HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-02-06, Page 3"W4: roos.' 0400000•00,0000 isoloomoo4 /egesteettegiseesereeeee „, Weak, Tired Folks Given New Vigor STRENGTH RETURNS, HEALTH RENEWEDI VITALITY OP YOUTH RE-OREATEM Exhaustion and Bodily Tiredness Eta ery Day Being. Tuened into Vigor and Ambition by Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Ohena,R09,7.1P Pram Cheboque Pe, N. S., eomee the following front Mr. W. A, Ree"- nolde: "A year ago my health began. to fail, I lost appetite, became tierce ow; and sleepless. My weight ran down, I became thin, hollow-oheeked, and had bleak rings under my eyee. reallY felt Ile if the charm of life had left me and when springtime arrived I was in the 'blues." I read of Dr, Hamilton's Pills and got five boxoe at once, "Within a mouth ray appetite and 'color were good. I gained strength .and felt like a new woman, New life and vigor returned, aud zny Mende scarcely knew me. A medielae that will do this should be in every home," Good health means muelt to you. Sueeees and happiness depend upon it. The maintenance and eettree of health is found in Dr. Hamilton's PMs, 25e per box, or five boxes for $1,b0, at all druggiste and storekeepere, or by mail from the CatarrIneeene Coe leuffaeo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. • ******************* THE POULTRY WORLD ************** JUDGING INIETHODS AT SHOWS. Now that the big winter shows are on in full force the judge, the methods and the systems of awarding prizes are up- permost in the minds of a large army (if poultry feneiers. Which is the, better Way of awardhw prizee at the poultry shows, seore card or comparison, and why are so marry shows adopting the eomparison system? This question has been up for discussion for many years, and ha's as yet uot 'beet' satisfactorily aIWwered. It is a. question that does not permit as yet because one system is bet- ter for one show, while another is better for a show run under diffe.rent lines. Iu general it ean be said that compar- ison judging is more suitable for large ehows patrenized by experienced breed - ere., The reasons are: First, it woUld re - enure teo Much. time to owe from 2e 000 to 7,000 birds; 'second, experienced breeders do not care for the score card; third, it is more .diffieult to. obtain judges 'who ean place the awards air- reetly by the score os,rd than by com- parison; fourth, th.e cute for weight penalize good birds severely In an early ehow. Experienced breeeters do not care to have better birds, under weight, outseor- ed by Inferior specimens Vitt are up to --eeveight. As a matter of feat the winners seore eard and comparison shows are a different Ogee of blade. In compari- son shows the 'birds of perfeet type, head points and good color, bring home the blue ribbons. In ecore card shows the birds of good type, head points and per- fect eolor are the winnees. Type receives more -consideration in a eomparison ehow than color, while in eeore eard show color receivee more consideration than eype. When the judge is seoring a bird hi his hands his eye ean eee more deeects in color than it ean in shape. Consequently the cuts for eolot are hea.vier, and the eets for ehape lase, than they would be if the bird wee etandine on his feet some distanee from the j.. 'For a Small show patronized by breed- ers who have not been showing chick- e»s for many years ahe eeore eard may be preferred for the following reasons: First, every exhibitor reeeivea a score. (\era for each bird he exhibits; after the (show he may study these s.eore ear& end find out where his birds excel and where they tire difieient. Second, by cone - paring the score cards of several Wide he Pen learn something about standard requirements. Third, if the judge has a good reputation, his seore card made at a show is an aid in selling the birds, not in the east, bot laegely yet in the west. Fourth, judging by -score card allowe sev- era birds to be shown in one eacip and the Sante birds to compete in the single elassee and in the pens. thedee the eomparevon syetem every male slimed be cooped by hineself and iiot more than two females in One coop. Different birds must be eheavet in the single elaeses and in the pew. Tho corn- partson system is rainiug ground be- cause the poultry showe are grOwing in number of entry and importance. A. 00. try exhibition will be eenameneed on a small .teeale, and, judged by the score- eard system. The number of entries in7 ereaeee yearly, the entry fee ie advaneed end a better elaes of exhibitere petron- ize the 181ww. This aseociatiou will some retteh the point where the uumber of birds is so large and the ChM of breed. ere is such that the tompttrison system of judging will be uted, _because the seore-card method is too slow to haedle a big show. however, if this show had 'not grown me,terially and if the entry tee bad not inereased, SO as to invite the more experienced breeders, Atrbo do not petronize shows with .small entry feee, it would be patronized year after year by the middle (ease Of poultry ex- hibitors and the score card eley have been retained. This question is simnel- to the ote, What is the best breed of fine poultry*/ We all know that ea& breed has its stroeg pointfi, and deeirable feeturee -that appeal to faneiere, who prefer theft requieitert. One eetild he mere tell a. man who wanted a good, ehieken to eat on his table mid lay ego that a iegliorn wae the beet breed of poultry than yon rould tell another fancier who eireply wished eges that 'one of the Arderitan or English breeds was the best. Jug to with eamtearition and seore-eard judging. Etta le adepted to eertain toriditione. . If et record eard could bn Simplitied so' that little time Wa4 required to iedieste the defeete of eteeh bre, web. a card. may glee the beihnet the information he degree, eel it would be welcomed by the tolleeettted of eonips.risou raging. There it no eound reesort why t ere timid be thirty different kinds of telike for eeor- ing poultry. 