HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-11-21, Page 3SCALES, DANDRUFF AND ITCHING ••••••••••••••••••• Head so itchy Could Hardly Stand It. Dandruff Showed on Coat Col- lar. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured in One Month. 223 Blizebeth St., Montreal, Quo.—"Outie curs, Seals end Ointroent cured me perm - neatly from &mama and eettlp itch that I was suire;ing with since over a year. 1 had inflaramation of the lungs and a very etrong fever, When 1 recovered, my head was covered, with ocalea anci dandruff, and It was so itchy I could bardly stand it. The dandruft showed on my coat collar. T had u.secl variety!! =calcines without relief, X beard of Cuticurce Soap and Ointment and decided to try them, and 1 am very glad of because I am perfectly ctuad. 1 used two boxes of Outicura Ointment with the Outicura Soap. It took ono month to cure nee. I take pleasure in recommending Outie cura Soap and Ointment to anyone who is suffering with scalp or skin. diseases,'" (Signed) Hector Perras, Doc. 30, 3.91.1., TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Prevent falling hair, remove crusts and scales, and allay itehing and irritation of the soap, frequent shampoos with Outicura Soap, assisted by occasional dressings with Cuticura, Ointment, afford the speediest and most economical treatment. They assist in promoting tate growth and beauty of the hair by removing those conditions which tend to make it dry, thin, and lifeless, often leading to premature grayness and loss of hair, Outioura Soap and Outicura Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers throughout the world. Liberal sample of each mailed With 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. 46D, Boston, U. S. A, THE SIRE OF THE FLOCK Selecting a ram for the flock is select- 'ixx fifty per cent, of the good or .bad qualities of your future lamb crop, ac- oording to the geed or poor judgment used. The most common points the ram must have are: He must be pure-bred, Possessing a well covereu back, oroad be- cause of the need of well prung ribs, Wide loin, smooth and elastic to the touch, long. deep, full quarters, well -finished in the twist and In the inside and outside muscles of the thighs. In addition there must be a good depth of rib, depth and width in front and at the heart, indic- ative of a sturdy constitution; with these will go a medium neck, stronger at the shoulders and well set on. A clean, in- telligent eye and head with reasonable terominence of the eyeball are desirable. This individual uniformity is ',exceeding' ly important as the ram is half the flock, and with his better breeding is likely to reproduce his type and conformation in lambs. He should be of medium size with come pactnees and strength and lots of masco- lineity with a strong bold carriage'', strong bone, and should average up to the size of rams of his breed. He must be pure pred and typical of his breed. Pay particular attention to the wool. The heavy shearers are the most profit- able In this country when the quality Is right and *we need a density of fibre tie; well as length of staple. It ia of great Importance to have the wool uniform in quality all over the body and not running too coarse on the thighs. .A. ram one - „year -old or slightly over that age predue- es the strongest progeny. This must of coteries be governed by the number Of -ewes in the flock; if they eXceed twenty an older sire must be used. ••••••••••.e. • • riOeit Of Mee dering mating eeteeon with out any aPparent ninny, if he is matured. Care Muet, be Won, however, to Coattail lthn Or weaker lainbs will be the remelt. The ewes mut be string and thrivine well when bred and !should Lave abundant feed. 'he are all the law and "prefese of having a large percentage of twins dropPed. It may bo wise I e breed frein ewes themeelves twins, bet even then theyanuet be in a first clase pheadcal con. ditto to produce the beat remelts, ter en- der favorable circurnetances we will have larger returns, stronger laenbs, 'which are most IlitelY to Ave and thrive, providing the ewe is looked after with care up to awl after the time of lambinge—Calledian Farm, tan....m.nrwre Gained in Weight, Digestion Restored, Health Renewed Here is More Proof of Quick Cure For All Folks That Are Weak, Ailing, Nervous, More Praise for Pr. Hatrillton'a PiIIL SPRAYING AND VARIETY OF POTA- TOES. For it period ittet simmer Wet seasome such as the One we have thought of food excited feelings of the nausea " writes (1. A. oDodge of Wet experienced, are hard en the withal arobeard Illoo vy. "The heat had made' me ere% Reports of blight awl rot 11 al n every heed, Some sections which pre- 11- 'view; to this year have bad little er no ) hetlees ana the distaeto for food redue- BREEDING TO UNIFORMITY AND VIGOR It is essential that the sheep -man breed "for unit...unity as the profit from the flock is largely dependant upon the num- ber of uniformly well -grown lambs rais- ed. and which one can have by reason- able precaution with care and attention - provided the ewes be good milkers. Both sire and dam should possess type of their breed and sex and neither one coarse or undersized. It is a mistake to bank on producing good. lambs by mating an undersized ewe with a big sturdy ram. Both must be In a hearty, rugged healthy condition at time of coupling. The strongest lambs are