HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-12-19, Page 7lift - * N �-,- AV 1� W i � . 1* . U 0 F � Rip I �111"- I I i � � �� , 'IS I It. — 401. 71 I `7-711� -,�-4 - r - - I ,� I . . ". - ,� . - lir I X, 4 � F rl-I "I - - - � : Te*r �.WT"47- ZVI .: " � . I , -R, � , 4 W, 1 . .1. 0 I . . . I � I '' . . ',,� ­ ­ ­­ I .- I � --- ­­­ Aw­ , �. ,". I , , I I -- . .--- ... - W i 0, 'I I I 0111 I. I � I 1� � W !I - A I I *"�IIIIIIW , � I I ­ "-,-,-,---- --W-----, 0 lmw , , - , "o-NAW-AWWAIIIII . . .l,,..�awmim , , ,110 . , � . - . I I . JdW0VM*ft1P6&W"**AP6 4F^4%w,o A I - .11 IV—. ­­­ -6I 4 100FIA"210.0 I— - - - --- - AW - J;.11- Al" 1. I � I I I . 7, ­ ... ....4-- - ­ ­ . - . "' 00! 4fA"&1VVAf1AyI-i0I ­ I - , 11 , ­ - ----- —9p 11 I .. I . . ,�, I � , I � � � . I I ­ I � I I I I I I I I I I - I - IIII . ­ - - -6, , . ­� .. � I - I . ­ I � - - " I - I I ­ -*- - .4� ­ - — - - I I — I I - . I ­ I I I - ­ - . -1114M I � .1, , ­ , , I I � ' - I - " 14IIIIII"I MI. 'With MAlly 4,01. �. �, I � . . - �, I I. ­­­ 'L �j � I= M- ".- � W—,V",��limlm"!44-7,111,1,-,--�--,. trepl000, or otlor o And mover, wom ,my to'y"r PIP 'R � ; , t I . ....... - - - - - - - .44 - ­ - I'll .... -1 -1.1 1. c a 'r "-wroo, W " - I I 1"1k I ohildren: "There Is no suelt ablug As -1 ; .. I I . .1'�, fNL -! larc t I r """"' " ' 5 It aloo solves tho problem of the $air - CHRISTMAS SUNDA%' SCHOOL L'"ISSON Irlanta Muo." Never tell them Uot to "Itang up- t1W 'b�, A , 1 � "I � � , I I - ' 134 me, ro you don't I � � . 1. - &=e %On."Stwaxi Ono, who dosireo to mRke pretty trifliog I I 11 I I . I � I write latters to Illin. Nevar ruilply br ft -k � Christmas � . dift'"I - I . &oft Ug� . ' � The dnr little djmr�, '' , � , t5, fifts, sinco d%Inty bits, of ribbon And Ids opell of ene.hauted myotery, nor speak - W . . -­ M " yet I I ace way bo conjured LOWN X1I,-Dl!QZM8ZR 22, 1912, rpboillder--A sort of yoke, fitted to the, wlie;a destructive w(L-ris Iku of Ooluda Jane Alint sopliIA, Viiele Lniii- 114, nerer #aw ChA, into a thousand, , " - ,a tumults -- , , , I � . - .. I rho , And one l9vely, little, things, Xerely - shoulders, upon I -lie micb) of which bur- should tease and a time of deep pe,00 i1el or even M10ther dear au -1 W a sk W.I.... I �9 ng- , � , , , . dy a X)�& Bv6ryouo WIM h" -6 b4hy, i4 t I Q I . dens ivere balanceil. The ro;1 of his op. . . � I I he flumoy !­­­ , o# with t, ,e transformed -7 - phoiN ,ho _ - A , , " ' , L re' F , . ,,-, ( 1, firlotmas' Losson-loa, 9*4 1 44 should .00me, wheit recolicillation . t .# III 0'' OIL!'' '­ 4 NY Scrapi , ime. may b , .e wlio fill tile rotockings and dress , .. -01mi. . . prtriqor—The rod 1% the symbol of op. . '%7-- I.- I ,, �I I . 1111 -; .1 —grand rent, tulat, w,tale, Jalkimg , into Am"Llebpok4; pi4holdem And AAY � . be effeeted between Je%y and Gentile, the Chrl tmas. tree. Hug ­ -.1 �. 7 7 IN 4 . - - pa � Lte Q4ristm%4 is the 4eag*A forxeganOrAt- CowmentAry,­J. The prorniso (�N- 1,5), pl�esssik)II ond authorltv, There. was to - . * . Wand of tile paron . . t—W,&A.t# to aw-k number of prettles. 1, ',\'eVertll4f*J,-r-1Jl tile f'r"Qd1nq C'1J,'%,V- 1) whi.-n t1fe implement,3 of warfae and the preclous foith of eltildho' , —the 4e*s,on for kivdling not, , U -iA , , 4.4 ,nip -, , od, anti ro- Woulen, why uotholp eaell, other? YQuL , U o4. toelin; -n at a smart eonfeWoller's Is A tt . di. -try ilellyer,i e IJ1004,sitv,illed g4ruiento they -use to let it p). It ia wortb a thuu%-;pd the babylo firnt flhrlst- M WO guts , $e- 1 ter tile prophet had dpsv­!W�d ilic de- from Allksyrl�n opprossion, but the pro. I , c4u%e4 f have a good. ohance at thig Chrlitmaw A 7 the fire of Ilospitalit, fkit8c a pincushion, NVIlich anyone 10 erly 4-onsum(41 Mo fort -44W fluteo, the, perWiing golit of material laot, bhulilling oJogooll. � atter Q,f f Morel, y In the Aalls Inating boubou box destlue(l to plorablo conditiult of jtldah, and now I 1)11K'�-' W0111d linVe It$ COUlplete III olloult-I W utt litl rejok-ings, 4tit, As a lA , �uit, -a ot the peoplo the Aoond4v 4� tha faiatmmt tint of -- 3targa-ret X. iUngstvr, In Wowtin'si , ' it is not tho baby, but the h44)4s 1 but the pulal I'VII of chality ill'the $01TO a" turns front that ditrk plettire io voa* 111clit bt 1ho dIeliveran. . ,Aottt. with a few dainty seraps eould quickly VO YOU Walit to help your s6terall ' hq.14rt," sayl Washington Irving ill one . Aider the brigittao4o and grandetir W V0111 00 POWerhad b011tI496 Of 804". dawn, the"harvest Ili. the seed). the, 1101ne Journal. � � � er. wboso plensure is uppormos.-t, and m4l�e. .t. It is I 1 -4 ;­ , , ­ -e t1le live$ Of whose Appreelatiolt - of hio feqling Christmas. sketches. 'Xids ,AKe-i,31ah`o conilng And reign, The. dim.- A�4 !it ilia da -V Of Tifidian—&-feranca 1-i Son of Alan Ili the helpless illfAit .. Would ,you, like to Ing), I the -donor hr'is Ill ,� PINOVS1,11m BwNBO-x liox. ner.6—VIie, darknefie, or gloom. Ais ,%8,a4 here inade to'llie marvelous dellveranco not neoessary to suppwe thAt U.aiah CHRISTMA " "Onle Of thent ea)oler? talad. There are tipw thlugs ono can "flotme of charity lit the 4eart'l—charity � . 8 0ANDEKS, # , Of epur" -know all the literal M'eal-01.11C of his own 'Then take a few good resolutions . put Ili the stooking that i* oweal i1A tho sense of kludl;v thouPt and ­, this one was intended for in her vexatlow—The nation had gone f., 0111 t1le 110"4ts of INTidian. (Jildg. 7), wor(W, He Tirat saw the people utterly $oma Fa to. the baby, to whom candy 4 1 sweets, but Quo till ht fill it with bQll. into tho'grossest to-r-nis of Idolatry under wrougbt for Isreal by the Lord, tbrou,,gh, vorlte* of the Homomado Varm about your Clirtatnias shopping, prl�1.448n gooa,4111,should Infuoo zoal wArmth ill- Dons or with toillel cQn,vellieuces, tho leadership of Wag Ahaz. 11.4o wor- Olklooll and his smWil colupany of plea. overwhelmed by tile rutliles3 hand ot i0ty That Aro Wholosomo.. . , . . and who loves a battered old. rubber doll to all our Christmajo work for others). Around box Is the firs trequirentont. the ouvage god Of Am- - &. For every battle, etc.