HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-01-23, Page 81 SPECIAL CRUISE AROUND THE WORLD EMPRESSES OF 'RUSSIA' and'ASIA' (New C. P. R. Pacific Steamship) The Empress of Russia will leave Li- verpool. Aprik 1st, cathin; at Uibralter, - Villefranche and Port Said, proceeding via Entex, Colombo„ Singapore, Hong Kong, - Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe l Yokohama, arriving Vancouver June 71h 1913 Vessel! retrains 10 days at Hong Kong. Empress of Asia will hail from Liverpool June 18th. particulars of trip will bo an- nounced later. direct connection for .April 1st sail- ing is via "Empress of Britain" from St. John, N.I3., March 21st. RATE FOR ENTIRE CRUISE $636,40 Exclusive of maintenance between arrival time in I.ngland and departure of "Empress of Russia, and stopover at 1' -long Kong Get partioulars from Ritchie & Cosens, Town .Agents, phone 123 ; J. H. Beemer, Station .Agent, phone 7. ; or write _ M, G. MURPHY D.L .A., C,P.Ry., Toronto. a 1 1-7=7771 CALIFORN LA► MEXICO FLORIDA AND THE ..SUNNY SOUTH ( The Grand. Trunk Railway is the most ) direct route from all points East turough Canada via Chicago, Detroit, or Buffalo. ONLY DOUBLE,TRACR ROUTE Round trip tourist tickets, giving choice of all the best routes, together with full information, may be obtained from any Grand Trunk Agent. H, B. Elliott, Town Passenger & Ticket L. ; phone 4. W. Burgman, Station ccc Ticket Agent ; phone 74. ww ry , ... : W. J. MAYERS AND DR. BARNARDO'S MUSICAL BOYS •x0. TOWN HALL, WINGHAM Wednesday, Jan. 29th at S p. m. Chairman, Dr, A. J. Irwin. Admission -25c and 350 ; Children— half price. Tickets at Mr. J. W. MclKibben's. Popular Lecture -Talk on Dr.'Barnardo's splendid Life -Work for the Children, with unique COLOURED PICTURES NOVEL AND ATTRACTIVE MUSICAL SELECTIONS on Handbells, Bagpipes, Mandolines, Xylophones, Ocarinar, Cornets, &c, &o. Programme one yard long. Collection for the Barnardo Work. COME AND SEB, HEAR AND HELP, cEt.r. X10343)1)11)********00(1; 0 it N g� m0 Mfo II Grailiteware Nr 0.11ii p 0 Sale. r r n i r{1 Commencin Jan. 6 o T 16 f6H rte Mt ti rt 1 rpt MARSHALL'S tr 1.6 MARSHALLs 1h 16 /0 ih 6 Sc, 10C, 15c and 25c Store 1X m C H RTSTTE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 OMO Bleaches, Cleanses, Purifies. It is claimed that OMO is one of the best Cleansers on the market. Those who •have used it speak highly of it and recom- mend it for all that it claims. • Per Packet, IOc. • 5 Lb. Pails Gillets Caustic Soda, 35c. For Soiled Hands Nothing beats Hand Dutch Soap. It removes dirk, stains, &e, leav- ing the hands perfectly white and smooth. Try a Cake, 5c. BROADVIEW • STOCK FARM. "SHORTHORNS" HERD HEADED BY "FAVORITE CHARACTER" (IMP.) For sale are, two choice young Bnlls of a serviceable age with the best of breeding and out of good milking dams ; will be sold reasonable for quick sale. J. G. Fyfe, Proprietor Wingham, Ont. Farm, 1: Miles South of Wingham. drer7"--11 =:r tri/•`ti-y�� 411,11,10011o.' sem. w:``?r•..!• • I• '`'/ ,1 Dominion Express Money Order Service Includes "Courtesy" OSSIBLY you' ve never had occasion to send money by mail. Possibly you have sent money butneverby Express Money Order. When you do have occasion to send money through the mail, a call at, the nearest office of the Dominion Express Company will result in an easy and pleasant transaction. On your part — a simple request and a mention of the amount to be remitted. The agent then hands you your Money Order, all ready for enclosure—and that Order can only be cashed by the one to whom it is addressed. Is it any wonder that most people are adopting the Express Order as the safe, simple and satisfactory way? Madam—next time you have money to send anywhere, use OIllhiliOIl E a\e\\\\., ‘‘‘,\I OPTIC ES Every railVay station f�as an Express Office where "Orders" may be obtained, and in almost every town there are branch offices loeitted In t h e resi- dential distrlc,s, • M on ell Orders or \i Foreign, Cheques ,\k„ ress RATES E5 and under + - 3 cts. Over t5 to 810 - 6 " "10"30-10" "10" 50-15" " 50, at same rata THE DOMINION BANK SIR EDMUND D. OSLER, M,P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOL •PRostDEN'1'. 