HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-07-11, Page 8• 8 Only line reaching all Summer Reseda in Highland of °uteri°, including MUSKOKA LAKES LAKE OF BAYS ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER FRENCH RIVER TEMAGAMI KAWARTHA LAKES Eti11 Summer Service now in effect to all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and illustrated folders to any Grand Truth Agent, HOMESEEKERSEXCURSIONS JULY 23 AUGUST 6 MW 30 SEPTEMBER 8 AND 17 Via Sarnia or Chicago WINNIPEG AND RETUTN . $34.00 EDMONTON AND RETURN . $42.00 Tickets good for 60 days, NO CH.A.NCal OF OARS Special train will leave Toronto 10.30 p.m, on above dates, via Chicago and rt. Paul, carrying through coaches and Pullman Tourist Slopping Cars, The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Win. nipeg---Saskatoon—Ednionton. New Fast Express Service'between Winnipeg and Regina, Smooth made bed, Electric lighted Sleeping Cars, Superb Dining Car Service, Leave 'Winnipeg 6.00 p.m. Arrive Regina 7.00 a.m. 44 Saskatoon 8.30 p.m. t, Edmonton 9.00 a.m., Ask any Grand Trunk Agentfifor full in- formation, or write A. E PUFF, D, P. A., 'Union Station, Toronto, Ont, iS. Young, Agent, Wingltam. --...............„..........-..........................,...................."................0 SUMMER SCHOOL Students may enter any day. Open the entire year. Now is a good time to en- ter. L3rgest trainers in Canada. Grad- uates get best positions. Thousands studying at home. School of Isaac Pit- man. The London Business College en- rolled more students during the past year than all other colleges in the city combined. There must he a reason. The only school in the city affiliated with the Commercial Educators Asso- ciation of Canada. Write, phone or call to investigate. SPOTTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, President. 1 r re4e f4-4-441***iese.440.4444-4-+VVIr* To ' 41- #.." $ rit ilOVED 0.. ir fIir .. 41* 4- I ,v '4. THE UNDERSIGNED }IAS I: REMOVED TO erg. 'es• MAXWELL'S 5. ii OLD STAND 1, as OPPOSITE BANK OP es HAMILTON -4- • -,. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO' HAVE OUR PATRONS AND' THE PUBLIC GENERALLY VISIT US THERE LADIES' AND GENTS' TAI- LORING IN THE LATEST STYLES A CALL SOLICITED SATISFACTION GITARAN- . TEED .1.0.1100•4111•1, WHITE THE TRE WINGR.A.31 ADVANCE walitioi, ORANGEMEN'S SERVICE Although the temperature wae ex FRUIT SEASON IS AT HAND AND SUGAR WILL LIKELY ADVANCE ?..." Our price this week is $5.75 it per hundred for Recipa.th's Granulated. TRY US FOR YOUR it TEA AND COFFEE ;U. era 40 *bab bs1 "NO .A• YOURS FOR PURE FOOD treineiy hot, there was a, large »urn- ber of Orangemen at St. Paul's Church on Sunday evening last, L. O. L. No. 791 accompanied by visiting bre- thren from Bluevale, Belgrave, To- ronto and elsewhere held their annual Church parade which was one of the sees best in point of numbers for many yeare. The service was conducted by a: Rev, 13ra E Croly, County Chap. g h$n, assieted by Bro. J. 0. Smith. • 11 Morris. Council met In the Township Hal Monday, line 17th, 1912. Membets all present ; minutee of last meeting were read and approved. At the Court of Revision N. E. pt. Ni 29, con, 5, and Ni lot 20, eon. 8, were pesessed to Alfred Baker, owner; J. Bryans, Ni lot 30, con, 5, owner ft. R. Gernies, NI 11, con, 3, owner Reuben °amiss, NI/ 11, con, 3, d struck 017. Thuell—Elston — That we expend $100 on the E, hotindavy—earried, Elston — Thuell,Tha,t we finally pass By-law 4, 1012, for the purpose of borrowing $23,000 to be expended in building bridges—carried, The following accounts were passed and paid :—John Parrot, repairing a, culvert, $150 ; jaines Richmond, rep. bridge, $0 50; Wm. A.bra,m, rep, bridge, $7,00; Robert Smith, gravel, $7.00 ; Margaret Shedclen, gravel, $3 30 ; Ed. Pollard, repairing a, wash- out, 3 vd line, $30,00 ; T. D. McEwen, Laidlaw, Geo, McCool, Geo. Me - Cool, Silas Johnston, Wm, Ferguson, Thos. Miller, each $4, fla D. R. O. at the recent vote ; A. McEwen, By-law and election, $10 ; Beach Alcock, gravel and shovelling, $ 20 ; R. Vint, balance culverts on McCall drain, $031 50; Wrn, Ferguson, inspecting 20 days, $30.00: Thos. Clarke, fixing crossing in river, $7,00 ; Ingot Iron Co., culvert McCall drain, $90 ; Ingot Iron Co., culvert McCall drain, $63 54; Ingot Iron Co., culvert, Township, $45 