HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-01-23, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 9 1913 McGee & Campbell GOING OLE QF BLSINESS ,$10,000 Stock of Clothing and Men 's Furnishings must be cleared out at once, We cannot give you the prices on everything but will -quote you a few prices below s Youths' Suits, sizes 32 to 35— Regular 5Regular $ 7.00 qualities for $5.50 << 8.50 4 4 6.00 << 10.00 C4 7.90 << 12.50 C 4 9.50 44 13.50 " 9.75 Boys' Pea Jackets, splendid school coats, regular $3.75 for $2.50, .$5.75 for $3 75. Linen Collars, sizes 12 to 192, regular 15c and 20c qualities for 10c. Rubber Collars, Arlington brand; regular 25c for 15c. Boys' White Shirts, stiff fronts, regular 75c for 55c. Men's Knitted Neck Scarfs, regular $1.00 for 69c. 100 Folding Wire Coat Hangers, regular 15c for 10c. Any 50c Article in the house for 39c. • NOTHING MARKED UP. EVERYTHING MARKED DOWN. ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID AT ONCE, lcGoe & Campbell rctivsrzslolittv THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION, -MUCH SICKNESS DUE TO BOWEL DISORDERS. A. doctor's first question when con. suited by a patient is, "are your bowels regular P He known that ninety-eight per cent, of illness is attended with in- active bowels and torpid liver, and that this condition Must be removed gently and thoroughly before health can be restored. Rexall Orderlies are a positive, plea- sant and safe remedy for constipation and bowel disorders in general. We are so certain of their great remedial value that we promise to return the purehaser'a nnoney in every case when they fail to produceentire satisfac- tion, Rexall Orderlies are eaten like can- dy, they act gaietly and have a sooth- ing, strengthening, healing influence on the entire intestinal tract. They do not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatulence, excessive looseness, diar- rhoea or other annoying effect. They are especially good for children, weak persons or old folks, Two sizes, 25c and 1Oc. $old only at our store— The Rexall Store—J. W. McKibbon. Try The Advance. For Sale Bills. For Church Reports, For Posters of all kinds. For Bill Heads, Memos. For Note Heads, Letter Heads. For Job Work of,Al1 kinds. Money To Burn. A thick haze filled the corridors of the eastern block of the Dom. Parlia- ment Buildings one morning recently and the atmosphere was redolent of burning money. The odor is peculiar and unmistable. Three or four times a year old and worn-out Dominion notes are collected, checked up, can- celled and then consigned to a spe- cially -constructed furnace. One of these functions was conducted with great ceremony, and thousands of dollars went up iu smoke, new and crisp Dominion notes taking the place of those destroyed. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORM. WEST LAND REGULATIONS .ANY person who is the solo head of a family, ANY any male over 18 years old. may home- stead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father, moth- er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend- ing homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A. homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-emp t a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acro. Duties.—Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homested iu certain districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties.—Must side six months in each of three years, hltlti- vate fif y acres and erect a House worth $300. W. W., CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. TI. B WITNG IT A.AI !1AD 171A : " ua. C. a. w. The matter tinder this head is applied by the Wingham W. 0. T. v. The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. '1'. U. was held in the C. 0.. F. hall, Jan, 1.4th, with an unusually large attendance, After the devotion. al part of the meeting, eting, the regular routine of business was proceeded with. The reports of committees were given and proved very encouraging, Seven baskets of food and fruit were distributed and gratefully received, as wellrpls a quantity