. P. ug) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLCOK DR. F. H. COOK VETERINARY SURGEON SUCCESSOR TO DR WILSON DOGS AND SURGERY A SPECIALTY Residence and Office in Dr. McDonald's old residence on Centro Street, next to English Church. 'Phone 250. R. VANCTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates, WINGHAM. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. DUDLEY H OLMES Barrister,, Solicitor, etc, Office: Meyer Block, Wingham. J. A, MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN, Office :-Morton Block, Wingham KING ;ROS. FEBRUARY BARGAINS ...ON ALL... WINTER ERCHANDISE For Men Wool Underwear Flet ce Lined Underwear Heavy Socks Sweater Coats Leather Mitts Woollen Mitts Cloth Overcoats Fur Coats Fur Lined Coats Winter Suits For Women Ladies' Cloth Coats Ladies' Fur Lined Coats Winter Gloves Shawls and Wrapps Sweater Coats Dress Goods Underwear Hosiery Fur Sets and Odd Muffs and Stoles For Boys and Girls Winter Goats Winter Suits Sweater Coats Mufflers and Gloves Mitts • and Gloves Hosiery and Underwear Boots and Rubbers Knickers If you need any of the ,pbove ineiitioned come in and.• -see what we can do for you. KING PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 71 sgalesstagammatimitatagetwitamm THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 19.1,E g Clean Up Sale The biggest Yet Our Big Stock Reducing Sale will be continued tip to February 15th. Don't forget the date. Tell your neighbors about it, Thousands of dollars worth of good sea- sonable goods to be sold during the next fifteen days. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. Big Bargains in Dress Goods --Tweed, Broadcloth, Serge, Mohair, Henrietta, Armure, Lustre ; newest styles in plain, plaid and stripe. 25 per cent. less than regular prices. Big Sale of Fancy Silks.=$1.00 Fancy Silk for 75c ; 75c Fancy Silk for only 54c ; 65c Fancy Silk for only 48c ; 5oc Fancy Silk for only 35c. - Carpet Bargains...$t.Io Carpet for 79c ; 9oc for 68c ; 8oc for 6oc ; 65c for 45c ; 5oc for 37c. Stair Carpet, Linoleum, Floor Oilcloth all at reduced prices. Corset Sale.=_$1.5o Corsets for $i.15 ; $1.25 Corsets for 95c ; $ i .00 Corsets for 69c ; 75c Corsets for 58c ; 75c Corsets for 54c ; 5oc Corsets for 38c. Underwear Bargains ..For men, boys, women, girls and infants. $4 5o Ladies' Silk Waists for $3 38 ; $3 5o Silk Waists for $2.63. • Damask Curtains...Regular $4.5o for $3.38 $3.5o for $2 63 ; $6.5o for $4.88. • Ladies' Hand Bags, new ' style, black, green, gray, brown, regular $1.25 for 84c. 1 Big Bargains in Ladies' and Misses' Wool Hose-5oc Hose for 39c ; 45c Hose for 35c ; 40c Hose for pc ; 25c Hose for 20C. Men's Lined Gloves --$1.25 for 95c ; $l.00 for 75c ; 75c for 55c. Women's Lined Gloves-5oc for 38c ; 35c for 27c ; 25c for 19c. Herring in Tomato Sauce, regular ioc tin now 4 for 25c ; Seeded Raisins 3 pks. 25c ; Sultana Raisins, i lb. pks., 3 for 25c ; I lb. pks. New Dates, 3 for 25c ; Eddy's Matches, 3 boxes 25 ; Evaporated Peaches, 2 pks. 25c. TAKE NOTICE.= A11 accounts must be 'settled at once. WANTED. --Potatoes,. Butter, Eggs, Table Turnips, Beans, Seed Onions, Seed Beans, fie. iZYJI 4iiYt.°��i�"rtiii�5wiii�iroi�i ••'•°'� "" iUILY.IIdilil,uiILi111ii iiiiiamirnaMME a «. c ,oMAW a as autty2kanour c, mt. oOnaia 7a.. Taut p n a alt ,. al taalu OO 7 00 u > pont) OUt7UUV 1.917 OGfICTCHlOQc1�SSa7w� l ®ri n '3 }?