'N..o wonder the number of eompetent ecore-card judgee is limited, and their ranke fit not itteretteing. have the most ern-at:lex and intrieete eye* teni (if mooring of tiny latarel of egrieul- titre. 'the feet filet tide teoring systkrn is routing into dierepute among more poule try chow* every year it proof that It requires aimplifying and put into sneh form that lt will be universally need, But at th.la writing the tomparieon eye - tem 'hit.5 given such generitl tottiefaetien at the limiest aed beet ohowt itt the Vnited State*. end it beeerning Mtn" *rally need all over the thtited SW*, SW a 141Itint Vet or to 'ow se* '• r °turd show wae passing away. In feet. tke the old4ine Judge* pass ont of the game year by year, tbe eeounger jedgeo . taking their pleees ere schooled in a newer and in some respeete better sye- tem, Agalo, except, in the weet birde are not told on their scoree, which at best are misleading. A bird may Rare 04 taro months before being shipped to a buyer, and then when received score only 00, due to condition, off in shape, eta.; again, ao two judges. will score a bird. elike, and where Amy system al- lows such a difference, even Wlian the two judges may be the best in this cone, try, it le not abeolutely a correct Sys- tem. Yet under eomparison, five of the beet judgee in the country will place the five winners alike. When good work and the hest birds ean be properly a:seal-tied by eomparison by Able judges the seore eard Ji)•stem le not likely to gain many friends. POUT/TRY NOTFee, The new yeo.r promises to be one of great activity among poultry raison, The good price of eggs eoreinerolally cause many to try to raise more poul- try to help supply the demand for strict- ly fresh eggs. The Incubator will be a big aid in turning out mere chicks et the proper thne, which ie in March and during the month% of April, for winter layere, If etoek for breeding purposes is to bo obtained ordet now that the fowls may be properly mated so that the eggs will be properly fertilized for early hatching, Many of the leading breeders mate their pens Jan. 1, It pays to ob- tain an early etart. The single comb White Leghorn& are 611,10741g the boom of their lives right now. One thing that lute helped these little egg producers is the demand of a white ehilled egg on the Pacific Coast, and in the Neev York merkete and sur- rounding zone at a priee above the brown shell eggs. which ere just as good. One must eater to the demand, and the buyers in the New York zone think the 'white shelled egg the beet and that set- tles it. .American people o.lso demand. yellow skin poultry and pay a higher priee for it, while in France and Eng- land. the white flesh of fowl is popular. Th -1,4 SeaSOn the day-old cheek trade will again flourish. It le an easy way for the beginner -to .get a etert with Poultry' without being tronbled with the mysteries of incubation. Mir the past few seasons the day-old chick breedere have been .putting them ,out at a Iow figure; in fact, too low for a margin of profit, and this season will see gradual inereatie in the price ef dey-old peeps of good quality. How long the demand. will be for these day -ole chicks no one can say. It is to be hoped that fertility will run about normal this season. Last year, due to the cold winter in the ma- ioeity of cases, fertility ran poor until well on into the hatching season, But, with lett winter as an object lesson, it is hardly possible that poor hatches will be general. The breeders, while in many cases moulted late, have gone into awinter quarters this year in goodeshivps, the /all and. early winter bemg ideal in this section. Steady advertising is the kind that wins out in every ease. The email breed- ; er times when returns do not come at once becomes discouraged. Take the space you can afford. and ea* to it. Advertising pays if you. keep everlast- ingly at it, within your Ineane, and ,if : yon have the goods. The large breed- ) ers of to -day have made good. by .first properly advertising their goods, and second, by delivering the goods as ad-. : vertised. Do not rnakelalse claims and expeet to profit by it. in the long run Anything but a square deal will be a faelure. soon the peep of the elack e be heard throughout the eountey. Ma/1Y nlants are planning for P larger output. Last year, duo to the unusually hard and long winter, fertility early In the Season was not the best, and there was a shortage in poultry this year, which will not be replenished until the IOU croe is hatched. Order tne incubator, brooders, stock, day old attacks or hatching egge now. Do not wait until the season's rush as on and then complain beettuee your order WKS 110t. filled iiromptly. The incuba.- tor should be tested out before putting valuable eggs in tt, and the brooders well warmed. before the cbicits should be put under it, It pars to he Pre- icsalealty. is the time to start in the teoul- try business:a-not the middle of the summer. Plan now Mr future operations. The incubator should be purchased, the brooders installed ready for operation. and the EWA'S ordered, or day -ad chicks. arid the eggs ordered, or day-old ehicits. should be planned so that Just as soon as weather conditionseare right they can be erected. and be ready to reeeive the thick% Do not put orf tuitil the last minute and then be compelled to make a makeshift for the chicks, overcrowd- ing' them and ehecking their growth, from 'which theY never fully recover. A ivell-grown chick is a profit -payer. A stunted chick will never prove to be a good -producer, IDgge are the real foundation of the ooultry bueiness. It pays the feed bills and gives a profit. To obtain winter eggs hatch early. It is the pullet that Are your hands chapped, cracked or ewe? Have you "cold crack*" Whieh open and bleed when the akin is drawn tight? nava yoa cold soreo frost bite, ot "raw" place, Which itt times makes it agony foe you tO go about your household duties ? If tot 2am-Buk will give you relief, and heal the ftpeteciamegad skin. Aeolint the sore places at night, Zarrt-Buk's rich heallog essences will oink into the woutide, eed this timed- ing, end will heel quitkly. Mrs. Yellen, of Portland, says ; "My bench were to tore end eraoked that Was egony to put them near water. When I did so they would matt and burn as if I hed &Aided them. I seemed quite imable to gee relief from anything pnt on them until I tried Zare-Buk, tola it etteeeeded when all elee had failed. It clotted the big ereekk, gave tine aootbed th. inettriniation, and eery short time healed my hands." 