The Wingham Advance, 1912-12-26, Page 8itor.$.1044444$0ii***********ort
* C ri
: sANTA LAus z
: fr±
* Ai
, i 7, tit.
; 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Store ;
; About 10 o'clock Satur., i
41 1.0
tt% day morning anti be there *
* fre
74 all day and evening, also ;
C.11 Monday and Tuesday af,- :
* *
m ternoon and evening. ;
: Watch and see all the
EI wonderful things he has ;
It ).16
to to show. *
ift 1.0
r. -----------„...........................„.........,...1
11 1rnAkInrnIIkIv
SINGLE FARE. Dec. 24, 25,
good for return Dec. 26 also
Dec 81 and Tan. 1, good for re-
turn Jan. 2, 1913.
Dee. 21 to Jan. 1, good for re-
turn Jan. 3, 1913.
Between all stations in Canada east
of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and
/Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black
Rook and Suspension Bridge, N.Y.
Secure tiokets and full particulars from
nearest Grand Trunk Agent.
H. B. Elliott, To-wn Passenger St 'Ticket
S Agent; phone 4. W. Burgman, Station
Ticket _Agent ; phone 50,
Late member House Staff Tor-
onto General Hospital. Post grad-
uate London and Dublin.
Successor to Dr. Agnew
1912 1913
Between all statfins in Canada, Port Wil-
liam and Bast, and to Sault Ste. rlarie,
Detroit, tlich., Buffalo, Niagara Falls, .
Good Going
December 24, 25
Return Limit
Dec. 26, 1912.
Also Going
Dec, 31, Jan. 1
Return Limit
Jan. 2, 1913.
Good tieing
Dec. 21, 1912, to
Jan 1,1913.
Return Limit
Jan. 3, 1913.
Minimum Fare, 25.
nnEeleit, Agent, Wingham.
PAYMENT 'aunt:Lally for a period of
ten years of a sum, not to exceed Three
hundred dollars in each year to THE
COMPANY of Clinton for the pur-
pose of renting a factory premises in
the Town of Wingham and granting
the said Company exemption from
Municipal taxation except for certain
purposes, for the said period of ten
WHEREere the said The Jackson Manufac-
turing Company is desirous of opening a branch
of its clothing Inanufaeturing business in the
Town of Wingham and for that purpose has
- applied to the Municipal Council of the Cor-
poration ot the said Lown of Wingbarn for
certain payments and exemptions which are
set out and detailed in an Indenture of agree-
ment, bearing date the and day ot December,
1912, made and entered into by and between
the said Company and the said Cerporation
and which is In the words and 31gures follow-
ing, that is to say:—
"THIS AGREEMENT made and entered
Into this 2nd day of December, A.D. 1912.
the County of Hurou, hereinafter called the
Company of the Fiat .Part, and,
OF WINGHAM, hereinafter called the Cor-
poration of the Second Part.
WHEREAS the above-named Com-
pany, which is an industrial company, have iie
established businesa in the Town a Clinton
and other places for the manufacture of cloth-
ing, and being desiroas of opening a branch of
their said business in the Town of Winghatn,
have applied to the said Corporation for the
payment to the said Company annually for the
period of tee years, o asum not to exceed
Three hundred dollars, as the Company shall
be required to pay as a rental for premises to
be used and occupied by them as a factory in
the said Town of Wingham,and further have
applied to the said Corporation for exemption
from Municipal taxation and business assess-
ment except for certain purposes hereinafter
epecified, for a period of ten years.
AND WHEREAS the said Corporation is
desirous of securing the said industry for their
Municipality and for that purpose have con-
sented to grant the application of the said
Company, subject, of course, to the sanction
and approval of the ratepayers.
'WITNESSETH that the said Corporation
hereby agrees to pay to the Bald Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, annually
for the period of ten years enoti sum as the
Company shall expend annually for rental of
premises used and occupied by them as a
factory, (such annual paiyineets not to exceed
Three hundred dollara in any single year,, to
grant them exemption from Municipal taxa-
tion and business assessment, except fOT school
purpose% for a period or ten years upon the
following terms and conditions :-
1. The said Company agrees ter establish a
branch cif their said manufacturing business In
said Town of Wingharn in premises suitable to
the Company and OA they may be able to ob-
tain a satisfactory lease of, and to have the
sarne fully equipped as a factory for the manta
facture of clothing, and to have the said factory
in operation not later than the first day of
April, 1913, and by the end of 41, year to have
not less than thirty employees at work within.
