HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-11-21, Page 7U
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AT .. Ruola Awl France are giving om I I 11, � � �_ I j I , I . - . � ""W"Wm" j . r 11 � . DGE I I
ZI A .C& I 'Tho latter fstill talks, of taLing one or
. more portf�ou tho Adrl&tle, I but 4oubt-, -"LS MURDERS Or", 'GIBSON TRIA -0 .. I ''r .. W"
ot modevation ana wcoucmation to i4c!�,�!�i,', E '
. 1, 11 the end will ljfAeli to the advice ` Four Porcupine Firms Have I .
of her friends and aeAx,,pt wmo com- Anny and Navy Estimat�-.�
prolul8c, . Ac,ceded to Men. N, Yo Lawyer Accused of
.1 -1-111., ., I I While fighting is gola,-; oil at TvUjat- 0 N POST UO'k A R 0 S r for Coming Year,
I V"I the iiegotiAtions for .ail arraletAce I I Murdering Client, �
,ae$ lo,st 6oine of their Interest, but 'r f�outh Porcupine, Xov. 17.- JFour j
have not beon forgotten -)�y the belli. of Ili,, Porcupine mines Lave agreed . to I - r Veriln, Nov. lt.--Soine of the 14�4diq
Armistice Negotiation.� a Failure and Bulgari- gorente� 'The Balkan allies continue to Buffalo Police Get Confes. item'9 In the budget of tho Omman �Qim.
. . r ,
� I 0 ex,olialigo vlewfi on the isi and it t tbe toraw of the miners' union in I the Defense Says Drowning, Piro for the Coming yeararogive4in, tbe
ails Make Desperate United Attack, ,is expected that their full = I% -III be sions 'by Kai], present strike, awl ue now oil the fair . Boomen Courier, one of the leading
, � I
submitted to Turkey in the coume of . I list of the union, which. mcans that th , Prosecution Says Strangling financial daflikv.
. , & �()N'V dJJy$. It jB '9tartc'l th"'tt tllk'.,So ly'111 , coo, . I
r . r � � I wnirm 1.411 '1�n 4 41, � . J
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U. S.. Congress, Called By
President -Elect
. . . �
To Deal Wit4 Reduction in
the Tariff., -
Include a deniand for tho cmslon of ,%Il 44 AJ% V,L,l W 4 4,V -44 V 4 1 & W4 J, V ) 1110 vital 411c,01110 aU(J,'oXPQl1(UT,UT0 are - I I . I
. . AU4 that work )011 "ntillue at them 48 Goshen, X. Y., NOV. 18. -One hundred - balanced at approximately ,5702,000,00 New York., Nov. 18'-weisident.1 ,
f Tur�dsh territory down to the Erkene OINE IS VERIFIED I ,4tet
S lliver,'. and the payment of an indemnity . long (tell, an, illereAW Of aix"It $744,000,900 Woodrow Wilion annou ced t I
"Furkish Soldiers Starve in Presence of Herd - � 'a'$ they ('011firm to these regula- t"Ild nillety talesmon) most of them far- 0, n o -u ght
. � * . Cons ;despite the trouble at the oth-er mers, crowde(l. Into the little court-rooni over Wst yea, . that lie will call Congrwi3 together in
At C048tantillople ovel"Y01111g, 1.9 qniet, Missilig Boy's Body Found inines. T4 fir6t mine to aceede to the here to -day for the trial of Burton IV. The esthoRte for tho n4vy ia given at I extraordinary
of Sheep—Powers Prepare to Land Marines., of $120)000'0-00' . , 60SIOn. not later than
11 althoug"It the lauding, of'I'arger detach- $110,250,000, or ail increase of $1A
its of Inarines aii.d blueja4�kcts t1l,an I union w4s the Pearl Lake, Gibson, the Now York lawyer. Gibson �),_ ar to rqvise the
I . � I I Mol . As Directed, 000. The ordinary naval expenfliture in.
twual bins caimed iionie perturbation F I The general scale laid down ,-by the Is charged with murdel, in the first de* I or ses, by $4,000,000, and the non-rocur- tariff, In this statement, made pu'blie
. I -tuable of looking after aln , ng expenditure by $5,200,000, but the on the eve of his departure for a four,
London, Nov, 1&-Tlio Tlinefl' corres. ; are. quito inct ong the Turk.,), Tljo most coiiipr�, I union was adopted by tlia Pearl Take gree, in causing the death of his ollent rI ea
liensive measures have been taken for - Buthilo, Nov. I't.-Colifesalon of at Mine after the return of Colonel W. F. extraordinary expenditure on the
pondent at the Tohatalja. lines tole th0lu-'ehles in the field, itild would not the protection of Pera, the foreign - lcaet three inurderfi mud adinisaion, that Stophonson, to.,camp yesterday, Mrs. Rosa MensQliik S-zaba. The attor* I* redticed by $7,200,000, owin ultly ireck-s' vacation Ili Bermu
. -111 I � )e neyO approaching completion of tF to. Ze
graph$. kill a oheep without oil order from an ' hope to fill the jury bo%, to -da J . le
il officer, quarter, and on a signal, which i,i tlicre are still more is the, startling . The other mines which have agreed ,Y 11ii,val that he has determined upon this,
The Bulga,riare unlna4skea their ax- "Ilie men Openly declare that- they - given ill case of the outbreak of dis, �ieclosure contained in post cards froill Ili I)Rrt to tlio scale and which ao a and the prosecution thought that t construction programme, FIr6t appro- course not only becauee ho was -elected
. It Is Impossible to order, the foreign inarines and bluej4ck- I result h%ve been placed on the fair inight bc roady to rest its caso by priatio r
tillory positions at daybreal;, and ' all don't want to figbi I , I ns $1 0 asked for a batticisbip to on a, platform which declared for ail
I ctit. . replace the Wotrth, and for a battle,
day heavy Tire kept up along the front arollu In the 4siatle Turkliah soldiers eta will co-operate with the Turkish a modern "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Ilydoll Ili list are .Porcupine Lake, Three Na, 111urs, v
enthusiasm over a Iv military police, which. enjoys, the cow the person of the murderer of six-year- tiolls� alid Schumaclier. Work will be - I hip deoignated as "T"; for a large immediate downward rev'A'sion of the
from the Ramidielt forts at Papas Bix,r alli, r Ili European fidonce of the foreign embassies. The these properties at once. District Atiorney Rogers 'Will en4ea sruiaer to replace the Gefion, and for tariff schedules, but ale
gas. This is the first Teal 011deftVOrt-110y wrkey. They hardly seem to regard wai*hilm of the -foreign fleeto have beelt old Joseph Josephs, received by the f3ta,rted On vor to prove that Mrs, Sza,bo)s; death* 0 o because he
This gives the union. nearly one-third . 2 another to replace the Hela; for a, gun. feels it Is 4ue Ahe- business interests of
have made against the Turkish lines, the country as part of the Turkish Lilm, assigned to' positiono from i0iloll. they I'l ie here Sp.tarday of the active organized lnl4cs. wbile boating with Gibson in Greenwood boat marked as 110,11 and for a ne'W im- the country that they should be relieved.
pire, and their ininds are far lilore ex. call conlilland the outlying parts of the night, The murder of the Josqlis, boy, As far as the'other mines are Con- Lake on July 10 l4st perial yacht to replace the Ilo�enzol- .