90 ; Thos. Marshall, temporary culyert Murray -Lamb drain, $4,50; Wm, Taylor, putting in culvert Me - 00,11 drain, $15; Peter MeArter, Ironculvert, culvert, Oda con" $10 ; Solomon Shan- non, lights on culvert, $18; Wm. Taylor, farm bridge, McCall drain, $15; H, Kirkby, contractor Smith drain, $200 ; Jas. Wells, temporary culvert, $3 00 ; 'Wm. Bernard, shovel- ling gravel and rep. fence, $2 ; 13ell Telephone Co„ 40c ; D. Jordan, fence deviation road, $5. Council adjourned. to meet on Mon- day, 29th day of July, 1912. A, MacEwen, Clerk. I, Mr, Phil. Batike:lofiW°11rneg.harn visited ' retailer here las 1.1`riday. Ralph Metcalfe and others had a quantity of Lay pressed last week, Mrs. Law Of Toronto visited her brother, Mr, Jitines Hamilton, last week, m,‘ ALL KINDS O1 PRODUCE WANTED we ONE CENTRAL GROCERY PHONE 113 wwwwwwwwwwwwA 'Electric Restorer for Men phosphonoi restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phospitonol will make you a new man. Price $8 a box. or two for $5. Mailed to any address. Who Scobell Drug Co., $t. Catharines. Olds NOTICE OF CLOSING We, the undersigned Solicitors, of the Town of Wingliato, hereby agree to lone our offices during the months of Tuly and August as follows :—On each week day, except Saturday, at 4 p.m., nd on Saturday at 1 p.m. Dudley Holmes J. A. Morton R. Vanstone CH RIS GROCERY Iskstize PHONE 59 . TRY HOLBROOK'S CRYSTALIZED FRUIT JUICE LEMONADE 10 OM PER TIN CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ANIIIMMICIENXIMallanale, modi op m bN i i . 14 w 11. W Id. .W wil L I ..a mai , w ao•w...m.....tali i..tm, NA.* 1 UPPER LAKES HOMESEEKERS' INAVIGATION l': EXCURSIONS 1 Steamers leave Port McNicoil Mondays, 1 June 25, July 9 and 23, and very Second Tuesday until Sept,. 17, inclusive. and Saturdays at 4 p.m. for 1 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays . Tho Steamer 1Vianitoba, sailing from Port ,, EDMONTON and RETURN - $42,00 and FORT WILLIAM WINNIPEG and RETURN - $34.00 .3 Proportionate rates to other points. Return limit 60 days. _ 4 / SAULT STE. BTA.R1E. PORT ARTHUR _ McNicoll Wednesdays will call at Owen THROUGH TOUIST SLEEPING CARS I Sound leaving that point 10.30 p.m. Steamship Express ,,,): .Ask nearest C.P.R. Agent for nomeseelt- , 1 . ers Pamphlet - leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m, on sailing days making direct connection with . WINNIPEG EXHIBITION Steamers at Port McNicoll L July IOthto 20th. 1911 ;.1 TICKETS AND PULL INFORMATION FROM ANY C,P,Ii: AGENT o a imaammummemesmi MINIIIINININIMIIIIMMIneemememenliMei 1111161111111MIMMMEnimmosfialt, Our cream waggons are now on the road. If you have •not been called upon, let us know and we will place you on one of our routes. We are paying 26 cts. per lb. fat for this week. For next week we pay 25 cts. For further particulars apply to Wm. Davies a CREAMERY KENT BLOCK The majority of the choir were away at their annual camp at Kincardine, bnt Mr. W. IL Willis managed to have a good choir, mode lip partly of former members, Mrs. J. O. Smith sang a solo during the offertory in splendid form and with touching, pathos, entitled "Thy Will 13e Done," The Rev, Bro, took as his text Gen. 3 : 15--"I will put enmity be- tween thee and the woman and be- tween thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel," He said in part—"Every nation that has achieved renown pots- sessecl in the dawn oe its origin a national hero. In the first iostance, he contended with the hostile powers of natore, the wild heists of the forest or the pestilence of the ewarnp. Later, the champion fought with the enemies of his country and fired his countrymen with the love of free- dom. Be it the legend of a Hercules or Perseus, a Romulus or an Arthur, or the sober history of a Leonidas or a Tell, a Wallace or William Prince of Orange, such champions all repre- sent a ceaseless battle that is ever being waged between truth and erafty guile, between liberty and tyran- ny, between light and darkness, between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. After speaking of the Jewish heroes, the preacher went on to show that the supreme Hero and Deliverer was Jesus the Son of God, He has ever been the Deliverer of mankind both from moral evil and national degradation. To be an Orangeman it is necessary to have a firm