2. The said Company agrees to operate and
cottinue in Operation their said factory for a
petted Of ten years, commeneing On the first
day of April, 1913.
3. The side Company agrees to employ. and
keep employed, in their factory and upon the
premises oeoupled by thent for and during the
first year of the said term, at least thirty cm-
ployeee, and for and during each subsequent
year at least forty employees,
4. The said Company agrees that they will
at any time during the said term at the re-
quest of the said Corporation furnish eatishie-
tory evidence as to the number of employees
engaged by them in the said factory.
5. It is hereby further agreed by awl be-
tween the parties hereto that the said yearly
sato, not; exeeeding Three hundred dollars as
aforesaid, so to be paid by the said Corporation
to the paid Company, shall be paid as Mews—
in equal half -yearly payments, the firat of atich
peyntente to be paid within Aix menthe after
the plant is In operation, and the subsequeet
payments hall -yearly thereafter, but the Said
Corporation shall be and are hereby empower-
ed to Withhold pernoet of the said half -yearly
RAMA or any of 'thane if the said Company fail
in the performance of any pare of this agree-
eitomptioe from Municipal taxation hereby
grented by the lead Corporation to the eald
Company, fdtall, with the exeeptien atereaald,
extend to ahd include taxation On their Maim.
featuring Wein eel tor business 6,8sessrnent) and
their stook, eiteept tie regards school trteee, but
such eXtenptiell shall owe LI the meld Com -
ploy fill' in the Tooforrnmieo of MY petit ef
title agreement on their part to be performed.
The Paid exemption Abell date frient the first
day ot January, 1913, Stich exempt -len net to
ineltide the buildingts and lands occupied by
there as aforesaid.
it. Is fernier Net eed %At the said Company
will deposit with_the said Corporation the/min
of Thirty-ilve dollars. which mil ift to defray
the MO0111168 Of etiblnitting a baalaae to the
ratepayerof He esorporetiort hereinafter
inentiotted. Ahmed 'moll br-bew berry and the
said Company fail to eater nut the tome et
teen t on their pert to be performed.
0 It it hereby further agreed thet the odd
this contract, but should the said by-law be
carried and the said Conapany carry out the
couditions of this agreement or should the said
by-law be defeated, teen the said sum is to be
returned to the said Company.
8 This agreement is entered into upon the
understanding that the said Corporation will
submit to the ratepayers of the said Town of
Winghain a by-law authorizing the sald
Corporation to make the said payments and. to
grant the said. exemptions ; and this agree -
is therefore subject to the said by-law
being carried by i
the said rate -payer n ac-
cordance with the provisions ot the Ontario
Municipal Act.
9. The said Company shall purchase the
electric power necessary for the operation of
their machinery and plant from the said Cor-
poration,. which shall be furnished by the said
Corporation to them at the same rate as furn-
ished to other manfacturers. And in case the
said Corporation shall fail to supply the said
Company eufficient power for the Company's
operations for the space of at least three con-
secutive months, then the Company shall be at
liberty to terminate this agreement.
IN WITNESS THEREOF the said party of
the First part has hereunto set its hand and
seal and the said Corporation Me affixed its
Corporate Seal and the hands of its Mayor and
Witness Sign ed
J. Watts. The Jackson Mann. Co.
Per W. Jackson
Geo. Spotton, Mayor.
John re Groves, Clerk.
AND WHEREAS for the purpose of making
the said payments to the snId Company as set
forth in the said agreement it will be necessary
to raise by special rate on all rateable property
in the Town of Wingham during the year 1913
and each subsequene year the sum of Three
hundred dollars.
AND WHEREAS the whole rateable proper.
ty of the said Town of i
Wingham,according to
the last revised assessment roll. s 8804,098,
AND WHEREAS the amount of the de-
bonture debt of the said Town of Winghann
exclusive of local improvement debts secured.
by- special rates and assessments, is $147,253,01
and no part of the principal or interest thereon
is in arrears.
