HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-08-08, Page 5TlfuRSDxlr, AUGUST' 8, lrg I2
summer Wear
Must Go
Prices Away Down
We have cut down the prices of all Summer
Goods so low that every article will be cleared
out during the next few dayt4. Below are some
of the lines effected.
UNDERWEAR, --Summer weight Underwear in two-piece
and Union suits, short and long sleeves ; regular
$1.00 a snit, clearing price 76c.
SHIRTS. --Men's Negligee Shirts with soft collars, splendid
bowling and tennis shirts ; 75c lines for SSc ; $1 00
lines for 75c ; $1,50 lines for $1.15.
HOSIERY. --Men's Silk Lisle Half -Th se, all shades, mostly
plain colors, also Boys' Black Cotton Stockings, all
sizes ; regular 250, clearing price 19c.
SOFT COLLARS. --Assorted patterns in Boyb' and Men's
sizes ; clearing price --2 for 25c.
NECK TIES. ----Four-in-hand and Batwing shapes ; regular
25c, clearing prion 2 for 25c.
S'rRA.W HA.TS.-We are clearing out the balance of our
Straw and Panama Hats at prices that will make
you smile.
This is your opportunity to purchase at cut prices
your summer supply right in the middle of the
season. Don't delay.
c co & Campbell
.II 11. F. r
11 I
Save Your Hair
Don't Use Pireparations Con-
taining Poisonous Sugar
Of Lead Or Sulphur.
Even if you have healthy hair you
ought to use a little PARISIAN Sage
once a week as a hair dressing. It
keeps the hair healthy ; prevents scalp
itch, falling hair and dundrutf, and ---
But be sure you get PARISIAN
Sage. There are many imitations.
The girl with Auburn, hair is on every
carton and, bottle o1 P4.RISIAN Sage,
It banishes dandruff, stops falling
hair and scalp itch, and imparts to the
hair a brilliancy and lustre that all
women, as well as men, love so dearly.
PARISIAN Sage is a daintily perfum-
ed and refreshing hair dressing. It's
the beat hair tonic you can buy,
Large bottle 50 cts. at J. W. Me-
Kibbotets and dealer's everywhere.
Imperial Year
Imperial Cadet Review
Cadets from all the Overseas Dominions
Exhibits by the Provinces
Dominion Exhibits
Band of Scots Guards
From Buckingham Palace
Paintings of the Year from Europe
Paintings by best Canadian and
American Artists
Imperial Cadet Competitions
Boy Scouts Review
Everything in Educational Exhibits
Siege of Delhi
Besses O' Th' Barn Band
Britain's Best Brass Band
Dragoons' Musical Ride
Industries In Operation
Butter Making Competitions
America's Greatest Live Stock Show
Canada's Biggest Dog Show
America's Prettiest Pussies
Japanese Day Fireworks
Motor Boat Races
Hippodrome and Circus
Four Stages and Arena all going
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
Athletic Sports
Ten Band Concerts Daily
Acres of Manufactures
Imperial Fireworks --60 Numbers
Aug. 24 1912 Sept' 9
Ten Commandments Of Satan.
Rev. Mr. Louis Scott de Burgb,
pastor of Methodist Episcopal church
in St. Louis, declares the fallowing ten
conimandnlents of His Satanic rna jes.
ty have taken, the place of those of
Moses ;
i, You can have as many gods as
you want.
2, You can make for yourself one
graven image in likeness of the Al-
mighty Dollar. You can bow down
to the god of greed, for he is the Lord,
thy Clod, visiting the iniquity of the
fortunate who happen to have plenty
upon the unfortunate who happen to
have less, showing mercy only to the
blind parasites who love him,
3. You can take the name of the
Lord in vain, provided you wish to
hyperbolize in conversation with no
malice aforesaid,
4. Remember the up-to•date Sab-
bath, In it you shall get up at noon,
go to the ball game, and visit a variety
show in the evening, for in six days
we are compelled to work for a living
and we need a good time on the
5. Don't honor your father and
mother lest the old pair enjoy life too
6. Don't commit any premeditated
murders on the principle of temporary
7. You may commit adultery, but
look out you don't have to pay ali-
8, You may reasonably steal any-
thing within the law of the land, even
a rallroad,
J. You can bear false witness
against your neighbor behind bis
back, if there is money in it.
10. You can covet your neighbor's
house and his wife (whether you are
married or not), and everything that
belongs to him.
