HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-09-05, Page 711 __ .---. owwstw- , - , , - -mr-=*,--.�,=-=,--�oo.��-j--a*x4r=o ._,,l - _ . I I . -,--,--Nq- if I; � \ , , %k"ro" , . , I _­­­­­_._ I - , 7 !!!!!=:�=�T - ­­­ I _1- - 11� ... ­ I _1 ..... .. ��_, _­ I _1__, 1. . , , I I I . 11 I I.. .. � -_-__1___-_.. ­_­� I ,,,,, ------,-., _­­____­_ ­ ______ ______­ ---1---_______.. . . .1 I � ., j �, - - �, , - 1� I , - I , � ,I - ­ - ___'­_._,._.____________.__ - . - � ... .... ­­­ � , - 1 I - , � 00_ ­�­ � ­ " � ­W-�_'­.__;�:i ��"�­��___ �,_._ ­'­­_­­__­­_. -I--- ,_�_�___� i. , �w ""No"0100" 1r ­ _.____,_____,=r=7!==77 "�,L� _ _�_,_­ - � ­­­ --1— ., __ --�_�'�_­ _- "" _ _,__ . — , , I 1 , , 10 1 - , ! , W, ­ " ", .. ­ I 0""M , . - " _t- - ­- ­­,­ , . , -, ,; ­ ."11;; ,(,( 'I til . a p f, 11filry, Itild A I 11 d% )" , A L, 1 121 .��Jwl III)-, (�f t1w I ty(�Ip 1% 111('11 1%11,�,,Ill lift ,�vt hat 1" shalf � ve. .4 I;t 111'r I hictiolivi of (!able, rate Canada, , A N I, -.11-.1,011". I)II al 1all'-vil.r. It, 'th llow llav(. (I adit lilt, t-111teit "S'late" to th'. 11oll. L. P. Pelletier 1113 )lot liallu, lilt- I "% r 1%, It U 11� lolowlt Illat tilk has lwell thi. irre- , list f I vollittrieli ill whotio pilevivw co�t),wc",Iny allJ dill not 'ititte tit(, ratki-,, F,r"AN ,^ ^—I -,,'U sl"S IAN 11110141, alltstailding ,factor ja th'", pro- 0 I ^.. I f RTS I A _., SIAI'EME'NI lowved ne-Otialions between Vramo treatiN ljavt� Ilot tilpir fai.c, -vilInc PAIDING THE [14, nlorillil!--,� papei*6, however, kill, R('HB0L'D'S ' " ' ' . all E ALLIA M -Pr illP Rations -of dip worl.1 thwiglit —,-"--,.—.- Votill(le, Its if atitliorized, t by tit(, . $ for lk', I I., 41 - lit this wa , aboitt. their relatioxii Ivith %V(,storn Union, flilit it 111011ifieti, press '. . and allit delil"Ild, tit(, 'thholtite lilt Y , I er' "4 the United stateti, it woulti, be, tile United, .. rate will becoloo operative oil Iseptelli- AN UNQUALIFIE-AM LIE -, 1111tionaltzlitioll .Ind 11(11;trallzat�oll of *1 e% Owen Sound Loc*al Option - K IR I 111.11(i Spaiii. Spain ,.41svaks —AR C0H*%0EN50N N.I. I ItIlder the followilig selled Ille; Now )[FIN * _1;_11* 4 ,�-I'tntesllerjielf that Would stiffer lvlos,t." Tanaier. N%ithoiit even a, nomillal, W- "I'lle, �ollly .1,-Cligilish journal thus far if) York City, fliv 'Nol'Illeast(Aril 'State?i, mid � 1. I . . ­ � _ I . - ______ __ clusioll i 11 t1w Frelloll protoctorato. I I approve of the .1�ttnalna ,ket iti tile i sts kpoal E"t-stern Callada, ordhittry rate "i cell" , N�ow ('ern1am`:4 froaty with 1"'rallep, -Natiou, zt, Hadle,tJ weekly, whieIi 6i itt, --- , _ it word.., Middle Coital; I.."tates, ordilittry an tilt- i1rice of .mo many r Icildlin" Ill-ticle argues t1lat tho exelap- Roosevelt Denie.s Receiving Any Money From Is Puzzling the Europet "i Young Student Killcd by a 4, ts, deferred, rate, j; (wilts; . , , � ()htalllpi at isl's I. ,ition-A. makes Vvineo re- tiol), bY tile Aet of IlAnterittan voastwkti And Some, Surprising Dis,- ."'-"o'tit"t-li't,i-'i'i'�'S'ttit(�.,;, 10 filitl 7 eellts., Centrid *11 mi'l, 111ortifie Diplomats,. stion4ilde for Ih&.'4izIt.m's.11oroeco, ti,itt, Farmer. ships from the Ilayllielit of eanal tolls States ml(t Whillipe-, 11 and 7 coitts; Standard Oil Company.. . 0 . 0 1 . 18. inehiding Ton-vior. IMes Eat"Ituid ex- h- ,F closures Result, It Valwollver tuxt Vl(�. ­_ ­ — 4, ?lot violate([ the filn -Valillectfote kVosteril 11,4t fem told I lovet 01prinany to eonsvitt to Lilt, Olallwk trcaty. --,--- tolia, 13 all(l 9 ef-Ills it word. The fort.- __.___.____.,__.._____ M111mi't illore of tll(. falliolls "(.01111)(I.,1411- "I' 'r-1111114 V ; goi "I" rateti for ordhni,ry memil,p),it.4 IN -111 I _E D tioi,­? Or is sbe knowingly risIdug, the, 4.1 R, Nt AERES� A'"ESULT OF QUARIT' E L llal��illtl` 1,(,(,o"ll(k�ittvttl)(%Ot,llllll(l�-t"� 111-11'(s. ' lil, (X� I,- \11 la t ' ( it 11 4'e- Owell soulld 4tv"..;p1l tell .. siw(,ral ill)] at lilly hoill'. 'VIII, deforring rate lleees,;lty of ,motber Algeciras (:ow7(,r- � 1* 4" 1)., lon ),.�, Character'stiq Letter of the Ex- President to '11114P j`4 )lot it iiew grievaiwe tipoq t .,. surprising disclosures havilig taltell . . ellef, Z — 0, I 11,111 apply 'fl'olll :1 p.111, to 4 p.111., Itild. I . 'A tl'41(1(' of thiki or tiny other country." .It Place lit the course of the ,slttJ1;lg of from 111411111,111t to 0 aall. for ("�lstbolllld clairaetoriv.(-, a,., I, ­,jprj()1s I)III11der- 111<11S.3.1gem, and front 7 11,111, to I 11,111. ,ti( , the court of rovisiou on the voters' , Senator Clapp. , )11's oil the Sit- , , , Row Had Taken Place the I * (11'eat Britala's pi-oteot Itgaill,+t the I for IN".-Stbutilld, All going to NeNy York, -..----- -1 Ili Etwoptc. I M ME. ALBAN11 "It lists, taking place this week before — _--0,I--0--- I . Previous Evenling, (-I, -ie, -014 Udds 011 -It "no AllieriNtn Gov. ( PrIllileitt coul(l. volivedt. it Point involvilig Judge Sutherland, the Temperance , I I Illehlonittly.N. tio grravo a diNturbativp of it League, represented by Secretary F. Now York, Scpt. 3.—Vellying 01'. itile. � Voinnilittee, "Ind it. trilited ,�;t,�Ltos �S.011a- * I Cobilell dt,61)atelt: Craitt Applebi 'o (to 110t fOl' 11 W. 11111111ouse, appealed to tile court - WILL APPEAL gation of Jolin 1). Arellbold aild Henator tor, advised .Mr, Archbold that it wauI4 .- VVIty tho liltval Former Prima Donna is .r dvi-p-ronted polley. )� Illoulent hvIl(.%,p thItt ,Inv littf-rtlat'lon"ll . n s a . r on FrItnee and Rus- ,. 11trild t%V1.lIt,y-hI'%;(.II. it 'shident bi attell, to have two hundred and elghty-five , PPIM-C P0111-0-0 thut hc slongrht, or wits be, it iikt,'ke -or the Standard, Oil 11 .. I tic� .!')""Ill N"ottlit devide tho, watter ,-it our . de public just at this Not in Need. alwo Ati the Oatarlo Votorlimry Colletro, tl I. )) names struck off the list. Tlie aliti. Descendants of- Seigmirs 1111plivarit of, eoixtributions by the ,Rtalld- 'Co. not to eontribrite, and if they did fa or, I not nut'ke more liberal contril),iltions !, local option element did not enter a fit.([ Oil Co. to 116 eallipaigil. of 1904; . �. I tws,,. The ('vriiian Pap- London, �"ept- 2.--.k repint r".161. 1,orotlto, who was spondhig Ills \,acatI011 .-N �;� I 1, I list. The court will not be concluded the,, n1jgI)t hictir hostilitv in vertain ' Claim Land, brandh)g Penrose its unfit to ME a seat y it it, a new inovc ed lierp to -day froin New Yolq� to the \A411 111.