HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-12-19, Page 5Tl 1 sDAY, Ecum 19, 19112 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS By McGEE & CAMPBELL BELOW WE OFFER A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Neckwear of all kinds always a popular gift ; Shirts, plain and fancy ; Silk Knitted Neckscarfs in all colors ; Hosiery in Silk, Cashmere and Worsteds ; Mitts and Gloves lined and unlined ; Braces, Armbands and Garters, all in fancy boxes ; Collar Cases ; Silk Umbrellas ; Handkerchiefs in Silk, Linen and Exceldas; Bath Robes; Sweater Coats, and many other lines just as suit. able. Buy your Christmas Presents early, get • first choice and have your worries over. McGee & Campbell. CLOTHIERS !a ME.JV'''.S' FURJKISHE?ts NOW IS THE TIME To get busy about your Christmas gifts and get your choice of the swell goods at PATTERSON'S JEWELRY STORE aaaalalaaaaaa-Lealal-a!!lail:aal�Ir> itsinaminniams,a!!!!l allr�miniu int aaaiii wns ■labs!! ■rill,■ ! sa.au !Ill* �!'slaessi ■auu! ■mM lulu! !!uu.aulRIMl rrtnttaltalrll!! #ail!!! ■!!!!tt 11i:araetrlluallataaar~ ■ aal!lrraalrlr!`atrsaifllaaaal� iin:nl:::�u p::�i viif X1810 iiuu :i:a::I aaal:aa ala ala awns ■Ilalu ala mom axillas ; alaal•lraaalahmassa We have the swellest and largest stock of Christmas goods ever shown in this Town. Don't send away for goods until you see ours. We have what you want and the prices you cannot beat. Diamond Rings frorn $Io up to boo ; a large stock to choose from, Also a Targe stock of Pearl Rings. Pearl Neck- lets from $to to $5o. Also a large stock. of Pearl Pins and Sunbursts. We have anything you want that will snake , nice Christmas gift, W. G. PATTERSO THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR OPPOSITE QUEEN'S OOTU, A Midsummer Visit From .Santa Claus NE tittle somebody (they could never lend out who tt WO played asjoke on Santa Chute and tore off all the leaves of the calendar up to Dec. 22, which, as you know, is only three days before Christmas. It was really midsummer, and the weather was very hot, but Santa Claus, who had always gone according to his ealendar and had never found it wrong, believed time must have slipped by him without his realizing it. He had been rather taking his time In the workshop and had scarcely half enough toys to go around, so he was much worried how to give presents to all his children. A fairy heard him talking to himself about his troubles and had a splendid idea. She hurried into the woods and told the other fairies and all the beasts. and birds and bugs about Santa Claus' trouble, asking their help in the mat- ter. "I don't see how we can help touch," said a little bear cub. "We can't make toys." "No," said the fairy, "but you can be toys. My plan is for us to offer to take the places of the toys that Santa Claus needs. We fairies can be dolls, for there are lots of dolls' dresses to Santa's workshop, 1 know." "Splendid!" Santa said. "Just hop aboard my sleigh, which is hitched in the front yard, and we'll be off." So the animals and fairies and every- thing else hopped into Santo's great sleigh, and he, climbing to the seat, clucked to his reindeer and bade theta ' 3I'IiEAD TIIT;TIt WINGS AND FLEW QFF. .;y over the ground. But they could not move the sleigh, for there was no snow on the ground. Santa Clans did not know what to do, but the fairy de- clared that she could fix that difficulty. She blew a little whistle, and bun- dreds of white wild geese cattle flying from the sky. She told them what was the matter, and the geese, eatele long the end of a long rope in their beaks. spread their wings and were otp with the sleigh and Its precious load, bearing it as lightly as a feather. so that it hardly touched the ground. By morning Santa visited all the towns and left presents everywhere. Ile hadn't a single thing left in his sleigh and thought that he had done a very good night's work. The chi! - dress when they awoke in the morning and found the presents wondered where they could have come from. Some of the little bears had cards around their necks, which read "A Merry Christmas." The children were surprised, but joyously began to play with their strange toys. The little baby bears, who kept their claws Curved in so that they wouldn't scratch, were the most delightful