—,Sce the Revia- war, Ile had� -ivArned thela that nationat .. e early, Don t add to Of 1vooldeu animal that be knows bet'. Aud in none more 'than in our dealing It should be four or five Inches in M01% was now esta'blialled, not only u0ellet And ApostAII would bring its For nut wafers, put three cupfula of the crush of tile ru,51, itours, ter than an I on 0 Yersiou. It wits an ancient eugtom, white sugar, o . exxpqljolve, ,lew joy., It is - , And loving diameter And two or three lit height. I sure chastisement. The Jewish. people . ae. cupful of corn syrup Do not a4d unneceissarily to. the not Alway-4 rewmbered ­ it 0 e . to, of Olivet, but lit the valley to gather Vie armor and weapons of it, 4 L . As, _ bould h w4t. the poor. It needs ta,ot the I eig4 ' And -half a cupful of milk. Into a, pan street car rush at the hour when wor.-, the t irtsight to malce Christmas giving A real A llttlo curled horse hair, or bran, or of Hililloill, Oil a spot known by tl ecinfluered enenly, together Nvith their hadi In the darknegs of their carnal am- in seleeting toys for 4 bab, a any 1,vise, oil- cotton I wadding Is placed -under the Is � over the fire aad stir slowly till it -be- ing -girlis are going home And seats ,%re ten4ency I . �# 1114 - . , r lItelp to the poor without I , name, of -TroplLet, close iinder I, g,,t1l.ment; ,into . to put eve Ailing Into Ills .1 11c.ap to bition and Weleas formality, lost 411 true � I . � - of cho - . I lie wall$ blood-stained - , so -1 vision -ol God, yet they 14*d some pro- gilhi to boll briskly. Then let it boll feW. mouth illould be AoWlog it with, tile apeparailce ,r pretty silk oov6r!ng the top of the box of Jerusalemi, Th 4tue be burned. "Tito Idea of the ver Is for about 10 iniatites without stirring, Do not crowd tho stores 4 An hour . tion, - taken into, consi4erA. und the edge of whicli, is a of -!tit the fur- th,it after 1014ovah's greaL victory ev- mile Of delivem"00 -frQA1 PII Uolxd- . . lt,v, llerhap4 most of Us consider that cover, aro , . Ilk. Ohln,,� silk the god was erected, i) - Is and physical ,ausery, and A par0al just waWhilig it carefully to see that it when otlier women, compelled perhaps I � . our duty Is done when we. have 0011tri- Seant frill of the same� iii 11ace within or at his, feet, into wliloh' er� vestige. of war Alah be burned up I-% �g _ , In tile Other department of baby?a , lit -pink, blue or lavender is best.) Xear� return to God, The end of thiti great doe's not scoreIr. Test it in -cold water, to work all day, AM AnxiOl)-s to do presents.--glits that ., the Mother w#1 p � . but9d to the funds of a church guf1d, or . � I � tile ohildren -were, thrown (11. Kings 10)4 preparation for the king4om of univer- 0, now and as soon as it hardens Ili ice water their buying. .. ... � 6p- 41, Institutiola thA ly every one. possesses bits of lace, Tus I . - prophecy was the ,ushering in of . preela .t gives Chrlstmas dia- rea. with a circular piece on Superstitions a.ppeaxed lit evory part of -,.41 ppace.11-81; inner. Tile time is com- - I.em.ove froni. the fire ai Begin � to for him—nothing is prottler, or . One is cove dispensation th,rough the -advent of the id keep otirrin ing, it more appropriate than wben war shall be no me 9 pl . . dainty. ariid*s. of nets And bags of coal to worthy ARPIi- tile country, Gol(I wid, silver statues Ili- re. Agol-ously -while you. add 4 ave n already. You will�* I . - coellent, I)ut the top 'of the cover, and 4 stant frill of I . 0 M -I, There is "neverthele,a" to all half cupful the finest Inen with a little )A%nd ein, (.I This is all 'very cli . I I -01ttered throughout Judith, Soothsayers# IT. Tito Vessial- (v. 6.) A Vor--This a Ace . find a greater choice to -day than to there are many who could do a little very glicer ,and lovely edge lace Is, irlt6, g1tosts were c-onsulted" God's judgment -a rkn<1 a, gospel of gr - of chopped ants. and a level teaspoonful . broldery. A baby of a few months aid I � , , around the sides. - At the joining there's ap, PiA- 2: ,word produces the reason for the vie- appendod t,9 every inemge of doom. In of 44lopped nuts. The beat nuts for the morrmy. Vic merchant has finished Ills cannot have too many bibs, - . . A very itiore to promote tile, 011ristalas spirit a wee lace applique hardly half all inch 6) St 204- $: -19).--Stanley, Aliaz would torv, deliverance and joy 'that 'wel!e . .1 dig. Purpose are 4outestic -viallitits. As Vie buying, Take your pick to -(14y, before 4 41 � - mn by some personal . I not Asten to the Nvarnl;gs of tbe pro- . Jeolta. there,. i13 % remedy f or dhwt , tile best things iire sold. & ILY one is of fine handkerohief Hileil', in width, and it is caught now and then coming to tile nation and to the world. Lady thiv-kens, pour it into a btittered . tl!e edge fin .. in darklYWA3 OfdeS- 00 - . ,ely AVOOPed and worked thought and service. with the tin eat of silk ribbon rosebuds Phet, Rild 504t lifinselfresolittelk to seek k,11to us—(),,(& Of tile ,,,allies of ip � Is eases and a, rescue fro Be patleiit and police, above all, with . � .I I � .Slis pair. The divine purpclie has 'never. de- tin and martc fitto squares, NvIth batton Q4141tch, and t em A little story Ili a Christmas paper relief from other Gouroea thaa � the hard-working in . I '1110 I. Nestive. I And f ollage, A few of the merest frOm Enlinapuel, ',which beingy, biterproted is, signed darkness, judgment and desol,a- Reliable ObacglAte Caramols. on, and 05POeiallY broWery done in a. dislgA of smIall % yoar or two ago was 6ul d to -visit touches of glue will hold the covering Jehovah. Tile enequies of the llcvtion C,od With 114ill (-Wvlatt. I � 23.) Tito One tion. It lias 'been Qrod is solicitude to bI Put three .