HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-11-28, Page 2. I " q ­ 4111F.'r I I -1111-11 ­­ 1. . 1 - � ,I , ,� , � �1' N ,,,, , 1, I I I 10 ,p I , ; 11, I I '' I I � v 4 - I III I �j 11 go 4g , " ,, , , . �j i" x, IV) , q , I. � . � � � , I . , , " - - ­_­. - ­­.- _____.______. -L ­------­-­­---­`g`­d1 111, 1, I I I I . -11, ­­­ ---00 I 11, , , , I I NOOP#,*Oio—ikkom",",,-----,,--,",--- . � I � qofto� !Ozlpllo� 11' I , ,, - 1 011104110Z 11�- 1, !, 11 � I I -I�I"P* 0 lI 00.0, 0 �, � 10100RINIFINI11014I I . , , W , .1 I .1 I oomwowoqm�W I , I I I I '�­ I , I I I . �, I -'Omw�w, , 1. V4**bW000" 1,�, �. I , . . . . I L I I , "."W . I I L - I L I I L L I 11 � I � _ �­ % L - � . I - I [I".'"I 1111,10 �'Ip 00404000,10,000.0*, �., 110 I ''. v,�,000400%"-,V*40". 1 W Mloll I!, �,Iw!" I I'l, .� , IdPI ,I , , 1 _V01""NIS-100"'I'" Il 11.1 ""­ " 1 11� , III, - "W"I I IIII Ii 0 .14, M � 4 1p.qw I b 41 0., Im, I I I L 4 I., I I, III 1� - � I I ' \ - I I I � " I L 00, . , I . . L ... ' ' . I I I I I . , L I I . L I , 404, - .� I 'ft." I I I q"q1"_1"._.1.-_ I 11 . . I ' ' -1 - . $16.401 b4od hay" $17. UYS hog, 07-000 4,41.6 4 0 011410 - 0 0 *gI 4 0 4 41140� prtcoso but tboro vroys vlot ouMolont to W ILL GET A ROME Ililllillllilililill!!iilliilllllllI a e wesoity of vrayor 4u4 self -de. *Qmmm, ._ I . . 9 . IT 11 , 7 - drmed hogs, $10.60. Turkeys, o. Ohio- ' titcot tho demand. j)airyjnS._!UAv*uslly green pastures 11 Vkj I I keU4 loo. Geese 10,0. Dlx,**� 10, - L. L". ,I ilia), � NEWS OF THE ' - (jiwst1gon5,--NVheru hsA JeaU4 been Pre- have proyailed 014 GeRaou, And t4o flow I , , � . 11ollily to ble Voining to his diaelplea? 4 gogif 0 9, Pitorborol— Az "Yotace of 10c Ia live , of jWjk tj)JA e;� jargor thou. III � 1� I hogs to $7.8� wa4 reglatorgaa here. D41ed . fail has ))g -Used Moorish Boy to be . "I .. 1P. M I Whom did lie find, witlt 1110 difsolplea? . I , I � I ... 11 - L I - bAy wa's $16j 10000'. $14). whoat, 05.0; ONTARIO CRO'.1 ' usual, although not in prgoportW4 to the I . IL I - �N`11',tt NM13 the 114tUrO, Of tli3O b0efi `4ffUQ- I - tarmerol bideg, N . app,eoraxxce of the fields, PA, owlng to Cared For. .1 I W.0,_ OiQ , I I - tioll" Wbat efforts ha4 been =0 to - I I 904$ 44ol barley, 54, - .0.,IIEF - 1 1 � 4 I I I joys,o,., but,phorol, 11% K ' .99- , I . , pot;Atoes, $1 I froquent rajAs the grags wao 240re . . I . eure the child? �Roly long haa the ohm LLL , L I � . , ; 1AY .. I 10 * tlian orcunarity. With . L I 1 I-IIIN MX—DIM, IP 101,2. b,een .n1fjicte4? RoW 410 tho Uthor �f 91 $140 QA4,. ft*s, $1,51) Pau; chig- - -0 -10 N Watery or 1140N. Yontroal, Xov. 2S.—Vio little ;Vaor, == $1.20 per palTs- soaree, t8c to I I . thigh V.ricea for olie"o oxd N4tto) the boy 010W L14 fAftll? �Vhat'dja 404I L , , rj� 11fabomet �jahom,ot, the aorob4t of the is 1 tioalarly the latter, dairymn hvly� . atia Boy.—Mark P I 14-29, �ay to the evil spirit? What waa the F 41R=:�81 Atka=, 40oj butter moro PleXt -FiI4, at M. _X0V9MXX^ %V I IL 11 g 1�jx6aau 1�ox% Ali troupe, wito ix at pro% - The Lun I Belleville—U,ay ool4 at $10 per ton. Bank of Montreal Increases "004 ont recovoiing from his Injuriae, at the t11QiAui,�nt.jry,—I. The questltgnillo Mault? NVhy did Jesue take the boy bY - str4,w, per ton ".. ,.,..$17 00 $18 00 - 0*0,090009400444-0.0,00000s phmsea It# "will broak the record $or fall , 110 N 11 TO Butter has gone j1p,to 28o per pound, by . Rovol Vi0Qria Jlosp!W, Nvixaro 4,0 was rscribea (vs. 14-16.) Wlieu—It AM4 $oo� tbe,hand? What'did Jesus !say to lilt, Vrosgod' 6 - I. - - , - - - � - 11 26 basket, the ruling price being 28e to 30c, 'Employees' Salaries. eupply.10 III over a week ago, sufferiag frota I diselp1gs? Butter, dairy.. .. .. ,I 0 30 0 43 The following statement regarding VgoddeT Supplies.—It is several yeam , - -!on, 't 41,ggo, 11V411, 4VAM . ..., 0 '39 Potatoes wore quoto4 at $1.25 per bag. . � coliditions, bued og tlw reports of 641ce the outlook for fodder supplie,4, a -k �a iftor tile. traijefigarat - "on the ReX "_r­o� 9 $a V bruises 010ged to have 4e n ge, i ed by his disciplk,*— Chickens, 60c to $1.25 W pair; ducks crop ill,treptraent'g , r PRACTICAL SURVP,)r, A)o.,, new Wd.. 0 0 *-V# 0 do 0 06 'O so generally promising IA thio pr . t th.e hands of the leado ,Xllege jy"o tile nine W110 41(l A()t 40 L o keys, $1.20 to V.5� DOWELL GOES HOME 2,000 oorroapoudeut% sent in during tile wer 01 ,amieod a home I , I _ I alth. . clllcl�wae, .0 0 A7 0 I$ eased hogs have dropped to $10.. - I '01 at of tho troupe, bas been pi Topic—ThIc, Necessity of F gea,oh, Dr by tb,I Ogtarlo Department of AR.Pricul. 1"11� -�- good hivy 0I suell " tb 110 leaves the lwspital. The 1. lix the service of Clirljat� Ducka$4 10.�"' ,:..*: :::* realized this season, Ifs the baale Of 4,40. a5 6009 as rolnp,jily je4its upon the mount, A great .. 6 0 1 rX 75, Nvillie live hogs Temain at $8 per I L null0tude—Ther6 were, pera%psk VwO ,eese'l lbf 4 4 . , 0 4 . . 0 . 0 0 14 tulvt 0 for tbe Protoction of WOMA . U cec-sful winter handllug of live stock 'q-vei t I . ' Vall Wh4at,—This ,Arop has fallen off aud ad4od 0 0 4 begon a f4i�l �T r(maggas, NOy the people thronged t1iith. 11, in those ojeelcing Christ. Turiceys, lb, � ..... .... 0 POW 3 () 25 gowt, Beef forequartere were $0 to $7 - I Will Test'St. Lawrence as to this th r ba and � lildren, -who intereste-1, khemselves Tbey ,�t JeWs Wai L IiA the service of Christ, On com- Avploe� 4 hindquarters $8 to $9; A11003, $4 Pair, , in his case, Are qatlafied with the 4r- ar: liad heard th, bi. 0 ... 0 V . O.. 0 1 50 2 60 111L P, � will be down from, the wountain and the N verap yield, Q4d the grain ia hardly yield of roots. Less mill lee,U I rangeme L' hides, Ile to M; country hidea, , nts that have been tentatively I it 1 decid. there and deilrod to sea 11113, and thOY i Potatoes, ba,K .... .. .... I '00 I 10 Winter Rotite. lip to its Own *tuaaard of quality. Tile purebaaed, -whiell means Inuch to farm. _ ,&,,r,,,,,y of the trausfigilratiou, Jvous found 1c; horaellides, $3 to $3.50t wool was . , de,� Unti 9 .d w1hetho- the wero attracted by the unsuccessful Of- , Celery, dozeAx .. .. ..... 0 30 0 35. Z, ly, , wet. weAthor durluK 4arvest cauise<l con- em, with bi%u costing from $2gil, to $25 LM" � forts of t�e nine di,-Oples to have tile 11,18 U1110 di,seiples dofeated in the pres- Cabbage, dozen, .. .'. ,.,. 