"The positiog the Balgarians )lave sel. er&ed over the loes of Tripoli than the city, 0 � drowning, but to strangulation, mud that . I of all uncertainty A-0,to what the gen.
'or$ which lave overwhelmed their WIMie entire body ill 11*49111eilts WAB Corned, It is almost certain that the G! � I lern. The na". atimates, also mclude
ected as their x4lent is frouted oil the (116ast 1 4_ a I zound yesterday Ili a c&sspool near 1118 Rollinger and Dome will fight it out, bson hurled her frow the rowboat an appropriation of $3,000,WO for &0- oral purpose of the incoming admi&tra.
left by the Papais, Burgas marshes, and armies Ill Thrace and Macedonia." Laclmwanli,A, N. Y, after a, and that the Jupiter, Plenaurum, Me- which they Qceupled, into the water, marines, I tion, at Washington is.
, Jn`e at ill her and Choked her to He has been urged to this course
oil the right by the gradual gla,cle of the B.kTTLE ON AT MONASTIF,, search of over a year, is believed by tho Intyre, I grappIC-4 Nyi The army eatimateF� are increased by
two Hamidie4 , forts, The Turkish front MoUnalley, and Dome Mxt,en- death. .since his �election by the leaders of his
i�olice to be Dut one of a long series of 6joll axe in this class is probable. To uphold his contention, Aft, �14,2W,OOO, whi,ch include the inCreases
London, NOV. 18,--Thg T_Tt3k.4p Carre- CANADA'S TRADE '1' Rogers expects to place forty-oild wit- party, by 8eiriators and Repres ntat1ve8
ls connected by tronelies worked into turoughout The manAgement - of the McIntyra of the forces provided for in the new in Con 0
I I similar crimes ' commitied
the alignm�-nt of the old foTtifleations. spondent of the Daily Almil telographe the Country by the man, who, *aeoording PeAsell on the stand, among them belug r4ilitary bill, 0110 Of Wlli& Li the organ. gress, and by the busiueas men
, .
�(AJI the permanent works are lined $4turda ynight, at midniglit, as follows.- . I co'llia owlizonfession.s, hae an irresistible has closed tile bunkhouse and remov. Dr, Otto Schultze, of I'Tew York, the of the country. Since the fifth of No-
ding at 111,onaztir, y , ed the stoveal so th,at if .the men oroller's physician. who performed the Lzation of 9.3 machine gun compardc.,+, vember he bas had )aid, before him the
with Krupps, and other guils of large mania for killing boys. To -day gr�e- choose to remain there they will have c W4.4 - .
calibre have, been � mounted in the The Turks. number 45,000 with 40 guns. iMports Over Half a Billion made by following 1lo eomfoTts. I autopsy. Dr. Seliu�tze testified f many melt whose opinions bear
contly con6tructed -works facing the Pa- nute instructions contained in At both the Hollinger and th;, .son% examination that Mrs. Szabo died weight in the . consideration of a question
I ve gune. And WATER POLLUTION views 0
37'e. T10 Servianf, number nlore than 1001GOO, , the m! at G"'
pae Burgas Valley. All above these, field Nvith 200 guns, including sie,f for Year. the carolfs. Dowe the mills, have been ralmill9p from strangulation by- "compression of euch Importance. No -4 all of this 6
I howitzers. . . . Mass
artillery batteries are dug in 4t Inter. . Young Josephs disappeared about 4 but wifli, smaller forces, and in one or from without.,, I . of opinion has been of the same tenor,
vale all along the line, which is a plain "'No attempt has been made to, tAJ-0 'Clock , tNvo instailoes places have been filled The defense holds that COM but the consensus of views has been in
. on the afternoon of Oct. 12, 1911. . Mrs. Szabo
the tolvii itself by assault. ,It is I'. Trade With Britain Amount. HYi fa,tb", George Josephs, a. promin . died of drowning, and that her a I ternational Boundary favor of immediate action,
iseri.ea of Redans, . tended 11 ont by &ffice Mon. . eat,, an . . 0
"The Turks Dave also pla,ced trenches to force the surrender by the aid aterchant of Lackawanna, losisted from #-$- __ was accidental. It %01. eall ten or a . . While the platform adopted at Balti.
n works in of the artillery alone. The Turk6 ed to $269,000,000. 1 Lbe stpat that the boy had been kid- M E�N dozen . witnesaes, (4ibsGn had not deoid. mission to Consider It. more declared that the Democratic
which the infantry are disposed. occupy excel4ent pwiti011s around the - napped, and it coan-try-wide search wZS S ed this forenoon whetherho would take . party believes that any other tariff
"The Bulg4Drlan 'artillery positionsaxe town. I ' . in(stitued. The Cas I e at one time at- the stand. than one designed for revenue purposeci
antageou.8, as tlie* Bulgtvians "The Serviane were obliged to &(�Ivance Ottawa, Nov. 17. -Advance copies of Washington, Nov. 18. -The Interna- ' is unconstitutional,
not so ft(1v , tracted Nvide-spread attention, ne the U,ES LEADING As ,% motive for the alle.�ed murder, cognizance was tak-
have been forced to avail themselves of acrope soft marshes, and were exposed Part 11. of the annual report of the De. father froni,time to time received allany, ek to prove that Gib. tiollal Joint Oommir�sion, which deals On 'of the fact that a policy of protection
the under-featurw of the semi-platemix to the 'enenly's fire. They-inoved for. portmept of Trade and Commerce show inoue letters warning him to discontinue , , son coveted his client's $10,000 estate., with the boutidgry and Other questions has so Ingrained itself into the commer-
ward with their usual Courage covered that the total imports and exporte of the search oil pairt of having his son ,of which, under a will drawn by him in, dispuie between Canada and the �
at the foot of Te-bataldja ridge. There 4 cial intereats of this country that it
appeared to ,be ,three battexice in action by a, heally fire from their ow1n gu,ns, I murdered., To -day's developrakints, indi- U. S. Citizens Charged for Ill would be unwise to Attempt anything
and occupied a line running ir the country in the year ending March 31, �ate th, . ri. 'Szabo, he was named.as exeou. United States, met here to -day, and
,against the Papas Burgas front, and am S -chair- at the murdGrer took bia meane tor. I I more than a gradual '6irnination of the
lar, past Beranzi, an Important position, 1912, were $874,037,794, or, omitting coin ' With Misuse of Mails. � probably will be in session, for a week
seven in front of the M-taildieh groups, 400 feet high, to of creating the belief that the boy wile 4.*A I or imore. Probably the most important duties considered obnoxious. The demand
"The opening Of the battle was OL the hills of Tarno, and bullion, $841,002,814, _buports Nvero Aill. alive. aken up will be that concern. that this* gradual reduction be Institute<!