- cupfuls of grallulitt , ed su the women, who wait upon yoq., leaves and via with a convmt1oA4bZ,Qd . .e . . gar, It. is fashioll%ble with solue women to blossom here and there, Fine oording heroino ,of the story, wtho use t e� or wood, In were permitted to rvwlt in and overrun wbom the proPliet saw ill his vision Was tile nations. Isaiah dswI; a wretched one cupful of pure syrup, a quarter, of talk of the "shop girl's" bad manners, a honte for old woluen)' divined the feel_ r case one thinks btst to "so two ruffles t1in country. Her cities were burned to be identified with the Israelitish. xas- . makes a good fir.ish. for the., neck, - of I � land with a, ml:Ked population, despised A pound of OIL% one cupful - of .13tit who, 40 you think, set her the bad - I . lug in their hearts of longing to be aui- of a narrower lace both will be sewed with :fire; her land was devoured by tion, and not only -%vffli Client, blit with . P - to the silk foundation, by ,the purer rtwe of Jews ,as deI blitter and one oupfal of milk into a Oxample*ll . Our" Well P, bib by itself wgidd be - . oxig the givers as woll as tile receivers strangers, and desolation prevailed (Isa, file, entire race di mankind. A child is . . . - - 4 little protection; it flat pad . o . f abso - rbent each could Kto in , , Of course, 'such a box might look 1: 7), The Assyriana weTe tile i3courgote born .... it .g n is ir I — to I.)eoome glorious with the presence of saucepan and boil together, stirring it Don't give a snappy answer to the wo- -cotton is ,a - I � - . () IV(% I ..AS son of lu%-t . . C7 . Christ. They had walked in a a -bate dt fi-equcntliy u " dens -when test- mail - ut Out to lit Ana attaclied .) . ntil it bar . . who is doing )ter best to oblige you, the way of neQdlework, knitting, etc chea. I tawdry, but the onek seen that iliflicted punit3bineiit. At the first j(3,sua -was itit .11�—Spurgpon. . . p an( . I . soil .. glv�!yt under the bib A,t the 110c,k-, s many �commlssions as she . ignorallce, ;in ,and .3niaery, Warfare had ed in ice 'water, This doerl not iliettii and w1lo is every bit as good as you are . I and gave a was the moot exquisite, trifle of the ho liglitly afflicted --"The thought here ITe came to the earth as an infant, be- brought desolation, mourning and woe, that it ,Should be permitted to become —R11d twice as tired, A little house jacket is a.welcome gift, ,could P,tfiord, spending lier Uhris,tmas season, the inat,crials being the loveliest. Is that at first the ravagges of the eoull- ine 11111s most intimately Joined to the " '3 . IS alf-heathen brittle, but just of earainel. consistency. s when the added krefient money in paying for the work. 14-41 � try ivere less disastrous, but as these r.%ce, Government .. iip6n Ills 84hoill- It was -amid the de p. ed h. . Dn At if it tires you and warluth as necessary to the. baby's, com- - � hOU41 III pour It into butte exhausts your patience to shop for four J . I I , he articles she gave as presents to her light afflictions failed to bring the PeO- der—TTe -%Nrould be born to rule, fitted to population that the tTue light F-1 red pans and - fort. The cr THE NIGHT BWORE � . . I ; a p r cipli c e, .ochated one are always ,V, it was there mark into squar' ' I ce a 0 . shine. True t . es as soon as it be- hours, it tires the other woman to work nice,. butslovely little jaekets. Icalr'bo friends. To tell the truth the atI ple to repentance, the desolating forcee rule and perf tLv I)l to rule. All PoAr- . . tho "Lord *.f Glory)$ lived; there lie comes cool enough, As soon as the steadily and stand on her feet for ten wero not Wry beautiful, the product CHRISTMAS. beeame more and illore terrlble."�" 1�efer- er is vested in- 'him. Ws naine—All 11 -lie wrought His Avoilderful works an4 ut* caramels are cold enough to r their or twelve hours, made Of fine white washable RA .. � . � of unskilled labor, but her friends, dis- 'Twas the night before Christmas4 when ence le probably inade to the Assyrian names a1pplied to Jesus are expressive , etain SOPLIloped aiid buttonholed . "el, I � - round th,e I . _ ! 3 n oiled paper. ny, pres- . )jeet she had ill vie%v tered 163 wonderful ,worea; ilild. there Re %sha, e ivrap them i You are paying cash, for nia covering the ol r all through the house invasion under Tigloth-pileser " (II. of his Tiature or work. Won4erful­ p . . ents. Try giving aw,ay a little kindness . edge with, pale blue, or pink, and tied e. g4heved. His firsb disciplea And ull-m-lon- ,.Molasses Fo6m. . with ribbon to niatelk. A kimona or were full of appreciation; -whUe the joy Not M�creature was stirring, not even a Kings 15:20), Zebiflun. ,... Naphtfdi­ Xesus stands alone in all the 11"I'VCTS aries to the world, ' and sympathy that costs nothing --ex' dressing gown of the old wonion, in having money of The reglan lying between, thA, Sea, of Tli This is the very cheapest candy. Boil cept consideration for others, .out . mouse, - iere is no other being with. NAmm lie - may be g1ven. witli ; their Yery Own to spend Ili giving Christ- The stockings were hung by the chimney - Galilee. Beyond Jordati—Ou the eaet may be compared. lie is wouderful ill IT. Setting forth fL glorious kingdom. equal. p"ts (sa aeb) of sit, much fear of its Woo �y, obe cup e Doret be indifferent to others. Don't g superfluous. alas presents, w�as much greater thall with care, side of Jordan. This verIse is, aekaGw1- Ills *natuve, huninn awl divIne-, wonder- Ili scripture all the perfftti011s Of tlle gar and good molasses together until insist on an immediate delivery if there Wilit". challis with. a very smart Pat - It would have been over things that had In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be edged by schola-r,s to 'be difficult. The fill io-tbe work-) lie performed.4; Woll- L "nilglity GoV are ascribed to the Re- tile inixture becomes brittle when te,st- is no Iturry. Pale blue or pink -is pretty , - . for been given to themselves. The little there. , . rovised version gblea a. clear ,istatement derfid in tbe truths be proalaitned, w -on- deemer. God has given himself to mftn ad in ice water., and tben- put into this Above all, be conscientious, and do not the Purpose, the kiniona, belag.the only story contains "food for thought," the The children were nestled all snug ill of the contrast betwe�u Judah's condl- derful In Ills ilinnifi-statiops of love; ii Jesus. Ile is really what his name in- (first( lemon flavoring (j us t a f ew waste a clerk's ti fanciful garment in baby s wardrobe. a me at the busiest soa. A pair of cot blankets make a gift poor inay sometimes their beds, Lion In her apoetasy and the blessedness wonderful in his soerificial death; won- dicates. He ia the remedy for the L drops( ittid a level teasponful. of carbon.