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The Wingham Advance, 1912-07-25, Page 8
1, 1 US MMER SOROOL' Students may enter any dity. Open tee entire year. Nose' i a, good time to en- ter. I,Irgoast trainers in Canada,. Grad- uates got best positions. Thousands stud yin at h ome. School of Teta ( Man. ��o Landouu.r ss{allrye en- rolled more students dewing the past year than all other colleges in the City combined, There must be a reason. 7'hn only s=chool In the city affiliated with the Commercial Educators Asso- clatiou of Canada. Write, phone or call to investigate, SPOTTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Prestdeat. oASI J I■� • Itis and I -c SPECIAL 1 SALE .... ON ,.,. SATURDAY Our sales mean more to you that they do to us, so do not forget the day. i MARSHALL'S 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c STORE iU r 11l11111111111ENI INI i0'111110 t IXr .,.r 1.. , u1 MO BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the edbi4eLeifee Y, M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT, Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept, 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. .1.W. Westervelt J, W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal 16 Chartered Anccoun ant Teacher Wanted, Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 7, Morris, (Stone school) duties to com- mence after summer holidays. Ap- plications received up to 5.h of Aug. Apply stating salary, experience and qualifications. J. D. McEwen, Sec. Treas, Box 15, Wingham. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phoaaphonol will makeyou a new man. Price $9 a box. or two for a 65. Mailed to any address. The Scoboll Drug Co., St. Catharines. Oat. NOTICE OF CLOSING We, the undersigned Solicitors, of the Town of Wingham, hereby agree to close our offices during the months of July and August ars follows: --On each week day, except Saturday, at 4 pan., and on Saturday at 1 p.m. Dudley Holmes J. A. Morton R. Vanstone CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY HOMESEEKERS' NAVIGATION EXCURSIONS 1111111111111111118111101ML...... UPPER LAKES Steamers leave Port McNicoli Nondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 p.m. for SAULT STE. MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM The Steamer Manitoba, sailing from Port McNiooll Wednesdays will call at Owen Sound leaving that point 10.30 p.Yn, Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12,45 p.m. on sailing days making direct connection with r3teamcrs at Port McNiooll • June 25, July 9 and 23, and very Second Tuesday until Sept. 17, inclusive. WINNIPEG and RETURN - $34.00 EDMONTON and RETURN - $42.00 Proportionate rates to other points. Return limit 60 days. THROUGH TOUIST SLEEPING CARS Ask nearest C.P.R. ,Agent for liomescek- ors Pamphlet WINNIPEG EXHIBITION July IOth to 20th, 1911 TICKETS AND FULL INFORMATION FROM ANY C, P, R. AGENT ■ Our cream waggons are now on the road. If you have not been called upon, let us know and we will place you on one of our routes. We are paying 25 cts. per lb. fat for this week. For next week we pay 25 cts. For further particulars apply to Wm. Davies,,mite-di a CREAMERY KENT BLOCK Co TITB wIN',A-M ADITANCE Howick Boundary. Mr, and Mrs. J. Wray of Turnbert'y spent Sunday with friends in tfowick, Mrs. J, Douglass and Mrs. Double• d+e called on friends in Garrick last week, Mrs, W. Cathers and Iniss M. Cathere visited friends in London a few days last week, Miss B. Gowdy and Miss Newton of the 17th cnu , spent last week with friends in Ilarriston. The liiisses Earl and Mr. Earl of Gorrie spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Oatnei's Mrs, Harris of the B line spent a few days last week at the home of her mother, 1 Xre. Jaques, near Lake - let. The new school on the Boundary is in progress and the foundation is finished. It will make as great im- provement to that part of the Bound- x,ry, when the school is complete. Dluevale. Mips M. Jewett and Miss Annie Garniss are visiting Ruby and Gladys Brooke, Chas. R. Tnrvey of Morris was among the successful Normal School students at the recent examination, and has been engaged to teach the Walton School, at a salary of $575. VOTERS' LIST 1912. Municipality Of The Township of Turn. berry In The County Of HOMO. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1887 and the arnendmentas thereto, the copies required to be so transmitted or de- livered of the list, made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elec. tions for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections, and that said list was first posted up is my office at Bluevale on the 22nd day of July, 1912, and remains there for inspection, Electors are called upon to examine said list, and if any ommissions or other errors are per- ceived therein to take immediate pro- ceedings to have the said errors cor- rected according to law. JOHN BURGESS. Clerk of the Municipality of Turnberry. Turnberry, July 22nd, 1912. GOOD CLOVER HONEY. The undersigned has a quantity of good Clover honey for sale, at 121 cts. a pound. Ten cents paid for every can returned. Parties notifying me by postcard can have it de- livered. JAS. H. °ASEMORE. TEACHER WANTED. For S. S. No. B, Howick and Tarn - berry. Duties to begin Sept. 16, on acconnt of new school -house in course of erection, Apply, stating salary and qualifications to GEO. DOUBLEDEE, Secretary. Wroxeter, P. O. Notice. Any accounts due by the late Gus. A. Schmidt should be presented by August ist to the undersigned. Wm. Caslick, Agent. NOTICE. All accounts due the late Gus. A. Schmidt must be paid by the 1st of August, or they will be placed in Court for collection. Payments may be made at King Bros. store, Win. Casliok, Agent. FOR SALE. Corn cutting outfit complete, consis- ting of one portable 15 h.p. Waterloo engine in good shape, one No. 16.A. Thomas blower, cutting box on four wheel truck, nearly new, drive belt and tank complete. For particulars apply to SOLOMON OLO A KEY Wingham, Ont. MR SAWA7CIJ '`WAY . LECD1O.V SAS. A ' ,7I :Wf1A1V Now you know Were 1' stand' 'A combination of liquid and. paste i; one smooth. .paste. Best by test. ) eci turfy and xt2 in .t". Gives a brilliant water - prom' shine that vo.'t soli the clothes. roe. Lucknow, "Hello 0antt'a11 Give ane the Ad- vancer el-vancel" Late busy". oh then rut off connections; I'm iii a hurry and please give nut t he Advance. I. that• you. Zr, Eilitatt ? 411 right ; pleaMe list -cin. Mr. and Mrs, t h ai �. rs � .Smit}; of elle it'Ccrlson Bank 'emoted to Meaford on Satur- day, rewriting on Monday, Mrs. Corhet will on Saturday next. have her third and float saile of :,II that pertained. Once to the furniture of the Cil House, F, Howson, of the firm of Howson l3rocklei,.auk, V'V•inghatrt, was in town; on Friday, t,elliug the Lur'kriow bakers that the flour which gladdened the eye, and made glad the heart, was none Five of flChileee t sh."san the Winghat,u fatuous Mrs. Holt and son of New York are visiting the lad y'la sister, Miss Mnrray of town. Though our s€'poy town offers many attractions, we tear they will not compete with those of England, France and Germany, where this lady toured during Net summer. Last Wednesday, there were 505 tickets sold at Lucknow station fur the early special to Kincardine; they eottld not get home until atter mid- night. What with walking and, talk- ing, eating and drinking, they were a weary, weary lot, when they laid themselves down to sleep. On Saturday last the barn and con- tents belonging to Mr. Dan McPar. lane near Ktnlough were destroyed by fire, cause unknown, Mr. Mc- Farlane rlane was drawing in hay, had un- loaded one load, and when in the field loading up another, the flames sudden- ly burst from the barn, completely destroying it. There died in Milton on July 17th Mrs. Archibald Anderson in her 77th year. The deceased lady was well known in Lucknow, as she resided here for a number of years. Her re- mains were brought to the residence of her son, Mr, J. D. Anderson, West Wawanosh, and from there on Friday laet, carried to St. Helens cemetery for interment. A pretty bride and handsorne groom left Lucknow on Tuesday for their home in Guelph. The bride was Mies Levina Huston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Huston, and the groom, Mr. Brabson of Guelph, where he holds a splendid position. This young lady has recently been holding a posi- tion in Toronto, but preferring a life- long permanency accepted an offer from Mr, Brabson, and now has be- come a member o'f that firm. The young people have lots of friends, who wish that their path through life may have many joys with but few sorrows. A few days ago Mrs, Henry Mathers was puzzled by the presence of many targe bees in an upstairs bedrooms. Where they came