-� parents, Thowas "Llid Mr.4. Ap- qniirters, efftivt that .Alme, Alhaid, flie old-tillio "THE PINK UN" ""t'l Monday and over one hulidred � in the United Stat -vi ,84onate, and review- .4 Slimly iio more extraordinary tos. .. 4 Italian papers 11re pleby, Ross towliship, I-ollilty o� Row s tiames have been struck. off by the . 12% - prillia dolina, waA reported to be lit fre w - two wile(i from here, Nvas Ilair- Sudge, I A ) timonr Nv.w ever subaiitte(j by 'n LT. S, y. at I ',.�fontrotll, t4opt. 3, --The, ,lc%(.elItl,int-s it',," hI detail Ili,' part in all matters c( 11 - not aillied , - lUtly. ,vant and tha'. influential peopk4 lit llelTd tO-Ilight ill fvollt Lif Ilk father's The most surprising developinei nected with it)(, eontroversy raised by Nklna6r, ft embodies it far 1VOI1190 lke- )aPMA throw overboa�d the Cl) 't I nf ill(, Fr(!n2h ,w -l -nem -r,, the nobloineil 0 enwition agninq him than I evol. sholdd i t.S V.Oines when It was shown th.nt the * Cl Albany, .N-. Y.. wert� riftisilig it y1$I)d fj)r )Iott,� Sties for Sole Rights to -ho wore. granted Intlell of the land it, tilt, aectlHatioll.-i of Penroso and Archbold, . e, bel ag- stabbed twi(�e lit the Iwart .. .Ind Ally it k dinT-tvil straig,lit tier benefit. Tlle, correspondent lo(.,R,t- 0 most aggravated case of list padding " have dreamed of making. Senatni, Pell. ly Againut th(, Pitplice. that its, tit Nliiae, Albit bx "%Vjhl Pete" Collb)8. .,I fanner of the clflt!ii,�. as a result of Aid, W. J. Canip- Qtz(,I)(,(, .Province ander the Prow-li. re. Colonel Roosevolt to-nig,iit made his r(A-Pls Iangiittge is i;tjsceptifile (it hilt . _ ' ill, who is well �Illd 64;trict. Collius wade 106 (1�mc,me, wid Color, - bell allowing eight persons to pose as lotti, . one interprotation. R was ,hisi belief lic.q. twill -empires that inake lip living lit k-oinfortable circumstances at I gin'le prior to 1,103, "Ind wilo repre,3plire(I -r publie to Heii-ttor Clapp, chairman rillshod. liotwe oil Tre,grunter Road - I owners ot property owhed by him and tlip (,.ro�v,,n (.)f 1.11 th-tt tile. Covernment would ,sell itspro- It f 110 .1,101ough pwosL­., llli.N.e btlell olit for liours . raiwe in ,several. lincleTit - of tile conifnittee hrvc,4tig,.t,tiT,, campaign. _entral roirope, clermany 111111 Alit-itria- , ) 0 Londoll, SePt. 4-Colinsel for t ,It, allowing 3hese persons to be entered tVcIttiP'; Ilt 00 tilnv Of 010 QP -S(4011 Of oontribution(4, 4*7 tection, and would blackmail tho,* wlio 11 Hungary, E'alTs Coill't, a select rer;idplitial hee- ilo Lrace o-� Iiini liw�, ,yet beeit, found, Sporting Tinles (tile Pink 'Un) applied on the v�)tp-r_, lists as owners of va- did not lmy protection, proploely as in For France t1lid 'Al"liglantl defence tion. of 14oudGri. A well -roomed man- From what ca,it, be learned, it ti,ppears to the eoill-ts N -(illy to enjoin I rlous par'els I iproperty. Cimada to 0'reat Britain, have )net herp The letter, which bears the date of- tile -linderworld of our grottt cities viee " L estel Ild dowrininod to denilind fliAr pp-li�v_ , XOWI1 �) pbc se (I . C Trl(litlls-agaiilst ittly offewAive att,,tek . .rvant opene Ole door iiiid ohowed the I thitt tile flatrder 4, tll(. direL't rostilt Oi Topics, tile IlOw W I 11 I r. Va .fi, Was shown, owned It Alig, 28, was writteit after the Senate is blaelcmitiled or prote,'Ption of it 2 F, vorrespondent into Lill excellently ful-11. . eek y started I)v --mve bt- tirbitrated bilfore 11io Haunt! froin the -side of (Iprniany. '.\'oir Qer- . it qiiarrel. which. ocetirred last iiial t- five sepqtate properties and ronr of 0 I P o them * P&Qred oft the voters' lists as appear before it itt,it .'%JoIId.,1y, ,,Ici Ile ),p- two opinion.,; among lionest men that a beli U 0 , � - ,land ill the Nnrtb Seit, 'wbere this 4utted Appleby, an( tI10 they 0-aini as 'proscriptive rights. -kin C)l 11' , lie abn that thev hava bc-en it(, - 11 cited irout of tlie N,illage poq offiev, u IlinA ilig Tinio-S, froin ilifringin,4, upon what I o 311111113, 1,; no more repared to attack i4hed drawing-ioom lavishly decor, C07 t in )ilany of thp old c(lit-Or.; Of tit(- Spot, Tribunal. Qoinininep aee0ned to have tile Colonel AnId for a price, Surply there Call be no Erl fr Avith autoggr pit portraits of Miur Ed. is silid to have iii;�' a, .11 .1, el, . . oug ther people, who were Rod of ].,tilde, ill dii-i provirwe, ,wIliell quested. I , f 0"101 the man -whost, aetlon,; a,A Senator are ward, VII., Queen Alexandra, 0KIng latter retallated, it ' thus e led to vote oil local optloll G1101 . ;naval co-operation of Pais,iia would Beret' )"I"(140- Ift"d th("ie is placed flic pink paper oil which - t1ley isfiould still poseeqs byvirtiva Llie The �,tatf%inenfis of Archbold and - ell thus deqcribed by himself is wholly un - George, Queen Mary, the Dowager Mil. fight ell,jujilt). or all ther municipal measures. o f. I pmell. han England and " 0. Collins went to Appleby t'lleir r, riolig ' fit longer to bp Senator. I do not-. won - III pres,q of Russia, 1-�ilig ChristilIll, , tit(' new weekly is expected to I)p print- Lore 4 chwail and Agnes Schwan treafle,i roferred to, all'�J 1,111-tt se Mr. Roosevelt britnds as "inju , i'Llid in, it anner. Altliougrh the big- ed, ' France are prepared to attack Qer- viciolls w app � clainic,i ciliould not be ,Illy got;s1p tit third hand, iniNtead of merely aer that Mr. I'lenro-.4e cham-pionpd. .\-fr, ther royaltier; and prominent porso)'18. g v r iman, Appleby contended hials,elf 2S 0WIM'S Of 011e parcel, . ' I a n - 1) and. And it is , " '. JUS-tict- Bankes, who heard th British cot at second litind.1- . Lorimer." in, ,N y 1, very d oubt- ' X11 L" D(o>u irt ttc, they repl.06ellt, tile -\line. Albaniv;; husband. told tile cor- 'm Iti-ri-I 81)0(ldil�y, -.111d tile pI , ' u , ' Mv-Dougald and 1.1obort , 0 ;111 �if Germany really thillk of at- respondent that the imbject was ,it with endin the (III, oil. ruleil that this w,as unclaimable. ', Crown of France, ald 01fly Romp Int�or. The (,Iiargix agralrist Mr. Penrwio," Ite ­:­-'&�' .