HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-08-08, Page 44 We Want Your Wool We Will Use You Right I{ING BROS. Extra Vaines e,.s*. 11.,11. Mid=Stirnmer Goods Prints Ginghams Embroideries Laces Hosiery Underwear Curtain Scrims Men's Fine Shirts Men's Working Shirts Overalls and Smocks Balbriggan Underwear Wearing Socks Odd Pants PRODUCE WANTED. KING BROS. Head Office HAMILTON CAPITAL. PAID UP 0 2,870,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits .. 3,500,000 Total Assets.. 4.1,000,000 ZT is not your earning power tl at w111 measure your happiness in the later Sears. Your saving power alone can t.s- r•ure you agaaost the time when your earn- iug power will bo reduced. A Facings account at the Bank of IHamilton would be a help toward acquir- ing the habit of saving, The same court- eous, ( flicient, attention is given to all depositors whether the account be large or small. C. P. SMITH AGENT - WIN GUAM May Be The Case. The reason that the average man moves the upper chest above normal when the tape is applied is because he does not stand or sit in a correct posi- tion ; therefore his chest is not in what should be his normal position, but very much below it. Every taller has met; this difficulty with customers t. who get "chesty" when being measur- ed for a suit of clothes—and afterward wonder why they do not fit. The reason of this is that a man will brace up, when being measured --throwing out hie chest and drawing in the ab- domen, but he soon drops back into his regular habit of dropping the chest and protruding the abdomen ; and then the tailor is blamed for the misfit. Here Is a Money=Saving Oppor= tunny of the Utmost Impor= tance To You, At Robins' Store. Saturday Is the Last Day If you have not fully supplied yorilr needs for some time to come at this great money -saving Clearing sale, don't fail to do et) at once as the Sale positively ends Saturday night. Remember we are selling goods for lege money than like qualities have ever before been tiered for In "ustvice to Torah" pocket book ou cannot afford J y to plea thisealt3by. Men's and Bos' Stints" Boys' Hats, Furnishings, In fact everything for hien and Boys from head to foot at marvellous price reductions. Come and look around -see the bargains on everyhand and resist their. if yon can. t S. ROBINS STORE .4- BAROAIN ABOUT HEADACHES, Headache may be clue to dozens dii'forent cffases. It may be due to lack of sufficient supply of blood t the brain, ae in an anaemic conditio There is often in this instance a ligh empty feeling at the top of the herr The anaemic person should be give the temporary assistance of A bloo tonic, He should be turned out o doors, and kept there, to gel; his bloo thoroughly oxygenated. He snout drink as touch ruilk as will agree wit hitia, and also should eat raw eggs. A. dyspeptic headache may be know by the pain being worse after eating It ie accompanied usually by costive ness, acidity, and a sikk feeling. Ho water should immediately be adtnini tered, followed a little latter by a dos of castor oil. For the hysterical headache, plunge into the cold bath, head an all, will hr'ing inamediate relief. The congested headache, which may be a periodical result, should be treat- ed by hot mustard foot -baths, or the sitz bath, or both, and a cold compress may be applied to the head. When the headache is caused by overeating- or alcoholic drink, the per- sistent drinking of bot water, and the use of enema, followed by a very hot relaxing bath will prove remedial, T'he neuralgic headache is difficult to treat, for there is so little that wil bring relief, In the writer's experi eine a hot bread and oatmeal poultice has been found to bring some relief, and to induce sleep. Sick headache comes on violently, lasts about an, hour or r:o, and is fol- lowed by sickness, nausea and yawn- ing. The patient usually raises a sour liquid, atter which relief is experienc- ed. This disease is often inherited from gouty parents. Its treatment is unsatisfactory and uncertain. But it may be said of all headaches, that hygienic living is the best anti- dote. In the first place, the patient must distinctly refuse to Iove his head- ache, and snake a pet of it. He must become wholesome in mind and body, Ile must rid himself of every impurity po3sible by sensible diet. If he will cut out pleat, tea and coffee as an experiment, when he has been habitu- ally subject to headaches, will keep the bowels relaxed by the liberal eat- ing of fruits at the proper time, will, temporarily, eat less and not as fre- quently as usual, will take daily exercises in the open, and as much as possible will drink water liberally, and not worry, we believe that his chances for a wholesome recovery from almost any kind of headache are legion. of a 0 1 d, n d f a h n ta- e a d TEE WINGHAM ADVANOB ..F •**kt- " 5earch service.. 