The Wingham Advance, 1912-12-26, Page 6I
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Vakor-And she has Optimistic ton(lon.
11arkerYv,,;,, she's always running her
hwlbano In debt.
.- -- F - �
(Washington Star.)
"When are you going to b(%, -In to reyl,),o
the tariff?"
"That's the troublo about work Olt, t1w
t,jr1fr," said the statesman, with .1. weal -y
look. "Veople are always a.,3king, with
equal Impatience, when are you ttr('� goltirg
are you groing to quit.,,
,7.4..JW___ -
(Brooklyn LIM)
UlsLi llighbrow-NVe are having a
course of Greek Morattiro at the club,
The lecture last night Nvas oil the "Attic
Miss Lowbrow -Poor things! Poetry
was evIdently so unprofitable then as it
is now. ___W. .-
(Boston Transcript.)
Alarks-That youna,ster of mine is very
troublesome, It I give him an Well,
-) 04. .
(Btiff4lo Express.)
"Did you say that you got three bucks
Oil y0ar 41l1J1L4J1C;-Lr4VV iab"k!U Oju U%�.ul
f riend.
114Nw; bucli-sl�ut," correctv(l tli- iw.,3�., :,
4 0 4.
(Washin.-ton Star.)
"Of course you Itnow the story of the
liare and tell tortoise." $1
"Yos," replied uilele naspberry,,
knuN,vs de bLUI-5. 4.>IIL J. 1WN'tt V(Mt"
macloy see do moral. I)e Lurtle eLlial-
n't u' ue"t dUL rabwt nu'i�ay, 'c PPen u.,
a�.c�dcnt. I sp4ul-.s niubue d,! m.,rai 11.4
4iLit it :.n't ,no�-ur soie ,o bei un no kind
i)f a 1):-!-.-, riwe. -,-..
PAPA'$ VIATZ�_.R'._100.
ki uUgt,)
I iiilg i. , pp.-J,h.Ure�-t, W UaL did your
ft�t,1461 St.,�' JVI.t.fll ) OU k�I(A &-411 �4 �UA I
Dapwie Sweet -Darling, it was too fun-
ny! He gulped a te%,v LimQs aiw U.un
rot. "Polly," said lie,
appe4lingly, "please help me out!"
W-tr.- - -
(Boston Transcript.)
"Do you know any French?"
"'Yes, I can shrug my shoulders."
, _# .
(Duffalo Express.)
"I dwi't sL.e huNv you can regard l3hihs
as an .nterest,nt-, old mail. %Vhy, lie '-s
a doderin-T idiot."
"Yes, lie is senile, but be never bothers
you i�jth theories about the %%,ay to at-
tain to an advanced al.m."
�: :... _.
!,,!, �! ,,, !,!,, :L�'11', "; 1 1___-_11.__k% ------.-- _i � 0. - .- — - .- - - . I � �
A.4L I 41" "' ' 11 . � ON-14mkowAil 1. , . I 'I r r � . "M � .11 11 " 4 1 i I li I Ir I � I . I � . �. - I - imp - 414*0140%0OW4, �, .\, , ,- , , , " , - . _ I A*040 000 ollyaoO ---.-.,-- . 'I'lo Or 0,41 i �11A'A�o W"0400"100OW00040 h 10""Oolmom" —.--. .. - � I _ .. F* '*,OSML� � !01 00� 11� Z 1 ;, . I , - 1--- I' I ' .
- I 11 � '' , � . - - . I 10� . � .RWA"*f_."�*_ , - I' � 4M � � 1, 'I. r I" 17 . 4 � I - - I . . � 11 � Ito. I V"_"*""_""" I r 11 - ,- I : . I I - � , - I . . � � r .. _ i I— - . � � .. .. r j r
. - Ij r . . '�" - '- —_ 7
. to we-,ar purple relvet and ermiae Avary �� 11 I'll, U4 34" .11 � , , ___.___.___ ____._______ -1-1- - � L r I . . - 11 � �� '""o ' �� I ' 71" � r , ) r "'
- ----'I'-- r ", r. Ir- . . I -
:K-1-," ,"?""""—, r , '', ,I', � " r' , I � _ " 0wo""MPOW I . .. - I 10K I, I � .� I I I I � . . "" . - ," . - IN rrr .;; . �" .-�- A I r 6 1 �, 1, I , 0 �
___,,,;,,,,,,, _,.,.�r� ,_ - -"�— i 0,1,�/ �' -1: .1, - I � 7, f 'm10,*0_fW*L,*W! - Ll SNAUTUT OF ,DOMOf�
W day had it , not bem inconveglei'at-filo i \ ,�� , � V I '' "" -_ - . I . T �
lloil. � - ., 144441ve gold comb 4nd poins' fa4tenbig . �= , . . ,\ *W1 *,,---
, - - � I .14
t_� - , 0
. 11. 11__.*�_,Z�
"" MW tlier bre-14 of lier rwhinbig brom$.l r,700,r � -
a" nue,rl
I W" 190 hair, her aristoicratio, je,wellea ilan(l -1 � I I � := MY IM49es Mado in Xoxico
= = ,s, - - I �� -2
"a W * , W 0 0 i"W the satin fairnew of which ,ol)e hour's . " I U1 � - 00WP16te in Dotail.
1 4AW, N" hard work liad never still! ed -at a ' .1 .rr,
**4 . 1,1 tlit, I � W �
NMI me" - . . *"" � I Drivve Out : It is thought that the tiniest dolls
opm I insome innie "M ,, queenlY elogance and graco which were ' �r . , = ,
low I 1. 11 - - - = . If . - m Uexloan Indians.
*W4 so oatuml to her Ili the pride of her I T
I 0" " . _"" . . I I I I i hey are barely three-fourthp ot 4A
. ,
I = beauty, and Wie Imitated , with the I , 7:; ,
Wo" -in- % _. qey-
, Ilat1trt", to Crush .. Jr __ -, L I -
i - �Vl111Ug`1JQ'3$ Of ar JlOble lacbr 1049 In many cases., but Are
� i.. .. rr I _%.Z�� ,I - . - 01
. Damp and '� rtheless Perfect Ili (Jeta
Va ' r I r *0, , I ____ _�� I . �2_ ' ,il.
I __V evk the lielple,is, to slight I
. - I - � 1. � \ '."o I ,, � L. I the weak, to in r I . I -17110 Method of manufacture Is ao,
JVtjs inforlor Im" 1.
a sister w,oniftu becailse she --- I if follown: First there to made a dimin4-
. M :3 r I I . IN -_ il
- I 11 1,1 ,� 11�:,�
In birth 4nd statiou . - 3 . I -
'ed Vaerlyou replie�l, V(qy -, Of $11J)PIrleatioli .. I Ir T tIVO fr=eWQrl� of wire, This is, then
-? �, -
(�Jljlieli,ii fitee 't4nJit � [A
Ati�,d Wildh f ollowed the ejaculatory d , ._ . __ I wound with fine silk threa
1, -, =_=Z___ -e I J -'Mold w'v h - - r d until tho
I 1,� C -.-t ��
- I I , ---
� 4=
calmy still, With evea the quiver of a one of despair. In the helpless Bimplic- ted of little hesitittioll, of 110 denial; . �__ � I __ . � it . proper Tigure has been Aecured. The
- I
- I ,� .
ity of her Ohri,4tianity, she turiml tQ beneath the magoetisin of his ,flear, '-- - ..4 r .. .- .
sinfle oil the composea pale endurance 4eaven for relief, stern gaz , e, c-apricions Mildred had, Ito - I , _. . cootumes 4re then cut according to
I of lu�r face, "Yes, it is a -very suitable , :- =4z , - I
09 . . !: � J A the character of the doll and fitted
� , 11 11 I . .: . _
-, match; Alls,4 Tredeiiiii4cR is yery hand- I -leaven help, me -pity mel" Bobbed power but obediently to reply; I I .. � . - I to it.
