HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-07-11, Page 79
mitted in
. . ........ ..., 1. 11.1-11" "" "'. Te", , ,
thoill. to 1111trit Illelt at. Ow if) 914% I't 1111TV U1111 thpli. with t%litt Afldi: '"EW [A,W R[FORM THE DAI LY SMASH R H E ADVERTISED
Iroll, to 1.11 1. All U 'Bid, our 111111so aild III[ IURI'I'A'"'o WRECKED leavim tll(,Ill to it slow (leth, ()It the III the mealltime, $Ile, Is eAred for, and GIRL M,URDE ED 11011, 1111 hour hiter her ImBband -ojnej3 TWelity-orle Lives LoSt in NedicAl COU4011 Will Son.,
to cut off the earvi of living Ali to her, aud she IctioNvii be, too, is jjIjhjAvt, 0110 (1114Q, 14I, ears lVere A -lit off, 4uld, silo Completely Collti,pes through min-
hN wift' S gledoy and aorrow. LatrQbe Accidento, Terribly Tort ur terice Him Later,
1 4 FARM Bu"110ING w Proclamation of Now Act ed by 1&1111-�
fivild6b, Was tho of the jallere "The 'lest' vigit IS to. where it pool. 4 I.- 1. whou four Ind lls were roont, it Ras Beon ac in New Tomato. deopateh: here is now a 1-ull
UI) IN14LAL 131011! arms twimed )e I nu I, te x AACAUle lilixas. vile Mall Atrocities COM, baeks it boy went ruttlid and bit plecoa Death aDd Destruction in. liyvs, ccording to tile. officilki list, wv�-e 14 tho jiledical council. The storia that
101OWS Ills inato 'wits sleeping in
the 11011.9e -.it o.' clock out !it the rallroad cratsh ,on, the
South America. Soutli Reach but 110, emillot High Courts to Reorganize Expired When Found b.0 Ifor the pabt few day#
11c.oln to +oll l,p 4.1 r nllis)o bravi I 4.1 , -1) I .1 I
0 'o sanditl fol
Londoll, July nel
this country ar, the PILU111111yo atr
Thq. bave beelt at last fully reve
the public by the report �f Sir
do Janivro 1009, who was s
the British (A'overnment to the el
distriet, of South America to !live
Vol'tain terrible storles which ha
I'd out a.; to tile Way ill 1011ch a
IN'll rubber voinpany, employing
subjects, ilegroes frow Barbadoe
beon oil the work of col
Re left ht the middle and in September reached his
nation. He wasaccompanied to th
by three representatives forming I
hil commission, despatched, by th(
pany, whose methods had been hn.
ed, the Peruvian Amazon. Clommany
three gentlemen were Messrs. Lo
Barnes, 11. OW-U'd and. H. 11"
Thoy took no ctual part in tbe I
gration beyona being present whe
witnesses Were heard, but they p
ery facility in the way of investig
The hearing of th; -witnesges,
took place in nearly every case spot, lasted from ugusi 28, 19
jj(-(-, 3, 1910, and Sir Roger Casei
report, which -wa.,t dated London,
17, 1911, was based oil the actual
vation of his own -eyes. I t sho
said that the vitnesses gotave their
ment,i with a good deal of pprell
aud, under considerabre pressure, a
'narrating not only their ow
deeds, but those of their immedia
floyers, of whom the worst se
lave been two inpli called FouAeQ
Normand. It may be added th-9
directors of the I'leruviall Aniazon
pan- -which !I; thus so much hiv
are 11. N1. Read, Sir John Lister -
Bart, J, R. Glubbins, Baron de
Delro, Senor J. C. Arana, Senor
arco and T. F. Medina.
The territory of Putumayo lies
north bank of the Amn7on. River
tip on the higher reache% and tlw�
east of the Andes, oil file other ;
which lies the main territa of th
the. dominant Power, with its capi
Linia, on the' Pacific ide. Alt
thus eparated by pnly soino 400
nilles. s a bird flip -t4, from the c
the territory Is really -.its difficult
cess its is Odcs,4a, front London. T
lers frorn Litna, have to. journey
via Pnama and thence south -ea
the mouth of the, Amazon and the
u)) the. river to Iquitos, the nearei,-t
(if importance and the head admi
tive centre of tile district
The only labor on the spot wa
Of tho nailves, and is )to mincing the matter --the
trarle introdueod. in possibi
'worst guise. Indeed, there is I
parallel in. the whole hiito
thiA nefariou traffi-c to the uur
horrors peedil were inti
ed under L -IP pretended system o
the native% for the unrem
toil they were compelled to p in turniitg to profitable aecoun
other.-, their -own propert, whit -I
without thf. f4ightest conside
been wreistpd from tbeni.