of clothing during the Christmas season, The Union presented two of its members with society pins in recognition of work well and faithfully done. The. Presi- dent's address was an enthusiastic message of hope to W. 0. T. U. work- ers whose cause is gaining brilliant vieitories in many countries, as well as in our fair Dominion. Altogether the meeting was an enthusiastic one and the outlook for this year is most en- couraging. We should never be discouraged in Christian work, of whatever kind, by what seems a show growth, nor in our Efforts for Christ's Kingdom by adverse circumstances. God is within and behind all forces that tend to enlarge and perfect His Kingdom, just as he is beneath the physical forces which bring springtime loveli- ness and harvest perfection. Remem- ber what the glory of the harvest shall be, and in view of it, labor with more fidelity, with an eager enthusiasm that surpasses all obstacles, makes duty a privilege, and transmutes toil into joy. 1' „tip fir The money you invest in Phonograph Records' goes farthest when you buy 4744 41461 IMY II Blue Amberol Records Farthest from a musical standpoint,because Blue Amberols have a finer tone than any other phonograph records and reproduce in, a more lifelike way. . Farthest from an 1n vestment standpoint, be- cause Blue Amberols will never wear and repro- duce less perfectly than when new, and will never become injured by careless handling. The Blue Amberol is a Record for 116 The Edison Phonograph Hear it at your Edison dealer's today Thomas A. Edison,.1nc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U. S. A. ;.A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at DAVID BELL 4 1 • %a A concrete milk -house makes milk worth more rEOPLE are willing to pay more for milk that comes from a clean, sanitary dairy. In nearly every city such dairies charge from 50 per cent. to 100 per cent. more than others—and even then they can't supply the demand for pure, high- grade milk. You will get more value out of your cows if you properly cool and store the milk. Such milk is not only more wholesome —and therefore can be sold for a better price —it is also slower to sour than milk handled by ordinary methods. Ask for the free book, "What The Farmer Can ° Do With Concrete" 1, T will tell you how to build a concrete milk -house, and also describes scores of other uses for concrete around the home and on the farm. It is not a catalogue. Its 160 handsomely illustrated pages are devoted entirely to the subject—in which every progressive farmer is interested. JOU do not place yourself under the slightest obligation in asking for the book. We do not even ask that you agree to use cement. Just sign the coupon attached to this advertisement, or send your name and address by letter or post card, and the book will be mailed to you at once. Address, Please send me your book Publicity Manager CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 513 Herald Building, Montreal WHENyoubuy cement, remember that the farmers of Canada have found that "Canada" cement is best. Look for the label on every bag and barrel. ISARD'S JANUARY STOCK TAKING SALE Sale Commences SATURDAY, JANUARY 4th, and continues until stock is written in. .. "Our Object" is to reduce the stock by SEVERAL THOS AND DOLLARS, and in order to do so will makb SWEEPING REDUCTIONS on all lines of HEAVY GOODS. Move quick and get your share of the Bargains. ALL ACCOUNTS ARE DUB AND MUST• BE SET.- TLBD BY CASH OR NOTE BY JANUARY 15TH. LADIES' COATS made of plain Kersey Cloth, lined in sleeve and waist, colors are navy, grey, green and black ; regular value $10.00 to $12.00, stock taking sale price $7.75. GIRLS' COATS.—Several lines of Girls' Coats, broken • _ in sizes, plain cloths and fancy tweeds, for quick selling reduced to $4,50, u i S FURS FURS Buy your Furs this month and save the discount l Big stock here to choose from. Persian Lamb, Sable, Mink Marmot, Fitch, Astrachan, Coney, Seal, Grey Squirrel. Fur -Lined Coats for men and women at bargain prices. DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. Bay your...Dress- Golds now while the prices are down. All the new weaves are here at money saving prices. See our yard wide Silk, regular value $1,25 for $I.00.. MEN'S STORE Look in at our Men's Wear and see how much money you can make buying dur our Stock Taking Sale. Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Sweater Coats, Underwear, Mits and Gloves, Overalls, smocks, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. • . 11..7 I i ... I I k• 1 I I • ISAID 0.V y�:i�.:t 11 . �i i. .u.1.:Cl.I W. LII .6117�6L...1, t.I,.1171r1i� [ iVI l L . �0.f.-.. 17._mb0 I... 1..,,l.1 L64.j • 1L -.i• W. 6. 171IJ.u• a JI DR. E. H. 000K •VETERINARY SURGEON SUCCESSOR TO DR WILSON DOGS xxr' SURGERY n SPECIALTY Residence and Office in Dr. McDonald's old residence on Centre Street, next to English. Church. 'Phone 250. DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham. ;14-14_ Z9 CO. I 1 . I 1 .1 M. . I I. al ,. . . 66 I .11111 . .Vu .11 l.. nip. .,i Send us your name and address and we will forward to yon free a map of THE CITY OF WINNIPEG and full description of our very high class sub -division Rosewood Crescent, with price list CRESCENT LAND CO. N. P. GIRDER, SlacaxxciARZ 509 McArthur Bldg., WINNIPEG, Man. u .17N., 1 0I 0�� F 1A Railroad FWe'll pay .your fare for the round trip for a distance of Fare ree 15 miles, if you'll purchase during this sale $20 worth or over. Be sure and buy your return tickets FOR THIRTY DAYS. Our Guarantee We assure each and every purchaser absolute satisfaction. We guarantee every statement herein made. tryst ANNUAL STATEMENT As submitted to the Shareholders at the Annual Meeting held at the Head Office of the Baal. lac fltvia►. Monday, January 20th, 1913 BOARD OF DIRECTORS HON. WM, GIBSON, President J. TURNBULL, Vice -President and General Manager C. C. DALTON LT. -COL, THE HON. 3. S. HENDRI1a, C.V.0, W. A. WOOD GEO. RUTHERFORD C. A. BIRGE K a LIABILITIES To the Public Notes of the Bank in circulation ,.14 8,887,216.00 Deposits bearing interest, including interest accrued to date $ 80,376,460,60 Deposits not bearing interest 7,711,021.34 $ 88,087,477.94 Balauccs due to Agents of the Bank in Great Britain Balances due to other Backs in Canada and the United States Dividend No. 04, payable 2ud December, 1012 , 8 82,483.70 Porn= Dividends unpaid . 737,75 , $ 83,221.51 $ 42,056,74140 79,119.08 219,711.93 To ilio Shareholders Capital Stock (average of the year $2,972,418) ...... ►1..,.8 8,000,000.00 Reserve Bund 4 $ 3,800,000,00 Amount reserved for Rebate of Interest on Current 13111s Discounted .•...•• 1,04644441114• 100,000.00 Balance of profits carried forward ........1.. 251. 37.86 ,,_1$ 6,861,187.80 $ 48,907,883.82 ASBETh • Gold and Silver Coin . $ 703, r 1.03 Dominion Government Notes ••• 4 4$ Deposit with the Dominion Government as Security for Note Circulation Notes of and Cheques on other Banks. Balances due from other Banks in Canada and the Malted States Dotniniof and Provincial Government Securities Canadian Municipal Securities, and British, or 'foreign or Colonial Public Securities, other than Canadian Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks......, Loans at Call, or Short Call, on negotiable Steuritien Notes 1 iseounted and Advances current.... 6,304,27D,00 150,000.OU 7,000,650,12 ca1,cc0.6o 2117,462.53 3,009,251,E"r 057,100.1.1 1.044,218,07 13,907,853.M 30,381,052.19 Loans' to other Bank® in Canada 14'otes Discounted, etc., overdue (estimated loss provided for) Bank Premises........ Office Furniture, Safes, etc Real notate (other than Bank Premises), Mortgagcb. etc Other Assets not included under foregoing heads • P1IOF T AND LOSS ACCOUNT The Balance at Credit of Profit and Loss Account, 30th November, 1911, was ,.1,.01.6114.0•06•104 . 04 . 141r {0...41. •tale deductin6 charges"of The profitsfort a vent. ended 30th I�envel�xnb©>r, 1.9120after : �(i0.50 management and making provision for bad and doubtful debts, are......... ...... ........SOff, 130.000.00 $ $16,520.59 . 