trust in the Saviour for salvation and from that fact to show to all the world a spirit of self-sacri- fice, of love and holiness. The speak- er emphasized the truth that every- one must first be assnred of this most glorious deliverance from sin, before he could fully enter into the meaning of a national deliverance. Bro. Croly then spoke at some length about the great deliverance wrought by God through William, Prince of Orange, in finally freeing our forefathers and our land from many evils and fostering many bless- ings. Briefly the evils were grose religious ignorance and spiritual dark - nese on the part of the clergY and the laity, the most grovelling, childish and superstitious practices in religion, the degrading tyranny of the priest- hood, and from the unholiness and immorality among the clergy. The positive blessings were many, but first and foremost an English Bible anis liberty for every man, woman and child in the land to read it, an open road to the throne of grace and the great fountain of peace with God, a true idea of Christian worship in the Anglo Saxon tongue, a true notion of the office of a Christian minister, not a sacrificing priest nor a spiritual tyrant, but a servant, an ambassador, a steward of the word and the sacra- ments; finally a right standard of Christian holiness, not a life isolated frona the world by celibacy in a religi- ous house, but in doing our duty in every position to which God calls us, resisting temptation through grace and overcoming the evil within and without by the help of our Deliverer, Jesus Christ the Lord. Whatever Britain is among the nation e of the earth as a Christian country, whatever political liberty we have, whatever light and freedom in religion, whatever purity and happi- ness there is in our homes, we owe to the Protestant religion and to the memory of that immortal Prince who secured that religion to our fore- fathers, to us and to our postevity. May we then hold fast that Faith and never by any act of ours bring dis- grace upon the cause we hold so clear, and the Association which enshrines within its constitution and laws, the glorious principle of allegiance to "The Altar and the Throne." "On still, with honest purpose toil we on, And if our step be onward, straight and true, Far in the East a golden light shall dawn, And the bright smile of God come breaking through." 0 oderich. The str. Wexford brought in 124,- 000 bushels wheat and oats, and the str. Elie:press of Fort William 120,000 bushels, both for the Elevator ancl Transit Company, Crown Attorney Seager bas had to abandon his trip to the Pacific Coast, the duties of his office presenting many demands which he thinks mnst be given preference. The second, of the 100 -foot cement pontoons for the new southwest breakwater was sunk on Wednesday afternoon, and the remaining three will follow in a few days, A special feature of the service in Knox church last Sabbath morning was the presentation of eight infants for baptism, The pastor, Rev. Geo, E. Roes, was in charge of the service, Those who have visited Registrar Coates' rose garden in rear of the Registry office during the past two weeks have been charmed with the magnificent display of splendid roses, about 000 rose bushes all in bloom, The dates of the fall and .evinter assizes have been =noticed, The sit- tings at Goderich will be as follows :— For ;Intl cases, Monday, September 10, before the Chief Justice of the Ex- chequer Division for non -jury eases, Tuesday. December 3rd, before Mr, Justice Middleton. A team of horses belonging to Alex. Dunkeld wae drewned in the harbor about 10 o'clock last Thursday even- ing. The animals were standing hitched to a dray, just west of the eheckwater, when one of them swer- ved. and falling pulled its elute' and the waggon With it. E. it. Wileon, Wretaty of the Lon- don Y.M.0,A., Who was. in charge of the Y. M. C. A. work among the S. soldiers at the camp here, Is quoted T by The London Advertiser to stating ti that "from e'v'ery' standpoint it WM one of the best canape he has ever at- w tended in his many years of ,Associaw - Lion experience," I de, Last week Mrs, E. Teskey left to Belgrave. The W. F, M. S. of Knox church, Belgrave, celebrated the 25th anniver- sary of their much loved Society on the 25th nit., about 150 ladies