sired by rams one- year -old or over, yet for a flock of about fifteen ewes, a well-developed ram will olive good resulte and may be more cheaply purchased. When the number exceeds twenty use an older ram. A ram may be used to run with a small istuannyou can save $10 a month. —buy a lot at NEW HAZELTON alight report tbat its -ravages have came - ed considerable loss. Low or heavy laud lute muttered *most, but the patina, of land is not the onlY fault. Tbe season hae nroven conclusively that spraying fre- euently and thoroughly with Bordeaux mixture is a preventative nail Ai cannot be lanored. S. E. Todd, S. A., DO•ector of Government Farms for the Provinee of Ontario, states that little or no rot has appeared on those farms! watch have been thoroughly sprayed and en those farms where the work NV09 looked after in every detail the potato tops were just as green and healthy at the time frost came as at aY other time during the season, no evidence of blight being noticed. He favors the Delaware variety. With regard to blight -resistant varieties Prof. C. A. Zavitz, of the 0 A.„C., has had some very merited results this sea- son. He finds that the four most blight - Proof varieties this efear are Extra Early Eureka,Irish Cobbler, arly Pinkeye and Davie's Warrior. TwO of these varieties Extra Early Eureka and Da.vie's Warrior are yielding over '450 bushels per acre and no rot whatever is visible. These four varieties are all heavy...yielders and wher others 'hay suffered from ret are fre from It, Thorough spraying and plant- ing of blight-rsistant veriettes Car1119t be too highly recommended. DIFFERENT NOW. (Ottawa Evening Journal) Before the war the great powers an- nouneed to the Ballia.n States that the powers would not permit them any terra, torial gain, if they won. But that was like talking to what looked like a baby and has turned out to be a pugilist. ed inc to a condition of semi -starvation and:brought me to the verge of nervous .eollapse. Touies were ueeleee to restore an active desire for food, The doctors told me my liver am]. kidneys, were both at fault, but the medicines they gave me were too severe and reduced my strength so that I had to abandon them. At the suggestion of a friend, who had, been cured of blood and skin trouble, I began the use of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills, The difference I first no- ticed Was, that while they cleansed the system, instead of feeling weaker I felt better alter taking them. Indeed, their activity was iso mild it was easy to for- get I had taken them at all; they seem. ed to do right to tae liver, and in a very brief time not only did all source of nausea disappear, but I began to erave food and I digested it reasonably well. Thea I began to put on weight un- til within three months I was brought to a condition of good health. I urge Dr, Hamilton's Pills for all who are in poor health.” Get this best of all medicines to -day and refused a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Sold by all druggists and storekeepers, 25e per box or five for $1.00. Sent poet- paia by The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. ANADEC GIRLS StEM tVIRYWH{RE.1 Nine Out of Every Ten Show , Symptoms of This Serious Trouble. So eteadily does anaemia undermine tho health of young, growing girls and yonn,g women that it is rightfully re- garded ele one of the greatest enemies of her sex. Nine women out of ten are bloodlees, more or less, and hi many Ca6Ci3 neglect has allowed a.naelaitt to develop into hopeless decline. There is a security and new strength for weak, tired girle and women in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. They aetual- ly make the new, good blood of health that banishes the "always tired" weak:. nese and. the continual back -Lichee of anaemia. They drive away headaches, the low spirits, the palpitation of the overworked heart and the fits of nerve ouenese that mark the women whose weak blood is unable to nourish their - wasting frames. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille have given health to unhappy anaemics in casco to numerous to record. Here is one example. Miss Hattie 33. White,. Whitehall, Ont., ea: "Some two years I became very much run down. I con. - suited a doctor, who told me that It was a bed case of anaemia and. nervous- n.ess. I had most ,of the symptotne that , accompany this trouble, such as head- • aches, a tired feeling, poor appetite, ttn.d pallor. The doctor's medicine did not seem to help me, and then I began changing from one medicine to another, but with,„ no better results. Finally at the euggeetion of in mother 1 deeided to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills. I got two boxes and by the time I mut taken them I began to feel better. This cheered me very mien, and I continued using the Pills until I had taken nine or ten boxes. When I was again enjoy- ing the very hest of health, and bad gained in weight as well. I have proved in my case that Dr. William& Pink Pills are a, cure far anaemia and can recom- mend them to similar sufferers." Sold by all medicine dealers 'or by mail at 60 cents a box, or *i'c boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. The most Important City on the Grand Trunk Pacific In Interior British Columbia. NEW HAZELTON 18 the commercial and distributing centre for —the rich Silver and