from and how they got there in such numbers was a mystery. Later investigations reveal- ed the fact that a swarm had taken possession of a deserted chimney on the house and were busy building comb and storing honey for the win- ter. A little opening at the pipe hole in the chimney let them into the roots. They will be left in possession of the chimney until next spring, by which time the honey will probably be plentiful enough to pay their rent. News came to town on Saturday that Mrs, J. J. Davis of Sault Ste Marie, Ont., was mourning the death of a young daughter from diphtheria, Mrs. Davis is well known to many in Lucknow, as her girlhood days were all spent in this vicinity. Her maiden name was Miss Edith Cook. Great sympathy is felt for her in this bereaavement, as she knows so well the meaning of weeping and suffering. Twelve months last May, her husband died, a few weeks afterwards a daugh- ter, and now another lamb has been taken from the flock. One day, we know not when the day Death's angel will quietly pass our way ; But this we know, , He will surely come, Totake us thither, one by one. Goderich. Crown Attorney Seager has receiv- ed hie grant of $100 as a Fenian Raid veteran. The C. P. R. is having all its build- ings at the station here repainted and everything cleaned up. The Western Canada Flour Mills Co. is putting au extra pan in the salt works plant. This will mean an additional output of about twenty-five tons of salt every twenty-four hours, J. S. Robinson, who bas been the C. P. R. agent at Goderich ever since the station here was opened in 1907, has been transferred to Woodstock, where he takes charge of the station there. During July and August the stores are closed every Wednesday afternoon, with the exception of drug stores and restaurants, An effort is being made to have all stores close at 10 p.m. on Saturday nights. David Tucker, alias Bennett, this morning pleaded guilty before Judge Doyle to the charge of attempting to break jail. His case was adjourned to the 27th inst., to allow further time to secure information regarding the prisoner's past conduct. 1t has been decided that the annual Scout camp will be held at Qriaid's Point during the week beginning July 29th. It is expected that three or four adults lvill attend this year. Mr. Storms has written that he in- tends to come to Goderich soon and he Wilt probably be at the camp. On Wednesday afternoon in Mait- land cemetery there were laid away amid ab great throng of sorrowing and sympathizing friends the moats! re- mains of Mary Elizabeth Yuill, eldest daughter of Jas. Yuill, 5th concession of Goderich township. Miss Yuill had cornu to the home of her grandfather, John Porter, to visit, when the was stricken with appendicitis and peri - totals. While workltyg on a bridge between Detroit and Belle Isle for the Detroit Bridge Company, James Albert Quaid Teed 33, lost his hold and was thrown into the river, Before he could be rescued life was extinct. The body arrived this evening on the 7 05 (L T. R. train. The funeral will be held from the family residence, Donlon, to Colborne cemetery on Thurasdaty after. noon, The late Mr. Quaid was the eldest son of the late Robb, Quaid, Dunlop, and its survived by his wife and family. Mr. Quaid was a former resident of Goderiaeh, Kincar'dIne. The Reutiiotl wri.s a great asuecess. On Mondaxy, headed by the Band and the Drill Corps the crowd went to the the Pat.' 11iou where the Mayor gave a fitting weleonte to the Boys and (lime, declaring the town theirs and the latch string on the outtside. eponeeaa were made by Rev. Dr, elohn. awn, Rev, Dr, Murray, Q, 14) Roberti Roll, Dick McLeod and Rete. jollies. LeGeai'.. libel) dancing commenced a.Id was continued until midnight. On ',t'tteeday, visitors arrived by every traits, Monday was civic holi- day in Ripley and the whole village was here, as we;'e- farmers from all over the district, The aftex•noon. events incladed a baseball. game, in which visiting old boys defeet.e4 home boys. It was followed by a baseball match between Kincardine and Wine - ham, in whish Winf,ha;n won by a score of 0 to 0. Where was tremendous excitement over t he 1 ug.ef.war between J3r•ure and Detroit, five men to a side. The contest lasted eight minutes, Detroit winning. Hundreds of old girls paraded the streets, headed by the Dett•oic band and burning sparklets ai they march- ed. They received