I ooine," bade them both good 'Ovelillig, W1411W, ii-pstretchlar, her thin wliltv "They said, Step li on -gossip! ag -wom- , �_�, I . . �.;k. M0.04 With needles that oan scarcely
. a r _%_ �11,�: . - hold In the fingers, needles, of which
- - be
arms, its if sileeking the claq of a. frIeud- en-tattlem-thooe kind of people, you � J . _� % ]XIFECTA
and walked owiftly away, r I .. I 0
Pazzled wrinl�les came on Air, Pas* ly hand; and, gazing upiy.ard., she saNv know," she went oil, reluct4ntly-"that I ___� SMOKELESS the eyes are almost invisible, various
. I
clo's narrow forehead, that the eeviihig star lia,,d arbsen, and W1111110--il . I � . � designs are embroidered on the dolls,
14 I I �� �r - 0 11 .
-, -,Nji, What about Winnie." Stephen Tro- . . ILI a , -1.
"I shouldn't haye thought that �,r, Nvas looking down upoit her froin the I g F -t".! � ..!A clothes with the tines
� I � r t of silk threA
. .do.
Winnie would have liked to hear tell of dark evening sky, Down Into the gulf dennick Talterated. ' . - So cleverly do the Indians execute
your news, .Miss Trewhella; but Bhe of her desp4ir, like a pitying aternal The child-leh iiaino brought b"k in '4 r -1 . I � ' ' 'OU know how - � " . 7 these designs that even through .1
doesn't licein to mind. She always was oye, aliono the slender silver ray. And flood of recollection the announeemeAt ' ! : powerful glass the details appear to
I r . *1 Y damp ge although the
I a queer, silent maid, without much to the ttar-4ngel, God's messenger to hip, ol the little dark dripping figure in tile _� I . 1 '44 1 ;r_- - ts in- be perfect, work Is 4c.
isorrowipro child, lighting her genfl. ad eutry-the pale -faced child with - , -7 I to I n complished withotit the. aid of any
Bay for herself." 0 v on lighte .1V, , . i en dosets and _r I
"Yes", 2".�ia ther waitling-woman, with her homeward path, seemed to ,so9th,R the 1yeAutiful tresses of -hair and the I r r :1 enlarging device, 0
1 - -
disappointed enmity, "she pretends her at once with assurance of succor Pa"i.ollitte ly0mailly eyes--4ha shivering I i storerooms. .. ! Once Properly dressed, the doll is
very well; but I've no doubt We a Pret- and relief, little woman whoin lie had escorrted ' - - giveh Its hair. Even to the details of
liome through the Avild March morning . It's no trouble at - braids and ribbons this work Is carried
ty hard blow to her," a all to keep them fresh . I
Hard enough to strike her to thQ -the gentle' girl by whose side lie 69 . - out. Then there are formed the eyes,
. 0HAPTE 11 X111. eat on that isunny afternoon, listening and dry with a Perf6ction Smokoless Oil Heater, - nose, mouth, hands 'and feet.
oarth-liard ellough to strike her down "I can ncot quite understandg Mildred, ' - .
: there by the cold gray sea, whero the to her sweet voice, Ra it iningled With . In Mexico these dolls are sold for
about 241ss A17junle Caerlyon-has Aunt the plashing of the waves -the patient, - A Perfection Heater is a great comfort, too, on chilly -_ - ridiculously small sunlri, it takes
I drifted halow lay deep Etna white, veil* Vivian qua-rrelled with her'?" dear little creature, busy fil the tidy : : mornings and cold evenings. . about two hours of painstaking labor
, ing the black, cruel rocks lu cold "Quarrelled; Aunt Vivian cluarrelled . . I ! -e sewed to the
I wTaith-like (ioffness; and gladly 100 with A -fir's Winnie Caerlyon! Proftwo kltchep,, virith ber white apron and her - It is the h a'ndiest and most reliable heater made. No J : - these accessories ai
- I
; the gladness of morbid misery, would inorfall" Mildred responded, liar hatigh. bIg knife, cutting bread and butter. : . _: �, - ill anikins.
she have felt it enfold her prostrate ty Eantle resolving .jito a, sunshine of Stephen Tredennick had often, laugh- . soot; no smoke, no smell. Carry it where you please. �, Some dolls are provided with tiny,
from her out"stretclied hands and rigid ad s-hice, calling to mind what a large . . All the beat you want just when and where you vArant it. � . � baskets of flowers, fancy sombreros,
- . . . water jars and other paraphernalia.
nilathievous fun. "Aunt Vivian quarrel- knife and a great pile of bread were . . -
face with the chill, glaffocating s0ft, led with her poor little hired compan- . . The baskets are made of hair by the
it it there, and how slight and small was the Descriptive circulaw sent on request; or, better still, . -
I Indians of Guanajuato, The bits of
I neiss of a shroud. It seemed a$ � Ion4, anlailuensis, or whatever other of- ft little houfseivife--poor dear little ask your dealer to show you a Perfection I
would enwrap and eootha her into the fice she waa honored by being a,ppoint- de - pottery are made of clay In exact
Death's souna sleep? Winnie, who had blushed beneath his � Smokeless Oil Heater. . ��
1 cold, calm peace of . ed tot Does I -Ter Gracious Majeaty box gaze as Iw bad never seen a woman ' , ! imitation of the practical sizes. ,kil
for she said, "It ir, better for me to die the e -Ars of the royal pages when they blush before or since, whom lie had tak. ' "I these accessories arme sewed to the
than to live." - the fall In their duty?" on into his heart, although he did not THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limited '� dolls,
And yet, if the stricken girl of �� -
bright, sweet, tremulous dawning Of "Well, then, what is the eaupya know It, whose pure lips lie had kissed, Ilamilton Toronto Montreal St. John Ilalitax Winnipeg � 11 re embroidered In
I - -
Nvilose young womanhood had ,laricened oila's totally ignenng the poor little and had felt ever since as if he dared I , . .- . . . .. 1, . the costuraeo ot the dancing girls and
0 th!nalis existence?" asked Captain Tre- never ully his own by a coarae word - )-l'_( _��-,: . . . . . . . . - .... ��i ornaments are arranged in their hair.
in it moment into impenetrable Iligh't- im 411.111 1. WJ� . ___. I W -
the few pa -le, pure flowers of whose ten- denlk) rather irritably. "I fanoied or a lighter caress, for their dear maid- .3)_!!t. tr�', I- i - V00W 1. . �1. 1. I U� Wreaths of flowers are hung about
der, sacredly loved and ,-,MU'd0d hopes tbat Madam re4garded her more In the enly sake. __ __ __In—_" the shouldqrs and the arms are form.
. aceful and 11fe-like attitudes
were crushed into renioreel,caS , disfigured light of an adopted child than anything . Whiniet Poor dear little pale faead, THE SEA COW. VANISHING SEA FIGHERS. ed in gr,
that else, and now I discover that she never quaint, pimple -hearted Witinle-fiery, of dancing. The matador is complete
ruin -had been asked what it w'W London. -A serious decline Is shown in in (,,very particular -his c'ostume be -
she had lost Itild wa,s mourning for with sees her, never mentions her no,rae, avd proud, passionate little woInan-Patie,11k Queer Animal Which h$ Near Ex mackerel fisheries in general, says a r,, ing gayly decorated in many colors,
tearless ev" and bleeding heart, she Prevents� it from being mentioned, as I dutiful, loving little maidell-what had tinctlon. port oil the 9ea and inland fisheries of
could not, if slie would, have made reply filtneled last ,night fTo,m liter manner. the serpent tongues of gossips and saan- Ireland for 1911. -Steam or rnotor-power the li,air dressed in true' Spanish
One -of the laTgc8t -creatures that alas is becoining inore necessary for the suc- fashion, including the conventional
intallirg Has Winnie Caerlyon done anything to dal mongers to lay to her oharge-that inhabited t,he 1V,,a,t,e1-s o,f the gu,li 1,
gent to other than Him who reade .,f cessfui p oseeption of ail the fisheries qU()u(j.