001144 eee cures AS ratito, to1.400 +puree, telatral oreto sere loads wed saw, pen taa, teverst, eta, tuts um', !Thant, t, toreast. oil eta otuf torn, le eon fret /rent the Zorn- r5rmati, Prim MI c*N5. „ .,0a0Pwramo.0014•• PIMPLES BROKE OUT AROUND CHIN Burst and Formed Ugly Sobs, Burning, then Itching, Had to Go Without Shaving for Weeks. Used Cuticnra Soap and Oint. ment. Skin Perfectly Clear. 1St Close Ste Toronto, Ont. --"I 'was troubled whit facial eczema for nearly ten 'year's. Met firSt Vigna wero pimplee break. Ing out and then 'misting and terming nasty ugly geatte around MY chin. 'Very often the oensation wee that of burning, then itching so that 1 scratched the sore. I had tO go without shaving foe weeas at a jeme. tried ninny patent remedies but did not And te permanent cure, :Rvery opring and fall the disease appeared at its wont. I some. times got rid of it for few months, then it returned as bad AS evor. ”About six months ago I received a same pie of Outlaws, Soap and Ointment and found greet relief after a few aPplioatiens. I purchased two boxes of Cutiaura Mtn:lent and some Outiettra Soap and used them as directed and,now oldie Is perfeetly can shave with Pleasure,'' (Signed) Wm. Maclieae, May 270 1012, INLA only are Cutieura, Soap and Ointment most valuable in tine treatment of eczemati ,etto other (eistressiug eruptions of sido aud emir, but no other emollients do so much for pimples, blackhead% red, rough skate, itching, scaly beelps. dandruff, dry, thin and falling hair, chapped hands and eleepeless nans„nor do it so eoonomieany. A :Tingle cake sof Cinema; Soap (250 and box of Outleare, Ointment (50c.) are often sletdoistlil when all else has failed. Sold by druggista and dealers throughout the world. Liberell sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address pose eard Potter Drug 84 Chose. Corp., Dept. 43D, Bostou, V. 8. A. properly raised and batched. at the right time, that is the lies.vy egg prodecer, when the days are the shortest and pricee are highest. The price of day-old thicks generally win be higher Ulla year: Experience has taught thR breeders that 'they cannot sell daY-old chicks front good otook at the low figure they formerly sold. It pays to obtain good etoeit when starting,They will prove more satisfactory than hap- hazard bred,stock. Be willing to pay a fair price for good goods. XsIore corn can be fed with safety dur- ing the cold winter months. In the east the feed rations have had too much corn, While corn is king of feeds, itx cheapnesm has eaueea it to be abused in in all feed mixtures, For the lighter and tighter feather birds, like Leghoras, etc., it can be fed itz generous quanti- ties, but Mr the heavier shreds, aa rnotuh Rocks, Wftndottes, Rhode Ieland Reds, OrnIngtons, etc.. corn should not be_ fed in large quantities, Duck culture now has come back to its own apain, A few years ago the low price of ducks. whieli prevalled through, out the season, gave the duck breeeters a setback: but prices are again batik to the normal. The Indian Runner dueke are having a boom. and on the commer- cial plants the POPmar Pekin Nall holds its popularity as the ail -round duck. Duck raisers should remember that now and then (the SO.Mil as in fruit -growing, farming, etc.), there comes- an aff-year. One must take the good with the bad. No two years are just alike, but in the long run the balance is always on the right side of the ledger when the bust - nese Is properly condueted. 1913 promises to be a big year. There seems to be a. :safe and sound business boom. one that has laeting tone. The $10,000 bird is a thing of the past, as is the one -dollar bird, or the one -pen set- ting for 13 ego's, Good goods demand 4 fair price, Sji(1 the beginner is commenO- ing to realize it peys to start right. Re- sults are gained quicker by He doing. )1, 4 Any littelc cars elettesing with A W LC Favorite Churn. 11 mekes the ornoothest, riehesnriket delicious butter you ever teeted. The roller beerints-end hend end foot leveraamake churning' an easy task, even for ehild. (sizes from t(i to 30 etdione. Write far catalogue if your dealer deo not handle this churn end telezweire "Champloo" Washer. David Diaxwell & Soria Se ttlary's.Onf. • ;41Vi.,:: ia,"*".!!' • 93 Japanese Health Rules. Tue following rules for the general gUiclanee of people in health matterti have been printed and widely dis. tributed by the Japaneses Govern. ment: First- Spend as much time out of doom as poseibie. Daskeenueh in the sun and take plenty Of eXereise. Take care that your respiration is eelways deep and regular. Setond-As regards meals eat meat only once a day and Iet, the diet be eggs, ereals and vegetables, fruits and freeh. cows' milk. Take the lest named as mob. pozsible. Masti- tate your food carefully. Third -Take a hot bath every day and a steam. bath once or twiee week, If the heart is strong enough to bear it. Pourtheeltariy to bed mid early to riga. Pifth-Sleep in a very dark and 'very Quiet room, -with windows open. Let the minimum. of sleeping Inters be six or six and one-half hours, In case of woman eighee and one -halt heurs is advisable. Sixth -Take one day of