- 'so.nl Try to have decision and let your , also find it more blessed to'give than to While visions'of sugar plums danced Ili Lobe realized -with the co,nilliry of CIrrist. , derfW in his resitrrection and ascersion- world's misery. He stands pre-eminent- VLte of sod a s a very muelt worth while. They musf be of . I 0 ' .a—ol(I-fashioned. ba -king soda.. brain. s ve tilTi h the finest, softe . receive. their heads, % In dsrkness—The darkness, moral and wonderful in his int(ircession. Coun- ly glorious, as A great light. Lig,-Iit is all Stir very b and be prepared, for AND A WORD TO THE CLERICS. . OtIveave, of white blank� We are apt to overlook, In our gifts And mamma, in her kerchief and I in . � . ,,, I . I the eand Y= up over twice the This eting, cut to tile correct size for the * . 4V 1 . ­ � I . -, . - . I I - I . - � I - . - . is Your hardest season. You do � little cot, an dbound all . to the poor, tIle f,ut thq,t the prettys M. cap, . . . I - . . quantity it 'wAs before the soda %vas much for the public, and much for the round with eaft tasteful wrapping -of tho parcels is one. Had just settled our brains for a long satin ill the baby colors: of pink or 5 ,- " ,':— 1. ., - � . � . I I . I I . � I - .- . added, lience the no.ceseity for making veneral Nvelfare—and you get scanty bIlle. The b � inding at I the top should be of the distinctive featureg of Christmas winter's nap, I I It In a big pan and of havin.t.; your but- (hanks from the -Publio. that -you serve. gifts. There is all the difference in tho When oub on the lawn there rose I tered tin$ at band to pour it Ili instant- . m nhs in deph. A, baby pU- ' I wirid from the recipient's point of view, a clatter, . .. Your efforts mArket the productions low should h&I the embroider the � I . ly when it is thoroughly "risen." TWO of the factories. You must'sell, and sell . I between, sxy, a pair of warin mittens I sprang from my bed to see what was , . . . he end, orythie"bor- the matter. .. candy must never be exposed to sudden a great deal, in order that the Artisans der on three sides, so that there will be wrapped in brown paper and. fioa with a - - " . ff . . . . . - I cold wbile 000fin and manufactufer may prosper. � '. . -1 A 0. . . - Us- window I flow like a flasli, . - . surface to hurt the cord, aild the same pair wrapped In Away to tile ' '41 . . #­`& You are important in the highest (le. no unevenTiess, of #sue paper and tied with a pleco of holly Tore open the shutters and threw up the � - . - - GIFTS FOR MOTHER. gree to the nation's prosperity. soft skin. One neat little pillow is 9"11. . . like a cushion, without ruffles or a -ribbon, yet the difference in expwiie is Having patience in .your work, and lad 0 - ' ( piai7p a negligible quantity. The moon, on the breast of the new- I . First Olt all, clieerful oWlenee -11111 espedially have pride in it. for.its inti.. - fallen snow, ellicery faces. . This Christmas season tests the goo neso on the finess of the handkerrhied � It Is wise, no doubb, that gifts to Gki,ve a lustre of midday to objects be- .r .- Not too many gifts that are, after all, Worke' d linC11 Of 'Which it is coMPOSQ, "and a the -poor ishould bo iiseful and prae- low. . 1 7 1 . . r and stamps.the bad one. long sprity of etinlwold.ery *ojn onel tic4l, but they auroly mood not 1.10 I - 11 household necessities. Reputations are made now and oppor. , ugly or coinuion-looking, I'llut .your- -When what to my wondering eyes - e, 1�pl I �`�.� vl�� � -1 � A collar o4 Irish lace, with a Tuff tunities I are gained.. ,corner along it side ttnd end. Another I ,-., I 11 . . . - 1. edged with the same, . , - #. is, bordered with fine hand -run tucks, telf in his place,2 or Ili hers, and you But a miniature sleigh a,nd eight tin.r, . Al .. /�/�-, . I , .-,# -110 'M � will not send dall brown =terlal for it "/ \ * % I $- , , r z M0 1,� , �& .:-�� - A pine pillow with embroidered holly and a ruffle edged with lace around 9,11 reindeer. I e, .1 . lylpll_--�, .,/,/)// Ll- - .- as an artistic finish. . GET OHMDREN TO TELL but the lower side.. White pique nAkes . , - " I I -- .. * dress for the little girl who is 1`110" With a little old driver so lively and- � - �� I" � 1\ I -Ca a dainty and utisfactory spread for the ing for a red one, simply be,cause tile � . I � I 1/1 Some chiffon to veil her last winte ORIGINAL STORIES. ­ z ,.,, .,- f � . . Ittlack I � . 11 ZBW11 - - evening gown. baby -s cot of bassinet, A soft but'firm At* it 'was I knew ) I I I All children like to brown was r,o unattraotive th, Saint �Nlri, IN - make up .stories quality of pique is used, and the edge in a moment it must be o., 11 1/1 I ,111 -1- �-,� A good piece of jewelry, either a piri, I 1� -- ,:,- - hard tq, sell, amd you got It cheap. Tito Xick, - ..;113*6: /A k chain or a ringz and it is a liking.which. should be en- is scalloped and worked with �added X. I , red will be as Nvarin, Avear as long, and More rapid than eagles his coursers they I ,I h) . 71 couraged when they are young. b-attonhole stitch, or simply bound. As rzy" --- - 11 � An attractive gift i6 a shirt -waist set � . h more pleasure from I I/ I 7/ . /I - Nvfanv children who show a good deal came, � .. I -1 . of pin, studs and sleeve -buttons, with . the pique cannot be folded back on ac - its first to its last day. The idea Is) And lie whistled, and shouted, and called � . t, of iniagintition in conveiving a stor�yi, count -of the wrong s,14e showing, a,. piece , . mr 11 -V, , ---, her ,birth stone inget. ­ wbile keeping in. imind the wisdom. of them by name- I . ,�\ - ' and -some little ability in the mannar of may be sew -ed on alo the top to Aim - 0 ­­ .,.I I k lit', Ak ': \ . I A got of fine crocheted lulix-heon - making Christmas gifts R� real. help in `IlKow Da,sherl Now Dancer! Now Prane. . , '% I NN � ea- teilinly it, do not develop this power as ulato a 161d, and the baby's mono -gram t/ '.1 il. doilies that ,she can use for spepaial oc . t a use of lack of - 11��, � sions. . This is beca Centre of 'low Vixen I . - bey should. . 2neeting the nacof�sltics, to remember or I 1\ N . or initials embroidered in the also the do3irability of ,adding, this otie On, Cometi On, Cupidl On, Dunder and I � � A I I � ?- � . oncauragemeut for their first efforts. this. 6�11 i A W df fur for neck or a bilge pillow d�,y Ill the year, a littlo of the luxuries Blitzen! 