­­ taelcinty, either Raigland or Fratice ,It til r- 1) a, i r -wero Separated 'by Int-ild". ,qpence were on the Hot as owtiers t - g ally , ]I0 deMillild. lo say whether ' national fribunal of arbitraflon 1. co � di-Marv�. "NNtts-a direet charge. lrbw � filly a deliente one, Ile vontinued- AIT. Collilis evidoul.11 .rown To-' of the second parcel, 3aines Calloon � s rn moro than England or Franee or both ., kild ilot forget the 1)1(-.,; infrintred oil tile ;11 Ow-r-rO was not that; lip -merely took , n appeared as petolit to deal witli tbe.m. C, - do not know of aliv movement to start inOdpift, and earrit"d hi,,,; hatrod to great il,111 ,, , ' Pllk'V ' Itiltil lie and William Cahoo AU ST RA LICSIPLANS to-4ether ean be so cra?y as to think It M "((.n. tile former. tic would buy a owners of the third, while the tourtli Their lafeA Illove lG to draw Up tL �,25,000 from tile Standard Oil Co., but MV of nttavldl�v Germany. A - that, at or abolit the time of taking it. "t'rioll, I filild by Bishop Aurke, of Allmny, and axtreim,i durint" to-da's. He litts. beell I � (Tiltain , military yellow preAq ill Ger" hers. Throv, .Y011ri ago Mine. Albani knox%,ii -to be ot a vory Vicious disp i q Ot eopy wlien it it, 1.4sned on Anga4t- 300i. was purported to be owned by Al. "Iell'O"!t] to the Sevretary of S(ato of * (I"' Up plive worning that lie would not bert Gillespie and Hector McL-o t1le United !,,�tkttos, asking t1lat hN ,� e lost $15,000 through a disastrous tour tion and at linies has beea regarded as .� e d, e committee of tilt, I . Senate. -which -was forniod tobivestigaie IS many may urg and multiply at -ser- of Australia, and as we are not rich, iiisaile. E.arly to -day hi,7 brothon; sent look favorably ou In iy-y paper which was In answer to the. judge's (Iliestiolls, Uovvrnnient 111(,i-st that t.-beir ea�ie. bo Watching Canada's Naval flf)14 to the contrary all round; but ' a volorable ialltq(Jon �f another. M r. Campbell admitted that lie 11"10 doldt WMI , livIiiitrial affairs ill the ITnited State,;, ., naturall t, . y that loso, fol -I heavily. npon n_ fol. lji,� lll()tl' r t it 'it Tho fflu-nie before 1111v 4 ., W o as,,-,ist ill pacifyillif i t h as always been thj� privilege af the .7 The ('age wig adjoarried for lt wepIc. recalvea 110 Money from. an oi' tll'e lie was ill eoll.4,11lit communication with Policy. Ify wife no%%, teacher, singing." hilli, bilt ill his r,t(r(-, lit, threw her off y albitration i,-, permitted iii, tho P"Inamit T few inilita,'y men that talk, Ancient . I" 0 Afeaawhilp tile Judge supported tile Pink above named persons, also that lie C'annl vnev, as tileil- vi,t1l1l%3 Mr. A-relibold oil the subject, wild tba.t be 1, T the prpmliwK, To-ni0lt ,ILI)( J .- santo.(lati, pi,401s) reduce their propositions to he prima doniia'ti husband inferpil- 113 wt six o'elov], '17,11"'I objections so far ag to d , to tially let the correspondent understand Coll'ri' went down t1w i,oatl in the clirev- ireet had made all repairs to tile b1111(liags t"`ie Of 1110 Briti-Sh Otovornmeiit in -the ; submitted to -.S.fr. Archbold for his Ippro- I 011don, 18ept. 3.-Thp. Tiniev; recOntly oil thern and had alwayi,4 collecte,d 111111anill Call. , 11.1 al)Fzurdity as geoineters do, - I 's wi%vn ,rn,);e,q to refmin from adverfl.ging 'd 11, I in advance. n (.-opy of the report of , frionds, started a ,fund t1un of the Appleby farin. " A ter. )Iisbpd ,it leading article antiQipatln v Tllerp'is, indeed, a military reaction that if Iiii Wife��s 1 ' the rent. Ile said that the agree. __­----4.048L­_� Pill for her bellefit such action would not be 11,R'S'1".ME'D TJIE', i,JI!A,R,RR,L. fli,tt tliey had ill(,, -whole. staft of tile ille eaminir"don, r of the whole people in Frinep, .-Ind it I J Pink Wn, which the proprietor of the ments of sale had been. drawn up by IV tho,w. statelytents are. trne, Of tile posqible eveiitital use of the Austral - I resented nor would -tile nioney he ro- (fl,ant Appleby, .,4oein,-,,� hint. approach- NNr. A. Griel-, but these were not -1,14 Iq has Orerniany for its aim. But, ex- . I-Iffilc 'IT11 declared is untrue, or to 11-ge 0 1, (-oiirqc Vr. Penrose . , eept foi- a Italf dozen ne-wopaper men f I 1". wolli k"Itt; lo 111ol"t, hilyl with tho . . � W"', I " S111 Q D I " ' ian 6qu ron o on oree all. independetit l tised. On the contrary, it 1yolli(i be wol- in,, the pon name of .illy writer romaining produced. I X 0 0141" flip people in the United ,'Rta,te * I coined. The sincrer's hmban-d ndvaIl(._qI intention of settlitio, the disputo of the 17 s Senate, Commonwealth -.,)oIje.y ill tile pac1f;(.. ., -.Ili thph new,;paper,,,- I do not be- n 'It -i(3 Ill nitylit befurk�, which ? , � from Collins' mail- Oil the pililc IMIN staff. Judge Sutherland in strilting oil t itrid ti-je tes;tfinottla.l. against hiln, 1;i Ell- r , te th, $lie Here there if; ..t live Frenelinian wbo no facts to 111di-pa I'vi " the names of t1le o1g;Itt per,,4011f; re. --,--- rc�ef," lie continued. Th1q, telptal aphs the Sydm�y corret;poli- ' need of .l. hind, and there was an air t i ner. wa�, Qvidently unsettled. As Gtraw '. 4 I 'r-4 hao the faintest idea of the po�;sibflity Substantial comfort about tht. plilve. approached Collil'is drow ,it lailie from fewred to, coillyneilt,t4d foecibly on tho G re a t morta, Tn the next st-utenee, lit- take,; a voilod dent al the Tinies this morning, wou'd of France 4ttaekinty Cermany. A inan- evident attempt cuitt lUld been inado , . , lity Aniong dic Map at the 1;4enate Cominittep for Ot ,can the abandonment of the naval 0 - n pol of 10010, .11me. Albani's health 14 excellent, IIN ,Uocket "Ind Illade a 1,11,311 for him. BECKER'S TRIAL to Pall up tile I wI,, against Polling , n os i .t(raillc ifest sign of tids iq something far MOTO, 1 16 4!�� (I r ,a i . it cafled to his brother Reuben for day. The abovo I tiit,ed instance Wa-., Philadelphia Pastors. taking Ili) the chargre 0 st Pe r e,. � i s2l le h a eoiir%P,11 lie says, 111;. not sictrifficant tban the . n military reaetion; help awi the latter nislied Lit Collin%. the most wholt,�.t..I­, th,Lt (�.Tne to tile as follewis. expeeted liorp.. Oil the eontrrri it is the increasing politiml reaction ' - I %'Apparently, howover, the coilimittee 1� .*, lit against the ten vQ"Ptrs' M01cal-Socialist L. A C E 'D L 0 U OQL E 418, ,leellig, thl,,,, Grant lilao made for ("01- notice of the mairt, but mari�', r-thers PhIlAd('10lia, Sept. 3. ­The alarni !,I investigIbUng. not this chayge against view of Vallaila's interest in tile rtile which brought France to such u. lln4. and in the inolet� which Tollowed Defence Charge Conspiracy were quite similar. ifirr Pacific, it is hoped that a Canadian reeeived two stab Nvoitild.4 ovt!r the The local optioulsts express thom. 111017tillity alliong PItiladelphitt, Cat,ljoli' '.Mr. llonro'se, which 'was sustained by di- pasi, le reat evidence, but. Mr. Penrose's colinter- unit will be added to the fleet in the licart. Against Him. selves as being highly satisfied wltll pastor,9' has caused Ar near future. Secondly, in the Aus- For Rmight, defence ineans -acrain!A- 0 clibishop Prender- q A� On BLIAS Of Schiller and After revelving ill(! womid.