absolute rest caeh. week in whieh you inuet refrain fatea even reading or writing. SeVenth-Try to avoid env out- bursts of passion and strong mental etimulations, Do not tax your brain at the tecturrence of luevitable in. cidents or of earning events. Do not etey unpleamant things nor listen, if potodble to avoid it, to disagreeable thinge. Teighth-lie married! Widows and widowers should Le married with the least possible delay. Moderate in the consumps tion of even tea and eoffee, not to say tobsteo and alcoholic beveraeett. Tenth -Avoid pitteoa that are too warm, especially steam heated and badly ventilated rooms, ---+44. - It is a good plan to eptinkle tetadutt everely on the bettrde before laying down oilcloth. The eeerilust inaltett a sat. . famaktiort for the oileloth to lie en, A red Its prolong,* Re wear. For a ilantp OW It Is epecially recommended, • erste r, Men .A.ND wiwrXit CAleeeleS. From elle dairymen standpoint it 18 neually deeirable to have the calvee droened in the fall for the reason that cows ean be made to produce a larger unle-tiow at the neeinnine of the mine- ' trig period than At the close, This ad. mite Of Streuring the largVit etteettity of znillt at the tineet when dairy producte are the highest, It also enables bine to keep UT) the flow to the very last days 01 the milking Period, as the feeds he is able to supniv daring the summer and fall arm patetabie than be le able to obtain during the winter There is a great variety of opinion au to just what time the eaigee best come. For the 4100d of the calf, it would be ilesiteible to have It get a little start before the eXtreme cola weather comes on. It is ale° more pleas:ant to eare for the young calves sa first dUrinit the milder weather, It is certainly de- eirable in eVertr way to have all of the citivee dropPed at as nearly the same date as possible, tialves of even size are much More ,eaelly handled and dealt 0WfiticIllt.(k)1Ves care for during the winter, wing that there is to rb e bunch. prepartione should be made accordingly, While It is generally sunneeetl that young ealves reouire a, great deal of attention and make a lot of work. this le not true nroPer arrangemente are made Mr addiing them, If there are more then four calves there ehould aapeoliel *had arranged With feeding atanehlorzs, Thet eseentials .01 A calf -shed, are that it be dry 4'41 es =oh eunsliine ae %eel*. tale admitted into it. It should, et ceuexe be wallet, hat sunshine and dry - nese :should not be pacritieed tor irearnatli. NO other plane for the calf -abed &add be nelected than to build m. 1ean-to on the south side 'ef the cow barn, watch win admit of putting windows en the eaiStp • alld west. A small lot should be Provided for the calves to run out lie ewe (itemise in during Woe Weather. Foe feeding the ealves, ie there are more elate font', it will pa -y to build etanohlOnse. Teem are various forme of ealf-stanobt ions in use, the essential features Or whielt are. that the calyces are beld niece while beteg- fed tind for an hour or 50 thereafter. It is desirable to know exactlY what each ealf receives in, the way of Mitle and grain. Good hay should tbiernenslaced where they can get it at ail As to handling the calf, a great many dairymen take the calf Immediately from the cow, never Mowing it to suck. Others will allow the calf to take part of the milk for three or tour days, In anY event it IS essential that the oalf have the first milk from a fresh oow. as the oolostrum ie necessary in starting the di - Restive system of the calf.°The dairy OW tunially produee.3 more rnilk than the calf Atilt* to 'use, henoe great care muet be exeroisect 4n not alowing the calt to get too rouch. For this reaeon, It Is perhaps safer to mile the oow and feed calf. from a veosel. If the calf Is allowed to go Without feeding for eight to twelve lacers, it will usually be hungrY, and by reing its Muzzle in the milk Ana open-, nor the mouth with the fingers. Will take) old and drink witheut further ceremOnY. It 45 deeirable to teach the calf to Oink aa seen ae possible without hay- ing to suck the finger. There has never been any calf -feeding dbvice that has proved, satiera.ctory, The calves should be fed every four to six hours for a tow days. The period between toeds must then be lenirthened to three times a eaeo morning. noon and night. The quantity feet must be somewhat determined by the size of the calf, but at rirst should. per- haps be not inore thanh two pints and iereduaner inereeesed. At the end of the fiest week, they might receive four pints tut morningt two to three at nowt, and Mut at bight. The three feeds a day Should PerhaPe eOntinued for thre weeke, after whiah, they siiight be fed only /119rning and ev- ening, aala gradlially added to replace the whole milk. If the whole trillk. which is being fed before this time. 18 very rich, it might be Allowed to met for ten or twelve hours and a part of the eream skineneed off. However, the mak should be Pee at about blood tempera,- ture and it is best to have the exiimul- heel It if ,poseible, as tins is most na- At. the time of changing from whole milk to skirn-milla which shOuld require • lettat a week, the valves should lee taught to eat emit) grain. The calf stall. ehions, of course, should be 111 »SS be- fore this time. These should provide for :setting a. vessel in front of each calf, into whieheits portion at intik may ba peured. There are perhaps no better yes - AXIS for feeding calee,;s than ordinary one- a'allon earthen crocas. These are per- fetitly emooth and adznit ot being scalded and cleaned out carefully. as it is neces- tgary to keen them sweet and clean. After the mit has bad its milk ration. a handful ot ground corn or Kaffir -corn ehOulcl be put in the feeding vessei.While it le a verv general practice to mix grailt with the Milk. 3' do not consider it a good one, as it is essential that the calf °hew the grain and seoure action ot the Oliva before it is swallowed. The ae- ditioo of grain Is for tne Purpose ot re- placing the fat which has been removed by skimming the niuk, By adidrig the grain to the calves' ration% it is not ne- pessary to increase the amount of milk fed as the skim-re.ak contains very near- ly *a ratich food value as the whole milk did, with the exception of the fats re- moved, and et only teoUires a small bit of orain to eeplace this, Ground corn or Kafir -corn at first should be fed. 