13eing there, l don't. you for tills work. You are sltnpl Ing your duty. When you have p that you are mistaken, that 1 loyal subject of the czar, I shall re you for the sacrifice you aro maths this distasteful work." Orleontiw • a replysky, gazeshowingerancolde1l'glert cewbni from the words she had uttered deed, he directed the search bin now and again reproving the sear for a want of thoroughness In work,. Ho seemed more like a man of than one of Hest) and blood. Anna as soon as tbe raiders cam Listed if. she might leave, but was to remain. She knew very well she asked the question tbat she t not be allowed to fro and that would be smelled. She gave Ve look, lowering her eyes to Veru's I et, which Vera understood as we if it had been words --"whatever your pocket must be transferee Winel" The problem before these girls, mutricnted by a look from the on the other, Must be worked out rectly—that is, by duplicity, and most perfect master of these sw arts Is a woman, Anna began the w thus: "1 ask one favor of you," she sal Orsky. "If you intend to search me let rue go, provided you tind not) Incriminating upon me, I beg of yo have the work done at once in o that I may return to'my home, we I assure you, 1 am greatly needed came here to see Vera to ask fo remedy she once recotnnaended in c of sickness, and I should go back once to au invalid." Orsky told the woman of his part take Anna into another room search bet.. The two women went leaving, Vera with the pollee. W they returned and the searcher rep ed nothing found Anna asked p('t't sion to withdraw. It was granted, going to Vera to say goodby the t Locked themselves in each other's nr "Oh, my dear!" said Anna. "( grant that you will conte through t unscathed. It cannot he that y whom I have considered so steady person, can have mixed yourself w these horrid revolutionists." So great was the speaker's emot that she became quite hysterical. '1 others were Hauch moved by her e tion, except Orsky, who seemed same sphinx as before. "I assure you, my clear Anna," plied Vera, "that your fears groundless. I desire these good p sons who are doing their duty by t government to make a thorough seat so that they may exonerate nue co pietely from the cbarge of disloyal Let me know as soon as possible h ur dear one is getting on, and 1 s rely trust that the remedy I ha commended will .be effective." While this dialogue was going e skirts of the two women we essed one against the other. Th ere the full skirts of years ago hich there was plenty of room f ckets, and the women of that d ed pockets. '1'i!!et side in which t ckets were the girls turned saw' m the others. Anna kept up t pression of her fears for her friers d Vera continued to reassure her t na had contrived to get her halt o Vera's pocket, seize ra paper, eru in her palm and transfer it to h n pocket. Then, after one long et ce, Anna took her departure. s soon as Anna had gone Vera rt: In preserving her equanimity s much easier for her. lIad she suffered under tbe shoe k that the n she loved hard won her heart to ray her she would have felt buoy• under the removal of the terrible ger from which she had ewc•aped. it was she took nu more pains to ke Orsky think that she ntltnired for doing his duty, but when he ked at her she flashed him a took contempt. It seemed to have no et upon him whatever, for he eon - tied to direct the men in their search every nook and corner had been sacked, then sent Vera out arlth woman who had searched Anna to ergo a similar process. ben the two returned without any• g criminal being found Urstcy wed the first Irritation hl trash nifested since be entered anti or ed the searcher to take Vera out in and make another trial. When was done and still frothing was nd, bowing Ceremoniously to Vera. withdrew with his party. The tiering look Vera gave hire bad au- ntly no effect upon thin, for he ed as carelessly as a custom house ector who lead examined the Nig e of a stranger. Th • evening Vera heard a footstep he staircase, a knock at the door, in walked Orsky. Looking about cautiously, he said: used you for a blind on the gov ent." e pointed to the door. can convince you in a few words," ontlnned with perfect self posse:3- "I saw your friend thrust her