HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-09-19, Page 6AIR UNESSENTIAL, (Stray :..4torii,-„) sportpuntin iaosit,ting j et; ey. wei) has been, Lute:ic(d out) e:tatid. Leek, pleeee, a little more air! And hie re' Up with that imintly. Falai oice Prom Patient- *Never mind leett the HARD. Wilde:ego Record-Ur:tide "Poor ole 13obeley! Ills is a hard nit." "Wile', I thought he had it pretty vesee time of it." "Ho has; bui lw reeemly bought a eite for tt new rerifienee, and. he Untie. t!iiit will be neceesary to dig the cellar with dynamite.'' RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL. ilti.xehauge.) The Preitigal lied returned. "Father," ne bald, "ere yon ',Tne' on10 hill the fatted ealf?" -N°'" ry'soonova (.14, fma ,1a u, looking, the youth over eerie:tiny. "Ne; let you live. But put ,geti tti OVri and train sorno of then fat off you." INCENTIVE. tWaehing10n Stun) "Dees, your Inislaind object to your tak- ing Part in nolitlei.?" aeleei Mrs. (Toss- rs "Certainly not," roiled Mrs. Barilli4 Banners. "Then, where's the fun in doing soe" NECESSARILY AGED. (Lippincott's.) Marvin—fs that the colt you got witli your n4)0,009 tobacco eoupons? lie talks old Martin—Ile Is. He was born the year I began savutp; the coupons. REHEARSING. 0;11:change) Bingi=,----Loolti That motorist }lax ittfit run over itinielfi Jin—That's no ac('ident. quali• tying as a vaudeville headliner, NATURALLY. Courler-Sournal,) "What happens when you put the dol- lar before the man?" bawled the candi- date. "The man goes after it," answered an old farmer in the crowd. ••••• • HELPING THE GAME. (Lippincott's.) "Bah " exclaimed the Sociali.:it. ":\•Toney is filthy lucre," I'Ve done the best 1 could to- day," replied the man 1..1).o dabbles in stocks, "I've cleaned tip a thousand dollar" AN EXCEPTION. (Yonkers Statesman.) "There ain't no thin' very had about Ine, there ain't," said the beggar at the Boston back door. "Think not?" said the lady with the spectaeles at the door. "How about your grammar?" NO TURPITUDE INVOLVED. (Kansas City Journal.) "Judge, I ain't no vagrant. I'm in hard luck now, but I've seen better da." "But this officer says you have been arrested repeatedly." "He must be aludIn' to the times when I owned me own automobeel," ..7.1.2:1P=14.4.----7411011011141.0064141111pA1~11,10,171RIMAINIWANIMILVOWAMMPAM494,0,1104,001$11%Worflii0A111011Firole.pippoorr THE DEAREST GIRL law Eg PANA UMO IWOtak 00.14 IN THE WORLD ,.„. 0011,111,1•111.1‘11.1".11.1,1111•1101 10010.****ProS*00000000-tIvt:VteeelloimposkSeriammesaowesvaat yet her We on the shores, and ti.InOng the vough, brave eetunen, bad taught her to be fearless. She had no fears. on the SPA PVC)) 11I Vt()1311108.), Weather. ORCO elle went out, Una, there came- up quickly a email, Week elond that rapidly ex- teuded eVer the heaven, a great gale be, gen to blow and the waves dashed fori. ously apinst the rooky eliffe. "Where is Lady Angela?" zoked the Indies of the footman. "Went out for a fill11 eral hours a o " auewered They 61111111211M11111111111111111111111011111111111 11112111111111111111 1111111 ran breathlese here and there, "See tied, ti beet, aro mire." said Lade; loves -very dearly." There wee Borne- what a amen, my God: protect oar der. Agatha, end it wee eieeded to fo!loW thiug in her rune* that he distrusted, ling-" they eritel, and 'all munindful of tithe Thet same evening a man e`a,:gt but her cool, calui manner reattehred thesvinds and rein, they ran down to dis,patehed with a letter to Preston al himthe shore. There was the maid, erying Varleiele explainine tiler'. wishes and el would not miud giving one Inue wildly. They stoodwith blanched faces, and peered over the angry waters. Away in the distance they saw a• tiny specie risingand falling ou the foaireerested waves. it was a perilous situatiou, "Save my child! Ohl my God, save her!" cried the maid, wrieging her hands Then came a high wave that broke L1 their feet, "God, merey, 110 1101t. Me for my great sin!" she cried, requesiiioe that thev aqui them some tired pounds. onu to attend to it for them. The mita "No more than that?" eha .asked, returned the next day with a letter, There was the aeme, distrust he hod at which eilid: first and there wae the *eine cool, calm ceWe 1tave Out down a good man fcrr reaseurittg manner. the work yoa deeiro done, lett we L "11 erhaPS a tittte more," he would not have recommended it tor "Double it thou, aud 1 will prodaee many riliti101)8. It CUR Work no good to the girl you seek." any one to rake up okt troubles or tent."What proof have you to offer?" he open old woinule. We Wen) ennleincted as'keeiL , a -t the time that the nurse told ..-N the "one, Only the girl herself. When her mother died, el,M Wtte. AB infant, truth eaout the death of the ehild, having I10 Matia for deeeption in the c,ndr.i.ny aunt took her and deceived the iiiinceriy, and etud. she was dead." matter, end being sure had the child. ' 'love have no proof of what you say liVed. 