,ul.,shed Offend her?" Innocent child with the wistful face and f t1le United Xingdoin. This Inealis
the heart and to Nyhom Lho saig MW"doo,and the south Atlantic coast Of 0 11�_�
) . 0 heavier capItal exponditure, and It terids .
c, aculation the wild, incoherent peti. "You had better ask her, cousin," dark- pathetic eyes, like a sea-spirlt ex- this countr ; less attractive to ty years in use, 20 years Vlio
� tio a the I ayer broken b.y Mildred replied, her face sparkling all Iled from the beauty of her oceau home y (tnd which is ajimorzpt ex- to make sea fishinf, For` .
i ) tinat is known as tha manatee. It wag men who cannot face the new conditions,
convulsive trembling lips, are the cle,ax over with isatirical mirth. "Ask her to eartWs dreary drudgery 7 What found in grea,t niunbers a cent It is, therefore, not surprising to note standard, prescribed .a.11d recom-
she io.crease In
I ge of wbere Is Winule Cuerlyon-why was had they to say about her? What ary ago') that, altlioti-h there is ail I it'
translation of the hidden langua banished from Roseworthy�--axd f did they dare to say? , And Stephen and even a. fe-w yems l>a0k this crea- the number"of the more effective class mended by physiclams. For
the soul, which no man born of men can 90 Ti,erenniekls stout heart grew etill in ture was quifte 1pleatiful In eerta4n lo. of boats, luen who from various causes
.read, and say with eeft:tiUty� "TUS is that she mmy be instantly recalled -do, Me. kbroa,thless we.iting for his coilsin's calltleq. aunnot eauh) themselves with steam "' Woman's Ailments, Dr, Martel's
the interpretation thereof." Stephen -to oblige mel" It fs Vew,v -i-entle ,P,ud easily c&p+,urad xnotor craft are droppjllg out of f;ffle fli-
Was it presumptious, anibitious, un- "Wily are you laughing, Iffildred?" he reply. t Ivinn'l.e?" 110 in '11'eavy nots, dustry. The Increase in weges In I the 0
11'V�That do theg sa,y abou. whkih are usually niereantile marine bas abso (Irawn nany Female Pills, at your druggist.
inaldeidy love, and its speedy, woll-me;r- said, smiling in spite ot hiniself. " Is - , lontho of rivers men away, "Xild the'de0filo It, the mack- - - .� .�n I
. ed h o &rs y . stref,alied aerws ti) e 1)
ited punishment? Was it the wild) ' there any reason why I allould not ask repeat Grel fishing lifts Caused ce'soatioll of fish- '
romantic folly ol a. passionate, ha.U- Aunt Vivian about her little friend?" And Mildred Trectennick loaked straight erapting into the so-tith Atlaatio or ing- on the part of oi-tiers, who, hourevor, CANICER GERM DISCOVERED.
educated girl who flung away all the "I think you had better apply to Aunt . irAa -his eyes --an-i-11 y almost -for lit her the Gulf of Mexko. The flosh N Very Ill TnLro favorable seasons, -niny rezume Dr. Grastull Win, Of I? . ftrls, rA rauce,
0 r dt�,,Uclous and brillg� a, 11i"Jil price, hav- U10 occlll�odon. c,lit of t;.,c, your,.,t,,,er ial)oratory sell,W:tU,
treaswe of hor young hetaxt in exchange Vivian herself if you want any informa- royal womanliness 61le dreaded t * �'"""'�Z__. ". _,_��_n7 I h - C;tlgates
a, ,,qt-Ton-cr ablaitee to, the -very . � -- -1 _r.__-_-__-_ %,. IL�* slud!td, CxrJf,..1l�2.1te ono ilive, .
, � .. VIM II)i
for a strangarle transient 'Aiking, transi- tion on the eubject, 0ousin Stephen," sneer or self-sabisfied pnieex there --and In ., . � . . � �, ..... . -1 - . Uo bl,,oa, tl_,4.-,ue,L�' t1i'd gL s Of tri.
- 'The skelet-on is vauled at . . - . a- I t1i - low vi, vallin v,l to bave
ent admiration and tTansient oaxesses? Mildred returned, more quietly and answered, briniging out the sliaxp ba 're 4iagl'eat veal, - "I"51" ,.J, aje, is s�
- 8100 Emil the skin if rem—d r anlv " , � "', � A. +' ,,�,11�'I- ne Illn 111013�k
DI ral 01 Tille fts"ITV1011 WIT11 R ele-rn. e- f .V _r i? ,� .41, M., t ,-,LU%v1-. -
_,A� �., I fa.tal ot chronle maladleS-CancGr, writes
BROADL'Y CLASSh-112D. Ab, poor little friendless, unloved giA, coldly; "she might not think the affair alid cared for by Vwse who underetand '... ,,�;,N 0 .
� youT pitying, pardian I E4 .,
(Wasbington Star.) � K 1-).,. L. X. Hirsliioerx, i -i '2e�niin-�ai \*%'U!`%1
�s P a 4 , � . :�u
"I am afraid you have more money nobler name I angel g.%ve it a one in which I could possibly, or witl prowhfW direciaiess- it ropertles w,111 hrblm a like amount, � _'. , Atvli� � - I ` - .&Iagavine for Deceinb,,r.
� I
propriety, be Intereeted, or with which "Th -at Whinle Cae-rlyon loves you." ' * 'A' 0
1',fiis creature is oftea froni ten to a �!.J !. ("nivel. 1� it gen(-)W::�i�d disr'_,.�Qe, vil&ll
�. Y " �-""i I %111 IN,J'. 1!1t��tk ill'. W R )1t1.1.-:)".' 01� 1) I 'I � -1,
than you know what to do wlth." ' n 0 ,B . There was deatl silance for a ininute �, "
, It bad been the idyi-tender, Imagina- f ought to be acquainted," a d th ar T, 61-11, b � 4 I ..
"Pernaps," replieu Mr. Dustin Stax. i twelve feet in length and ,weighs about , �t�,IiIDJ "-3- . U
tive-cd a commonplaoo, work -ii, -day- 09,.qt10 or two In the warm f ire -lit room, f Qr the � � Hzilre Its orlt
"But the world is entirely made uJi of lips took au additdonal sharp it wil I t- 'i "in m'Isr, bt! :i,:,11�dlu In the
gray shades of evening were falling fa6st -2X0 POulltls. It i�� ISO 9`11tIP, i 10 V . ,
People who have more than they knou- world existence -the poem -the Malon- cu-i-ve as ishe apoke. rt ID I 11k, ( 0. On Placin,; a .zp.?�,)111."�'Il or ti,e
what to do with and those who Itno%N over -the sitow-covered lands, -ape The strike tbe lig,lat (,raft that happeiis to �� MiK7USABLE Cl-�_*U_E �
ate, harmonious einbodim,mt of t1he song, ""With prolpriety,l Mil dred---ab out- : It, alltJ JVh 11 % 0 ,�: . 1,!uui� ut it can,:E i,ous ljenioii itiiaer a
what to do with more than Lhey have.' the me -Jody of which stirred the entliva- �nnile that 'Millred fearad ,qhe (lid not b -o near e 40al)�ture,(I it Shov ' Jj-.j(.�)-.JSQo,Je, 7)r. (.1'rEj�,tC)JJ O'.1111 110tit-ed t4'11"it
- 0i.triyo-n!" Stephen '111 '.�, for Gall Stones, Kidney Trouble, �. I-fli,111%, Of 11,111 J-01 COVP11 S"W'i IN -111C11 are the
11-6-4P- ___ about little Winnie see, although Stephen Trodewilek),q face no 1`ef6ist-4 ce- Nvh'�,teve`v, Kidney and Islaader st*011021, , 1(lost 11111)0'.-It"111t constitilk-ilt of the vital
HARD UP. iaetie girlish smil all through its slum- Trodennick's very lips thad grown pale, wao lit up with it sudden fluish and glow It 13 t3afe to say that in th,3 next Gravel, 7,11mbago, Uric Acid. � I Th, 1,1 ,� - re of an uniis,,, il forni, sc-rne-
bering life, it had been a beautif,i). erring and he ga,sped out the words breathlem. : , .1 rcsunbling a hrtnie c-liestnut In
(tluffalo Express.) not dua to the fl!4�IC01`111,fr MHR2109 of jh,8 quarter of a eentiiry this creattire will - I I wl'. t 11"
worship, a fond false faith, it devoted ly In convulsive alarm. , . Price $1.50. .Nfo,qt lea(ling drug : "At. (_ f t (I ()f fl)e S"Wot" "'7)1'"Vt� Whl(�h 'S the
111� 11it h, .n t,ttra.ghtentd c ircunt- mistaken creed, She had treazured as 44AI, 4. it I . ruddy fire. b"olue e%ttiuct infle,��,s spocintelis are illl�.^ gists. I . -.1 � I Qk) (ill -'. pp N, , .+
- I I :.!n tvF.n p:,,v a e_nip
- 11 �, 4
.� I I N ;. U I .; - E _'.