wonderful speetoivele. The -black face ' AIER THE DOCTORS q,'u"t'Ou t no
, of Oblakoyo and Gofeelie. $533,286,603, of which $343,370,082 Nvere in Vne post Card, mailed from Boston, F I immediately was nevertheless unequivo.
tim Bulgarians' position -sparkled with 'Tt is, said that all tile 13�11garLan the twknowii writer ispeaks of murder- In Sending, Prospectus of � I ng the pollution "f the water.9 dividi 0 cal.
tro ps have departed from dutiable and $189,916,581 free. Exports ahe two countries. These include more
flashes. -$ome of the Turkish heavy 0 A,drlanople, Ing a boy in Central Park, New York than 2,000 miles along the St. IAwrence During the Campaign Governor Wilson
. The bursting the investment of which has ,boon left of Canadian produce were $290,223,857, City. It reiids: . Canadian Mines). _ repe,tedly elaborated his view of the
solely to t'i Quebec to Prosecute Shield.' River and the great laki-,&, and the prob
df heavy shells soon raised a cuTtcLin of 'a Servians., Tile BulgarlanG and in golditiou $17�4911 -,94 f foreign "Wednesdi,ty night, D�e. 10� 19012, I en- I lem, affects a number of large citieG. The tariff problem as he 'had outlined it in
)_ 0 1
� az Kruck, a newsboy his speech of acceptance, He touched
amoke, ,which mingling with the morn-, have gone to Toliataldja. NTG attempt produce was e.xporte.d. - ticed :Nfichael Ri<�, . ers of Smallpox Cases. proposal to constpucit, a dam for protee-
Ing mist, rolled majestically down the is being made to storm the forts around . at 80th street and Central Park west, New York, Nov, IS. -The Federal Gov- upon the inequalitie,j of 1 y
valloy between bhe combatants. Adrianople, the Serviane being content The total tradc, -with rixance amounted ft -r I n the .United tion of the Livingstone Channel in the opportun t
A Turkish waxshlp in the bay �oincd niere]Y to isodate the cit n , to almost exactly fourteen millions, as New York City, Into the park opposite ernmelit c Iled for i la I � Detroit 114ver, also will be disc��. which he believed were fathered ky
Y. against $14,637,000 in 1910-11, and $12,� the entrance to the Araclial poli,3e sta- States District Court here to -day what ' Montreal, Nov. IS. -After quietly The Canadian members� who reached what he described as the Itex,ceesivo pro.
tion. I strangled him, and just ewaped here to -'day &To Thomas Cha$e Cas- tective policy, far from enlarging the
the Concert, Siring ffj� heavler,t gtins in FOREIGN AEARMS TO LAND. 814000 in ID09-10. Tho Import� fro I it considers one of its nim.t important working� with a view to, securing 6vi-
0 broadside, capping the BulgaThin right Con3tantinople, I\rov,,. 111 the offloer w,lao found him as I came grain, X_4C., o)f Xonrtreal; Henry A. How. field of American endeavor,, really
with great pillars of spiirting nivid, and 18. - Sev,oral France were. $11,885,706, a Slight Increase back (few words here illegible). Three' ,uarses growing out o� alleged jCiriqe Of deuce agaim9t certain phyaiciaus in Con- ell, X.0,
more prominent Unlo,17,4t% for the year, and the exports were $2,7 , of New Brunewdek, and Chas. cramped it, and assailed with vigor the
fire, Including 123,705, as against $2,782,092 in the pre, thnes have I taken life twelve times the nialls. It involvea the integg,rity of neeVion with V,he recent outbreaks of A. McGrath� of 0itawa. I time-honored argument that a high tar.
lit Nv" certainly the heaviest artil- Tal.tat Bey, an eX,Cablnot Minister, . have tried, and cannot help it." the so-called Ialvtl'Orne group Of silver smallpox in various parts of the Pro- "0.4�,# � , iff meant high wages. He insisted that
lery combat seen eince the japancis-o were arrested yesterday. A notorious vlous year. Dutiable imports for Con- Another card, dated Boston, Nov. 9, TV the removal of duties known to the ex.
massed corps o,f artillery pounded Grek- member of the party, Djambout Bey, rel. �Oumption were $9,626,057, and on the -go 19120 and written apparently by, the and iron mines,. and brhigs to the front vince, the Officials of the ProviWial FELL WITn LAMP ecutive would have the effect of put.
-r and I ting ill( American manufacturer on, his
offla devoted rear guard, outside . of Bisted arrest, killina one office the duty -vvas $2,430,948, or $35.7 per same person, and also unsig a$ d,efendants men of na,tional reputs- Board of Health now state that they .
, woundlDr, another. cent. are ready to prowute many me(Deal .1
Liao Yang �, tion. They are five in number: Julian
,,,. ap- Re lyrts then scour. tliat the writer "unfortuliatiolly had too I mettle, and that the country would pres.
"Working my way tinder the shr ed, court-martialled and sentenced to The trade with Germany was itut,un. much nioney," that be wae a promin. 1-lawthoxne son of the,noveli;3t, Nathan.' men for faure to report Caw$ of the Bntly see an extension of its foreign bus.
nel fire I discove-red that during ,the death. An ex-J)eputy, I h, der fifteen millions, a tit' Re; Josiah Quincy, former disease Coming under th,eir notice, And Stratford W ,
, Obeidul a and as ca ill rnity man of a high degree, iel JJa,w or ornan iness sueli As it -had not known,
i4lit. � the Bulgarian infalitry had pa6sed Diemil. Bely, a member of the -staff of $12,760,000 in 1910-11, .and $10,500,000 in g4lionore(I and respected.11 "My soli�ll it Mayor of Boston, and a6si,Stant Seere- Difficultv has been met with by the 7: *4 1
down undor cover of the, banks of the the liewspaper Tanin, itneed to the *ye-ar before. Imports amounted to c6ntimaea, "ie. married alid happy. Can tftry of State in. the Cleveland Adminie. Provindai authorities in scouri!19 Wor- Burned to Death,
Karasu, and were trying to' tiake pos- five year, -Al imprisonment on charges of $11,146,739, an increase of about 10 per I under the 6ireumstancee give my,s6lf tration; Albert "Frommaii, a Promoter; mation whioli would form 9. basis of suit .
