HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-01-30, Page 4THE [, INS: AM ADVANCE. Extraordinar Fur Values We have again been successful in purchasing a large consignment of all kinds of Furs and Fur Coats late in the season, many of these being travellers' samples and odd styles and broken liners, these with what stock we have left will. tend to make very interesting Fur Sale. 10 Ladies' Fur Lined Coats, reg. $65.00 value for $47.00. These are made from a very fin e quality Broadcloth, muskrat lining, Alaska sable collar. 510 oddMuffs and Stoles, mostly Alaska Sable, Mink Marmot, Wolf, Persian Lamb and Mink and American Fox. Prices from $4.00 to $50.00 at a saving of 25 per cent. off regular prices. 10 only Men's Coon Coats. Notwithstanding the big in- crease of the Raw Furs, we can offer you these at from $55.00 to $95.00. 20 Men's Russian Dog Coats, all sizes in the lot and three grades to choose from. $18 value for $14.50 ; $20 value for $15.50 ; $25 value for $18.50. 6 Ladies' Fur Lined Coats - $75.00 for $57,50. 10 Ladies' Far Trimmed Coats, reg, $25.00 for $17.50. 12 Men's Fur Collared Coats with Quilted Lining and Broadcloth Shells, regular $18.00 and $20,00 value for $13.50. Fur Hats and Caps clearing at big sacrifice prices. ALL ACCOUNTS ARE MADE TIP. ASK FOR YOVRS. We Want Your Produce +MINI -- sir G Try The Advance. For Sale Bills. For Church Reports. For Posters of all kinds.. For Bill Heads, Memos,. For Note Heads, Letter Heads.' For Job Work of All kinds. OVER Gs YEARS'; EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may :„quicldy ascertain our opinion free whether an n.,cc%tion is probably patentable. Communica- tions Strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oidesr honey for securing atents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive epeeiai notice, without charge, in the Scientific Amnon. A. handsomelyillustrated ayscientific weekly'. Terms for ,Canada, $3.75 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co 361Brnadway, New York Branbh Omce. 825 33 St.. Washington. D. C. • Electric Restorer for Men Phosph®11('sl restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phoaphonolt will make you a new man. Price $3 a box. or two for $5. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Prng Co., St. Ct3thmrines. Out. ^USINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 13 Vice -Principal .ff Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's are sold at 45 a box,or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Soobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. ` ' MUM`tM\\\\\\������������������c\\�\\\\\\\%%V Ca WHEN we have occasion to send money through the mail, we can do no better than follow the lead of the business man, who long ago discovered that the easiest, safest and simplest way is by Express Money Order. Business 'nen invariably remit by this method. Women are rapidly learning to appreciate the significance of this fact -and they, too, are now large users of Express Orders. There Is es Express Meek your town -find it And make use of k You'll be met by a. courteous and obliging agent. who wIil explain to you the advantages and simplicity of Dominlon Mone ...� l RA'Jrli„3 its and udder . , . 3 4161 Ovet t5 to t10 .. 6 " " 10" 30,.10•' " 30" 50..15" " 50, at me e rate/ Every raillery station bas an Express Office where ' Cron!'" may be obtained, and In almost every town there are branch (Mires loatted in the reitdemie Jistricer. rders &Foreign Cheques Only A Stamp. Only the price of a postage stamp, but the total price paid for postage stamps in Canada makes a big sum in the course of a year. An Ottawa despatch says the increase in the sale of stamps for the month of De- cember made a record for the post-- office ost-office department. The total receipts were $1,028,000, and this is the $ret time that the receipts for one month passed the one million and a half mark. It is believed that at this rate of increase at the end of the fiscal year the total revenue from stamps will reach the fourteen million mark. This will be an increase of nearly two millions over that of last year. Potato Canker. In speaking of potato canker, Prof R. Harcourt, of Guelph, stated, since 1909 bulletins have been issued to prevent the spread ,of poi ato canker. The disease was discovered in Hun- gary in 1896, and it is hard to get rid of, and has to be followed right up hard. A quarantine had been put on seed potatoes imported into this country from Europe, The disease spreads quickly by means of the pores or puss -like stuff of the 11.isease which break off and could spread itself this way very quickly through a bag of potatoes. The symptoms are the worst -like growth -on the stem, and the disease