10,300.00 111,06'0.44 1,966,165,97 170,072.95 239,151,43 83,223.42 $ 48,007,883,32 8 190,360.09 Dretniutn received on new Stock 1.464..1Y, 4414064 '041,441/44.1. hove been declared four quarterly dividends. in all 11 ....`.. 1.. 4. Y , Y.4....... Y. 1. i .1 1 0 6 4 1.4 Y Y Y...4 , Y 4'' 11...4.' Y ... 4. t 8 326.066.08 Crrri whichx 130000.00 t'.tarriedtolteserve�lf}11nc1trotrt.P�remiutttottNewStock asabovt..411.,11..1...{f0.1.►7....1 �YfY1.Y1.1I1Y1Y.Y1Y.. ,►.f,1.Y119$ 1,'0,400 Carried to ReserveFtundfront Fr0fts .0.1.10.,1..100..111.0.101. ... 1YY,110{1.4110...444..... 4444444444,04414444 44 . .4yy ��66//�,�/y,JJ�0//�.�,0��.��44 •141. $ 200,000.00 ...0.1.4.,4.,.44...,,.0.,..710.,4144.1.0'111.40.1..1.1404 . 4101. 4..01441 Y.. 4 Y 44/0011.44114 •,744.4 3.710.76 Carried to Pension »nits , 40.141'1. Allowance tofornt4rIresdent, authorized by ,.4. ...... ,04.. .... 4044.4.440,..1.4414.444.0.1.414.40410114414.0.,1..,...4.444.1.71., 565,682.73 �. • 01) .. . and Loss 17.17 _.. .. 111..041.. - i4.Yi1.7Yi1{.0N.117.01..Y4440....10414..4Y.� ♦ _.. fladauee of rJet, lit Loo s carried fo�r'wa►rd Eamflkon, Nov. 3011t,19.t2 4.0..4 a.. 1 1 HON. Willis Pre tsidant ds TUfNit ULL,w 'VIoo President And Gismo, I Mari gat, �;IC- SALE EHERMAN Successors to ROBINS' STORE, WINGHAM Sale Begins Saturday Morning, Jan. 11, at 9 o'clock This is not an ordinary Sale, bat an extraordinary Sale. Let nothing keep you away, It will be the opportunity of a lifetime to buy up-to- date Fall and Winter Merchandise at less than old shelf -worn goods would cost elsewhere. RE AD l These are only a few sample prices showing how goods will be sold --prices never before heard of on such high-grade Clothing and Men's Furnishings dome and see for yourself, for what your eyes see your heart must believe. Men's Fall Overcoats and Fur ... Coats Single Breasted Fly Front Style Rog price $10 to $18, sale Tice... .$11.75 1t 12 to 14, •' 6666 850 10 to 12, .. , r Rus4Ian Bear Reg prlco $25 for , $t7 50 ' 20 for 15.00 Mon's Suits Worsteds in New ; hales of Brown Reg.,prico $14 to $1(i, sato price ..,.$9.RG 10 to 12, sale price .... 2 8 to 10, '' . . G 0 1r 7 to 3, " ..,. 5.00 Boys' Bloomer Suits Tweeds in Dark Patterns Reg. price $3 to $6, sae priee. $ 0 4 3.00o 5, " Pants Reg, mice $4 to $5.50, sale priee... •$2.35 00 .. 3 '1 235 .. 2 1' 1.35 .. 2 30 '' 1.75 Tweed PantS guaranteed, reg. $2 25 f r X 25 6666 Overalls Black and Striped. with Elastic Back neg. print, $1 25, s 'le price 80o Double Kneed Overalls Reg.iprice $1.25. sale mite ....897e Working Shirts Blue, Back, and Striped Iteg. 750 tor t... 39I for Reg, $1. for....890 ftoys' atldYouths' Boots and Oxfords I#.eg. priee $...01^, sale price . $135 •• 1 75 1.25 .. 1 :1016 1,19 First Quality of Rubbers Iteg. p1ic(1 t.h).1 and :51 00, sate prico...740 All nide of Ties Mg. price 23e, sal price... .....2 for 25c Special Bargains in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Mon's13oots, Tan and I3laok, Blucher Cut Reg. price $3 to $3.50, sale prlce....$2.2255 2to 2,25 " 169 Underwear Men's Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers Sizealo p o 44,e reg. prion 50c to 75e, 880 Boys' Flee&, Lined Shirts Reg. price 500, sale price 25o Penman's Best Unshrinkable Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers. nog.1p rice $1.23 to $150, sale prie3, 860 1.00 to 1,25 11 . "62e Men's Sweater Coats Reg, price $2.00 to $2.50,saleprice..$1.33 '. 1,50 to 2 00 .. 125 1.25 to 1.50 " 1. .95 ie 1.00 to 1.10 " .. ,75 c. toys' Sweater Coats Reg. price $L to $1.25, sale price75c x000 Shirts .All ntakeq, all colors, includinrt Black and White Hairline Stripe;, coat styles, all styles. Reg. priee $1, $1.23, $1.50, sale price -69e Reg. priee 75e, for490 Men's Pure Wool' for, Good Weight Double Heel and Ton Iteg, 33e for, „r. do Reg. 2Se for,15o Mess's Witter Mitts First Qualit y Buckskin, Wool Lined Reg $1 and $1."3 for 720 Reg. 60e to 75e for ago All 1;nda of Ca s1 itegm price 7501 sand $1.00. sale prlee450 Derby tate All the Now Fall eihaprw,'trnion made lteix'. 'price 82 to $'2.30, Rale pricee... 31.46 Felt Hats, reg. r'2 to $3, sale price, . 1.35 " COME RIGHT NOW AND SAVE THE DOLLAR THE BARGAIN STORE Opp. Presbyteriaiii Church 1 A