` �=:.1? W C4 sem. �1 3 :tattOaualK.atMltm:mlottutRaptitulu cW.ei milg)< • e c.0 uontro,me m,ttmt. Ycr. aiata80 ., pair,i <ur'<iY1t rooexlcr <xmc Mo,.tl0 aeti -48/0 (14 Mr() re, UqRb a eIt.CL<sV • SALE EGINS SATUR.4AY, FE ° . 8th AND POSIZ'IVELX ENDS SATURDAY, FEB. 22nd Grocery Bargains. 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar $100 Fresh Dates per lb. .07 3 pkgs. Raisins for .25 10c Bottle Extract .08 Rbyal Yeast Cakes .03 Corn Search per pkge ... ..... .08 35o Black or Green Tea...,...... .25 2 Cans Fresh Salmon . .... . .. . . . . . .28 Large. Bar Soap . ... ....... ....... .... ...... ...Y,,. .. .10 Laundry Starch .......... dd .08 85c Japan Tea .25 3 lbs. Cleaned 'Currants .25 Sardines per tin .05 Kippered Herring.,.,...,..... ............... . .10 A 5 string Broom Herring..... ... , .... .. .35 7 Bars Soap for ........................ 1............ .25 r Hosiery and Gloves. A special line of Heavy Horse to clear ..............$ .25 Fine quality Wool Hose, sale price .85 ad es' Kid Gloves at a bargain , . a , , . r .75 Long Kid Gloves (16 button) reg. $2. 50 for 1.95 Cut Prices in Furs. Mink Marmot Muffs to clear ... , . , , r . , ... , . , $ 3.50 Persian Lamb Muffs to clear ...... . .... . ... . .. . . . . . 15.00 Large .white Thibet Muff to clear.... , .. , .. . 2.50 Sable Muff's, Empire shape , .. , , ..... , t , ........ , .. Y t 14.50 German Mink Muff, bargain ... , ........ , .. . a 4 75 Opposum Stoles and Rtnffs.. Y . , .. .. , . • .. r , , ... t r 4 00 Alaska Sable Stoles, regular $20.00 for ... 15,00 Mink Marmot Stoles to clear, ,,,,.,Y.,,,......Y,..., 5.00 Wiea�tern Sable Stoles to clear ........... r . r r , r r . 7.05 lear Oafs on sale at 20 per cent. discount. Children's l'ur Sets at 20 per cant, discount, " Boots and Shoes. Large stock of the best makes of Boots and $hoes, Prices marked low for quirk seilting and reduo. Lion of stook. See our )3argain Boxes of Broken Lines at Clearing Prices. • Two weeks of big Money Saving Chances for all who attend this Clean Sweep Sale. Big Reductions on all Lines of Niei'chandise in order to sell Quick, Reduce our Large Stock and make room for Spring Goods. Reduced Prices in Fifteen Departments. It will be worth while buying largely for the future at the following Cut Prices. Only room to quote a few - prices here. • Come right in and see the stock. Bargains in Staples. Wide Striped Flannelettes, sale price .$ ,08 20 pieces Factory (7otton, 12io quality .10 One piece Heavy Table Linen .25 Heavy Cotton Sheeting, 30e value .25 One . pause Fine Table Linen (wide) .. , .48 Large F1snnelette Blankets, Lala price 1 25 e iloel Blankets, Pale price .... ........... . 3 95 Empire Twill Wrappereettes, 121c for .. .. .. _ , .10 Wide Table Linen (Irish Linen) $1 25 value 1.00 Table Napkins, large size, $L25 value- 1.00 Heavy Grey Flannelette, 12o quality .10 Corsets. Olean Sweep Sale of Corsets. See Bargain table of Broken Lines to clear at 69c, worth $1.00 and $1.25. Other regular lines at reduced prices. Big stock to choose, from. Underskirts. Black Taffeta Underskirrs, $1,25 value for $1.00 Regular $1.50 values, sale pride .. 