HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-02-06, Page 5THURSDAY, :FEBRUARY 6, XIS McGee & Campbell 411•4,10100.00111 It LT ESIN K C othing and :den's furnishings being Cleared Our At Prices That Please The Pvrciaser , Men's Overcoats About 65 Meu's Overcoats to clear out, You can save, from .$2.00 ...to $5.00 on a Coat by.t purchasing it now. Buying eye -n for yriext,. -winter wear is a good yy ja-yestthent at the prices we are offering. • Boys' Overcoats About 18 Boys' Overcoats in stock yet. You get the_ sameirate of reduction on these that you get. on men's sizes. Why not • bay now ? Any 50c article in the store for 39c. ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID AT ONCE. :1cGee & Campbell ZOT.yILyL� .fl}�ti` j ,y ,�y� yy.� yE.. HEN'S. ' NGUAM A:VA NOB GOOEJ FARM8 FOR SALE In New York WY J. W IGR7 MAN --Lot 26, con. 4, West. Wawauoslt, 200 acres, brick house, large bauk barn goed as now, all other necessary busldtngs, silo, good water, 25 acres hardwood bush, 4 miles from auburn, rival telepbone, fest. Ofllce,. rehool and chtarohes near at hand. Good reasons for selling,. J. W. STA,O ROUSE --•East, lots 32. con. 4, East Wawanosh; good build - Ings, young orchard, two wells, good fences, 10 aores hardwood bush, half unite from school and church and sixty rods from store and Post Office with daily mail, six and one-half miles from Blyth, Belgrave or Auburn, Owner going West,. KNOX ESTATE—South a lot it, con, 3, Morris, 100 acres, frame house and bank barn, two orchards, good fences, 6 acres fall wheat, 20 acres fall plowed. Will be sold cheap to wind up estate. ROBERT lalEaSER -Norah half lots 47 eon 48. �,'a..>.. 1 Mo. ris, t.rit'k boas - brush barn kiwi drive shed. eon vruir nr to schools, two miles from Bluevale ou good gravel road. Owner wants to buy a larger farm. For further particulars regarding any of the above apply on the premises or to Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE,,AND INSURANCE C. P. R. TOWN TICKET AGENCY G.�:. ROSS, D.D.S., LDS. Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFTCn OVER IL E. ISA1tD & CO'S. STORE ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.B., LIDS, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. --Office in Macdonald Blook-- W. R. HAMBLY, B.SC., ED,, C.E Special attention paid to diseases bf Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medioine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Qaeen's Hott-1 and the Baptist. Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. O. Box 118 DRS, KENNEDY & CALDER Ozrr'zaxs--Corner Patrick and Centre streets Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes spooial attention to Diseases, o4 the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted, DR. ROBT. O. REDMOND M. 11. C, C, R 8. (Load,) (Eng, ) L. R. Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Ohisholm's old stand) DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad - nate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew • Orr7vE IN MCDONALD BLocJ WIN THAM neral kiospi�:al. (Under Qovernmei. Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly •licensed physicians. Rates for patientS (which include board and nursing) --$4,90 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room, For further informa: tion --Address MISS L. MATT.HE`vS Superintendent, Box 223, W1ngltam, Ont. DR. E. H. COOK VETERINARY SURGEON SUCCESSOR TO DR. WILSON DOGS Axe SURGERY*A. SPECIALTY Residence and Office in Dr. McDonald's old residence on Centro Street, next to English Church. `Phone 250. WELLINGTON MUTUAL • FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. ]:load Office GUELP$, ONT, Risks taken on all classes of in. surable property on the cash or pre- mium dote system. Gr®. SLREMAN, • JOHN DAV•IDSON Pt'esident, Secretary. RITCHIE 8c COSIGNS, Agents, Wingharn, Ont R VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan ate lowest rates; WXNGIIAM, • 0. N. GRIF'IPIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses.' :Piro, Life, Accident, Plate Glass arid Weather Insurance, coupled with a Teal +estate and Money Loaning b11811109 14.1 DUDLEY HOLM Mutter, Solicitor, etc. Office Meyer Block, Vringhara. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONZY TG LOAN, Med Mortot ► Bio, k., Winghatn Society. Beautiful Women Of The 400 Who Have :Luxuriant Hair. In. gay New York, where women get ideas from their foreign sisters, the hair tonic called PARISIAN Sage at 5O cents is in great demand. PARISIAN Sage is the discovery of a well-known scientist, and he claims Most emphatically that it is the only hair preparation that will kill the per- sistent dandruff germs, At any rate The R. T. Booth Co,, Ltd., of Fort Erie, Orzt,, Canadian manufacturers of PARISIAN Sage. give out through J. W. MCRibbon this guarantee, the strongest ever given ; "WE' guarantee PARISIAN Sage to end dandruff in two weeks ; to stop. t llamm hair ; to make dull, lifeless and colorless heli' beautiful and luxuriant ; to cure all itehiug diseases of the scalp or money back," The Home Paper. A.n actual necessity is the home paper, in order to keep in touch with what is going on around you, The Advance fills the bill. $1.00 a year is not n)neh for the 52 we4 My visits of this blight newsy local paper. We club with all the Leading papers, With rural mail developing, get a Daily also. electric Restorer for Men Phosphonoi restores every nerve In the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make_ you a new man. Price 83 a box. or two for 15. Mailed to any address. The Soobell Drud Do„ st. Vatharines, out. Caught With Goods. Some days ago a burglary occurred at Strachan's dry good store in Brus- sels, and when certain clues had been followed up the police arrested a man named Edward Burley, who had been living up that way but is now a re- sident of Goderieh. He was brought before P. M. Kelly and for a time denied the job, but as part of the goods were found in his posession he at last made a full confession and was sent up to a higher court. Another arrest in the case is expected soon. Thirty Miles Backward. One of the most difficult walking feats on record was accomplished in 1826, when a well-known pedestrian named Lloyd undertook for a bet tb walk 80 miles backward in nine hours. This he succeeded in doing with 14 minutes to spare, on the road between Bagshot and Portsmouth. A still more eccentric wager was made by Horace Walpole's brother, Lord Oxford, who backed .a drove of geese to race an equal number of turkeys from Nor- wich to London. ' He won the bet, for the geese kept to the road all the time, The .turkeys, when darkness came on, flew to roost in the trees, from which their drivers had a hard task to dislodge them., The turkeys were two days behind the geese. WELL PAID. John Kirby of Stratford, Ont., writes; --"1 used the Homestead High Grade Garden and Vegetable Fertili- zer on my root crops and trust say I had the best crop of roots ever grown on my farm. I was certainly well paid for the money I invested in this fertilizer," Homestead Fertilizers are manu• ffptured and sold by the Michigan Carbon W oinks, Detroit, Michigan, who will send free to any farmer their book on fectilize'fewith a handsome calendar postage paid. They want agents where they are not now r.epre- yented. Address, Michigan Carbon Works, Postoffice Drawer 814-A, De- troit, Michigan, asking for terms. Rn ' GOIIRING ! MR. FRANK R. PEMBER OF THE PEMBER STORE OF TORONTO, WIIrL BE IN WINGHAM, at the BRONSWICg HOTEL WEDNESDAY, FEB. I2th with a full display of Hair Goods and the largest in the Dominion, SWITCHES, BRAIDS, PUFFS and TRANSFORMATIONS manufactured by us from the finest hair and best quality. PROFESSOR PEMBER will also diagnose free of charge all hair and scalp troubles, and his advice may be relied upon. FOR BALD MEN The Pember Venti- 1 a t ed Lightweight Toupees and Wigs are the finest substi- tute for one's own hair that has ever been produced. Call and investigate to yourself. Ladies who cannot visit the Professor kindly write or phone and he will call. For mail order address --W. T. PEMBER, I27 Yonge, St. THE DOMINION BANK 618 EDMUND 8. O$LER, M.A., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIDE -PRESIDENT. 