� Grant coil- the result of the hearing of appeals. ,,, ittrge, which was sustained by no evi- ehanges ill ilip Balkans and partiou- , PSt COnsiderltble, trouble in fill! tralian view, the squadron N defensive tinned plinlill ell hur Collills until tile lat- I - S- I , 119 tile dence* at (Lit, and only by the repetition only and not aggressive, except when lafly. against [he Auqtro-11iingarlan ;n Xew York, '8'ept. .31.-F.,tiling in an . Vilcallf.11ci.q left' by tile deatlig of the of' speond-hand gossip." R'inpinr , reaching to the 11editerraneall Goethe. ter erled for morcy. 'I , 'tic party then _ rN -:;a. p r i ns, t s. Tbp -.1i.rebbol4l, (ititternent tliat, with1lis co-operating as part of .it fleet under Aind taking It strong ppoition there. 4�epqrated, ('11,11lit .Appleby and his brolli- ,ittenilit, to delay Me trial of Pollee TO MOVE CK U P 1-9 'I ti ,�T; Tinpprial vominand. Thirdly, the Gx- A" I�r tarlillig to their likillio all(I ('01111l'i Ljeilt, Cliarles Beeker for the imirder It 11111i b0wi sug eigted that ULC 4,4011- corit,ent or knowledge, Coi-1101111 1311 I M . 9 ternal policy of Atistralla with regard , Now, 1104 ls equally the interest of fe-s6folials "Ire. to then treftsurer of the Republienli ��a- . 11 Vienna, 'Sopt. .3.- The Mica at 11 nittkincr off (town tit(, road. Jnst nS nan Rosenthal, counsel for the 4 blamo to, -I large. ,.\.. tas , in a 11. to the Plielfie is equally nnag.-Orei- I ,by rcache't ifle (I 1% . , -he e St-, d r . Eolglarkl and 1), nee -and af Italy atering place in Bolieniia, recently or. (V "'tit- ally all of I . chilrolirs 63 Vp. W. b Apple ga to 11 I) f f ferr t('Ilt These in ry, tionat Committee, .0ced tit . w1flell Oprnlaiis are accusing of a se- , aw acen(o,ed. lientenalit will ask. that, lice More Money Available -1 his wIlOS0 p,riests have' recently $1000 RoogerOlt with Elive ganized a drea,striakinrf exhibition. j� (11-01TEI(I io the 9"On"(1 . I I.Ilki. ill it . ker diod a,l-e Oil Company for , 00, "Tilt, Federal Cabinet N nlo,st anxioliq X erpt naval. widerstaxiding 0 few monients. be irled in another county. District At- small, daric enelo,4rircs, colls -u . � c1l .t . trileto(I in, overs, Is an "aliqua-lifled f-. I-iollood.' to deal with all niatter.,; of external hind and, perb-zips, 111ussia, Migland td certain Princess agreed. to open it. At Year. 811. , , wgy r 'i., .to Medical assistnace was sitininouodq but tornciy Whitman plane to bring .13cel.er . L afford little. or no Ire -olonel ill- . ,11. skupporting .his defence, the 4 - i , ,_ policy .it consultation with the lin-per- *�" rpillaill tilt, nation she now N, Must tilt- hist inonitnit %onlvone J'OticL'd tIlIlt Dr. ,). 11. S0�%','Irt, Jj'I)(!Ii lie 111'rived, saw tilatiol). cluded inlis iettor copleti of blis li!ttelv control ,,ill hidependont Nvzltpr�"'ay Lilt, most imporzant niodels, two WIT t)l.,Lt Ills Scr%,lk!k1S were not needed, alid it) trial before Av.iflce Ooff on Sept. 1.1, A prominent physicil.t1l, wilo is a to .11r. 'Cortelyou, bic, vampaigli mall- jai C.'rovernment. Regarding the Panama flirough tile Mediterranctin to Ecrypt ,,or,,Jons but John F. Mellityre, chief of coull,Q] Ottawa, ,Sept. 3.-Fi(rnr,e_,j " have be- inembvi. of the Eq1ti,,ell 11 t ag rates tv; a grievance it has tWiev cow- , 0 lilee blouwvi. were n i- Coroner Dr. Josephs, of llollll,rol�e, wass ati akell 111) ,,or, in 1004, ordering hint. not to ,;(cept 1131lia, France Coll) In and's both , , , -aid to 0 �' in till icated witi) tile Imperial ("roveril- a T) d for tilt, policeman, s -day that lie , , (' r tnta-ge. Tit(- carctiike'y notified. All itiquoit will 1w openH oil it i (011ie avallable as to tit(, eotuttry',s tile subject with Archbit;hop Prouder- R11.1' 410110-Y frol" tile Standard Olt'; ith-io illent secking information and asking slxorcvi of the wootern Mediterranoan; wo lit f glit to the limit to prevent hic, resonrces for dealing Nvith t, gast and has informed bini that unles,j it telograin to Mr. Cortelyou a,iking-rhilit. ,Ind this is o-ne imperative rettson was ealled and initructed to beg, borrow his ,"Irlivill. f diont froin beingr brougg,iit to trial ­dur- lie demand .. J_ - to be atzt;ochtted in nay protest, but .1 . Ills 0 SO Ilia deolrei had been complied with. �) to or steal two dressmaker's- diniiiiiieq .-Ind Collin" is 11 "oil of Wfi-flaill Coll, � ine, different forni of coirfessional wored. why England has had to <,()me t intr tilt, previent clam'01., -which .1 (on- for CurrelICY NVhich wffl bt. oceasi this still remains ituans � to drape tile blouse,s upon them before this villwye. He 1111.1 [well n%ardetl ai a n . ollvd. used ,he will soon find that Illore pliests 11) reply -Mr. Cortelyon told Iiiiii, -Mr. terins with France. _Xnd, as we shall r� sider ,s,o prejudleal. to ill- = A X the Princes,i arrived. pevidiar cliaraeter, althotigh not (Ili n - ,,, client." by tho Western crop, Last year *the will. be ,qtrick-en. Romovelt says, that rio contribution had by ,,I rebound 14011lewOult uncom- I Mr. .Aredlityre said, that if he "Is U11- delliallEt was Very great and rcuourse the arrival of the archbishop IN, seo After the openhirr ceremony it was I,O. nerou.,;), and for till . w. been received front flie Standard 011, Or foriable for France at pro.wat, it is 17 ?� " �,� "; re""011 _"'t"' elllled� able to ,;cmtro a delity ]I(, would 6eek to IllId 11 PHONE ON C. R R tived that the exhibits were, o lift Pete. Tit(' Appleln, and Collins ollar Cov- frolt'110.11�1'urope, Ili,; mcclical ltdvitier�s sug. wonld be received. also an �imperatjvv reftsoll why ,Ehla- xel.tim, .q "�� obtain, a 4clhango of ventie. Just what ernment notes, wiliell lill-ve proved ;.Ili gestion will be faken, ill), it is said, and, 'lit vonnection Y,ith lilt; relationti with ; , great deal more attention flian tile c'0`111'. faillily have alls�liyt� been' frionds, an(I , land, uslurr Spt!in as an only t 00 '%vIll' inittee ])ad voillited oil,, and tit(-- Prinveas tIW Ii'll-01IL6 Of t1l0 N*()Illlg V1111 1W." plan of action Lli,j State'ci Attoriivy 'will unpopular form of currency, This ill pla,ev of tbe clo.icd t,omptirtmentnow pellrose, tile coloiiet astierbs be ,kpake - I - *1% , will lint allo-%� Tit "'. . 