0 80 040 2,500, fold. d6aklUB 700. to 750- Oats were Ideroblo sprouting In the stook . $20 to $30. The motber of the little 144 in Tangler w4uta L . njug ence of his enemies. At once Jesus put , not offered on the market. Wheat Nvas John Brygdoson, died of injuries. sustain- 8 I , and tv a ton And sbort from hor son. evil spirit east out. Scribes questio iseef, Acgreqxtartergs .. .... 7 60 $00 portion of tlW -crop. was also hauled in excellent fall pae.tures have also coil. Lhe scribes to silence by hL& iltleetiou of worth 85c to 900 a blishel, ed IA a movoreayoia .Qo,lllsion ill Toronto, bef or When the case was made public in tile wjtJ4 titem—The hatred of the sprlbos Do., hili4quartere, myt,. 11 00 12 00 I e being dry. tributed to lightening the task of winter aril Jogsugi and their couse(juel buke, "What question ye with them?" le eidgeo, pwt.. 9 50 10 50 L . "14 1 E XilIQty_Sj.X sermon4- were preached in g Wheat.--Th6 class of whep,t is feeding Ili the stai)jee' . press, He4o Dealanatti, the leader, Aw. towi , , it do, re co" c.hoic . Spring -a fligs entrance amon,g tholn, changed the ting the boy, woo sire to destroy his. influeuee, and. eve olo atuation. , It silenced his on,emim, Do., medium, cwt,,- _. 8 U0 9 00 C ronto under the nappives of the Dom- not now largely raised in this Province, Poultry,—Reporte colieerntug, poultry released on person,al bonds to' -�4p the )jig life, led them I to pursue Will eve -4 Wh . Do., Vommon, owt A 0 0 00 7 00 . ALLED TRIAL FARC inolon Alliance, L but where grown the quality was rola. are on,the whole favorable, High prices reasiI. his diaciples and brought vie. - iuto tills Ver Ylomic-5 . Alutto-A, light, cwt .. .... 7 00 9 00 I The Bank of Montreal has raised, the tively bettor than tlmt of fall wheat. for both oggs and, flesh have encouraged VOM ,gote r(grion. The e 0 fail- � L 0 , i� 0 tol,y out of apparent defeat. Tli, of Jesus ,III apparently vietorlous,and Veal, columon, Cwt .." 8 00 10. 00 ries of 1,000 employees, the inereaseo The Now Fall Wlwat,--A smaller area inany farmers to n ure of the disciples lvad been charged. 1. " 11 00 13 00 axeragili . probalil,y tatintod tile'; (114ciple� Ivith -e Of Christianity. The at. DO., cWt.. Contempt of Court Charp "' . g $100, of whoat has been sown this fall OW111Y care to this branch of the farming in, ON LAKE their failure to clire the afflicted boy. as a fa0ur s =1. 4, -0 Tile Itafs tak- largely to th-e latenesi� of the 4rves�, dtuqtry, The very ,wet seaeon, however, iADRIFT Inosplie1v of scornful unbelief, whi0i Vr'ng Bell Telephone Compgay -%vaa somewhat trying on all clasee-3 of 16. When they behold hini, were great- . in Dynamite � Case. - . and the difficulty of getting oil low , surrounded the (Usciples, made their SUGAR ISILU�Kr,V, en its poles off a hundred and twenty lalldy I AmazeAl-Ifis face would. seem, 114e 1 4 owing to the frequent rains. The poultry except ducks, turlceys beingmost f4itli Wter. The seribes gloried Ili. the ' Sugars are quoted !A Toronto, in bags, five Istmets lu Montreal and pl"ed tho I If failure of the disciplO. L Wires underground, Georgian Bay district is t4e only fall af fected. I t klit of lWoses (E xod. 34 ; 30), to h,%'vG Chri-A maui-' I w1loat section. closely approaWng its And Turret Crown Has re f the colestial glory of fested himself to protect them and to glxtrrt grall Indjanapolls, Nov. 24.-Imprisonnient STATISTICS Or, Ll'�� STOCK ' , ly mount, which had not faded assert hi,,s power. The (1.180iplea L haa Mot l"ted, St. 14wronoe..% 80 � Wm. Short,,, aged $9, -one of the pion, own normal Ureago. Correspondents Smallpox Aboard, the ho , I)O. Redpath's.. ., .. .. .. Ig, 4 85 of 11orbert S. H"k ' e The numbers of live stock on hand on U'd fill P ,ill, One Of the .11101 eers of I'llkington Township, Elied Sud- report a favomble seed bed, and mo,st I into tbt! light of columon day, ,,t - a conscious humaiatiug failure, a myz- Do., Acadia., ' III, .. ......... 4 80 defendants, in default of'an I lnerea,sal denly from heart Wlttre,. of the fields of now wheat look fah -4 July 1, 1912, were as follows-, L I , -%vith swe 'il . ted the bebolders ,31 -1 Wonder tory to j.hemselves. The very teT.m,,% of Iniperial gmnulated ., 0. A# 0I 4 70 boud which ,waj� required by the court Joseph D. Carroll, one of the "big prom6ing. Only fseattering mention -was Horses, 742,139, agAinst 727,916 in 1911, Sault Ste, Marie out., Xov. 20',-Dgle- '-g-�faIpijcitr, The word '(anlaZed" is R work ulated.k 0. .. .,.* 4 70 .1 JII ent made Of the Ilivs and 724,384 in, 1910. J1 stron , terror. Salut- v * , Wcau&e he had 4eceived everyone the four" of Tammany Hall, and promin ojan fly, in the countles � their commission specified the 'Ile" "I ,a, Nvilich they haA tried to do- and failed, .. A, .* 4o,.*..qI.%. 445 0 ' glgin, Norfolk and Grey. Milch cows, 1,044,177, aga,inat 1,045,010 Wed and with smallpox a4oard, the ,g word and denote% .NO. I - y polities for twenty of E e4 with respect. 10. yet they did not appear to have been in bire�g!'le014NIV, 5c per owt. more; ,ear lots, 'CLe.a0UXjWlg by tile "triet attorney of in New York cit, . ,steamer Turret Crown is adrift at the , h1pi---PAregetod lihn. I a woman writer in t.fte 4*11I room As years ,died in New York Ilospital. Barley. -There has been ct good yield in 1911, and 1,052,706 in 1910, L He asked the scribes- ,Jesus hIlOW tile 0onscious of departed yower. It did not .50 less. of barley, 1>ut the quality of much of Other cattle, 1,580,003, 4gftirOt 1,547,- eac,tera end of Lake Superior. Word 0 -Ves all "'AuareI and 4 repudiation by The now dock built at AmIxeratburg ,embarrasgragant of the baffled disciples owur to them to suspect the= I - , the crop io not up to the mark, cons4d- 50 In 1911, and 1,614,332 in 1910, . etween them and ney wore confounded at their lack of OTHER NARKETS'L atterneys lor the deleuce of &ome 01 by the Canadian Government has beqn Sheep and lambs, 1,021,848, against Nvaa sent here from Fort Willl%% tG their questioners for their protection. it success, but not at their Iack of faith, tlie acts of I the a%endwits, were ,,among completed, and Is said to be one of the erable -of the grain having been discolor- 1,040,245t and IM5,101 in 1910, jut-ve m -en to Imlidle the 11MIS, On her , WINNIPW Q�OTATIOIST,S. ed by the almost contiuilous rains pro- arrival Saturday night, and uollee have the scribes had any further questions, - wtticii was the oause� of their failure, Nov. 23- agensationti*nal inoiaent at the "Idyna- best docks on the great lakes. vaillurcr Swinge, 1,702,052, againqt 1,744,� 1 II! r since to they inig-lit ask him instead of his disei- and that, b"aus-o of a lack of prayer. unto conapirazy" trivA Swtux,day. Sir Ma,ekenzio Bowell, who was , during harvest, Some of the 1011, and 1,001,042 III 1910. ,83 Ill boen on duty at the 1WR43 eye Pray-orlessness all(, powerlessness Wheat- . liooida was declared W ha,ve been in at barley also sprouted, after being cut. .. She pies. 90 ,the Wellesley Jlbspitagl, Toronto, for Oats. -Like the other cereals, oats Poultry, 13,01.74,983, against 12,942A3 prevent anyone from coming ashore (vs. 17�22-) 17. 