4;0 wnuld have besought you for but your word, how eau I know that money for its stlppOrt. Berore tiiii3 iis " ended the chi trouhlee will hme tlda is true. becoYou ought to kuow therets no women trash in your minds, thus disturbing living that would have told you that your peace, and we see no good reeults for any cause but to do justice to the to he eepeeted from it, either by belie- child." There .Vea$ eomething peculiar Ming youreelvee or any °thee, Y OUTS, about her voice and manner, somethino etc., that both attracted and repelled. The "Preston a: Verleiteln detective thought her story a true one, "Iii-noAn'a Il" but he thought there was eomething . the did not tell. He felt overjoyed. He It eau but make a doubt sure. I do ealled the girl inside the house. She not think 1 (mild live now, that this had been crying bitterly, great doubt has erept into my mind, "So there's a prospect of a change in When we have eeen and know that the your life!" he aid, but she did not child ii$ tlPild, WO have nothing more to reply. do. Enta we, know thie, a. gerat fear "You do not want to go?" he said. constitelly haunts me night and tht.y, It "I do not," :she Head, crying. will add dto my peace of mend to be "That's strange—you will have a sure," EITHER WAY POSSIBLE. (Boston Transcript) "You should have seen her change her color." "With rage or rouge?" e • — DIFFERENT. (Boston Transcript) Patient—But doctor, YOU are not ask- ing Va" for merely taking a cinder out of my eye? $peciallst Er—no. My charge is for removing a foreign substance from the cornea, MME. GOOSE. (Milwaukee Sentinel) Little Miss Muffet Sat on a buffet Eeting a chocolate sundae "How funny," she .said With a toss of -her head, "I'm eating a sundae on Mondae." A LUCID EXPLANATION. • (Lippincott'8) "That's a. terrible noise in the nursery, Mollie," said her mistress. "What Is the matter? Can't you keep the baby quiet "Sure mum, I can't keep him oniet un- less 1 lei. him make a noise." THE REASON, (Baltimore American) "I wish you would stop that howling baby of yours." "Why, that baby is very popular In the neighborhood!" "It's a. nuisance. When It cries 1 can't hear myself sing." "That's why it's popular!" ".."'"*".• ONE ON HIM. Here.'s an instance where a Sail:ration Army "laesie" seored off a theological heckler. "Do you really believe?" he asked, "that Jonah spent three -days and throe nights In the belly of the whale?" "/ don't know," replied the lady of the poke bonnet; "I'll ask him when I get to heaven." 'But supposing he isn't there?" "Then you can ask him." . :.: FREER ACTION. (Boston Transcript.) Ile—A evoman in a hobble skirt just stopped xne on the street and wanted to know the quickest way she eould walk In the South Station, 0 She -Of course YOU informed her. Ire—I did. 1 told her she'd walk there quieker if she put on a looser arcs% : WOMAN THE MARTYR. (Kansas City Journal.) "My husblind objects to me belonging to nlOre than five clubs." "The monster! -Why don't yon get a grand home, ete., etc," "So it will," acquieseed Lady "f do not went it, I do not want it," Tile detective was to stop at Cliff she cried. To vers, which he did. He went to work "Then your mother thought it justice vrith a wilt. He opened the little grave to YOU to peak?" he said. pointed out to them, intending to re- "Yes, I thought it justice to her to move what was left of them to the fain- speak," the woman repeated.. ily -mullet near Cliff TOWerS. He WM "Wily did you not peak before?" he amenoshed flea the comet empty, et asked, and for a moment shes Beeratd. had never lied an occupant. The de. ill at ease., and disteomfitted. "I had teetive was sue now that thee: had learned to love her as my own, and they made -no effort to seek out either 'been a great deception practised on the Sonierviile faa-ully. He was se. ine the mother or &lid. You do not realize of fincees..4. He lost no tune reporting what a, 'struggle 1 ha,ve had to say this." She broke down and sobbed piteously. title- feet, and consternation reigned in eheir minde. They felt they liad, by niHe, felt the truth of what she said. their pride. been gni lty of the moat ."`a man eruel injustice; but the selicators were Convinced that the woman spoke truth - right, for their peace of mind had gone restored her. fully. He hastened. at once to Cliff Tow- eNt wonder my from them, perhaps, forever. appearance gave you ers, and. imparted the glad. news. He such a turn," he said, "for it's many a Thev eould not rest. They found ths,t had accomplished wonders in these few year elnee I went away. Where is our their dear, old home beesone,a.hrioat in• weeks, child, Madge?" tolerable to them; and, to Dproth-yes The ladies at Cliff Towers were de- "lEttieb!" she whispered; intense surprise, one evening the three lighted beyond measure. Now. they could plain things to youa, ladies caniC, walking arra-inearm. fol- love Dorothy's child, and find comfort ,`You must be in hurry that knew every hese criminal life was in paniRil • Then she peered. over the waters /teeth, and it 1500)116(1 that no living thine), could live upon them. She fell fiat upon the earth. "It is my punieliment meted out to me --for I have Weaned greetlyi" she cried, in anguisdi. Lady Agatha stood there with horror in her eyes. Their ftteee were tte pallid as death. What opuld, the woman mean? They knew not, The rain pelted most unmereifully upon the frail forme of the three sisters, bat it was Dorothy's child out there, and if they last their lives it was for Dorothy's sake, Dorothy Wyater stood by and heard the wild. words uttered by the woman. A great doubt and fear crept into her Mind when she heard it, but she would not speak of it. She etoocl by and comforted thein. She could. see the small boat rise and fall, and. her clear sight enabled her to see the oceinhoit all right. She felt she would be safe in a short time. In a short tim.e the hoat eame near the shore, and a great wave deshed it high in the air, and its occupant fell almost at their feet. She was stunned and exineusted. The servants carried her in their arms to the house, and the three old ladies followed with sorrowful bearbs, for the 111 fortune that had come to their dueling. Ang•ela soon survived.. Her maid was ill for two days, and, even then, was nervous and unstrung. One night a strange man came to see laer. He had traced her there. He was a elle,- man, anti had come home from the Indies, where he had been. for years. When she saw him, the maid. fell faint- ing to tb.e