(Washlngt�.n Star.)
"I find It easy," said the v.,,qitoi- fr,,m, "t, 411 which men ,vv.ere electod
and wh.'ch were disappointed.11
1. %% ?
"13- noA,,g %vhetbor they say It-evubli
nrr ungr-teful,' or "we may always de'.
,,PnO n tho Jud mient of the plain pei.-
1)], "I
� 1%- �-
`N� 07 'W OFF.
tit' i i'T,'n:on )
I . e'.1
4. L L L 0 V1. il'- ill 1. 0 �- o,. r
.Vell, %,%t.y d,nX you han.- It on tile
t.n,b �,heru the �,olf can see?
� # 's
(Bostob Trans(,ript.) -
'Mrs. Giingg—I'll say this f,,r mv bus -
ban d - h,: does not care for other women,
M:�s Cou t'e—Indeed! No 0oubt he .m-
. gl es that all women are alike.
-_ WQ-4-1 �
(Boston Transcript.)
"B f re T -q merrIed a $20 bill loo!W
lih- a two spot."
"Ant. nov%*? f
"Now, by George, it looks Hke a nilr-
, Cle 11
— __-14_0_1&___
(Detroit Free Press.)
"Pa, what does it mean when you say
that a man hasn't the courage of his
- convictions "
"Th.!t N, 1,,as opinions, but Isn't willing,
to bet money on them."
- -4-1 6
"I asked your husband last night, If he
1,ad to live his life over again, If lie
' v,�ould morry you, and he said he cer-
Vnly would."
"He certainly wouldn't."
" -9- -
(Philadeliphla Record.)
Z1111-cus—What the deuce Is meant by
an eligible young man?
Cynicus—Oh, any young man, who is
willing to got married.
(Boston Transcript.)
"What did your lawyer say when you
8tated your purpose to him?"
"Ile .9aid at was fees-ible.1'
- - : �;
(13oston Trans,cript.)
GrIggs—Talk a -bout aviation; look at
the price of coal.
13rig,vs—Yes, and you'll hotlee that flic
coal man, like the .aviator, is trying to
;Uvof(l a drop.
44 (Cleveland Plain Dealer.)
t Why do you encourage your Inviband
0 drink so much coffee?"
"It's the only thing that will keep him
awake n1ght.9—and that's th6 o)ilv ebancO
Iget to tell litm what I think of him."
#_+4 "I
(Detrolt Pree Pres,�Q
I'l-lowIn your boy getting" Oil at t'sle
Tlnlvc�rsity of 1N11chigan?"
110r(kat! Ho"s been thero three years
now and writes me thn.t lie li,lq alread.V
Won his M. And that's got him illf,
11"Alf way through t1in olpha-bPt. 11111 llckp-
Stig br-11 gc4 lip to :/, hi'anothor yoar or
Mnthc.r—%J1h.,1t )�Jljkl of .et pai), A,!, it,
Nek-alb,A 043.,!—A 1�.%-) r01110 11aill ww
jr�:,�V til"rt'p.
— . . � —.-
(Opw4and Pht-*M I)( --"I(-.-0
4111ile-tt-f sep fluit tho ,-,aa, patimita
in .,t St. 1,01lig woduln revolted file OtItee
day beeall"'e thki,papillar 11111.41C ill thOr
1410110-WMI418 AMS ellan-ed to grand
opera, I
OVOU01-VIOXI whorr, tho madman
1j1,4 the ady,intage over big Atino, J)rothor
--he 4ot-pin't bavp to prett,nd lie lilzw,4 it.
U U LL Q vyinnie Caeriyon" smid- presorvcd ,samply to prevent the coin- N, 1 11114" , &-I,,. � _�� I ,� V11 -
a jewea of great price and beauty, to be He took lip Ids pipe with a. stettdy 1� THE-: SANOL Mr -'G- 00,, LTD. �, taoliod to x:orinal ccrwiu,�v!,As, bnt nic"St Of
�, � ,
W. X_ � �
.� �1 frce la ,�ilo "Critill—th �1(
looked at cherish,ed, deligilited 1 ' red repeated, her bandsome faee gro hand and sat d -awn quietly .tgain in t,he plete lassol oue of our Most wolide Winnipeg, Man, 1'r 01C111 floqt ,'I (. 'ar
n, 11 ing hard, and -her bright eyes peering in easy`e��r; but Mildred did not hear t)ie fill Re,.% Cre-1tIlTes- flifli ullie'll i.,; the oarr�hlq illedinin of
those rare 'sweet houre of freadom when,, their handexome gaze into ber collain's low heavy s.igq, of relief breAft-d'by it liver wholly oil salt watcr vege+t-a- :1-t . . . . . . . . . � "I'll, � '9- re(I and -,0Ate corpus,,1o,,. It AV,W Llili�'
the shreirish ttep-mother, the seven no4sy . . I .1 .... 9 =- ..... tiftz�r lon- reflection on theso cin,lot-Ay
troubled 4hawrinct face. 1q am sorry to lips that quivered Nvith sudden surprised ti,oll and growt-lis found in the mouths ____=_1_=:1 - =*.:=`,:`_,, sl.'aned fn'r'nis; that the true solut!on fla"."i;_
children, the 6mall, overcrowded home, nws a,ffects you so mile),, a ' ivers emptying into Uw so,%.- Da veross the 11111A o", illo Fril-neb ZQV0nt;
the hard work, the hard hands, her Oapt,lin Treednnick.11 niotion-nor did she pexceive hwar his of t1i a T 0 A Busy W., oinan's Thoughts. 1hat t1le erwivc,r n1,1r-1-)v,, 11-j I 080.111)pd (lp-
father's frowns, Thoulas Paacoe's de- steady fingers had eloGed like a vise N`ew 'yul-l-, WOrILL 6 ') - er�o Ncaa�, "
14�-� - "To Im, tdwltys tho s-mit%.'�--L,-)u .Na- t�"11 11 "!h L ',' , e t "iniceals "-
tested prese�nee, had all as it wore passed "Miects met" Stephen Tredennick on the carvings of his meel-,chanin bowl FOU W101-111 the red ,r1).'."(-!cCt.
.%*a.y, and left her alone and peacefully cried, his alarill ,111�1 bewilderment a,iid atem. How D,ayton Lead"S'e-:) 0.49'e bnrb.� W . . -, - - - ., - �. _. ... I - , - . .11
happy by liar young mather's grave in growing stronger. "Wliy, Mildred what 111VI'llo,gaid so, Alilklred?" .1 A ponny-drew.1ftil brain k asad hatid-
. . is there to be son, What Is it Ile spoke, so quietly, witili,nit aii (Jacti. �
Trewillian churoliya,rd or singing the y for? Their Coni-P'Uankcrhztl Toes !el.l)-.
I about poor little *Innic Catrlyon?" - Men �orgr;k-e wonvii inveld, iromen f,)r.
plaintive lullaby for little Louie, when, lation. of wonderment or disbelied th"tt .
The cold haughty face grew colder, 11111d,red's culi *,Nfioi M. L,W�ey' ('J Z(--oa aventle, D'y iien inoro. Tllt� 1VU1,11
from the little dormer window looking � -'N' 91%,e] I for,'4\'N W-0,11 -Min,ii-W,; Lhuniont Co., Limitod.
sity arou,sod afre-51,11 her to3l, C),�,Ii, �writ�4: ,.p, 'Gre ukihi- 'Plit. 1-nost.
aea%vardis, there floa,ted down on the wide ftnd Mildred Tredennieky.q ove3 flmshed iijKma s,,Lrcaatic'),' mirthful temper. .� , � ,,: f - r) RZc,iii.-.c,;fnf1hin- a cause i,i drear, ('1eutlem,,ii,---1_/v+t, wilitor I recelved
In a g:adden blaze of ludign Imill's Pailllel�,3 C01111 F,-,Aractor, I Al"m y -work
expanse of iippling, waters lost in the ation, itni verybody, I tcll you, Stepli.ya,ll ,,-Ile I r. . I groat be,W.flt from tl,ie li,,-P of _NYT_N.:1JtD`S
z' (111"te 1111"'I illp With e--,,1,J1s, "131:11 eattU I -Lot (wen for a sneIlbijider, ,
sit -ver mitsts of the fax horizon, the yeaxn- "Claptain" Tredenuick, I hate hypoe- amswered, with a solemn shake of her - JLELMI.-MEN-J.' in a ,-_�vvere o,f Lo,
riey as I hate craftines--t 11 she isaid ;"It cvweil staild the piec-'Aare of a lQ,)5;0ly but- Carrout e�c-ntq eq,;t their Rilhouettt,8
!no breath of the tender word,a: ' J lie -ad, closely watching her -cousilln's soine- t(,1,,od shop. t ap!)Iwd PittnaniA�i ,.r,%-- beforo.