session of the upper loop of the rail- Ili -all 'treason. One of the editors of the cent., and exports were $3,811,914, as up? I call_, ,of course, but there are still Dr. William J. Norton, a nerve opecial, agrain8t a medical man, " it has been VICTORY FOR MEN
I �Strat`ford, Nov. 17.- mrs, Williajn
way. Small groupe- of Bulgitriana rose out Tanin was .condemned to seven years, againat $2,663,017 last year. Dutiable more niurders, I have, not told you. Shall ifit., and John LlicKinnon, steretaxy-treas. foulid that famillea whore cases of th'e Daly tripped while Carrying a. light-oid I
of the c,helvingy banica and itdvaneed cau- imprisr-nment. I imports for consumption were $7,984,629, I conie?" u ompanic% All disease have arl'sen, and whi,oh were left lamp downstairs late Saturday In hex
tiouslly and Slowly. I The number of men to be landed from on -which the duty was $2,240,745, or . The first. post 'card received was post- were engaged, directly or indirectly, in unreported by the attending Physielall, house here ' . Eastern U. S. Lines to
the foreiql 1 W e decided at 28.15 per cent. are loath to act as informers against A alld fell to the bottom, .
1,Tl;e Turk -%h gunne"s 101111d, them I ,,� i varsbips ill b niftykea Boston, Sept, 11, ID12, ,und, was the sale of stock of the Ham,thorne Whe're the lamp exploded, saturwa.ting
ailed, The Vince Company, and allied the practitioners who, "befriendc(l" Standardize Pay,
-,,141V4ncil1g, and the attempt f la meeting of the Commanders to -day. Canada's trade wita Greftt Britalp addreseed to Superintendent Regan, of Silver & Iron I I
whirr of niaebble glins and the crash subsequent to tbe arrival of the vessels, amounted to $260,000,000, or this im- the Buffalo'police Aepaftment. It read: concerns, v,nd. were indietc-d in New them when. they wore visited by ill- Mrs, Daly's clothes with oil, wl,ilch
quickly broke into in, -mass of flamfes
� of. -infantry Inaggazine fire Ili the dirce- Various zones were -assigned to the dif. ports accounted for $117,191,621 and ex- � "I wn siek of trying to fool myself, I York in January la-st for alleged itee of ncl��', V -_ 7 :: and burned her to death. I Islew York, Nov. 18.-NVord was re -
tion of tb� Hamidich forts told us that ferent powers. These zones will be pro- ports to $161,833,370. The figures for ii,iii a homicidal m,-�mlae. I killed Joseph the inails to defi-aud investors. The The woman waa alone in the house
another ilifalitry effoit was lbeing inade, tec-ted I-enerally by the landing. parties the Wit four years have been- Josephs, of Lackawanna, NT. Y. I stran- Government contends that 'at ,)east at the ti,m,e of the fata-li-ty, and when ceived from Chicago to -day that the
but the fire ,died down.. and ae there which thus will not confine themselve,40 Year. Imports., Export -3. gled Iiini, as I did others. Please ,adver- $3,000,000 was secured f-roin the eale of FOUND CANNIBALS her husband returned from Nvork a arbitration committee selected to decide
was no movement on the part of the to guardinz the emlxissies, and foreign 1969 .. .. .. .. $70,555,805 $1831745,123 fif',O the fiflet, Post it ox write foi) the securities. T'nese eales were ofteeted few nilnutes later he found the house betwee i the ca,stem railroads and their
Turl,Wi reservc,,4 it, wa4 presumed tb,t OlaritRble an'd edlications'l, instittitions. 1910 . � .. . . .. 95,066,004 140,630,488 hif ormation. Conic to ---.?' Ink slitudgea through illien,epreselitation of the Char. . . . in a blaze. With the help of a 31eigh- I loco-inotive engincers hits come to a, de -
this attenvt ha� als"') faile(l. The greatesf discretion, however, will 1011 .. . , ., .. 110,585,004 l3(L9q9,,970 make the balance of the card illegible. acter o the properties, and that, not. bor, "who had already turned 'i the cision, and its report will be niade public
� i7hi8 wt.s 10 o'clock in .the inorn- Secret Societies Practise n
. . We could still lin, r the rin,ty of be iised in. their employment. At the 1912 .. .. .. .. 117,191,621 151,833,370 The second post ea,rd was addressed withstanding promises, no dividends Colony. alarm, he Axied to put Out -the fire, but - to -morrow or Sunday.
I I ijg. 6utgot, they will not appear, but Nvill Of the Imports from Great Britain for to Chief Rey Gilewn, of the Lacka. have been paid, Rite in British The effect of the decisiaii of the
nel guns. The Bulgarians scorched I was unable to da so until the briggade
shrap . proceed f.0 t1TP respective i5 -6 -Rs allotted consumption $89,514,201 were dutiable, wanna; police force, as follows: The defendants, ma.in'tain that they, , came to his assistauce. The body oi arbitrators, according to unofficial ad-
uo hes,,,fily. 'btit t1c burst shrapnel took each det'vehilient, where they will re- `93oGton. Mass,, Sept. 17, 1012. If you have been the victims of a ruthless cru. �
. �
1, and in iny part of the field there and $27,=2,011 were free, the duty be- � Mrs. D.,�ly was found at the bottom of vices, will be to "'standardize" the pay
10101h, main until the necPsaity arise,q for Inter- ing $22,367,040, or 24.9 per �ent. on duti. only know th6 remorse in my heart on sade on the part of the Postoffice De. of the engineers on firty-eig!it eastern
. , London, Nov. 17. --Cannibalism has the sta,im, one foot resting oil the lower
vcTe but few easualtieg. vention, The actual landing of some of able articles., � account of the murders I have co-ni- partment. I step, while the other was, on the other roads, which means a victory on an im.
"Th my vi,einity' the Turkish infantry been discovered by Government offi-
, the, marines occurrecl mitted as *the res -alt of my homicidal The action of the Governmen iia based ide of the banister. Some rela,tives portant point for the employees. it
" ,just bofore rnid- The trade with the united Stateq I . 't .