1 llali4 in hand. Christ has Leell ill pra, - Open. High. Low, Close. the empI of (jeteetaves isoon atter 'the some weeks, recovered sufficiently in 1911, and 12,460,787 Ili 1910. was last seen late Saturdi,ty night, Will -AL1, 11, A father's appeal y' ".Nr 0 V. . . 0 81% 0 817/8 081% 0 8178 -.Los Aligelea Times explosion. Jle w" ow,11.g h] L to were uluch damaged both In grain wid 611e wao 14xit sight of by her eonsort in -4 '110 or on tile Ta r o thee 111Y son L mountain while they had been o to straw by the wet weather during -the The numbers of live stock sold or I father was uot disheartene(I with the praygerless in tile valley. Ma WWO, D".. �. 0 78% Q 79 0 78-1/is 0 79 also accufse.d ot imvmg toi(i a Nvitnev4 go to his home in Belleville. ' period of harvesting. In fae a ,snowvtorrn, She is bound for Goo - Xay . - - - 0 83% 0 83 % 0831/ 1� , t, MU611 of Slaughtered in the yeax ending June 30, gian Day ports, where sile will be quar,i af- "I.-Ioly 1011gy shall I be with yo �, a 0 83% ox overuearing Jujin .J. Xe,�Namara tabi ' falhire of the disciples to cure his , � u?" ex- dats- � � 0 . I Frederick Byron Haskell, for thirty- the crop had to n the fields for 11-132, were aja follows: antined. A tug has been aent to her flicti.,d son. 116 'had some faith allat Press ft feDling that lie eould not leave to President Igyilc�, of the lnternatWni. � five years in the service Of the G. T. X, wooke after 'being ciit, which in some Hor"s, 101,911, P,gra,lnst 105,741 in antil they 4ad I % 0 341/j& 0 341/4 j.ypograyalcal union, ­wWfut an wcploa- assi-Btance. jequg could do ie. flati, a, dumb spirit Ids disc1plgQs 1 VON" ID 311/2 sjuu on Dh,e j?a�cajlo L,oast.11 and for many ears a conduotor of the instances. staxted Ixesh gro)Vtli in the 1911 and 07,000 in 1910. __.4.*.V, t - --; ' -Ile could not speak. Yet he could crY, ,,troliger ill faith. From the mention of . ToroUto-Poterborough line, is dead. shocks, sproliting of grain, etc. While Cattle, 8^140, against 837,544 !a loll out (Dilw 9: ,19), and lie was deaf also tile fp;,%Yer of faith, showing them that Ivay. .., 0 33% 0 33ya 0 13 r,/,, 0 337/4 Miss Aiary ilieid, oi i\sw VorR, was it is the intent I !on, ft is said, of the much of the oat crop may be classed as ftnd 817,230 In 1010, MINE TROUBLES aiain thUim which wolild make fliew MINNEAMLIS GRAIN XARKET, b,rauaed by the district attorney as an I (V, 25.) 18. 11,rhergesoever lie taketh the 1- S of HV- -Anouvillst, who ought to 1)�o exc4udeu Federal Government to test the practi- Al in every respect, the general eon- Sbeep, 531,957, against 505,015 in 1911 him-Wbon the paroxysnis seized lilill, jistrong for service was tile gm p Xinneapolisi--Wheat, December, 80's/i - oiltion may be atimmed, x1p aa .large in and 512,009 in, 1910. I Ile s) _ cability of winter navigation the coming ,in t I"j , 37L in ina faith which holds fast to t A -lay, 80%c; No., I hard, 855%q No. I ,IxQm 1ho court room," for cervam ar his contortions an.j sufferin," g , were ter- yield, but rath-er lighter in weight and Swillo, 2,088,874, agit s 63S) 1 1 rible. He teareth hlm----�'Tt daslieth him h, t�eiigtli of God, and is maintained by - No. 2 northern, mues 94e publashed concerning the t1U1 season on the lower St. Lawrence. . poorer in quality. 1911 and 1�844,405 in 191D. Arrests in Porcupine, Strike f- northern, 81% to 83%, � down" (IL V.), - as if In eDnVIIJBiOns, Q0115,tant devotion toward God Un(I sel 791/,�, to 811/ge. in the Union Aiagazilie. Truino Dooff, aged 18, It NA040nian, Rye. -There 1B nof. rauch ry-o grown Poultry, 5,501,013, againat 5,011,318 In L . I (jenial toward the world. Whatever _Aja oi the oni=je of the union .now wa,s instantly killed wliile while erom- for grain iu Ontario. What was raised 19 . Made. pinoth rLway-The word may denote Corn -No. 3 yellow, 43 to 45a. � 11 and 4,104,716 in 1910. Ry tonds to increase the fervor of I'Myor - Oats--NTO. 3 whiO, 29 to 291/ge. on vrial, includang ,Wrank 11, Ayam, zhe ing the rallwAy traelca at Logan avenue, did well, despite tlie drawback of the The clip of wool was 3,669,419 pounds, that the afflicted one wag Nvasting aw, tends to in(wearie tile energy of faith. ' Ryge-No. 2, 64 to 58c. Vres-Went; J. T. butier, 1�ulla4o, vxle- Toronto, . unusually rainy weather. . against 3,780,798 In 1911. :or that in thp cone0slons 'whioll he Bllf� "Ili -aver Is the voice by which faith ex- Brwa,$18 to $18,50. presiaent; Al. J. Young, Boston, and J. Beeause he refused to pick up a Pea& --The wet season was very try. 4-10-4 fered his limbs became Tigid. "The fund- . � A. cIooiey, New Orleins, were aelioulle- and e�rry it to ing to peas, there being sume-sproutnig South- Porcupine, Ont., Nov, 25. -The tniental form of his nialitly was apilep- presses it.self., Jesus impressed upon Flour-Firet pa,tents, $1.15 to $4.45; disabled motIor-eycle 0 strike situation to,da.v was most acute . . sy ill Its worst form, accomp4nied by 11is disciples the truth ViAt power to second patents, $4 to $4.25; first clears, act ior puOlisnaig wliat the court said the city three. thugs attacked John E. of the grain and consilder ' able injury to CAMERON GIRL FREE in the vicinity' of the Hollinger Mine, nffect men is possessed in OTti011 to $3 to, $3.30; second elearss $9.20 to $2,50, wits **an outrtkgjeous contempt oiouuru, a'raarket gardener, of 'Cook-sville, the straw However, pra,Weally no I .. ftmbnpBs, Atrophy, ,and sixicidal niftnitt" Pro which is iNgg�cg so-uner lut.d.-the court Is..Voken than . the elevatio� of the soul life� 'Ifieril'n'g four shots from a revolver at montion was made'of t,h,e weevil. here this morning a little trouble was spake to thy dia- vo4d. It DULUTH GRAIN MARKE T. . w . (v,. 