things. The ehll- dren were very road of the gifts. The gnomes made splendid clown dolls, and some of the fairies were par- ticularly pretty dollies. The birds in the rages sang sweetly, the beetles drilled like armies of real soldiers, and the field mite spun on their heads and skipped over each other's tail to the amusement of their Small owners. In a fern days, however, the children began to tire even of these wonderful new toys, and the forest people said It was time to return to their Own homes. When they reached home they start- ed in to help Santa Claus make toys AS fast as they could :io that no time would be lest for the reel Cbristmna. The dear old man had by this time found he law made a mistake in the date end that the Children should be expeeting their regular call from Mrp at the usual time. TUB WINGIUM ADVaA NOB PRACTICAL PRESENTS FOR THE HOUSEWIFE Old Fashioned Cross Stitch Used For Making Charming Gifts. The recent revival of cross stitch for needlework goes merrily on, and not the least attractive and useful 'Peens of employing this old fashioned stitch is In the manufacture ot guest *nun TOWEL IN CROSS STITCII. towels for Christmas presents. The illustration shows a very dainty model with quaint basket design car• tied out In dull blues, tans and pick. A ,fancy work bag in creamy linen with little flowers of cross stiteh across the lower end of It for a border and the owner's initials in cross stlteh above would be an appreciative gift for the housewife. Not a White Elephant Gift. One of the most useful presents for a busy woman is a simple mending bag. A more elaborate present Inas become a "white elephant," where an everyday necessity of this kind will prove its worth repeatedly. A useful gift for n busy mistress of a house hold is that of a cretonne pocket, sus- pended from a folding wooden frame, after the manner of a ramp stool. The frame eau ahvays be procured easily and only requires sntlieleut cre- tonne of a dainty pattern to form the nucleus of an eininently serviceable sewing kit. When not in use it can be folded up and placed I a corner. while it has a distinct advantage oyes the ordinary sewing bag, in that when the frame is extended the cl•liol nr the contents are visible nt once. The cretonne should he ganged un to the frame. with a heading ut :thous an inch extending above the rods, IA ttie inner pockets for the sewing license'. can be added to snit indirlllunl taste The round or sentare wooden truces ti• which crystallized fruits are Harlots, can be transformed into things ot beauty, with the help of n yurd or ,r of cretonne. Very fine cretonne shank! be used, and this should be inisiou uI` the box. An Extremely Useful offering. The housewife who is capt'hlt ot het handsome mahogany dining table wily be charmed to receive on Christmas morning a set of linen table mats The number is only limited by the LINT N TABLE MATS. donor's generosity, but lis a time the set consists of a Inrge mat fur telt" meat platter and four ot the proteolurs tot 11x0 under %egotatlte dishes. To make these mats two piers ol• heavy white Innen are required tie eneh pati, which is buttonholed tops') er except at one end, where un open Ing la lett In whirl to Skil te-be•trrs mats rut a trifle smeller mon the out er linen covering. The differenve1r, Size of the linen and the nsbestns mats Is employed to form a border, ct ilea It, turn le outlined with a roll or rrl;lchltn atite111n;,;. ')'hese mnta may he of eolured linen but white is a seter rhoire un:ese one knows the color Rebottle must .tffertev by the person to whom the present is to bn itiVens A Profitable Plot. Robert Ross owns a 22.aere plot in the marsh seetiotil of l ettmington, and this ie what he has harvested from his "farm" this year •1,000 bushels., or seven ea.rlosds of onions from eight acres 1,700 hniheln of n tntoes from five and one•lialf acres; 705 bushels of pioklinm otalotzs from one and one-half acrea ; and 6,000 pounds of tohaeaG from four atree, !toss also took ,f qhs nflby of corn and vegetables from Character. Character is that which neither money can buy nor heredity impart. Oharaeter is the greatest of all pos- sessions —it is the good man's fortress and the great iman's power. Charac- ter is not forced npotr us, it le eelf. made article (quality.) No one can make it for us it is either the hall- mark of a ttobio and good lift, or of a barren, fraitlees one, for we are archly testis and builders *f one ckarr ter6, Parisian Sage Stops Dandruff .And .Hair Loss. This Great Bair Tonic, Grower and Beautifier Now Sold All Over Canaa4 The R, T. Booth 0o., Ltd., Port Erie, Ont., Canadian Distributors of PARISIAN Sage, have authorized J. W, McKibbon refund the price to any purchaser if PARISIAN Sage does not 1"auish dandruff, stop falling and splitting hair and scalp Itch, But PARISIAN Sage will do more. It wilt promote a new growth of hair if the hair root is not already dead, and will preserve the natural color of the hair, It puts the radiance of sunshine in- to the hair and makes it beautiful and good to look upon. Women who use it once throw aside all others --50 ots, at all dealers, North Bay Council has ordered the Bell Telephone Go. to remove all over- head cables and put up no more. The Galt. Council has appointed a connnhttee to eee that the ottizens do not suffer for want of coal for fuel. —Miss Annie Braden of Teeswater prevented Bruce county Rouse of Refuge with a fine organ. A record patch of fish was made by the fishermen at Fort Stanley on Sat- urday, The deet secured 250 tone, one arm alone securing 21 tons. —Peter Dietner of 'Walkerton was badly injured, and might have been beheaded by the fall of an elevator in the 'Knechtel factory, An Edison Phonograph ought to be playing some Blue Ambeiol Records in your home on Christmas morning What a glad surprise for the children, as they come tumbling downstairs to find the good things Christmas has brought! And what a pleasure for the grown -ups --a pleasure that will last all the days of the year and all the years to come. For Blue Amberol Records are proof against wear and are practically unbreakable. And best of all, their tone is far better than any other phonograph records you have ever heard. Hear them at your dealer's today. Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. U. S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at DAVID BELL THE DOMINION BANK SIR EDMUND 5. OSIER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE•PRE$IDENT. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. • 0 $4,900,000 ,, w . $5,900,000 - - *73,000,000 Capital paid up • • Reserve Fund . • Total Assets • • • Financial Headway of the sure and permanent kind is rarely made without the assistance of a Savings Bank A count. It stimulates saving, keeps the money in absolute safety, increases it with interest, and provides the ready cash to take advantage of the business opportunities which come ones way. WINGHAM BRANCH: N. EVANS, Manager. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS IN GREAT VARIETY AT ISARD'S We are ready for the CHRISTMAS TRADE with all the NEW GOODS for Men, Women and Children's Wear. ATTRACTIVE VALUES in useful gifts in both stores. Make your selections early and get first choice. WOMEN'S STORE. HANDKERCHIEFS—,In plain hem stitched linen, fancy embroidered or initialed ; 3 for 250, 2 for 25c, 3 for 50c, 6 for $1,50. Children's plain or fancy Handkerchiefs, Se each or 6 for 25c. Fancy Excelda Handkerchiefs, 10c each or 3 for 25c. NEW NECKWEAR, --A largea ssortment of new Silk Col. lays and Ties ; prices are 25c, 350, 50c and 75c. HAND BA.GS—Made by the Julian Sale Leather Goods Co., most reliable makers ; every Bag guaranteed ; values are the best ; lots to choose from ; prices are 50o, 75e, $1, 00, $1. 25, $1.50 up = to $2,75. See our special . bargain at $1,00. LADIES' FANCY BELTS --Nicely boxed, embroidered elactic with covered steel buckles ; special value at 50c. TABLE LINEN SETS --Beautiful set of Table Linen con- sisting of one cloth 2x21 yards, one doz. napkins to match, new handsome embroidered designs ; special at $5.00. KID GLOVES—Best English and Italian Kid Gloves ; long or short ; colors --tan, black, white, brown, grey ; all prices special Xmas bargain at 75o. Dressing Sacques, Kimonas, Fancy Shawls, Home DreHses, Silk Net waists, Silk Auto Scarfs, Muffs, Sweaters, Wool Caps, Fur Gauntlets, Muffs, Stoles, Throws, Caps, Coats, Fur Lined Coats, Curtains, Fancy Rugs. MEN'S STORE MEN'S SILK TIES --Handsome patterns in new styles of Neckwear, pretty designs in Shot