assemb- ling, when the service opened and the devotional exercises were engaged in with Mrs. (Rev.) Ferguson, President, in the chair. .After the Roll call a very interesting report of what the Society had done and the principal items of interest in the passing years was read by the SecretaryeleIrs, W, 11. Ferguson. Letters breathing sisterly greetings, were presented from the ex - Presidents of the Society as follows— Mrs. (Rev.) Law of Nesbitt, Man, ; Mrs. (Rev.) Beetle, of Ladner, 13. C. ; Mrs. (Rev,) Hall of Chicago, and Mrs, Meiklejohn, Strassburg, Sask. Miss Irvine of Shanghai, China, who has been' actively engaged in Missionary effort for the past 20 years, gave an address replete with cheering infor- mation, incident and optimism. Vocal selections were given by Miss Jessie McLauchlin of Brussels and the Bel - grave Mission Band. The ofl'erin g taken amounted to $15. Guests were present from Wingham and Brussels Auxiliaries and from the Methodist Missionary Society of Belgrave. Tea was served from tables set in the basement of the church. The officers and members are to be congratulated upon the marked success attained and have the "God speed" of the congre- gation as they hopefully look forward to the 50th. anniversary. Gorrie. Rev. R. E, Collis is visiting Dr, and Mrs, Armstrong. Miss Bryans of Jamestown is visit- ing with her cousin, Miss Ethel Montgomery. Maley Jean Armstrong of Lucknow is visiting with her grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong. Rev, J. W. Hibbert preached to the Orangemen on Sunday in the Ford- wich Methodist Church, Mrs. M. McLennan and her nephew, Anderson Black, of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, 3. W. Edgar, at Stoney Bank farm. A Union Sunday School picnic was held in Robt. Spotton'a bush on Wed- nesday last. An electrical storm spoilt somewhat the afternoon's plea - eine. Mrs. Arabella Warren died at the home of her son, W. Warrell, on Sun- day, after a short illness. The loner - al took place on Tuesday, Rev. J. W. Hibbert officiated. Evidently some of our townsfolk forget that there is a law forbidding cows to run on the streets after 7 o'clock pan. until 7 in the morning. This law was made for the public benefit and we think should be ob- served by alt tiowick Boundary. Men are at Work on Mr, Ira Neirs house, The farmere are busy with their hay and report light crops, Mr, 3. Longley of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mr, and Miss Longley, Mrs. Halliday and son Arnold, spent a few days last Week with Mends in Kent County, Mr, R. Harris and W. Weston put in the cement work for Mr. Geo, Doubledee's stables last week. A number from here attended the S. picnic in Mr, Paliner's grove, hursday last, and report O. good me, Mise Teta Donbleclee of Belleville, ho is spending the buttoner menthe Ith her parente, here left on Satin*. y, to Visit Mende in Toronto& itimiawagi=MaffififfialiaMi*W' visit friends in Arehur and other places, Mr, and Mrs, FlemmingBallagli - were visitors at Mr. 11, johomn's on Sunday, Mr, Miller has put a new front on his blacksmith shop, whieh is a great improvement. Mr, Win. Willie put in a new cul- vert at south end of village which was badly needed. Miss Myrtle Lambert of Mildrnay spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs, J. Clyne. Mr, and Mrs, Oeo. Wynn of Wing - ham were visitors at Mr. A. Thomp- soe's last Thursday. The ladies of the Methodist con- gregation had a bee cleaning the church last Thursday. Mrs. Wna. Lowry returned home ast week after a two weeks' visit with friends in Toronto and Ovillia, Mr, A, Findlater is putting a wire fence all around his property. Mr. Ji Inglis of Carrick is assisting him, Last Tnesday, Mr. Henry Irwin ha the misfortune to cut his foot whi cutting wood in Percy Coupland bush. Mr. II. Thompson has made some improvements in his store and has op- ened up a fine stock of goods; we wish him success, Sunday morning the Al e th °clip t pastor, Rev. Lackland, preached an able sermon from Acts 10 : 25. Mrs. Lackland sang a solo, which was mach appreciated by the congre- gation. Bluevale. Miss Nellie McKinney of Toronto is visiting relative here. Miss Nellie Burgess of Toronto holidaying at her home here. Mrs. John Gannett of Toronto visiting her mother, Mrs. Smith. Mr, and Mrs, .Tate Masters have re- turned