22) --Cam. Bib, I obtabled by communion with C Senator Xern and William �N- JJAWing) him and wounding both his horses. Buejcwucat�-,rnia crop im-3 coulo more precipitated by tlie interference of a ciple�, etc. -The nine had remained tit is the e:�Lpye joll of an ea, est purpose ji�jji ret WitnIess Against Negro Pug- . S8 rn sing: No. Yhard aniong the attorneys tor the delence, into favor during the last two or three crowd with a workmAn going to the Hol- t 0 urns allow that equal si I the foot of the Inountai n,%Vlli lethe ot", * whi,ch is acceptable to God, There is 823/4,c; No. 1 northern, 83%e; No. 2 do., arosIe and said they had not been oun- iffrage ars, and considering the prolonged wet . with JeBils oil the 051ount of has been'defeated in Michigan by 35 Ye 4list Allowed Liberty. linger. The special officers around the grain by further setting apart VITne, t - December, 803/,jo bid; May� W. suited about pubiishing the artiole cri- weZth.cr this season, it has gi�en ood ers were _ 0 70%, 9 I property broke up the interference, and Transfiguration. They could not --Jesus , votes. accom0ish a definite object. Hindrances CEIDESE MARKETS. ' oleir4ing the trial, and that they dis-. 11 satisfaction so fax " yield and quality troubl& ensued, which resulted in the ar- bad given them power when he scut are removed. By making the object Belleville. -At the cheese board, 074 Ovo'-wed the a 'elit'ments' exPress'ect iI1 the Thomas H. Pachett, a man about of grain are concerned. There were rest of Rert MaybAa. Ben Jacobs, and them upon their mission, but now their definite, tile mind is concentrated, clear) article. 45 years of age, drn the soin4o comolaints of the grain shelling Chiea,gro, Nov. 25.--Luoille Ca,meron, Percy Martin, .This afternoon Magi$- , ,d dead in rit Wore %vlilte were boarded; 249 sold at 11 11-10c � efforts to eut ont the evil SpI calm and i4rong. By fixing the purpose, An extract from Miss Field's artiole House of Providence, Toronto, just as during thie gathering. - wbose a6soclation wU-h Jack Johnson led trate Horrence went to Timmins and 0 and the balanee tit 11 7-10c. The T�oard fruitless. 19. Falthl m. generation - tile charaet,er is I-nade ztroug- It was referred to tile court proceeddugs as he was about to be served a mW which B,mila.-But for -the continued I i The scribes who stood by caviling at commendable in thn diseiploas ftankly adjourned until the socond Saturday In -The faree of trialo a trial in Whi,011 tile lie haA solicited. m'r'B to the negro pugilisit's arrest for alleged Jacobs was released, Martin admitted to the failure; the - people who had and openly to test themselves,in . their April. . of the early fail beans would have done violation of the Mann NVI Slave Act, bail, and, .Maybee held with6ut bail. In . Steel Trust masquerades, " tre Govern- . It Is understood that an appllea.tion Nvell. The wet weather, however was . the course of the trouble between the - brought the devil into isuch power over 'Xaster% presoliee. T1143 feeling of dis- LIVIDRPOOL PRODUCE, Illeft" is to -be made by the City of St. Thomas "rd w4or tho crop, m9my of the'pods wai released from custody to -day In one of the men was a ren by their shis; appointment which prompted their ques- Wheat -spot steady- "I wisli to make a statement," said to the Ont&rio Government at the com- Mng imperfectly r,llod Owing to uneven - bonds of $1,000. i and the disciples, whose Nveak faith sub- tjoll was,a h-opeful feature in thedir ease, NO. 1 Alanftoba-79 7d. Hookin, ii--4ng from that part of the ing session of Parliament f6r the estab- r1penim- and the beans in 0 some cases I badly cut over the head, and required No, 2 Manitoba new -7s 4d. * 01 The. young woman has been held as a the Iservices of a surgeon. The two men ted the cause of God to ridicule, VLrt tuld evidenced sincerity in their efforts. No. 8, Manitoba, new -7s 2d. court room to which he had been With- lishment of a Teclinical school. were di"oloTed and, rather soft. Witn"s in bile Jolinson e%se for several held will be brou,ght up for trial on Mon. ' !t"wi- a part of this faitilless. generation, IL In those seeking Mist, The dis� Putures Strong- drawn froal the otdier defendant,s�. "I Mrs Sells, wife of William Sells, un- Corn. --While some correspondents re- weeks, most of th,6 time in the Win- day. and all have a ,Qbare in this rebuke of ciples could do nothing without faith. Deceinber-79 3 1-2d. wish to stat,e that Miss 11eld's article uel-nago county jail, in Rockford. ID., .0 : I , rc -.7s 3 1-2 . . dertWior at Shedden, fell downstairs last port fiivort�bly regarding curn, the gen- M-1hedon. Bring .)jim unto The faflLer of the child could re,�eive '" IT , a, trazine wIthOlIL jivening- and sustained internal injuries. our Lord. May -7s 2 1 2d. was pu4lielied in the ilia,, eral opinion is that the erop is not up where her mother was allowed to 'be' It He -had muell to I by the of floers. I to the average in either yield or qual- m,�-Hlven if the disciples had failed, di- notl�inrr without n ith. Corn -Spot quiet- its hardly beiLg rew with her. The bond w" signed by Ole 0 Her condition is critical. BOLTON 1*5 LIBERAL vine power remiinM. I overcome, natural reluctIance in bring- American- new, kiln dried -69 Gd. did not kn*Nv it cGutained. any -thing in I ity. There was too Much rain and not young woman and her mother, and was 1 20. When be eam. ihim..the, apirlit tare ing his afflicted son into public, the Futures tirm- contempt of court, and few Of the other Joseph Tomalln, a middle-aged man, enough warm weather for the best re - failure of the dlS�CipleS and his own im- December -4s 9 6-8d fieers saw it until after it waa pu4, committed suiefed by inhaling gas t his accepteaby 'United Staites District Judgge him -As the boy eaw JeAlis he fell at January -4s 10d. of 0 11 eult-s. As a rule th,ere is much soft, Carpenter, who infAmeted the young once in one of the paroxysms to whiell perfect faith. Jesus tuxned.fhe "if" back Flour, winter patellts---�*S. lished.11 residence, 1�7 Delaware avenue, Toronto, liumature corn both for huskingg and woman to be present as it witnees when British By-election Give5 L 1wr wWcli diftovemd to Hops In London (Paelfle Coast) ­A 69 to - ^.4L � , Charles Blute, a� farmer Jiving, in,Mal- the silo. the Johnson case cameo up for trial. h6 was subject. "The kingdom of sa'Lan. LIPOII t'110 Ir t P Z S12. I In mall nald great, is ever stirred ilj�t,D hijtj� h.j.9 unbelief, and that alarmed him Hams, sbort cut, 14 to 16 pounds --669, den Township, drowned in. two feet ,Of Alixed Grains.. -There appears to be a In the early stages of tile ca.se Lucille . Government Victory. a -fierce "vity by the coming near of Ris Cry Was ,eii�nged from. "Have coin: Bacon, Cuniberland cut, 26 to