HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-12-26, Page 3I
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I 6 DISFIGURED "'ITH THE 1rr1*(4*b,ieJ Depressed 2 rst'age Raw 04t 34vau With 0101 I 'I � rr
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_,� I . On ao�OTO oy t1to 4*00band wbo 444, - - I � �
I POULTRY WOROWD Who" That Lanpid, Lotop, 94olly. X" confonw to a
. , . - 7 of the omall reveups pm,tl
I U S ON FACL * Tlriod reoling corklos, youi� , I 4r an - , I
- I
0000114WIAL 1,'I",P,.,'Vll.,17,1�,11.',-,'. . - I 1***"*****"*+***"**"** , , Liver In 61QW. 'Concelve(I a 41guo for them; $or one I .1 I" 1. r. � r i . k 16. . I., , � I I Ir
� I &�, groo . , 0
NOTES. I rowu or anotbor-gonerally groun4leos � � . �w � r . I I - 1, , A! . -
-�trl � I 4 - , , . _.-,
" . Tello How To Curo. Quickly,, . - 14 of" - .
Xhe use pf cownicreial fv�rfillzenq Iwo' Body Covered With Running Sores, 0 nothing greator tlk,RA �Otty A-AnQ,V- " ( Xca, r � ..! -�;
beon one of tho ino.4 Utffling qut,nstiow younF black 1Aeghorno and othor . liuv, � a e mud. . w % . I .
� anceo, writes, - Y $h4w, I th $t I r -i '.., ,... �
Could Not $Ieep from Itching and , T"' jvh1te upon tho breast. I - .11 � �. Am Au*7Oi4i� , ; I
With wbich flw Ifarjuer and fruit grow. black breedH are j3ut J1o,MetiMe*, if lie 11*ppons to be �M;V 0411
. I
Paint Cross and Fretful, Tried 4nil 11nijor parts. And awhile the white g I was not 00ous, these Actfs may 44 niade very �� 11 � -1 . , i
era bas had to vollieud. If the applbm- g gl�,u place to jet-blRe% onop, ioobust and lioaltliy 111�o other girls. I .. 1-1 G,
"Ither I nomIng thlo, the twtor-oub. I . I ...
tioll of Commercial fertilizers to the -1411(l . Many beginners ut oneo cun(1071111 thE1 -suffered from �v44achei4, find Itad sort 'O I ..
Fifty Remedies Without Result. " . - �
ifro wwbo nithey purchased blaol( 11111:11 111111�� .
nwrall,y resulted in success, fliere Cured In Nine Days by Cotioura, brm3q of blue feelings that deprived me pf the Coll clou, alwAyo has Wgood will ot -
Jr4d gL fowls because of till$ ,white showing dur- , the stageliand In mind, . I'll , I ...... �� �
Ing U10 early life of the fowls. joyful Gpirts Anti pleasures other girls I ro,, �
need be very little saia, be,muse they �Soap and Ointmentl A piece ot till hung lii'Othe open air seemed to get, After I married I found �All an lucident when I WSJ; playlv.g I I . I 01=% 11=b IFU 0
n iat ,general us for I __ � neq t1io poultry yard *%vill reflect witli Helen V*rry. She wSa v� woman of . JV4 X%.
tile I could not throw worries off lilcw othor Lorolobuld-six loot tall, and otherwis IF)
a quarter of a <mntury or more. It ji3 30 Champagno,St,, Montreal, Quaboo.- sun's rays and 4xiay alarm tho ever -nits- �4 .o maae *t n
�4 trustful liawk. 48baping the tin, like a womell, and th000 full feellup of 40, Aulde on a big 600 -le, $40 WAO AIX 0'.Mt- �
,�ey to find, farmers ,�ho are not, loud 111 have ti fl,vo-yc,4ro1d boy who wazi suftr� C NAU
of 13uch fertilizers, and 1n; from what the doctor said was "I& cube ineroagoo the ofrect. Parinaly apondeney and- wtarinear. inade me very lug and comolentlaur, wom%n, and had .4, ,,, OR i .
in their J)r�'t1S('%J _ L I
Fee(l tile old Inoulting hens a unhappy, There was no cause to feel made h4raelf very uupopul4r 'Vitlk t1lo � . �
t4a reason is they ha.ve not always boen. 11 (N gratQllo." Ills body was all on good food for six months to come. Do so, and my doctor saI4- ray liver -wAs I . I I
f dollars am �peut I covered with runtilag sores'. . not permit thom to get cross arid fatten ,Sluggish, and this accounted for my -poor attgo arew. At Viis tirne Mios Barry I I -
annually in the United State2, And Ilun- � The trouble started with inwardly, as they will If allowed to eat wa4, Iriapersonating S .fioOety, woman . - 11 I IL1111111 11 111REV - -11 I 11 LIU111 I - 11111111110111flif
I I all tboy wish at this tilne Of the y"Ar. ool-or, iny tiredness, languor and desPair. who, to oxrry ot - � V'01W -
dreds of thoiwauds in Qanada for com- pluiples and opened tip Into ,eed ver at a little Intrigues b ad
Inerelal fertilizew, and it is sa:fo to say 40 I;-. s . ores, Of course sera y little coril. The pill,,� the doctor gave ino were too ut t,h '
. � ** tching Bow rye in the poultry yards and runs I . , p ou e uniform of An army offic9r. � I I I I , . I I I I . I 10 L I I 11 . . I 1, L, . . . . � ...
� I I . . � I I I . I I , I , I
that at least half of this large amount *0-1%* made It ,worse. The orup, that a,re not in use iiow for next js,pring1x I)ur,V.Ativej mado we weaker becau'Re In one ocene It was her businefia to otAlle . I I I I I . ,
tAous appeared on blo face green feed, 'rho rye will make a nice they were too Ite.five for my constitu- up and down +,he 4t&go, And, when suf-
i4 WfVSted. Rot because the fertilizers gr wth fro 2yinow on and will -be in pr
have J alid disfIgured lihn awfull 0 1`110 tlou� Dozepr,,of my friends Tecomuiended flolently Wrought up, to kick 4 footstool
thoir, or have aot, certain eleintents lit % e 11 I le V. condition for tho a30111try to run oil In the , "SIMPLE" LITTLE H "' HAS A $300
Vie boy could Dot s OP at early s InK, ,L41ovor Is better, but it Is Dr, lTamilton% Pills, and they were 4o out of her way, The foo,tfstool that B110 THIS AX
cowposition, 'but because they are �ZN nl,ght ft-om the Itching und ,,(,, laper to pi,111t find secure as good wild and helpful. Well, I never use4' 14-oked was an uprig
not always, suitable to 0e land to )00lf pain, end I 41d not Unow what to do with stand before wintor in AIRY 460tI0.-,. _ �ht box Ivith % cover
t1hey have been applied. lilm, It made Mat cross and *Gtful. If I Feed the tOle onraps to the chicrIce'afs P, pill that ,acted so quietly ae Dr. Ilanill- tQ it, -. -MOST EXPENSIVE KNOWN
There is generally an erroneous X101 )iave tried one, I Live tried fifty remedle4 Instead of tbrowing them Away. They ton's, They are so comfortable to use, One *Ihi, when I waa OU the Ficene
are worth more to poultry, and every- I was afrai<l- they might not holp4 But with her, I ha,d my back to her aaa Was �. - . I. I � ,� 11 I b. ., . IIL I I I .
tion, regarding infertile soil, exhausted without result. At last I got Samples Of t1iing that falls from the'table in a Nveek I lcnel� they had been'"tively paraliging my hat Ill the '01a", 014- -
.0 - dry
14011, or over -cropped ,soil. The prevall- outitars Soap anti Ointment, and after crusts, vegetables, leaving$, cooked ineat
ing idea is t4at such soil is infertile be, using t1tom two daya I notIcod a change. bits are relished, and are good.for the engaged in oleaning up my system. They denly I felt the most fev�vful TibratioA - N I 1. I I .
co,use it lacks plant food (I 1have never I thog bouglit a fall -sized calre of CUM= Poultry. did the work �of A tonic and blo(ki medi- and board a, terrible crash. I *N7111 4 . .