Copper Mines. —Immense Agricultural District. —the famous anthracite Coal Mines. —the manufacturing of Central British Columbia YoU men who are tired working your head and •hands off, with nothIng•to Show for it at the end of the year, TEN DOLLARS wm start you as oWner of "close -in" property that will make you big profits. You can't lose by following the Union Bank, the Bank of Vancouver and other large mercantile and 'financial institutions. Price of Lots, $100 up. FREE MAPS and informatien milli be gladly *int steal, Standard Securities Limited 410 1:°stifio Minding Vancouver, Canada atinkers, Imperial Bank OUR 44-41 PRECISE ARTIST 0 . Ot but ors too the theratotooter courts. Moo ot.o.410 I a foal, ittlm to la rt dr met Oa; bard tt fr a . • %ono In JO tit • otornlut HI • dogs lad .I -ma." Le of thud oL o Woo Lay up 'rho Mat .a.. Am wade rek uolt or Woe lie baths or • the ors th Ut bi 11 torch .1 sten oil coorolos pinb. ou tho hot mot. The Ant I ootarner Kerb work, tor at; • try ovinotorrInr, re Istrattrahlo taw rhino. it yOU oh bard ho viand lo of the you--Ou as 1140.1V -0.i0 is IN MI *MI rl%d tore ,e,Mr. too. tt Yeti haeo Otto O. miner, ao to lho 'Ter oro sod otoly .ieltat• workers, than pro oft of mom flood Owl you 40 told tot It bot tlA e/ • t t t t tool It If rer0 ko0 I. *old- iron, or la MN adtt lots, If me I.& A newspaper woman0 neighing, pawing and whinnying fn a. Vain effort to tind escape which may at least lead to the gone/mils, of his kind, if not to his mother. To take the place of his dam the best possible substitute is another colt. If the owner has two colts of the same ago little dificulty from fretting is likely as they can be turned together and the preeence of another colt seems to drown their trouble to a great extent. If a colt of his own age is not available, use a yearling or two-year-old, but arrange the feeding so that the weani- ing gets his share of the feed given. For best results it is necessary to keep the foal which is being weaned out of eight and hearing of his dam, as every - time they see or hear each other only serves to prolonge the period of fretting by reviving their memories, The main point in weaning, all things considered, is feeding the colt. On 110 acount stint the feed. Give all he will eat up clean, but do not keep the manger full of stale hav or stale oats. Just feed that amount welch is readily eaten before time for the next feed. There is nothing better crushed oats with a little bran added and some authorities advocate a little boiled linseed. Start the colt on, a email quantity of grain and increase it as his appetitte warrants and as colder weather approaches. A little clean, sweet milk can often be used to advantage at wean- ing time. It is well to conemence with whole milk. Gradually substitute sweet skim milk until it entirely takes the place of the whole milk. which in too large quantity is not in the best interests of the colt's later usefulness. 'Select the best of everything in the way of stock for ventilation. 1 place strong C011 9 feed for the colt; keep him clean, dry, reasonable warm and thriving as well as possible. The colt is the horse in the making and his value when mature de- nends largely upon his feeding caireng his first winter—Irarmer's Advecate, ll 0111-.0.4r Teacher—"What makes dark rain clOuds?" Willie—"Dirty water." WEANING THE VOAL As the autumn grows into early winter, the many colts which have not aireadY been weaned, will be separated from their dams, and as this is a critical Urn° he the colt's life, it is necessary to put forth little extra effort in his belialt that hie - growth is not injured by the ruore Or less adverse conditiens which of rieceesity arid eueseciettal 'With thie separatioa, Where the mare must do her *here oe the fall work it is better that the telt be weaned earlier, but many there are who do not take the trouble to stable the colt by himself until the fall ruali is partially if not quite over. 13y Me time especially if the mare has been Worked hard during the season, her milk flove is getting quite ecanty, and under Most conditions the colt, provided lie Is well fed on grain and gooa roughage, would do just as.well as far as food is con ' cerned, if he were separated from the Wt. The important question is, has the eolt been taught to eat grain and other feed? It is often the CitiM that the colt has run with hie dam on grae8, has had the opportunity of romplenienting this rnilk eation with foraging and lies receive ed no !special attention as to food. Un- der nth conditions he can ocarcely be expected te take hold tend eat !sate the first time the opportuinty is Mirth hitt. Sueli a colt should not be Peened uottil lie bas learned to eat, and the quickest W ay to tetteli him to do this is 10 let hirri eat With his Mother, provided the is not ugly with him, which is tornetimeilbilt n ot very often the ease, or to .provicle for him a meal box from Which he Owing. Ivey may eat at leisure. 11 he eats well before being weaned, he will reeeive little setbaelt frtvn the etendpoint n nutriment by the toes of hie mother's milk. 