10 - I I I /!(/ � ) -.N ) ) IL-Irf - Here is a Teddy Bear story originat- - 4 -*4 1 1 1 .., , W1 V " . ), ) . Init . .'-etbQa'- Olowa - . . I I . rf, or-bot.11 if your poe-11. .1%. -lit able. To the top of the Porch, to the top of � " . I ed by .4 .tie girl of 7, It wilL in- - I - I . � --I-- - so large an expenditare, 03t you . When one is planning a I 0hristinas the walh. � I I �Ij i .I-"-- � .A workba.g of Qc- newest tiegiail that ter mothers as showing what a SEEN IN THE SHOPS. treat for a poor family, or Indlv�dtial.q, Now, dash away, dash away, dash away � .,/ looks ju*t like a chinede lantern", 01.114 cau do, If you t, -Il. it to your lit- ! po " �1, A / Already the cry has gone forth to - -9.otory results all , �� -- Lie, ones it will interest them as a story. , t1w beat and raost ' satisf / :�51% J I f , �il/ . . , . A bea.uti - fill new ru for r1lotber's own � and the ready - - -1 . I 0 A TEDDY BEAM 5TORY. . Call, bo reached by consulting some A -s dry leaves that before the wild hur I , . - I ,-, . shop early for Christmas, ricalle fly, . . t I . . Toalllo . - see there are barely seven 11 Once Up011 S one who knows the circumstances. / � of Some Wit -of silver tha-t she especially a time a Teddy Bear wa reckoner call When they ra�et with an obstacle, mount I � ,----' J)� e W.c.eks -jo. the great gif t -giving holisda-y. Find out froin'the mother what the / "-/7, ­ - -I , . / )) / desire$ fo,r toilet table or to use an t4-0 on the sh If in a store. When It was . children want most, and from the to the Sky, "I le. � upon the sehelf the Teddy Bear swid: " I Rv far the hardest ehoprIng is to Edleet V V, , - . childreA, or from a neighbor, what So u to the house -top the coarsers they / ,-- I / , ��/, . XJ /,-/ 1Z , � table. -e me," �s�itable gifts for men; thamp ove W*U,66 IV-, - '. 4 I .. . If site has tak-en to .wearing.glnsses wish I had some one to tov ""Iy would most lighten the mother's load flew, � 1-�- I/ 0 / P I- V- IF - �-- - . A ladv went into the atore and asked tbey..will. say "thanW foT --mal , i ' of anx:lety. There are times when a With the sleigh f ull of toys and �'-Iaint . . / .1 I " o! late, supply mother with a (rold,abain the man if* he had Any Teddy Bears. Tho -and then forget to use after Citriet- .1 A0 - . that will insure their safety. Eresent of mouoy would be appreciated Nicholas, too, . , _ � I . . � I � P I . - A1901a thimble is one of � tile papdlar nian said "Yes." runs. All Ulose enticing brass aelt-traya y somo respeetablo and indiistrious And then in a, twinkling I heard on tho I . � 01 P. /I loll� 10 - V Then the man got the bear and took it alld smoking sete find early homes, but roof I I , . ,I, X . . ,1-1fts, aa eo many expert needle wo-aien I-aen can't find use. for too Inany of . -�� "o, . a .9 are ,cam persono, who struggle against the Pc%ver' The prancing and pawing of each little � - loll . ing, to the front, ,and ' you rarely to the lady. The lady sadd that she these. ty which has not come -through a . .. f - . .. .10 Id o- I see any Gile now without a ,� ,wanted it for a little.boy in the hospital. r hoot % �� � ? daintv work� -lie Toddy Bear to the hospital tault of their own. It requires a de � As I dre n m h and was turni�nx It bag or basket fully (-qEd Vped will eye ry- She took t . One thing a ihan will use, if Ile Bul6kcs, cute touch to give a money presont n around \ . . . thing necessary for use. . and went upstairs and gave It to the . rf 4 � I .� I f�k .. A shoulder wrap inade from ' and little boy And said: ',What do IS a cieur lighter, and the sbbl er dis- � � . . . yott 'T such cases -without wounding the va 11* Down the b1limney Wilt Nicholas came' %, - - � two . � I I - .e I IK k . . hink I have here " There in the pack- cOvOrOd a dozen novel forms of this us& able fcoling of self-respect. There are - with a bound. e . . I o - - a half yards of chiffon ftnd lined with t an simply putting I . A .r , 1\ ful thing aniong the orted brags alad He wu dressed all in fur from his head �� F-:,� � ,�Jj whitd ;Ea,fln, then fastenad at the endis ago was the Teddy Bear. The little b)y 0 imp . , A- . iK-�." with ta, tassel. . bad lots of other toys, but the bear* Us for ,.1iow-n & bill, or bills, in an envelope and ,sand.- ' to his loot, I I ;� N, ­ . was nickel novelt the holidays , I �, I -1 � I � , A pretty house dress that will make t one store. These range from au odd - Ing them with.a, seasonable note$ how- A-na his clothes were all tarnished with , � *1 . ) the best toy of all. Then 'he said: "Now 11 I ---�'111 " . I I IlAve sou;� one to sleep with me" and ity that use6 the old flint and tinder , ever kindly. One's knowledge -of the ashes and soot; O:V�-- -. -- -- mother comfortable AvIlt", she does nof,, P � - �-4 , idea, to a bigg able affaAr for a sino'king ' - reeiplent's. temperament would be a A 'bunille of toys he had flung on big i .1 . . `t- - - �- feel well en�ugh to dress. the Teddy Bear said,, I Wow, I have some . am guide, of course. A girl, whose duty . A 1�. .- I I � I If inotlipr is somewhat of tin invalid, one to love Ine and take care of me."' room that seems as powerful " those back e I I , V used *11'eigar stores. Between these. fwo .kopt her at home where she had tho ne- ' And lie looked like a peddler just open- ; *1 I . . I give her a pretty Dresden pitcher with � I -S- were tile flattened, watch -shaped lighter ceissaries of a comfortable life, but no Ing his -pack. I .-- ­ . . .% ]I<], a brasa tray and a glass for her own '* money, received from an 'under- I His, eyes) h6w they im - '. Q7 , - ! o � � . special use, W an eleetric candle. or 4 HRISTMAS PACKAGES. for the 'vest pocket and the ]ong' tube twinkleA, -his di - I . � - C " -7 oil =g relativo 0, pair of nice gloves. I plea how merry-�- / . dook that strikes, bat see tiliLt tile tick . w-111ch call be lighted and left lyinv When sho went to put them on she His clieelcs were like roses, his 'nose like . � I. I - , . - -A a ev eryon I knows, a good deal of the table or dei ---k for all one's frionds to use, .. � I , - .:r . is not too Obtrusive -for eoinfort. effectiv,enessLof 'a gift depends on the � . . found that there was 6omo obstacle in a cherry. - Some pretty, Gilk f,tockiligs or a new way It is done up. Green or white Anothtw Oft that men regard gr *tell of the fin,gera-a gold dollar in one, His droll little mouth -was drawn up like . pair of party slippers. 