Good poultry In our anarlcets to -day to oine combijied. I hn roved to A marvel- pxo11Ad, and, to my amazemeiit, sAW � �
P . . I ; � ..
yet met a man, who could give a Wr Soap and one box of Outtaurv, Ointment and Us 91'eat a luxury as ever. Oggs com- .. . .
definition of "plant f ood") Whatever I used to 111yo tile boy a hot bath daily h r, Hamilton's Pills, and MUs B&xry, dispised a4 the offiqer, fl%t il " .9
mand as good a-verage .J^w01t or consump ZR % I I
tlutt 1(i. This is, in nearly all cases en- using Cuticura Soai) freolY, and then Applied tion, compared with othei eatables, tax- I now waintain the moe,t perfect kind of on bor ba,ok and wriggling NlMb In an ' i :.... . I
-)� 1-1 ,-` IN
ROil is. infertile bemuse 61 the Cutleura, Ointment. Ho bad suffored Ing the year througgli. Nobody who bao ain the pexpendioular, The I . I - i
tirely wrong. 'S health by using them just once or tivlee attempt to rtg, . I I . .
aoinethino it has, rathq.r than because three mouths with the horrible disease be- a surplus of fresh eggs they dp not wish a week.11 audlolics had gone wild N%,M glee. T was ,� �e ... -
I to eat or sot, can dLs,pose of them At f0l ... . , ... .
of somoiling it lRek;% Plftnt excretions fore I started to use the Outleura Soap and rates. over one-half fo the poultry and It is Alva. D. V. Erlanger, well kno.,�A,,I,L so ohookod that I did nothing, but etand A - " .1 - ,
Sr,e the ehief caug,e of in,fertility, and it Ointment, Ancl nine days after tile boy,waa eggs In the market, especially during at Gloucester, who relates the above ,-x- and et4re at the 1VOTagn. I did not .. I �� - . .
4 in the decomposition of sudi material c"red and ba; not been troubled since.'! the -winter rnontlis, Is tot up to a. high peiienco. 6110 Proved what you and' all know whotber or not It =4 a nely piece .. . I � . - � . .
that the Application of fertilizers of any (Signed) H. CloUtW, Doe. 12, 1011. grade, , I IVQ�101 ""..A .
. The w,13e beginner will purchase otlly others, men aud women, oan prove-tfiat of business that had been liitrod=44 - , , .
Cuticura Soap and Otitleura Ointment are '. ..;,, 4.t
6nd prove,9 of value. Commercial fer- the best stock when starting h1s ofunda- Dr. HawiltoWs Pills aro best for restor- Dut I quickly realized one thing.-ehe �� .� " -
K . . '.
tilizers 2113,7 remedy B11011 conditions but, sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. tion strain. Tlie fault with many 5tart- ing health and best for keeping the sys- had fallen tvad witnted to got up.- Her . . , � ,e..!A,
in the majority of ,casea, they do not, A isfugle sob to often sufflelent. Liberal Ing In poultry, although fally able to pay tern In perfect running order. Don't be jsal�re bad got underneath her in some .... I I . .
32-p. skill a fair Ice, cheap stoolt takes their eye . ..
hence a, 1. -not en seen-4but In advettiswnents, Inialed into using Anyth but Dr. Ham. way and prevorited her riaing. I tuggod I , X": ,
33ooic. Address posb card Potter Drug St P,r - ... . ,
loss 4d waste of thne. samplo of each mailed free, with w in � - . . . . . . . . . . .
To apply a commercial 'fertilizer with Chem. Corp,, Dept, .40D. Boston, U. S. A, and in many cases they receive Just what 11ton's. Pills, 25c a box, iigve for $1,00, at and tWged rmmy at her, for she was . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... :
proepect of succeos at least, three things 1. they pair for, It Is not the Intention ot all druggWts and storeltee-pers, or post- yery heavy, and, after a very rldiculous `;% , � I i
ug -of- ar between ue, she mnnaged to "; -
I 'i , �M, 10,
I I I ginner ..%.*
. to impress on the be, ,�;j,---
.. . the writer li��'. .. ., ,1.11 - - I t
w 1. � 11 1
I that cheap stock Is not good. In manY by the 0a6rrhoznne -Clo., Buffalo, t .11 .11
paid _rW --.,�K:.k- - .4
a.re necessary, Mist, a knowledge of the .. MI.F. �
. k-_- . . 04
,.$..., .,�..k
i,�,-.- � - , , �;.;x:',
NIZ , .
lases the breeder needs roarn and sells t on "N ,% 311�0"'%- .
- . `,_`N'!�.**Q-;- I .
effect of the previous crop 0-11 the 60il, root.4, sibige, good clever bay, a littl() N. Y, and Xingp,ton, Canada. 910 her feet. . N �, -, I , - :
for halt the heal value, but these casps :: 0. 4- . As the play was a comedy there was -1 .;� R . ";-, , -.:,-' 1
W.5% .. -M 14
oats ,are - - .�,Y* I . ., - � -� 0 .
,secondly, a knowledge of the crop now grain (cru4hed`2 good), and per- . � .�', ,X OR
- , *:Z -.. :: �o - . Rm. 0; .,
'_,... '�W .
,should be found before buying. Stock � *__ , .;1>%3F
. -?N1.,1:__ 'M I..
� , no gire, .'.!.:.;:*. 1'1...X..1. -1.;-.M' :?, ;�>, -�, _.;
, I I ft W �Xlv Wl
, , "
, �;., 51i1W171.V "
all . ien ,:�:".*, ,,�*.,;�Z:: . -� .I-
-IiO� :- . j� ;�:,
creta of the previo c1X)pJ d thirdly, � . " I -
d will be f ound to no wis at Its cheapest, breeders wWilng . !,:��i*-. �w
to be grown and its relation to the ex- j�aps a little o I me., at hann done, f oy I do,ubt if the �4- . t -P ..�.:�,,�I.-x,.g,,S2.',� .
. .
i 801EXCE JOTTINGS. aud" ce realized what had really hap- -1�0, , 171mo-1 : W�
fill the bill very well. It is a
us . good pltba room to proprely house for the conaing X .&I.- ,� x';&�'.,'. I :
. ,
,;'%..;:,;,.-,-,�-. "'., *i�- 0,:-�--t- I,.; , . " .".