1.25 i. 2 00 . i• 1.60q .. ...... . .. . ... • . .... f 2 00 ti 250 ii ti Lace Curtains. Our large stook must be reduced, 20 per oent dis- count daring this sale. Top Skirts. Ladies' Top Skirts, new styles, made of Fancy Tweed, Panamas, Voiles, LustrFs and Serges. 20 to 25 per cent. off regular priors. Ladies' Coats. 7.00 Goats t'.t clear at ...... ......... 8 00 " 10,00 12.00 15.00 it ii it li it li .....$ 5.00 ,,,..• 7.00 .r ........... 7.00 8.60 ,..... 11,60 Dress Goods. Our stock of Dress Goode is too large and must be reduced. Buy your now cult or dress now and save money. Big discount on all lines of Silks and Dress Goods. Prints. Crum's English Prints (fast colors) light or dark patterns, also wide Cotton Delanes, regular price 15o, clean sweep sale ....... ............... , IQC White Waists. Cleaning linos of Ladies' White Waists. `Values up 00 p Yv� to $2 each, on sale ... . .. . .... . ......... Carpets and Rugs. Big stock of Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths and Linoleums to clear at cut prices. NOTICE., -Your account is due. Please let us have settlement. We need the money. TERMS CE SALE. All goods not paid for at time of Sale, either in Cash or Produce .will bo charged at regular prices. No goods sent on approbation. Cut prices in fifteen departments. H. E. ISARD & -CO., WINGHAI MEN'S WEAR STORE. Plenty of room and best light for display of all kinds of Men's and Boys' Wear in our New Store. Why not make a good investment and buy Overcoats and Suits during this Sale at a saving of from 20 to 309,;. Men's ranoy Tweed Suits, reg. price $8.00 for $ 6.00 Men's Strong Overalls, to clear .59 Men's English Worsted Suits, reg. $15.00. sale price11.95 Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, $10,00 value for 7.90 Boys' 3 -piece Suits, value $5 and $6, sale price 3 90 Youths' Fancy Tweed Suits, value $8, sale price 5.93 Men's Heavy Pants, $1.75 and $2, sale price 1:29 Boys' Short Pants, to clear .50 Men's Fancy Stripe Pants, $2.50 and $3, sale price 1.93 Men's Heavy Overalls, dollar line for . , .. ..... Men's Heavy Overcoats, reg. $10, sale price.. 8 00 Men's Black Dress Overcoats, $12, sale price 9 50 Boys' Overcoats, to clear at ............. . ... . • 5.00 Men's Fur Coats. Men's Fur Collared Coats, sale prioe $15.00 Men's China Dog Skin Coat, $25, Sale price . 20.00 Mop's Blaok Calf Coats, with Dog Collars .... 22 50 Men's' Fur Lined Coate to clear at .. , . , ..... 25.00 Men's Alaska Beaver Coats, $25,--( �",..4 . ,,y4-.4 : t , ..... 20.00 Men's Wallaby Coats, to clear at 34.00 Gents' Furnishings. Five dozen Linen Collars, clean sweep ale. , . , . , , ... $ ,10 A lot of odd lines in Ties, to dear... . , . , , . ... .05 Men's Heavy Braces, 25o quality .., .. ........ . . x19 Men's Driving Gloves, reg 75o, clean sweep sale.50 Vivo doz. Men's Heavy Working Shirts, 75o line for,.50 gout doz. Men'a Knot Ties, 25o value for ..... , • ".15 Men's Print Shirts. to clear at , , ...., , ... , .59 Mens Fleece Unde7shirts and Drawers, sale . , , .... , .89 Boys' Fleece Undershirts and Drawers, sale A lot of Boys' Peak Caps to clear, reg. 50o for. , .20 Five doz. Men's Fur Band Caps, reg. 750, gale . , .89 Mon's Sweater Coats, elean sweep price..... a .. , , , , . , 1.00 Men's docks to clear at 2 path for .25 Menlo Pine Underwear, $1,25 quality fora,...... 1 ft0 Men's Lined Hid Gloves, reg. $1.25 pair for ... , .. , 1.00