'The hardeet thing to overcome IN the actual lots of the compenionettip of the Mother, whit% tilt115014 the colt to worry and fret. Horses are nervous AMMO*, end the ton being deprived of his "beet Mend" often Allende multi tire. fa M AU* up end deWn his naddeelt or Mali : 1.111•111111 Ways to Use Cranberries IMMO ale* SPICED CRANBERRIES Roast duck or any sort of game ie bet- ter with spiced cranberries; ae an adjunct, Wash a quart of cranberries and put them into a saucepan with a half cupful of cold water. Tie in a email cheesecloth bag' a (linen elove% a, dozen allspice, 2 Stick's ot einnarnen (broken) sad several blades of mace. Put this bag into the cranberries and water and stew together until the fruit is broken to bits. Remove the spice bags rub the berries through a colander, odd 2 teacupsful of brown aug- er, stir over the fire until idssolved, and set away to get cold. CRANBERRY JELLY Wash a quart of cranberries, drain them and put them into a double boiler with the moisture still clinging to them. Cover and cook until broken to pleees. Turn the fruit into the jelly bag and squeeze hard to extract all the juice. Measure this and to a quart of it add 4 cups of granu- lated sugar. Return to the fire, boil up ono', and turn inte a mould wet with .cold water. It should form into a firm Jelly. ORANBERR,Y AND RAISIN P/10 Seed a cupful of retsina and chola them into bits. Cut int() halves 2 eupfuls of cranberries and Mix them with the minc- ed retsina. Add 2 even cupfuls of stegar, r. Cupful of water, 2 tablespoonsful of noel and a few airdies of lemon Pelee. Line deep pie Plates tvith puff paste, fill each with the mixture and put on a thin upper erust and cut slits in this for the escape Of the steam, Bake in a good OVen to a golden brown. When cold, ;sprinkle with sugar. CRANBERRY SHORTCAKE This is one of the most delisehltrat Cranberry dishes. The Cake for the lay- ers should be very simple and much as that made for a strawberry shortcake. Make a. sweet be:3mM dough, rolling out an inch thick. Spread with butter and bake. Pick over an4 wash the cranberries to be used for filling, adding 1 1-2 cpus of water, and stewing slowly about an hour. Remove frem stove before adding sugar, elvtl A Ilflu Al y, TM'S Is eecellent served with whipped cream or a meringue,. No Operation —FOR— Gall-Stones No operation for gall -stones, Kidney stones or Gravel—SAEOL, the Gerznah remedy discovered by a great German scientist, will surely- relieve the agony of the sufferer from these complaint% It will also cure with equal certainty and aromptness kidney trouble, .lumbago, and all dther diseases caused by the pres- ence of uric acid in the system. It is alio most valuable as a preventative for these diseases and will often prevent a serious illness if taken when the first symptoms aPpear. Save the pain, danger and eost ot an operation by using- SANOIL !anyway, Why people don't atay home, instead Of forever gadding ab011t. Her e0Olt la wasteful, and doesn't season things Ault as she likes them, Even hr husband, she oonfides now and then to an intirnate friend, deeS try her at times, And all the beauty and corafert and luxury and happiness that is her, site really is unconscious of, • Her husband ought to pretend a - failure in. businees, and move her into two rooms with no carpet on the floor and a wood stove and a sec- ond-hand Oot to sleep on, She ought to have to live on beano and take in washing, He ought to work up a tic- titioue elopement with a charming lady, and do a few more of these things, to open, her eyes to the bless- ings that really are hers. Else she might as well turn them • over to somebody who can enjoy them, and he the worm in the dust cra,wling through a vale of tears which, evidently now is her cherish- ed belief. Relief will be rapid, the deposits will Pass off ra-pidly and without pain. We ; have addresses and strong testimonials —some written—from residents of WInni- meat° tbe number of 300. We have 27 testimonials from one small Alberta town We have a most convincing testimonial from one Winnipeg lady who passed several large gall -stones after taking one bottle of SANOL. We are willing and anxious to furnish the addresses of any of these people. I. SANK IS SAFE AND SURE • SANOL MANUFACTURING COM- PANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, 077 Main street, Winnipeg. For sale by all drug- gists or direct from the makers at $1.50 Per bottle. How to Conquer Rheumatism at Your Own Home If you or any of your friends suffer from rheumatism, kidney disorders or ex- cess of uric acid, causing lameness, back- ache, muscular pains; stiff, painful, swol- len joints, pain in the limbs and feet, dimness of sight, itching skin or frequent neuralgic pains 1 invite you to send for a generous FREE TRIA.L TREATMENT of my well-known, reliable CHRONI- CURE, with references and full particu- lars by mail. (This is no C. 0. D. eehsmea No matter how many may have fielled in your case, let me prove to you free of ,cost, that rheumatism can be 001*kt-tiered. Chronicure succeeds where till else fails. CHRONICURE CLE -ANS - ES THE BLOOD AND REMOVES the CAUSE. Also for a weakened, run -clown, condition of the system, you will find CHRONICURE a most satisfactory GEN- ERAL TONIC that makes you feel that life is worth llvlxig. Please tell your Mende of this liberal offer, and SEND TO -DAY for large free package, to MRS. SUMMERS, BOX E 8—WINDS01, ONT. -- 1: THE PRUNE EATER'S PLAINT,. I've stood quite meek az meats and things Have sit= high. When grocer brings The bill 1 quickly Tray But now my voice no longer croons Whydashltall they've raised. their prunes t