.�� ,�kf ,,_1:5 . go, 4 ,
winter the young stock. f the South shows I IMed. N ........ -1.1NIM"... � M.I.W1.1ml., . �.
�..,;.; � - ,-. 11 _;,
Old liens never lose their teeth, but t o .-�%-;-_�'X...A .=� `M..". - � X I . . .
Up to the presont these t4incya tire to tif prOareSg. Barry inlomied me that r,omeane had '� . """' .11111
a knowledge o1 the biologry of the soil. to arrange a inangar for eRoh call, and h .:-.`.�, . '.... '. . IR_'N ,I . N, .
� .11M.;. .., � �
. I �
,ding. good poultry ralser Is never without good -W. I ..._,..;,-,., """
0 , the calves while they tre feL ., "'; , �,)�,
n y known, conseluentlY U is impossible to got a half d0zeli charp grit to aid digestion. Many a 11 'J"ne streets of London were first lighted filled the footstool with lend and that V 111;.__�*��.. '. . , ..... P�' -
the use of coininercial fartilizers is more fowls can be traced to lack of "' g -with oil in 1681. when the gave it a kick the recoil 01. ,',CMRi . : ;_
goo . � ,�,1.,._.'.;_-
chlvos which all feed alike. Alm �Z I-., I. .. I __1. - .- . I
j: �,'- _....", .J. . .. 0
6,:-.&S , .
. �'. .
or less like the use -of pc%teat inedicine, rharD grit In the hen house, Thirty-threG years Is the. average lenirth threw her on her back. She realized 01 % .,
variably there is a "boss" anionjg, them Build the poultry building now. Do not ;of at generation. . . . . . ,.
aii Ills share 'unless wait until wet, deanip weather of fall and The income of the Ring of Spain Is $I,- .
Tbe defeet ie only ocansionally remed- which gets more th, InsiAntly that she was M victim of atilge.
led. - lie is tied while feeding. It is important early winter is at hand. The poultr.v will 400,000. liand rovenge and was filled with rage , I .
Moreover, many of the cofminerclaT that each calf get his allotted aniount, I d () better also If placed in a good, roomy The Chinest day is dIvIded Into twelvg and fury. 1. .
Itr ybullding that they can be com- I ?
-Lanuf,acture ,cg the number 1.9 fl)oorutable In durIng rainy spells, Aa good 4r. , : r
fertilizers in the process of u parts. Quite as funny as the int"ident iWell ": , t , 1. !
have been heaW to it temperature so ,11]owed to glut himself at the expense 'poultry house goes EL great way Uward Of tbo 11,000,000 natives of Mgypt only waos the remark of the stage Tnaiicug'er I '
high as to be -destructive of all baeteTial of the others, and to the injury of all. making Poultry Pay- Out of the 11,000,ODO natives Of EwyPt when lie came he-bliA. IMS6 Barry liatl Here ifs one of those I-SinlPle" little 10W plume and a bunch of ragbag
hic. Such are of very�' doubtful value. -Parinersy Advocate. The season of Ion loolts promising at only 600,000 can read and write. se7it for thle beaver of MI nieulfs bm. hats that have been known to flowers." The hat Illustrated Is one
In Uie sale of and in the inap"tion of this wrIting. The price of poultry and About $122,0W,000 worth of oranges are deiis. He must h,t).i-o rp!!lized what her brealt
4&-4-#�_ mrgin of profit, and or- Imported by nngland. , of the most expensive of the season's
up families and furnish the divorce ideas In millinery. It lis made of*
commercial fertilizers, the chemica:1 com- ders are being booked now for future do- The 'bones of the averxLra M- Wa Weis), complaint would 1,-,,, fo lie hurried in, I
usually given, i. e., so inueli THE PAPER BAG A HELP, livery. Poultry raisers are bilag edu- 14 pounds. his f&m beaming, .�aO, kwforp the firri. court with ousiness. It Is the hind black chiffon velvet over a very small
acid, so much potaoll, Mild cated to a lilgher grade o� st"k. The In one Year the British Oeneral Follit ous aetrm coul 1. b1n 1 .,r froteat, of a hat that Inakes a man, who in- c4p sliape with no trimming except 1%
V%080!81�=i: 3"Lither the turkey- or fowls ina,,y be begirmer, with all the advice he receives, Office dealt with 2,047,O),00 10tterx. : , -
so much nitrogen, -as Tf the value do- gaily cried out-, %Vhats isplejjj'� -filial filets that his wife can buy a wear. flat bow of the m-aterlal on, one side
, alue de- roasted in the much advertised p should be able to make a better staTt �Twenty familles are being atIPPOrt,d at YQu made a big lilt With that 11 %% .de -30 able hat for one ninety-eight, jsay� and a rosette on the other to hold
pended upon these things. The v aPOr and reach success sooner than formerly, , LittlelandR, Cal., on the pwduct of One
th con t" Ow t safe apre of ground for each amirY. " ' "Now looll at that. There in Mrs. on the f eath
pends chiefly upon whether the origin- bag. Its use efluiina.tw 6 s t N W Ile time to advertise In EL , f Of 1'buislueK! Put It on overy nigbil" era. But with thtse
and sane inanner. Steady advertislng of the nlea.t that is consumed In Lon- *.4-4 . 1. Million Dollars! See what P. taste. feathers the inexpouaiven4sas of the
4 bacterial life has been preserved, n,n,*%t , watching and basting of the meat being Is the proper tbln.- for the best results. 4on, nearly &0 per cent. is Wiled or ful, simple 'lid' she ir, wearing. �he hat ends, as, every woman knows Who
whether the eonstituents of the fertil- . roasted. It also inisures a delicate flav- PICX out the best papers cover#ig the frozen. could afford a fine liat, too, it she looks at It. They are feathers from
izer are favorable to the development different xones and stt�.k to them. 1dria, cL small town in Auntria, has - Cramps at Nidt
of nitrifying bacteria of the soil, and to' or, as all the juices and steam fe re- The farmers who expect a big egg ylehi femintne fire 1)rigade, the Inembers of Zi wanted �t. it takes tllese rich women tile breast of the cross egret, which
thoae organisnis which prey upon plant �ained. Oniy a paper'bag iiizvde for cook- from vid liens will and that Instead of which wear uniforms and h4ohnets: to always vvear kituple things, b11t ,,�,D_ are the most expensive feathera
ing purposes should be used. laying as expected In November and De- The French 1�-Ifnlster of the Interior has Require Nonmt Remedy inen like you whose husband works known to the trade. -The "sfinplo"
e,.V,oretions. For the turkey, it will be necesm77 cein-ber they will corninence in ,TanuEtrys reeently ,bestowed a decoration upon a P I . on a salary waiits to spend all the little bunch on this velvet hat Is
Ce-rtain fertilizers are adapted to cer- February and march. They have as .,I woman nained Weldemann who is oaid to money in the pay envelope oil a wil- worth at retail $300.
tain crops And to cortain aoils, and the i to use two or more, ,depending upon the wholo not fully recovered from tbomOult be the first -victim of vie X-ray, whiah Agonlzing Pain Prevel'ited by Keep.