0 . pci- � . tissue paper and red or holly bebe rib- to . a dime in another, a live ceat piece Ili a bow, 11 I . I� . . � 11 . . 1. I . I . I I- I I- ".0 . A pair of long glo-Veg Or V, pair to bon Is Always "Christmassy I but most ously are dressing bAgs of good leather � I ' ' � - ­ I ' ' "' - - ' � - I t: I ot articI not too fancy. Mner Another, a five dollar gold piece in the An& the beard on Ilia chin was as white : plateb hor wRIking dress. people like � variety in the wrappings of with oil . thlimb, and so on, Each coin was wr I As the snow I 10--*— their presents. There is it w . leather ftke morocco gains their scorn 4p- The stump of a, pipe lie held tight In his raPPla? and, so do gold -topped and gold -backed poil in tiasue paper, and the small coins - and In with the pieces of greater value n1ade teeth, .A M,ERRY CHRIST'MAS TO ALL Tt DDY, paper that looks like watered r1lik fittings. Ebony, celbdoid or- "POie . And the smoke, It endr-olad his head Me . I . . � - .. W. Austin mylp-s. j-011,) . is not much more expensive than tissue; - 11 r)) and plain silver are the favorite A little joke of the' I lvorn . transaction, Anotherl . I I � I . I � I ­ . ­ � I My "Ted" was " it is effective tied with silk cord or a VyreAtb, . � . I I - I born oil Christmas, I fittings. . " '' Right earlY in the worn e ribbon fastenedw I a, little round ere But didn't make no d-Ifference, red seals. Sky blue paper, tied with Is to make the money into little packets � He had A broad f aoe anc itil and hide them aming bon-bont in a min. and spiritual, ouring to the refusal of ' sellor-Guide. None li.,,tve ever sublitittect elableal of the truth of the,,gospel. Th a 'Cause "Ted" had to be born. . . ' bellk, the king and his peo.ple to obey tile to his leadership and b"n led astray, is a fullness in, CbrIA camalensurate . Some fine imported mez�qprints ii,nd . hen lie laughed lilts a, bowl. i The nti'lity Giod-Divisir Ili the ablao, witli his diviniky. The ammleur of hla I -.v,ol.e ut) in tile morning star-shaped seals of silver paper, is many haive- tolved i4ture Christmas stocking of colored tox- That shook ,w: silver tinsel cord, and fastened with lithqgrapb6 ffoin Ger tow. Another pretty wa)r is to send 0, full of jelly. . . law of God. Rejected light and trutl 9 f a gift for an invalid. -A miniature troo in a pot, with tillypack spurned, leavo, one Ili a state'of spiritual lute sonse. Tho e-variasting Father -He titlea suficiently determ7nes the mean- And wakened witil a fright, goinctimes quito different, and yet in 0 a fibt te of e or-- ing of the prapbet. Tl:o.v -are not more Y,ju see I had an awful drealn =Ott lade holder'of cra.13h has, " - He was chubby and plump --a, right jolly Starlet P p7hi)c"Onmia-�1(a) old elf, ' lie continually empty names. Ualah saw that the only siges tied to the branches, some of th'e� I night. There was also social and politi- not oilly Voss ss the . Ur I t And dreamed most all . the night. keeping with Christmas. The stniall packages being bou-bons or funny little And I laughed when I saw him in spite cal daa-knees, for temporal adversity nity, but the, thougobt is, At first I was; with rnamnia, . a (lezen; for they are so cheitp as well toys, others coins of different values) . on the nation, becau,3e of their acts as x father to his people, in provi- deliverer who could accomplish the � poinsettia is much used at Chri been made to coutdin an assort , ;ruent of of myself. . I came up ' (MY Teddy was there, too) time, and the Japanese pa or napidil beautiful that one could easily afford ' or porhaps obo gold piece. A 'wink of his eyes and A, twist of bis rciOcti0a of the true God. 11 -ave seen, a sion, in protection and in, loving kind- necessary -w-ork must fill out the whole And next thing -guess what happened? that have a larg4o scarlet t Somo very well meaning people show head, great llght---�rhe prophet uses the per- ness. The Prince of Fpftee�llis reiga measure of these ternis. I-Wery 111.11TIA I got scared. Wouldn't you? n ner can be utilized - for the them, - . I . ,00n gave ine to know I had nothi jo fe � tense, speaki d is ptom a 1441C 0 f tholAght, In giving to their 0 ,ug as if the light lia otivo of peace, 116 UtS Up 145 here given the .Me,Wah is tile divine -e.x- wrappings of .small packak-es. For a go , rig C Ing4ont lit individual hearks, -ind that ponent of a ,corresponding attribitte or There stood a great big grizzil-, flat bo.x, Avr4p . first In white pa,per) It was a good thing to remember the' poor Telation3l' or none -too -well-off dread, already come. "The perfects thr&lghout k As big, as 1)19 could be . word, but went straiglif are those of prophetic zertainty; the kingdom is ueaee. Wherever lie imigniis, office or work. The hope of the chosen APd 'stead of soing Mamma, ffiends, presents that, though both use- He spok6 not a He looked r1ght straight at me. Put out the poJinsettla, front the napkin) .nargery, for the shopper etopped ttt a ful and pretty, are not complete in to bis -work . tyritor is transported into the !nWre." peace prevo,118. people centere& in a child. The only . land paste It over the centre. If Y01A Ittlugefurni,ahin '& store -and foxiii4l i3everal - ]lave preserved some of the autumn 'OVICH of eartlien and metal eontrivaaees themselves or that entail additional ex- -And filled all the stockings, then--tuxned -04M. Bib- The proplifty is twofold. IIL 3-Jewiah1js Xing,dom. .(v. 7). of the hope that rentaiPed for Juilah was that I dWn't know beats talk 'd so, . ' I P61184- Of What advantage I . . inereaae .... no end -The kingdom Of her country was Balmanue1% land. There But this one did, andL oil call characterize Your pack- for warining the bab,yls -bottle at night, to a girl is with a 160C In, its lower sense, thero was its fulfil he leaves, y it to receive as a gift a piece of delicate And, laying his # finger mide of his nose, ment in the tempontry and partial re. � Zesua ,Christ is an expanding 411-d All e ' David's Just Yelled With all his lungs full, ages to fr1leads in another 4ountry by which is tl;� rea. T itursery prablem -when a- lie was to be born. The heir of "Well, cant you set-, It's me?" glueing two or three of the tinted le-ives cold weathen comes on and one liateii to net or chiffon cloth for 9, blouse, when And giving P, nod, up the chimney lie Illovail of the Assyrian oppremlou; but .during kingdom. Its pmgmee,e-an no.L be Virone was to be no eartlily warrior. . she doesn't receive with it the silk or TOS6. 