THEREFORE the Municipal council of the
Town of Wingham enacts as follows
: -
1. That for the purposes in the foregoing
recital and agreement mentioned there shalt
be raised annually by special rate on all the
rateable property of the Municipality of the
Town of Wingham the sum of Three Hundred
Dollarin each of the ten years oommencing in
the year 1913, and ending in the year 1922, both
2. That the said. The Jackson Manafactur-
ing Company than. subject to the terms and
conditions of the said agreenaent, be exempt
from Municipal taxation upon and in respect
of their manufacturing business and stook,
(which includes all business taxes), in the fac-
tory to be operated by thein in the Town of
Wingham during the period of ten years to he
computed frorn the first day of January. A.D.
1913, but this exeinption shall not extend to or
include school taxes.
3. That this By-law shall come into force
and take effeet on the day et the final passing
4. That the votes of the electors of the said
Town of Wingham qualified to vote on this
By-law shall be taken on Monday, the 0th day
January, 1913,,commeueing at nine o'clock in
the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock
in the afternoon of the same day at the follow-
ing polling places within the said Town of
Wingham by the following Deputy Returning
Officers aud Poll Clerks :—
Polling sub -division No. 1.— At William
Johnstotes tailor shop, Josephine Street.;
Deputy Returning Officer, W. j, Haines; Poll
Clerk, E. A, Hammond,
Polling sub -division No, 2.— At William
Gannett's implement shop ; Deputy Returning
Officer, A. S. Alderson ; Poll Clerk, P. II.
Polling sub -division NO. 3.—At Town Hall:
Deputy Returning °Meer, O. N. Griffin; Poll
Clerk, A. CO80118.
Polling sub -division No. 4, (I).—At Ritchie it
C0801154' 01110 ; Deputy, Returning Ofileet, J.
W. Decld : Poll Clerk, I. Ritchie.
Polling sub -division No, 4, (2).—At Albert
Bell's house ; Deputy Itetarning Officer, T. J.
MoLoan ; Poll Clerk, John CleakeY. •
6. That Saturday the 4th day of 3anuary,
1913, at eleven o'cdook in the forenoon, shall be
the day and hour, and the Clerk's Oleo in the
Town ftsei shall be the place vhere the Mayor
shall attend to appoint the persons to attend
at the various polling places aforesaid and at
the final eutriming up of the votes by the Clerk
On behalf of persons interested in promoting or
opposing the passing Of this Ry -law, respeet-
That the Olork of the Corporation of the
Town of Wingliam shall attend in his Wilde in
the said Town of Wirezhara at twelve °Week
boon, on Tuesday the 711 day of Urinary. 1913,
V) RUM no the number of votes trivet tot and
against this Dyelew.
Dated at; the Connell Chamber Of the Town
Of Wingharn, this 91h day of December, A.1,/.
TAKE NOTICE that the above Is it true
dopy Of a peopeeed which has been
tkrt(S11 into consideration, and Whit% will be
linaIly passed by the oottneil of the munieipe-
litY (in the event of the assent 01 the eleeiore
beteg obtained theinte) after Om) month from
the flret pablieetion in the Winghern Advance,
the date of will& first publieation was trhUtA.
day the 1213i day of I)ecember, A, D. 1912, and
that the VOt64 of the electors of the said UMW-
eipality will be iaken thereon on the ear and
at the hours and pieces therein fixed.
ANI) A]sO A. le NO 110)31 that every
tenant who dernrog to vete must deliver to the
Clerk, not later than the 7th day before the
(ley appointed for taking the votes, the deckle
radon provided for br the Contolideted Muni-
°Wel Act..
.7. :IP, otiovica, mu*.
To Veeble Old Peopled
As one growe old. the evaete Of the
Byetena becomee MOre rapid than re
pair, the organs aet more slowly and
lees effectually than in youth, the cir-
culation is poor, the blood thin, and
dincstiOn weak.
Viuol, our deliciOns Mid liver and
iron tonic without oil, is the ideal
strengtheuer and bOdy-builder for old,
folks, for it coutaius the very ele4
enei3,ts needed to rebuild wasting tlse
sues wed, replace wealtnees svitb.
strength. Vince also fortifies the sys-
tem against colde*end thus prevents
A grandneice of Alexander Hamil-
ton, over eighty years of age, once
remarked: "Vinol is a, godsend to old
people. Thanks to Vino', I have a
hearty appetite, sleep soundly, feel
active and well. It Is the nnest tonic
and strengthsereator have ever
If Vinol fails to build up the
feeble old people, and create
strength, we will return your money.