1 0. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital paid up Reserve Fund W , r i ,• 14otttl Asseett w M $5,000,000 $a,000,000 • $78,000,000 Whenever Yon Travel At home or abroad—carry funds in Travellers' Cheques or Letters of Credit, Issued bye The Dominion Bank. They are current ali ever the world, and cashed at their face value. They prevent less—And save all the annoy:ttces of being identified, and the worries of foreign exchange. W'NQHAM fl ANtH : N, EVANS, Manage. "WIN .AM -ADVANC IIUW OLD ARE YOU BY YOUR HAIR. You may be 30 in years, but if you. are baldheaded or gray, you cannot prevent people from thinking you are years older. Dandruff is the root of all hair evils, If it were not for the little destructive germs working with a pertiistrnny worthy of a better cause there would be no baldness, PARISIAN Sage, Canada's greatest hair restorer, will keep you looking young and attractive, It is guaranteed by 3, W'V''. McKib- ben to make hair grow and stop fall- ing hair; to cure dandruff` in two weeks; to stop itching of the scalp almost instantly. PARISIAN Sage is the most in- vigorating, satit;fying, and pleasant hair dressing made ; it makes the hair soft, luxuriant and handsome; it is especially praised by women who love beautiful hair, 50 cents a bottle, Fast Wawanosh. Robt, Harrison has sold 100 maple trees to Luxton Hill of Blyth. J. J. Mason and Chas, Keatting are cutting wood for T. 11, Taylor. John K. Elliott of Vancouver, B.C., is visiting under the parental roof. Geo. Kerr is doing as well as can be expected with his broken limb, but he will be laid aside for some time with it. The Council met on Jan. 13 accord- ing to Statute, the members thereof being—J. N. Campbell, Reeve, and Messrs, Buchanan, Currie, Irwin and Stonehouse, Councillors. After, subscribing to the statutory declarations of qualification and of office, the Reeve in the chair, the minutes of last meeting was read and adopted. The Clerk, Treasurer, and Assessor were again appointed to their respec- tive offices. John Gillespie, ex -Reeve, along with the Reeve, Clerk and Dr. Stewart, Belgrave, M. H. 0., will be the Local Board of .Health for 1913, J. W: Bone and John S. Scott were appointed auditors of accounts for 1912, on motion of Councillors Bu- chanan and Irwin. • The sum of $5 was allowed for rent of each polling booth for the past election, and also similar amount for use of Belgrave school for Nomination meeting, Seven copies of the "Municipal World" were ordered for the council, clerk and treasurer, on motion of Councillors Currie and Buchanan. By-law No. 1, 1013, confirming the appointment of township officials and By-law No. 2, 1913, appointing the council road commissioners was read and passed. The following accounts were paid— The Municipal World election supplies $5 28 ; subscriptions to paper $5 75 ; A. Porterfield expenses of last Muni- cipal election $60 ; A. Porterfield salary as clerk and postage in 1912, $130 ; The Advance office balance printing con- tract in 1012, ballots, etc„ $19,05 ; D. A. Dunbar repairing culvert, con. 3 8and 9, $1, Council adjourned to meet Monday, Fab. 10th, at 10 a. m. A, Porterfield, Clerk. West Wawanosh. A well-known and esteemed resident of West Wawanosh in the person of Matthew Sproul, of the 2nd conces- sion died on Sunday evening as the result of injuries received the previous evening. Mr. Sproul was in the stable putting a blanket on a horse which had just come in from A trip to Mc- Gaw when the animal kicked, knock- ed him down and crushed him severe- ly. He lingered until Sunday evening, when death ensued. The funeral took place to Dungannon ° cemetery on Wednesday afternoon and was con- ducted with the honors of the Orange Order of which the deceased was a member. Owing to the illness of de- ceased's pastor, Rev. G. Gomm, Rev. J. E. Hunter was the officiating clergyman. Mr. Sproule