licx???111 Geel how I'd: like to say it! " Money talks, but we are usually deaf to a deficit. .THE *WOMAN WHO NEVER KNOWS HER HAPPINESS. She had a very beautiful home, and she wore pretty froeks. Her hats were the envy of all her friends. And her husband was cheery adn even-tempered. Yet her mouth had a melancholy droop, and her voice was mostly a wail. "What beautiful flowers you have," said a friend gazing in admiration at a big, sunny window full of bloom- ing plants. The woman looked at them dis- contentedly. "Do you think so?" she said. "I don't think our flowers are pretty." "What a lovely dress that is you have on," exclaimed another friend, at another time. The woman viewed it with dissatis- faction. "Oh, I don't know," she re- plied. "It doesn't fit very well. And the color, isn't becoming," "That's a dandy auto your hus- band has," admired a neighbor as the motor otopped in front of the doer. The woman gazed at it peevishly. "I didn't want him to get an auto," she said. "I never have a minute's peace wlsen he is out with it, I know he'll be killed or crippled for ,life." And so it goes. You can't mention a Using that woman owns, that there isn't something wrong with it. Her milliner charges her outrageous prices. Her piano isn't as sweet- • toned as it might be. Her entertain- raents are always dismal failures, no matter h.oW delightful her friends may think them. Her trips are al- ways tiresome; and she doesn't see, to • THE BEST MEDICINE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN Mrs. Inderie Roberge, Lae Long, Que., writes; "I have used 13aby'e Own Tab- lets for my baby, who euffered from stomach trouble and vomiting, also from constipation, and they completely eured him. I can recommend them to all mothers as the 'very best medicine for young children. The Tablets are superior to all other medicines not quip because they promptly cure stomach trouble, constipation, colic, etc., but be- cause they are guaranteed to be abso- lutely safe and free from all harmful drugs. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from T:lie 3)r, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. s. IT ALL DEPENDS. Should. Have Good ht for Studying A poor light strains the eyes, and the injurious effects may last for life. Al oil lamp is best. The light from the Rayo Lamp is soft and mellow. 'You can read or, work under it for hours without hurting your eyes. The RAY() is constructed scientifically. It is the best lamp Metlee-yea ine/illianitiVid and ecenernleal. ameRa• .. made of oelitt brass—nickel L A-0 Lighted Without removing chimney cr Ilomoy until 0 *had*. Elko to Clean and rewick. Made In vatious styles and for all purpoefse. Deaktra Sotersiehtre THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, LirnItod MONTPILAI. *MOM WaTI.N4NoifilliO, TOO N TO DR. BUGS • TRAM{ NG $5°4 n LEssos CO t AND liCt0 MAt1r-1 Y4 ITH not aUfes 1477 fIRN05- TIME SOMETHING WAS DONE. (Rochester Post -Express.) Yet it Is high time that something was done when the Preeldent of the Ohio Board of Adminietration predicts the bankruptcy of that State within ten years unless the production of imbeciles who become State charges can be check- ed. He recently transferred to a public innstitution for mental defectives one family of six idiot children, and Dr. Barnof the Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble 'Minded Children, has still more gruesomely disquieting facts to re- late. He tells of one halfewitted father of nineteen defective offspring, of an id- iot mother with an idiot progeny 01 nine, and of four other women whose forty worthless children were an of the type which drifts infallibly to tile poor house or the Jail. Valuable HorseSaved By "Nerviline" Was Too Sore and Lame io Work Quickly Cured by Nerviline. "1 have had a long experience hi. -treating horses, and I can safely say that I know of no iinhnent for strains, sprains, and swellinee that is so usefel around the stable at Nerviline." Thns writte Mr. S". l. Murihison, from his home, Crofts Hill P. 0. "I had a fine yonng mare thet wrenched her right foreleg, aud from the shoulder down she was stiff, sore end swollen. I ap- plied Nerviline, and it worked like a charm; in feet, that mare wee in shape to work a day after I used Nerviline. "We have used Nerviline on our farm for twenty-five years, and never found it wanting. l'or man or bent it is a wonderfnl liniment," Five thousand letters reconnuend Ner- viline fie a enteral Imeeehold liniment, as an all-round cure for aches and pains. Try it yonreelf. Large sige bottle, 50c., or sample she 25e., sold by all dealers, or The Catarrh - ozone Co., Kingston, Ont. 4.4. • eetAtovszsit Auviattisranteesf.fl aellasee_e_eett< rAtt -'"a• ‘wa,a, ela, wawa 7/05 SAKING WOES C001111SLD OITA IOUAWING1/1611tOls LW$#ND 110NrIg0tIX 110$111Art.111Ewo °OWE 0/500/1N01 PAM ea.