W. 3. McKibbon, Druggist, Wingham,
(From The Sentinel.)
further echo of the recent whiskey
ease, arising of chief Cameron's sei-
zure of liquor in Lucknow, was heard
in Palmerston yesterday (Wednes-
day) afternoon. On a change of ship-
pingdiquor to Lueknow, a local option
munteipality, knowing that the liquor
was to be kept for sale, W. E. And -
rich, a wlaolesade liquor dealer was
brought, before the police Magistrate
of Palmerston and was fined $25 and
Costs, The minimum fine for the
offence was $20. Lawyer Klein of
Walkerton prosecuted for the lioense
department and the defendant was
represented by a Palmerston lawyer.
As in the recent case in Lucknow, the
defendant's plea shut off further in-
vestigation, Chief Cameron was pre-
sent AS a witness from Lucknow. In
connection with this matter still an-
other charge has been laid by the
license department; this orie against
Lucknow tna,n.
A FEW Mono FINES.—Few people
fully realize the stringeney of the
Local Option law until they commit
some offence against it. Some weeks
ago a Lucknow man, who got "pinch-
ed" for being drunk and having liquor
in his possession, was fined twenty
and costs. Not ba,ving sufficient,
ready money to satisfy the demands
of the law he paid $7 on account and
was given a time to pay the balance.
Whereupon he took leg bail for an-
other town, and remained there. Two
weeks ago another citizen, against
whom a charge was pending for sup-
plying liquor to a party in town, got
wind of it and fortlawith decided to go
West. Last week the party to whom
the liquor was supplied appeared be-
fore the magistrate and paid the mini-
mum fine—$20 and costs for being
drunk. Likewise the law compelled
him to tell under oath from whom
be got the liquor. This week still an-
other Imam paid his fees to magistrate
Davison. No partiality is shown to
any who offend, and regretable as itis
that prosecution should ever be neces-
sary, nothing will more quickly bring
about strict law observance than such
a rigid enforcement of the law.
Bel grave.
Belgrave L. 0. L. are preparing for
an Oyster Supper on New Year's
The Xmas, tree entertainment in
connection with Trinity Church was a
great success; there was a good pro-
gram and $48 was realized.
We regret to hear through the
columns of last week's Advance that
Mr. J. A. Brandon was obliged to
have his right thumb amputated.
A successful Local Option meeting
was held in the Presbyterian Church
on Saturday evening addressed by
Rev. B. H. Spence of Toronto, Ruth-
ven McDonald of Toronto was the
soloist. The campaign in Morris is
drawing to a close with good pros-
L. 0. L. 462 at their annual meeting
elected the tollowing officers :— Wore
Master, Wm, Love; Dep. Master, E
Walsh; Chaplain, E. Irwin; Rec.-
Sec., Bert. Bradburn ; Fin. -See., G.
Nethery ; Treas., Wm. Bryan; Di. of
Cer., A. Williams; Lecturer, Bert.
Watson; Committee—T. Watson, 3.
Russell, R. Owens, Wm. Armstrong,
Arch. Brydges;
Recently Wm. WIghtman moved to
his new horae, near Calvin church,
East Wawanosh, to the 200 acres
bought from. George Robertson, who
bas retired from farming. Before re-
moving Mrs. Wightrnan was present-
ed with a fine bible by the W.F.M.S.,
of which she was a loyal and energetic
merober, "'Mrs. D. Sproat read. the
address and Mrs. Cole presented the
gift, Mrs. Wightinam replied appro-
The people of this locality were very
sorry to learn that Wm. Duncan, a
resident of Belgrave 25 years ago, who
kept store tvhere Mr. Williams now is
had passed away, Dec:offered was
found dead in his shack. 13erial was
made at Kerrobert Seek, Mr. Duncan
has a brother residing at London, Ont.
also a daughter, Mrs, McNair. The
older residents remember Mr. Duncan
quite well. Mrs. Duncan is buried at
Clinton where the family formerly
Municipal nomination at the Town-
ship Hall on Monday, Dec, 30th.
rtank Nichol, Oth line, was lam up
with a. seVert3 attank of pneumonia,
but is Inaking a good reeovery we are
pleated to state,
Ithe and Mrs. Wm, McMichael wish
to thank their many friends and
neighbors for all the kindnesses re-
ceived in their sad bereavement,
tit -Councillor end MrsJackson, ath
line left last Menday for holicittV ni
Oadfornia, Of Stile or eight weeks. They
will visit Colton, Los Angeles, San
Francisco, Sadramento and other
Last Week A. and lkIrtf. Vorsyth and
family moved to trassels where they
are notv nicely settled In the home of
the late Thos, Ballantyne. We wish
them good health arid all the comforts
of this life.