1 C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital pald up • 7 2. • $5,000,000 Reserve Fund t . ' - $$,000,000 Total Assets - •• r, S7$,000,000 Financial Headway of the sure and permanent kind is rarely made without the assistance of a Savings Bank Account. It stimulates saving, keeps the money in absolute safety, increases it with interest, and provides the ready cash to take advantage of the business opportunities which come ones way. WINGHAM BRANCH: N. EVANS, Manager. a I ,u41:1... 11 STRATFORD. ONT. The best practical training school in On- tario. Three departments-- COMMER- CIAL, SHORTHAND and TELCGRA- PHY. .&1I courses are thorough and practice'. Teeche.rr are experienced and graduates aro placed in positions,. "%''e give individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once. D. A. 11+tcLACHLAN - Principal M+r.,Mh.iW V v1/..M./rye, DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS ISSUED HERE L , .1,14.•1 • ,, .'/ t Do You Believe in Signs? 0 sot HENEVERt you havet»cion to send money away HENEVER � by mail, look for one of these signs. They mark the places where Express Money Orders are issuedt Every railway station has an Express Office where "Orders" may be obtained—and in almost every town there are branch f neon Mai you can even eli'1 lose the east) itself—hut ed IA the residrethEl �why tun other loss, owhoa4ler so easy to Elia a nearby plate: 'where they ilea* '.471/ Dominion Express ......itztt„....e.„.....,,, oneij : s thymteudirarr:1t favnl• r tf rtryttilcuudtcuunm:Yt • Ord ers �4:'utte'n, tt'e+,Mt,t..lI,I 0,,u R�k,tiri..t.t.. off fate i..ct, Aid . i.c, .d ,tint Ibis Ltf.:, situp a and 6 ttisiat'- j}„ S+S".;!Y rf ti.itcli..,; tLL.n y b th.,ii, ' Foreign doves RATES *S old under etc over 25 to do Oret be. Mb Over 81Q to re iS eta, Oyer ISO et ten. saa Stenographers, Bookkeepers, S Cashiers, Office Assistants. Commercial and Shorthand Teachers are in great do- mand if they graduate from the ELLIOTT • 1 TORONTO. ONT. Many former students are now earning from $700 to $2000 a year. We deal in only the BEST KIND of Practical Education. We use best systems, employ best teachers and produce the best results. Enter now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, RRiNC1PAt. LCor. Yong() and Alexander Ste. 3 -6111810611•61,i1 191.. ii 1I LiI GREAT PROFIT SHARING SALE For Two Weeks commencing Saturday, January 18th, till Saturday, February 1st, we will offer every article in the store at cost and some lines under.. This is a genuine Sale. No fake. come and see. Below are a few of the lines offered 1 Ladies' Quilted Lined Marmot Collar, was $20, now $15. 1 (i c i German Otter ' c 24, now 19. Men's Fur Goats, 1 Coon Coat worth $100 for $75 each ; 1 Bulgarian Laralb Coat worth $30 for $20 ; 2 Corean Beaver Coats worth $25 for$18 ; 4 Calfskin Coats worth $30 for $20 each ; 2 Siberian Dog Coats worth $25 for $18 'each ; 2 A.stric- can Lined Ful;' Collared Coat worth $14 for $10 each ; ' 2 Astracan Lined ]s'ur Collared Coats worth $20 for $15 each. i 1 Men's Suits and Overcoats at 20% Discount. 10 doz, Men's Leather Faced Mitts, was COc pair, sale price 40e pair ; 40 pair Men's Cloth Pants worth $2.00 for $1 25 twh ; 2 doz. Men's Overalls, 75c for 49c pair ; ,10 doz. Black Overalls, $1.00 for 80o pair. Rugs and Linoleums. 50 Rugs including Union, Tapestry, Velvet, Wilton's and Axminsters, from 2f x 3 yds. to 3/ x 4 yds., at 25 per cent. off regular price.. 