'When tWe week*: vld the calf relishes the shell- ed earn, bat the Xafir should be ground. Oats in also good feed for calves, but it is unnecesaary to buy high priced feed to replace the fat removed by skimming elTehnierielk.is nine times as much trouble Witted from .4:Nor-feeding as frOm under- feeding. The dalry-ealt eepeciallv. should be kept only in a. good growing condition, and not fat, They should be eneeuraeoed to eat hay and other coarse me.torial, as it is desirable to 'extend the digestive tract as much as Doseible. The feeding of the calves should be done with regularity.. and. great care taken to feed ttnittforurnothawrnotuhrietti tanchion, it is poesible to aeon teach the calves to COMS to their owie place at etch feeding\ and the feed - ergs shesuld know exactly what each calf is being fed and give It no More nor len,. exeeet far the gradual increase to keep un with the growth. They should be left in the :Stanchion for an hour or so after feeding them, for they are apparently more hungrY after feeding than before No More Neuralgia Headache Cured •4••••,Wfainkofft A Journalist Tells of the Advantaitea of Keeping NervIline Handy On the Shelf. Fifty years ago Nervillue watt used from coast to eoaet, and in thousande of housee this trusty liaienent eerved the entire family., cured 41.1. their minor ills sisal kept the doetor'e bill email. 'llo.da,y Nerviline-still holds first rank in Can- ada, ansong pain -relieving remediee -- 13eareely a home you eau. find that does- ust use it. Prom Port lIope, Ont,, W, T. Greennevey, of the Guide itewspaper ;deft, writes; "For twenty yeertt llgtVe 11404 Nerviline in our home, and not for the world would we be with- out it, As a remedy for all pain, ear. ache, toothache, eramps, headache, ana disomared stomitelt I know of uo prepter. ation so useful and quick to relieve as Nerviline. Let e'very mother give Nerviline trial; it's good for ehildren, good for old folke-you can Tub it on as a, lint - "tient Or take It internally. Wherever there de pain, Nerviline will ewe it, Ilefese anything but Nerviline. Lerge family bottles, 50e; trial eize, 25e. aek all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co„ Buffalo, N.. Y., and Kingston, Ont. and often term the habit of eucking each 0#41-4, 0.0,1.st When a calf is observed tO teal letteit, it AllQUId be removed at once front the buneh ana given A stall by itsolty,fOr a taw claws. until it forgate the. pradtioe. The milk should airwave be fed Jet the same temperature or about 100 egeetie el‘ ahrenheit and always street. eve veseele• In which the calyee are eett 0 d thoroughly eettided out every two or three daYs, depending ori the weather. In cola weather, of course, there le not eo much danger or them be - coring steer. s.t many calf-feedere eenelder It eseealeal thee .tee calf have seociess to some clean, loamy whieh they will eat to gorreet any irregularities whlert •%y ocour in the system. If the milk from a creamery is to be fed, it should be Pa.steurliefl before feed- ing. It lx nowsible to rate° calves on tea. made from hay. but tine reeniress very ottreful work, . FARM NOT= et.tbe aorse is of a. nervous eabit al- waya, give him warning by voice before ton %Pete:men. Never step up behind hint inddenly and 'inertia him. If it is inher- ent vieleutinesite better give him to under. etehd You ate master by giving him a feW leageons for subduing just such eau- ee, Then, when you step up to go into the ste,Illtell hom enarply to "stone over" watehing your opportunity4to glMe u j to hie head and lege hold of the ha ter. aten rieuet riot do this until you 186 1111 44.1)AiI a iittie undo:. yews eye. If the horse is treacheLotta better have a looped tr(1 over his nose, tunnies beesk out ot e stall, and as you step up and $1v# t 0 command give it a. sudden j at willeh Will distraot his attention and give you the desired ohance to slip in, Not the least :Agri of fear must be 40hown in fee tion or voice. The horse is an a,oute ob- server in thia direction. Some e:e•perienced alfalfa growers claim that harvesting before the 110W ahoots for the tollowing crop are sufficiently strong te. withetteod the sunehine, whioh Is sude timely allowed to come upon them when the former crop is removed, will result In the following crop turning yellow. Board's Dairyman eays with alfalfa. has` at 410 and bran at e20 per tan. there Is saving by tieing alfalfa, of 0.80 per 100 pounds of butter made, and a. saving of 19.$ Oente for every 100 pounds qf Nebraska Bulletin No. 109 says: 'Under conditions existing on almost all terrine, tOn ot good, bright alfalfa hay is worth about the same SS a ton of wheat bran or shorte, possibly more, 'The Percentage of fat in the towns milk is determined by two things-,firet, the breed, and second, the individuality. The tiow may be :stimulated by feed, but the fat content cannot be affected under nortnal conditions. Dr. Smeed says that many a crooked 'Imbed colt- ean be helped. by tieing a Mixture of alcohol two parts and olive oil one part on the knees and tendons twiee per day and with thorough hard EaCli time straighten thq lag and bring it into place several tiMee. This Will stretch the tendons and lootesn np the Joints and ligaments, Don't be efraid to rub and manipulate the legs into proper form. .