0 G�HJIPC, R-11,11 [ have frequPtitly prr,yeJ it
"Sweet and low, sweet and low, doeg not become one of aur name to what imscratalAe expre,�Z.�Iou, and en- I , " to h3 very eIrfe'-Live. !n Vases Of 111flitm-
raetor' ,,it, I ill a nuraculoiti-4y ,0iort I 11 J,1,J).(T1 the doctor who faIN to ell
I Wind of the western sea," stoop so low as to touch eitherill AnI, dea,voring, to decipher it. "It is true, j,j)yle I w,1.3 (,(,niplet0y oured. I talke dles, profev.-ionally. re nlatlon.
� It had been sumetl-dag to think of in linving given litteranoe to her isenti- then, I suppose!" stic weil.t� oil, aeter- . yolirs,
her meek maiden pra,yers with an added InGnts, her iinperial bighnem g;Lthered. mined to tear3c hini. "Alasl false man, gr(�at plea�iur,.� in i(-oninienfling yo.,,ir All p1ratnis do not follow flio, sea, as
, �, . -11 TSION
voieelese petitionsom�ling to ponder her satin-linetl inorning-Tobes around you have been regarding Tolgooth Ba.y valu I iblo rtniorly to im frielid-4." Put- inany a publip,ber knows. ; AVI A. IITT110-T _N - T.
in timid wonderme,at and s*d tender hor as If th,ey had been in truth the ai 'All dn the DoNN"'lls' where c' . Dlilns ,01�1.11 Ev�tnwtor ill 21.5c. hottler'l sit, filn), -Mr. D'ifl(tv-Mall. but don't
sol(l by driig��,�Gts. &,-it so tigobt that the kiddics fear you.
yearning� when she knelt beeide her regn] purples, and swept out of Staphou tale fleet was moored, � , - . - I
__'c'� Ail �cgoti!,t not .only acasidlers tho
C) . (I, ; Cri it 11J.4 . -4. 11. I , ---- - �� -, - __ ... ,., ., . . . ,
moth-er's grave in Trewillian ohurehya.rd, Tredenniok's, offendin presence, leo-ving The streamers waving in the Nvindl World 111.13 oyster�'! lie dons -d - � ..
w"hed tile simple alab, out tbe wa,viu�g him hurt, ainazed, angry, and confuseil and poor little 'Black-eyed Su.nalil co ,
ming IT A1.JL K) E P FUN I) S door ,11"It a-9 well. "
grass, s,oftly, co refully, with I oving pivins. beyond measure. aboard singlngL - .. - -� -,-'t ...... b,.,""',""'.,M �. , .. I � . . . I 100, 1.113 YOURS.
taking, ae though she were fulli, I ' old 'AD where a -hall I I y ti, lov fi d?, . �� M --- - I..---,----- --- -
OnIng R - "I don't believ-e poor, dear 11 tie a n ,, -_ The Yotitb----8'ir, I calne to ask your
ar, aad S, I �. --- - . I
garment f or the quiet sleeper's we -Stephen Is to blame one bit I am afr&id it is all perfectly true, Ca;p- CON FOUND _* .. .,
. ) M; I Send Post Card to- Oollt3ent to, iny marrisa, with your
kissme-d- "Winifr6d, the beloved wife Of in spits of all they in ay say", tain Tredennick; and I never fliouglit ir IT 0, fit .. �.. Ei daugrliter. G
., "
I ! Vy 0 day for, how to make
John Caerlyon," she muttered to heraelf, t,witching WIGUI'd be my f!a&,e to c3ee my hitherto '14AVE TO , I - t,ct-n �-_- — - B 0 rim -% I "Cite Old Mmi-fa your inconle sliffi-
She wondered so if "mother" kuew- her &�8s away from Miss Trewhella's highly esteemed relative, �N4,o ..cgi-avely C H in N G C ') .t ,.,/ C. a W It �eieiit to support, a wife?
know bini-him whom her child loved. solleitom touching and arranging, and re,proved my delinquencies whon I was T14 rR'r "I . � and 'SE-aSY POCk-Ot The yctath-fb is and, in addition to
0 1 1 c -
She had whispered if so often down marching off iniperiously, fastening hc.T voting, and'gravely' admonished nic as 8 iT . .111, - -W', - ef% 0 Ilklonre-y" f -hat, it i--, 8tiffic,Alonfol to e-rialile nie to
amonget the daisy roots and duAtering . to tile way in whiell .1 81101111 go when J1. ", tL�j - � � MR 47:& v e .oin my
silken sash and adjus,ting -ce �01- -1 �-tA . � %A El �7 Z� llow�s the Time. Address St"U'll 1111 0(' iIA014d t411 It h
. her la N . -,- . .. .. I I
moaeea, s4ie wondered did "mother" know lar as she went, in a highly independent I gre-w old, branded as a, gay sea-rGver k VW, V �r, 11.ktA
!i� I - - 12 wife"i fa -t -her,
T 'Ir . �, . , *56, Montreal
- P.O. Boz
1�4j R T." I P, (Ted Mall--9,ay no, inore, young
-know that upon the lonely altar a fire by the highly res.pectaVle aiid Geandal- A;;164M - -
�1'1 - I
. U 1,
inamnar, Sbe foarlessly Invaded heir � I . .. R � �___ - , - . 11 �
was kindled, upon the snowy tablet a IZVing inhabjtant8 of the paxi�fll of 1,s't - J14j1,11, _ �- � -, — __ I
� 71; :1 1, - -
cousin's -privacy in Ilia study, where he . I ..Z;� -.-- - ___ --, I Illan. 1��Jw's "1011ro. Ifless You, Iny ,son.
�,,, '.
name was graven deep and (lark, upon - sat befor.0 the fire in the dark, dull aj Aiven P' . . V, Y' � �� .
I � I _� *� 'T 'PT 2 _ ___e__;:A___
, A Y'l .aF-:D COURAG-03,
I ...
V 11 � VIA'! TJNr,,,"rA
�� r.,
"the virgin paggo, pure and unwritten," ternoon, in ,a deep r6verie of thought "Y-0-11 need not talk t6a6h titter noIt- # f � r, 1. , , � ,-!� " k I A as En, i,ajall .�;wl of it M",410p, UnIVE "IMIR MY RIENIEW
d. �.. � 1; J,' " �" L
was inscribed an undying stor�, in the - .r# f � I , i", 'i � , ; I 1, 1 re w
� - 1.
enipty heart -temple was niched an idol I - I 11 rund lu'ii niotl;lor )-V;1,1 ttt'whinly 111. t th ,-
"Cousin Stephen," she maild ii-brui)tly, Tredennick, 211ortly. IA4 g I ,; . W I I, r7 PrBTASTIT�,'!) 21ONTRILY
and tobacer) smoke hazily intermingle sense it you niu-st je:;1L,11 Said S,tq'lian 'J.t, . � I W 1110:111ill", of t�41111%lry :U.1
—a brave, beautiful kind, beloved, wor. "I beg your perdoxi—I spoke rudely a There was 'lot 11110ther Man o -ii. e, rth ; V4441'1 tf if"' - . 4", 9.411,1 91 el �1.0. SUBSCIRIPTION - - $1.00 PEP. YEAR
shipped idol, glorified by ]let fond wo- while ago, but you annoyiW me." NVJl0 would have dared to addrees it1hat U A "% � . . Supposhig", She szdd, "there I... ..-. 32 Drimmint-1 over With useful Information
manly love, rev-ereneed by ber child-jah. "I wa(3 nota aivare of having done so 11 silken-rdbe<l, beautiful young wonian in I I . . boya in one lwdrooni, and 11 g� .r into for beginners and old hands. Makes
i . .
timid devotion. And now, nMv it was all. rejoined Stephen Tredennick, quietly an'd such a manner; but Stephen Trede.nnick f - �. bc.d -,I,t- onee, While Ule -other knol, -, Jown very qccei)table and Instructive Clirlst�-
_ T f4 (�T- - - I
over—the idol profaned, the ha.r fi-Y _.Ge�'k&'A' , , ., . I y woll� :;Show inft� gift. SAMPLE COPY UPON R1
mon,y gravely, There was no one on earth fllways SPG.k-e as he felt to his cousin - to ,sav ,his prayer.q. that bo I-
- COLL FzG I E SUIT � OP. "— , ,7 ti -11'e, courage." Q T-1 B' ST.
turned to harshest dLscord, the worship who could manage Mildred Tredennick -IN-fildred, and Mildred liked Iiiin a's she . HENRYS + , . .
i annihilated—the god of b -r idolatry had so easily &lid exert such an Influence liked ilo-ne other on varth—save one, - - "Oh"' said the young hopeful. - 1,-Jlo-,V HERBELIT HALL, 403 Hary St., Hamilton, Ont.