A Subotantial Ohriatmate gift and tt
joy for a life time—The White Sein-
ing Maehine, at D. Bell's.
1 VtralfritD,—All Itinde of grkin, do.
livered atout warelaouse, at 0, T. R.
We are also in the market for any
quantity Of first-class hay,--Tipling
Mre..T. Armstrong 'lotted frieude
Harriston on Monday,
Mrs. WBJhuu 11404 and her (Ian
ter Ella of Brussele, spent Friday night
at the home of Mr,. and Mre,ILjamee,
MISS Rands, principal of Dore. Pub
lie School, returned to her home with
her mother and aster on Saturday
Miss Lorna Armstrong, daughter of
Dr. Aetnetrong of va i epending
her holidays with her aunt and uncle,
Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Colter spent
Thursday night with R. V, and Mr.
Holmes, on their way from Toronto,
Detroit, etc., to Lticknow.
Mr, Thos. Dobbs with 14lss Mary
and George and Selby, epent 'Weaves
day with Nfr, and 1VIrs, Victor Foster
o Fordwich, celebrating the tutu An-
aversau oi! their wedding.
Mrs. Alex. Smith died at the home
of her dangeter, Mr, Robt, Hastie, at
the advaneed age of 01 years, on vsted.
nesdav morning, Mrs. Smith has
been blind for sortie years. She was
buried in the Gorrie cemetery on Sat-
urday afternoon. M. Smith leaves
two daughters, Mrs. Robt, Hastie and
Miss Minnie of Boston, and one son,
Burns, also of Boston.
The concert held in the Public School
on Friday afternoon by the teachers
and scholars was a decided suooeee.
The scholars acquitted themseiVes very
creditably,showing careful and thor-
ough training by Miss Rands a.ncl Miss
L. Harding, their teachers. These
teachers are to be congratulated for
the work theyhave a,ccomplished in
the school daring the term. The pro-
ceeds of the concert (10c adnaiesion
being charged) is to be applied to
decorating class rooms with pictures,
Mrs. Esther MeGill quietly passed
away op Sunday, Dec. 15th, aged
67 years, 7 months. While far some
titne Mrs. McGill had not been rugged
yet the week prior to her death, she
was very brielit and cheerful. Oa
Friday, Dec, 13th, she Was about her
household duties, and at 0 p. ni,, was
stricken with a paralytic stroke.
Though medical skill was need, yet
she gradually slept away and on Sun-
day noon without gaining conscious-
ness, she fell asleep. Mrs. McGill was
born hi County Cavan, Ireland, and
about 1865, came to Canada, In 1869
else was united in marriage to R. Mc-
Gill; they lived upon the 12th con, of
Lowick, until nine years ago, when
they moved into the village of Gorrie.
Mrs. McGill for many years was a
faithful member of the Methodist
Church attached to her home. Re-
garding her life, the passage upon
which her pastor preached the funeral
sermon, aptly expressed her life—
"She did what she could—Mark 14 ; 8,
The funeral service held in the Met,ho-
diet Church on Tnesday, Dec. 17th,
conducted by Rev. 3, W. Hibbert, was
largely attended. She leaves to
mourn her loss a husband and one son,
William of Turnberry, and two daugh-
ters, Mr. R. Ferguson of Orange Hill
and Etta at home.
A Medicine That Does Not Cost
Anything Unless It Cures.
The active medicinal ingredient of
Rexall Orderlies which is odorless,
tasteless and colorless is a compara-
tively new discovery. Combined with
other extremely valuable ingredients,
it forms a perfect bowel regulator,
intestinal invigorator and strengthen-
er. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like
candy and are notable for their agree-
ableness to the palate and gentleness
of action. They do not cause griping
or any disagreeable effect or incon-
Unlike other preparations for a like
purpose, they do not create a, habit,
but it stead they act to overcome the
cause of habit acquired through the
use of ordinary laxatives cathartics
and harsh physic, and permanently
reinove the came of constipation or
irregular bowel action.
We will rented your money without
argument if they do not do as we say
they will, Two sizes, 25c and 10e.
Sold only at our store—The Rexail
Store, 3. W. 1VIcKibbon.