It is frequently supposed that rheu-
matism is brought on by cold and
dainp effects on the ,surface of the
body, hat this theory is wrong, cold
p only exr,itee the disease
that is settled in the blood, rheunara,•
tient is a blood disease and Rtheumo
is guaranteed to remove the cau4e and
enrich the blood so that uric acid can-
not exist. Rheumno is a wonderful
rheumatic. If you have rheumatism
iea any form don't delay going to A.
L, Hamilton's drug store, and get a
bottle of Rheumo to -day.
• A Fine Cow.
Nr. Tig 'Wood, 7th con., Logan, is
the owner of a two-year-old Holstein
cow which has been put on record as
one of the best tnilch cows in the
Province. In a twelve month's test,
which has just closed, she produced
15,302 lbs. of milk.
I I. • 1 1 ... 1 .. III 1
41 1
.'tiers is no rea,eon for your sufftr-
ing with backache and kidney trou-
hle any further. Anti vac Kidney
fills can now be procured in Wing -
ham at A. L, Ilam lton'u drug store
a wonderful little pill that quickly
brings results to sufferers of any forth
of Kidney or I3lodder trouble. Get
the genuine Anti Uric, 13, V. Marion
on every box..
Forestry Convention,
Arrangements are now well under
way for the Dominion Forestry Con-
vention to be held in Victoria, 13.
on Sept, 4, 5 and O. The Convention.
is called: by the Canadian Forestry As-
sociation on the invitation of the
Government of British Columbia,
The railways have agreed to give
greatly reduced fares for the round
trip to delegates from all parts of
Canada, and a number of noted speak-
ers have signified their intention of
being present, and everything looks
favorable for a large gathering.
a large number of experienced
farmers to buy and fans the best
land in the West ; improved or
unimproved. First -claps proper-
ties for sale at low prices and on
terms to suit. For particulars
and booklet giving description of
the district, apply to
AN' person who is the solo head of a family,
or any male over 1S years old, may home-
stead a cjnartor se;:tion of available Dominion
land in'Y a
.. i lit ba Saskatchewan
4 0
The applicant must appear in person at the
Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the
district. :Entry by proxy may be made at any
agency, on certain conditions by father. inoth-
er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend.
in homesteader.
1)homesteader.ntles,-Six months' residence upon and cul-
tivation of the land in each of three years. A.
homesteader may live within nine miles of his
homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely
owned and occupied by him or by his father,
Mother, son, daughter, brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader in good
standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along-
side htsomestead. Price $3.00 per acre.
Duties -Must reside upon the homestead or
are-omption six months in each ot six years
from date of homestead entry (including the
time required to earn homestead patent) and
cultivate fifty acres extra,.
A homesteader who has exhausted his home-
stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption
may enter for a purchased hornested in certain
districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties. -Must
side six months in each of three years, eniti-
vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N.13. -Unauthorized publication of this ad-
vertisement will not be paid for.
eatcrn fait
SEPTEMBER nth to I4th, I9I2
Lotthon's Great Ehibttton
Liberal Prizes Instructive Exhibits
• Speed Events Each Day
New Art Building Filled With Magnificent Paintings
Programme Twice Daily Live Stock Parade Daily.
Besses o' the Barn Band
of Cheltenham, England. One of the greatest Brass Bands in
the World, and several others.
The Midway better than ever, Fireworks each evening.
SINGLE FARE RATE over all railroads from
Kingston to Detroit.
Special Excursion Days, September 10th, 12th, 13th.
Prize Lists and all information from
W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary.
ONTARIO'S BEST rFalI Term from Sept. 3rd.
Our teachers aro all experienced instruc-
tors. Our courses are better than ever
and the equipment is more complete. Wo
do more for om' graduates than do other
similar schools. Fourteen applications
for trained help were received during the
past week, some of they: offered over c700
per annum. Wo have three departments
Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy.
Write for our free catalogue and see
what we are doing.
D. A. mcLACBLAI( - Principal
s.rM.,M.r. 'an.•'rr.,r�.•W
Arrange Now to enter the
the school that has a great reputation for
k giving superior business and shorthand
training. Graduates get and hold good
positions heeaure they are thoroughly
p ar p t ed. Write for Catalogue. Open all
year. Enter any time.
Car, Yonge and Alexander Sts.
:T !