111�ftlt follow in. tile ca'se aga i list Becker will uot -tilk. .1blitioll y 'ania - ing cio, i , .. 111;1(r insisted oil Seeing tile two objects which ,Cjl,'�Tll II(I (Ifttlg(l for Iiis -..11(1(1011 llatrk,tl of year the rpsottrees of the N -i and the in. getler-1.1 ll -,L- there will be plpwad in ad cont) ..;; t O tit c roulls IV Train Despatching Methods , to be. included in tile French pro- becolne known, but one of tile Isf4ifitstnt Uovernment combine([ in the way of cur- one section of tile cluirell a ,3,�reoned ell- . were Lhe ventre of attraction. Tier S111'. Orailt Appleby. Renator but once, ,,in([ then when lie re- lectorate of Morocco. price wat; very great when she caught 14_*_O� di -strict fittorney,,; r(-xmarked to -day: relley will be over thirty million dollars' closure. 644od to retain one of Pcnro.3e's h-eneh- to be Changed. .Note, by the way. for the ciake ol, Sight of two life-sivp blIst's Of 8c)1jIIVr "The Mstrict Attorney's cai,e, ,at; it now ill excess of lll,-,t year, Al J_ & meii, a certain "Bunn, .11 employed In ifie that ideal justice -wiliell counts for so andt-4, agailtA ,13ocker for murdor is Tn the ."tit'll-till of lQ1 the, banics Philadelphia pocitoffice, after the latter ,Ind (lootbo, both decked ont lit ],lice COD14DUCTORKILLED "I to Conviet.21 little in practieal diploinacy� that H'ng- ' 60troug enougli liftd tile nominal right to issue $12S,- 4 en recornmendeff for renioval by and , - Mollse's. 1, S U Montre-.Il, ,Sept. 2.---4'XTr. James Kent, Cppspiraey Will 'be t1lo, -, f or 000,000, in actual pm- the Civil Servico Comml(,,sion foi- col. l 3, ,ind France and Italy and Russia . def enct ctice, they did. not T'V EXPLODED 'I-"(' be ,ire defending, P�;wntial interests ae- Thil caretaker. not being able to se- I Beekor. I-a',wyer .1-1-cTutyre .said: ., AIV lecting political ,00ntributlows 1rom fel- flin.nianager of the C. P. R. telograp-his,, , elire dummic,s, had borrower the fl -i . issile more than 81 12,000,01)0, tl,i it is lie- n quired before" tile (lermany Empire ex- ?7 """' Went Under Train at Wa - ns�-,00jutcj-, and myself ff,el t,hat we wiil ce.sRary for ill(% . low elliployeek;. A colly of this letter has Juct completed it tour of in,peetion 1-sted at all, and before' Austria-11un- of the IMets fmin the reading room, land, b." able to revo, Ili to keel) -.t: iiiargill oil - Ill at the trial a (!on. t Over hs Lie - Woman's F lesh t ' tit( .vi the), were .solnewli.1t flat.che, �__ 9 ­ g down to Sa- qed, Ilad laceburg. ,�piracy fr4med lit) -by ttiewitnos,Ae6itpon hind as .-I guarantee agains ' Rochester o 1'enrot3e. ie ineltided. Of - syetem from the Pacific to lbe gary boaan renehin (.�Rrpfull IN, this nilli-il $1. 6,000,000 Tlic� colonel take,.% tip the allit-31on be- KII-intic. 0 y Iduffed them with dii.4ters to holn the Nt,tt,e iq no.w yelving, olltriv,,Il. lonika, IN%eii the fotirteenth son of an fill oitt' the blouriem. :, In additi'01i the Government isqued $26,' . Literally Cooll,,ed. fore the .SeiiIate committee to the. charges 6411w. Vile end of the year," said --\fr. lillor tile plotf;I "Ind collsprraeiea fol -11111- 0()().()() . of Alton I'D. 1"itricer, Hoosevelt'.i oppolloit Kent , 46 E'ng1jili mother grow., lip and de- I _*_#_0___ n .(I. - ILI the C. 1". R. will have four thou- maild,3 lih-3 plave in I -lie sun, he is told Chatham, Aug. *,1,'0.--JoIia Flannery, 1-itp(l by Titus 0a,tp.'A ill the. ,�evelltpellth ThiF ye. for the prec4dency'in 1904, tbat flip Ro- t,ttnd miles of ciingle track. By the end to ,to t,o Ai-gypjitlitia. where pla(.�ct; are t I . Oil centuril." y ar the banks, havo ellhn�gnd Roe,hcgter, 18'ept. 3. -Mrs. Mar Taft, Pilblic."', Xfttional 0munittee Dad black- af the year the line from St. Jolin to 'm " 'or their resourees -.Ind have tile rigill- to eir- y . - I C, R R. AWARD O' th's city, ` fre'"'t' cond"' I . -4­!,� . walled t-arporatioyis into inakin- calil- Vanicouver wilt haVe. -a, double, co;per . V-�till unoceapied. the C. W. &- 'I.,. E. Railway, was fatally culaie $414.31.000.00(). Allowing for the of 194 West avenne, died in the. Roches- ." � , Among the nations is is different. I margill they rt , linicen vontiibut1on#;, and proaii-4e(l hli. circult, so that tile rallway will be able n hiji.ired at 111,alla-ceburg thfiq morning, pparently eall actitally is- ter 01oneral 11o%pital last night as a ill -,Vor 41) -ycars 0-kermany has held, Ly . 0 A SHEEP REVIVAL sup from $125,000,000 to $130�000,000. unity if the contributions Were inade. 0 despatch. itla trains, by teleplIone ill. sheer right of conquest, Alsitee-borrxine Four varg pa.,4sed over Ili's body. Both' ro3ult of burns received ut her home (I . . Ten Per Cent. Increase to Owlil-- ill part to I -lip issue of the five- ,Oloiipl Rooeovelt reprodneeci IiM ieply stead n; -tele,grapli. against. the wi)) of two million of inhab- his le,ni -wer,E, badly inutilated, and his late, yesterday afternoon, when a gas to these elldrge-s in a sfatement, dated "The telepthone is qaieker ond more f L, dollar Dominion notes, of wliich over .r Operators .head was allumt sev,ored from his tove explodeil, lier n'psh was literl, - adhaptable to onlergenciee. A ,.ikilled ;tailts. I thiat i -,.y va,lid �!xample, lth� f Committee is Enthusiastic $1400.000 are now in the hinds of the 2 .Illy ,\ONr. .1, 1904� in. which be describes them jlji,vie,; of Emrope 'art- now steering body. banks, ill(- Covernment will be nble to a �4 t 1c, " . 0 --- . cooked 'from her head to her feet. fShe at, "falgo" , li-d "illon roi . operator is not required, as in the case ,jtr.tight toward wars of coliquest, and Flannery h.ad. charge of ,It freight tnrdn also inhaled tlie live flames and she was Rpferrhirp -a " 0 Over Prospects. circulate about $42,000,000 in Dominion . 0 ,",aill fo tile .411I)joc., Of I 6-f sending a message by telograph. Time L V) Nk.e kl,r(� 110 llearor the nifflonnillill thall Ottalval. Sept. 3.--T)i,, Cone ili,t ill i ()It coming into town. The frain was In a critical condition whell 'Ole wn s clillipai-gri eontriblition's, '(7ol()n(q Iloo. I an rl noteq. s". ell) be saved and communieatio)i (-, Avi-1-0, 13,111peror Charles tho Fifth of Gel- 13oard appointed by the Dommioll (,loN,_ ifliunting near the oil refinery wlion Mr. �Ottawrq, Sfhpt. 