• e `etea Nate 'MON neetesa To guard against alum in Baking Powder see that all ingre. clients are plainly printed on the label. The words- "No Alurn7 without the ingredients is not sufficient. Magic Baking Powder costs no more than the ordinary kinds. Full weight one pound cans 25c., ENG114.13TT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT,' 4, WINNIPEG "'" MONTREAL 412===•`"‘" \\MN OWO%04"0,040404040V%A" Poultry Notes When fowls have free range they eat censiderable amount of grass or other gyeen foods. It would appear to be de- sirable that where birds are confined in Small runs during the summer, fan or winter tome effort should be made to supply this food. Many foods are euelias wo,sto cabbage, =angels, turnips, rape, clover hay, clover leaves or green food, esparaelly grown for that purpose. Cabbaga at timeswill flavor the eggs slightly and may cause serious digestive troubles. Both rape and cabbage make good green. foods, but judgment must be exercised in their use. Mangels are a suc- culent food and relished by the birds dur- ing the winter. They can be fed either pulped or whole. Turnips may also flavor the eggs. They are not as palatable as niangels; in fact, some fowls will not eat them at all, but at the same time they have considerable food value. The growing ot green food is becoming popular with many, The ordinary plan is to soak whole bats 24 hours previousto sowing. The ordinary greenhouse flat is useful for this purpose. Any box from three to four inches deep will answer. It is necessary that the bottom of the box should have sufficient holes to give good .drainage. Place a little damp earth over the bottom of the box and then pa in about one-half inch of soaked grain mei cover this with about one inch of sand. Keep the earth moist. In a few daysthe grain will begin to Pearminate. Most feeders allow the grinn to grow up totwo or three invites in height before fee -ding it. Any oT the common coal tar stock dips may be used as sprays for the hen house, with satisfactory results. They may be diluted with 60 parts of water. These mixtures may be applied with n large brush or with a sprayieg machine. A good spraying macaine is quicker and more efficient than it 'brush. Great care must be taken to fill thoroughly every crevice in the wall, perches and nests with the liquid. Two thorouglt sprayings should be made on the first dey. The next day careful examination S110111 d be made,, and if any mites Call be found alive the house Ahou1d be thoroughly treated again. Al- though these eolutions will kill the adult. mites, it is not likely that they will reach the mite eggs and prevent them .feom hatching. The poultry houses should therefore be sprayed twice again et Intervale of one week. Thiswilleatch any mites that have hatehea out from tite ear laid previoue to the first spray - As the turkeys grow give them range. Turkeys do not do well in small and crowded quarters. They _can be raised to some extent on a small range, but flu.eh specimen' generally are stunted in size and are of poor color. If liee ap- pear, grease their head and winga with carbolized vaseline. They will not need much food, but will do better and grow faster than those, kept in the house and fed from five to six times a day. :Inerease the profits by- decreasing the number of old hens. On many farms_ old hens are playing tbe part of star board- ers. It is a fact that the older a fowl the less eggs it will lay. Ile pullet as a rule lays the largest number of eggs in the first laying year, and it hatched at the proper time lays eggs when the price is the higheet. Pullets are the most pro- fitable. Well-managed poultry is preferable to farm crops, in that poultry wili produce an income at all times of the year. The farmer •with a good flock of poultry is making money these days. The fair season is now on in full blast. „So far the smaller early fairs have had poultry exhibitabove those of last year, showing a healthy improvement in the interest of pure-bred poultry. • Do not despise well-bred poultry. No geese before the feathers are ripe. Geese may be picked two or three times a year '(not hi winter) if the feather is blood. leee and pulls easily. It is then ready to picic, but if filled with blood it is green. Commonly, when ready to pluck, the feathers will begin to drop, and it ie then an advantage to remove them, It is a shnple end sure protection to draw an old stocking over the head of a -goose during the operation. The same rule AULD LANG SYNE DONE UP IN TARTAN. Should Gaelic Deech be e'er forgot, And never brotht to min' For she'll be spoke in Paradise an the days o' axial long syne. When Eve, all fresh in beauty'd charms First met tOrld Adrare vieW The first ward that he'll spoke to bet Was "Cie, mar a the thee au diudh?" And. Adain in hie garden fair ,Whene'er the day 414 close, The dish that 'legit to septler teule Was always "Athol" brose, When Adam firsts from his leafy bower, Cam' out at break o' day, Mall always for his morinng teuk A qualch of usquebrie. And when wa t ve bell had a crack, teuk his iineeelan' horn, And on the tap yell wool micht mark A brew big Cairngorm The aneesiiin' mull is fine, my frien'e The eneeshin' mull Is grand. We'll tattle a hearty eneesle frien's And pass't from hand to hand. When Mart first found the want o' tittes The wind and cauld to fleg, Be twisted rotted about 'limas waist The tartan phlinbeg. And tinimie tiret on ettrill was hefted, I' Genile eteents deep " ahlial he his oxter squeezed The blether o' It sheep, The brave bagelneS is grand, my ttlOWN The braw begs -noes its fine; teuk another plbrrieli Yet. tier tite das'e 0' aulcl lent myne, 1114.1,001•414.faii• TOW' 'tanners will depend. veil mut& ot the nintlity Of what you fratatiently t1nk On, for the aoul le tinged mut 0414 &red With the romplexion of thong/dant MOUS Aureliiie. sl`c • *s s xam‘a•N \\\‘‘a\a`sa aNNaaaa\ applies to ducks, .