. I . I .
only way to find out which, is to try size -of the turkey. Got +.lie largest-size(I and will not lay in payinu quant-Ittes un- has sinco clalmed a number of victims, Ing Nervillne Handy on the Shelf r . k
' bags on the nmrkct, with a knife alit tl 1,well on in January. Pullets hatched causing the cleaths of several personi
them by using thein on part of the : at the right time, and properly grown, who -iyeye N%,orklng around the Jnstru-
down one side, arrange '4age on the are the real egg producers In fall and PITHY POINTS. . thuslasm for mere liustilng. A Vv lit a
Reld so as to compare. . . ments without the 1)rotection which has
ro -) seams, rip a Lince im-eli fouria neco--s .
that or- , � nd sides early winter. A Case in Point Illustrated In order to pul, a true est;rilate upo
Another common error is astimy rack witli - ary, TbIs Nvornan 11 )JOL00 Vnigbt btizz It.1c life awi,y without
,,,a%e Again we remind our readers that It 1% . 11 9'ettilIA" a1f-0W11t!1*e. R'lithuslasni finds tbe
ganic matter is taken ir. by the Blant t-01VII-rd the centre. Thoro-tiv,bly gre . false economy to purchase a low grai3o Wfis employed ill (Tile (,f the hospltal?3, arl(A CIVIlizatiun 0110 ohould puee, a few 011" way awl the mettliR of accoinplIallinir
roots. As a matter of fact, roots ausorb t'ho inside of the bigm and slip the ,turk- of fed simply because it Is cheaD, it in IS -0.8 It was noticed that bard6ning of De.,idly crawpqtbe syalptonj�q ftre with the Indians now and again. One's puvpose,
ino�gaiilc matter and Nvater, bnt no or. ey inside. Push together the bags so cannot have the food value and is a the skin hRd P(�A In. In vie effort to ar- -o be mistokeii. l-,"Iddonly and wit1l. Work, but don't wory.v; woric is a ton-
, rest the progre_qs or tho disease both not i
ganic matter, excepting poss bly in tile tliqt the -cut cd!zra overlap. This -will waste of money, as it will not give the handi were amputateci, but oven this SELC- out, warnin , To err Is humaii, to brag about it is
results that a good clean food will. It ,Q: the patient experielle , 6
, e._ 10; -%N-orry a puison; a day of worn, will d(,,,,l, 11.
make -,I .joining rannincr around the con- rifice did not a(_,conipllsh the dezlrea re- � "n 'Ir bring nior(i .4ray bairs than a, wet -h (st #-*-*—
er the most peculiar n Is wise to .purchase the feed at the low- A1101 11c"Ony ill 1.1w .9 o 11 .h ws to coil. r1c.
circuiustanees. There is no quMtion as tre of the tnTkey, Pin tDgmther carefully est figure that can be obtained, but the sult, and ne malatly Is still progreasIng �n to L, Wo
Slid ultimately must lie the cause of her tol't, the colillt,nia);�'(� rIA pallse J11211 t<)
these edgm and if another bag Is ne- grade must be good to give liaying re- death. ery "11011d for helf)", Ability Is illearsured by deed".. A 0-TAI13VER THIER
to the benefit to W derived froin barn- I cese.%Ty to cover the front opening, alit aults, 1,1speranto has more than a. bunared � .
m his is noL beqatise Wheat, outs and corn should Rlways magazines ana iournal.s of its own, which 1,11cil it i's that the %voilderfal polver Tbe roses grolvlilg L!10119 tile priinroie Prisoner Had Knife Hidden in His
ft�_contains "plant foorl' (for you could in inanner described and pin in place. ,be fed. They are staple grains and <=- of "Nervil .
elpeulate Ill (-Very elvilized country., 1110, (:',in 111110 itqOlf felt -- it patil of dalliance ��(Joli WS6 tlieIr fragrEolt
carry in your vest pocket till the "plant 1 The turkey.will apNar a delicate brown, tain food elements that niaintain the es- A recent rptuin of wornen bafflcrupt3 cures so (Juivkly. beauty, wit the thorlis, tus 1.1sual, 4�011 Mouth.
food" that a load of barnyard manure ' tasty -and Juicy. 11&ve the oven. no hot- isentials for niaking eggs and Reeph)g siinwoa that tliere were three undertak- "Ijagt Rinniner I iva,3 stri-4cor N1.1t1i a remain.
ays sup- I ter than for calce and cook several hou'rs, the fowls In good condition. In addltlon ers, two gardenerp, six tabacconists and Solne Years ago in the diatriot of Jal
contains), but bocause it a1w bran, iniddling.s, ground oats, alfalfa frightfol uttaok of crampq. 1. fe,ired the ,Silence 1.4 Always safe and Is fmpaelitly
o -lie ti-rne dependbig upon the size and meal, with 15 ppr cent. of beef scraips, paigort, Bengal, there was a andilea
plies C. �i.iamt favoratle Wctrrht and � t A man ot 20 Iii -good health rnay ex- Pali) in my -stointion would Ide, yrie. the smartjq�t thing we can say.
' a of the � f owl maisted.-Wominlo These leed contain the elements to man- 0.1 t :. ; epldeinle of patty theftis and burglaries,
abundant nutritive material for theni. I -Oe ufacture eggs and can be fed wlth .safe- pect to live 40 yea.rs )on.ger; a man of 40, . '_Uy eye -q b1Ll,,(yP(1 Out ,1131d tile VC -1218
it bas also a neutralizing effect on all World for Decemboi. 27. Tho man w1io learns from yesterdaY, eni's the Strand. The police, completely
plant exdreta, and it produces in the soil 4-04 ty and results. -Out of 6G.M,994 acres, the total area, of in lily forehead stao(I out- lllce..:whipcoms. works hard to -day, and planr3 for to- b�ifled for some tinie, finally arresW
The breeder with a reputation behind Great Britain, only 9,0W,000 are unused "My cries attracte(I a, nel4libor, who morrow will always land on his feet,
it good physical condition relative to the him to the one that 'w4ll always be In .the An individual on suspicion, who,
. for agricultural purposes. c.anio to iny agsi,ittmeo, and in it mornent
water sup�ly. OUR PRECISE ARTIST front rank In the poultry induBtry. They 'rho famous vine in tho gTounds of or two handed nia half a texspoonful of If a fellow Is dialionest you call wataii, prellin'tinary magesterial investigation,
. are the ones that sell liatobing eggs, day- Hampton Court In one year produce Win, but It lie is untruthful you had bet- wae remanded In custody with, a view to
272 bunches of grapes, myeighing * 1110 hl F30PIl-I BVIC0,t0n(A WAter, ter leave hirn entirelY alone,
old chicks or breeding stock as adver- Tei vil
No mft,;take is made in applying barn- d 2" N -
yard ms h . but in ti,ted, giving full value wid often more, dredwelght. IS hun. lift seonie(l as if aii ann-el had cliarm- further inquiri'm as to his antece,jente.
umercial fertilizers, / � to the purebaser-although now and then An Incandescent gas niantle which has 0 I-) Its The nian wilo sows his wild oats for, On being searched a policoman, sus-
buyincr and usin. ,a .,twily fll(, , 1)). 1)1, ,�
" q coi - . one can hear a purchaser making a kick, become carlbonize d or blackened by use , , pa '011 secolld.cl. I IV, Ket, that wheu the harveist. is ready thert. pc-�tiilg lie bad soniething concealed in
4patent inedlelne chances" are taken. noll.. IsTervillne has a wonderfui na.me other planting. his inauth, ordered him to open it, when,
- %..* tt geneTally boing a beginner, who really may be cleaned by throwing a quantity . will be no time for an
Dr. J. B. Dandens, Bow-manville, Ont., in I I expects -too much for the money expend- of salt upon it while It Is glowing. ThIg Ill this 10091it,V, 11111d ii; COU81(10red best ' .