Avere very ,5nng, ,and unless ordered to clals in Sierra, Leone, on the We,%t Co"t s
. re checrily 'alulit Sundrty. 91trona detcqebmonts, amounted to $498,679,NO, or excluding n,,,,,, even you and George Joseplis upon the alleged misrepre6ontation, and state that Bhe may have fainted, as she - will mean a decided raise in wages for
attaek the works, the men we carryinty it complete equipment of Max- coin and bullion $455,175,000. Imports woiild pity me. ,I mui writing this just falee statements contained In the litera. of Africa, and nearly 200 persons have m n era ed by r e ic 11 11 ,of
inunching bread, Carloads -of which ar-' , was subject to dizzinese. Tho body the e ploy p a t a y a
the engagement. im viinc;, were bronalit, agbore. Accom- amouneid to $342,210,131, as against getting over another drunk to try to ture., �ent through the mails concerning been arrested. Another 100, says the was taken to the undertiaker's, . where the roads except the New York Central
Aved -during ro(lstinn� wore prtspared at the British $284,325,321 Ili 1011; -w1iiI6 exports were forget the ones I killed, but, like Ban- mines of the continellt4l Missionary Quarterly of the Sierra t and the Pennsylvania systems, 'but how
"Towards' 11 o'clock there wae, a lull, i syndicate the coroner decided that no inquee
1, 14',mbassv for 10 marines. The official $112,956,205, the fig -L quo's ghost, it will )lot down. I am located near the Cobalt district Jn Can! Leone Mi-_sion, are expected to be hand- waa mes'sary. � . many dollars this meanis was not re -
and as I cok1l,d not ma e out the slight- ire having been Bta," fast going to pieces, Mentally and spirit. ada. These inines were deecribed as ed over to justice. . +4-1:- . vealed. .
e,st luovelnelit among the Tu exnlallation of flib; Iandinq is that, tbi.-4 tionary for threa years, The imports
was ttil,,en for the purp UnIly.11 the Temaggalni Cobalt Xnes, Limited, _&monc, the large number, it is added, It was also hinted at Ili -the Chicago
. Heryo, it F&enlm to ii�e that the 131119ftr- Avti" 1V of for consumption were $190,8$6,150 duti- the Elk Uke Cobalt Mines, the Mont- solne seve'ell �aramount chiefs are inallud- repbrts that the report of the arbitra-
rmiefe)iine the -nervousm-ss, emised by W-118 COAIEIM TO DUFFA'.W. TO AID FARMERS
janA had foun-d their salient -loss easy I - Am- able and'$133,542,352 free; the d'pty I . Silver tore will not be unanimous, -but that
the lionry mir. firp, at real Coobalt Min -es, the Hawtlo.rl1e ed. For obvi-owg reasons, names at this
thrLn. they. had anticipated. . Telint0dia. levi(A, was $40,177,684, or 20A per The next card received. wao also from & Iron ,lines, and the jul junetuTe cannot be given. Some five Messrs. P. H. Morrissey, former presi-
ly looked " if the taking of this Turk- omr flif, elinlern victim"; w1lo bFLvP arriv- eplit, Boston, .postmarked Oct. 23, 1912, and 0ornpany. Ian Ha,wthorne bodies have be'en exhumed, disVotingly
ill only be by -A from t'he frn0 is (Ionornl Arnpil t � 2 was as follows.. dent of the Railroad Trainmen, and Pre-
ifill podtion on the, lelt wl I rliz% Pev. Prest(Tent, of the Turkish Pa,r- 11 The Government alleges that mutilate(L There aro severna ""et s* Proposed Bank Act Amend. eident Williard, of the Baltimore & Ohio,
a slow process of 5tealling -position ull- "Bob -ton, 11ass. Am so sick, of this mh)es are outside of the silver these cieties among the heathen and Mobam- will file a minority report as a matter
i *
wler .P,ovdr of heavy arta]104.)) flarnoni.t. , VILL ACT NOW buelneas that I ,shall go to Buffalo next ins belt. produe- medans in the Hinterland. The worst ment in Their Favor. of form, each man disagreeing with the
�',_ A FRENCH RBPOI�Vr. DM..(4,,kP.TAX8 .nrukTPON OT7. you on the phone, I I I" are fire ".M. ligator" and the "Leopard,"
* i y brain Is worse, and all I think of is findings of the majority, whieb, how.
Parise No -vi,, 18.-_TI1e JoUrnal's corres- London Xov. 18.- -The first Bultarian U and the latter are responsfl�le for the Ottawa, ,,%Tov. l7v_-It -Is und,erstoo.d ever bind them under 'the arbitration
t adqamrtera, f ortifict- murder, and I love to kill. Shall kil present cruelties. . agreement.
Ti,onden' at the Turl;lsh lie, aftaok on' the Turkish line of * Montreal Enforces Vaccina. . some kid before I lea.ve here Sunday,.-" 1 WILL ADID It is named the Leopard &ojety be. here that when 'the bank act is taken
IT.ademkoui, describes, the opening of the tiems defending Conatantillople at Tcha- ' The next card, dateol Oct. 30, 1012, an4 .1 cause its leaders aro always robed in up Ill 0onunittee *44
liatAldj'�-a. -lines Sunday. tnija bas fai)ed. The whole of tha Bul-' t 0 r
a J ion After Its Outbreak app�arently written as a follow to the western delegations
,, .
The eligag(,mmit began at 3 O'clo,ok in gari�vn ariuy was engaged. Every avail- I I the skins. of leopardG. They kidnap representing various .,Wicultural organ- TRAIN WRECKEDq
tllc 111orning. it Nv-,is pit.cli dark. The able man was moved to the front from one mailed on Oct. 23, although not Plan to Increase Canadian their victims, and bea;T them a,wicy to izationis intenA to a9k for certain modi- JN*J
-Alontreal's Uedi- mailed at the same time, was as follows: some solitary place foi- mutilation and fications. The most important of these .
h s will be, found In the l
'16% from the Bulgarlan forces invosting Adrian- Mantreal, Militia Forces, sacrifice. The white man is ,perfectly
rulgarians. wore about two m' Nay. 17.
the Turkl8h advanec, 1)01:48- A stVO119 op)o, and these were. rohe':v'od by Servian � . is the proposal that banks, be al,lowed
foTce_,tr1oA_ to trc(,p into the valley ,9,3p- troops. . cal Officer of Re.alth and the cltizen3 bottom of an Outhouse back of a salooll safe, beesuse, according -to their ous- Dastardly Attempt on 'Im-
I . . . near Doyle'a on Ridge road. A drunk - - aw, the victim rmus A be a to 4rant new loans with grdin and eat-
aratix4 them fi,olil the Turk9, U114der - The Rulga,Tiane, with all tneir artil- generally are becoming aeriously eon . tom and L tle as security. At present banks may I
, crazed lyrain clone the deed, and remome Ottawa, Nov. 17.-A roposition is nogro an(I a blood relation. The ' perial Limited Foiled.
cover of darkness_, but the Turk& dis- lery, ,began their advanca on the Tcha- cerned, over the outbreak of sniallpox in p I vl'c�' lenil money on natural products In the I
covered the movement ftl1d the Bul* talia, fortifications on Saturday, and Con. ,� * and eorrow for� the p4rents is bringing at present before the MiHtis atd De. tim is "cured and killed for sacrifice hands o -f wholesa-lera, eo that 9. farmer's
11 tin�6ol t1leir bombardment of the works , io (very
gariana r--.tir6d, The landing forcesthe the eity. There are now nearly thirty � the 'results uditch will soon come to an fence Department Which is desig, and food, not because he or 81 crop is security when It reaclip-4 the
�_ cases in the Isolation Ilospital, with new end. The demon whizkey will thenbave to ned often women are the victims) is wicked. Calgary, Nov. 1& -The Imperial IAm.