' iCAME IN ... . . fiornething that would be inort. , -1 (Ve. , ,� . a
*1 fallen and crushed her, over her, as her cousin. -Stephen; at 'That one she loved --and Alildred Tro. ,J:,-".4. . .1 C, .
I I PRE TTY &00 . I i��.-' Ous fliall tbafl Su pelsim, tlicn� "'."l -e 1`7 jr,GoIkkeephnv by Meniory.
� Alast she had never even the Iight leaot his aunt and heris, .'aladam 'Vivian, deiinlak's love was it feelhig -very dif. I 'N-�l , , h p 0 � �0
to worship, to treaeure saereffiy, to be- t) � - bkhop�- ill onn bodrooill tuld oije got In.
had constantly assured him of the fact. forent from liking. ; J n $ t1j, "()Ile oe t1W III08t reniaricable men I ev-
. . I I "
.. to bed without saying Id's pray(siS4 (,., kneNv," said Major Shank, "was a fel-
- u ad and troubled me. "It Is not titter nonsense by any 04=L - l � C7 l()w who 1%01-1�cql i,,, a, jNrest ,"rashin,iton
lieve in, to devote herself to that idol Zik ,
simply no right. She was bilt intruding Unkind 1winua1lons, and mall clous. hints Mea.116, but particulaxly good sonsa, as _'. , - _.� 1 4- o, -t furnitilro k1tore. TIbig inan C-2ould
- � Minard's LIniniont Cures Garget In '-;tP
her ignorant thoughts, her ridiculo,lw ought to be as far beneath a Tredenitiek 0 - I iif,wier rtiall n:)r writo-, but that (lid not
devotion you many find out," A.111drod returned, - Cows, A
, her absurd affelation, where her as hypocrisy and craftiness, Millie." Jeetingly etill, but with a certain iveigght . 40()J�J to bother him In the least,
presumptuous feet bad led her astray— flAnd I have not stooped to either, , .. � __-___�,. �,Vp_ - Nvi,on he wa;',etl on a ciostonier lie
� - as!r t, -�r's nanie and ad -
Where is,he, and her love and faith and Stephen" said Ifildred hotly, "bixt I of meaning in ber tones. -� I . I_LOY0-GE0,-,d_E'6 FAMILY. 1vowd . ne cm,toynt -lie 1110tiolls of
f ) "And I thought yGii cared move for I I 0ress and A10 011rough all t
constancy, were alike unexpected, un thought you -vvero deseending to an 11) � �
q I David Lloyd � of,rge's relativea havo, I-,-1..t,n,,,e ti,611 down in a book, When lie
Captain Tredenuie.k reniarkcd, I TD
. ft "relit, I A
'WelcOnl,-, 00nteniptible. The idylA he 61a,borate, pretence of ignorance of some- Played �_ 11--l't ill 1115 JR0. It IS ill- 1-11d. ffiii,,,hed wititinp., on the customer, no
poeni, the Paradise - quiefly and reproacliffifly, '.Ithau to allow , " I 111"Itter 1�ow large a bill of furnituro had
t nle,
of lofty, tender thing of which you were perfectly aware iW (1Q(�1li'l)(1rJi,ip,; ilto nw.qt, insipirnig feature
0-ou I he.tring, to tant- �6 k � 1-1 -.i .soiti, the cleric could go to the
Tlllga� g0FA1P, in your )I VM I ,�g,s I i,ev
,ghts and prayers had been all a --fit least, so they said," I 4V . I 1,� , ; of h , privat,�- 11ft, thtat all his fX111i1v 1)�,oklqe1wr ard give the cws:tonier's name
dreani—a long, bright morning dream—a "Who said?" Stephen Tredennick de. per with my name—noit to mention the � �_, . .. .1 801sm to 11:1,ve foyined tht-rllselv" int') �a �, and address and an accurate description
dream the product of which wu delirious mandea, laying down his pipe. poor itinocent little girl's—in tha.t a,b- ,,_---*-_"6. learylle for It's ariv,incenient. : Pno tl,e lirloo of every article sold, from ,(
d wid Improbable manner." Z!, I
agony of Pain, desolation, and burning,, "PiNerybody—the world of Rosewortily ,,$'I FURRY. His unde was in ill(, trlle,,- i .
_011.%c a nwniorv,-1ndlana polls New.q.
Mortified ObUic—the angaish6d, ollivine and the'pari�,h of St. Awen." .You tampered with it yourself before � second father to him. ffi:; wjf3u has nov- -1 . S
which thoso equally proud aud pure'. "What did they say� Allld,red.,11 the C�1,11). I evor hoaTd t -he girl's nanio niclitioned, Hats, er thotigrelic ativdiing a iwterW." w1iieli A WINDSOR LADY'S APHAL
or I onterod the cloistered ry"Itialon ,)f 00"'Ita. . "
minded alone can know. tafix of tlt�e Chittoor askod, 11as belped to will hint f -1111c.
She was mva,ke xiow, to dreani her fronting his haiidsome, ba4i Rceworthy," rttofte(l _)NUldred, dittrply. 2 luf f.s. Iliq brother -411011 itinior ptrfiler fil To All Women: I will send free with i
ow,cet drea;m no inore. jt�yg ' ol" ' ' ' " One could wa.Aer with far greater f,�n- Stoles. full inctructions, iny hor,ne treatment
Awa ',<e I —110 t haughtier than heraolf, look Wit tainty of the event of .% brigyllt, lifflid, Skirt liems. .the firi-A of Uoyd Oporge & Goorge J�hlcll pu�Allvply 4rllres Leueorrhloea, Ul-
6'Ven thO soft Stowys deadly ohrouding from his st,alwaxt height on even her .. 1111volliplailli'll"gly ,did the work of two in I
could lull the pain to .��JeL- , . Ily mormug than oil Ui�s Tredon. Cliffs and collaw. � � c/_,ratloii, P!splacemonts, Falling 'of tile
P, Awakoi jor ,luno-liko stature; and iniperiotx.�, twlf- s11'n12&i the carlv (filv'4 of th" �'Cllior pailtilol".q
the wAves Of the cold grp,y gea tang & 'possessed Uildred qualled ever oo lit- rilaWs mood for lialf :in hour t0gCTh(,11., obristnifta"allitu"IN, citreer N'Vliei' ' lii,3 Parliamentary (111th -115 1,vc,n1b, I-Ininfut or Irregular Periods, Uter-
c0a"1053 dirge, and &1,10 must ayige and t1t, and faltered, with a girlish rising Tile Ineerscaum was rong4ly pu�jiej Rugs and foot ainifis. took hini auny froin the off:cc for a file and ovarlan Tumors or Growths, ill- i
asiab how, Also the e4l,qe so 11ot r,w,,-,-1i,,1% ;��ervouwiess, Nilei
. t of the bedroom slipper, a,m-hol
gather tip the cruslie4 ruillied reniiiantg c0l�Or- great part of iho, year and long, befolT ra.111S in tile 11eq(l, Baelt 01, Do�v :
Of the 0114ttercil tre ' (i I'l," he said, the voins in Ide t(.qupJc-.t3 Alta the colder it grow4 the woro _
a!%,uro of J10r yollng They said that, you admired. Wbinia 11 I
�-_?r lie had ben)) nbh, to givo tip bl,�profp.,;_ n6y ana )31adder troti].Aea, wher6 cauped
11-V 1101! teArS, and. bury it Caerly,on, noticod hcw, NY-,tlkcd out with Idon and (10v,%to 11imself wholly to 1)oli. ity wcalcno�s vieculior to our sex, You I
life, wipe aw, 6tauding out darkly in rcliul J, -uil. Nvell like furrllics%. . can rowinue trcatnient at honle at a
. I
u the sight of thoso hori paid her visits, liked and admired dred I How, pray?" _,d-+4_ ti". . t of only about 12 cents a We
61TI C() ek, Ary
Who would 3no,ek her woe. . har, and paid ber attention—you know, 11r.011gh* fur jmkct, Z be-lieve", tile is full of uncertahltle8, priwip"d blovd (1cort"o oil Iiis Side 11"I's always bask, "Wonlen'S Own Medie,gl Adv18et,,1
"I SUPPose I cannot die,)) Rho s,,lid, Stepbelill—imperious Mild d Uildred respond<xl) bri(�fly. among theill Whig tll(',' sure things, � 80�-Jt flVe Un roquest. Write to -day, J
re faltered 3 . ),cgarticil lus fl.;milly at Criecieth ,is pait- "Is' '
t.1, io�, .Ouk�vk ...... � �� I - . Akldl`003 MN, AL SUMIllerS, 1301K I-1. 8, I
%xr� het6—"9,nd theii—` — - 11 . _— Ilers with 11,111 ill i'm euter,Wse whiell Windisor, rint.