floor. He picked her up and will ex- then, for I loi,ved. by three maids. They had come to in her for their old, age. How happy have two da e here. I have come for find a, grain of comfort froni Dorothy, they were when they set out in the you and theYehild, Madge, for I have who welcomed them, joyously, and their great old family coach, for it was sever- a. sed the fortune that I went for. 1 hearts were, indeed, lighter than they . al days' travel to the fishing village. want to see my child, Madge." returned to their home. When they arrived at their destination emotho, she whispered. "It he impoe- Dorothy felt that she had been right, and they saw the poor comfortless but, eible to -night. She is a grown voile., in her surmises: that the time had their kind. hearts failed them. It was lady now. Walt till to -morrow 'and "I not paseed foe them to make atone- an unpardonable sin, they had committed will arrange matters," ehe said, reetsear- ment. The detective had gone eway for in letting Dorothy's child live her life- ingiy. a time. He stopped. in a fene.11 village time in that poor place! If they could "We only stopped. for two d -s, that he might be nearer his wore. lie have livel hundreds of years, it would. Madge, you must hurry up and get The old 'bull' LS lying at had preferred to be neorer to the place be a short time in which to repair so tealgs ready. where Dorothy lied lived a.nd died. He great a wrong. Angela, Forman woe a anaor, and in two days we start for found an olcl woman, the wife of a fish- pretty girl, but she was not at all like home. Say you are glad to see me She was glad. He tied beer; erma.n„ who remembered •.Dorothy, but their Dorothy had bean. Se had a pret. medig.er she could not remember the name of ty, but dark, sad face, and truthful eyes. the love of her youth, and all these the woman who had nursed her through Hers vraa a face to love and trust, and years elle had thought him dead. It was her ineeee. She could. almoet recall the her aunts was prepared. to take her to like the grave giving back its dead to name, There had been some little sten- their hearts and. lavish devotion on have him back, and how happy she was! der about her at the time, but it had her. She was crying when they Saw her Now, that he had grown rich and come puesed as a dream. Perhaps it veciethl and elesped her in their arMS, and cried for them, and she had sinned 6o grime over her, and when the parting came it ously. Poverty had stood staring her some sOme time. in the faee like a hungry wolf, nod she in n, small fisherman's hut, bare and was terrible to witness. Told of the reeceeities of life as poo- "It is hard for her, poor, dear childi had thought to cheat him and elwated We are strangers to her. Would it not hereon'. She had sacrificed her only ethic, eat a woman, and a girl of about ;sixteen, No one knew much of them. be better to take the woman, too, that child on the altar of ambition. God aanong theta she may not feel so utterly Among alone knew how the regretted iti She bringing The wainan geamitilliei girl child, strangers?" said. Lady Agatha to Lady could not rest that night. Meet her husband had. left her, i §de W+tht. als.alt. years ago, and called the child her's. Priscilla,. She claimed to be a widow. Her husband, "It is a lovely thought," said. Lady her duties, as usual. When Angela had thrown off her wrapper, and s..t.t name "had. been a seaman," so she said, and Priscilla, the woman wont into the room and fell had been lost at sea." Anyhow, he had Perfect," said Lady Angelina. not been sten in this village alt these The girl and woman were overjoyed. on her knees beside her. . long years, One day the girl ":41 ill buay Smiles stole through tears- There would :"Forgive me, forgive me!' she (lied. 'What lutve 1 to 1 ergive ? 1 t' i I that mending a net for ene of the fishermen, be no separation then for them, and as 'I , The Woman satin sullen. silence for a they rode off through glen and dale, a should. ask you to fergive nee paid satisfied smile rested on the woman's Angela. time, and then ehe said: "Ain't you a pain' tired of livin' this face, Her two hundred pounds in Bank "I have done a great wrong," ehe said; "but I will not tell you unleee you way?" of England notes rested safely in her promise ene yon will forgive toe," "How can we help ourselves?" said bosom. What a Joyous time there was at "Then I tell you, my dear mother, 1 the girl, "What if I should tell you that you Cliff Towers! Dorothy was as delighted, will forgive, no matter what it is." ain.'t ray Child?" as were the ladies. Plans and delights "Repeat those word again," elle said, "I shouldn't believe it, mother," were thought of all the thne. There and Angela repeated them. "What if I should tell you that I took was never a moment that there was not "You remember the old days down 111 you when you were a little baby told three great air castles in process of exec. the 'Mare when we Starved for days at that your own mother was dead, and Con. There was so much to be done, a time?' that she belonged to a high and milehtY and time flew by so rapidly! Teife that "Yes, but they We're happy days so wearily before, now withal." family?" She went on without noeleing had dragged by the interruption. flew on. There was a tender happiness "Well, I conceived a strange, phut. "I would. say, mother, that I would written ou every faee. )very vestige, Would you. like to go back to the old rather be your child?" fetid the daughter, of tha oat olood and shadows had gone, life or a better one?" "'How can I? You speak in riddles. aghast. The birds that sung without for years, without any token of recognition, -were Tell me how; for I would, God knows, The mother was cold and