Mr. Wm. Anderson of British Col-
umbia is visiting his father and other
friends near Bluevale.
Report of School for Dec. Subjects,
Art and A.rith, ; figures indicate per-
centage. Sen. IV—M. Gray 50, C.
Diamond 87, G. Curtis 89, S. 'Wilburn
60, W. Shaw 72, E Wil burn 60, M.
Black 42, O. Black 40, L. Breckenridge
44. Jr. IV—H. Holmes 53, 3. Gray
50, L. Elliott 71, C. Jewitt 64. Sr.
III—A. Fraser 40, H. Haney 80, M.
McGee 52, P, Sraeltzer 62, J. Nichol-
son 32, E. Churehill 32, L. McKinney
33. Jr. 111-0. McDonald 68, H. Mao.
sr 56, McKinney 59, A. Snaeltzpr
68, R. Breckenriclge.—A. L. Posliff,
Junior Room. Sr. 2nd—S, Elliott.
,Ji'. 2nd—S. Gallaher, M. Curtis, L.
Cloakey, R. Barrett, 0. Elliott, B,
Gannett, 0. Elliott, Pt, 2nd—,:f. Wat-
son, A. McKinney, Sr, 1st -3, Breck-
enridge, H.' Watson, K. McDonald,
C Elliott, M. Finlay. ,Tn ist—A,
(look, 1 Grey, J. Black, E. Nichol, 0.
Gantt, C. Messer, W. Mendell, G.
Eitiott, M. Findlay, E. MeGee,—Miss
Geddes, teacher.
Bete Are Facts We Want You T
Prove At Our Risk.
In all our experience With hair tonics
there is one that has done more toward
gaining our confidence than any other.
Wereally believe this remedy, known
as Rexall "03' Hair Tonic is so superlot
to other preparations that we offer it
to you with our personal and unquall-
lied promise that If you Use it and it
doesn't prove in every way satisfactory
to you, we will, upon your mere re,
goest at our store, return to you the
ninney you paid us for it.
Ilexall "03” Hair Tonic acts scienti.
finally, destroying the germs which
are usually responsible for baldness.
It acts to penetrate to the roots of the
hair, stimulating and nourishing
them. It is et moat pleasant toilet
necessity, is delicately perfumed, and
will not gum nor permanently stain
the hair.
'We Want. VOil to get a bottle Of
Reltall "03" Hair Tonic and uSe it as
direetei. If it does not relieve scalp
irritation, remove dandruff prevent
the tittle from &lift* out and promote
an increased growth of hair 41,114 in
0011 Way glee entire Patietaetleei,
etarilet back and tell us, and get yoor
money back. Two eizein 50c and $1.
Sold only at our store —The Rexall
Store T. W. MoXibhOri.
sill4LED TENDERS addressed to
the Postmaster General, will be reeeivea
at Ottawa until N004, on Friday, the
24th of january. 1918, for the convey-
aoce of His Majesty's Mails an i pro.
posed ()entrant for four years, titnee
ROWWAY), te commence Ft the Post.
master General's Pleasure. Printed no.
tines oentalniorr further informatien
to conditions of proposed Contraot inay
be seen and blank forme of Tender may
be obtained at the x>08t Office of Wing -
ham, Qlenfarrow, and at the Office of
the Post Office Inspeotorat Lenclou.
Post Office Department, Mail Service
Branch, Ottawa, llth Deeember, 1012,
SBALED TENDERS addressed to
the Postmaster Geeeral, will be received
at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the
24th jet:mai:ye 1013, for the Cooveyanee
of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed
Contract Yer four years, six times per
week, Ovet Rural Mail Route (North)
from Wingham, Ontario, to commence
at the pleasure of the Postmaster Gen.
oral. Printed notices containing furth-
er information as to condltions of pro-
posed—Contract may be seen and blank
forms of Tender may be obtained at the
Post Office of Witigham and at the Of -
floe of the Post Office inspector at Lon-
don, G. C. ANDERSON,
Post Office Department, Mail Service
Branch, Ottawa, 11th December, 1912,
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
the Postmaster General, will be received
at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the
24th January, 1913, for the conveyance
of His Majesty's &NHS on a proposed
Contract for four years, six times per
week, OVER RURAL, Rolm
WAY) to commence at the Postmaster
General's pleesare. Printed notices
contamiug further information as to
conditions of proposed Contraot may be
seen and blank forme of Tender may be
obtained at the POSt Offi0e.g of Gordo,
Redgrave, and at the Office of the Post
Office Inspector at London.