Canadian HortienlWrist, ., ed. It should be remembered that It ev- has the effect of (.,Ieanlzlg the carbon off, f6r cranips, diArrhoea, flatillence, strilft- The successful nian gets ideas for Ills embedded around one of his back teeth,
I I ery -chicic lived and proved a prizewinner Increasing the efficiency of the light and o ch ,,val di,,�orders I'nr erything lie sees was found a hard substance which, Oil
one could not -purchase a setting of ha:t- , -. and bo ge all my own business from ev
, I ching eggs from any breeder for from 12 prolonging the life I of 1, the mantle. friends to iis,,� Nseeviline. and hearLR, being extraoted, proved to be a email,
LIAM STOCK NOTES. up to $10 per setting. The buyer must : 1'1fx\_N!_L1P,Y .Ar. LEGARDE, one stroice when the iron is hot Is 6emi-eircular clasp krdfc. The prisoner,
I I '
it ir, stated on good authorMr, says 1. k I take the same ebances as the breeder, WE LEAD IN ASSASS81 NATIONS, mif or who had hitherto proteeted his inno.
. V I and if the breeder sells the same eggs as "Willip'Insbur worth twenty a few minutes before now made a full confession
a Massachusetts bulletin that the cow (Det,rolt Freq Press) No ho,'nie is safe or can :tff rd'too iss after, cence) Y and
I-- f used at home the pu'rehaser has the 0 111
needs to be supplied With Wice the .ft% I same chanca to produce good stock. eventually turned out to be one of the
Ar that she does of food . i Trap -nest the pullets tor. future.breed. peginning with theinurder of Czar Paul the inanifohl advantages of havinq Wer- The man who Is behind the Times has notorious criminal tribe of "Burwitre"
weight of pure ,-u I 1. .,�. . .. ^3 err,. This Is the only sure method of of Rus-sla, on march 24, .iwi, a Now York .1-riline on balld in ett,oe of rtacident or a view that .should be atim,ulating.
Rild water combined. How many cattle- .. I %�00%� telling which hen laid the egg, and ho`* paper has niade a list of 24 assassinations eiller,q*llt 9iC1MQ1;,A. XATrge f,llllll,y 817,0 from tho district of Gonda, In Oudh,and
. . 0 of rulers and high offlelals up to the time . I iuv a rooster for two things. One iz had alrea,dy been convicted of fourteen
get it? . many she produced In a 'year; 1Vheth6r of the killing -of Preniler Canalejas of bottles of NervIllne, 50o; trial size, 25c, the krow that Iz In him, and tile previous offences!
. she was a winter layer or not, There Spain. The result shows that sixt out of rill dealen, or Th,,� Catarrhozone 00., other iz tho spurs that air on -him to
Over it mont-li bas (+msetl SincP 00 aria many star boarders in a. flock, those the number liave occurred In the United ' Re admitted that the knife had been
,alc of foot. and-inotith dis- I I . States, three In Russia, three in zpal-n, Buffalo, N'. Y., and Kbirrston, Camda. back up tho krow.-Josh Billings. Specially niade for hini, and tbit be ueed
latest nutbrL ) that lay 'but few eggz In the course of a 111.1
a reported in the old land, and 94) . . 7ear. To breed from the -fowls of thIs two in Portugal, two !it Servia, and one I-*-.*- i,et tily steliographer be faithful, strong, It for cutting open bales of cloth
ease IV -11 - � kind means a poor ealg Yield ,In the fu- mch in .England, 'montenegro, Turkoy, and hor4eh,,. and
file officials are now full Of 110I)e TO- VJ) ture. Trap -next, if only for the three ANC15NT WARSHIPS. allo for pocket picking.
garding the situation in Eiigla.nd;scct- � 2, wlpter months. This will enable tho r,rance, Persia, Austria, Ittaly, and Jap-
. )F^ ; 1)oultiy-breeder to at least get a line on an. The 'United States has suffered 'the The early boy gets the itnot-hole, 4-0--C
land an(I Wnl(ls. Q -V,-" asba"Ination of three presidents, a gov- ALMNISTS' TF-STIMONY,
� -i�r_�r 0-19Ln. JAV the winter egg producers and weed out trnor, an ,ex-governior and ,& anv_yor�. Old Britich Veasel Found In Thames -"ro,rl�,s a snap -it's the Intermisilons . (Montreal Gazette.)
--- the drones. Russia has lost two,ozars and a premier, , Mud. that do u� the whole nervous system,
A writer in ail Amerlean Viorm Jour- pog t)aze. Don't be afraid of fresh air In the lien- and 9prdn a nnarghal and two preiniers. ' T�
%11 de.%cl-illpti ft i4jin-olp irwans of 1.)r,,�- +� I ] house. Plenty of gooa air meanq healthy it is not particularly pleasant that the With reference to. the -diecovery of an The wise man always has tile c0n. Sonas people hold that every man is in- .
-venting sheep frorn jump;n,r. '.Vheplqn is liens. If the house is prop6rly cleaned poiltIcal assassinations- In the United struction gang a mile ahead. sane on some subJect. That is no rea-
GREAT AUK'$ EGG, a healthy hen will lay, If properly fed ,%tato-s 11the 16.nd of the free and the ancient ,xarehip embedded in the Thames son why A, thief who robs a bank or a
to bftug a board in front of the sheep . and matured. Fowls that are compelled home of the brave," have been as many ' Don't waste ally tin'L' trYllifg
11V Treaug to live In hause-9 that are (lamp are In ae in Russia and Spain -combined nor that Mud at NV4ao)w1cb, W T. Viucent, preel- Isorr ,,to get inan who murders another should es4ape
,Vviing for nothing. Adam ot tile
- ()f ft strap oround its neck. ; Not More Than 70 Specimens I ti no condition to do their best. A house- lands 111ce Persia, Servia, Portugal and dent of the Woolwich Antiquarian So- &ppla N%yithout money and without p%ilce_ punishment because witneeses auinnioned
The b.,Aor(I inust be liglit, and so lorg Existence. ful of sick hens Is a. source of loas. Colds Austria have record4 that shine when put . and you know the finish. for the defence say he is not altogether
flutt it stril,es tho, ahoen'Q 1-ne" when . can be bured, but It takes time, and -beside ouro. clety* dvaw,% atteation to flie fact that
it. tr'les to jiulip. A N' v wido board and for right In his head. A jury of twelve men
i rl nue of those zoologiml raritles-the during the time of their Illness es to
Is nocer's-Arv, rtnd o I lit, A liffle lonuer tivin 0 thite afterward there in no egg pro. *-*- a � it -,vas in this neighborhood that tile It costg as much to lose as It ,10 can judge fairly well of the accused!s re-
ewr of the long ,-xthiet .great. ank-1 "" win.