-waich ohould not be placked until the feathers begin to Goma out. -}41.11114•••••••••••••••••••• HARD ON TEDDY, (Buffalo Express.) It is to be hoped that the natioo has not overlooked the fact that Theodore Roosevelt ran third in New York, the State where he was born, where he has always lived, and of which be was Goy- ernor. Roosevelt did not carry one of the 61. counties of the State. He was defeated even in his home Comity of Nassau. It is notorious that a prophet is with- out honor in his own country. The rea- son, generally is that the country in question knows the prophet better than the world at large }mows him. ' • BEWARE OF BLOOD -POISON Zam-Suk Is A Sure Cure Mr. Jas. Davey, of 786 Ellice avenue, Winnipeg, says: "A few montbs singe I was eured n of a poisoned finger through the timely use of Zam-Buk. "I cut it deep gash across the knuckle on the first finger of my right hand in opening a lobster can, 1 suffered at the time with the soreness and pain, but ha duo idea, it would become a eerioue wound. However, in about two days I was greatly alarmed; as my whole hand and ani to the elbow be- came suddenly inflamed, and the finger was much discolored, showing signs of blood -poisoning. The pain was dread- ful and I was forced to leave off my work -and go home. "The wound. on the knuckle had been poisoned by dust and dirt - get- ting into it. I then decided to start the Zam-Buk treatment, and. having first bathed the eat, I applied the heal- ing balm. it soothed the pain almost instantly, and by next day there was a great improvement. "In a week's time, through peree- veranee with this wonderful prepara- tion, a complete cure was brought abou t." Zanalank is just as good *far eczema, ulcers, scalp sores, abscesses, piles, ringworm, boils, vericose Uleerse run- ning sores, OW sores, chapped hands, ete. It draws all poisonous foulness from a wound or sore and them heals. 1.`ee it, too, for cute, burns, bruises. and ell skin injuries. Zem-Thik Soap should be used in conjunction to -the balm •for washing wounds and sore places. Ex- eelleet, too, for baby'' bath. All druggist*: and stores sell Zara- Buk at 50e. a box and Zam-Bub' Soap at 25e. tablet. Post -free upon receipt of priee from Zam-Buk. Co., Toronto. THE LESSON. Not long ago Lord Kinnaird, wbo is always actively interested in religious work, paid. a surprise visit to a mission school in the eat end of London, and. told a class of boys the story of Samson. In concluding hie narrative his lordship added: "He Wile strong, became Weak and then regained his etrength, enablinghim to destroy his enemies. Now, boys, if I had an enemy, what would you advise me to do?" A little boy after meditating on the Keret of the great giant's strength, ehot up his hand and exclaimed: "Get a bottle of 'air restorer." WRIST WATCH FRES A beautiful small size LADIES' 'WATCH in handsome LEATHER BRACELET given FREE for selling only $4,50 worth of the loran - est Christmas and New Year Cards and Folding Booklets at 3 fore°. Thetis are the eery hated and most excluslye designs. Embossed and lithographed in all the hatural colors. Appro. priate mottoes and verses. You just show Them and take the menea Many of our agents eell a dozen packs/es is one house. Don't miss this wonderful ohnnen. writs to•day. You may not see We advertise. meat again. COBALT GOLD PEN 00.• Dept. 200, Toronto - OW. Alerting _ Silver Witten., FREE!. TIONNIZ "'irc= FIRE ! GIRL'"'S THE MOST WONDERFUL COMBINATION OP MAGNIFICENT JUST READ WHAT WE GIVE YOU. AND so EASY TO GET. SVCB1G PRESIIMICS-so PISCES. PREMIUMS THAT Ma EVER I3EEN OFFERED IN CANADA. eine )1AGNIFICENT ae.CATer 1. roo46 Of 1/611.1 Lease ratty enim1I" Itt bssutlful Royal Blue Or Pacock Green. It Can Ma up lib 010.00 Baby Garriage, and le poiltively th6 rasirilPet *orders you could net. Tfl ileseseele note IS NEARLY ITATZA.YARD TAT.% ft perfect Porlidgri biMIt7, dr60164 mashed field list WOOF/ In the lktritt style. Rho bat lovely early hair. pearly teeth, Mervin% ry64, Itrid Mint") hethands, leg% or head or lit almen 111(4. areal baby. Thenwe tits yet tide LOVELY LITTLE PRIPNCH TING BABY DOLL and the handrorotat ALT, ttiEl'AT, DOLT, BED 16u have ever •complessifittess.lir top mlitttriwk_itt06 M4 spread. Ittol all, beat comes thin ATAuNtrlotrr BOLTD GOLD STIELT, RING. tet with t %tem 661/r1t1W jow6111 SOd. Sit elegant IS PI= YAM X1111110T SKY. %delighted toy to **TO Id. Last hut net tenet. Very 1riidia */*1101 1.1046 premium% eon kW roomy(' in extra protest or the ealinisite aterliagailver einatiattrie Watch. TOM id IVO oPpoikuncrrr ow NATION/O. OR0Outere Luktrrar) A. LIFETIME. We wait to introduce at We. Mit new delleions Reyna Japanese Perfumes, tail aro sparing no expototo to reward every girl who Will hop 111. Write ni at 011efi, And we will Send you. postage Dodd, only thirty einesomo big bo1116r, beautindly in rich Mom/014 gold, that VOA tin jtrit 11k6 i.t.t Cl/krlf at Mir special intrtainctioti price of onlY 10 16811 601. We will lane elx dirteront delicious aeoreevirette Roo, Lily of the Valley, Jockey Club, Oarnation, llellottOPe and Volley Violet. One drop Orel an 61000/1 pant**. and they are so lovely and delleiMill that Yen will loll the* ell the tireir Guns you thow them Return atm *One WO *LOW, After you lea the POMO:ilk sue lritta6/114tt1y tagd you, r11 ratsfully rookod. thk a Poll, roidiftg Cio•Cort, flab, boll, Poll Boat by vibe wins ese • tliinagattletitt gi it RIVittl tItt Fairy ittbrben set, exitotly and eve lee only .00 wrath Of perrittle oil oleo wig ins Ct etorling atom Udine' watelt witbotit 66111/4 arty nom *di. Wino at 01106. We 114TrASS1 WsiloAd in outgo tight to year door. Atistroit Ddipti 433 toftortto, mt. 21 The convert of Europe is pitched in a rather high key at prettent. 