calm. The . tears eam•e into the girl's eyes and now praised and admired, but An la choose the old life though I have every - rolled down her cheeks, her hands shook WA ,ii ead-faeed girl. he fell at once thing 1 etiet wish 'for, but happiness. Ing. refined as the ladles could wist, but her you and them to betthr our condition, I "It's true enough," the woman Pliii, face wa$ sad. always. It was like a cloudy wanted you to have a better fate than In her cold, calm voice. "Your mother was before you, and 1 eonquered my own died and you were left to me. I ein 'hal May morning, smiled down love fot your sake, and it WAS a bitter pictures of Dorotny trial, a bitter trial!" She wailed. the sure I have raised you as if you had from the \Valle. Hfilf the shadow had words out. Her daughter drew her head been my own." been removed when her battle had been The girl started up from her *kilt at _ fought by the little stranger, for it was iipozi her bosom and caressed her, the door, and, failing to catch et the her hand Viet dresv aside the veil and "Poor, poor mother!. Why have 'pail clone thio thing? I. rould have %hared side for support, fell headlong outelde, dared them fade her blighted innoectice, 'Poverty with you, better than to have For a moment the woman's heart Hee silvery, sweet yoke had praised her • 1 ueed deeeptien, What can we do? We wavered, then her lips set together, and convineed them that the, alone, haa Intuit not rettuele here as impoetere," firmly, and ttho raised the girl in her heaped upon Iter memory the dust of arms and lay her on. the bed to restere searidal, Angela was not iheir ideal but Thon she told the story of the bus - her to conseionsnese. h , T1 , t 1- net' ti) 't - band and father's return from India, , • letssalosaavettpaesossa-AmOsaasesseeemaanseseeraassoanaSsetteesear.-reist*-141.er-,wr:rr,--...0144aglatermeiSfearae A POLITIC CiENR18. Verse of Mountain Lac' IMpresses Frisco. San. Francisco literary folk are great. ly impreseed by the poetic genius of George Million Smith, years old, of Auburo. The (boy •Wit4 born and reared on a enolleettein ferm, and reeelvoti no inetruotiou beyond. that it/forded by the dietrict eehool. The lad ovine to the notice of Bout - well Dunlap, eoneul for the ArgentAite Republic, a few years ago, wheu the letter was spending a vaea,tion fti Aubtun. The eousul was so pleceed with Smithse odes and sonnets 'that he took lam to San Fewneleeo, Shale Quit time the young poet has written about fifty ?acme, and they are to be printed in November, Same literary anthorities go to far es to say that they rank with the beet English lyric. verse, 4 - '- WHAT HE RODE, (Life.) "What horse. is there for inc this; Imam- ing, Pet?" taor, the one you rode yesterday Is Isaac and the one you retie 'the day before is at the yeteinaryets." "What yiour master say -was to ride to -day?" "He said you was to ride a stride oar, stir." " are my own. child. I deceived so, she could not go on with ner mend. into the new life, and WS4 as entle and divorce?" "Poor Angela! I did not think le they . . e and the ship awaited them to eeturn, "Wen, it's this way. My present eine hearts at once for the sake of their Dor- would be so hard, but it is too late now and the next /tight they stole out un - dues are very neavy, and my husband othy, but they held the deep.est and trio, hip obeerved and wont direct to the s Is one of these pig-headed brutes who to turn back," she thought, as the ale est love for Dorothy Wynter. There that lay at. anohor ana whoa the bun would rather go to jail than pay aii- plied restoratives, and the girl gent mony." was some visible power that bound them recovered aroee the Ship Wttai Oil her way to India, CUTTING OUT THE OLD GAG. (Detroit Free Press,) together, They world not adroit the thole /law home, "Is it true, mother " he asked, thernseivez, but it was trumiLad 1't to e That ornng y Agatha awaited "At, true as- -as goepei," isit gasped. "God help me, but I ant tee eorr" that 'V loved her better tlittn any the"brottlefaet, wondering why Angela • 42,1100,10.16146Miiigiciandormairmaan 1 "Are you going to take in any stun- sae mad, ''other v 1 g soul. 11 tney ad,ett no did not coitus, file Littliee Priscilla, and. 121er hoarders this year, ma?" elle could eoothe them tie eould DorothY. Angelina waited her coming, imPatently, think i will, thrum, I can make a "How foOlieh ou are? We have nth. .. fel broil lit, cOmforf. to them when 11 • 1,16e little eum of money that way." Ing to look forward to but poverty and —th g - ' P 8 0 10r OH one Was ever late nt the Towers, "Then for goodueinn f•lalte don't attempt vent, Tile fisheries are getting poorer did not come they longed for her, but It was a rule to he puectual that was to give them the stuff they call home- , they loved and did their duty by Doro- atrial)/ enforced, Lady Agatha rang eooking. Insist on their °antic; just VN e y , r, r vea 1.11(11.1 i ii nothing for us to It o the bell n.nd. directed tile footman to ii thy's child but she was said and. Sorrow. • a hat we have ourseleee, even if it' Is too do ti) "rn (1. iiv1111(1°d* "lir 1"they'r ful of melitt, end time mast remedy these eall for the maid and present Lady p 11 .. .1 I , Y 11 love ever ted- thilees, Dorothy was exceedingly fond Agatha's eomplintents, and ask If the vantage that riches ean give," ttaid the of Ample, She believed in her and lov.