was seventy- one years of age and is survived by three sons and two daughters : David and James, of West Wawanosh ; Mat- thew, of Lucknow ; Mrs, Thos. Mc- Itxtyre of Ashfield, and Mrs. W. 3. Davison, of '-Stirlingville, Mich. Belgrave. The concert held under the auspices of the Canadian Order of Foresters on Thurday evening, 9th inst., was the event of the season both in point of attendance and entertainment. The program was excellent and all seeined to thoroughly enjoy themselves. Mr. H. Hopper was chairman and after a few introductory remarks, the pro- gram was put on by Mr. Wilson, comedian, Toronto ; Miss Nellie O'Neil, elocutionist, Toronto, and Mr. T. Stewart, Blyth. Culross. Council met as per statute, Jan, 13, Wm. Case was chosen Chairman of Finance ; T. McDonald. and Kenneth McKenzie were appointed auditors at a salary of $9 each. $5 was donated to the Sick Children's hospital, Alfred Caslick will be Collector of taxes for 1913, salary $60,. and Dan, Mackay, assessor at $70. Chas. Button was re -appointed Clerk, at $125 Dr. Gillies was appointed Medical Health Officer at a salary of 40. Council will meet next on Febfuary 3rd, in Teeswater. A MESSAGE TO WOMEN Who are "just Ready to Drop." When you are "just ready to drop," 'when you feel so weak that you can hardly drag yourself about—and be - cease you have not slept well, you get up as tired -out next morning as when you went to bed, then yott need help right away. Miss Lea Dumas Writes from Ma- lone, N. Y•., saying: "I was in a badly run-down condition for several weeks, but two bottles of Final put tie on Iny feet again and made nio strong and well. Vinol has done me mere good than all the other medicine 1 ever took." If the careworn, Haggard men and women, the pale, alekly children and lioDaround re wouldfolw Mss ums xanplo, they, too, would soon be able to say that Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron remedy, had built them up and made thein strong. It is a wonclerfnlly strengthening end invigorating body-builder, and we sell it tinder an ironclad guarantee of satisfaction, fou get your Money back if Vinci dos not help you J'. "W. McKibb tn, mugs*, witighion, Peitr rsonals Barold Buchanan is home from Massie on a visit to bis parents, Win,. Armour of London spent Sun. day last with his family in town. Russell Fixter is visiting bis parents in town. Ile has been ill the West, Bort. Mitchell is home from the West on a visit to his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, 5, Mitchell, Mrs. D. EI, Angus of Cobalt, and daughter Helene, are with relatives and friends in town. Mrs. Leaky of Palmerston spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Patterson. Mrs, McAllister, Fernba.nk, and Mrs, Moore and son Rirharci of Burns, visited last week at Mr, J. Baird's. Will. Pilgrim of Hamilton spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Herds- man, Will, has a situation in the O. P. R, offices, in that city. Mr, and Mrs. Wightman from the West are visiting friends in town. Mrs, Wigbtman was formerly Mrs. Smith, and a former resident of Wingham, The Advance regrets to hear that Mr, Wm. Wellwood of Patrick street is in very poor health at present. We join with his many friends in hoping that he may soon be fully restored, Mr. G. M. ,Elliott, of the Huron Children's Aid Society is intown this week. He is doing a good work on behalf of neglected children, The work of 'the Society has already borne good results, SURPRISED FORMER OWNER. E. Hodgetts, Lambeth, Ont„ writes "I bought several sacks of .Homestead Black Fertilizer from H. Hamlyn of this place which I used on part of my oat field, The previous owner of the farm paid me a visit this summer and in walking over the farm we visited the oat field. He asked 'me why a part of this field showed oats of so much greater length and quality than the rest of the field. I informed him what I had done and he said he could not have believed it if he had not seen it that fertilizers could give such good results. I can highly