13P. -The, committee froin The effect of tlic% five -dollar note removed. to the hospital, vpH inakeo flat denial of the infc%�renee ba� had at once from or to any train, for Y-� many ond IS'pain and King Francils the crimient in thf, Ell6plite betwee.n. tile (;,,til. Flannery -,vas missed, by t1lP Crew- TheY the Sheep BrepElers' Association, which blIq boOn to 311.1-ke n-ft-vil"Ible a colisid- When she, started to I 1 .rr'h t a fire of John D. Archbold thathp (Roosevelt) Under thp telephone system trains Fir -4 of Fraw-l-, wiWit tll(-,v IPt 10040 found him lying oil the tracks uncon- there was an explosion which wrecked t-broligh Bliso, knew or the. -yl' earry the Apparatno, which can be iall Pacific Railway Company and it6n ,geious wws appointed by Iton. 3M.artin Burrell er.ablp gimi bitherto held by the banks in Standtird A. I I flicir (h,strovina hoi)-is on ilie fairest 11d , . 81jr ical aid was inimedlately . it forni imsuited for virettladon. . The the citove and tfie flames conwinnicated contrihittioli, il.-P. ,jays.. quickly atlaelipd for'use. The teloplione "t .. That i -i the. misery Atitioll agenti and telegraph riperatorEj 7 to invostimate the state of tile sh all "I cornmiink�atell .%vith N is the modern way of despatching fraWs, - vottintrio-A of Eitrop( " sIll M, f� hilo, his injilries were ler. 11P In" bAnIc" IIOIE1 ns part of their fyssatq about 0 her dre';s- In ftImOst It" insf. t t'lic .1r. 11IiIjf!,. vpry linjo (I. In ' � lut--s rendered a dect'siol a 11 d $00,000.000 ill Drimillioll- notes whiell flames (mveloped her wholo hody. a Tid and nev r any -.11111sioil of it.. . I. gn,anting It 10 rible. lie sepined -to be. in it senii-von. duq-try, and to report oil way,4 frequently, 0 M,'Ldp and the V. P. R. in, ft few 111on-.118 Will It ,.x till it,;.-nacring comfort to reflect per cent. increase, the same to bp. dividpt). sclous condition. 11c passed ,"wil-Y ITICIMS of ellcoUragilig it, hw; completed hitherto have ])Poll ill larryo dellamina. -is burned in a terrible manner, to eontribittion.9 in any Iet fill-vo, fonr thousand milw of eingle. track , 4t she , wt lbat tilt -it, nay.,11 .1grolnuclits cannot go between flie agcllt�,j and aperaton c I s -.vi throo-quartors of an liour after t1to itic. it, I -Ter elotbincr was completely Mirned lihn 4r ad with , , ,; W()rlc ill the TV(aritillic 1,311-ovillces and tions termed I'legaltz," ,,ill(] _usod only bf,- 0 . ally eotiversation f h ,linl, onneeting two oceans ,equipppd for'tbi,i 3,wyatld diplollweV 1,01, 1111,111'. ye, , S ' ., 11"'; to their (4erviecti Illay Nvarrant, the import. videlit, British Columbia. They liav� reeom- tween binik-q. The bmiks Ilavp C.,\-ellally. from her, and she wils in imminelit Elan- '*f have npver dikene,(,ed the question yiate.m.11 Collie, alut that their only probable anee of a. station' varying, from tiln, � I �� t o #,*-O-- I .. 0 gor of behur burned. to death (it, tile b" cOilt rillittion,i with Mr. Perkin.s." lie 8 I I — iminediate effect ,will be to Increase time. 0 mended the .holding of sale,4 of pnre- ed aboiA one-tenth of thvir "logals" 6"r " - bred stock in these Provinces, and R. 1-1. the new five -dollar note, and t' I ll,q Il').VP Spot %01031 itit,sistance ardved� g`008 011, "t'ilve ill connection with' f1k. A NICE CONDITION' the competition Of the intPrest0d "a' The arhitratork4 -were P. McDonald, of 11arding, of Thorridate. Ont,, a sheep ex- rendered that lIdditional. anloillit of The, woulan was hurried to the I CIU -1,11)'19 ill(, i1celtsations brougAit hofni-e lions ill the building of warships. Rull- W'00dstoek; J. G. O'Donogilue, of To. , DRIVER'S FAU LIT pert, le ongaged in making purchases for their ftssptq ay.,tilable, for cireiiIntion. pnr. Rochester General ITo6pital, where tile your eoiniijlU-00,11 - I H Duval, of Montreal. . . the sales. A meeting of the. committee - pogpq � o f Arch. . '4jil, if .tklle had a llavv-which .,;lip, har, rolito, -and J. . . physicians did all ill their poilver to The visit to. the 1vJ!Iljte I-Iousp ' ,lot --- could lielp in the Veditierrilmean The decision is a compromise I)Aivoell was held in Ottawn, this week. -when . 44 alleviate her suffering and to save her bold and 14'. Ir. Rogers, about it year - age o' the Dardanellez; What Avas wiked and what the railway It s elv's election, i#3 dealt with 0111y if tho pa'Is ' Resulted in His OwnDeath they conferred with officials of the de. life, but the -y were unsliccc,�sfill. n,nd af ter oo ov ' More Votes Than Voters illocit sensational newsnionger has , will provo, lic,cept. " si , tum- Al S she died at P.:35' o'clock, Coroner at longth. They protested tile colo)lpl in Election. sholild be opened for )ter. Now, 'the C011117111111,Y Ivava willing to givp, and. it is partlilont ,.Ind discustsed the whole a not likely, able J.') both at Montreal, tion, .It wAs then decided to ]told the TEAL FOR DEATH Xleindienst was iiotlfietl, and t9ok, eays, -.1"T'll j list tile; acciLgatione mAde yet ill Inlilited that Frallep, in the riemr tpartips. 1. ., -1 lit, enntomplittPs a vicasitre 4a 1 sales in the Maritime Provinces the lat. .. chargro of the mee. against tile- Standard Oil in oonnecti.)ll ngrponw : : 0, . I mber, awl in British 4--*--, with rebateA, tile progeelition then being , oppo-wd to all her policy for nearly ,.I �Montrcal 4c&patch: The doath of John Coltunblit in October. Paralytic Wants Permission TWAINS 110M11 DEA0. in tile bande, of Attornev_('eneral Rona- Columbia, S. c., Sept. 3.-TI11011g.11 colltl1r."', or that Engla;d would ever HUNGER STRIKE' Segiiin, engineer of Gralid Truilk train The committee which has been At parte, Prank Kellogg a'iftd' JampI,; v 0ov. Blease ling -.I majority of about von4ollt to R. It, ina.v collie bv a law of -ty at St. work consists of Colonel *Mcftenj of . to End' Life. Gar,fiekl, Director -of tile 1311reltll Of Co"' o imture-bittimn nat-justl1q, 801110 � - No. 7-301, waIs catwed yestord, Original of Nego of "Hucklebertly r. 2)000 for election as Governor. there is Byron Ont.,, ,Colonel McRae, Cxuelpll; porittions. ITO told the oil InItgnitte.q, , through segllilll(l owll itep-li- I a ,strong probability that lie will nevev 11inie, somewhere, (lerillany, by tile sailip M Film." It 11, TL Harding, Thornflale, a,nd A, P. the colonel says, tiliti 110 Could do, AOIII- tftl,..e off.iec. re gence in r,tarting Ili,g traill, wit.-holit, a wci,it ,e 1,,tw. may compier moro peace for her.iolf Imprisoned Suffragettes a T"I'llbert ,*.\7 e w York, Kep�t. 3.