<)Pened Nvith a heavy artillery fire, which throughout Sunday. They, however, ' add considerablo nu4nbers at little elevator or box car, but not while it
am'tult all � found the Turkish positions so strong arrivals coining in every day. one more victim, making four in all. The 'but bm,tuse of some particular excel- -
Nvag t,h4a f�l,grnal for a general � expen-se to the Militia ,Ioxco of the remains in his hands. ited, at three o'clock on Thursday morn-
ItIone, the tme. T110 din. .%V-q,s terrific, that they could not make any impres- The majority of those down With the next morning I tried to kill a little- country. It Is pl,anned to establish a lonce or efficacious poVver, which would The elaSm i's Made that if the farmer
the r'lrtlt seemed to treinble tinder oue's 6101, on � . neway, an Italian who always-stando in practleaj reserve force in Canada, b furnish the murderer with, a chArm or could raise money on grain in his pos- Ing on its way to Calgary front the
1. � th6m, .and foT the moment at disease are long-shoremen, who 11
e sing arm1w retwnod their lye in the morning,at Seneca street and the east was derailed at a point two miles
feetv Tbo 04PJW� y - fetich. J
respeCti-ve 1��-Ition.% for hours, but it least wa�s compelled to give tip, the at" elmap lodging houses along the Water- hotel calledi I forg6t, but 4boat 121 giving eAch -re,glment 0, seoo�d bat- I lko-# . session he would not bo in such a hurry east of Cluny. The attempt to wreck
vident that i� cotossal effOrt NvAs tempt, the firing, accord,ing to a des- front, Nine men in one loolging-house Sen"a street. The boy knows me talion to -be known, as a reserve battal. to ship it out, and so the pvesont rush,
was 01 patch fi-om Constantinople, havi . Well, ion. Regiments such as the Qaeellls Own with its danger of congestiou, would be the train was the work of some desper.
in the sky a Turkish 1119 were found to be afflicted, none of whom ,Uk him, I wish to pay the price, but WILL NOT RESIGN 91vol
poon to be made, Ceased this morning, had ever been vaccinated. Dr. Laberge, will !lot lot the Boston police Rifles, of Toronto, and the riffth Royal ' Mod, --440 . I ado -or desperadoes.
acroplane app<,arod- The Turk -6 1111allY The Tark,q � seem to have no hope � of Aledical Officer of Health, and Ivlayor for my ily's sake," 9C ,t me Llighlandero, Of Montreal, will 4a,eh Only the keen vision of Engineer
percoLye(l it &-tachment Of 13111gariv-11s, I rolling back the Bulgarian forces, but I 'I'M have a third battalion. I
shelterM by the fore6t of Str,aztt, and they 8heceed in holding the lin, If L�avallee declare that maily of the vic- The last post oard '-vtts (1&tL'(1 XeW These new battalions may possibly Denies a N, Y, HORSE SHOW. Vitzgertdol saved the lives oi hundreds
i to Rk fore- ' of tims, come to Montreal from small out- York, X*ov. 12) 1912, and state(I that the E. H. Fitzhugh
sent 0, Nutingent to "t fire TehataIji,t both the military, and diplo� take the form of riflo olubs special Now York, Nov. IS. -The first big of passengers who were lying asleep
Ing thv, Bulgariana to Nvitbilraw. The en- "Iftfle situation Will undergo a, marked side plAcee, In some ea8es the victims writer e,.,.-peeted to be - in Buffalo Wed, facilities being given, for tho'if,Iquo of New York Rumor. international contest of this year's, Na- Ili their berths. The engineer put on
gag(, 'tidgey I c11,,ngv" f r , -mo,dical mien or by ne6dity", the l3th, and that
'jiiell,t, Wo far tpq one could J 6 a long defenee 'of tU, front are set here by lie Would call ammurition to tho motabers) and an tional Horso Show, at AladiBoli Square the brakes and got the train down to
x I the tarkA I
WenX7, I to be going hi favor 0 eivio authorities, and! in other o, ses. at tl�o Po'
Avill probably compel tho'll-Lilgarialle to "'00 station at 11 a -m -P ('60 organization, being maintained at little Glardon, Ig set for this afternoon. It, was a low speed b�foro the engine struck
in the D('rl,_O�� TO,"iftl NVIIP-rCi thev took they eome here to a -void publicity at faliAll Ocpcct Vou to be Ili ywir office."
enter h1to llegotiatioi* without eaptur- . . no cost to the eountry, F,uh man, '.Nrew York$ Nov. M-8. 11. Vitzhugh for the Plaza. Trophy, for officers' the obstruction, with the result that tho
p-�j$oncTs and ,it number 0� heavy . hor�e, rt Was signoA "It. 1),�,Iinfgoon,lf and waa of
plany Ing 0C, Tarldoll capital. I after pAs-sing an examination 'for phy- has liot re4jigned the r&celdetoy of the Chargers, riddon by officers in uniform, front truck only jumped the rails, and
guivs. In Albani,,t, oit the otll--,. side of r!. Dr. 33caudryj Ohief Iriapector for the, the only Card of the series to bear a 6ical fitness, would -have his name ell- Untral Vermont Railroatl Company, and will bring together Canadian, F,ng- the train eaine to a stop Avith a. audd6n
TVIRM5, ARD STAIt'VIN4. ropean, Turkey, the op U- Provincial lioard. of Baalth, declares signat4e. The writer (lid not ke:3p the amago done.
, Posing ftluios rolled With Ilia Address, This would bd. dopite rumora printed Ili th,6 New lish, Dut&h, Malian. and Unit -ed, Stottes jerk, There was little 4,
. ';The judges this morn- The workmou soon haol the track repair-
1,,onaon, 18.-Ashilleadt, 'Nittlett, cor- have Again come to grips, and na the that lie is handleappod, in his efforts to 11PPOintmOnt. kept in ,ease of trouble. York :newspapers. arriiy officers.
rc�+pojldout of the Daily Telt-raph, at Turkisli e0nimimider litut prNlieted, an- stamp out the diseAee becau.se many The police and Federal authorities In It. is Atlao 'un -der eon,aldor&tlon to in order to allay all doubt upon the Ing flevoted their attention to hackne..V ed and the engine back on the rails, and.