th.' This is Wood t4inipl,, ilild if � ` 1 8 duction. Prevent colds by properly Harry Grace a, Dieu, the first gTeat sponsibility for his actions. And there
tile Wid aiiaut to be offered for s4ole 'in London housing-plebty of fresh air without. FOXY FIDO I an who trinis himself to 8ult evc-i seems
ujigvm be iised to prevent 11111011 At tbe prt,spnt time -there ,ire rint more - . . body will soon whittlo himself away.'
effective draugbts will do the trick. . warship, of the British navy, built by A m to be an Inclination on the part
- Regularity In feeding is benefloliki In Henry �rll',f, met her fato by fire, as of Juries to hold that a inau wbo knows
trouble from brea(-hy Eibeoyl- It geein'3 t tban TO sl*,�hnpiis of this egg known' a
to I)e worth a trial. I : many ways, .The fowls soon get ustid rv_-,- contemporary recoixt has it, "-,by care- it is not what You got, but what V011 enough to scheme out a cri-me its sane
! to c0lectors, And the h-gh"t recorded i to 4:2gular hours of feeding, and' If not expect to get, ti)at niftlies life worth ,While
I iii-ico at wliivli ane of them has changird . fed regularly are rockless. Grain should f �� lessnc-es of the'mariner$11 In 1563. Thia ; enough to be punished. Somd of the
,�fuf,ll losc; to pi,y fo.o.1,,rs is expeTien- : fillilds in reent year8 has been over be fed the first thing In the morning . ve66el was built at the ro,yal doe.1tyard -tistsT.e en. - alienista are injuring their profesalon.
, � I- � I . De enthusiastic, but don't n
11ro1!t,Ji ,,Jl!�wlzigr the i �.�41 r,nl). 0. I and At 6 or 6 o'clock in the afternoon at . = at Woolwie,h in 1512, and it "s aboa.rd I
ed every yt--ar t I I I
0"'.1nil 'N'Ii�^ tIF �' 'ttor to ' ' this season of the year, I C=� I .
Iqr,vp !'"r, $ ell 1, i In 10.10 ItI.111 wziq enng1dork' a miffiel- ! It is of little use to attempt to keep her that Henry orossed to the Mel(l of '
ie(.d J-oq,pther. Alnincl ovrr Pittv'r h.qs I ent pr1co. Orstdiiallv is; theY bmimp in-, fowis unless the,v are well cared for,Xag- � � � � the Cloth of Gold. Front the size Snd
one or .two smill pir,s. -1.1-141ill ns thov - locted fowls wil only prove a source of k construction of the jahip, no,w being un- HIS - TRAIN
we i .. . earthod, it ap ears clear that she wao . I
I croasillOy r;ITC t11V bgrure erept up until loss to their ownpra; 11 -cared -for fowL .
are frequent1v e�il!M. T'116,qe'if left With 1 in 1850) ono. wtwi sold in London for $100. a source of profit. . � � � I - .1.1 .1
Is-, d- Clean poultry houses ftnd riivi,4 will i
tboir ,-trn�.,m- ))rAf11(-r,q .-MV at a di i 1� fe.-VI, I.P.Iry wX0 :t Crael-("! ST)"imen —1 � � a large man-of-war, and the poslUou in ' - .�
vmlt,lp�p %t tho fed trwv:lh. ne-Var d') w"11 I bring a goodly share of clean profits, and . which eyhe lies loadig to the conclusion " O' ,-,,.,.- oa�:,,.e
, , 4 1 . -
aml are �t (1,roctInOR. Tbo sanip- P. reaelled thf� 111-1 prilee of $1,500 in the Is one of the first ebsentials In rnakinw I that f3he Must h -we been run ashore In 0;1;�1:0 R -R, -STAMON
igo re.- '
" open marl,ot. p6ultry Pay. No matter how fine the I .'' . . I its slie lies . �
Inov0d to A, (lifferent pvn, pl-.Acod Nvith Tlip bistory of t1fls remarkable egg stock, If the poultry house i's not kopt I 4n ancient dook or creek, 4 9 ) "
of tbeir (-y, n 141w, and ago make ouflod with a gond dpal of clean, loss will occur. - PC— on an evem keel Jurst on o, lervel with -
1*" trnins. , ' w on C'nint,4" ,nq 11a" Ilooll "Ot One cannot expect to ralge itrauk, I C low-water mark, iwenty feet Wow the I 11 I . 0 A- -0-j-, 11 .... .. I&
gond i -i, ,I n v, ) ' 11 ; I
- ronitvntie IT&I'Pat- Tn 1885 the late Pro' lipaithy fovia if they are kept Irl a I , -
, I *ft* `Pirton, the famous wituralist, starvah and nerl(ct d co Won. . �w � ,; surface of the wlitvrf, in which exea,va'. * . -
TnOT(,. In't 11(%,�MIN. Or, v,, prowing pig-; i
� f(,,;�nr N. 5 p lid %VA or 0 1 ;
m,,inufacturinLy ford into nork at a gond (R-enverc�d a *iileudid set of ten in th6 ard too inany wemk flocks tbiroughoilt Ir- - I I S I tions were being ma,de when the vessel . ro Fkl!A.r I .
"-t -, . �1�
pyofit pioii'thp fall ftiors; nceordin_(y 0 roonis of the Royal Oalleg6 of Surgeowa tho country. Strona, healthy fowls moan .11 I,- 1=!9 I waa dliwbveroa, A careful ourVey of tho i avmsi 1 1 1 -�
'8170. Clive o, ' plonty of i good profits. I J
aelt lot trou".11 1,
n mill na little wa I romains ia� bohig niade.-Lon4ou, Glole� "WIMIVC MY - 1!1A4
well .)s plenty of pen sip' -ping , ,s klin-wit af thoni that Don't croWd, It axle Vvishes to bave I Is . I I — — ____ - - 1. 4gL,. - . -a JL
rooln WX fowls thAt will do tbeir bomt, Abow) all, . . . . / 1 -4-*-* YkAIN .
space, and 00. pinall, Pigs will ni'llk(l, ,the box in which thoy v.,cra vont.,tined t y : ; . _—:�Z&L,! ff..T-N 4
- -
i-. 'Vaq labole(l pengilins" pgps. do not cram Into a spact iyher6 4 only ; TWO PROOESSIONS. -R V4.11 A k I ",ow ! I
e0noinical gain -9 as 11,01 ivi the larger ean ,be made tOrnfOrt0ble M or 100 birdsv .... I W � . .0%.
No also whieli feethed over $1,500 Allow four Muarb feet for each fowl, . 11 I (Philadelphia, Aecord) '. L ,
I . .0� .
Pigs, I - I �
P,nnio years atTo ivas bongbt at it furn' -you ,Will �be on th6 safo side, El" *".t . ayor,of Lawrence 1.9 in N4w York ..�, 1A � � '�,*'� - . , %%-,%,.
