HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-01-30, Page 5GOING UT Of BUSINES .......1•11144.44 Cloyling and ten's Furnis iings being Cleared Out Ai Prices fir Pease Tie 'ore laser Men's Overcoats About 65 Men's Overcoats to clear out. You can save from $2.00 to $5.00 on a Coat by purchasing it now. Buying even for next winter wear is a good investment at the prices we are offering. oys' Overcoats About 18 Boys' Overcoats in stock yet. Ybu get the same rate of reduction on these that yOu get on men's sizes. Why not buy now ? TUB WINGITAYV':ADVAN.OB GOOD FARMS FOR SALE w. WicorrmADT-Lot 26, on 4, Weft Wawanesb, 200 urea, brink bowie, large bank barn good BO new, all other necessary istridioga, silo, good water, 25 aures hardwood bush, 4 milefrom Auburn, rural telephone, Put OHIce, school and ohurches near a$ 11314 Good reasons for selling. „ J. W. STA.OKHOUSE-Eaet 3‘ lot 32, con. 4, East Wawanosh ; good build - imp, young orohard, two wells, good felines, 10 aores hardwood bttelt, half mi'e from saws) and church and sixty rods from store aud. Post Office with daily mail, slx and ontabalf miles from Myth, Belgrave or Auburn. Owner going Wests ENOX ESTATE -South lot 13, con, 8, Morris, 100 acre, frame hones and bank barn, two oroharde, good fences, 6 acres fall wheat, 20 acres fall plowed. Will be sold cheap to wind up estate. ROBERT MESSER--/sTorth half lots 47 and 48, Con. 1, ,Morris, brick house bank barn and Owe tslsed, convenient to schools, two voiles from Bluevale on good gravel road, Owner wants to buy a larger farra. For further particulars regarding any of the above apply oa the premises or to Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE C. P. R. TOWN TICKET AGENCY G. It ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER IL E. ISARD & CO'S. STORE ARTIER J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -0Mo° In Macdonald Block - W. R. HAMBLY, B.So., XII CI Speoial attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur. gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Qaeen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 64. P. 0, Box 118 DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFNICES—Corner Patrick and Centre streets PHONES— Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr, Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.. Eyes thotoughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. ROM", O. REDMOND 1 M. It. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. 0. P. (Lend.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital, Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew CFFIOE IN MCDONALD BLOCK Any 500 article in the store for 390. ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID AT ONCE. di III I 0 011 WINCIHAM General Hospital. (Under Governmex.:1 Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians Rates for patients (which include board. and nursing)—t4.00 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informs. tion—Address AlISS L. MATIBEWS Superintendent), Box 223, whighara, Out. DR. E. H. COOK YETERIN A ItY SURGEON SUCCESSOR TO DR WILSON DOGS AND SURGERY A. SPECIALTY Residence and Office in Dr. McDonald's old residence on Centre Street, next to English. Church. 'Phone 250. WELLINGTON KTTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established,1840. Head Office GUELP/1. ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in. surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. JOITN DAVIDSON' Secretary. & COSENS, Wingharn,Onl GEO. SLEE.14AN, President. RITCHIE Agents. R. VANSTONE BARRISTeR AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. N. GEIFPIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Vire, Life, Aecident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real t state drtd Money Loaning business. e Campbell CM) 111/VIR.S4 a?. /41.0/4r,S rt1104141.0:1;457 DUDLEY 'HOLMES Bateau, '8.6110Itort etc. Office.: Meyer Block, Wingham. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND souerron. Motaw TO LOAN., Oftlee t Morton i31oc Winghtt, BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. G* A. Field of Sarnia, Oat., writeo "I have tried five different kinds of fertilizer on nay golden farm this Year and can recouAmend as being the best by a long way, the Homestead brand which 1 bought of C.A.. Yates, It gave me good results. 