was found on ixarnination by digging the plant up. It is a fun- gus disease and stays in ti to land for about eight years. The destruction of this disease was by the use of heavy applications of lime and giving the potato crop a. different place in the rotation, INDIGESTION FIVE YEARS Relieved by VinoI. Strength and even life itself de-, pends upon the 1ottrlahment and proper assimilation of food, and unless digestion is good, the whole body, suf- fers. Mrs. L. D. Cook, Vineland, N. S., says: "1 was sick five years with. In- digestion. My stomach seemed to have a he4oy load in it, and at other times it seemed to be tied in knots. Nobody knows how I suffered. "I tried a ;great many doctors and a great many kinds of medicine, but nothing did t ,ny good until I took Vinol. It has helped me wonderfully. I am improvitn$ fast, feel better and and getting my flesh back again, Vinol has done me a world of goovl." We know the great powers lbt Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, in Cui•irrt, chronic atoinaeh tr:oulile and buil ding up all weakened, rtutodown perlson>i, and that is, why we guarantee to return, your money if it does not 'help your. +`. W. Moltibbell, Druggist, 'Wtughem, 'Phone 71 BIG GER RETURNS FROM THE FARM. GET TUE 11M31T.. Recently, the .Advance rioted one bundled good suggestions hoin the pen of E. B Warman, A. 14„ and they are worth reproducing. This week, we give the following, as a first instalment, Cut them out and keep them as they appear during the next few weeks in the Advance. Get the bahit-of early rising. Get the habit -of retiring early, Get the habit -of eating slowly, Get the habit ---of being grateful. Get the habit -of being punctual, Get the habit --of fearing nothing, Get the habit --of speaking kindly, Get the habit-bf radiating sunshine, Get the habit --of seeking the sun- shine daily, Get the habit -of speaking correctly. Get the habit -of pronouncing cor- rectly, Get the habit --of closing doors gently. Get the habit- of ii(rao rr& bs in U ' - 1,1etLi'8,t1(;H, Get the habit -of relying on your- self, always. Get the habit -of a forgiving spirit. Get the habit -of being industrious. Get the habit -of apprehending no evil, Get the habit ---of anticipating only good, Get the habit -of always being pro- gressive. Get the habit -of paying as you go. Get the habit -of promptness at meals. Get the habit -of a quiescent con- centration. `" Get the habit -of daily physical ex- ercise. Get the habit -of being accommo- dating. Get the habit -of being a good listener. Get the habit -of economy, not -t stinginess. The following, by R. Vining of Morrisburg, in the Canadian Farm, is worth thinking over :- During these winter days the thoughtful farmer turns his mind to a consideration of the ways and means by which he may obtain bigger re- turns from his farm this year. The fanning mill is an important factor in farm economy. The follow- ing table is from results reported by Prof. Z- vitz at Guelph, and shows the yields obtained by using large plump and small plump seed. Yield per Acre. Large Small Kind of grain Plump seed Plump seed Oats 62 46.6 Barley 53.8 5�.4 Winter wheat 46 9 40.4 Spring wheat 21.7 18.0 Peas 28.1 213.0 Results like these speak for them- selves. If by the use of large plump seed we can add 15 bushels per acre to the yield of our oat fields, surely we cannot afford to sow the small plump or the shrunken seed. But this is only part of the truth, By analysis of the grain it is shown that the per cent, of hull is much greater in the large primary grains than on the small secondary grains of oats. In other words, the small grains have a higher feeding value. There will be many slack days be- fore seeding time. Then every min- ute will be precious. Can we not well afford to start the fanning mill ? Most farmers put 'the grain through the mill once before sowing it. Some do not. Some men put the. grain through the second time, That. is good. Three tidies would be better. Four times would be best yet. It means work, but it has proven to be well worth while. It is safe to say that the yield of oats per see in On.. tario would be materially increased If every farmer would adopted this stat'tdard for the coming seeding. Not more than three out of every fone trutrbels taken from the bin should. b a ZOOM. Get the habit -of eating but one hearty meal a day. Get the habit -of hoping on and hoping ever. Get the habit -of expecting that for which you hope. Get the habit -of respecting every- one's religious views. Get the habit -of respecting every- one's political views. Get the habit -of looking at things from another's point of -view. Get the habit -of healing a wound rather than making one. Get the habit --of keeping your eye ever on