..I--- I. omd I � � ".� . I Int 9 11 . I I - ,.!� 1 .1,4 *� � --�,_=,__
I jlr(� � I 4nd its . _ A ., -
, �nl() ill 'T�pnt J),,, .,t youtl), NN I,() 1)erts ctin use les.'s OtLea with good re. I W I I I & making rernitrIcA about his toWn � A ".. � - _',tl,� -� ',�*
. I . I , � I --_�'-, , ',* " ; �' .1,
If rann lam"m art, wintoml ovor to an 11 ik I 'I., � Ito says the attike got �4. . , .;0�".'I"; ,,� �.. I
N-migtht it back to, fj�ndOft With Another ,9u't', 111k I I - nt ttoubleg. , ": 'A". �
futo sc�rvlee in Melts iie%t fall thev ',rapp(s.41 on tho back of Ms Movele, tin- no outlook for a good poultry year : . along v4iry comfortably until the Indus- , *.. ,,- ,��; ..' %_ . A 1%1-% )
is ellcourg,ging after the bad wintor and tial Worktts of tho World got in thors fv� A.; I -, � -
010111d rprPM1, anf,(l ratiolls of food it;- "' I - - J I 1, N, %% � 1. - �
fended to promote �growtli ritli(ve thlin aware flrtf thev worp 1,110 valAiable pro- A-primz of I%S. The price of poultr,V atid : _W ._# -A I rw and tried to Make tilciubld, Zlere walK I - 11.1 ., " " . . ... . - -- I , I *,%�., -
10;1". extinA bird. ogsra Is good and going With ever � � 0"46 00,4 b. I - - ____
duet of tbo ., UP, y i :.;F I . u6yer tht ffllghte�t txqus6 for Apeotacular 1. . ,. .-
to faften. Pain lambq will require more Indication of reoAlling the high-water , ;.. � : "ex-oultion of th6 childre'n." The city, was I I \ � I . , . . .
" -------- �>� I I � � .. *-.ft--, _ f 4
11 �
fod illitil ewo laInV3, It inivA bo ro. wark this winter. There is it searelty I ready to talio care of the iiotdy pertonx . I .:
meniliere(I tbat evory rain whieb goes.i of woLturing pullets. Many beglimors 4"... anil the 11axpul8lon of ths thIldren" w" , . lk \ . .."
,rviep iit th PLEASUR5 FIRST. ,wal moon ,qtart ont, and the poultry . .. I a iDioee Of atage Ditty. Parenpi were oft6n;;; 11 - � act . 1% I . A
into spe e ilpaft of �� fl(ick has breedor that liKa Apo(l .�topk to sell pow, k coerced into isending their childtoft Away I
a greot influo-nee oil tllqt floelt, N Not. "Where do you pot your papers, littlo ,do,y.ow ebieka and limehing eggs later . - 11 � �', I I I aud thtse w6re drtsmed in rttga whon tboy I - . . I , 1; . -1.
alf t1w fine, at. -i far aq the I boy,?11 ii,g1cf.41 th-0 benev6lont old. gentle- 31ad vood Clothes lit order to make al% & �
)) e N 1) t X amb . c,n, will reap tba beneffl. AN many of I I I r . 4 # 7 1 i, 11
-, V MI the )argt bri.teders 41d not ratno as maily I'More.s.tion. Tbo atrikera and tho I. W. ;- . - .
ml) ig eoncerned, Avoid fattm)b1g, ho 111, - �Tq ,!!n)uqV Wilsoll, dir," amwe.r6(1 - thance to -do a urg f 'Ir ,,woh Avitli Jq6 flag oxcept C - -
fil?rq, towis 6s usuril, It will giV6 nutily 'Imalt 11 Wit to Atart CL procconlon I !.-
m.111% . ill(. sitne iin t, , tyreedera rL ..'' I I . � ___ -
but at .1(1 �(�Qv 111(1111 .,er Imal. . .1 at 1.80 and Po M I
witl thriving eonditim ,10 finiall bov. , I V1 t01101 110fis, iii thn buyer, Jiot lbehig able to ob- I - I �, , I i th6 stars tLnd stripes, v ,startad the I I I
oro tro. thl,,,, t1l" "AuA -Miq is, ,Rrom �VJJSon tain tbo orfler from oorAo of the larger I - 10.86, WIP, red fltqts till ,,j I .1
They -will olve in '11110 V proctmlon at
"wi., lies R n,_V,,;.boV'! 110 l)uy,4 t,ell, ftt br,�e&erm, will natura.11V turn to flio i ovor and one bltLok flag inscribed "No �
(,wo Iminbs,'art, moro rc.p.l 4-o4, f ight inore ro6diar, who, In m4n,y pates ,eon I \ . I *
. , 0,fy miudler b � *0 "_ God.. No Master," Than tho law-a,bldln - -
flift, ufvv-spapt"r offic plisa?J6 016 cul4tomer JuAt as well, I .. peome of LAwroneo got to work and ha I ; I , . �
itutj require f� IiAlp mort, attei"Won. A 1 I I i I - .
-Ossary in Tow iiIIIA11 40 YOU 11fty him fOl' T,rt-rd mIxed with fiull)1rur It proper pro- I . 11 it proc,shblon axpre.WV6 of loyalty, ord6z , I 11 ). .,
littlo, grahl iq vb'4(ilutely ne( . 1* i -
fil(%jr ra,tit)1i a.4 1!; al,,;o good 0ovor IiLty. 0 -em?", rortious And applied at; ottm iki 1i no- and rolIK101t, � '� . . -*~1
" ocissary to the fwtthorg and neolt, rill t1io 1 .40* o - ! I
r *
k, 111UPTI il I -
f1�yl A
t,:;: - $
� 0 Alp4may oa0t.'y 'haek, ot,young wid old turkoyn Is a go6d ,N%W4W'* Zt� ^� - .
�- __ "Aud �ot you xi�ll thow for a IiAlf- x*%ftuard a-itainst tba Mvag,*m ot fm.%,(sq, . I W . "*'o-�r A Ynstp- of ftiali'o orroro Nvould only - - .
Vend (-al%,oq ,91iould Yiovi bi, tomfort. Porny. Yon ro,n!t m0e uixieli." __#_t_*1_ .. � �� . I � \� tolrvb to tmlco tho noxt 0 -ho btug)l In. IL I - 1. �
, . , .
iv%�'(),I) . #t6ad of voldin
obl.v houled in t1w1r box st:%118, Alld tile , T�10-'V,WMt toom woultl bo mit of plaa , I . . g f1lo, Todky insik*- . I - !
111,,��ntlxiwrfor thehmotlpr t* do Is tO "Thevi why do you t-oll t1tent?" ' - kk I I \ .1 � � - r Viovido, Tlw*'Utaon. - .I I 11 44
in tho Inapdriect woOld, to IeVfs not de I i . .
keep up thol? conflitioil, not allowilig ti . �- . It'd 00 AuoeWul "n W40 krglloyi � �
- 10 (A,Jit8t to pt it f4ir,elhaws of hot- mo4fx whion we mi4w 1*rfNtlom� _1�11,orlldtk* .�J., ." I 1. . . � 11 � 1 41
avd thom, Pulpe I 11, I �� , -I'll", � I 014t 0.�ZD 18 AO All�-h thillt " 11Wk% � , , ,*-, A �, , ,�,WIWAO 1 � , I _0 16,11 - ,, -- � 11 I I i 19"Mox M. I'll, 0
t�o "alt fat" to le, d rin9l"r TitawrAlon, I 'I � W, me� )., - , ... i ft 06�wi�6" I 0 410,
1164 Helen- Goux hsts ab 1"'t fonA. I
at I* . ,
Lope tblvt 11'a i's whally &"emxw Of hor,
for Oie ileservefs a,good huabW.