1 do not say this as an advertisement but simply to let my friends know the best kind to get because I know it means a lot to plant and care for a crop and then have it torn out poor. 1 say buy the Homestead and you will be safe." Homestead Fertilizers are manu. faetured and sold, by the Michigan Oarbon Works, Detroit, Michigan, who will send -free to any farmer their book on fertilizers with a hand- some calendar postage paid. They want agents where they are not now represented. Address, Michigan Oar - bon Works, Postoffice Drawer 814 A, Detroit, Michigan, asking for terms. 17- A MOVING PICTURE STORY. With our daily press and magazines filled with recitals of shortcomings of trusted individuals, of obligations for- gotten in the mad rash for money, it is positively refreshing to flash upon the curtain of events even an occaeion- al incident where gratitude stands supreme. Rrally the world is not nearly so bad as represented, for it seems to be a perverse element of htiman nature to magnify the wrong and minimize the good. Here is a true story that is worth remember- ing Some years ago a young man .with more ambition than money wenfr west in search of fortune, Through no fault of his he finally found himself far out on the plains without friends or money. He was fighting his way across the Rocky Mountains, walking by day and catching what free rides he could on the night freight trains, At last he found himself at a water tank, miles from any habitation, thinly clad, penniless, weak from hunger and exhaustion, Life seemed a failure and not worth the battle. A freight stopped for water, and the engineer seeing -his pitiable condition, told him to climb into the cab. The dinner pail was brought out and one of the two had a hearty meal, At the end. of the run the young man was awakened and, found himself literally over the mountain, in a land of sun- shine and plenty. With tears of gratitude he told the engineer be would never forget him. ,Ten years passed, and both fame and fortune had smiled on the chance passenger. He had foreseen the pos- sibilities of a vast business, then new, bet now found in every city or town. Be had made inventions and improve- ments which contributed largely to its development and. success. Ile was worth his millions ; his name was Isnown.throughotit the world wherever moving pictures flash. One clay in taking a short cut through the park he hurriedly passed a most *retched looking man, ragged ,and thin, who was sitting on a bench with head bowed, a picture of despair. Bank- ers and capitalists were even then wait- ing to hold an important directors' meeting, and time was precious. But something in the unfortunate seemed to specially call for sympathy, and retracing his steps he stood befcre the bench. He spoke to the man, who had been "a. locotnotive engineer in Mexico, Was doing well, ran over a native, had o flt..e, the country; been unable to secure a run on reaching his own land, and was now at the end of his re - 'sources. Yes, he proved to be the same engineer, and bis former passenger "made good." He dressed him and gave him money; he rented a place of amusement and set him. up with the finest moving -picture establishment in the city, where he prospered, and now owns fifteen "movies" and is worth a million dollars. The story would make a good subject for a film, Not every kind act can turn out as profitably as this did, yet every kind act brings its own reward in the doing. FOR BURNS—ZAM-ilUK STOPS PAIN AT ONCE. amloo••••••••••••••• 4.aria••••••••••••• This is the verdict of all who have tried Zam-Buk. The woman in the nome knows best its value. A burn frotn the stove, from a flat -iron, or a hot pan, is instantly soothed by Zun- euk. When the little ones fall and cut or scratch themselves, Zam-Dolt stops the pain and, incidentally, their erying. The best proof of this is the fact that children who have once had Zam-Buk applied come for it again, For more serious barns, too, it ,is