go pounds- LYNCH NAILS LIE water laat Priday morning. His son� Ed- lessening of onthuziasm over the grow- Cameron was looked on as a, highly , . the kingdom of ChAst. Satan has great I)aSsi-011 Oil us," to, "Help thou mine un- 698. I ward, with whom Xr. Blutge made Ws ing of mixed grains. OatF3 and barley impol,tan't witneee against jobnaon, but � Stron.cIr parental love led that Clear bellies, 14 to 16 pounda--659 Gd. home, heard the cries of his fa.tbor and, are by far tile rno&t Mular mb:ture, with the presentation of other evia,ence London, Nov. 24. -In the by-elec- wrath irlien life time is short." -Trench. bellef." Lnog clear middles, light, 28 to 34 pounds tion in Bolton to fill the vacaneY . f, . be selected to rip 21, How long -The question of J.611, atiler to urge his plea, and enabled him -7 ,I) s Gd. after searching, the premises, found the as these grain$ can the Government decided that it would . on ex i gain a Vic- Long clear middles, he,avy, 36 to 40 pounds 1. T. U. President Denies body some hours later. . ake good not be necessary to keep ber in custody caused by the death of GeaT�;e liar- � Dre6. to over,come his fears aw . clos-ely toggethor, and they m, was calculated to bring out m tory of faith- A vellement conflict pi -e- -71S Gd. r all kinds of live stock. Some Mon of the father's fath. Tb e answer, Shoulders, square It to 13 Pounds -Es 0d,. Dynamite Story. Isaanc Usher, a veteran of the Amerl. el'OP f 0 - efer to add. a little peae, longer. � wood, the previouB member, S. Taylor IrFrom a ell.ild" (R. V.),,made the fact ceded tile triumph. Jesus rebuked the Lktrd. prime western In tierce& ­59s 3d, . I can Civil WcLr,.a prominent Mason, and growers pr & __ ___ - (IAbegral) was returned, with 10,011 iineloan tpirit when he'ra, Wheat; barley and oats, and oata =d I prominent that the case was not only a , god inost Americau refined -_693 ed, the owner of considell0le valuable pro- votes, compared with 8,835 polled for Christ's ;rcbul�s dCStTOVed his poNter. Cheese, Canadlan, finest white -42a ed, ' also said 'to'give sAtWactiOn V!Vere One, but wus one Of long stail,fl- Colored, new --84s ed. Syracuse, Nov. 21 -5. -Referring to tlj peyty in N A. Brooks, the Unionist candidate. e .L jagara. distriert, died at St. Peas, are ing, and lience. well-nigh hopelms, 22. Overything was acco-mplisbed when . a.4 C'Min MiXtUTeS. RESERVED CASE jezas took tile sson by bis band alld Tallour. prime city --32-- mention of his name on &tturda,y in the Catharineo. r? . The polities of the riding is there - Destroy hfxn�Thp, father looked upo-A Tumentine spirits -29s 9d, . c. 11. Goodman, ellief .of -police in New Tobaeco.-­Tlie growing aeaBon Wastod fore unchanged, though thei Liberal ,tho evil spirit as attempting to take his strongly bore him -up. He was fully Resin, cornmon-15s 7 1-24. testimony of Lindsey L. Jewell in the wet and cold fnr best results with this maJority was roduced by about five stored. -T. R. A. . Petroleum, refined -9 s-sd. trill] of the alleged dyn-%raite conspira- Liskeard, was fined $50 In a pri crop, and -some OT the Plant$ got ft Toronto Murder ConviCt hundred. The Liberalg attribute chitil's lif6. If thou cangst do auy thing 10 . Linseed 01-21a ad. sion ;of court on a oharge df having Wach of frost. The yield and qualitY . * - I -ndiani I muskrat ski s in I *8 PoesmiOn Out Of vary greatly, wme gde�oribingy the, leaf their success to Industrial Lanca- -The father had -some faitli, but it wfic % CHICAGO LfVE STOCK. tors at I ipolis, James M. Lyneh, n. 11 Has Application Granted. I shlre's aversion,to the Unionist tariff weak. He had taken ii!6,son to the djr,- Beeves ..... ... ... ... ... 5 35 1070 of this city, PreAdent of.the Ixitei=4 'season. Eli Thibb, of Chararltong, was as very poor, while other$ claisify it as pollay, declaring.also that hostility tO ciples, ayfd they had fatled ill their at- Texas steers ......... . ..... 4 30 679 tile same charge, being fair to good, toompt43 to 8e,oure mlief for him. He ROYAL GEORGE OFF W-eptern steers ... ... t... .. 640 9 10 timutl Typogr4-phical Union, nuade the fined $100 011 __4"-& pot&toes.-This crop has been tile dis* the Insurance Act la dying out. The Stockers and feeders .- . 4 2r) 7 60 folloWill'a Statement: . . Toronto, Nov. 25. -After ,hearing the Labor vote was cast for the Liberal was doubtful w,hether Jesus Himself Cows and heifers ... ... . - 270 7 45 g 0,ppoLlUtment of the seasoal. The- fields . candidate. Nvould be) able t'D Perforin a cure in . calves 4.. -, q .. ... ..... .. 4 6 Go 1025 "The story as, it comes over the wire promised -most liberal at -the thno of dig- 0-170,11ment of Aubrey Bond, counsel for The. late member, though a Lib- market slow, gen- * 1.q M i: A I such � severe case aa this. H"e com- that a witnges4 na ad Jewell test WATER POLLUTION I gincr and the appearance of the tubers 0harles Gibson, found guilty in the er,-�4,.,was wholly against his party orl erally 5c higher, .11) , _ The ",-.,;"` is Stranded Liner Floate'd Sat- Light ..,.. ... ... ... .... 7 36 785 fWd that Hookin, one of the defendantii, was first vlasa. Since being taken lip, assizee On Saturday of the murder of the'dl�qstabllshmeat Issue. . P 01 ­ '. � =Ililng. The father. with beautifii! 'I tol(I Jewell that lie (Hooldn) overheard lwwever, considerable of the crop h -U Joseph PDse ha - - I Mixed ... ... ... ... ... 4.. 740 790 - _nt I On Good Friday even. - - - benevolence of love, identifiep "ilaiself urday Afternoon. Heavy ... ... ... .... ... , 7 35 7 90 a conversation betiven J. J. MoNamara , Expects to Make Thorough rotted it, tile ,cellaj�s ziid pits-) and while ing, Chief itistioe Sir Willia,m Mulock- . L . with his son. He felt that whatevor was - . Rough ... ... ... ... ........ 785 7 55 and Ynyself ill the lobby of an I,ndiana- I solne correspondents report no injury to-flitty granted a reserve ea5e,. to be . I done to his son was done to himseI pigs ... ... ... ... ... .. 4. 560 700 polls hotel, in which XfcNamara is . Investigation Soon. from this cause, the liulk of the,raturns ttri FAT'AL. FIRE DAMP go -ed before ,the Court Of Append, as .. Bulk of sales ... ... ... ... 765 785 1 Morison. Sh4�ep­receipita 52,000,, inarket we to r, . t10 the admission of the ayide�,q I der Her 10c lower. . ak allogorl to have a5ked me, 'Why in hell I I . pl,ace the lomes fro -in rot at from 5 to 60 � , of Eli �11 I . I . IIX. A question of falth (vs. 23, 24), I dolft I something off ol� per int. , The rot lias, been the worst on Dullicleman. Until tile .ea$e % d , " - - you fellows plil . . ecided "' ' 23. If thou canst b ' NRUV6 ................. 