- Lady Angele was ill. woman, in pool, calculating tones, lil t 't 1,111 eratu/ metherf and Cl her, It was her greatest, happinees The footman returned with lite word ' t 4 e s to watch the ilffeetion bestowed 011 Iter "that the maid was not there and The fainone piteluir hail walked the I Cannot hear that," cried the girl. by the ladies, Dorotled was happy to there woe no evidence that she had been vain. with the youngeet of his family tor "It need tot separate es. You will :eNem or s11. will need a maid or have been the moans Of rester ng to there," 1 . A great leap came over the lie a gietud lady, and °Mary," said he, "if the capLnin of the their hearth their Dorothy'e child tlutt ladiee, but they gave no 'sign of it, Lady team sm. me limy, r het rtl ge,f a :,tiat-• = • ' ,), eervant, and yon have only to inelat on having Me With you, and you ean they believed dead years ago, /elle elms. Agatha, metered the footman to "go and "Wile'?" riekell his Mee, sieeeilv. eeoemplieli it, It had not necurred to ed thein to etone for their ittubbote enquire after the Lady Angela,' Ile "I don't SIVIII t t) 11-0.Ve any 1:o111.1 )1 c.t u. ni,4 a vou a ftepara,,, name baela bowed low, and laid a note Ile bawl at all." her that it would I .1 1 t Wilde, ---01-4.o-- . tion, but hard He It WRS, site had clioeen rrlie stannic° da:fs were lengthening ite 'bead° her plate, he did not retka it NI id MAURO') ones, Day after day Angela then, though Ole oonid hardly reetreln THIS YEAR. this, end must make no outcry, • Tbat night a StrilDge III171.- came to Somerville, as she was called, could he herself, The meal was fink:died, and 'rhe seen walkirig about the grounde Anna. Lady Agatha arose, followed. by 'her '1"11‘` -.( al "in 4 ti" 111 1'4 11 //°'111- OW hut, and talked for hones, ty. 1 ampler v. het milliner desiened gill mat outside the doer Just where Rhe • arni With her maid, There was the great- sisters, When they entered. the draw- it?could hear the murcnue Of thele voieee, est devetien between them, One was ing,room, they (dosed the dime carefully llektrix—Milliner. ii,,: . :1 ,die iind it "Yon are treeing u,, tho viliereabouts vet nappy 'Mauna the other, "It is real- . that Tu) one should hear; ellen Lady Oone by a hind,' lee eerilile ere liar of a youm ng "woan evIjio died here About ly tho sante love as sho VVOIXIii have Amalie, epoke, "I feel sure we shall i0r',4 Bazar. 'borne her Tnother, hail she liVed," said have trouble.' she said, opening the let, eiDditron yeate (t.gti?" Ad oohed, The lean admitted that to be his buel• Lady .A.gatlie, tee and reading, Pees. "Why do toil miler he eeiti, "A most beautiful end totteldng &. (To bo Ciontinued,) we- ,•\vhat will ?Feet give for the inform& time," MidTeedy, 1?riecIlitt, a-- ..-—.40.1'64...--.--,., '''ik (den „oati de wt':" elm Belied, It is,' 00,14 Angelina, Angela If a woman Wail fallinq off a pre, 0,Wily do la Gil neli that'!" 114 'tatted, was very fond ef sailing nut arid float, eiptee with her husband elle Would oyeing her fajninily, . fng 1441k With the tide: 11 was a most want htui to Ect) har3h., to the hou$0 "Nteathie OR -004 Wito Pan igifP Odd 4A110•FOP3- PtlAinie„ and the letellea had Mut goo it he left the door 10010(1,0, l4iormitif4A .woolfl lArt vith g. ittrillo igole44 OA sbo obo44 goo go glom, 4esiv'7004 Wm, rich for them." _ LOST HIS CONTROL. (1,1xehanae.) • It's the CLEANEST, SIMPLEST, and BEST HOME - DYE, one can buy --Why you don't even have to know whet KIWI) of Cloth your Goods are made of.. -So Mistalcer are Impoaaltile. Send for Free Color Card, Story Booklet, and i3ooklet evtog results of Dyeing over other colors. The JOHNSON-RICHARDSON CO., Limited, Montreal. Canada. t4460.1.0fr,11.411.40001.1r.eltddiAMYMCW114.11;1111,~ryanidelyillailmallifilli LOCKJAW CU RE. Baltimore Physician Has Success With It. The survival of Bernard Meyorly, a nine-year-old boy from lockja.w and other Injuriee to his foot, has increased interest in the method of treatment which was used in this ease by Dr. Pearce Kinteine, This is the ninth at a series of lock- jaw cases in which DK r. nitzing and his assistants have used a new plan of treat- ment with success. The remedy is a. solution of ten per cent, strength of a e -01111/11-0I1 proprietary drug, diluted to suit the cases and administer- ed by hypodermic injections deep into the muscles. The injections a.re made at intervals of about three hours at the start, with long- er intervene., as the patient rallies.—Bal' threore corr. Cincinatti Enquirer. ONE LINE OP 'REASONING, t-,1,610,1 1 boy eteelt in ;rem' nrenn'," "'Why we'le right next to tht, 81.C.1,11.-11 rdt, tiiI0n is priltilIvirig fal11110/11-1 "Ye? and I live in a lioardinn• right beet to 0 inlilianaire. hit that doetn't nialzo mo Wortii anythien," • Maypole Soap PtDR HolViE." DYEING Washes and dyes at one operation, giv- ing remarkably clean, bright, fast colors. Dye cotton, wool, silk or tures. 24 colors, will give any shade. Colors 10c, black 15c at your dealer's or postp'd w:th bek. let "How to Dye' 105 . from F. 1, UEiEDWT & CO. Montreal." ‘4444,enamosnaesurarmacraastuustemimmicalosOr o4.7.•••••••••••••••••••... BURNS BETTER It is told that an English lecturer in a Socittiph town ona, declared Shaks- pcnre the greening 'of all poets. At the elese of his address rt Scot asked "Didna Shakepeare write, 'Unease* Iles the hemd that wears a erowii?' " did, replied the Pinglisliman. "Weel," said Sandy, "that proves he woolly., the great- est o' poote. Had oor nia Bobby Bums been wnitin' that poem he'd kennen kings elnays .talte a.lf their croons before lyin' them!" Popularity isn't won by worry, even though the worrier wears a crown. 