- 1 -legs with weak legs are sometimee benefited by a haltateasponnful of . crude phosphate of lime or four times. as much bonehead twice a day. If the trouble is caused by lack of bone -making material in their blood this will help to correct it. A double -cropping raspberry has been originated by an Italian mall fruit grow- ei of Hammonton, N. J. It produces berries on the tips of the new shoots of the • season's growth from the last of AUgust until frost, and on the lateraie et the Same shoots the following lear ;line. The berry is crimson, 'without SAY tunes shade, and of large size, beth in June anti in autumn. • It has a treed tlaver, if firm, and consequently a gooe eh liver. Rate and mice will leave the prernisee where chloride of lime is used freely ag a disinfectant. Nearly all cellar's would be better for a frequent use ot chloride and the rats and mice objeet strongly to Ste odor. hence apply It freeltr to -places frequented by the rodents. The lime may be dissolved in water and We poured into the holes; A trap set at a chtoride hole will be apt to catch the Catlett. which le bettee even than hay - In% hint mOve to other quarters. "Whom have you there in tow?","Mis DI Rip Van Winkle. He just woke up," "Why guatne him eo carefally?" "Well, we're letting him see the women's styiee gradually, d•on't yott know."••• Lonieville Courier -Journal. mils( Boys Build Railway Automobile Out of 9dd S6raps An a:immobile that \VW; 110( otolt Tor beauty but for aetual serviee' Is the product of a group of bright boys of Los Angelee, Cal., who are still in school. They put the unique vehicle together out of 'wraps. It really a railroad auto and its used for that purpose. `Benzine Is the liquid from which it derives its power of locemotion. The container for this formerly did 111401106 AA a syrup box. Tranosolsolon of power from engine to wheals le brought about through the %saliva of a piece of leather strap. I he =Chino is wrong, maketi good time, and in every part of its con- struction the same ingenuity that exercised in securing transmiesion gear and benzine ce4tainer is dis- played. The boys do not get into trouble. of anY eort on their Saturday afternoon excursions, thereby setting en excel- lent example to many autolets much older than themselves. As the climate of Les Angeles Is mild, the Motor is nineh In evidence even &wing winter =nth* 1 eseteeereeheeleheerliem ADVERTISING As Old as the Ages, Says English Writer. Strikes at the Root of Disease and Gives New tstealth. WHAT A IRCAL TONIC WILL DO (By Joseph Greenaway.) The human reee ie alwaye Ntriving to do something new-itomethiug etrileingly original -something that will open up the eyes of tins poor old globe of out,. But, believe me, it ie diffieultr job. When, for instance, "'Votes for Wo. Men" te.me into vogue a few years back quite a lot of eolke thought eomethiug entirely novel had popped up thie time. 1 remember reading sontewhere a poem by the famous 1i:31a Wheeler Wikox. that started off like thie; "So vain is the ery of the tratetere, And vain the plea of hearth, Aes the ranks of the strange New Woman Go oweeping aerotts the earth," There Was really- nothing straegely new about it all. . Surely every school- boy knows that there was ones long age a fine, sturdy race of women known by the nallle of Amazons, who lefe Mrs. Christabel Pankluirst-and all the other window emashere-eompleeely in the shade. They got far more than the raere vote -they ran the whole show. . Atte the Soeialiets are very fond of telling us that A NeW Age is upon un. When we first began to use steam, that wee a New Age-eeleetricity brought along another New Age -and the flying machine -well, thet's going to turn inthocinraegitstiypnsithe down, It will. be even ,a1Ndeown't4gbee'lleve there is any- thing new wider the sun, 1 may be wrong, and not 'being well enough post. tel, ap la ancient history, I won't argue, But when people tell me that Adver- tising he a new profeesion, leick. Last night, here in old London town, I at. tended a meeting of advertieing men, and every one of the epeakers empha- sized the foot that ad, writing WAS aomething entirely new. Adverfieing a new same? Wity, it goes back to the dark. ages, when our forefathers were cave men. Why, a oouple of thousand years ago they were as well versed in. the subtle art of pub- Isiocinity;:te even Teddy Roosevelt or Win- ston Ohurehill-and eurely that's going Ask any tourist who" has been to Egypt for the name of an Egyptian Xing, anti aure as fate he or elie will at onee tell you Xerxes. You can't escape him if you go to the dreary gold- en lead of the Pharaohs. He waisn't content with his name being Weed over the doorways of the temples, but he had. it (stamped on every brick. Yes, every eines brick you turn up you read this jolly old King's name. Xerxes -even though you eannot pronounce it, yoix remember it forever efterwares. It haunts you, ana if you. happen to be an ad. mail you wake up in the middle of the night and think what valuable ad- vertieing &pace there is: in a single New York skyogieaper, and what a chant* iCssibrrnmoigetle. messed when he built hie free Advertising a new game, indeed? Junius Caesar was another aneient Who knew "the game" pretty well. In °rear to avoid hts meny adventuree be- ing wrongly reported, he (lid the job himself. Ane he took good care the nothiug eltould, be nilsised-how he etoruital over Gaul and kicked our poor old noble aueestors the Englieh. The Cominentaries of Caesar -they have been reed through the ages, and ehe name of Julius etands boldly out on the sky- line of glory. Napoleon Bonaparte also knew a little of the game. With his old green hat eoeked on his head and his arms folded and legs apart -he was most ca.reful about every detail. He was too Wiry to write up hie own adventures, but no doubt if he had conquered the world he would have also had his whole history put up neatly in two volumes. Still, the records he left behind are pretty good, I suppose he take.