great aapplatise from the crowds that lined the 6tr•eets, On Wednesday a varied programme of entertainment was put on, with hand concerts and parades the feature, and music end dancing in the evening, The town was crowded with visitor,,, the hotels taxed to the limit and many private hooses being thrown open to accommodate the gueete. East Wawanosh. Mrs, D. Ramsey and family left last week for their new home in B. C. Berry picking is the order of the day ; picket:s report a light erop. Mr. and Mrs, 'W'illiam Anderson leave on Tuesday for an c;xteuded tt•i p through the West. Mr. Thos. J. Villiaatns left for London on. Monday to fill as position as mail clerk for the G. T. R. Mr. E. Walker had a very successful bee on Monday drawing brick from Bluevaale, for his new residence. There died on Tuesday, July Mb, Thos. Woodcock, at the age of 57 years, The funeral waae held on Thurs- day afternoon in Trinity Church, Blyth, interment taking place in the Trinity cemetery. Mr. J. Pattison has hal his house sided with gaalvauized siding, which with a fresh coat of paint snakes a very decided improvement in the looks thereof. Mrs. Chapman of near Fordyce has a five-year-old Yorkshire sow that has raised a progeny of over eighty and never lost one, Some time ago she had a sow that gave birth to 62 pigs in 21. months. LOST IN TEEM HOMO TOWN, A couple of young men well known in Wingham and surrnundiug vicinity were in town on Sunday evening and seethed to get lost. After wandering around for some time, they had to enquire of eorne friends which road would take them towards Belgrave. Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Wray epent Sun- day last with friends in Howick. The Misses Gilmour from Carrick visited their sibter, Mrs. Ed. Bennett, last Sunday. Mr. Wilfred Weir, who has been teaching near Windsor, returned home for the holidays. illiss Ida Abram, from near filtte- vale, visited her uncle, Mr. Wm. Abram, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dane of Howick visited the latter'es parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bush, last Sunday. Miss Evelyn Crawford and Miss Edith Gowdy of Howick visited Miss Cassie Powell one day last week. Mr. and Mraa. Albert Gallaher and Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Hoperaft attend- ed Mr. Wm. Jacques' barn raising on Tuesday. Miss Mary Cathers and Mrs. Win, A. °ethers visited the former's sister, Mrs. David Cathers, who is in London hospital. Mrs. Fred. McIntosh is not as well as her many friende would like to see her. We hope she may soon be all right again. Miss Ballagh, from near Guelph, who has been visiting friends around here, returned home last week. She was accompanied by her uncle, Mr. Jos. Higgins, who will visit with them for a while. Blyth. Raspberries are commencing to come into the market now and they are going to be a fairly good crop. E. Livingstone had his horse at the London races Iaast week, but he was not fast enough to win any of the money, Jas. Barr of the Bank of Hamilton is holidaying at Bala, Muskoka. Mr, Johnstone, who has been visit- ing his brother-in-law, J. Stothers, left last week for Brucefield to visit relatives there before returning to his home in Michigan. The G. T. R. is busily engaged lay- ing heavier rails on the line through here. A large gang of Italians is do- ing the work. Farmers in this locality are all busy at their hay now. It will be a fairly good yield, beet will hardly creme up to expectations,• on account of the long spell of dry weather. 1't. Stewart, who has been engaged at McMurchie's private bank here for the past eight years, left on Monday for Toronto, where be has secured a good position in the Royal Bank. Dr, John Drummond, who until eight years ago was a resident of Blyth, and who then went to the States, taking up a three year& course in osteopathy, visited here the past week. He says he is doing well in his chosen profession, and claims that in the States osteopathy is takieg the place of medietae. Gienfai row. Miss Sarah Bendy of Blyth is visit,- ing friends around here. Miss Gladys Henning of Wroxeter is visiting Miss L. McBurney. Mr. Trwin Elliott is not improving as his friends Would wish to see. Mr. and Meas. Lennox and family visited her mother on Sunday last, R-, Tf1URS O., 1 Only lin reaching all $unlmer Resorts ig 1114hland of Ontario, incl4din4 MUSKOKA. LAKE, LAKE OF BAYS ALGONQUiN PARK ' MAGANE FAWAN RIVER FRENCH RIVER TEMAGAMI I:AWARTIA LAKES l+ ult Summer Service now in ett'cot to all ) of above resorts. %Vitoo for full part iculttro and illustrated folders to any Grand T'rank Agent. 