50 CENTS WEEK Puts An Organ Or Piano in Your home. On Oriclay, Ilareh 15th, we cowmen*, ed our annual slaughter sale of all use() instrumento in stock. This year twee us with double the number we ever had, Some eighty-five instruments are offered and among them organs bear- ing names of such well-known makers as Bell, lia,rn. Thomas, Doherty and Dominion. The prices of these range from fi116 to 0 at the above terms.! The ;nano& bear such well-known names of makers as Decker, Thomas, Herald, Weber, Wormwith and .fleintzman Oa, Every instrument has been repair- ed by our own workmen, and carries a five years' guarantee, and as a special inducement we will make an agreement to talc() any instrument back on ex - ohmage for a, better one any time within three years and allow every cent paid. Send. post icard at once for eomplete list, with full particulars. . lleintemau Co., 71. rein street east, Hamilton. , .-a;...,,,,aa•at a • THE PAST, 1.1 Mauna for the Rose: The Rose -Who left her vernal hall un - blown; And -fronting all the winds with bosom 'bare, , . • rii,1 Wes overtilwawni : I• Corns Dissorwed Away By Painless Remedy No nein, no cutting, no plaetere or pads to press the sore spot. Putnam's etirn Extractor males the corn go with- out pain, Just apply according to direc- tions, and you can then forget you ever had a eorn, .Tust, tee good for efillOttnol, \\Was or lmnione. it iPOIOVPS 1 iie CRAM itIld thOreby OITI`CtS tt lading relief. Put. »ant's Peinitas Corn ad Wart Extrac- tor—the mune telk the story --price per bottle, Sold by drnggiste, HE WAS WRONG. (Judge's Library) "Good morning," said the demure maid- en, entering the grocery store on the Corner. "Do you keep oranges?" "No, miss," replied the grocer, The girl started for the door arid had almost reached it when the facetious teillow called out, "We don': keep 'etri, we sell 'em." But he didn't sell her any, so he did keep them, Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia SOME EXCUSES. "Do you mean to say that you flirt, ed with your wife all the evening at the mashed ball and didn't know hot?" "That's But sho was so deuc- ed agroeablo--how NYttS 1 to know ber?"—Tit Bite, lifou.rn far the Past! The Past that was fiCr pleasant bright; The Dawn, the Noon, before we felt the Eve That ibrings the leacht • • 44 • • " • ", • once, so ; The temple fans. And the bird •buildeth in the ruined tow - And we, who onto were atrong, are crumbling fast, Power by Power. No Life, no Lave Resennee its niorning. What is past 13 past! Ay, even Time, If Hebrew songs be true, Must die at last. —Barry Cornwall, In Philadelphia But - lean. 0 -e -e For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Fits, Skin Dis- ease, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary Troubles, and Chronic or Special Complaints that cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Institute, 263.265 Yonge Street, Toronto,' Eltil3ONIC $oinething About the Ancient Oink Death. WANTED NO MACHINE. (Philadelphia Record) A. boy was asked by ids mother to go to the country with her, but the buy re- fused. All the coaxing and pleading was of no When the father Cattle, home that even- ing he was told that Johnny (the boy), refused to go to the country. "Did you ask him why he didn't want to go?" said the father. "No, said the mother, "r didn't think of that. I will go up to Johnny and :LA: hint" 'nen the mother went up to .10l1n11y and said: "loheily why don't you want to go to the counttwr "Well," RZWIvereal ohimy, "they have threshing machines out thrre and It's had enough when you do it by hand." ,1%),Ch. IlOW known aa t110 1)111)01), - le 1110,3t10, I1-6 IOC the eourth time 111 tile wOrid'i$ histOry, slowly vreeping around U.(' glohu. 'The present epleemie of plague, the - fuuttli 114 the world's itleture, vegan 10 leiel- Pram tile tiouthweetero provioce of nordering on Tittbee add Burnt% the plague spread to other pitrtti of China and. to Poiniusa and Japan. It reached Iluitilitty in 'PM; lino iron that point spread throuetiout litdia. Jedela Weenie litteeted itt 147 and again in INN. In 1s;li the -disease mane ite appear:Am+) in eladagaecar anti ...siauritias, In 40:,1 Mec- ca beeame bifeeted, also the Tranevaal, South Africa,. later, during the name Year, it wa$ found among tint dotilt. lab- orers of Oporto, l'ortugel. In 1::00 the dieettee obteined u footluer ozt Lite west- ern coast ef tile two .aunerime. To -de, says the Journal of the American .Metti- cal Association, we aticalt 105 preeenee In Solite Atnerieaand, ere not sure that it is not present on the Inv:tiro coast of the United States. The preseut epidemic Is similar to those of the past in that the disease has ad- vanced along the highways or comtneree, sa:VO that its present distribution hes been principally by sea routes, in contradis- tinction to the overland routes of former ages, BETTER THAN SPANKING Spn.nizing does not cure children of bed- wetting-. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. itI. Sumnierte Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont.. will send free to any mother her successful home treat- mentwith full instructions. Send no money. but write her to -day It your child - ran trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults ana aged people troubled with urine dlr.- ficulties by day or night, Nervous Children (By a. l'hyeieiane The nervone child has in him the makino of a brilliant man, but he is generally seoiled in the making. You must be patient and icing suffering wielt the boy or girl of nervous temperament, else you will do your child great injury. Never eold or tea' -e. Never hold the little one up to ridicule. Above all, never use the whip. Tt is only by the gentlest means that the best 'nn be brought out of tho highly strung child. but when the proper eourse is taken Kith children are won- derfully responsive. Minard's Liniment for sale every. where. THE WINNER. Griggs --I should say that the two keys to success are luck and Outdo Briggs—Sure! Luek in finding seine one to pluek.--Boston Transcript. 