8 pieces Nairn's Scotch Linoleum worth 60c square yd. for hoc per yd. ; 3 patterns worth 55c, sale price 45c square yard. These are all good patterns but must be cleared out to make room for spring stook. 2000 yds. Crumbs English Print, reg. 12ao for 10o per yd, ; 150 yds. Pailette Silk, 40 inches wide, reg. $1.75 for $L25 yd., several shades ; 70 yds. Pailette Silk, 86 inches wide, reg. $L25 for 90c, black and blue only. Every piece of Dress Goods in store at cost price. Ladies' White Waists from 750 to $8.50 ; this is a snap. Ladies' Gowns, bought especially for this sale, Worth $1,50, $1.75 and $2.00, for $1,25 each. Space will not allow us to mention everything here, but ask to be shown goods. Groceries Special. _ = $room worth 35c for 25o, worth 45o for 85o, worth 50c for 40c. _ = Seeded Raisins, 3 packages 25o, positively new goods ; Maple Leaf Salmon, 25o can ; North Coast Salmon, 22o, a size, 11c ; Cascade _ = Salmon, pink, 17c can ; Sultana Raisins, 8 lbs. 25o ;• Granulated - - Sugar, 20 ib sack, $1.10 ; Yellow Sugar, 20 lb. $1.00: Oatmeal 8 lbs 25o ; Oasemore's Honey, 10o Ib ; Standard Peas, 10c can ; = Tomatoes, 2 Dans 25o ; Corn, 90 can. Positively no goods charged at these prices. All kinds pro- duce taken—Butter, Eggs, Beans, Dried Apples. 'Phone 89. A. Mills (Successor to T. A. MILLS) WINGHAM i ., y. Y .,I illi I'Y.1L, I it 1 .1101. ill 1 . I .1 1,1 .. 1 YI . I V AMU "1 • t1A,r •u raw Head Office HAMILTON l,-' z.1 CAPITAL, PAID UP $ 3,000,000 , " Reserve and Undivided Profits 3,500,000 _ Total Assets 45,000,000 - - T is not in its power to purchase that the great- -ILfiest value of money lies. The feeling of inde- pendence, and of security against the effeots of adverse fortune that a reserve fund gives you, is infinitely more satisfying than the passing gratifi- cation which you would obtain by spending it. Small amounts—which you will hardly miss—de- posited regularly, will gradually, but surely, accu- mulate to a sum large enough to insure against the effects of business reverses Or loss of employ- ment. C. P. SMITH AGENT •' WINGHAM „"%/ l .. mriie+e-eenr xeYvec✓... i�rani inaz ri e.maxxi.....+..._ s,•}_yII�f.�Lf�-1`f /[ ` �' I,•aal�,a.s� ia.�`''.I�' .�O..�r,...N�f•(i,A11 rf Askusfor this book itis ; free. o N C R ETE watering -troughs 'and feeding-loors help to keep your live -stock healthy. ORSES and 'rattle watered from a concrete trough are less likely to contract disease. Concrete is sanitary, easily cleaned — does not rot or leak. Once built, a concrete watering. trough will last forever. You need never waste time "patching it up." Like all concrete improvements, its first cost is its final cost. ANY diseases of hogs are directly due to feeding from the filthy, unwholesome mud of the barn -yard. This manner of feeding is also wasteful, because the grain is trampled into the ground, in such a condition that not even a hog will eat it. Concrete feeding -floors, with concrete swill - troughs are clean, sanitary. They keep hogs in better health and save feed. WA'rE1us2G-'rRoryGHS and feeding{floors are only two of scores of . valuable, every -day improvements that may be made of concrete. All are fully described in our 160 -page, illustrated book, "WHAT THE FARMER CAN DO WITH CONCRETE" sent free to any farmer upon request, This book has shown thousands of Canadian fanners how to make their farms more profitable. In asking for it, you do not place yourself under the slightest obligation to buy cement, or to do anything else for us, Simply ask for the hooky by letter er post card, and it will be mailed at once. Address, Publicity Mattnrsger Canada Cement Company Limited 514 Herald Building, Montreal F. li E M I'3 E 3 , whert in doubt, that Ofu' Partnere' Pres Information Bureau will answer any questions r'"+ on fire use of concrete chat yen 'desire fa ask. This service isrfree of charge. •