11 .... .. 340 4 30 tile coI That I made a reply that' Toronto. Nov, 25.!-A thorough In- low I ilig fie,16 and heavY 80ils. COr. by the Coart of A�peftl n6 further ac- Kills 7--wenty-four Men in elieve-The 'if tliou Own Steam Later. Western .. .... .. .. 1, .. 360 � 425 il . canfiv, of ofesus is plaeod, -0vor'n""tin'st, Umbs, hative ..... . - ..... -6 4o 725 was inaudible to Hoeldn, and that Ate, vestigation. of International waters rtspon(lents found it diffict t to est!'� t1on will be taken )iy the Ci,own. Dunk - the "it tholl �&,UASV of the fathe" * it I We*,tern ... ... ... .. � 660 "I 25 Namara then. said, 'Well, I . the yield of SoUnA potatoes. The' ;atterea` up in the French Min 1011 Pvo . ir leman was badly I . e. . j I - froni the St. Lawrence to the head iva1c . *tv� Quebec, IIZoy. 24 ---The Oanaffian BUFFALO LIVE, ST00jj. you a man that has got the jt� of 1�ake Superior is to be earried on remarlis shoW . wits not a qu,?stion of Chrie,Ve abili _rve If that 6 record cro') would Hydr6-Mectric yatxis at the foot of .1 I but it was a qiiestioii of the msn'ii laiiii. " I you can gret the nioucv! aud that Ate- -anuslial X,ortliern R.,fflway Atlantic liner Royal Rast Buffalo despatch: Cattle receipts during the next year by Joint action have beeii reporte(l. but for the Straellan avenue at tho time that Rosen- Alaik, V rance, Nov. 24i--Twonty-fGur .. Ureakfast servi,ces wbieli are iveludo-d. I Namara and I walked away together. between the Ontario and , United sevel-Ity Of the rot. The -whiia gru�- thal was killed, and there, was no-evi- George, which -w-as stranded -on the 0�800 ]load) fairly "tive ana 15 to 25a a e he to The fildth neft%arY to the ellild's cure I .Ig,njjr,; ,,;t(>ry bas ail t1io elements of health uthoriti S. T deelsion also did ft�jurY to the groNving, 1',otat0e`� den -cc, other than his� that Gib,p,on bad men lost their lives to -day when firp sill,ce rocks ill the south clialinel off Point lower; pr I ii ,it vor� , inmt be. oxoreised by tl�e father. iftle steera, $8.85 to $9.25; , sellsationali,Am, both by implication and extend the examinatiOn of boundary Turnipgs.--jThis crop was been seen with Rosenthal on �-he fatal damp exploded 'in a -coal mine. The ex - the affliated oue ,wae in no condition St. Lawrence, Pftnd of Orleans, was butchers', $5,75 to $8,50; bullis, $4.25 to iniputation, but the facts are that I Nvaters for evidengoo of pollution is the projilising in the oayly Part Of t 110 SM, niggrlit, to connect Gibson with'the cir- ith. All things are possible - - ft $6; stock heifers, $Q.25 to $7.50; ship. rains latc, .-I llelr�. ijiotiion occurred between shifts, Only . released and flon,ted into deep water t 0 iir;.vor met ,NUeXamitra in the lobby of result of the suggestion, made by the son, b -at tlie frequent cuinstancee surrounding the murder. to exercise 'In . I . n to ibim that bellevoth-Vie belief OLf 4 Welook Saturdav afternoon, an hour ping $8.76; heifers, $4.75 to $7,25; Cows, an TndiauapoH8 -botel or any other International Joint Commission , at ed on growth Nvondge�fuilyj and a p;j *04 38 inen were in the mine at the time. Nvlli,,4h Jestis spealcs is that f0ith Of before, extrome hj�cyh water. "I $3 to $6.50; stockers and feeders, $4.60 hotel; flint I do 11(>t Itnow Jewell and to Washington last week. general yield has resulted, L 01 tles 14 were warned by the sadden * % All thinAs " . The Waters to be examined Include Alangels,Thi8 class of roots. 040 (lid ir lampe3, and niam"ged whieh God gralite the powei not to atLtj NEW GERMAN SCAR ape. arty found 21 1 Jt was biteuded-7 �njpb to to $6.75; fresh cows and springer$, hotive the best of rny recollection never wet E extinction of the' witlLin its Bphore are po,ezible to that float tbo .4toainpr until the tide reach. and firm tit $25 to $75. Hockin. L the Rainy River, St. Mary's Itiver, well, tt good yiej(l beincr reported in tar cee, A rescue p, fzith; for Gad 'will not grimit power to ed 21.6 feet forward, but wholl tho Veal receipts, 1,000 head- active ani "riurthermore, I never discussed Log River and L0,4ke St. Clair, Detroit Riv- uayly eveTy locality, - . bodies, Tile other three are apparently faitll for things whi-di He will 'not ni,nke depth had attained ZT-2 -1pet it was 50c; lower, rLt $4 to $10.50, 2 Angeles or the coast with MaNs,tilaarit, er, Niagara Riveir, the St. Lo,wrence, Sugar Boots,�-Altlioiigll IlOt so 94 -Mer- in a remote part of the mine. things" follild tj)e sill,) N,�*, , the 8, Bu- Homer Lba�s Book, "DaY Alais is a city of 20,000 soule, in th,e ag off g oulld. Hog re4eipta, 2,100 ]lead,- active either in Indianapolis or al8owhere." Laice Superior in the neighbbrhood of ally g PS a mom 0 .,rown as turni nd - 9 I � " possible,-Whedon. Tho "all � r and Ve ,e 5 0 11� P mining, (lepartment of Card, about 25 must be limited by the words, 'Ac,00rd- ,r Port William, Port Arthur and Duluth, gar beets also Made 811 � I'l lit b W' _h,�. 8t,,jyjjojVr(j .-t1jehor �yu, &t once strong; heavy, $7.80 to $7.85; mixed, 1 *04 of the Saxon. J,ng to ilia will" �j John 5- 14). 24. 4 hig wiles from Minm . 16N.'eighed, and the steamer Lo-,st Yorkers and piga, $7.75 to $1.80; rougha, Lake Huron In the -noighborhood of in',0, nearly every rn,port received be . *--* StrfLightway t1lo fatber.,.. mid witb Stratheona, having a hawser attaehi�d $6.85 to $7.70; 13tags, $5 . a r g Saginaw 13ay, Zarilla and Port Huron, javoml3le. I S 50; 4 i ie , $7.60 to the Royal, Cilcoirge, commen CURES A E EASY ru,t trees as a vule, are In tean�-­The ,encouraging words of J�gesus, R the Nvest, end of Lake Me around Fruit. --V i ' . I togother witil Ilia isolicitutle for Ilia son, piffl tier it)to deep water, which she Sheep and larab recejptf3� 9,900 h6Ad- port Stanley and Cleveland, and fair condition AvIlere care the sea- Zeriln, Nov. 24, ---General Mmer SLEEP -WALKER'S FATE. JI A for, melted j1jS heart and V,,two him new -hope. -without anv .1, ive; Lake Ontario near Togroutoo the Mouth soji having been a good 0110 for goiAcral LeWs book, 4"Tho Day of the Saxon," Now York, Nov. 25. -Dreaming that thou mine unbe reachedy grathitv aou-nd, stoadj; she.ell elow, lambe get p of the Niagara River and around q however, months I believe; h,ol.p. lief -The clearly provhIg ihat she"',%,vft8 not Iambs, $4.50 to, $7.50; -yearlings, $3.50 to Of Bullet Woun I groWtil, Some WrTeep011dcllt`S� which he, ,bompleted a few there was a fire in her apostment'a,mrs, father bolieI witl . Roehester and Kingaton'L more especially in 801PO Of the Lake L prior to his death) Is about to V6 Pub- Ida Radt, wife of a Now York binker, I all the ,faith Ile liad� toll�11ing ground. AVIlen tile stea,mor $5.25; wethers, $4 to $4.60; e,,,ves, $2 to The FrovIncial BoaTd of Health F e 6 is 'n ,rjg,,countic�% Spolk of th eriai 5 jury apd, that .