wildly) looking lip to heaven in her tc 11,61! C0119111 1004W b0th c-v,�U,4�d and — , --,-- . �'A . 11 � 0 1
Iwo m ry; "I -shall RVe oil and on ijt3 1. "Th -on what?" I -To btruck lifs clenohe(l tiorlon.9y disturb. -:1 ai)d angry. She w1q.9 � I , has bappono(t to th ow Mal hito tile, __-..W0..04
.60 . - � ... , , r
bavo done for,9 And yi,qrs. Dlxt� tyll 0, . hatid with au Involuntary force agsinat a little afraill of provoking 111111 31111ch, - ., . I'll - light, of publielty wbile they havo ro- NOT 80 HARD.
� - further; but the tamptation ti) toa6() �� . 1.
the girl erje,l, as$1MIC14.1 with, the devillsh tho arm of hig chair, and a storlit over. I I _.. " wainod hi coinparative, ol, ie�irjt.y. I I (% "Yes, I olitle tvavolle.d all over the
whiAper;ug teniptation, t,hat lurks in the taking the Chittoor On tli,� wido occall was irrWatible with tho tvr,tn11ic�,1l 9 I 11ai lievor grown 1twily from Ilb.4 own (-oiintry with a, troupe of trained do)j8,11 s
dark, Illantling fold,q jq despair, ,,,,L ani never brought w Jark a cloud as then YOUIT lady—besRes, after ail, 1AIn't Ito tile i --St ra nd. � . "Didn't 1,011 fiiid U10111 difficult to mall.
1101, yet twoutv.01to . nept ov4r Ills brow. owid this poor little Whiftie Ofte.rlyoil % C
droadfill - titill (;I y and life is Ruell a, 'Thoy ao,fd that Whinfe Oaeflyon,poor b-0 to hini? _ .-._,..#..0,,,t . a fee �"
. little 6iIIg---P X11dred's vory temples "That fur j,,wkLit', eancerning whiell I I . I . ONE CAN WRITE IN THE DARK, "X n6ed to think they were ,hard t&
N11;"Icollin � I I la -go, 'but I've 011anged lily mind
vravca A' Aumie ,�' arl.118 frOM tile t""ng lie,d colored tiow—her keen womanly havo hettr4l su.61 st-14fttiol)al 1�iocoullts— A novelty is .% ponliol(lor permittilla "'a"
a to 'be outstretclic(I to )101, . 0 . I i 1W". sin,Nt I'Ve bL'01 11"Waging a troulle '
the dcep, m , pride and delfeacy i5hrank froin what why did you give it to her, steplion?" 4 . ono to writo in the dark, (iinee it w o of t
�, irgiling, %va,tcrs alnid-st the ell- A '10 IiAiit. tubp , operatic etars."
1410-,u; raled In 11, 00ttlitig murmur, tho mnat hstyt seeined eaeting rfdff�eiile on an. 11TI)e—far—Jiteket," Stephell vw(i � I vidod with all eleetl The -- �- , 0 4 0 —.* e
r;p1i'mi ruAhesl toiyard,j her &11,d ,.1lipp,,(I other woman's Itopt'lega affc-etioo. That niek rtportod, in the slow uUe1,a11,c,o of tbrough which the point"of the penk,il M, :
� n 4rdre UnIment Cures C61doo Etc. t
poor little mi-serablo, palo-fao�d, &h(tb1>y millglOd' A6501lighilient and intli!TIntion -i , -, gops ig fitted with a Ainall a,muillulator I 0'0 *,, r 1. . I
bottly Iyack iI110 their occan bed na' if ormfure—WIly phould she render lier "WIly (lid I give ito liar? Bl�mugo I and an electric lanip, The latter throws - S
Woo"11", lo -1. yoling 4�t, ISO bruisod fuld �I)FIUVJ tUld 11111worthy of regpett In ellome to do so, mi(l had the Illovy In � a fi, disk of light over t116 p0int where tho LMUR VIL,
Wear�,' fl'0111 00 14ULWAV, Of lifct to fol. StoOion Trklolinilck'a eyes my poekato I auppmo.11 . I � , . 6. . 0
11. . WOW) itA being dono. This huninow, "We6.1th ha4 its ponaltiois.21 80,11d 010 b
" 0 ias bcou ffivented for the ij,(e of roady4nadk) philosopher.
1081, t"em. Ow 1,1101V notiling of lle&t , the mirror6d i3Oloe6loii W.) . . 0 e
ft t1o,ArilleA of t1w right to die OM4 t1i.6 Sh6 glan,W it (TO be colitinito I . ,� lb . 0 11
I of orm. lb th�o glor . k � . - - - I ..-� I
y W � I �1. I loctora, raparter4, detectivm, eic�,� Whor() llyes�ll replie(l Afr. Cwnrox, "Ba Ira. t
.. 'a 11� il -111 factor
mlnlei�saesm of tho auielao's act; 4ho jv4t a hot blooming wovittnhood-04 J,118 Tlia fellow Who A thrown on 140 0*11, � � work ueemmit-00,4 tho t,10iing of notes t4ler ,be bat -k at tivi dcAr old 0
mily .1 110 y
it 6)00r, aiwpla-tuiI344 414 h*ktrt, bgkft thoft of htr 9we-ap, A& rot," of rstouroeg is lueL-y to es�apc a, compoulla .�. .. 1123 rJ _ . �1 tho 6treets rLn(I ill dATkn0Fa-- llivrp4rls tban 1"rnlng to prono,alloo 016 nanl6a of k
. wi; _*
broki-11 lift I In 011 atlA 6 WJ14& 10,yo." , to*, btua- I -W,-MUdrtA JVV IU'* I Ik4ed fret,Aturo of his anibition. . . , �" ; Wo-iklp -th# old masters in tft;� plotilrd gedl4q,pf t
.. 't
18'suR sft,�,ft
- . I - I - - I ---. . ,
'L -4 � - .- — —I — - —
11 -
" IK 4P W, AkN 1
4 ,
vlev%f�� _114111111111NON011�_ - _04� 1
L i��
ANTZP-,,,,,���i�.��,�.�,��l'����'rT*VRO rOA XWW.
XatW, Autom4tia AMCA croWbasm , 11
APPIY 4inkstyn, 'U94ifory Co.# ' - N i
xlllg,X�011, out,
- , "�,.,.,��.--�---,,---#,-".-*.i��.�-e�--�-�-I
VN^0%0' , --re--,-eV---V--eyV�0 �,
to ship of NIC1101, County of Wellibs-
n. linowil 42 tho (.1ra,00 farm, two
: 1111104 from Fergus, brlok dwelling gild
I[Itellen' 1)(wIt barn. Terms, one -halt
cash, I)alance on rlwrtkage, osix caut.
APP1Y to Gibbons, IlarDer & p"Tbbons,
Lvild(in, Ont4riQ.
'' I __ I I .