unequalled. Mr. John Johnston of 731 South Marks Street, Fort Williatni a molder in Copp's Foundry, says— "Some time ago I burned the top of my foot severely by dropping some molten iron from a ladle I was carry- ing. A large hole was burned through my shoe and into the ton of my foot. 1 wam taken home, and nm -Bok was applied to the burn directly. It was am -prising what relief this balm afforded. The burn was so deep and so serious that it required careful at- tention, but rbirn-Buk prevented other cornplieations arising, and as t was daily applied, soothed the pains and allayed the inflammation. In the course of two weeks the hole burned in my foot had been quite healed" Mr. w, Gibson, of Belleville, wtitest—"We have tried /'m-13ttit often on cnts and sores, 0.114 t think there is nothing that can equal it." Zani-Etuk will also be found a sure ettre for cold sores, chapped hands, trot bite, ulcers, hlood.polson, veal, co§o toroo. Oleo, ecalp sores, ring- worm, In flanged patehes, babieb' erup- tions and chapped places, and .kin injuries generallv. All di tvgiete and atone sell at Oct box Or poet free from ?..4,1n-Buk Co., Toronto, for prico, "v"."4"."efsel..."• 111ev8- Item$ Guelph fire losseS for the year totalled $82,208, -A recount of local option ballots will be held at Forest ii4111, 81, -A 0,000 brink and artificial stone plant will be constructed near Guelph. -A re-count of the local option bal- iots in London Township will take place February 1. -A man in Walkerton was sent to jail for thirty days for supplying liquor to an Indian —Senator Davis moved In the Senate that school lands in the western pro- vince i he withdrawn from sale. —The Queen's aoteit Midland., a temperance hostelry, has paid- a 10 per cent. dividend on last year's opera- Hons. —Bitten by a stray dog on Sunday, Dec, 8 last, Alexandra May, the four- year-old daughter of John Keen of St. Thomas, died on Friday. —In the death of Robert 1S1cAlltster at the great age of 86 years, the north- ern part of Bay Tp. lost one of its earliest and most respected. settlers. -The 'United Farmers of Alberta have passed a resolution unanimously protesting against the establishment of a sample grain market in Western Canada. -Ontario lands ought to bring better prices, now that mush of the free land in the West has been taken up. In coward township, Kent County, last week, a 200 acre farm was sold for $24,500. Of course, this land is situated in a fine part of a very fine townshi p. -Falling into a vat of boiling water, Jamie, the three-year-old son of Reeve James Wellwood of Raleigh township, was so badly scalded that he died two hours afterwards. The water was prepared for scalding pigs, and the child strayed near the vat unnoticed by the men it work. .1 I WHY HESITATE? An Offer That Involves No Risk For Those Who Accept It. 4,44.•1444.444,44V4444.44,4444401 Weare so positive that our remedy will relieve constipation, that we offer to furnish it free of all cost if it fails. Constipation is caused by weakness of the nerves and muscles of the large intestines or descending colon. To expect relief you, must therefore tone up and strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier aetivity. We want you to try Rexall Order- lies on our guarantee. They are eaten like candy, anci are particularly ideal for children, They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They have a neutral action on the other organs or glands, They do not purge or cause any inconvenience whatever. They act to overcome chronic or habitual constipation and the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments, Try Rexall Order. lies at our risk. Two sizes, 10c and 25a. Sold only at our store -The Rexall Store, J, W, McKibbon. Worth Remembering. Goose -oil persistently applied for a few weeks will loosen stiff joints... , Debt is like a mouse -trap. It is easier to get into it than to get out of it „ A little sugar added to the stovepolish will keep it from burning off so quick- ly High heels cause nervous dis- orders by/straining the muscles of the spinal cord and back, and when worn on low shoes weaken the ankles—. , After the weekly washing is finished rub the hands with a little vinegar. It counteracts the effect of soap on the skin and keeps the hands from becoming hard Five or six thick- nesses of common newspaper placed between layers of cotton and covered and tacked in the usual way makes a warm, light cheap and sanitary quilt. Those who have not tried it will be surprised' at its warmth and dura- bility. THE DOINION BANK SIR EDMUND S. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE-PRESIDENTe C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. - $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $76,000,000 Capital paid up . . l'icerve Fund - f':e.,, Total Assets — 1 Business Men On Farms --like business men in towns and cities -make good use of the facilities which this Bank offers. In addition to their Savings Accounts, they open ,Checking Accounts and make all payments by Cheque. The Bank makes collections promptly, Discounts Sales Notes and transacts every kind of banking business. eltsre you conducting your affairs in this business -like way? WINGHAM BRANCH N. EVANS, Manager. L. ‘04 4/0 )1161° to I 1 .1 h 1 The money you invest in Phonograph Records' goes farthest when you buy Blue- Amberol Records Farthest from a, musical standpoint, because Blue Amberols have a finer tone than any other phonograph records and reproduce in a more lifelike way. Farthest from an investment standpoint, be- cause Blue Amberols will never wear and repro- duce less perfectly than when new, and will never become injured by careless handling. The Blue Amberol is a Record for The Edison Phonograph Hear it at your Edison dealer's today Thorns/ A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N, U. S. A. A complete lin of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at DAVID BELL l• • .,...1.114 /11plIVAP,"., eiV" „d ani . !,4( ./d4E. 11.414.4014iIikatteaiiit. mower, —__ Mori Offlc8 HAMILTON 0,./ P4,4 CAPITAL PAID UP.... .. ' II • $ 000,000 noserve and Undivided ''''''''' 3,500,000 Total Assets . 45,000,(00 TTis not yOrtr earning power that ill 113,04Stir0 your liappinw itt the later years. 'Your saving point, alone can as- sure you against the time when your earti. fug power will be redUced. A savings account at the Bank of 1101111 - ton Weald be a help toward aPqrtiring the habit of saving, The matte coutteotts, tt cleat, attention is givert to all dtpositors lar whether the account be ge or small. 0. r. SMITH Nyi;NOiLAINT: 4#4444:44,-444,141t4 4, ARD'S JANUARY STOCK TAKING SALE Sale Commences SATURDAY, JANUARY 4th, and continues until stock is written in. "Our Object" is to reduce the stock by SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS, and in order to do so will make SWEEPING REDUCTIONS on all lines of HEAVY GOODS. Move quick and get your share of the Bargains. ALL ACCOUNTS ARE DUE AND MUST BE SIT - T1130 BY CASH OR NOTE BY JANUARY ISTH. LA_DIES' COATS made of plain Kersey Cloth, lined in sleeve and waist, colors are navy, grey, green and black ; regular value $10.00 to $12.00, stock taking sale price $7.75. GIRMS' COATS.—Several lines of Girls' Coats, broken in eizes, plain cloths and fancy tweeds, for quick selling reduced to $4,50. FURS FURS FURS Buy Your Furs this month and save the discount. Big stock here to choose from. Persian Lamb, Sable, Mink Marmot, Fitch, Astrachan, Coney, Seal, Grey Squirrel. Fur Lined Goats for men and women at bargain prices. DRESS GOODS AND SILKS Buy your Dress Goods now while the prices are down. All the new weaves are here at money saving prices. See our yard wide Silk, regular value $1,25 for $1.00. MEN'S STORE Look in at our Men's Wear and see how much money you can make buying dur our Stock Taking Sale. Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Sweater Coats, Underwear, Mits and Gloves, Overalls, Smocks, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. , II AI MI II I ••• I III II 1 I 11 •s•ir SA3D . 1 J,lill 11 1 . I 11.02,444 1..41..4.4:4 :lib. N11140..41.4 k,4 4. 110114 414 41111 11 II 11,41,.1. 1 ,g.„ 4,4 1 W II .1 .1 I —1 L. Awl 61•144 • M8 Y. 41 41.11• d I L41141•14.11,11164 441 1• 1 LI 11 .01 44 j4.1 IAN i6. iv. ak41 .1 611 I . 