11OI1KSEEKENS' EXCURSIONS 1 1 1 JULY 2:3 AUGUS'.0 (1 AND 30 SI l'TI !11 B.3 XN'n 17 Via .Sarnia or Chicago , A WINNII'I;O AND RL?TUTN w $34 00 EDMONTON AND RETURN • $42.00 Tickets good for 60 days. NO CflANE E 0F' CA. RS Special train will leave Toronto 10 30 p.m. on above crates, via Chicago and rt. Paul, carrying through coaches and Pullrpan 'rottri4t Sleppforg Gars. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the Shortest and quickest route between Win- nipeg---Saskatoon---Bel mouton. New Fast Express Service, between Winnipeg and Regina. Sxnoo(h road, bed, Electric lighted Sleeping Cars, Superb Dining Cat' Service, Leave Winnipeg 6,0Q p.m. Arrive Regina 7. oo a.m. Saskatoon S 3o p,Ix1. ccEdmonton �9.00 a.m.Ask any Grand Trunk Agentlfor full in- Lii rmation, or write A. E DUFF, D.P. A„Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Young, Agent, in Ingham. 4. 4 4 4. MAXWELL'S OLD STAND 4 OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON ...'... . ..,roe. .— R[OY[D i 4. 4. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS REMOVED TO r WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO HAVE OUR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIO GENERALLY VISIT US THERE LADIES' AND GENTS' TAI- LORING IN THE LATEST STYLES A CALL SOLIOItED SATISFACTION GUARAN- TEED �3 WHITEI CHRISTIE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 S4 480 BOTTLES PICKLES SAUCES CATSUP. OLIVES All selected from the best makers= Home and Import. Every bottle the best of their kind. Sweet Pickles and Relishes per bottle, 15c Sweet Gherkins - per bottle, 18c Heinz Catsup - per bottle, 150 S; 25o Heinz Tomato Soup - tin, 10c a 160 These are only a few. All New and Fresh Goods WI SPECIALIZE IN TEA GOOD GOODS PRICES RIGHT �'N�rIiiY1llh�ili �1liiYatlrWWW ih''itf Wat�laWrlarWNWttlillYWtPa SUGAR •r r Miss tdith Gowdy and Evelyn Oran - ford visited Cassie Powell one day last 1 Week. Mr, and. Mras, Wm. Darer also Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Weir 'visited Mr, and Mrs. Jno, Dual' Sunday evening last, Mies Alice Ikllagh of Guelph, wird has been visiting friends up around Wingham, , returned homeSaturday accompanied by her uncle, Mr, Joseph Liggins. ANT , toTwo bright, smart -younglearn the Upholster. I n , Apply to Walker S Clegg, Winghama You will be using a lot of Sugar for the next tsvo mon- ths. It will pay you to bny it by the bag. lam offering special inducements to buy in that way. FRUIT I make, a speeiatty Of hand- ling the beet Fruit; obtainable, sellitt'g same at lowest price possible. CBINA'WARE If you ,require a dinner set 1 think I can suit you both as to qualit . and floe. • ar.' INN or- W. BOW CENTRAL UROC RV 'PHONE ill I AY, JULY 2 'SUIT CASES AND TRUNKS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES An excellent stock to choose from. Our prices are so low that it would pay no one to barrow. Real nice Suit Cases for $1 50 Some samples in south window --take a look at them Union Sunday . School Excursion to Kincardine on Wingham Civic holiday—Thursday, Aug. est. Tickets en sale at this store on Wednesday, July 3lst. Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The :...1.. .e„1 aIra ,a.. THE SHOE STORE : FOR sHv,E LADIES .6. FREE.'. BEAUTIFUL AUTOMOBILE GIVEN AWAY FREE 45 NORSE POWER CARHARTT AUTOMOBILE PRICE, $2,500. To be given to the lucky one who wears "Carliartt's" Overalls or other "Carhartt" goods, who guess the nearest to the exact number of popular votes as per official count, received by the Electors of the winning Presidential Candidate 01 the United States, this beautiful car will be given away free, fully equipped. A Guess Coupon will be issued to each purchaser of "Carhartt's" Overalls, entit- ling the holder to register one guess for each $1.0© purchase, on or before elec- tion day. This is a good opportunity for our cus- tomers of "Carhartt's" Overalls—the best Overalls made in America ; all goods guaranteed, Now is the time to get your Coupon and figure out who is going to be the new President of the United States, and how many votes he will have. Sole Agent In This Town For "Carhartt's" Goods. 01.111. HANNA & CO. Solt Agendy House of tlabherlitt, Limited.