� phy#iciana neglect to reporL aniallpox 1�oston ,and Xmv York have bcon asked I
the Turkish headquartel-6 itt- Radom- other battle Is Ili progresg to -day in the lave affiliated' with each regiment a: inatter, Cy, Wannan, general assliatanto fillies, wares and sUllions, and to a the train arrived, in Calgary three houro
kotd, sendi the follovVing", datNI Fri- vieffilty,of tho fortrt.w of Afoitasflf, 0.11608, owing to tho wishes of patientA. to asgist tho, local offielials, In the Zkt. w,det. corpa mado up of companiea at,.. Nvirkl 34T. Fitzhugh to -day and received preliminary 6volntio'n of officers' charg- late..
(Iftv. by vity of Cousti=A: At '.Sciltari the Montoilegfing ake at In Bome cases heads of Convents all(li . telilpt to locate the inurderer. ta,ohed to the various companies (A the the following replyt, ers. The early afternoon wits to be tak- ,_ . 4's 4� , .
. I
��Tbe Turkiall Aolfliel!6 ftro st-arved. hast, iiiaking some liead�vay Itho schools who have, had smallpox break 'XT,,1NV YOM CA,�U, Vr..R,Tr,JF,D, avillior regiment. This, it it; believed "There f,q no truth in the rumor that en,up with ponies$ htttnesa boraes, sad- I
, , _y bw Out among the pupils received thein. N',ew York, 1�ov. 17.t--Reeords in the ' I am .about t6 resign." and ponits.
Tlicy are suffering from the OffeCtO Of ,Aftee"ded lit driving the 14�ridfah troops would give an: ad,ditional. stimulus to WOULDCHANGIB LAW
tit(, terriMe Ijul(i llurgw3 battic� and t1re from one of their )1101111tstill pogitions, selvti of al. Ireaponsibility by sending all eoronor',g offico, Ili this vity boar wit the the oadet movement, which ha$ alrymple 16 in eon- �� � . I* 0 0. , 11 - . .
ir has not , ttriking success since iti ina.uguraton, ference with the Xew Have � ut otiti
fil1ling eg6y vi,etinis to the eholera. but tho Turk -110% command, pupila to their homes, theroby fiicre,i�shig t(, -,t of the post eard written to the n , 11 es ST-MALINO 006S POR FOOD.
dysent(-ry, et<�. Clof�o a.j the ariny Is g*Ven lip hope, ()f the dangor a hundredfold. Buffalo polie(t, g1vin regard to a traffic aTrarigement of
, , ree6vijit, I 'makill; a long defence. The city authorities are how going stiVngling of Aliellar' 1nf6rWftfl6A,O11 the All over the --country ,applitations for AN"ith 1�trlin, NOV. 17--'q110 market hRe To Make Employers Re*
to Constantinople, the wen tire The biveatoJ fortrem of Urlanople, A 1(rack) a new.4boy, ti).e. formug of corps, ozo corMlig in to the most comprelionsive kind b0tweel!
cAly it b,,tro ratilo'll of broml, with ri c' t euforc� eompulsory vaccination oil 01 in Central Park, gone to tho dogq" litertilly des,�rib�es the
cc' 11160i ftV,'(),rdItl9 to ift(lep,endont eorre- () the Milltle Dop(trtment. The whole tbo Granil Trunk Il
tho move ox- 11�otdentfj, is Still 41)le to W,it,hst sollool, children,, employees of factnyieii, . Xrnc.k't3 bo -d Wa-9 foi d i ) . , 8 to' the folUing H 101n, la relieve sponsible For Injuries.
(x�ieagionally. Tbis ii all a n<1 a . y IT) 01 I "se 10, Plan it � of tho reserve ' 11,1119111nel and those of th6 Xew av test itttempt of' (lormany to '
. I
triwrilinary In vieut of tht f1let that 01 0310go of a(weral months, . ,6tore% ote., in mi effort to stanip out 1002, flio date ni�nfionp�, - 3 I 40 0 n4. la this city dog - ... -
%41 ,I oil fhj� t,ard, lAttaliG"s,ndthodevolop,m6nt *� the tile MeAt f4mi .
whole eountry botw(,,0n the lillm- mAd I The (','rP#k Army is 611 iLs way to'lan. tho dread (Ilienie. The prwo-ut outbrtmk in au ovettvation at the point where eadet 1110V',eln(-nt will 'be comwou-�(4 0-t LOND.-N LIOPMES TO GO. thievea ttro very busy bagging game,
ig .tlip wovAt Aince the sorious one, of W( -.4t 806 ,Atr "-t tm I t r and tbo lxitellt,ro Openly Pay a fair
Cowqt�tntbioI6, is erowdkl With livO ina, the fortreao Ili th(%, " Aou* , In 11a en at ,entral I an carly date, roor3lto, 'Nov. M -The conlini"lon
thwetterli I London, 0irt., X-ov, M -By the an- pri.ct, for the �Nlptured (10je. J�umcrouq
stook, driven In by tho .refugem. ,Al- Portion of tvaropt,aft Turkey, and 60 1886, .when anti-vtweination riota wore Park. -A (oremer's verdieb WiAlq ron. [ With a view to (61 the students of % having under eoil6ideratlon t1w rovWiou
' tin ' London youtlis hkve adopted ilog-miatching a.