C. A. BOGERT, General Manager
Capital paid up - - - $4,700,000
Reserve Fund - . - - ,- $5,700,000
Total Assets f" $70,000,000
Farmers' Sale Notes
The Dominion Bank collects Farmers' Sale Notes, and
makes advances on such notes at reasonable rates
Farmers, Traders and Merchants are offered the best
banking facilities obtainable, at this bank,
L..0. I. Is 1. 1 .1111.111.1.1111 111.yLl.l-.II 1. LY IILI.. 1 ...YY. _ill !.1.11. Ilr
rr .l II.I 1 ...I . n ..J II!. AMMOININIMI'. -. .
N. EVANS, Manager.
.. •�!l.«1-•---.a._US....Ll c.. R.. . ..1 .. . ...+r .I. I.
•ly JYLLLY. .I.Y.1.; I.iII111 . 1..III Y1..1 .,.1 •.I..ii....•16.iia.Y.Y I.l.lilli4J 11 IL 1 .1.1 I .'.S.IO ..1 .11
1.1 1rl.r"....- 11111 .. li ..0.66i rI.lY .Ll .1.14.u1I L.I 41. .u.L III. .L . i•.
-. .a • I I .11 L.
. 1111...111.10.41 . 1. 1 1.1.II.d1
II.111 •..1 .. :1
Mid=Summer Sale Brings Prices Down_ The Qne Great Clearing Sale of the. Season
Sale Begins Saturday, august the 3rd ; Ending Saturday, ,August the I t
Exceptional values in Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear Clothing.
Out go all Summer Goods at a great sacrifice. Only one thing counts and that is that theoods must be sold. Take ad-
vantage of this opportunity ortunit .and buy now, g
Read the list of Sale Prices. Only room here for a few of the many Bargains awaiting you.
Grocery Department
Art Baking Powder and Granite Ware Premium, 60o and
75c value; Olean sweep sale price 390
Canada Laundry Stara-. 0'70
Royal Yeast Cakes
10c Bottle Extract ..
85o Japan Tea
1350 Bieck Ceylon Tea
Seed'etis Raisins ,
9 large boxes Matches
2 cans Salmon .. , . , .. , .....101t• 25o
Large bar Laundry Soap , 10o
Mixed Moltke, per bottle.. , .. , ... 100
Corn Sterol), per package .. , . • ... • ..... , ..... , . , ... Ms
Fresh Pot Barley ... Ma
Olive Oil Floating Soap.. 050
6 bars Comfort Soap for .25o
6 bare Sunlight Soap for..,, 25o
18 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
• , $ .. rr...25o
• . .•
White Cerebric Undersk rte with deep embraidery
Souncrxl Sala price 700
Children's 'White awn Drtasses $rittanred with lace
and insertion; to clear at ,..,.,..,,,,,,, ,•.,,,$1.00
Chi'dren'►i rano'Print Dresses, 'nicely made, sizes 8
to 7 years; ytanr choice . .. 50a
White Pcrrian LEWD Waists, short Slee' e; regular valve
$1.25; sate price ........ 950
Fancy White Waists, tong orshort sleeve;. worth $1 60
eYrli. .
Corset Covers, embroidery trimmed; to (Attar $1,1905o
White Underskirts; $t.2r value-for05o
r $11 50 value -for ............$l.pti
$2.00 valta.e---for .1, $1.60
CARPET DEPARTMENT atirpPt4, rtrigs. LiLotenao,
Curtains, Blinds, seer, to ha
sold at aweolat .reduoticna, The stook 14 !area and most
ba reduced, too down go tine prices. "lBeeend Mot,"
Bargains In Staples
English Long Cloth and Cambric; regular value 15o;
36 inch Cam , 12; 00
Cambric, fine quality; 120 -for. -lac
3 doz. Hemmed Pillow Slips. sizes 42 and 44 inoses, 8
fine quality Cotton; 20e value for.... , . , . , . , . , , . ,15o
2 doz, Crash Towels; reg. price per pair 25o; sale price..180
Heavy Crash Towelling; sale price .08o
El pieces wide Flannelette; to clear,,, , , , , , ,, , 08o
2 pieces 8/4 Sheeting; 300 value -for. . . . . ... . . . . ....... 25o
10 pieces Fahey thick; .12o value --for 10o
Table Linen. bleached, 2 yards wide, choice pattern;
good value at $1.25; sale price. $1.00
One piece pure bleached Linen; 600 ---for. ..... . .. .....50o
One piece special unbleached, 2 yards wide ; regular
value 50o; sale price . 40o
DRESS (MODS Big cut in the prices of Dress Goode ;
our large stook robust be reduced, Buy
your fall dress Or suit now and sane 20 per cent. on your
purchase. D ess Trimmings and Oeerlacea to match all our
Drea4 Goods, at greatly reduced prides. All the new weaves
are here,
delrae3s to °lactose from
and they must be sold; every piece reduced. A number of
pieces of 27 inch flouncing to trell quick; reg. 00c value, sale
price 86o. 1000 yards Tareheou Laoe to dear at 5c.
sale price
TERMS OF SALE.. -Cash orp roduce at time of
price. No goods sent out on approbation.