%vaq sufficient to h1sure to him __ 1. t"'t C" 1 0 d tl"J) X"I tile four "chorg L $3.75; sheep, Ynixed, $1 to $4. Balkan -War e lylvestiga n' I liolgied bY the setni-Officlal Berlin walked in her sleep to a windovIr in au t1le desire4 blessiiig. A,n expericiso Of-- ,,IVhi(,.lT sh(- had out tift. were buoy,6d and ti'D etone to orebargii trees 'where the Sall printIng hoUS0 of Mittler & Soli, uptown hotel oarly to -day, and plunged n, xue of faith. PROVVOIA1 MARXETS. London, Xov. 'A. -- A 11ad Cros4 of Ontario water8i and Will do all tile Jose iscale has been neglec ed. Altholigh down to a skylight, ."von stofroy.s% be- � falth leads to an i 'M jj. slipped. 6praII is reported to bave work � . T left OU10101-The fOHOWing' pricea pr,e, Idoetog.r describes in ill* o.iirrent issue analytital work necessary. opularize the IV .11,0 evil spilrit east out (vii. 2' The :110yal Oom'ge at 4 P. M. considerablo it. low. S'lle wa; 14oriollsly, if not fa6ally, unnIng- f 0 r (,,) 11 (, ()f An Interlin report will be made to 1poeli done, there is room for moro of, tor Germall reaaets, it 11as Deen re- hurt. She explftillI her dr"Tn when 29r). 25, the P000 '02mc r ,1�(!e under lier own ateara, va.ilod to�day: Potatoeg, $1 to $,.I- of the Lancet the rapid rocoveryL corninisBlon oil Nov, 1, 1913. et .3: lie Mm(' mildop, eight knotc; .an hour. Sho, Lamb, 12t to 15c. Apples, 20o to 9-ic bao wounde(l men in th(,� Dallwn.q frow Ill.,, the Tbq eodling moth was much in OVIdOW! christened "The tritiSh r, ml)lreos Picked lip, ilion lapstd into unconmilous- 4own, from Ole Mountain (v 15), now ,,jlt(qo I Observation of raore than" 000 cuses in A problem of pollutlon that the On- and isonio of the apple$ wore also spott,3,4 Fateful 14ouT,11 -with the sub -title of 11M. % d port at 7 o'clock, the Loril kt�t. 011iam 40c a basket. Potuto.�­ij 30e tarlo authorities have to deal with 4ider- "The Warning of au Anglo-Saxoti I .1 000 � othors were comingt and dO;1bflt`63 all Stratheons and Lmly Grey, agecoffl- a bttsktt. i�i'tttev# 21c to 22c. Dggs, 28- to the Servian arAjiv. .Alfell NVII0 had be(% alone is that of the Muskoka Lakes, and seft,bby, There has be011 & cO111 , (,,,, had. to rei - Lckens, I& to 16c. Ducks, 10 to 611tt t body, the bullets pone- -were pass, able earPlu(; of APPICA, Mo . 0 BANK ACT� ,131ving he,.. S11 rllq.in ottt 45,(. Chi liroueyh th�' re oslleeil-11Y Of General," gL Out WOUL-D AMEN' , , Two years ago tegulations Who are bringin ivert. crowding moro elokWlY to him, The p. gall. IL k, C ' livex - ,trlicr vikriotlea, InAta,11('08 iltO re- w1ittler & Soft, w X66. qC " $1,L all bad arl'iv- in tli(- gtroilln unf-,l t1lo $t0jjjjc.r �jo _)5 to $1,50, trating th� -, lang, spleon and intes- tile e, � r6frade is wrought Warp �, ' ed by the boaTd making It an off enee A,Vestern Ontario wliero ft 'Was 'Aleally the Ottawn d,%pat,h, rZhe first praporied . od, thjt gI publicity ntight be t;(� j,pft t1to brp',,likwater, so as to - St, Thomae-The price of Oggs was as tines, recovered Ili a fortnight. to dump sewage or other filth In the ported in the new boDR, Are PJrR( amendment to the Bank Aet, ;f which 'foul spirit- oii-- No t1lo dainogtil qtottmor to OW"t t high Itis 40a ,on tho looal market to -day, A 1110(teril bullet, thi-3 physlek)"A mty,3, 14ko. This was,speelally direeted at impossible to find a inarkot for all Clio 04government DubliMillig house, and It :KV01deat lie rebuked 60 .1 . k to the boy. but to fall applIas and thous,etlids of barr6ls bad is almost certa,ift that they received notice has been gliven is fib�d by X, A. jmua did not 'SPO . th(v Loullqq Plxsili. The tug Belle, then the former price being Ze. Ilutter re. is rc,ndered antitseptic by the .inornioll$ tho small steamers whi,ch plybetweeit I I -ens AH.P. for 11randou. 11o, dL,- and that I took a bawser from tbo Ray, 9 Owdeil, jind ho,rdl.y tho numerous summi�r resorts, Thero to be fed to livotook or be left on tile high official sAnotion for, printing tho M. Aik the demon thAt poeseqsod him q1 Oimrg6 111afficA at 3ft Live hogs are quoted at 11ORt Of thc 1)11"'1111� .1,0untl to x0t, Itfto.r the evaporato" Gerniftn trAUS10104 Of 'Tho DaY of sires to lu'ake tonditions more tasy for ha(l eauAvd the di,-ulitse, dumb and deaf ' an(l both eatio into the brtialvv,ftter, $7.40i but show tondeft,ey to drop. Po. (War shatterg long P3011e,.A. Alauy frIa- has been ,aorne improvement In condi- 9 . , c-alled bo- mid working along, it imeeooded) -with tat"s were quotM at turos of tho b0ps tit the base -Of the tions, but not enough to SatlSfy the 'N"'TIre supplied. 11voll goott wintor var. the SaXOT1,11 fariners to Obtain woney to lialidle their apfrlt,-The evil spirit Vva(4 so $1.25 Lper bag, sh nnl- orol)s, I / t 11 I I and with that end Ill View will -eon IM11011 lotles hAve not comman(led g,ttisfactory Its li�lt motif, that the Britt qe6, ill ontering tile Whoat at 04c, Oats, 32c ,; the Turld.�h Sol. authoritleg, and ne.xt summer vigor- umble and gettuso ho lmd prodUceil, dumbliesiA tuld flip ai(l. of 11mv. ,. 'Hides, 01,20, 0 ASO A110.1re 114 . - fro 19 degtlll(�d tO or that propo(40- that tlxe banks be alloweil to ge tljee-N*,otie0 the bttAln. Altbough t1wro were A. gVeat , 11" iliers, ivha were atlelvqtomed to Ulaig-Ull"' olis wensuros will be resofted to, prices in tile oWl"Ard. A searcity Of P will bib Its heir, is A Populav (It-afnesa. I ,ftr "'I clia. any er,aft in L . /ne. Looso hay, $14 tL0 '$Ia; balod hity, _ rifloq, and recolved blowA In tho 1twe __­_._.*..*�*.,C,0__ I - - apple barvois Ili,% beeit complained of. GOrniWaY loan iumiey on grain atore(l on tho fitrm. wordi of U%104tio 010MM114'- rge ))i. tho baAht, the M L $17 to $18. 01110;eIls" 140 t6 150. -8, pluml tbeor.v with German politleal writers. Heretofore tb,o� privilego. Nvas extend - 'L ( - MILITIA APPOINTME�N Thero NvaR also a *o*- . 