dsh Poinmander bn,s ' ek fleet e' buf4y in: fh(� (1(-.,At,li 'Iresulte(l fro)11 am. , 0
thoug)) thc Turk GTO 11014 ill the '01ty , 4 tho soldierg were (Imed fliat .N noxation of the two subarbi of
ontinum . ,k4C,,111 ,ftn(l T<),.onto ljnlv6r�git.ies. in Innetion;and F,alinq threo hotel lionw(% an misy means of making pocket wotwy. 0141 the Insu". iw6 Jket an(I ,v.,onipe,matlou
VVOY.Vthing olsie reqtiirkl, for sorao ill( -,X- Ao,geltn 11.,`�O.R. It V 66 ealled 011t. N'ot one of tho Patients pli,A��xiAflolt by mtraligulati(in, infliet,Pfl, th,eir work oe -cado-tS it is proba,blo
00cupled yostorda. i0l be cut off auiomati,oalln According- k<4 m'
, le,ty. m,,�inmx no longer
,p)kAlift reason lie has made no effort to Islailtl of 1(,,,tr1tt, ill tho Flinallpox ba."ifitl A;t the prol,,ont by 14onip per. -ion or pero�onr4 1xilkliolvil to tilitt ail appropriation Nvill bo dsked � 917 to tl'O ft) Nvorkingtilen, luave iftsorteA claunoa bi,
. firne hom cwor be(m vilce(linatM, flit, jilry." to Licen-go Inep"tor Galpinal interprot�- pound Ili seareh of their 10163ing pebq,
uw, the Intram6e qnautitim -of froll, mcat The Aue,tro.'Slo,rvian qutoitioli I Tem . I for by tho Minf6ter of .Militia; and the report whieh the, G4vernment is ro-
19 �#.* * OW16.1- timl of tho law, London permits only Wt they tenil
At hand. dimquittin; to. -day, cv4q)j ,for t,110 1 "' � _* Defellee, Col, ibi� Iton, Sam Itilgh-es,
, ,q L. t i. twc-nty.gix hotelff, twd annevation brin �P,hore in tho hope th.0 the wi-Ajug <%11
"At Vuo,, Burgaig, urbilt, Vie comman- tildo of the prtts oil 6thor 141do, (I STOCK BURNE9, A61AS61N OP CANAL9JAS BURMD t,ljis year for tljo eonstrut,tion df tt (Irill 9i ,, . iminniended. to adopt, and whi0i Nvill
ft." for SPORTING GOODS 00 f�fal to twonty-nino-, Thei new arri- Ints aro 401 alive, Dog 3110,0.,; s(.114 at give the ivorldngmau compinvist,flon for
I p,
&r.iii-6k.-i's army wats starving, 01101` 00 110tiOn 0 the Sorvinim in intenve t. 1, radrid. 'Nov. I 7. --The bur! hall in the ituiversity ground. While ,
rrou.4 h(,rds of Ari,p griiz�,,l wid,,r the ing th6 r6port,q of the Aitqtr*an ,commIg Torouto, .Vov. 18 al of tho 'fk* bttvo their Wils-n%vtom INIA�io and Ilarnos Hougo; 10,t,ents ta pound. injury withoat recour-Ac to tho law
,.-Virv, whieh fttartt,ti it!�f,.,JXsiJt, Manitel Pardinaq who eoln- at prtltlmlt the llniv,0111 At, Lmidon ,tunction, and TtoniWer4a IT I... � b.., 4 0 $I--- T, y of t"It, i1muraltee
i I i Ili mitted suielde aftor hp� Its,ul, 4v)t Ilron'&_r gYn"WhIn's awl. oquipmelit,
fire of tbe onoiny, &nd wpro� (Iriven off in Albania anil oven provo,nting thenj rc little'hofort, A n'elot,k this mornip� it i1s. I k�Alri�. tip 11abilit,
T1 __ ' . , lf,OtO sit Eilling�-An� MAW to go, T eorapallZipe j.4 to be 'inm,lo pretty 14111.
%�,jth the r6itted artily. Yet huniredii fr"i rehirni'ng home, the f4orp of UftroRt WiNola, 207 Y�nve Conalejn^, took plftpo #tx%retly nt ,day. though thftt the. StIld0fitft 011ght to Im . 410 0--- SIONM tUSPICIOUS r%XTAAC a.
n $1 n � roged Iiiis ,_,jl,�ourggod in the ,m&t work which .!I Under tha pre%ent law oorporationi in -
of meft died 6f 8tarvation in 619ht of A,ctitlsr on 66 rommrno ,cl tio of hor i�treot, "-!most Mm LORD STAKNOONAI$ 01 lent uorlaneu, ana ,.w ,-,non sks au
. , pleV,ly dott 1,re.qk Raturday. '\tt,Gill tTuiV6r' p. y. - Toronf.(%, Nov. t4t.-The Lkotlso nron, �
foexl. allv. Iffily, .r�jlstrj'fi, Jr, "J'a to 1*Ve.tn6d'J. stnek of P4�ortivig good& T h -� It N tho p6ral view tbat tli(% dis� they 1111WO takft 11P. x . (it th(5 rrovinelal Storetokry'u Depstrtu eum, their
"Any othor army Nvould havo, eon4a. *11eA her demAnds, an,cl 110 lo,6tor obj,Nfe =p to �stook it about Aixty " pearame of the lato Premier Ciiytale- 61ty hst% Iven notod N4 -,veltr for 6.6 Lona6n, Nov. 17.-tord Stratho6na, 3lzur6 (it a Nlilpmovit a�cjdont haliptmoi the infolranoo eompaiiy
. r dnz*i% bottloff of oxtrruft sit "!"l- J� ,r.otifiM, and Ns-ritt isbukA aggiot tW
,ored it God96nt- Vie Turk is not & to 66 e6ftbtriktion of P, TAIlway froft oand, de,llars, insurvd, f4v forty tholl. jas 1p4v?�m the '_Ntonarehisti� in ,,,-,,pfiij1 ox�(%Ilenw of its mtlet ,woik. tontribAited $1,62M fowArda the Imilding fl, 1`1
. - .. 014.4 tmvt.,� Tho tlfrAHM-Mit wa-e M10404 4 -t
&$t rN tw - of tho Quomi. ,Alexandrx wing to the throi2kh tho lo(,A] Meonso lns"�,tsir thowt ew-por4fim,.A skre Wyne,1 ovi�r t t thom n
yheitt oAter, And ,a,P,t,m# to Im unAblo ts) 06 Prthltbf to the AdrfA,ticv . % , Aftli'd. ,%ithout it proat Parlimmontary lomlor,
'ellog*, tht brNts of hN lifetime, eve,.). , has also st1)1tndo11M I,,#.,r 0011,omv e ()f .$I — ..4 4, 0 i . Whilo Xing Alfoux,) is dis.priv4in it r4it. , Nvlwn a inan lovos hig work, go6d for. f4ratheonst Itonie for Tneurlkblo�, tho 06 ,,Oilpmt�nt hA41 tho- aiwrtmft(,t,� of tin fiClif. Thi, practit!o will I* 140pped, '�,.,,-
fil M"t 66 OX190116M Of I(Otllftl ktWit- (4144nniA union with tuno Ulls in lov� Nvitli Trni._'..-FfoTidi% foundtttion mtovo n h A 14 �'J d ft qt txtraet uiat ralght iiiv vi"d i�wt mit'i Dialing ill(% 4,111146ying '001np'%nV "e,qvvnrl�
Sorvi,ft. An otean vny&p, makm it fino en,1119. untion ikf groAt iliffiPulty of the, couns,,1 f whi(, w , I i I wim-t for wriking vnrlaii-4 16n,14 of .`%ii- I .
tion, Mov,wor, the TiteMsh Aoldiw N flip nflyor han4, a-rmt :grjt1,1in,, ,t*pml,01�, i#,,!r ibe Inn,or mitit. fif it timn$r niem nn whn�i be rolio4 folly, ZM4,x T.Won. mr-rith, tnxi(�Atinst drl,nki. 61ble tot, injal.;.-s t"(1, itri ,wrvaufs.
, I