­2\17ra. ,,-',a,rixh Har- -Clutr- s of wholesale fraud ervelt, T6ronto. ,John LiviligAtoll, it lle"ro, 1010 W'.11% a ingr for them. At this Point in his letter ba,ve come to .I4tate Chairtitan 'E.'vans of ' # 4 ill tile 411n. signall so Cororier AI&Afithou declared ill ::: ; III. , rN, 33 -years old., it suffered from paraly* playl-nate of Mitrk Twai'n', and consider- the colonel Makes hiis olliv IIIIII'Sion to Causing Trouble, 0011l't title inorning. Mc, for t1 S'partariblirg. Ifore .in(] now ni.,(l until interna- A I t EV iroe yeors, dictated, from her ed hilylgelf tile Prototype 'of Nigger Jim, 11110 letter published jj�,* .jrr, Rearsi It is allegypil. that the vote exceeds bv tioll"ll policy (.11-inges radicafty. a Rus- ___ Segilin, pulled his trnin. of 41 freiggh THE BOSTON PLOT bed at the Ailbildon Sanitarittin tO-daY immortalized. ill Mick Finn, hits (lied �Vbivll beat' Ott tit(%. preped inve�sjjxjl,oioll : I slon navy can help Franef--and England cnrs out of St. Lambert i4tation while *an Appeal for an act of the Legi%lature ll(,I.t,. Ile AIvV6: "I have 30.000 .,illy ever cast in the stato anit i Ditblin, Slopt. I w - phy� , ill times, past criti. --s -a 6. i. . nie, .stis! - which ivould inaL , it litwful foi qi- 1,11vingston has 'lived here sillee 1164 elsed 111" tit' --oniv in the 'North Sea. And there the newspaper here _' 1 I rago Ue both the bralcoman and tile condnetor . r. lfcarAt, but ill this inatter It at the total ballot., nioi in 140o r I AftYS that .1titryLeigIl Were in the c4ation gotting orderfi, Up . ciwm to etid ber sufferings bv it nlerci. I' 000, Is areater than the number o'x lt)ri so-called Dreftdrioughtq with whieli alld, left a. $15,000 eAfirtte. haS rendered a, public servike , ,rItil And Gladyg E.vans, the two in,litant, wo. proceeded to it t4witch ia, mi -10 a,wltv. lintl ftil death. For three jeari '.&s. 11arriA e of Iligli white in'tiles of voting a(ve in the, state. 71iissia is oreiliteil ftt present would a I %rA6I eylgilged ill 6hunting I& train to It More Arrests Likely in lin-q not boon nble to move hand or foot Livingston Avas born ill 18,10 ill ".�Jj'-,;. bnportanc(%, (Ind I hope he will publish lit Andi�rson ,vonntv .1,000 moro votf,,.4 little, _; - i * IMI men Who wore. aentenced to five ye'wrsl sottri I').ving flip mon of slaves. When ,-'ill the letters dealing wit], the init, I 0 tt,r ,%,(,I*e poll(wd ill tile - ng to strl siding when. tile Central Verinont, train bpeawse of :1 s4pilln]. milladv ,which keops , , twelve vear,; old, lie wll.�4 -�old to Which he lias in Ili's POSSeSsi011. I f Mr. thall ill tile other `nt(%(q( all(, ,) I . ,k ' I* lit Met. it loo)?,; :is if Cwrnil"'Y Alliprisonment for itttenapti .0 Dynamite Case, abotit , ('nibernq,torial r,xeo . -real to Boston eraslatid into - coil, - Vo s , t1l, Inight reepive I,,til,Mkinflal consolation 1.)rp1nj from Alont hei stant1v in i1ritenae �Rill. frol- p_ er Asquiti, wit), ,a haichef it"d " I - , ,To' )h Dftugh�,rty ,of Tlannibftl, Mo. Ris Rears,t, or anybody &;e. has ully let. I (,()IltltN* com ittee has Ordered ,,I re. n this'Vraveo-Rit-A,Aian. naval agre the cor lipst tile engine, ,.Ind 11 egubi was ,nip .,4uperintendent. of tile .4anitarinni hoselood was pli44-,ed ill tb,,tt river town ter from me aealGg with tand,trd oil _ 'A' setting fire to� tho Theatr(s r-,o.y,,l,1. an(l I�illed, yi, S vollnt:. it is,belleved tbat the state I . * y that *11r. Harris might, live .Ind Clp)11011,4, who was jilit ono year affairs, I r,11411 be delighto(j to have it inent at-elthipt wlti(ili her ni,%rspapers are, llpogton. Sept. .1. --Intereq ill the in- said. to -da. 4 Who, like otllel.g ill tile J.-IiI here, II"I've The vordivt ret'lli'lled by tile eofollor!�] for twent.'sy, -yeart4, Wit there was no Impo . i -.0mmittep Nvill throw olit ollougli, vot(,-� VrVing ont. hv getting indw,trial ordei vestigatioll of tit(, 'Allege(I "planting" of 1) hi senior, and lie beellive ffwt, fmic"'nils, published; mid if anyone ,estn sliggest . '� I)Qell P1ll11I)-fQd for sAme, tinio, w0rP Ot- 'lit 00yory. Wlicit. Daughorty (lied, UvingstoTl. eame .*lily questilorl a to ,ally �(I*with ,41tilibifflding till arounte, J 'Y tIli(i morning wati `Xo E-riint, by of her frifi �e _ Ip to insure the. eloetion of Judgo I rit 4.0111web fered the right to Wear their own ' Aynaniite tit, Lawrence during the big I I I ,w I- ., . . 8 qtpit I havo .D. - France lin-4 allowed Ti(,r navy it) drop so 0,4 n Z7 otfi�r jolooiiii; or ap,pneie""." te\,Iil(� strike witi-s renewed to -day. with to oregoti,--Orogon City eoi,r. S4. Louis ever writton or r"pi ' ,Jonef4, as there are eltarges w1delt (-Ioth - a d sharp the t4anit, coil if thpy I Z0.tJ.4.­.­,­_ Ved oil tile sllb� tar behind undt,r bpr Rodin] sf-booln`1118- ­­ �,�� flit, report that tit(, finding of indiet. Itepliblie. i6et, and Ivill giVe me tit(% approxinlate Avill. neeessitate ,-I recount in prat-tieally ahtindolled their bringer strilce. 11othwo- . CABLE RATES every C-01111tv. 8011th Varollila. ipr�i fliat bor vard,4 will barely saffiee, n)ell deelinpill and, .11ittt, N 1110lits agaiwit Willialn M, Woorl, 1>resi. ditt,�, T will a.t once try to iooiv-, it III), � t Y of . , toll ht'l! ONV11 111110V011y E'lictlall(i hw4 bel , Alld 11, T dent of the Aniericau Woollen cO., - ­06�"`�_�­ ­ I : t ­- - watvr lls well aq food, ad to, lie Al 11 ---"� Wid, if I can find it, will pabli.qli it.,, I r. Leigh rofti,ip(l TESTS GOOD F I TO OOLONIZE IN NOATH. - r NEGROES KEEP SEAT$. - . liatidi; full. 711 the old Vineq. .Tolin I)i)llll,l While she NV44 fed, Doni-; .T. Vollin,4. .,Ind A third man 11,110 I r ',',),,onto dospatch. A Iffilloo, anil a ('0101110 ROOM'velt Statm plabily that ' ':,am held -.----- S ' _4 r, y flai been Organ. lit' does )lot N -)IM, flip stttt�llientt 'I . ,Wl and T'nele , -ir poiv(� 'niall, te qJ1C0_ . � ; 11 tht ---# 0, bi ­ — I Imi jiot yet been fol il arrea d, onic Cuts in the wil-tor dolial, eolIll3anN of � Mil watflwe. wi".. S -W.3, 1"ift N.