Bargains in Silk
A large stook of Silks to be Fold at sweeping reductions,
We have the kind that will give good wear.
27 inoh Japan Silk, all colors; usually sold at 50o;
clean sweep price 400
10 pieoee Fancy Striped Shot Louitaine Silk, in the best
shades; 50o value -for
Pailette eines, in all colors, 40 inches wide; good value
at $1.25; sale price
20 per cent. oif regular prices of all lines of narrow Silk.
HOSIERY AND GLOVES Several ines f Long Silk
Gloves to
clearout at a timo
rifles. Clearing line of Women't and Children's Hose; sale
price 1Oo,
PARASOLS Sumner Para.sole in white embroidery , or
fancy colored; $1 25 value) for $1.00, $1 50
value for $1.25; $1.75 valve for $1.40; $2.00 value for $1.60;
$2 50 value for $2.00.
RIBBONS Our big stock of Ribbons lyrist'be reduoed.
Prices will do it. 12 rolls Taffeta Ribbon, all
colors, wide; regular price 150, sale price 10e. 10 rolls extra
wide soft Taffeta Ribbons; 20o value, sale price 15o.
READY -TO -"WEAR Women's Tailored made Suits, sop-
urate Coats and Skirts, made of
Panamas, Voiles, Surges and Eroadoloths. No room to quote
prices here, but big reductions await the ready buyer.
sale, Goods not paid for will he charged at regular
PRINTS 50 pieces Clonal; English Prints, light and dark
patterns ; regular 1.2eeo and 16o value ;
clean sweep sale price ... ,
CORSETS Big clean up in our Corset Department
broken litre and odd sizes in the best
makes of Corsets; $I 00 end $1.25 values; your choice • ..69
BOOTS AND SHOES Big cut in prices of Boots and.
Shoes. Clearing ont odd lineal
and broken sizes, at OOo, $1.19, $1,49, See the Bargain Boxes.
Men's Wear Store
Why not buy your fall Snit or Coat during this big sale
and save from 20 to 30 per cent.
Men's strong Overells; to Blear at . „..."....500
Men's English Worsted Suits; reg. $1 5; sale price ...$11,95
Men'st. Fancy Twet:d Suits; to dear at ;(;.t�q
Men's etiong wearing Pants; $1 a and $2 (10 for- ... , i.ull
Yontbs' Feeley Tweed Suits; yeti $5.00 and 46,00 for, . 3 0)
Men's Fancy Sttipe Pants; rog, $2 60 for, . . 1 90
Bo a' - Short .Pents; ls; sae rico
3' � � price r r r r .r ... r • .. . a . I , a . , . .50
M+•n'sheavy Overalls; regelar dollar line; for , . .85
Youth; to Finley %Votsted Suits; reg. e8.00; for, 5.90
Boys Tweed Snits in small ses as, to clear .... , , ... , 1..50
Men's Rain Coats and Dtaa,t Copts; sale prion . , . 2 60
Men's Cravenette Coats; reduced w....... 5a 00
Gents Furnishings
Men's Fine Llastio Braces; 251 valve for .... , . , . , ......190
5 doz Men's Salk Ties; reg. 23n for 1 ao
Men's Heavy 't'V erI ing Shirts; 733 value fog' ....... eile
A lot of Men's Print Shirts; to blear 590
ialnert/us out a lino ot Men's Eos, 2 i,r' for, , .. 25
Men's Sweaters; reg. $1 50 value for. $1,00
Men's Driving Mows; reg. $1.25 for.... ...... , . 1 00
Boys' Szr,zttne•r Jerse3r s, chert t �e'ery<-'•; sale pa• sale .......2'o
Men's Cloth Caps; reg.. etlevalet) for . . ..... . . . .... .40o
5 doz. Linen Collars to clear
ati. .......... ......1......10U'
MEN'S Has till per tic►lit. rail" all linea of Mrs's Ana 13oys'
. Pelt and Remy flats,
` S
Farm Dairying
VIII. -1 -Milk and Milking
Demonstrator and Lecturer In Dairying
at the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege, Guelph, Canada.