11 I flic-0,11 r. whom thou darmt not to als- 00anler was broii�ht ,siifely norms I" Cllathant-Butter gold Aomiowhat h1pr1l. from the reeoll. '.the- severost Wouft(ls T. . eurplue of peal 'Uftc' od, only -Whon tho train was in the obpy, An4l AgAlnst Avljoyn it ig Y,abi for woored alonvule the ero-.4;. I)v the bA,yonot weer honled with more, aml oliorrim of a good 60,10able ch. I or M to 3k. Poultry shmed fto Oiaklgq. - W.Mt, WhM � I ikilo r"11 -alined all 11.17. To -mol -row, �flt, L E8, froln a bultA. Ottawa) Nov. 24.- 0aptain 1"Illmott ter, but jj(vtelj0,;, although fairly plenti- TFORO. olevator. ) , , tbee to Attuggle-UnOear. eogme out. - - - gs 218w. rotatoos advalftepA to $1.10 nnd kliffi - , I, "I IF sont Deputy A�slataut Ad. - fIll were of . a. poorer quality thrin. 11MIA]. I Kov. 24."13rautford has . 4 � b . ---.*- Its to b(I com- N011 11(t relom,Nl 'over alougfildo Vw $1.25 per Uftg. The wily ebwago ift grain 444 . - arkp lit I)r(, . Irantford, N enter no more -T11(* oure W, _ -erilu - anothor now industry, to add )1g. 20, rinit him Ywro- I Lrmise 1,'n1bankfilmit. prices wtas tliftt oatfj do(-Iirod to 3k,% Cat- I jiltAtil ilyi(t Qlart ,ietor (4eneral of the (4r,,'Xpes al,80 were very slow bt ripening, soeure(l , KPIP.0 NAVIOATION OPEN. lL%t,(".ftnA N'atil WAL SOLIALIS1 RIOTS, Third DivNiolial VIVIL) XingttOn, hRR all(l. wtire riot up to t1left, 11t;1tal quality. to tjj(j alroady long list of ta�torjoq lo. -110 Roval Oeorgo - . I O 00, tlamlge I tl,- prk,ea w,ere: .t, xploit, ewt.. $6,25; corn. - 'the Mt0ttit illantIfftetUrIA9 1)qtroit. Xov. 24.­11rmident Mvhtq�. We vtpirit 8"Med 1011th t6 10ftvO And 1 '" t 'Iwou appointed V 81tock.-.9mullier e,,tted hero. .qur,tained, Jo�eph' Tlegm. Ille diver, '11pri.l.n., �*,oj,-, --j.-A"ording to ftjo.,4. b- Col, tht- 11011- $;Ftln linfiturm rind Livo . " "ger to Ao all tht liarm ho ,egoul<l bill- Ilion, $3 to $5,50, llogA, llvp, $7.75. LA-m1w . 1111gheq, Minitter �f "Ntilitia an(l. Detente, ond fall pasturoa wexe nover bott,or, 06 plint .-41'mired ig tho Chapin Auto 0, stone, tit tho Lake 0wriera" Association, , $6. $;heep, $4. No changes in Nvool or bide mpoq to the .13orlin morn"Ing pipors from fOY6 tAkillp! hig d"'.P&j.t`I as one deAd­ sav,; vmkowls Ill1wh morp dafflagoil 11"Vve to be A,�;gsl6tatd Dirpetor of Supplit" and frequent raina 1wepilag t1l'o, gtas� wCon C,0113p'�kjjv, wlijell Will Lqmt a $10%,10 -ft lum beeil offielaily notified by the Cana - The bov wtt-5 oiha%mted mM gtr0'n9tlll(,S4 11('011 ftlttt(l above atia bolo,W 0io'bo".. pri,000, Bitd-ipo�,t, ,,qorlotm (Iie,turb,t n'eea tneattrrpd TraliAport oil the hoadquarters'stftff jjLt . �,(nfj fteI All elctmes of lh� Welt rtr(,* fitetory III, and cftploy 160 skillcd nle. diall. Deparinient" of .Afarme %Aitd Vi8b,ar- nht Imek. .,ind oithIor j*rmallont).*.V 8otif'ora-Ego, Sk to 00; butt0r, thort Siintlay oil tho 000M1411411 Of Social- les tIlAt With -a few exeeptlon-q all 0m. froM tfie finAl AWA Of "the' bi-'l *11'--t," Imm, 11 — Ottawa. rt,ported to be ill 90011 e0llffiti011 fOv c, h,q i j i e.q. . ' . 2& tft poun(l w, 6i�kenv4 4k to- 650, oa,ch - ist, tllti-mteki uw.etingt4. A q pillan liglits an(I foa fdar6a lix Lakt Sa. 27, ho .xTow, -Th 0% W. (I V- h 16, J OS11% ba d or t(�nipcmwrilv r(,p4 ireil, and sent , aoroAA . 11. I � reat pr000s- . . *_*_0__ .1j 0* � I''i 16 0 6i ,A jo I 'O - I entoring 66 wint0r,' 4na t1D ftd(l t1l thO , twgun wai finisbe-4 a -It he, tottelletl thO thr Athinfle. lid. . .1 1106IIIIIII I - - -11 diwks ON, to 7& t*6; gt'"t'l $1"10 to stort marelitsa througli 04' strII And MOTOFteYOLtt A0010tN'T FAUL. k perigor will be k(,j�t in cpor.ition -this . A re; 10courred betupoll ,elicerfulngm,% of fll(� 11V<` Atock 0116)(3 , VVI 101101; pota �P(.T - MICHIOAN VILLA05 P1A9.8W9PT. h0ft8oll kintil Daehibor V1. or lattr it 041, afflif,tell ehila. "I I f4virit. 1li"4('1A1% $1.40 t".111, $1.0 10 $1.70 'A-molilittry oboollutt, � aM weaknot,A W(%Tv Pon(,. '28. NVllV k,(Add M998MA YlbAL WAV9. brig; wh(.At, 054� .Nr imithel; oat,4, I tit(, pollee '11)(I (IonloliAtitators. ,�klallv - Vrollto, ',.\�'ov. 25Y. ­A* flit" reatilt of All I it, iiiny bo sald that all ela"m are r4�- it, NZov. S4. --A telephit%6 11108. spft,ion of w%vigation will pirmit, tl(,d bv rtv6lvt,r alloto hu, 011 tht 1,,�,,�-(% ,u,11(ire I,oft(l rtt I l,()rtp(l to b(gi, ,ro,raAtkablv freo from dis. Detro Tlnf' VV,OL ft%f him oxit-Vie di&rWeot 11till A-leAsina, Xov,. 9.1,-A wftV6 Of 01m6t- 3 per ton-, liogg, livo, $7.00to VII.- w(le WOW' d diggebloilf 6 for the dilnr aro a!-;* it, ft,qgc� ju,At rpeniv,M, from tho Village *1 ..k,. - 1-i hi 06, * , - I I I lu L I a I .01 * I I I I I I I I I I I I Illy ,ewt.. wool, Ik to 20V.(. p#y �wnr(j flirlist.ok "I �1. Thir- .%mipo on the 3rd of Xovembpr, ,.Tobn t,ame- Vaiv *r mor 'evil NPiriba, NOIC11 = 1. Afg,�, ,, fnnrt(�.en morL.11, ' Vio OuoljA Juixtion RARway Board ljotkyl ptiven p)we A fo.aft$' flood'ed the 1!6tnotery 75 41r, hkit" - ppr "Un4; ealItUins, ty arre-tti were made. l3r�N%If,-nn, of , S loll ILTO 110t 50 pjL%ntj. Royal ook, 'M milm T16rth of thi% -0ty, .T" ,h I ulj,t� pounrl'. . sation rood, Affinico. &I - brif;k demand. She at&t(* thttt fit(, whioh broko out early Ms b4h,aoa oI to tM ,el-ty this �ftr , ns -gttl .r,t,lit fllt,m inrth (TAike 0:11, ,to thgo oarthquako suid tholpt& vio- X, I l< .,�­..0*...k*.V.0"__..** lRet nik,11t at C-rr�tee Tjospital, anA oft tal tm thoy 00911f to be, but stre oiaid ,* (* ,6" *p(I thev wtre 4t a lm,g t�) knOw whv tilym Ar* I-Anied) altd catmed gristt havo. 130� to 14o i*r pmmd. r the boHly to Ing in 6ne emigglitiont n6twitb4tauding to.night hA.,q iiproAd rapidly 4V1ft9 t* $1,060 At OR4r 01AVII, *4 th rni . jbov Aid not hAvf,. 1j, nnw,, 20, 1)y pTxV*r . %qny tmnlIi were dMtr5V&,1, ltn4 Owen Ittoun4-:-The prkes were as fol- �)n,a Por ,�ont. of tho WmIth of the, tho ntdo.re ,nf tht,chief "rorip: ' high wind.,and the VIIIIIS6 iS thOght to ot Cht 0u4ph Zuw,jtn� M-I� birawk tn P,k, '00". W�P, to 17nitea Istatft In irivettod in itlinrch wais tak,en in tho morApi,, whc-re an in- thip unimlialiv, W(.t 1.0its.mi. Rogs ttre t,M 1*0kting--,T"1TA 'WIAbotl to impre" ltimhi�* (of ek4otmw wi,r ' t*-dAy. being 002tinitially markstea ttt C004 b4 doomtd- of tU V. If. It. jjr 0 Sle. ftittmj Ok peT bog. 1T&j, $16 to prop�rty. q11"'t will bI oI � I .AM 1114 ,aldplorl tli,- Mvr#r I faith, the Oft, . �, . ­ � I I I _k .--*- - �. . . - �_ - .— I I , � �. I , I , , � . I I I - __ ­� . I . 4112._�_11 I � I I !0 I - ­ ­ "I _. � _. . - - __ I &,&&A­ibI ­_ ,,I— . - , - -—AL. �- , I 1, I � M.&"�'.11 _._ ,.d. — ,,?�&'*LA,fi.I jlk�­ —,W I!- . . . _.M.&_._ . __ AI,L�"U'&i"Md&A,iII,__ - _ , -, i"&&W&". - -­ .0 Q_ F—W-1121 "-- - i" * 0 I V _