- fill] r , " 1. n1filo 'SpaliNli-Ainerican rpVollitidil-4 I tP work of the. Nod to carry Ou col�nization work ill , Archbolil and, I'lenrosp, thAt 1114; .4,i i d I lawter.i. Avith ;It lea'st ollo, from eaeh , ,., TO tATCH SPEEDER& London - Specwtor oil the Nlolll(l ilo' (-olliple tile � w.velt kn(sw of ]tic; ('R , 'AA1J'r(A Uoill", ()It. .111d ,�old imparti"01 ' v .1111- - gran(l jiiry, The grand Jury will nivet Atlantic Rates. ,_Xortllorlt Ontario. Tho oulpally bIt4 Iloos . Ijq.qI) lwst I ".q.,itt., till Wildnostlay clomplet,od f or alln"itiffl). Ilry gol)(1.14, :111d !!roe(,6­4 to- U,4 Angrele.4. (W., ,sek. 3. -- .1*111to- ,� a"Taill 110V week for tile ;Pgrillar'septeln. been incorporated throllor 1, it Tor nto f0r 1110TUIT, Tro"I stittlidar(I ofl. Tre Col. I pre-At-utatinn to tilt-. Aniorielin 11ar Asso. * M � 'ernlony iq ,Aure of her fit. mobile, ,4peeder,; in Los Angple(zi ,%v 'I I t ))(it- torm, and it Nva,4 reported. that the " ,st:)nd .1164 ill tbi% collilet,tion "ofil sid(�(;, t, Pana -ma, Mattm 11 0 llc�l 01101 prose It firtil of snlleltorq, but it is Illidel I new I viniloll '11 report renouneinty ,it,; "dauger. ( ­­_­ n . bit of evidence in tho form of it state. vilti to thp 'Volliltry" all niovoniontg for iiwv. .m(I ean affor4l to follow fill, ex- (-Oilvi(%t thelli-.4olveg if tile City (onlizil 11)6trict mtornev 111,1ght, bave still Mr. ll,lvorpool, ',vpt. -2. The ]Toil L, V. t1lat 'Mr. NN1116 X, Jllel��,4011, of 111iffalo, - ,is lown eapitall'4tt4 aro bo. )y ,lit purporting to have beell inafte by : til'. l'ItI.,111 of illd"'C4 ol. of 'ill(lit-i'll (I(-. ,.�lllpltl .,md malu, niom-y rathfir thall 11.1-1,4p% -111 ordillailee introduced by tile .- llon(lon� .S'opt. 3. -Aiwnt flio 11a)IJI10 tllt'r evidell(q, to,pl.t­4ellt to tilt, body at and otlicr well-ki it I "'.14.1d to flit' military paity, and stril4t, 11olico. 'Conlinission. Tho eonlill'NA01) (" Inal , I I oll ��pt, uH ro(q.11fly , flillf" tit, if not MIXt Ivel.k. tit a . (Ilptier. 0111114liall PoqtIIla,4ter-(h-ll(,r1I � Vif4s sovpral niontliq bof(ire, Iliq ! 4� . pa,4,;"It by th", L , I bitid tit(- sehoine. de -0, �'*_,it,-.I. ' i vioNv bpfovo ilio (ithpy,i aro pri-part,d. ord wants all ,mitolljolbile,j equipped with ' ' ., . j�pok-hll t4itting later ill the illolitil. 1'.1,11('d II '4tatelil till t llere to -(lay. befor( Mr, J-1dozoll solno thilp avo "w(.111 -ed mid publiAhed in the 'Yew Vork 11prahl. i! TvII 11linutt's w.14 devotoil I)v tile 0,4- .0 impovori,41i !v.r.,,f.If for mitold y(..,trp,.. .1 qpep(l (letpetill't (Ievi(.(. (.o11l4i(jtiI1g (11 tit(. Unitud. Statos CotifiT044. thil ItTp � J" �, K 11 It i�4 expeett'd t1lat flip third niall ill. naffills for holne by, tit(% r4teftlllel' ViV- fil(IIII t1lo ()Iltarij) (,'(JV(AJ-lJ ' Paper ho. -tilt, to 1100ROvelt. 1)". 21, ; ,.4wi.11,1,11 to 'S"Wellipill 411, 11�11 (111p.46111 111011i iNv o 0 t . 4 Tlwl,4� iq wbire, the 111'roll."y f1114.4flon three lights. %I-Ilitfs, gl.ee?t ItIld J�V(1, .141wetator cilyq: dIA(d 1011 present, hilliself lit poliee torhall. ill whivil .1 redilletioll of a 1111111ber to%1�11,�Jlill�4 lJol'til 01' tilt% 'I'l,"Illseolltill(q,it'll 11-111. Tho st-Itonivitt itphold;A RoosovvIt - %%qlt-t,1It�j- ll(�Cerfl lawyors '11ollLi I I . 0 $0 ft'l- 1 M,0!4. lq i't-rniom, wantlitiv thi: NVII011 "I ear i,4 going eight 111iles all -Tho n -A to�,t of tit(, gooll filifli (If 1It1AII1III.Irt1,r.i oll Tilp,olay, .11111 0.11 all . III rati-4 !at the ,oilie,hile of tr;vn,,,-AtIautl(' lillp, ill 'I'llini, , -, '41"'In)ing, and 1111.1-ady h.w '.1 , in Ill,; tontentions in tho 11:irriniaii lliat- ' Illillpil lo, nivinber.-hill. � ;amv" of v,. -,Ii-. rmallv inore pi,pparetl Itolli, tit(, n1lite will t4low. fifteon illile't 01k. Mliu-d ""'kifi-i i'.4 yet fif I.,I)IIII.. It thl-t-o of tlIt, defendant -14 ,will lie formally r I'alill. toll-, i�.4 forp-;Ila dowed. Mr, Vollo- 1�11'Aql gail­ of 11wil ill Ille 4111NiTh.f. 1.1ying ti.r. 4111d PR14 i.4 fillote(I AS stlN!Ilt that i Nially 111111'aAm.1.11 to IlkvIl-;,A till- sitil 0 ) . , MAI, hild y -welt e will-tetl i 011A i !flit tile 111, -rit , W 1�oad, "110 't'I'lletinfe 11-111.1011011 01010 nt A. , ,iIjIl 1,,'it.�!Ltliil and F-raiieve And Atall tit(. areell, and twelity Illile';, tile 6pped N01 voille oll tilo (1111--itioll u-iii-flior ti.�o M'I'd'u-111,41 oli fliat day. livi. �,Ii-1 he (lit, 11ot fi-A .It lillerty to o 11 I 11 , -tioll Xxii, eal .J lieli'le - 11 V .14-i . i . ,lot ihe fil"Al, frilit-4 (If t.104 I,.:Ival -"grel'. Iblift. till, red, NVJI(-Il .It V,11' i-4 1101111,r,' V,Jitod *)4I,tt(­A (A(IVIII-Isillit'lli will k-ol.,4.11, (Wis-or'; 1011) W1,111 11) the 111,1111,4 1101;,;P 0111101111ve XVIRIt '0(1-t- FI-d1l0flO144 I�Ijllld htljhlillf("��, volulti-1, a elpativi, vampaip"ll Own illai 111CIV Mele hyllrellix-d. 'il"(11t. 110w 940 ohuoNloll(A to, hvi., bp. af- I W; I -ty ittile.-I nn I-Iiy()tll to 0-11101111t this 411�,41111tp botwI1041 (ir('M N ('-t I')'d',!y. I'lit it NA....,q ..l,, -,?l.,-.(.(1 tll:lt if bF', blit illtillititeil J1111t -.1 1411111111t,'1110INA —.—,4— *,*_�%­.�" i . �_ -lity tir t1lb Itonr, I , . I of I1()4;S(1V(-It ill 1001. ; . — 1 _"4).4_4P*__�. C NCE I I 0 1 I 'g' I , e all I et 8 E'I , � I I . I I � I 4, er Al. ..I 11.11.1111(.�-4 ontflow of illove fhp wilite 11141 greell lights will appe'.1r, 111-itaill alid, tllelll�40�e(i to al-111t)-.1tioll ..11, It(, Nv(.I.(, abli. lItA should ,"IVe llilil,4elf tip all illi lunevinc-ilt would Ile made by hin't4elf "Irl -re ('illill":4 HillilikI4, blif. lie woll't �itklN, Aftor liyefwirtin,�,: i portioll uf Pell- r "'V1111 "!,�-111 vi&IT SI-VIT-, , - I wltll Y (Al I Y 17reneh mollpy b1to V1144hi for 1--t1i"'Ici In't if It, I.q goinrg, Inore flialt thirty The 11.1g,lit'. We ri-fil"t. to, Iwlivtv 11lat t(f the polive Tile.'alay mortibig, I I c. is mid tilt,- British llw4tnia.s te;-(,(,l to 1,41 1, toll , T%11 ,.�o ll'. "onyl ao ho silcoot.(N In rflvipls to,itillioltv befol-p tilt, '-lon.10 (.!,ill- 1 (401111 oll:, -0h. sh, I , " IdlIfIl A Inn. . 9 .- I '1111 111A � .,w+4 of tllill,,A� lnile-q an bortr 01 lbrep liglits will, flaikh tht�- I'llitott state'A will llot. oolill' 011'. (If t�M;l to III,, n man nearly ito prominf,ilt aq �hrlivrt lo. Sninut-1. hi tilt! (tonr-40' (if the I)oj"' 11)ittJ1P, 1t00A11V;It ,14,1 11 . ,ro,wiml, Komi,* iaoiwy." "t ,; .- ti, A 11 _J'S-. I. 111i '1,11-111. I vilval-.4 ehlorifform ittv - - . I -1 X-11 010(10 �,11.e idlial Illle'4ti011,4­filr- the lidlingt4 to the poliepfflftn oil the flult t -VA with 1101 -tor. If tiloy t400lild, I Mr. Wooll in tilt', (441,E -fill aijkI fj11IJTl(.j..J1 lilvxt two demv-4. oll?4,0 of It'"Im.01, mi'l ­)."­-RII(iAlo1-o i ill- 'Terp Aft,. Pournst, sa%,4 tillit lip, a I " 111411firvil 11t.."ort, ('11ml*11oll.-I tlwrfl,�o , �, .� _ t�%., 11) . ,q , I 1w, tp"fily 2uplodipi--compared to the torner, icfuae, the ("all'Re of arbifration will to wofld. Ili Ili-; titiltement rog;Udbig foi-tIlcoill. pli*L1111, nleylllwr of tho Niflaw�l RV-1111blivall Loill-I Ili-111-att-ll. %#_ "' , .