Post Office Deportment, Mail Service
Branch, Ottawa, llth December, 1912.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
the Postmaster General, will be received
at Ottawa until Noon, ou Friday, the
241h January, 1918, for the conveyanee
of His Majesty' i Mails on a proposed
Contract for four years, six times per
ETER, ONTARIO, to commence at the
Postmaster General's pleasure. Printed
notices containing further information
as to conditions of proposed Contract
may be seen and blank forms of Tender
may be obtained at the Post Office of
Wroxeter and at the Office of the Post
Office Inspector at London.
Post Office Department, Mail Service
Brauch, Ottawa, 10th December, 1012.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
the Postmaster Genevan will be received
at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the
24th January, 1913, for the conveyance
of His Majesty's iviatls on a proposed
Contract for four years, six times per
MORE WAY) to COMIllet108 at the P,osn
master General's pleasure. Printed
notices containing further information
as to conditions of proposed Contract
may seen and blank forms of Tender
may be obtained at the Post Offices of
Glenannan, Belniat..e, and at the Office
of the Post Office Inspector at London.
Post Offiee Department, Mail Service
Branch, Ottawa, llth December, 1912.
SE A.LED TENDERS addressed to
the Postmaster General, will be received
at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the
81st January, 1018, for the conveyance
'of His Majesty'Mails on a proposed
Contraet for four years, six times per
VALE, ONTARIO, to commence at the
pleneure of the Postmaster General.
Printed notices containing bulbar in-
formation as to conditions of proposed
Contract raay be seen and blank forms
of Tattler may be obtained at the Poet
Offioes of 13luevale, Wroxetsr, and at
the Office of the Post Office Intpector
at London.
Post Officio Department, Mail Service
leratich, Ottawa, 131h December, 1918.
Itesitionee tied Office itt Dr. MoDonalcits
old residence on Centre Street, next In
English Church, 'Phenia 250,
Partn Por Sale.
One ilendred ares, the east half of
'lot 82, °on, 7, East Wawatiosh, 88
acres cleared; barn. 88,t58, straw -
house 2,1)40 ; benne heuse 20x40; well
watered; 8 miles from 13elgeave,
ridlee from eehool. To be sold to (nose
the eStatt, of the late Mrs. Saanes
Scott, Apply to
Application for the dile() Of Olerk of
the Township of Turnberty Will be re,
coined by the Municipal Volute!' of the
said ToWnship, at the Olerk's (Ace,
Bluevale, up till the 13th day Of *TAIL,
1018. Salary $1150.00 per year.
18-17 By Order
John Burgess, Mork,
Wheat --(new), 00o to 92,
Oate,05. to 40 as*
Bur1oy-48 to 55 ote.
Peas• -•...$1.10 to $1. 20
Utvr.,111.1/0 to $12,00 a tote
flutter -25 .to 27 ete,
Eggs -85 to, Bti ete.
Pbtatoeser-750 to 800 per bush,
Live Hogs.—$77,
0hickens—.11 to 15, ots„
Dneke---15 to 15 Os.
Geese. -14 to 14 cts.
Turkeys -10 to 20 ,ets.
For full Toronto market reports gee
Page 2.
150 acres, 15 acres bush and the bal.
anee in a good state of cultivation, 4
acres orehard, two frame houses and
bank barn, Close to school -hoose,
post.ofilce, blacksmith shop and
church, and about Ave miles from
Wingham. There are about 50 Llet'OS
Of fall ploughing done on the premises
and 10 acres in fall wheat. Easy
terms of payment, Apply to R.
VANSTONE, Wingham P. O.
For Union S. S. No. 13, owick and
Turnberry, holding a first or second
class certificate, State qualifications
and. ; dutiee to begin January
Sirci, 1913.
Wroxeter, P. 0„ Ont,
Office ;—Morton Block, Wingham
Barrister, Solicitor, etc.
Office: Meyer Block, Winghara.
I'VE R. C. S. (Eng.)
L. R. 0. P. (Lend.)
Physician and Surgeon.
(Dr. Obishohn's old stand)
Special attention paid to diseases
of Women and Children, having
taken postgraduate work in Sur-
gery, Bacteriology and Scientific
Office in- the Kerr residence, be-
tween the Queen's Hotel and the
Baptist Church,
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118
1‘NY person who is the sole head of a family,
or any male over 18 years old, may home-
stead a quarter section of available Dominion
land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta.