2 4---a A CAPITALISTIC OUTRAGE. (Montreal Witness) The MeName.ra outrages have foull a parallel, on the side of capital. It is re- go.rded 11.s beyond question that dynamite 'e as planted in several places in L:le vielnity of the Lawrence mills at the thus the operatives were on strike, not hy say Labor agency, but by persons in the in- terest ot the owners, that It m14lit dl,envereii, and that It might appear as entailer labor outrage. One persoa tit whom suspicion bell or complicity in this heinous crime, has committed sideldc.. 040 or two have boon arrested. IV loev,tr was guilty of it is unfit to live among men, for his orirrie not only involved thn baseet of Islanders, but was of 14. 8017., apply the fire of hell to the tinder et social unrest. --ff==3/4.06•4721bviaramMworemiaivioxisimiaarianzoo Ar/amoszniesztrawtrgvicoommmumoravsmaF 1 i - • A Take A Scoopful Of Each— Side �y Side Take "St. Lawrento'l Granulated iu 0110 • scoop.-.0.nd any other sugar iu the other, 1i i Look at "$t, Law. ,4 ranee" Sugar .-- its q perfect crystals .---, AS i; pure, white sparkle—. - .. Ile even grain, ',rest . 1 4 -!' ▪ Absolutely "test it point -by point, and you will Ste flint AbooRittely Pure . - Is Ono of ale choicest sugars ever rofinS41-..with a standstrd of purity • ,,.., thid taw Sugars can boast, Try it !tryout, borne. . Austrois Ahowol um, 1,ottr0ve) orkelttioret, ta ha "901.41//01,4 WS . Pure (A004120 with he napitrities Whatever" liAtot ovttry dimicv sells at, riawrenoo ugar." . itekWtaittSit* 01•10,0 2.111VOTED. • MONTREAL. 61$A. = : e 11.11111111..1140C14.1114. MAKE COST $4,00 TO $6.00 PER 1,000 RANO OR - POWER SED FOR • CATAL09 E iFAIIMERS' CEMENT TILE MACHINE CO., vrALEMR,VILLIE, ONT. XVITCAMIIONEXVItleti A CREED. Let me be a little kinder, Let me be a- little blinder To the faults of these about me, Let me praise a little more; Let me be, -when I am weary Just a little bit mere cheery, Let me serve a little better Those that I am striving few, Let me be a little braver When temptatioal bids incwaver, Let nie strive a. little harder To be all that I should be, Let me be a little nitoker With the brother that is weaker, Let me think more of my tkeighbor .And a little lek...s of me. Let me be u little sNveeter :Maks Illy life a bit completer, By doing what I should do Exery minute of the day, Let me toil, without complaining, Not it humble task disdaining, Let me face the summons calmly When death beekvas me away. le0.00AOSSeses"..nos..ta- ISSUE NO, 38, 1912 Alinard'e Liniment Yoe Limited - Dear Sirs, --1 had a Bad Bleeding Tu- mor on my face for a long time, and tried a number of remedies without any good results, I waa advised to try MINARD'S LINIMENT, and after tieing several buttivs it nuvlo it eomplete cure, and it healed all up and disappeared. al- together. DAVID HENDERSON-. Relleisle Station, Kings Coe N. 13., teept. 17, lee& *VI kl.".041,4* HELP WANTED, ACtLINNT6 WANi1,11). iorty 421(1 ZilUebinO liamia. eilehest tot fira Omni men. Apply, Stating OX,'• lwriciice, to William ilititlift0f) VOD1Pan4'r Peter),oroueh, Ontario, _ ou.„41)3-'I1s WANTED -- -4- eltt8e heavy machinery rnouldevs; /line /WM &ley- Apply, stating evert - wive, to 1Villittm Hamilton Company, lannited, Petertorougb, Ont. VITA NTI4.1 — WAITItleSalel A.hree ee houeemaid itt (owe .1teierenees. Bos 1521 Brampton, Qatari:), OWE GEN ieltA La ST OR 4, stock of forlearive hundred an(1 mein for good farm or city property, U. Alvlxi,c3e=4 Clinton street, Toronto, Ont. FRESH AIR MEDICINE. But while the curatl.*e work goes on, thousands of more or less able-thoclied per:hats make nu effort tk) secure indi- vidual breathing space. They tieep with closed windows, ride in closed ears ond v.-orL in stuffy offics, dt ns ot stores. 1,1110, few per,!orts in the trov,d, whose limas are Offended, pr:ricP.. ••••1 escape, but the bulk -of humanity tolerates pol- luted sir while it cries for unpolluted food and drink. Fresh air has been esteemed a mat- ter of enjoyment, but not Ho mina a matter of health, The assertion that it is the best or rucdfcloe should lead soon notonly.' to greater participation in it, but also to its maintenance by prevent:on of city impurities,. Dr. DI ("It -sesta Indian RootPflb nre not a new and untried refocus our grandfathers used, them. Ha A Century ago, before Confeeleretion, they were on sale in nearly evety drug or general store in the Canadaof that day, and ,,vt.sre the recognizedseure la thoundf. of homes for Constipation, Indigeetion, Biliemeneestitheitinatleni, and Kidney a tici Liver Thetablee, To, day they are jug am effective, Just as reliable as ever, and nothing better has yet been devised to 43 Cure Co Olt EllS FIND COMMON GROUND. (Christian Guardian) „ We differ from our fellows, and because of this we often differ with them and so sometimes w find it hard to live pgecce.bly with them. In the home, in the state, in the church, we can find only too mazy people who cannot get Fining with their iteighbors and who, pos- sibly. do not try. And the home is spoil- ed, the retate is weakened, and, the church sometimes raot asun ter, simply because men emphasise points of differ- ence instead of points Of egreemert. Itt the struggle for the regetteratioe of the race we rn tt2,t emphasize our :14teei1iellt. There le a connnon ground upun which all Christians cen stand -eitti titter neigh- i,ors, and be neighborly. Have we round, it! WANTED —YOUNG MAN, To DuaV YY bus and do porter work at onee. State age and salary waiited, tZtteea's lirampton, Ont. IX/ANTED — LIVE SAJOESMAN VY general ;store; splenOid opportunity for man ot energy and ability. ,P, O. Drawer en, lianover, Out. fellnard'a Linirnont CureL,Burns, Ete, CHINA IS LEARNING. Plants and(Otatilnwirriaal(s"t2lemue have been held In Meek la their native habitat of- ten flourish nentieingly itt new