the goal. Get the habit -of keeping everlast- ingly at it -if it is right. Get the habit -of not letting go in order to get a better hold. Get the habit -of making a confi- dante of your wife. Get the habit -of answering all letters with needed promptness. Get the habit -of listening to and heeding the "still small voice." Get the habit -of keeping the Christmas spirit throughout the year, -During the' last three months of 1912 the average' nuniber of marriage ceremonies performed by Windsor clergymen in Wit-dsar averaged ten each day, or a total of ODI for the 00 days. -During the year 11)12, 130 new Chatham, din Lhatliafxi 100 were erected houses w being frame, 22 brick' and eight cement; 3) others. were remodeled The total amount expendAcl on build - bog operatitf lb waft $x01.,391, an In- 0rettte of $0,814 over last year. (to be continued) DON'T BE BALD. Nearly Anyone May Secure A Splendid Growth Of Hair: We have a remedy that has a record of retarding baldness and promoting hair growth in 93 out of every 100 cases where used according to direc- tions for a reasonable length of time. That may seers, like a strong state- ments -it is, and we mean it to be, and no one should doubt it until they have put our claims to an actual test. We are so certain Rexalt "93" Hair Tonic will eradicate dandruff, act to prevent baldness, stimulate ,the scalp and hair roots, arrest premature loss of hair and promote hair growth, that we personally give our positive guar- antee to refund every penny paid us for it in every instance where it does not give entire satisfaction to the user. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is as pleasant to use as clear spring water. It is delightfully perfumed, and doss not grease or gum the hair. Two Fizes, 50c and $L With our guarantee back of it, you certainly take no risk. Sold only at our store -The Rexall Store, J. W. McKtb°bon. The Home Paper. . An actual necessity is the home paper, in order to keep in touch with what is going on around you. .rhe Advance fills the bill. $1.00 a year is not much for the 52 weekly visits of this bright newsy local paper. We club with all the leading papers. With rural mail developing, get a Daily also. To The Public. We A re Agents For Parisian Sage, And We Know The Guarantee Is Genuine, PARISI AN Sage, the quick -acting hair restorer, is guaranteed -- To stop falling hair, To cure dandruff. To cure itching of the sealp, To put life into faded hair, To make harsh hair soft and luxuri- ant, To make hair grow, or money 'back, It is the he most d els hkftt thairdress ing made, at'd is a great favorite with ladies who desire beautiful and luxuri- ant h tier. Large bottle only 500. The R T. l3oottt Co., Ltd.,1+port Erie, Clat,, Canadian makers, J. Wv Moibbon, druggist. Lg Clean U Sale The Biggest Yet Our Big Stock Reducing Sale will be continued up to February 15th, Don't forget the date, Tell your neighbors about it. Thousands of dollars worth of good sea- sonable goods to be sold during the next fifteen days. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. Big Bargains in Dress Goods --Tweed, Broadcloth, Serge, Mohair, Henrietta, Arrnure, Lustre ; newest styles in plain, plaid and stripe. 25 per cent. less than regular prices. Big Sale of Fancy Silks. -$I.00 Fancy Silk for 75c.; 75c Fancy Silk for only I 54c ; 65c ,tucy Silk for only 48c ; 5oc Fancy Silk for only 35e. Carpet Bargains.-$i.io Carpet for 79c ; 9oc for 68c ; 8oc for 6oc ; 65c for 45c ; 5oc for 37c. Stair Carpet, Linoleum, Floor Oilcloth all at reduced. prices, Corset Sale. ._$1. 5o Corsets for $ t .15 ; $1.25 Corsets for 95c ; $1.00 Corsets for 69c ; 75c. Corsets for 58c ; 75c Corsets for 54c ; 5oc Corsets for 38c. Underwear Bargains -For risen, boys, women, girls and infants. $4 5o Ladies' Silk Waists for $3.38 ; $3.5o Silk Waists for $2.63. Damask Curtains. -Regular $4.5o for $3.38 ; $3.50 for $2 63 ; $6.5o for $4.88. Ladies' Hand Bags, new style, black, green, gray, brown, regular $1.25 for 84c. Big Bargains in Ladies' and Misses' Wool Hose-5oc Hose for 39c ; 45c Hose for- 35c ; 4oc Hose for 32c ; 25c Hose for 20C. Men's Lined Gloves -$1.25 for 95c ; $i,00 for 75c ; 75c for 55c. Women's Lined Gloves-5oc for 38c ; 35c for 27c ; 25c for 19c. Herring in Tomato Sauce, regular lac tin now .4 for 25c ; Seeded Raisins 3 pts. 25c ; Sultana Raisins, i lb. pks., 3 for 25c ; i lb. pks., New Dates, 3 for 25c ; Eddy's Matches, 3 boxes 25 ; Evaporated Peaches, 2 pts. 25c. TAKE NOTICE.