in your pocket, then thrust it In a1YtY." ra started. sent her brother to her that she t warn you. i took every pre - on for your prote('tlon, trot I !tato In terror test some ineriminnt• paper might tall into lay ha nds d been reporting to the govern - certain e)r('titnsttlnc'es about you, Suddenly 1 vitas ordered to go at to seareia for evidence agrainst 1 load only time to send tine ing, lis I did.'" a stew it all. Orsky was playing f those durable parts so eotni»on e secret service rind espeeiatlly in a. She threw her rirtus around rer':t neck and, y'ieitiio 10 a nat. reaction, burst into tears. blame y do ro ved ton a spect ng In tlrout fever In bin _-- A Russian Revolutionist , • Receives a Great Shock .1 60/ .. By MILDRED WHITEI'IELD "Vera:" "Oh, Anna, what has happened?" "'Prepare for the police. They are coming." The two girls began to crani every- thing that would incriminate thein as Russian revolutionists into a store. and within a few minutes not a scrap of paper that could hartn them was left. Then they waited for the coming of the police. "How did you get wind of this?" asked Vera, "My brother is a pretended spy for the government, but is really working in our interest. It is he who warned me." "'fiat w11U hag given the` away?" , "I dread to tell you." "Spe;at:. i ran bear anything." "'1'o hear that one you have loved 1 and trusted has turned traitor to you toad the cause?" "Oh, heavens:" "Comae, bear tip. If you pass this crisis safety you will have lost noth- SAD AND SERIOUS. Young man, do you ever sit clown and think seriously for a minute at a time ? You may be well now, and earning good wages, but how much are you saving ? Are you waiting anxiously foe. pay day ? If sickness should overtake you, have you enough money to keep you in enforced idleness for a month without going into a debt you may never pay ? This is sad thought, but the most solemn warning may not cause you to think seriously until it is forever too 1 a,re. The thoughtless reader will put this down as a fogey idea, and laugh at the writer, but we know for a fact that far too many take no thought of the future. Young girl, are you not doing a foolish thing to tie yourself down to a life of misery with a young man who doesn't know enough to make provis- o a for a n ainy day ? Are you not partly to blame for giving foolia h young Wren encouragement in their foolis hness P Do you want to marry a young man and take him to your parents' home the first time he meets with an accident, or happens to be laid up through sickness of any kind ? Don't if yoti value your future hap- piness, chase after the young man who has some "go" in him. The young man who can shine in company is often very short of polish when he is in his own home. Old man, you who have reached the age when You should be able to take things easy, but can't afford to do so, do you ever think of the mis-spent hours and squandered money that would serve you a good purpoee now if you had it ? When you have to turn out of bed every morning, wet or dry, cold or hot, do you think of hours of ease and comfort you might now enjoy were it not for the imps a a'idence of your younger days ? Itis to late now, old taaan, for you to benifit, but the younger generation should learn something from your experience and escape the rocks on which you tnade shipwreck, YOUR FUTURE APPEARANCE DEPENDS ON THE CARE YOU ARE GIVING YOUR HAIR TODAY. If your head is itch;9. and you are constantly digging and scratching it with Tofu finger nail, you are pre- paring yourself to be a baid•head. You cannot kill the datidruf'f germ by scratching your scalp ; and until you have killed It your hole will be un- healthy end lifeless and will fall out. &WHINE is a preparation endorsed by leading math and wiemtirf every - Where as ann idHre,l scalp cleaner and dressing. SAGIUNI. is so sure in its action that A. L. Hamilton guarantees it to accomplish all that rushes the hair attractive and healthy. The price of a large bottle of SA.GEENE is only W,, as to to bring it within the reach of all. D,art't; neglect your hair it Means irn:nret to your appearance than All else. Geta bottle to day it will a lean your sc,•alp and grow Your hair in thick and soft, SA(IlINI� is not dicky or greasy, "MUT IS IT, PETER?" ?" ASKED Tana. r, the stone` e ln, told ry hen would she ra a 101:k is In d to CO RI. e to indl• the ulcer ork d to and lint; 11 to rder t'i't ra ase at y to and out, hen ort- nls and wo ms. rod his oft. a ith ion 'lie mo. the 1•e• a re er- he •(.l, in. t y. ow 111- v e on re