after a two -weeks' visit in To- ronto. Serviee in Methodist Church next Sunday at 10.30 a, m, this being the regular hour of service. The Willing Workers' Tea at Mrs, Robt. Musgrove on Thursday evening, was well attended, and very enjoy- able, d le 78 i s 15 Mrs, Jno. Diamond and son Pere of Toronto, also Messrs. Lester an Hutchison were Bluevale visitors th week. Mrs, Sanderson, Mrs. Griffith an children, Mrs. Donaldson, Mrs. Hutch inson ancl Miss Sanderson of Toront are summering in Bluevale. Rev, J. E. Cook preached to the Orangemen of Bluevale on Sunday morning last. There was a large at- tendance, and an excellent discourse. Rev. Mr, Cook and fatally are holi- daying at the lakeside. His pulpit will be supplied by Mr. Hopper of Bel - grave, Mr. Kerr of Wingham and Wm, Hall of 131,nevale. Mr, J. Jermyn had three members of his family in Regina at the time of the disastrous cyclone. He felt relies - ed by word from them to the effect that they were all uninjured, and busy helping to rescue the dead and injured. cl is a Blyth. A number of former citizens came up from Toronto on the Huron Old Boys' excursion. Mrs, Wm, Gibbs left here Tuesday morning to visit her daughter, Mrs. Johnston, in the West. This is a busy week among aur citizens, getting ready to entertain for 12th July celebration, A larger gath- ering that any former year is expect- ed and otx citizens intend giving them a royal welcome, Mr. Frank Metcalf has been appoint- ed Fruit Inspector of the West. with headquarters at Lethbridge, Alta., duties to commence Sept. lst. Fle offers his business for sale. Mr. Metcalf is Otte of our upright citizens, and always took an active interest in the town's welfare. We wish him abundant success in his new vocation. Grey. Mr,' George McAllister of Guelph spent Sunday with friends in this Mrs. John Lake was called to Wing - ham last week, owing to the illness of her father. The SV. M. S. of Roe's church meet at the home of Miss Lottie Jackson on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. John McAllister and daughter, Sarah, of Toronto, are holidaying at Robt. McAllistees, 2nd con, The garden party iri connection with Roe's church held at Sohn Pearson's last Friday night was a decided suecess, An excellent pro- gramme was given by Brussele, Ethel and 3amestown friends and wan much appreciated. The proceeds were in the neighborhood of $10, Salem. A number of the farmers around here have commenced haying. ' A number from here took in the xcnrsion tet Niagara last Friday. The S. S. picnic was a decided 811C. 0088 'last Thuesday. Everybody seem- ed to enjoy tl ketaseivee. Mies Lottio McBurney went to Toronto last e peek to undergo treat- nmb for her nose. We hope she mo soon bo all righb again. ratottamisioremouriworitcroiregt..44.4,d POPULAR ATLANTIc SEASHORE RESORTS. The Canedian Pacifle has inaugurat- ed, fast train service with through eleeping cars between Montreal, Port- land, Old Orchard Beach, Kenn ebun k - Port Pie,' also between Montreal and St. Andrew by s the - Sea, offording every comfort to the most fastidious traveler, Connections with these trains can be made by leaving Toronto at 9 aen. and 1080 p.m.. front Union Depot and 10 pan, daily from North Toronto, Foil particulars, tiekete, eer,ervations, etc., at any 0, P, R, ticket °Mee. NEW C, P. R. TRAIN FOR MUSKOKA DI STRICT. Fast Limited Muskoka Express via Canadian Pacific Inaves Toronto 12 10 p, m., daily except Sunday, carrying Parlor Oar, Oafe Oar and first class coaches making direct connection at Bala with steamers for all lake points. Everyone should endeavor to visit this delightful resort, especially those subject to hay fever, as the atmos- pheric conditions offer immunity from this malady, Full information from any 0.13,R, Agent. W1NGHAM MARKETS. Wheat—(new $1.00 to $1.02. Oats -50 to 50 cts. Barley -75 to 80 eta, Peas—$1, 00 to $1.10 Hay—$12.00 to $13.00 a ton, Butter -20 to 20 CM Eggs— 10 to 19 cts. Potatoes -1.00 to 1.00 per bush. Live Hoe -s—$7 45. Wool -19 to 20 cts. For full Toronto market reports see page 2. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received ' by the un- dersigned until Friday, July 19th, for improving S. S. No, 0, Tnrnberry School ( ficarnes' School) viz :—Shingheg school with best British Oolurabia shingles; painting inside ; storm windows, and minor fixings. Work to be completed by Aug. 15th. Arty information re- quired will bo given by Trustees. Low- est or any Tender not necessarily ao- cep ted. .Ternes Snell Edward Jenkins e Trustees Wm. S. Kin, Seclry l Phone No. 21, 185, rITNDERS WANTED. Sealed Tenders- will be received by the uudersigneri up till 4 pen. Monday, Tarty 15th, 1912, to build cement side- walk, twelve feet wide, frotn the street to the front steps of the School, Also cement floor iu boiler room of said school. Specifications cal be seen nt the office of the Secretttry of Board, John F. Groves. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. AMOS TIPLING, Oh airman Property Committee, Wingham Public School Board. VOTERS' LIST, 1912. Municipality of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delived to the persons mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters, List Act, 1887, and the amendments thereto, the copies requir- ed to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, wade pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assesernent roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said muni- cipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections, and that said list was fir.,t posted up in ray office at Wingham, on the 8th day of July, 1912, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to- examine said list, and if any omissions or otbor errors are perceived therein to take immediate proceedings to kave the said errors corrected accord- ing to law, JOHN F. GROVES Clerk of the Municipality of Wingham, Wingham, July 8th, 1912. Teacher Wanted. Teacher wanted for S. S. No, 7, Morris, (Stone echool) duties to com- mence after summer holidays. Ap- plications received up to nth of Aug, Apply stating salary, experience and qualifications. 3, D. McEwen, Sec. Treas. Box 15, Wingham. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The undersigned will let on the ground the contract of putting in a tile drain, known as the McKenzie— Colvin drain, about two miles in length, commencing at lot 22 and ending nn lot 17, cons. 4 and 5. Cul - rose, on Tuesday, Jtily 16th, at 2 o'clock p.m. Constructed under the Drain- age Act. Contractor to furnish t111 material. Plans and specification can be seen at the Clerk's office in Tees - water at any time. Kenneth McKenzie, Inspector, George Falconer, Reeve, 1011101100NOORN MAIM Matiallibill GOING TO MARKET 1 THIS WEEK P 11, Watch for Saturday j Bargains, and see next ?.! week's advertisement for another Big Sale. MARSHALL'S I 5c, 10c, 15c and 25e STORE THURSDAY, JULY I I, 191 • Big Sale dies'Oxfords Friday Next, July 12, at 4 p.m. 47 Pairs Women's Fine Oxfords IN PATENT COLT = CI-1000LA.TE KID - TAN CALF REGULAR $2.50 AND $3.00 LINES FOR $L27 PER PAIR Nothing the matter with these Shoes, simply clean up of odds and ends. None of these Shoes will be sold, laid by or promised before 4 p. m. Friday. WE HAVE ARRANGED SO THAT THERE WILL BF, NO CROWDING. DO NOT FORGET FRIDAY AT 4 P. M. The Above Shoes Are Shown in North Window. Nekkadialohneguak Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE 219-0/1G idiNutui.1.1•00,11.u....U.liaribil•liWitzalisLiull.t.kgleliltilil .1110014,44.4141ra • • • +, N 1.11 I I 1M Co. FOR wLADIES s.494 FREE .a. EAUTIFUL UTOMO BI LE GIVEN AWAY FREE 45 HORSE POWER CARHARTT AUTOMOBILE PRICE, $2,500. To be given to the lucky one who wears "Carhartt's" Overalls or other "Carhartt" goods, who guess the nearest to the exact number of popular votes as per official count, received by the Electors of the winning Presidential Candidate of the United States, this beautiful car will be given away free, fully equipped. A Guess Coupon will be issued to each purchaser of "Carhartes" Overalls, entit- ling the holder to register one guess for each $ (.00 purchaAe, on or before elec- tion day. This is a good opportunity for our cus- tomers of "Carhartt's" Overalls—the best Overalls made in America ; all goods guaranteed. Now is the time to get your Coupon and figure out who is going to be the new President of the United States, and how many votes he will have. Sole Agent In This Town Por "Carhartt's" Goods. •••todm. . emirmiumermieram•Nwairenthinsoffoos eimemoiramo immix* ofitaadorigkierromilt ooimloamilios HANNA & CO Sole Agency. Muse of 1tiolterlin Limited. 1 •