environ- ment. And eo It is with Ideas See, for instanee, hoe, radicalism flourishes In New Zealand, It May bo that the in- tellect of China wl:Ich, so far cm new bleat are concerned, has lain fallow for so many centuries, ;s to be the forcing bed in which the Fdaglefax in to grow for wed etJ11011110 salvation of tio• MInarw's Liniment Cures Dandruff, MY LADY'S GARTER. (Kansan (.ity Star.) Ohrictian County Republican says that a, young woman entered a store a eliort, time ago, )1.1141 asiked the els* whether he had "any of those rlagtio bends, capable of being elongated and adjusted at pleasure, and used by the feminine portion of mankind of putting around ibe lower extremities of the l000motive membetta to keep in the proper poeitiOu and altitude lutbilimente of their tibiae," • ••—, - of3WO EXitElti, at; am) ivillatiA,NICV, or lathe, Jig and tool worit, LtidO pmvers, Creeimen _Bros.. menutaeteirere knitting machines, Georgetown, Out. ENCH MitON POR HIGH CLASS cabinet wurk, stair work, tiardwooets. 1.-atate -experieuce anti wages required, :Knight Bros., Burke Palls, Ont. ANTED—EXPERIblesi QED DrNING 71 room girls: highest wage*: perma- nent position. 'Apply 'Waldorf Hotel. Hamilton. FOR SALE. How to Pool Tornatooa ttulokly. LANs on the stOVe ea pan of boiling water, Put ripe tolnatoes into wire bas. ket and lower thom into tho woo,. Leave them in the water one minute, re. move an4 skin.----Woulan's World far Akatgust, . west, Tor -onto, ut 0 fully equipped; good location; one }? S.ALID-11TITCITEB. BIJSINEa&=3; of the best in ate city. 1C -t8 Queen street SALE PROSPEItOUS FURNI- .1' tare, electric supply, implement and repair buSiness and property, store with, reeidence attached for sale. Stock small and clean; forty miles front city. Good reueOliV for selling. .A. snap, A.plity 10 Chester O. Plank, Acton, Ont. T2 OR SALE—THE SAULTS 1.1.0USE, Goderich, Ont. Thoroughly modern three-atorey hotel, With every convenie once and excellent stabling. including halt an acre of land; centrally 10(11110 18 all important factories end eenvelaient to the residential and business district ot this progressive town; directly opposite to Grand Trunk Depot; continuously fill- ed and business prosperous; reason for selling, proprietor retiring from business. Particulars and terms ft..)ra leen. l. Sa.ults, Box 493, Goderlcb, Ont. MISCELLANE0 Cot,: PF/11, WEIEK. IS TIM AVER - ago salary that chauffeurs, who have taken OU1- correspondence emirs% are getting. Would you like to drive a ear? Write for free booklet. Toronto Auto Institute, Toronto, Ont. REAL ESTATE. .••••••••••14•11,........11.11 EGIN-A. THE CAPITAL 01.0 SA - 11, oVers th.e finest oppor- tunity for Investtnexit in Western Can- ada. Write for maps and information about lots in "Highland Park"; they can- not fs.fl to make you money. This pro- perty is not miles out of the city, be: one .infle from the Craton Station and tialf ' a mile from the wholesale section. Agents wanted. Full particulars from. the owners, 0. L. Slater ak Co., Searth street, Itcgins. Refe'.-en.ces, Dun's er Bank of Montreal Medici' e Hat The centre of the worid's largeiit natural gas fields. The eity is giv- ing to incOnting industries free gas and free sites. 16 new factories since Jan, ist, among them the largest flour mill in Canada and. a million dollar cement plant, 2 glass factories, Victoria Heights is ee; mile from the new industrial site. ey rite for liter- ature. Agents wanted. SCOLLARD-KE-ii CO. 262 PORTAGE AVE., WINNIPEG eismof 1.•••••••0411.Y.r.1 • r. -44611.11.11,041•11•C FARMS FOR SALE. Qe AS K .A.TC111OW A N' FARMS rOdt. 1.3 sale 1 Lave approximately 40,000 acres of choice lands in quantities from a quarter seet:on up, situated in the finest wheat belt In the Province, cm the C. N. BallwaY. between Regina and Seekatoon, lose to elevator surface; prices range from $145 up for raw pralele, 123 to 430 a,cre ter improved lands. One-quarter cash; balance over five years. Write for fUll description; now is the tiniu to buy be- fore prices advanee; do it to -day. A.. B. Waddell. Simpkin's Block, Pa-mitin., Sask. Am. • SHIPWRECKED BUT LUCKY. I.Ve au ill wind that blows nobody any good. °lice more was the truth of the proverb to be demonstrated. A shipwrecked sailor having got ashore on a desert island was delighte& to find that his life -belt had been dis- honestly filled livith sawdust inetead of the best grade of cork. "This means an abundance of break- :m=1st fosoadv4 Ie".,,he exelsitnecl. "It only re- mains to provide lunch and. diluter and WHEN SHE CROAKED. Little Charlie—Grandma, maae a noise like a. (rog. Grandma—Why. Charley. Little Charley --Because papa. ullid when j you crook we g -at kieeht,Cosa- ?dr nec Mut. .1..4...1.6.4..*.....1101.•01W.AN•11144111•1.011N. 4.11.111114,11.1116.101, are entirely different from others both in their compi- don and their effect—complete evacuation without purging or discomfort, 25c, a box at your druggist's, fliarriiiINAt.01‘00 AND CtiCIWICAL 0), Or CANADA, latattirtla 165 011110011 I AIN 1101111' 111 1 lowy.maYromm.pm...4 *Arm AND SO TRUE, TOO. Marper's Ilaz,ar;) Father was walking to Sunday sehool with little SohnnY, and endeavortog to improve the tune by teaviong enemas* hte Golden Text, the Winds of which were "Whateoever a man noweth„ that shall he also reap." Johnny retreated It atter. his father several times, and seeMed to have Mastered the eorreet AS they drew near the Stiailay shit- II, the father gave johnnY hlte best ?- sal. "Now. son," he said, "let's haV't (101?)031 Text once ina,re Naithout any be!:9(t-. front tne." This is what he got from Johnny: eWhetseever a Iritlal sot'.-#11WAVA titIS•" • Vimayamosmom w owire......olosarakmou.A.-orioroos,---4•41...arilkwerrnailmk.it