Silks ; prices are -25o, 35o, 50o, 75o. MEN'S BRACES --In fancy boxes ; fine quality webb•good pat- terns ; 50o. Men's Fur Caps, Persian Lamb, Astrachan, German Otter ; see our leader at $5.00, MUFFLERS --Large assortment of wool and silk Mufflers ; new styles, 60c, KID GLOVES—Special values in Lined Kid Gloves ; see our Fur Lined, also Silk Lined ; all prices. Fur Coats, Fur Lined Coats; Coats with Far OolJars, Silk Mond - kerchiefs, Sweater Coats, -Smoking Jackets, Fancy Shirts, Oilk embroidered Socks, Silk Armlets, Boston Garters, Eto. H. E. ISARD & CO. • MORTGAGES GUARANTEED: Avoid the annoyance and unpleasantness which go with the collection of arrears on mortgages by investing with us under our Guaranteed Mortgage plan. You have security of First Mortgage and our absolute guarantee of principal with interest at 5 per cent. per annum, payable half -yearly. Write for booklet. Capital and Surplus over $2,500,000.00. The Trusts and Guarantee Cnmpany3 Limited TORONTO, CANADA. J. J. Warren, president. E. B. Stockdale, Manager. HURRY UP ! Only 1 week left to Christmas. The greatest event in the history of Winghabn. A big chance to save money. On account of late season we are overloaded with stock which we are very anxious to sell, and it is understood while we are anxious to sell you will buy it at any price at all. Therefore leave all your work aside and come right now to our Store and see the bargains we offer you. You'll be real surprised. We will everything in our store at wholesale price, Remember to come now, while we e;rrpect to be very busy afterward. We have also great things for Christmas Gifts, and if you want to mail your Christmas gifts to your friends, come in and buy it from us, and we will pay the mail expenses, Again we say remember us and remember yourself, by buying from ns; means more for yourself than for us. Below are only a few of our special prices :- Sweater Coate, all wool, guaranteed, all colors, reg, $3 00 and $8 50 for $2 59; reg. $2.50 and $2 25 for $1 59; reg. $5.00 for $0.99. Boys' Sweaty ere, reg. $1.00 and ' 5o for 49o. Overcoats, reg, $12 00 and $13 60 for 4.9.75; Overcoats with two wilye collars, good tweed, reg. $10.00 for$7 60. Men's Heavy Woollen Socks for 19o. Men's Tweed Ponta, reg. $3 00 and $2.75 W N- rine Shirts, reg. 1 0 and7, for490 and r 1. 9 re . 2. for1.2h, i e SM s.crC o 59o. Men's Snits, well made, tweeds and worsteds; also Caps, Hats, n- derwear, Boots, Shoes and litibbers, &o, at out prices. Always task for a free Oottpon, 'which is worth 5% to you on your purchase. N T YOUR 1:''R O) I. C.1+E ,00per Heiman Head Office HAMILTON CAPITAL PAID UP $ 3,000,000 3,500,000 Total Assets 45, 000,000 THE incentive to thrift that a savings ac - 1 count gives you is even more'valuable than the actual interest that accumulates upon:the,_deposit. The habit of saving— assuring comfort in old age—is as easily acquired as the habit of spending, Banking service in'the Savings Depart• ment of the Bank of Hamilton is as sin- cerely offered to the man who deposits a few dollars a month as to those who de- posit thousands. Reserve and Undivided Profits • 0. P. SMITH AGENT WINGHAM ud°i11'�' ;'l�llflli 2tr \‘:\‘‘‘.. \\s: \s,k x\%%x Dominion Express Money Order Service immirrarearimmomts r.ormi.,-.....r.. M.....e.N.�..r.ew, Includes "Courtesy" POSSIBLY you've never had occasion to send money by mail. Possibly you have sent money but never by Express Money Order. When you do have occasion to send money through the mail, a call at the nearest office of the Domihtion Express Company will result in an easy and pleasant transaction. On your part— a simple request atid a mention of the antaunt to ire remittedis . The agent then hands you your Money Order, all ready for enclosadduressed.re—eand that Order can only be cashed by the one to Is it any Wonder that most kelpie are adopting the Express Order as the safe, simple find satisfactory way? Madam—next time ,you have money to send anyc-here, use oininion E' r gess OFFICES Ere7 rylilW*y anion bog In Y;xrrecs OIN.. Where "sinters" mw be thmined, ,Ind in tt icit eve Ty tetra there rile branch 4tT>Lel leretred in t b e red dantIal dirrlcl. oneti rder t7rE' Foreign Cheque RATES g5 Rod, *fill Ct • - 3 ds, oras Sf t+.>t1G . G " ..10"30.50« io"so.15 " aat mkt tf� O