(Copyright, 1911, by A. C. McClurg & Co.(
EItAGLl percentages of coustitu•
V •
ents of milk are:
Per cent.
Pat 8.t
Casein 2.6
Albumen 0.1
Sugar 6.0
Ash or mineral hatter., 0.1
Water 87.5
Total 100,00
The most variable constituent ot
milk Is the fat. It is In the form of
minute globules averaging the ten,
thousandth part of an inch in diameter.
The fresher the cows in milk the
softer and larger the fat globules are,
The loner in milk the smaller and
more tallowy the globules, resulting in
"strippers," making 'very stubborn
churnings and crumbly, tasteless but-
The food of they cow bas a marked
influence ou tbe composition of the
milk fat. W1ilte.milk does not always
indicate poor milk; neither Is yellow
milk necessarily very rich. Grass,
bright clover hay, carrots, pumpkins
and yellow cornmeal tend to deepen
the mIIIc.
Pochcolor foodsof tawny stimulate
flee Iwo
ductiou of fat for n short time, but the
cote will return to her normal percent-
age and perhaps --due to forcing --fall
below it for ars bile. .At the same
time the percentage of fat in milk Is
by no means constant. In ec'ery 100
pounds of milk there ere 87 pounds of
Tho Colostrum.
The fluid the ccns' yields directly aft-
er eairlug is known ; e culastrntn,
which differs etitit'iiti;ally in composi•
tion frorn normal milk and is usually
considered untit for human food.
The milk gt•ndualfy lases its Bolus•
tru!» character and In front ti ve to
ten days after the Cow has freshened
is generally norm.
Children or weal; handed persons
should never miii good cows.
Did you ever think why a' calf or a
lamb bunts its mother when getting
its supper? Instinct taught it that by
giving a bunt or two the milli canoe
quicker -the nerves were thereby e --
cited. Some milkers aright taken les-
son from the salt' and instead of try-
ing to get the udder as well as the
iniik into the pail, let theist press up-
ward instead of pulling downward so
hard. The udder is less likely to be-
come injured or" urn,,hapely.
Much might be said in favor of wo-
men as ualiitiers. Tbe withdrawal of
women from the e'w stable has been
detrimental to the dairy Industry, haat
milking comes at suet) inconvenient
house for the housewife, and her du-
ties :ire already so manifold she shouhl
not be asked to . go to the stable to
Better to have a dirty floor than a
dirty atmosphere in a stable at milk-
ing time. The milk does not touch the
floor, but It passes directly through the
atmosphere. If you want pure milk
the air must be pure in winch it is
milked. Some of the best dairies have
separate milking sheds. -
To secure clean milk the cows should
be brushed down. The stables should
be cleaned and ventilated and a little
land plaster or outer absorbent sprink-
led in the gutters. Just before Wilk-
inc; U2gius the udder should be wiped
With a damp cloth and, if soiled,ese-
ed ells trema Water.
The niill:er should have On a suit of
washable material, which should be
washed when dirty, The tnflker's
hands should be dean and free of dis-
ease. Do not milk with wet hands.
Some milkers have the bad habit of
ltloisteniug the bands with the first
streams of shill.. The milk its the ud-
der proper Is practically free from
germ life, but as the cow lies clown on
the never too clean floor, bacteria of
the worst form tind their way through
the opening at the end of the teat, and
in the milk iia the teat canal they glo-
riously thrive and multiply. This Is
the milk that should go Into a small
tin for the barn kitty. While bad for
tbe mills slimes, l have never known
it to kill a cat. Do not Milk It on the
barn floor or in a few days you will
have a most offensive enieli arising.
A good practise Is to rub the betide
`with a little vaseline or lard.
It either the fore or back portion of
the udder Is poorly developed, milk
that pert first in the hope of stfmutat.
lug the nerves nisi overcoming to soma,;
extent the dc'tirlenc'y.
Always milk the eons In the same er•
dor. Milk es nearly as you can at the
same hour, having equal facer#ods of
time between the millings. Cows giv•
tug a very heavy Clow of hits are often
milked three or four times during ties
twenty-four flours.
offer a GOOD) INVEST'.
meet and QUXOH
Write tis before, you decide to
N1 11 C+:T OY 0111,11411a
600 t rzrr xxt fl'L'