1� Ili its ,higher son", Its fulf,draent ineant stopped. It is irresistible. Earthly king- Re does not win Me kingJoni by, force of I sfaw twas bim al"Ighty, on the wrapping, or you cAn out map]# ro tteir around and, fuse Owith stovts. &ir rise and fall, -but the arms. The King who rules Ili righteous- As WaIn as It c�uld te Waves for tile purpose froin crape paper . - And all at onbe lie whis-' lnessallne for th6 lining, and cannot Well He sprang to his sleigho to his teA% gave the eorMng of Chirst. Tht hind of the a0ma Ilave th, '-f pere(l, - napkins -that have a4A niford to buy it? A cushion to I a 'whistle, - sbadow -of dQRth­"VIlis represents a Poll- kingdOni ot Christ s iid,i have no Ond- UP- nem, mighty to save, is the son of man, And said so Soft 11!tQ alo." I this design. It is a far try, from the baby's bottk, p, how- L14C IS . .*.*w ­ - . to selecting jewelry for -,v man, but there evor boautifully embroidered, ig'not of AM Away they all flow like the down dition. in which opiritual ileath pivvaila. on 1 -he UtT.oue o.f David--01trist sprang the divine. kinsman of the r e. A I dot so gearod 1holl6red . we,ro ,some truly beautiful -%rateh f6bg . Much 1130 without the root of the cush. of a WSW; Somia think the Babylonish captivity % from the family of David, -I Ito is 61)0- 'Ptinee of Peace" lie will bring man to And Yelled niost fit to butt Home Made Chrbtu%s difts. folip but If the reciplent is a wonlan of But I heard hint excloAm ere he drove meant. There would be doliverallee from ken of as ruling ,over Israel. He is the man, nation to alLtion, � Ile . U e .0 to be seen at one jeweler's. From tI � will ttttri. B t then you. s,d I n ticed, limited weans, it may bd a long while (rA,eout of sight: that captivity, and the light would shine ruler of the WOPle #f All AWS 01ad buto among the empires of the world (That Ted,) lie leaked saw dust. ChriAmaa proisents ghould neve. ex. it Aritig easy, to be distracted by tilt, array, boforo sho,can got suitable m4terlal for rry Christmas to all. Aud to oil a upon the nation in its JaI w1l1h7 the tllmos, ,who aecept the -great salvation and rule Over all. Ile bI his sub- They! thinm: began to shako so- prets inianey. aloney is alwa-ya a, vaigar oL* stickpins. One wala 4 piak tapat set making it up, goo'd.114gh , t�)� � appearing of tho 11eo-aiah, 3. Thou bast which 116- bat p ects into eolumunion with God told 03- He changed into a Imp eonsidcmtion. Poota and artiste, ifte.,ver with sniall brilliante. 11 I rauta have been it�dreamlng have morte.y. Your Christmas prcsent4 Al thi's mayseein %,tsif tile Wholdmat- -*." mix-Itiplied Ap nation-Tanlah)a prophetio rule ft. tTudgaleat itud With iu1§tic0- tabliah6s poace, which eadures througli V or thingg WU 30 MUSNed UP. should express thought personality avd The new Zelaftria cloth ha$ beon mddo ter of Christmas giving, especially vlhor6 SOMIE SUITA81I.5 GIPTS. Asion beholds, the rising and spreading 1119 ,ftillnillistra,ti-011 is 08011likly just, all troubles and against alI ellowles. Th6 tho intrinsic value of the gift iq of me. (!Ohn, Smith. Ili nuffalo 9xvresq.) of the Itedeemor's kingdont. And not ovi.4 iminir)m-obtiblo. Ze.11­'r!Atr"e`I extol* incrclaAe of his government ahidl be by It Was & flifiny night mate, , temperament. up into solne- of Uxe most atttrtetivd, Vor t1io b0a ,tbr(ie M011 -this old loi4 and det(umlnea But not Igo 'Odd. You -Aeo. Itom to make an umbrella Taek: Tnkls Ileglig0lea and altfflnees ever seen. They Monts has many, pitfallg, 13ut if thel,o Increased tile joy -Dr, Clarke, na- well isteT148). glowIng love, the instrumentality of the goispel preach. ,Cj.1130 oil tbat very morning. , Is Clothex four teoit long, a All old length of 6tOvq1P6­rl16t 14 no nare -truly Oriental In colotat aloo. but Vor 411 girl at-quaintancoo-Cards or VL9 111-Ost Meat s�holarsf thinks the text' purpa-,,e. J�jord of lioLt -It is lie -vh , . hot 11IM17"IlOsPitality In the hall," caletidars Indiser1rainate I shov " 0 .1 'd, iweompauietj by the influence of tile A bear was left for m,6. objoot-Ion--and rivet elther the upright 4180 the "gellial flame of charity In the ly. I ild, read$ "Thou hast hie.r,,�ated their commands till forces in ilia Wiverae 1XII(I (,Ioly Spirit. lit this the prophet tonteiii- - I hug and klss my baddy erld of the stovopipe or the 4ownrigbt Viege little Awekaoos ana blr& wbich Pot KIrl frielida--Glovea (price nlA* joy,ot, 3�rany alieffent inatiuseripts Bavo who will imrry His PUPPOMIS Into OX' plated, the whole world. Thd kingdom Re's deta ax sweet can be hoskrt," tho givor will tot fall to 'find Ineltodod). � end to An old tin pic plate. Cover tho havo od for tsome, time for ueet the rIght way. For raph aequa1ntAVJcea�Doh1t bothef the latUr reading. Tbty Joy-'rhey re- eoution. of the Aleagiall, ill itt essential la,w-1 and And ev'ry night At bed flind appftr . 11 -60- , 4 t - With anYthinit, I joico, Acoording to the j;v ill lkarvmt Questions --who il§ flio Writer *f file principles differs front all the kingdonis � stoveope with a thick coat of ghte and as place4ards )lave a lit�Ar relittion In I � ­ � 72nir men fr1onds-Box of olgars. (LOav* --Tha springtime prophecy , I a barver,t, or4a -of th% -lesson? When and atiek ploture post ,eardia all over it, fov- etknie tiny OuIro wlilch, iawaa of the CbO106 to tho tobacaonist). 0 W ,where of rneii, past, present And future, The - lie holps w6 wagh the d1she4k I Vho ivai3 king of 111dall At x4gu eards pre he t estrits eatehilig tho glass with the -01&w,,% fit For mother-NoLoery or giass. is fulfilled, and tli#ra IsJoy because of did He li'Vet � Purpose of God is that Ilia people should Anti hang Uv all' the 010flies. I I ­ I Vor father -An Itsh Alftor. tbo fruitage obtaiii,ed. "Thoy Jov before the tima Ito Wroto thme VOI�ds? To - So don't you tall 111ra stuplil, do not stick to tho glut, then, have t1le onto Ow ritni by a weighto(teaoll- that It Is 1110 thnO that tit# Chrittina XZCM9A,UY GIM, th .