=asAll accounts must be settled at once. WANTED. --Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Table Turnips, Beans, Seed Onions, Seed Beans, &c. Our Plant. The Advance is well-equipped, with an excellent assortment of the best type. Our work is neatly and cor- rectly done. Promptness is insisted on. Try the Advance for your next order, Electric power ; prices reason- able. The Advance Ofliee. MM FALL DESIRING THE BEST in business and Shorthand Educa- tion are invited to write for the Largo Catalogue of the Popular ELLIOTT a TORONTO, ONT. This school has now the greatest attend- ance in its history. There is a reason for it. We ba.ve room for more. This may bo your best opportunity. Decide now to enter our school at an early date. Our graduates readily get position. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL.. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste. S►TRATFORD. ONT. Tho best practical training school in On- tario. Three departments-- COMMER- < MAL, SHORTHAND and TELCGItA- C PRY. .All courses are thorough and practical. Teachear are experienced and practical are placed in positions. Wo give individual attention and students may enter at any time. write for our free catalogue at once. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS A" person who ie the solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years old. may hems. stead a quartet suction of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatehewan or Alberta. The applicant Must appose in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. 'Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father Tooth- er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend. ins homesteader. Duties.w-Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A. homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by hits or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may preempt a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3.00 per aero. Duties.---Mu4t reside upon the homestead or tiremption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (inCluding the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homostoaddr who has exhausted his bome- stead right and cannot obtain a preemption t � may enter for a p nrtshaatd hone i edineomain distriotn. 1'rieo $3 00 par acre IJntiett..Must side six monthly in each of three rears, cu1tt Vats fifty acres and erect a Mouse worth $300. W. W. CORY, Daputy of the Minister of the Interior, 1141.- 1, hauthorI, Gd publication of this M- vnrtL smog Will not ha paid for. GREAT PROFIT SHARING SALE For Two Weeks commencing Saturday, January 18th, till Saturday, February 1st, we will offer every article in the store at cost and some lines under. This is a genuine Sale. No fake. Come and see, Below are a few of the lines offered : 1 Ladies' Quilted Lined Marmot Collar, was $20, now $1.5. 1 ' ( t ( German Otter c c 24, now 19, Men's Fur Coats.l 1 Coon Coat worth $100 for $75 each ; 1 Bulgarian Lamb Coat worth $30 for $20 ; 2 Corean Beaver Coats worth $25 for $18 ; 4 Calfskin Coats worth $30 for $20 each ; '2 Siberian Dog Coats worth $25 for $18 each ; 2 Af-tric- can Lined Fur Collared Coat worth $14 for $10 each ; 2 Astracan Lined h'ur Collared Coats worth $20 for $15 each. Men's Suits and Overcoats at 20% Discount. 10 doz. Men's Leather Faced Mitts, was 60c pair, sale price 40e pair ; 40 pair Men's Cloth Pants worth $2 00 'for $1.25 each ; 2 dcz. Men's Overalls, 750 for 49e pair ; 10 doz. Black Overalls, $1.00 for 80o pair. Rugs and Linoleutns. 50 Rugs including Union, Tapestry, Velvet, Wilton's and Axminsters, from 21 x 3 yds. to 3 • x 4 yds., at 25 per cent. off regular price. 8 pieces Nairn's Scotch Linoleum worth 60c square yd. for 50c per yd. ; 3 patterns worth 55e, sale price 450 square yard. These are all good patterns but must be cleared out to make room for spring stock. 2000 yds. Crumbs English Print, reg. 12ic for 100 per yd. 150 yds. Pailette Silk, 40 inches wide, reg. $1.75 for $1.25 yd., several shades ; 70 yds. Pailette Silk, 36 inohes wide, reg. $1 25 for 90o, black and blue only. Every piece of Dress Goods in store at cost price. Ladies' White Waists from 750 to $3.50 ; this is a snap. Ladies' Gowns, bought especially for this sato, worth $1 50, $1.75 and $2.00, for $1.25 each. Space will not allow us to mention everything here, but ask to be shown goods. Groceries Special. Broom worth 35c for 250, worth 450 for 35o, worth tOe for 40e. Seeded Raisins, 3 packages 25c, positively new goods ; Maple LPtt'f Salmon, 25o $au ; North Cost Salmon, 22o, 4 s'ze, i to ; Cascade Salmon, pink, 17d oa'i ; Sultana I,atsins, 3 lbs. 25o ; Granulated Sugar, 20 lb sack, $1.10 Yellow Sugar, 20 lb. $1001 Oatmeal 8 lbs. 25o; Oasemore's honey, 100 lb ; Standard foss, 100 can Tomatoes, 2 cans 250 ; Oorn, 90 can. s. All kinds pro - pies. 'Phone 89. Positively no goods charged at these pr duce taken-l3utter, Eggs, Beans, Dried misimemeasakelmassisimaniasemeansi olid i 1 S Successor to T. A. M .E►) WINGHA