14,111144110 . .01 II Ancient Prescription. The oldest known prescription in the world is in the Metropolitan Mu- seum of Art. It is -on a piece of stone 3s4 inches in aim., and was probably written 3,500 years ago in Egypt. The prescrif tion takes up both faces of the stone and is writtt n in the old cursive ch -ne.ters, the compound be- ing a remedy that was to be used for a futnigb tion. 4. 1 s 111 11 11 1. .111. issms Sand us your name and address and we will forward to you free a map of THE CITY OF WINNIPEG and full description of our very - high% class sub -division Rosewood Crescent, with price list CRESCENT LAND CO. N. P. GREER, SBORMARY 5og McArthur Bldg., WINNIPEG, Man. I ooml I +Am ml MI mi• Free Railroad Free We'll pay your fare for the round trip for a distance of Pare 15 miles, if you'll purchase during this sale $20 worth or over. Be sure and buy your return tickets FOR THIRTY DAYS. Our Guarantee We assure each and every purchaser absolute satisfaction. We guarantee every statement herein made. LIG SALE HERMAN Successors to ROBIN'S STORE, WINGHAM Sale Begins Saturday Morning, Jan. 11, at 9 o'clock This is not an ordinary Sale, but au extraordinary Sale, Let nothing keep you away, It will be the opportunity of a lifetime to btly ttp-to. date Fall and Winter Merchandise at less than old shelf -worn goods would cost elsewhere. READ 1 These are only a few sample prices showing how goods will be sold -places never before heard of on such high-grade Clothing and IVIen's Furnishings Come and see for yourself, for what your eyes see your heart must believe Men's Fall Overcoats and Fur Cogs ingIo lireasted Fly'Front Style Rog :price $16 to $18, sale prico...,$11.75 12 to 11, " 8,50 10 to 12, " 7 SO thl 840,11. tear _,.. ▪ Reg ,prlee $25 for. $1.1 50 4 • 20 ,. for 15.00 -4 ,.. _ , , 2 sesenis Sttita A Worsteds in Now Shades of Brown -.4 ..3 Reg. rico $14 to stasale prion ..-$9.85 44 10 to 12, sale prion .... 8.20 .4 • " 8 to 10, ' ..,. 600 1 .4 7 to 2, " .. 4 I 5.00 —.1 Boys' Bloomer Stilts ri T vi'Catht In Dark Patterns 3 Iteg..priee $5 LO $0, sale price. .....$3 05 Ts _.3 Pants ,I Iteg,priee rps to $5.50, sale price.. „$3,25 ri 2 00 .. 3 «135 = .. 2 .4 1,4114.• 1.35 4 4 250 41 4, 1.75 -_m 1 Tweed Pants guaranteed, reg. $2 25 1.25 ?Tv Overalls ▪ Ilia& and f-ftriped, with Elastic Back Iteg. price $ I 25, s-ile price 89c Double Kneed Overalls = neg.:price el,25. sale trice ,,..,,,440e 75 590 —1 ".! 111:1 it Working Shirts Hate, Black and Striped Reg. 75e for .. , 30e Reg. $t for....30e Reg, 8.5e for ...40e 13oys, and Youth& Hoots and Oxfords Iteg rice ti.00, sale kris°, .. ... .41 35 1 75 1.25 48 1 t,(1 " „.. ... . .. 1,10 Pint Quality of Rubbers neg. price eee a est at ea, sale priee„ .74e All hinds of Ties Reg. price 25e, sale price,.......2 fOr 230 Special Bargains ht Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Men's Boots, Tan and Black, Blucher Cut Reg.,price $3 to $3,50, sale„price„..$2.25 4 to 4.25 3.00 2 to 2.2.5 " ... 160 Underwear Men's Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers Sizes 31 to 44, reg. price 60c to 75c, sale PriCe 300 .11037s' Irleete Lined Shirts Iteg. pries) 506, sale price . . . 4.44.250 Pentuan'Et Best Unshrinkable lqattzral Wool Shirts and Drawers. Iteg.stice $1.25 to $l 50, sale„prico...86e 1.00 to 1.25 4.620 Illett's Sweater Coats Rog.prica $2,00 to $2,50, saleprice..$1.35 1.50 to 2 00 ., 12.5 1.25 to 1,50 " .95 1.00 to 1.10 .. .75 Boys, Sweater Coats Reg. price $i to $1.25, sale price..... r000 Shirts All makes, all colors. ineludinst lflaok and White Hairline Stripe.-, eoat styles, all styles. Reg. mike $1,$1,25, $1.50, sale price..tZe Reg. price 75e, for ........ .... ...... 49e Meals Pure Wool Socks Good 'Weight. Doable Heel and Toe Iteg, 35e for, ...10e Reg. 25e for....150 1Y/en's Winter Mitts First Quality Buckskin, Wool Lined Reg $1 and $1.25 for.. .... -720 Reg. 60e to,76e for All Mods of Caps lteg. price 75c and $1 0, sale price -45c Darby Hatt All the New ran Shapes, made neg. pries $2, to $2 60. sale Winn.- .$1.45 Felt Hats, tog. $4 to $3, sale price...WS COME RIGHT NOW AND SAVE THE DOLLAR ThF BARGAIN STORE Opp. Presbyterian Chutei t sliall1611.1111101111111111121111100