% eta V 11L vita have joy, deep, fu)l and satisfying-, 33eeauxe rnsr Teddy knows: stovepilpe p&foiAtea 'with little Wtg keeps t1win froin top.h4�avy ityltio. A , aell Ils An expreation which Ah6ws thttt what peopla did. 'he v I ? N I t . . T.*,R. A. , ,rty-secondol an lach in dlain. - work is Woll under wityp if not �t> Vor the ,141-dAll boy-11tulfe, .sledo Ice tile jO,V im 41, roligioll.j, joy, As men re. their oonditiont Whom -o,omij�g did fiel I . 80 ,out InIo lit tny 111ghtle about it thi plotail, Altloa thtro va,o &IV 121' skates. rolter sk0da. mittens, t1oV6N jius4 oleo w1i6a they divide the Apoil--This forot,01t 11ON& VU tho 11,683%,11 to 1001110 �+4 - ,And let mw det to bed I Ittor, EL1141 U0 the ftrds; 611 Ni4th cathet Vie littlo Japanese band Atoves are V&YA x thou- pendars, whip, candy, nut$, uots. Don't MORA Santa :019,U3. itni doona aa& Xrls Xringle wire or ribbon. Alwayo keep in it dt being revivM b� -ofto siore,,wil'teh ILIso satil an(I Ono things Aoroppfi* lip,itt tile sweat6r# book.4, blopkk, p6nellis, fountitin it tile joy bf vloto4,y And eonqjpst�. TI)I t& mrtht Wilat itaines are given to 'To brIng Tvoll a . H a Ted. y W Join, toot jw, horn, drum, etti), pew shbei, doTAIng of II wean,4 the deftwat of Chrlgt &TIA what A0 ,I Intan? Dea- Do not, I bog ot you, ilisilluAon tbo I I 1,.­.**Jh.I,. ent. The fancy -work gift by ­ plitee Avid iw4y irm stli couttlet with showg lialf ,a dozeyt sorts of Ifteonse and s- now *ult, new overooat, bank, Whistlih, . damprt-hes. reetik-e from that lifilt- Iand for wbich *144, MwooYi 001116 b0tiveca. the lnflniatI6 vocket intrror, Kgtni6x, Satan And victory ovcr Win. Tit qarthly enribe th6 �klngaoxn wIlich 114D Im to es- thildt6n too soon, Aemelnbe.r - that thato 0HRISTMAi DINNER. ifk� fAmily Oft, of money value, and tild yor tho =411 glrl�*Ooll (aptaklo , nf fairs thore is J;y over gaining tilt Vk. tablfih. are unfo-rinulated pro*A that (I,d.V do. - I.Ictall.04 rnore woodl Tha WInd Is clilll;� .o -m*de nuffitaxy briiAlift: Vln4 tile makers claim Initoll towokr(l -1,euder- dreemo. apron, shoes, doll (chins), WAV19 tory- hi tha spiritual welhare alAo tlttk finition .and cannot 'be -colnpresat4 % into 33ut let it w1listle as It will two aniall eiz6d, tierub brush". Be sur# lag things 1Wthful. lormil offorIng of flowers, )i�nbonA. Or mirfiftery, toilet soaps ribroon, kittell, .r,a PRACITCAL SUIMY, . * book.4- Arid, truth 'to tOl, it of on 0 1i I&I Ill mAtch. It thoy 'havc, beon mitthemati-eal proppotions. J6y is the We'll keeD Our hr th ierry aill. tilA.t tIlky i ,doll (WhObe eyes Opeli nod dalso), comb, le Xundtnt toason for glailitemi over the Topio.-A provWan of t&4 oenturlhw, . -air Walter Scott. U80(t and dl,k*rded, W1 thm llitl,f ,* Vieres a flower shop whieft iskopt rept0gilts tt goo(l bit of money,- ill# dif. odoriorso Nvork biti , ket, work b0k, d011 Arlototitil ga,ined. 44 OU hom Consomme with Chestritit TIMbI04s. . fdroes Is that It is not a wear (Mg) rauff, fur neckpitet. collar, Jalbot 4. Thou linat brol,(m tho volke-.-II L �Settlllg lOrth A hew d'OP6114"'t"ol" 01% &W110,04. Chy fim&s fI0 the I a w1at rs Plmolom . day in Weak s(AutioA of 0,&rbolie ftehl by an oe'lat who is porpottuffly (lesign. O,bl 6 1) r btflt. , 11itndb&R, purs4, doll buggy, doll e breftilmd salmoll, A 00U 91?tj stli(t is therefore suitablo (witoot drtsts 8111) on Knd off) III Avere 61le0,eps1v(,1%, T16,1jj,e?e(1, f 0111 11. &ttlng lorth 4 slorioue klogdora. with joy. It In ibue for h*ppinewl, for -and water A1141 then give them a bath ing hurprism. for W8 eustomom Ono d to othora flmn membert of th,q fa,milr, - . J61W SWITZ thd IN11r4alleorne iI ,9,illiup yok6 of'rtho 1. S*ttlug torth #, t*w dl�pa-Matlo% A oqw hoip6, for large untAfLihmes Itua Celery. Bread Vlngtrs. 011ves. of fdrW&Wiyde. Christmas preseoto 1,14. vlmt approved ero.,ltlots it "A tit, 0-0 7 0- stow- 19 13#1 & 04�, ", fim ..�,,"ff I An4 t,oftolt solvol.-s tho gift pro�ldnj for Wl"... Ascytianto ChAldemis, T"misr.8 ,tnI4 4 u1AJ#*tfo violon of lljtlit Auid pot.." d4wn. --+,yp4t4nW tb*aklubea. Tho Voo4 St. ttOW Vdk0y- Oyster Stuffne. Should alWft:yA be "niftry. When thov. of Old IRO -010," Whioll h ordo bowatifully. ill# I P00iWOU fOrAIM114 WhO dGKIres AF'I 0HOISTMAS, . MaieftIrm; 'bilt thess de11V0MJJe6 It "ill. iu th6 %Idtt Xiow*a its miV*4140usly mollig & Me Cranberry Uly. ouglily dry jWnt the bdekt it pvr4 kM�- nistdo au4 olovorly-arranoa 1y1,6-(% at to I'll gift at an OU L 40urfar.,Tourhal.) w4rd ouly 4 ') 4a thii infinite MAShad Potatoes. ad,tolu ., t1sty � (LOUIW116 ,c budow of rede�vptlon from a utioul POWAY, It Is r ana MAWC # 40 :1,", " iamTthy *ith .ZLI I bc%utifttl White aad eover with noveftl . mo&.11,11ig %,,td,d t � . _ I 11 & h m L - 4 4 (�4 11P oft tT I laikk4d. sweet patat"s. NOLA, . 0 iprWALfvMb*b,t61Ml of A f4w bu'trs) for luitanceo Rua �4 lot "Vhhtlk 01 that olhtttr out in the 1 tho yoko of &ttitt- aud that Wamp- tha t1to c1ftrt*t prom�lsu of the )d*k- zoa-4 of I&Wsh son L Tomitto ,Ralad. N*ts &I 014ing. sprinkt,6 With aklo (,(-,1llMn4 ot py one Whith hsk-4 ItWenTrAll bara, rordt" I _ g- &M Wig"li-ter "or . I lol jrl� predleted, its it *M h**,6 bt*n givtn in itU &Tkot Ito rooh Of Wt gl . AR lov,blafat lot- ' Chessis Balls. evid ,dust aml deoomte with t p ft dozeft , '' WO "tty 11 , �r i', iuch as out za,y pre. " rtWAU W# thii bosio turk6y o1011njt,,tb,* tion, stemm hero espRially oba to. 166 *vn rium Pud4ing, yh lweptud,m 10'r eat ftowm sktto 4 1 11 I* -4st vabrold*ri4 ita. ow, _4 6f �14torjr, U,41ah: lor4mw & Uw* loft J4 $k troJa, ftliern In him; COW7 . 13onb010, 461A. , Ith r , , *� x1ros4y *a*otPp1lsl,eAP 'Tht staff �of his hour . tr*wior p0urt on the oe-utt# at fam. &1.0W..A­ - , I . ­ . . . . ­ ­ � . . 0 . . I I � -.,.A-,,r! . � III - a"AV­ ". �­,,�." � . . . ..., I I . . I � *1 , . . .*, ., . �� . ­ . � ;Ms�a—ftw,!�--d -... I --'*.I� -----. -1AW-***#A , - - . . , �— ­ -- - -� , W� � � ­' , # A, . � )� . � � A".".,��- 4 "�, - 14 . I #