recommend the Homestead Fertilizer to all who wish to build up their farms and grow big crop." Homestead Fertilizers ' are menu. lectured and sold •by the Michigan Carbon Works, Detroit, Michigan, who will -send ° free to any farmer their book on fertilizers with a hand- some calendar postage paid. They want agents where they are not now represented. Address, Michigan Oar - bon Works, Postoffice Drawer 814 A, Detroit, Michigan, asking for terms, Bluevale. There is likely to be a large crowd at the oyster supper to be given by the Women's Institute on Friday night, in aid of the new hospital for consumptive children now being fur- nished.. The campaign against tuber- culosis carried on by the National Sanitarium Association is one of vital importance and money could not be spent to better advantage for the good of humanity, than by helping this work, There will be a good pro- gram and a donation table at which useful and fancy articles will be on sale. Donations to the sale table will be gratefully received by the ladies in charge. At a large and enthusiastic meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 15, a society was formed for literary, social, debating and musical purposes. Mr. Robert Black was voted to the chair which he filled in his usual happy manner, while Miss Alice Paul made an efficient secretary. The following officers were elected :—Hon. President, Rev. J. E. Cook ; Hon. Council—Mrs. McCall, R. Black, Mrs. Snell, Jos. Smith, J. W. King, Robert Musgrove ; Pres,, A. L. Posliff; Sec., Alice Paul; Treas., Mrs. Jas, Masters. It was decided to hold the meetings of the society in the schoolhouse every ' Wednesday at 7 30 p.m. The membership fee is fifteen cents for the terns, non-members to be charged five cents admission to each meeting. A piano is to be engaged for the winter, After an explanation ,by A. L, Posliff of why the National Anthem is seldom sung in public with proper respect, it was decided that "God Save the King" be sung at the beginning instead of the close of each meeting. A small committee was appointed to make arrangements with a lecturer to come to Bluevale some• time during the winter. The busi- ness of the meeting was enlivened by a short program. ''0 Canada" was sung in chortle, the words being writ- ten on the blackboard Leslie Mc- Kinney gave a mouth -organ solo, "Red Wing ; " Carrie Diamond sang, "Excuse me," and Ernest Wilburn delighted everyone by the way he sang the comic Scotch songs, "Tober- moray" and ''Killie-crankie ;" Misses Annie Spence, Lilian McCall and Cora M. Messer acted as accompanists, A large program committee was appoint- ed to prepare for the first meeting which was held last night. Next Wednesday night there will be a debate on the important question of "City v', country life." Jas. McEwen and Roily Taylor are the captains, Everything points to a successful sea- son for the new society. The school bas been made bright and pleasant with large lamps, pictures and decora- tions, The piano will add greatly to Me pleasure of the meetings. Every- one should join and have a good time this; evinter, instead of leaving for the Wt st, Toronto and other places, where there is nothing going on. • Howick. The collector for eastern divielon had time extended for ec llection till Feb. 1st. The next meting of the Connell rtai11 be on,. the 3,d 'Wednesday in February, in Ford wich. On motion of Crawford and Harding by-law No. 2, to borrow money to meet current expenditure was passed On motion of Edgar and Crawford a purr. 7Nr of accounts were passed, covering election accounts, salaries, etc. The Council elect met Jan. 13, as per statute ; memhars—Jno. T. Winter, It'eve ; D.'puty-Reeve. R Ilatding ; Councillors—J W. liklgar, VV. Craw ford, L. Demmerling, ('ounelil went into committee of the Whole to appoint orileers with the fallowing re4ult ..