7 P Lord Roberts elides out of the hands of bie critics by blaming the reporters, and that is what we might eall poor strategy. se.eaet The waste of apples in the orchards of the Province is nothing short of a ein -when so many people would be glad to get some of them. Woodrow 'Wilson, is of Scotch-Iriela extraction, a. Presbyterian elder and [it; years of age. He ought to be able to . do something for •his country. res•4 Ottawa has forraed a corps of the Church Nursing and Ambulance Brigade, the first organized outside of England. The young ladiee want to be in the figh Ling line, IIOnie Secretary Me,Kenna and his wife fled from a London meeting to escalee the Suffragettes. The Government's re- fusal to do those women justice is mak- ing Anarchists out of them. s The employment of private police by corporations and. companies nee& to be • inquired into. It is possible that in cer- - tain cases the employment of euch men Means sianply the taking of the law into their own hands by these bodies, -Ale••-• California, Washington, Idaho, Colo- rado, Wyoming, Utah, Miehigan, Kansas, ATIZOna and Oregon—ten States—have now granted votes to women. The like- lihood is that the last will grow as the years •pase, by. sees Sunday evening concerts are now held in London, Ont., and, s-ome ef the clergy are up in arms against them. They fear that in couree of time the people will want the theatres opened on Sundays also. It is hard to draw the line. But the leek; Sunday labor the better for all of us. The new ChiefoPolice Of Leeli- s-eeef bridge is closing UP the gambling and. disorderly haezaes of that place, and actually arresting some of the best el- _ tizens found. there, and they are dignant because they got no warning of the intended raide. If they had. stay- ed at home with their families they would, have needed no warning. The city of New York's budget for 10E1 comes within little more than $6,- 000,000 of a total of $20,000,000, or just .about one-fifth of the amount appropri- ated. for a year's expenses of the United States Government, including those for the postal service, which are reimbursed from receipts of the Department. The - exact amount is $103,950,952: Beginning with November 24, Pennsyl- vania Railroad and New York Central Lines have issued notice that the opera. tion of the 18 -hour trains between New York and Chicago will be discontinued and the running time of the fastest - trains on both lines between the same pointe will be increased to 20 hours. The roads are sacrificing speed, to safety. Spread and broken rails are too comnion in winter for them to take any more chances of accidents. *4.4 A trackless trolley system, whicb is said to be the first to be established in Stotland, has recently been placed in ooperattioen in Dundee. The ears travel nh highway with a consider- able lateral range of motion and obtain their power from overhead wires through two trolley poles. The ears weigh 31, tons and accoramodate 28 paesiengere. Two ears are now in operation. on the Dundee Inc. The cost of the installa- tion per mile is said to be abOut one- tenth that of an ordinary electric railway- e. eystem. The principal use of the lines is contemplated to be as feeders to the regular city Inc of public eonvoyariee. How would this traeklese trolley system Thirty- prominent members - of the Church of England in Canada, including clergymen, profeeeors and. educationiste, have signed an appeal on behalf of Christian unity, and have had it for. warded. to every Anglican clergyman in the Dominion, who aro asked to also sign it a they approve of it. The objects, as stated, are to discuse what body of opinion there may be in this country favorable to the prineiple and practice of closer relations with other commun- ions, and to take stops by which the signatories may consult together for the accomplishment of their aime as esn pressed in the circular. .Judging frora the number of influential gentleinen in. tereeted in the movement, there is much reason to believe that it will not be barren of reeults. il President Taft 1-:nt'sissued his Thanks. giving Day proelarnation fixing Thum. day, Nov. 28th, tie the national day. He eases; "The year now drawing to a dose hal) been notably favorable to our fortunate land. At peace within andwithout, free from the perturbations and calamities that have afflieted other peoples, rich in harvests so abundant and in Indus- tries so productive, that the overflow of our prosperity has advantaged the whole world, strong in the afeedfaet eeleierva- thm of the hetitage of self-government bequeathed to Ile by the svitstions of our fathers, and film in the reAolve to trans mit that heritage tinimpaimi, but ma. titer improved by good use to our ehil. hen and our children's children ftrr aU (lino to Nino, the people of this -country have almiindiag cane for eoritented gra- titude. wonder if the above war; \flitter) • before co after the PreNidential elee- intlintrt were connt61.