W ,Nl�, I-11JN-
4re(] acrm Jooate4 In �110 heart of
cle t orfolklo gro,at fruit belt;
. Coull y of
alons,- Phone and mall dQ1I-,r,e1.y, 85 under
JvOld state of cultivation; 1)alance good
f trber. Pive aeres berries wid urebar4;
20 acres fall grain; near Delhi; h0V01
iniles from slincoe; on maj,i roaa. Good,
water; new brick hous�; other building.,,
and fences In good cotiditlon. Apply to
Q. S. Nelles, ,Delhi, ont,
,, 1. .11 ... 11.1 I 1
choice 50 acre farm In Town-
S111P or Wortli Dorchester, If rent .paid
promptly for term of lease, clear deed at
the Pr will be given tenant. Apply
Zvi, 'T. 12,"Ifftt�Lon don, Ont.
...................... �� - 9 1 � _ _". ,
Ulk .".�. ,,�_--r#
Grood chance for right man; not much,
Capital required, Apply to W. Bucic,
Now I-lainburg, 0iit. .
I I .
A"l-N-ft"'Aw -&v-N-D 1`:"u,1,is)1-1' v -11-A,
11ard tables manufacitired by ilie
tile BrUnEMIcIc-Balke-Collender Co.,, of
Canada. LlinIted; fitted with Monarch
clIF111011s; (u.lwd In the best billiard rooms
And clubs In Canada); bowling alleys and
hotel fixtures, THE BJ-t'UN4SWJCK_
13AL1C7�.,,-V-OI4L'FQND.'P,1rt Co., ()p CANA-
DA. Limited, 67-71 Adelaide Stre6t west,
Toronto. Please mention thim paper.
. .
. _.� - � . -
Dark Skin Protects Negro From
RaYs of Sun,
Investigations With reference to the
effects Of tPOPleftl light On the white
mail have led to the conclusion that
the P19MG11tation of the skin in darlt
racec affords PI-0000tion against the
effect's Of too much sunlight, and t4at
Its absence In the light races is a bar
to their survival In hot and cloudless
It IS Pointed out that where the
northern races have survived on re,
moval to lighter countries it has been
In cloudy localities, and Woodruff has
based Ills argtiment .for the tethal ef-
tects Of a Strong light on all forms or
life upon. SUCII facts as that the Polar
i3eas are rich and the tropical waters
poor in planifton.
lie also cites the facts that bacteria
are killed by strong sunlight, and that
AVAC-nevor It ponp,trates thin-skinned
JAI -ants, it retards growth or causoy
i 16 rl—
Whereloronto Leads
his Public Bullldln,ds for the Young
kefl, the First on the Continent.
Anlon,n,� the flnemt- buildings in Toronto
�Are thole owned cuid -oot-upled, by the
,%rolUIrp Men's :(.`hr1ti,ti&n Association,
'Whi-eli lix-lu4ing the. -New Central Build -
Ing, nearing eco'nlph-tion, representia, an
. , In
aiivestmpr,�t of ,about a million -,md it
half ,dollaxs. The Wildin-s are located
at 111st Toronto, Broadview avenue,
iWar (Jerrawl, Contral, on, College, near
Ywicte; lVe,st, End at College and
Dorelvourt, 'Cuiversity of Toronto a,nd
Mhlii-oo Railroad Aasio.,,iaflou, The nieni-
1)er,ihips reprei�eitt �an arnty .ai about
8,000 meli, 0)out 2,000 of whoin c.rowd
flie buildhim-3 ever -91
; y it; tit.
Thec-e finely equiipped buildingm, are
.,,it the di,sposal of all the yomig nien who
coalie to the city froill the vaxioue een-
tres of the Provillee, and a young =111
-coniing to the, city for Ube first time
way -seeure ii, Qositioli, a. good boarding
liatise and,firlds friends at ,,lily of the As-
GwiatiGn IYUilding'�s. NTO charge is made
-for th-ese ,servlees.
4 1 $_
According to exPe,rfilien,ts in German
se-hools, gli-Is seem to bs,ve the color
senee b0tter d,ev-eloped than boys .
� . .
Dsign.ed for 111flitaxy purposes, a
cart inven-tc(l 17, &giand can ,W used
as a w4f,er carrier, fire escape�, trwtle
'brid4ge Or allibullLIlee, .
E'verY Persian Who c -in read and
Wilite oalle lilmself I�hall, Ivilo hag
'�'t .0 1 a
b' '11 i - fp't`c�l eallS 11411-SWIf 11-AZ7i 0 (I
n,ho elaims descent from the pr'ophet
3�0, sflyed� Said oi- !Syed,
A 11imson, is gro-win� frogn the pide
Of a. po,ut irt a, garden at Tiptree, Essex,
Hri,- , Two -years ap-o a (J,&11l8o-1l wa,s take,,
up� - '111(i nftor be, , ng laid 1M,:i4e "for'sante
U1110, wa.z; converte.1 inta PoAs. One of
theso Cuts year produco(i it 61loot whiell
WOSG�Onwd �vd forinea into fridt. '
Tt is Faid that pro,fes.sloll,qil iboth-
pullers in. Japan fornierly trained their
,rs and w-ristf, for the w-ork by driv.
J11g baixlw�ood Ivas bito a softwood
board and pulling olietil out agaill ulitil
t -bey coiild extract pqrs .,11nio6t flush
11,01 the 6117,fa-ce of tile board, cGlitillu-
i ng the traluing with a, hardwood
boad. It is aai,i -that th,�s,c nten dftell
1we-aine silirrtilarlyi,xpert in P'.'ttracti�g
toeth qW011" mid with ver�v little In-
jury ,t6 tilie'socket and pro�inses. -Wa-
tioni'Ll "NIagaz,11le.
Minard's UnImtmt Cures Distemper.
' I
Fairly reeking of the tnalt c;ett wavee,
the twp old marl*ora 6trolled into a
licap restaurant and ordereil a dinner.
l7hey were captain and mate, ashore
Ifter n long trip,
In a few )"'Inittes the.somewhat grittly
,vaiter appoftred, and with au'airy flour -
ell depo6ited before the ,seadogp two
)lates of 1some thin, anaemie-looking
"Ahoy, there!" N-trked the Akipper, as
lie eye fell upon tho, concoction. "What
n tho naane. of Neptull,o is tili,39,,
' "rho waiter:bowcd gracefully,*arrangred
65 napkin ill the pq*per position aui.l
'epliod in lordly ton"'. I
"Soup, sir."
Then it ivm that the grizzled captain
lell" intO 811cll fit$ of laughter that lie
oarly brouglat testrFs to hiA eyes.
"Dill," he cried, giving tile 111,1to 4
nildgo,, llhov.�'e lielys, n1j7 )a(II
11".1111OVY011 an' Ille theGe forty ,VN -Ira bin
lailin, on-soupt" �_ .
'i� - -
V11h4rd's Llh;ment Curbs Piphtherla.
'*N �E ,.... U�e Foit OLD . THING41":4"
.4 11 a.
1!'Al Pty $Pool$ And tile flat thi disks
hat fire frequently tO be foillid as
xtra Inside covers to lard Pails make
110 finest sort of eo"r4 for small
tewptLng if a littlo, cleveriless is used
n bringing th6 t�vo together. Tilt)
Pool It S&WOd In 1161f and % Mtached
Y & hall or h Wow to t1le 4141c, - T110
hdof the no,11 or torow' is flatte�ed Oil
he other sl4e of the dIsIt ttlid t1it,
OVOr is blt& *B61A eQulgad With
WOodori box4le it will not 0 Wo hot
s ramovo .&A atty t1rup . .
r :
0 *
11 L" -.1. 11. 111I. -Il."..... ".. .11 I 11 , 1. 11 I I .1- I - I 11 1. _111.1- 11.1 ''.. 1- --11 1"'.-I.- "'. 11 1.11 � -l", 111-11-1- __ - I -1 I-, . I'll 11 - - --11. 11. - '"" - _-1 ---111 - ____ _ ", ._ .. 1, I'll'.-'..... ___.J.. _ ., ,,, . 1. � � 11 I � I . �, I � I � � - I . � I I I . I , I I � -1. , . - � I � . 1. I - � It
I -�� _, I - 1. - 1.1 . .1. - � ... . I.. I I ... - I . - ii I