% up Be much apace as anyone in the peeve of the world. But please don't misunderstand me. I believe firmly in advettising, After all, when you ecivertise yon have to get busy. If you keep on telling the world that you eau do something better than anyone else, there cornea a time when you have to "make good." Advertising keeps things a -going --and it makes for honeety, for when a inerehant advertisee regularly it show& that he is willing for Re is not afraid of anything...advertising lattistifni.a.me to be coupled with hie goods. Is far too expensive a, way to eell had But it is not a new idea -they had trade marks and siga painters hi the days of Pompeii. 11* IS NEWS WORTH GIVING TO THE WORLD HOW RAVAGES or KIDNEY MS - EASE ARE cHECKED IN,. QUEBEC, Mrs. Julien Painchaud, for eleven Years a Sufferer, FInde Quick Relief and Complete Cure In Dodd's kid- ney Pills. ill.•••••••••••••••••• Whitworth, Temisceautta, CO., Que., J'an, 20, --(Special)--"With the coming of winter the ravages of Xidney DI - SOMA) are again felt in tide province, and the fact that a sure cure is vouch. ed for in this village is news worth `,•iiving to the -World. Mrs. Julien Paine chattel is the person cured and she states without hesitation that she found her cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Pot seven years niy heart and Kid- neye bothered me," Mrs. Painchatid stateS, "I was always tired and ner- vous. I could not sleep. My linibe were heavy and I had a dragging sen - maims acmes the loins. My eyes had dark eirelee tinder them and were puffed and swollen. I was so 111 eould hardly drag myeelf around to do rny honeeworla "A neighbor advised me to try Dodd's Xidney Pills, and I tound in. the firet boX. Six boxes made me perfectly well." If you have any two of Mrs. Painoh- aud's symptoms your kidneY0 are die - eased. Cure them end guard against serious, it not fatal results by ttsinS Dodd's Itidrtelr Pn10. I YE OF A HORSe. The appearance of "white" in the 0 tro of a horse indieates a 'vicious nature. beoel140 a high tetuOtred horst conetantly leek.' *beak appreherisive of danger Or desiring to do vaisobiet, The quiek motion tho eyeball in 01). posits direotiotis elijeOlielli an Airwomen"' large itlertitte of the white, whioh thus bedoMeit an evidence of the temper of the *Alma If you look in your dictionwry you will find the word "tonie" defined es a"andrOvelalili,neottIttaltt Jotter jrteettnalce. tlytit:ttrengteithis why Dr. Williams' Pink Nis are a real ttt°relli°a'llitlitigh°4towelany(114, nooftIrLernele itatudbedw,(nnbuli withcrut strength and ambition, utterly tired out after a dey'e work, No ono organ some, to be at fault, yet the whole aretem le leeking in health. They do etot sleep well and are always tired, end t ervoue, many !have headeohes, aches and etomaelt. troublee. All these people need the tonic help of Dr. Wile Hanle' Pink Ville, The benefielal ewe of this niedielne -reecho the whole syetent, Pr, Welliante' Pink Palle do more then relieve the aymptome, tbey attually TeMOVe the eause of the trouble. The ease of IL Sbarpe, Loetdena Ont,, it One in proof of the ahove state- mente. Mrs, Sherpa sayo: "1 was ea run down and weak that /if° was g burden. The least exertion would ex- haust me so greatly that 1 could. hardlY breathe. If going up Stairs, I would have to reet several minutes when, 1 reaehed, the top, My heart would palpi- tate until I felt as If it would ehoke me. 1 iWaS extremely nervortu3, in, feet. a com- plete wreek, and would sometimes have to Tomah:. in bed for a couple of daye or more at a time. found no help from medicine until 1 begeet teeing Dr. Nerillinswae Pink Pills, and nty experienee with them was that they ntede a com- plete eure. I gained In weight end my frieuds tell me I look younger thee. did ten years ago. I know I veeta•ialy feel younger. 1 feel sure that w'hat Dr. Williams' Pink Pelle has done for nie they will do for other women if given a fair chance," ff you, are at all unwell do not fail to try Dr, Williams' Pirtle Pills, and you will find new health and strength. Set(' by all medieine dealere or by mail nt 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. 'Williams Medieine ro firook, ville, Ont. IT ALL DEPENDS Spipt144110 /Mt*. *.40 Oki I VP.: WO,t47,.. ,044 niAiit. 3 ----. GOT HIS OWN BACK. At * homeopathic convention a. doc- tor told a stol'y about a brother ripe- cialisit who iht an aut,hority en the stom- as:h. "Blank," he said, "was traveling in the wild and woolly 'West, where they are all great jokers. At a eountry club a jovial -looking stranger accoeted Blank and said: " "Dr. Blank, believe?' "Yee, sir; thank you! "'the great Dr. Blenkl' "'Well, er-I-well, yes. I have been °ailed -or -by that aainee "'The Dr. Mask who treat* atom- aehs?' "'Preeisely, sir.' "Then, Dr. Blank, as it's the lunch- eon hour and our table (Mote is excel- lent, I -Melt you'd, treat mite!' said the jok"Dui... Blitiikei veins run rich with gen- erous sporting blood, and be treeted t110 Stranger --all AllItAblh Western million- aire, as it turned out -to luecheon. he got hix revenge. Later en in the alifateetud,.noon he apeerceeoheei a group of men, with a roll of small bills in hie "'Tees anybody hem" he asked, 'got tea dollarer "The Western joker promptly pro - timed ten.aollar netev and banded 'It to Blettle. 131ank thenkee hive, the nott pooket awl turned awe:, . "Look here,' seed the esterner, 'What did yeti went thst bill for?' "'Whet did I want it WI' asked Blank,4t4levolly. 