ey in or ay lie .1y lac' d. 111 ad sh or n .4 yo ce re th pr w w Po us po fro ex an An int It ow bra A Ivo wa not ma bet ant dun As n3a him loo of effe tin till ran the and w thin sho ma der aga this fou he wit para retir insp gag T on t and him ..1 ernm Sh 80c sion, hand her ..I thigh cautl been fhb I ha ttlhtl t nod once you, warn Vet. one () In th lttossi her lo Ural ing. Indeed, you will have gained. I have never trusted Peter Orsky and have warned you against him." Vera covered her face with her hands and moaned. ".He is a government spy," Anna went on, "Who was deputed to snake your acquaintance, you being a sus- pect, and he succeeded in his project by winning your heart Heaven grant that you have not furnished him with rvritten proofs that he may use against you." Vera by this time had mastered her- self and retn hided trer friend that she hall lce'pt the cant site had taken not 1t' rereaat to any one the secrets of tier sizzle. Peter must have known that she was ar revolutionist, but he had ni, dert•nt1aentatrr rr•ttit•tive of the Met, 1t «:as (lotalstit'ss the purpose ot the po- nce. acting on his suggestion. to stir- t,:'ke net' 811(1 seen re that evidence. riot that the ponce cared for evidence against a suspect. since they 0011141 ,t•aacl any one to Siberia they choses. out their sr`e'ret service system was so intricate than they were never sure %sir) of their •IM'S Was working 1tt their interest and who was working ng 1t 1 i. Attnistu Kacihetnut been table to give her 1rient) more shaft twenty minutes to prepare for the kalif. Indeed, she had rata so fast anti had tnontlterl the stairs Bei hastily that she was o:►t of breath. when she arrived. Soon sifter Vora's ,1S$411/11 nee that Site had divulged noth- irig to (.)r'sky 100151eps were heard be - tow, and a few moments later were :'o;ping up the stairs. 'Then Vera sad tit'111y turned futte, sit the same Ina• tuont clapping her hand to a pocket In ''L•e skirt of her dress. She had no r•bne in toll her friend the cause of her trlglit, but Annan Inferred that she had forgotten something incriminating she had In this pocket. In another moment the door was tiw wn open and Peter Orsky. follow- ed by half as dozen potiremen entered. The rnpt(iity with which Vera had re- gained her etlflitieSS was remarkable. She felt herself able to play any part tind was determined to gain some a(1 - vantage by convincing her lover than she still trusted him. She looked at 11111) inquiringly when he entered with the pollee behind hitn, as If she did not Ittrderstnnd what it meant. His wn race W88 alnittteitlgable. "e seenl- d to be doing his duty as a machine— erelless and inexot'abie. "What is it, f'etu's" asked Vera. "Alnico a thorough search of the out." said Orsky to his Hien without ry reply to the girt, to whom he had een Matting lore for a month. Last to eller the room VAS a woman 110 had not brei) elite to keep up with e shied, anti it was evident she bad en brought far the purpose of mak- e n personal Search. "Welt," eat() Orsky to het', "tilt We re finished our work. Then we will to you the room for yours." The women seated herself, and the en began to rummage. "i bed no Iden, Peter," Said Vers, hat you were is the government 11 t' to t•� at �lr w th be In hit gi m "t Explanation Necessary. A Clergyman had been displeased with the quality of the milk served him. At length he determined to re- monstrate with his milkman for sup- plying such xttiworthy etuff. Hee be- gab mildly, "'1'vo been wanting to see you with regard to the quality of the milk with whit+ you are serving me," "Pet, sir," uneasily anewered the tradesman. "I only wanted to tar," continued the minister, "thee I use the tnilk for drinking purposes exclusively, and not for ebrtstening," Row Ile /Knew. is gal asked the young mother, anxiously. "I'll tell you," answered the young father, confidentially, "he earn, say more things that sound well atnd Mean nothing than any kid l ever saw," hat makes you think the baby trig to be a great politician?' TIIVn5DAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 a"""'"' FARM LANDS rTHE PEOPLE'S POPULAR SWIM IN ONTARIO The re -notion has already begun and the farms of old Ontario are more in demand than for some years, Shrewd investors from Britain and the United States are seeing the advantages of the settled portions of this Province over th) somewhat doubtful circumstances of the West. We offer this week one of the finest farms in IInr'on C/o., only a mile from a good market, school, churches, stores, blacksmith shop, eto. The farm con- tains 100 acres, with up-to-date build- ings, good fences, flue orchard and in a high state of cultivation. Will be sold or explianged for a larger farm in a good locality. Particulars to men meaning business. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE G. IL. ROSS, D.D.S., LD.S, Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER II. L. ISAIM & CO'S. STOIRi C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL. AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money. Loaning business. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK MIS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFFICES --Corner Patrick and Centro streets PHONES-- Ofllces 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence. Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes iii Surgery. Diseases of lthe Edevotes, ar,pNose aids to Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted, DR. ROST. C. REDMOND L.R. O P. (Lund.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. ChishoIm's old stand) A1tThhlR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.B. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen usylvania College and Licent ate o Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Office in Macdonald Block -- f wiNcirimn General hospital. (Under Clovornmet.a Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and to loca )ion f room MOD perweek, according tion--Address MISS L. MAT'IHEWS Superintendents, Box 223, Wingham, Onb. R. IRAN&TONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. OFFICE :--BEAVER BLOCK, WINGHAM. DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office Meyer Block, Wingham. E. L, Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Oilice:—Morton Block, 'Pi/Ingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office OUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all glasses of in. surable property on the eaeh or pre - minim note system, ClE(J, SLErl<CA-r Joux DAVIDSON President. Secretary. ItITO,HIE tfc OOSENS, Agents. Winghain, Ont W. R. 1-IAMOLY, B.Sc., ID., C.X. Special attention paid to diseases of Wonaeia and Children, having taken Ilostgradriate work in Sur. gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Qdteen'a Hotel and the baptist O,hurob. All btueinetrs given careful attention. Phone W. P. O. Pox 118 H. DAVIS Agent for the following Steamship lines: The Allan Lino, the Canadian I•or• tbetrtn, the Cunard and the Donald - ton Ooean Steatuthip Lino, Onion POSTOPVIOLI ilbOt'it, WYNtlITAlt, 1 WINGIIA M. AGENTS— AGENTS -.-- LADIES' ROME JOURNAL HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS err & Bird For the mid -summer Dress, new Cotton Poplins in tau, fawn and white, very smart in appear- ance and durable it wear ; the reliable sum- mer fabric ; only 20c a yd. Straw and Linen Hats for the kiddies, broken lines, different colors and styles ; 25 per cent. discount. Men's summer Coats, very cool and comfortable. Black Lustre, reg. $2.00 for $1,30; Grey Alpaca reg. $3.00 for $2.00, Men's Negligee Shirts ; we bought these at a snap—we give you the benefit ; a variety of fast colors and popular stripe patterns, sizes 14 to 16i, only 50c. Here's another snap for men, a few pair of Fancy Sox, various colors, cotton and lisle thread, reg. 25c, now 2 for 25c. Don't overlook this store when buying Granite ware ; we have a good assortment of kettles, pans, basins, sauce pans, fruit funnels, etc., at rock bottom prices. Thursday, August Ist -w store closed all day, Open Wednesday night. GREAT CLEARING 8LE ....OF ALL,... MER GOODS DURING AUGUST Below we give a few of the articles on sale. Was cc Ladies' Waists. $1.25—redueed 1.50--- ce 1.75- 2.25- 2.50- 3.25- 3.50- 4.00— it to....$.90 .... 1.10 •... 1.30 .... 1.50 .... 1.75 •... 2.50 .... 2.65 .... 3.10 Ladies' Wash Skirts and Dresses. Regular $ 1.75—reduced to ....$1.35 cc 2.00---w " 1.55 All MVlusl ins from 121e to 17e to clear at.... 10 Ctc. Ladies' pyre Silk Hose, reg. 40e, to clear at...25 Cts. 1000 yds. Print, was 12f•c, now. ...........11 Cts. Ginghams, Chambraya, Foulards, Reps, Etc. to clear at cost. Men's Harvest Shoes, 14 pr., was $1,40, now..$1.10 CC cc " 27 pr., was 1.75, now.. 1.40 These are extra good value and must be sold to mlake room for new stock. Come and secure Some of these bargains. ammingtewamismoommeinimmisimimmineomoirairmierinlienissimmomion Trade of all kinds wanted, Best grades of Flour always in stock. Car of Shorts just to hand. J. A 4 M 41 I 1 S (Successor to T. A. MILLS) "rIloNia 89 WINGHAM