-- Clerk, Mrs. Walker ; Tres, sheer, I. II Rogers; Aases.or, Milton r 'tinarci ; Autlitnrra, A. (Irn„h►►rn, Sam, Artxiatrnnft ; M C. 0 . Dr. ' 'hlfely; .'m rnber t,f Bard of Ilealtll, WM. lr,nl4y;'Cla,retaker, A. Doan ; the by. law appointing - these Was theta adopted, Blyth. Miss Uaskett of Mttrkdale Is visiting MO. Myles Young. The annual meeting of the Blyth Agricultural Society was held on Tuesday afternoon of this week in the Industry Hall.' The Wornen'e Institute held a social evening at, the horse of Me and Mrs I3etivy Young, Hallett, an Tuesday evening, San. 21st, Mrs, Wettlauter,. r , an oldand much respected resident, moved to Berlin tide week, where her family expect to get permanent work in their occu- pations. Morris District Lodge rnet in Blyth on Sao. 14, and the following officers were elected ;--D M., Robert Owens, Belgrave ; 1). D M,, J. E, Taman, Blyth ; Chaplain, F. Ha.ggitt ; Rec.- Sec . Bert. Bradburn ; Fm. -Sec , W. H. McElroy ; Treas., R. EY. Robinson ; D. D. of 0,, Alex. Bryans ; D. Lectur- er, Wm. Love. After being Anstalled in their different offices, each officer gave a neat speech and outlinild their work for the coming year. The next annual meeting will be held in Blyth the 2od Tuesday of January, next year at2p.m. Salem. The grippe has had a hold on a good many around here lately. Mr, Geo, Bennett of Manitoba visit- ed his brother Ed. last week, Mrs. Alcfichael Sr. of Wroxeter visited friends around here a few days lash week. Mrs, Joseph Higgins has returned from her visit with friends near Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Meehan gave a dance to their neighbors and friends last Wednesday night. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. McDonald of .Teeswater vicinity called on Mr, and Mrs. Bush one day last week. WINOHAM MARKETS. Wheat— 88c to 900. Oats -38 to 45 cts. Barley -48 to 55 rte. Peas--$ .90 to $1 00 Hay—$11.00 to $12.00 a ton Butter -23 to 24 cts, Eggs -22 to 22 ets. Potatoes -80c to 00c per bush. Live Hogs—$7 85, For full Toronto market reports see page 2. WANTED TO RENT. A farm of 150 or 200 acres, of good land, 'with good buildings, with option of buying. RUSSELL JERMYN Bluevale P.O. FARM FOR SALE. '''he centre half of lot 42, Con. 7, East Wawanosh, comprising 100 ac- res ; 1 miles from postoffi,ce, school and church ; 85 acres cleared, with 8 acres in wheat. 14 acres plowed, bal- ance in grass. Good frame house and kitchen ; barn 60x70, on stone stab- ling ; four acres of orchard ; 'wind- mill, and water in stable and • house. For further particulars apply to Wm. Wightman Belgrave, P.O. FARM FOR SALE North half of lot 14, con. 2, Morrie, 100 acres, 90 cleared, brick house and kitchen; barn with stone stabling, good driving shed, two good wells, spring creek For farther particulars apply on the premises. MRS. L. FRASER,. Bluevale P.O. Farm For Sale. One Hundred acres, the east half of lot 32, Con. 7, East Wawanosh, 88 acres cleared ; barn 36x56, straw - house 24x40 ; frame house 20x40 ; well watered ; 6 miles from Belgrave, 1 miles from school. To be sold to close the estate of the late Mrs. James Scott. Apply to ALEX. SCOTT, Belgrave. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at, the Y, M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt Y. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 16 Vice -Principal 410 SHEEP STRAYED.. 00.0.10410404004000444 On to the premises of the undersigned,. last fail, an ewe. Owner pleaseprove property, pay expenses, and'remove. E, J. LEWIS, Turnberry. FARM FOR SALE The north parts of lots 15 and 10, con. 2, Morris, comprising 120 aures ; good soil, iu iirst•olass state of cultivation ; two acres of orchard and five acres of bush, This farm is seven miles from. Wingham, 24 from Bluevale; buildings first -plass, Easy terms of payment. Apply to J. E. FARREND, Bluevale P.0,. Or to Dudley Holmes, Wingham, MEETING OP HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Cotinoil of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council chamber, in the Town of Ggderiob, on Tuesday the 28th day of January. Accounts for settlement must be placed with the Clerk before this date. W• LANE, Clerk. Dated, Jan, 14th, 1913, MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottava until Noon, on Friday the 28th February, 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Con- tract for four years, six times per week, over the proposed Rural Mail Route from Blyth, Ontario, (Harlock way) Huron E. R., Hullett Township, to com- mence at the pleasure of the Postmaster General. Printed notices, containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Blyth, . Harlook, and at the office of the Post Office In- spector at London. G. 0. ANDERSON Superintendent. Post Office Department, Mail Service Branch, Ottawa, 11th January( 1913. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 28th February, 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Con- tract for fonr years, six times per week, over Rural Mail Route from Belmore, Ontario, to commence at the pleasure of the Postmaster General. Printed no- tices containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be obtained at the Post Offices of Bel - more and Glenannan, and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at London. G. C. ANDERSON Superintendent Post Office Department, Mail Service Branch, Ottawa, 10th January, 1913. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham ALL DESIRING HIE BEST in business and Shorthand Educa- tion aro invited to write for the Large Catalogue of the Popular ELLIOTT` ,' TORONTO, ONZ, This school has now' the greatest attend- ance in its history. There is a reason for it. We have room for more. This may be your best opportunity. Decide now to enter our school at an early date. Our graduates readily get position, W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yongeand Alexander Sts. CENTRAL STH ATFO R D. ONT. The best practical training school in On- tario. Three departments— COMMER- CIAL, SHORTHAND and TELCGRA.- PBY. All courses are thorough and practical. Te>iehear are experienced and graduates aro placed in positions. Wo give individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once, D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal For a good .buy in Western Farm Lands or City Property, see Mitchell Sc. Kelly WILSON BLOCK, 'rWI 1'GHAM THU 1SAY'', ,'A Y Announcement No. 3. Exceedingly Low Prices For Men's STUB PROOF RUBBERS FOR ONE WEAK ONLY Beginning on Saturday next, 25th finding on Saturday, Feb'y 1si (Inclusive) Just like this cut, only with heel, in all sizes 6 to 11 for men, on sale above days For $1.95 Per Pair (the very best Stub Proof) And the same grade with red sole and heel, on above days For Only $2.10 Per ,Pair, Other Heavy Rubberson sale on the same days as a- bove mentioned AT CORRESPONDINGLY LOW PRICES. NOTE THE -DATES-=JAN. 25th TO FEB. 1st, INCLUSIVE. jilis & CO. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR .5/7'04:LADIES Stock Reducing Prices on the' Following Winter Goods Money Saving Prices To All Who Buy Now Furs We are offering the finest selection of fine Furs,. medium• priced qualities, in Marmot Muffs, Stoles, Throws, Collarettes -- 20 per cent. discount for cash. Grey Goat --- ao per cent. off our stock ; finest quality cheap Fur which we can offer you ; Muff,, $4 25 ; Stoles, $4 oo. Ladies' Fur Lined Coats We have the biggest range in all sizes in Ladies' Fur Lined Coats with the Black Broadcloth Shells in Northern and Sothern rat lining, No. z skins —15 per cent off every Fur Lined Coat in our stock. Pzices, $3o:co to $55.00. .Fw Ladies' Quilted Lined, Fur 4 Collared Coats Twenty-five Ladies' Fur Collared Coats to clear at a cut of 15 per cent. on any Coat.., Ladies' & Children's Cloth Coats In Blacks and Fancy Tweeds, all sizes, in this season's newest styles ; 20 per cent. off all this season's Coats. 15 last season's Ladies' Cloth Coats in broken sizes, with' 5o per cent. off any Coat. Men's Overcoats To the man or boy who is thinking of buying an Overcoat—ask to see our big stock at zo per cent, off for CAsII. Watch our windows this we for up-to-date goods and good workmanship. ALL KINDS OP TRADE VVAINTFD IIANNA .8c. co. 4 '11.IiO I 70 •