'Why. for treatiog your stomach, of cou•rse., Ittes my esmal tee.'" Little 33aptiste. know where you eome from, little TioriVindirollitit:Fthat big .white Mar Thee wings and reeke in the opal east, Where the little ster-eradles are; And, oh, the time you have +lefty swung !Netted under your silvery covers, Over the world. when the night WAS Over tulit.leltaitnte of love*, I know what yeet're mode of, little )3eptiete- Yettere made of the angel& divorce, Atd your eyem are pert oi the sky-- leeet They" 'th ite *tarry beanie; "Odne° ou*.igh24t yoor eolith impeinsioned, your heir was spun, fend out of * thought el the owning Tee red ee your movialit11)te-Was fa4hiOnSci. I know how yon here, little Beptitte- Prent the midst of the greet star !look, Iror hiree leerited front the kind obi trIrette6ltrureli of the good feaint Roth. That yiteriottyeutiere a payee emir mother (When Ake AVM 111a:00), And bark front the portals of (40,1 .you strayed dilar star -eyed bah . )3entley Arthur la lseir 014.04 tglith*Vionostat "Iv The expoeure profesaional murder- ers in New York has been Tollowod eonfeesion of a profeeeional incen- diary, and the existence, of an 6,Areon trust." Truly 1•Tew 'York is a. city oE eurprises. . *et .. I Brigadier General gdwa,rde, of the II. S. bee taken hie life in hie handa When be declates that the Aneeri- can eoldier is no better time any other soldier, end often not so good. He ex- plodes the seltool book stories Of the achievemente of the American troops in. the war of 1812, ,and declarea that their fighting Wae, very much of a farce. General Eldwarde muet be a brave man. 1n an effort to reduee the =cost of, ing, te grocery store in a western 'town has fixed two prices, on its goodte -orte • price, if delivered and another price if not delivered. The Idea ia to Sieve the .00nsunler the Mit of upkeep of an edah- orate delivery servive. It ie said that a store which delivered. nothing what- ever would be able to offer very meter- discounte. But the people here would 'have to be edueated. to "carry hum their parcels." eees 4ate Beroard, Oklahoma's State Com- iiiiiteioner of Charities, ,edvoeittes a "mar- riage strike." She believee "paesive strike" against wedlotk would etop the "feeding of little eltildreit inaeliideryi Miss 13arnard believes in the Tolstoiaat priaiple el "passive, resistanse" re) gaist to such evils as eanoot be reached. by direct JAWS, 1» her advocitey of. the "marriage etrike" plan eh:: givie; no de - Wile' he • to Mew the World is to a (I:just iteelf to these new entelitione( We are aftaid that leattes strike would.. be doomed to failure, sven if the men did not declare a leek -out. The adoption of the pareel poet by the ie. S. Goverment Ilea not done, the exprees companies any geed. Adems Exprees genet:Alone are now about .13,0, whereas in April the wah 217. The Ameriettn Espress quotation 'has arenned from 2g5 to 11$01 the United States from 100 to ti7 and Welle-Fargo frem 141 to 117. As the -panel post is. succeeding far better than even "the Uovernment expected, the companiee should make haste or they wili their dividends or earnings, in, grave elan. - ger, says the Providence. JournataTiteye still have great advantages over the Government in one thing: they poaeess the express privilege, and. they VLII. utilize this for comp•etition where the object of the shippers, is speed and quickness, t From a report publiehed it is learned that the total cost of the British invee- tigation into the Titanic disaster amounted to approximately $100,000, the larger part included in the fees of counsel. Thus the Attorney -General, Sir Rufus Isaacs, received. something over $12,000; the Solicitor -General, Sir J. A. Simon, a similar amount. As officeri of the .Crown these lawyere receive $35,000 and $30,000 respectively, and the $24,000 was thus an "extra." Another lawyer received $11,000, still another $6,000, and Mr. Raymond Asquith, $4,300, The fees of the Attorney -General and the Soliet- tor-General move the unfriendly Na- tional Review to inquire what the public gets in return for the $35,000 and $30,- 000 it pays them as public officials. . 4 = • Under the honoraxy proideney of Yield Alarshal His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught, Governor-General, the twelfth session of the International (;eologieill Commie wit! be held in Tor- outii next simmer. The elovernneent of ei*c.r;s• country is being offieiteey invited through the "regular dipionittie ehanneie to send Mega tee to the tiongress, fur NS hit+. eXtinIMIVP. preparatione lueve been. progreee for -the. last isvo years. Th emu' tries were represented at the laet Cougreee by an attendance of tee peesont. .1'11(1e:111g by the character of the ateendauce in the past, almost every eivilized nation will be represent- ed at the Canadian meeting by M.Pn of leeognived eminence, including distin- guished government, •efficials, geologists awl netting engineers in eoesiiiting prac- thee geogrephere. great educationists tote writere of text -books. Thus sutely nevt,l' a better, a more ef fec tive matte- nity 1)84 pre4euted ieself of providing for the releepread dissemination of iiiithoritative information on Canadian 3 ("4,MrePS and polentialitiefe BITS OF WIT. Singleton-- This is a void, cold, world. Itenpeekke-You should have a wife to make it hot for you, Chun:be-MICA your friend vote AS he prays? A3othem-Yes, I think mo; about ottee year. --Yonkers Statesmite. Posteeeehompeon has gone in for eet- ilenne»t Work. Parke r-Iielping t poor or hill coneetitiga-Judge. 1,Ve eati all laugh at the fool we used to he; but it makes ue all mail when we think what foole we are, A man never really underetiines bow eaey flying SP0S 3110floy doing it tif doh -times. -.Charleston News una Courier. 1,".xent-e Ino. 'melon); might I' borrow leietzeohe from Coe Weary? Iter "Nlietree. Oh, vortainly, Jane, and hrine; me dov.0 "The 1.1.1y NVith the Purple eiaeli."- Hest:m(1m'. Vi.heneter my vire tan opPnin::0, aiht•tti,1.3 dropw Dihhs dm -4 mine, 'awl it ...4.,nerall';„ 0,ts me hide, - .1'1•0,1140'ipt. ltt, klicw that StoiMS, tite coin Woltiti collie to the front. lo.„ Ile - Ye,.t. oil remember lie Deed to ploy tie' part of the hlrel lege ef the elephant in the pantomimeY Well. now he plepw the front ler --Now Ozliqtar Time,-rittuonat AI' •