. Is 4F
A istrike af 09,000 nw Vor'k Wlors 1*
thr(1401104 in J41luary, lt�*dod 'by 140
Induat'rial Worke of the WorW, U,", AU
I. W. W, ,eaptured 0o oument Avorkero,
U11jo,11,00 . ;
, I I 00 �� , ,
Winnipeg io Wilding many okp
(ierttpers. Tbis yoar it ifs orocting, over
a hundred buildinge ranging from seven
n 1 MOldinp,haxe
become o, sort -of craze lin thfa prairie
metropolis, and not % very healthy PAO
' her,
. 9 ).*
Accoiding to the Chicago Trillunc,
there Lave been 2.042 IyAchings in tbo
States since 1885, 9DO of the YW4�aaa be-
, -
ing whito, and 4.2 per cent. of the e0mes
b(ting murder. It would be Int.Qresting
to know how many of these victims ivere
Irnocent, No doijbt a, large percentage.
I - P.
"Iltome in its worst (lay never bAvrborf-
ed such conditions of vi4e ae are pro -
valent In our highest 000tal eimles at ,
the I)Tesent time," de$ared Bleilwy A.
NV. WL%ora of the Xethodis4 BpdsoopAgr
Chairch South. Surely it cannot be as
bad as all that. We bud an idea tharb
the woi,ld was goowing better.
� I I a
Rmliester next year will spend $100,,
000 on clearing the snow off its olile-
walks. The experiment began ix few
ytars ago with a $3,000 contract. But
the applications for Re extension to oth-
er parts ,of the city have been so num-
erous that the cost -hu mounted up.
The, plan is popular with the -people.
*-4. I I I
Mrs, Carrie Oha,pman Catt, the woll-
know suffragette, advises the American
women to throw away the Paria fash-
ions in dress and adopt the Ohinw wo-
meWs dress. If the suffragettes can in-
ought to give,them the vote out of'pure
- *.A. I .
The New York Sun is now advowting
open street cars for the winter as being
more healthy than the closed oa-rca,,whieh
it terms "pneumonia, caro.11 Vneuraord'a,
it says, is caused more frequently by
bad air ,within dwellin,gs than by cold
air in. 1he streets, and it would be woro�.,
. ,
Appropriate to designate tho close -4 car
a-, anti -pneumonic.
- "-
The coneumption, of cigarettes -is rapid-
ly iucremsing, in Gerinauy. In 1897 a -n- '
proximately 1,100,000,000 cigarettes -word"
manufactured in Germany, while the
preaent, prothiction is abou,t nine times as
large. It i* estimated that German smok-
ors spend about $60,000,000 Annually for
cigarettes and that sonie 20,000,00 Ger-
mans smoke an average of 620 cfgarette6 ,
a year.
I I V -
The furniture maitufaeturers, of the
New England States , of Pennsylvania,
Michigan, Illinoi6, Alabama, Georgia,
Virghiia, Northand South Carolim and ,
other States met in Charlotte, X,C., the
other day and resolved t, o inereaze the
price of their products ten ,per cent.
to the retailers. Increase in the price
,of the rmv materials is given ,as a rea-
ran for the advance. This is mo,relyl" -
another instance Of bow the end -less
,chain of increased cost of living works,,
I - 01 �
I form�rly a
Aliss Clara Brett Martin,
member of the Toronto Board, of Mum -
tion, was a speaker At a meeting of the
Women's Oanadian Club, of BerUn� one
evening last week. She predicted tbat
by 1915 the franchise woW be extended
-to women in the United States, and Can,
a-dian women would get it a, few years
later. , Miss Martin said Can.adiau wo-
man should not blame the women in Eng.
land for a militant campaign, to emure
votes for women, when it i's considered
what methods we're resorted, to by men
to secure the right to votO.
- . - .
I .
. - - -
lit 6ow,nt(,en States of the UnIOU there
wcre SS I)crsoii,3 kille(I mnd 53 injured
during the -hiluting scason. .just closed.
Tu loll ,thero were 100 killed antl 37
illjIlred. in 191% the deadlile43t year of
wbi(�h there ii; record, 113 pers, ons 14*t
thpir Imes while bunting game. The li-st
of meldonto in Mielligan is appalliti�lr, 0-4
pert�oii.q having, bmn killed and IS in-
jured. Tho heavy casual'Y ILA 111140W)t-
e4ly i�_; dut� to 1111(� great nuuiber of litint-
or.� that entered th(I Avoodo of that SUIte'.
Some were shot by eOMPMliOuso come bY A
O.C1110elves. cotile ;Vero inlsta,ken for d(ver
'111d Same wero 6,110t by unkno-wa hun,t- ,-
, I
ers� Apparviffly theY WOrP k' 1310r�
&,1j_(,r t1wit wore the (leor.
11tist 011! ,!� 4 010,1111tJoher go ,* To "peak
, .1111te
.,!I:! Axor;l 't 111, .4 tho. Imae-t bn rat-
(],"4 uff at a ,ilwoll -,fr I'Alp.1.1 that the'v
,m- 11(it ,11�4fiil,,111-41,111lo vv�-Ix to it w'I'Ault
1� .
'i, L .
if .f",Ily N froll' iff t1w 'ip-Av'ri yet,
- V
IiII10 to 0%, No,." York 'I'lows, .I
I 'wemki. .4
1 1 1 '110 " .* % L
I 1101, `� I W14 it, 111"wablo, Vie C'N'Itoll"'Viv,
i t'.111 111,011we a t�pv%lrittoft heot Itt th"At
1'.1tv, 111MV flat'l tuive .1,; Lvizt kA4 t11,3
4,mthmi,l re,-mr.l. Avliielt is 2#171 words a
1 _;1,.'J,,4, A%Ljt�j %." it"i
111mut". Tho 11,xml, :M. . i 11 �
, I *
I M, . 11 (n. Cli-i Is? A"; 11te,111,11-
i1 -4) 110� 111, .1,11.4 I .
I ., t1,111-1 in a Nvv . Y1.0, lla'hw#il� ,�A�110,vl
1. .1 ,4 1%, .t*L. 1NI-rt A(l)'I'�rW,;wra Avltt�*
lit 1 ('1110"ll 0) v(,,11p,V,m wit"I 4 fallk�d
V,:11)0tr',%-. TI)o 'ut-tIvi't t-la"Tovk"I i,�
t"'I. print -11,1, oi Olvrilk of loftor-s ,at a
,,;I -,,,It, .14tI'(,%-, Oft,Cjl it It - Ittil--f _lk"t'"
Vis., machhu, -%iA-i,*
,as i+,;ht pou,Wm. inu
ha ,earfle,l 0oitt a-3 oaMly wA a June%
, , �
bm,, and can tw nia8tert-3, it is lidd, In
fri-111 f,oveil to oight monflio.