The applicant must appear in person at the
Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the
district. Entry by proxy may be made at any
agency, on certain conditions by father, moth-
er, son, daughter, brother or £3istor of intend-
iug bomesteader.
Duties.—Six months' residence upon and mil-
tivation of the land in each of three years. A
homesteader may live within nine nines of his
homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely
owned and occupied by him or by his father,
mother, son, daughter, brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader in good
standing may pre-ompt a quarteratection along-
side bis homestead. Price$3.00 per acre.
Duties.—Must reside upon the homestead or
pre-emption six months In each of six years
from date of homestead entry (including the
time required to earn homestead patent) and
cultivate fifty acres extra.
A hoinosteader who has exhausted his home-
stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption
may enter for a purchased homested in certain
districts. Price §3.00 per acre. Duties.—Must
sicle stx months. in each of three years, culti-
vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad-
vertisement will not be paid for.
The Publicity Association for Huron
County intend to publieh a list of farm
properties for sale in this county, and ask
any person ha,ving a farm for sale to sond
at once to any member of the Executive,
named below, particulars of such farm.
describing it and stating price at; which
they will sell. When ad vta of sufficient
farms have been received, the Executive
will publish t he Bet in (emitter form for
general distribution in the Old Land and
in the 'United States, without charge to the
Further particulars may be obtained
from any of the Executive.
.T. G. GREIG, Pres., Seaforth.
JOHN LECKIE, Vice -Pres., Brussels.
B. 0, MUNNINGS. Trea8 Goderich.
JAS. MITCHELL, Secy., Goderieh.
Executive Cone. — J. M. Goveateocta
reeve of McKillop, Winterop P.O.; MAYOR
SPOTTONr, Wingliaril; WM. GLUN, reeve of
Stanley, Clinton P.O.; Jonte RANSFORD,
President (Minton Board of Trade ; W. .1.
IIVAMA'N', reeve of ICXeter; TH013. SiroTnnus
LDungannon ;1t. W. LivniosTomL, reeve of teey, Mencriefr P.O.
One five horse power Stickney
Gasoline Engine, cheap.
One 2-1. horse power Internation-
al Harvester co, Gasoline
Engine, dheap.
One ten -inch Joliet Chopper in
good repair, very cheap.
One Gent's Bidydle (Cleveland)
only used 2 weeks, Oa
One E. 6" D. Bidydle, gooa ea
new, $12.50.
A eleeri-up on new COV0113,
Tubes, &d., at reduced prides.
We Wish Our
Customers and Friends
the Merriest Kind
of a
Merry Christ as
Willis & Co.
Sole Agents
For The
'TAP/ f;,rAl
Pt" 41P' ,V ;.‘ *"/.4" `ON,
Come and see what we have for you to buy in
suitable gifts for everyone, Christmas buying can
be done here where we have many new novelties
to show you.
Handkerchiefs in Christmas boxes, initial
and plain. Jabots in Christmas boxes, in la
and chiffon. Fancy Elastic Belts in Xmas boxe
Men's Knitted
Men's Silk Knitted
Men's Silk Hose
Fancy Armlets and
Ties in Christmas boxes,
Muffers in Christmas boxes.
in Christmas boxes. Men's
Braces in Christmas boxes.
Ladies' Fancy White Waists in Christma
boxes. Fancy Aviation Caps (Ladies and Misses
$1.00, $1.25, $t.5o. Fancy Cushion Tops. Fanc
Whisk Holders. Children's Purses, 25c.
Fur Sets, Fur Lined Coats,
Sweater Coats
Make very handsome Christmas gifts, Mink Sets)
Persian Lamb Sets, Sable Sets, Mink Marmot
Sets, Grey Persian Lamb, Grey VVolf, in newest
styles, all guaranteed.
FUR LINED COATS.—We have a large
stock of Fur Lined Coats with best Canadian Rat
Lining, at $65.00. Canadian Coon Collared Coats)
Mink Collared Coats, in Fur and Quilted Linings.
Our prices are right.
SWEATER COATS.—In Red, Blue, Navy,
Blaziers, for Men, Women and Children, from
$t .2 5 to $5,00.
All kinds of Trade wanted. Wa want your Fowl.