�rhe Congo erinies were As
pl,ay to the atrocities on. the
mao. Fearing neither 01od nor
--for th P few Qtholic missio
protested in earnest, outspoken
!on, but in vain, 1bile the Pe
authorities eitber could not or
not intervene --the rubber cr
employed the means of torture
all. the refinements of modern i
ity At first it Nafj fortunctt
neliher the British Governmen
the public had any part, lot.. or r
sibility in the of grek
and blood. But this " 8 al Iva cl
in 1,905, hen eome thirty. -Aix
than negroe — British ubjjects
engagred to -,wt %ci deputies to the
American filibusters.
Thev were not wor." than the
wht) &nployed them, but front
time a regime set in wliich ws
acterized by dreaful of e
and by erlinei which were re
in the extreme. These acts wer,
Avon, denied, but the excuste w;
forward that the Indiins 'had
rrkl isonle. white ettlers and
rins. Tt
ppropriated. tbeiv ,I
have been. surprising had the
done so, for the invaders arme
youth of the tribes, just s iva
on the Congo, and 10O-�ed them 0
ilefenceless communiky — defe
Rince their simple weapons, 8
the, bloWpipe and the ancient Tf
had been purposely taken from
At this stage the concession f
lecting the rubber was sold to
Peruvian Amazon ompany, a
trading concern of admit��(l t
and high morals, but-, as it wa
wardq found. of astoundiric, izn
until they wvre with 4mists, o'It I's 110 'ifts a, bloodst,alned ;we with. jintnodiately itud lirill beell in the afl but two v av % 11
wt I-ot halt it front llkr 11101ts of act pased at the last seth-
rutuid their ut,,&4. ono il), tied tip need. goille handkerchiefs, boys.$ I yen. goine into force fortually on Jim r found laniong the list of injured. .1-t Tliml $!()It of the legislature, repreHeating
I Regitia, Sitak, ture to stt. 11111,11) boy and poured bolne kerosene oil over . %, tIllit 11 fvo These latter, rs.. ettle of Wil. with stab 1voltildm and Ilyllur
which, are coming Ju from the coun- k;ceonds there I next. r) . pen, and ljo� It(.Jl Wilt NVIIS not P0eket with a, hand Urey, of the oftme Her Me welit out Willie
reles T t it 111191tt then try 4how that tile. cyciolle swell -kerchief 13 Vvin. I ovt!r that the osteopaths, before, they could
tIITQW 'Illin luto, fire, "The boy Qcrealn- t Oyer in. Tho rea bandItla, of the Iallorer and the leislation as drafted by ilia WOro found in the Ayrocknge this inoirn. U�y to revive a. district at least eleven intles souti, J)"Retice. must paws certain exambia-
ocitlos. v;l otit Itud to be taketi. out, but West ot here au(I rintay nilles nort'll. 'tlle Sunday lik of the bank clerk wcr� Attorjwy-uleneral and onst,eted Iq the ing clasped in each -others araw, Tb(, ffir her to name or RIPol to 11P W16 .4001-i Up.1) i. 0 n ce 11011se three years ao, it is provided death ligi: was further increased this demcrlbo the 111all who bati. maltreated. tiom prescribed -by tile goverantept.
.1loger 'No rt-gard wa,; pnid to age F Arm houses w1itch were -iji the track 'It t110 Of t1l - Dr, X J. Gibson, of Sault 6te. arie,
of Its fury were picked up III frow -wonien still im, under section .13 ilijit ,tlli$ 1141t % s 0
to paper . 11jIll llo,t morning when Walter s8erum, of c. Jior so, Deteetives found tho hoij e hit and Dr. NV, Spankle, of Wolfe Toland.
tit Itio o r %Voinon were killod (t fre. Do-.�L,$ and Smashed into Icludillig that pile have Poll collie inLo force 1111til. 11 ay to be nalaw Koesport, succumbed to his injuries, which ulla, had been enticed an(I the ore appointed delegates to the organ-
:Z� . A apartment in which %ho Irad been tmt- lj.V quelitiv ft -s liten. A waflipr isitoklin ber Nvoo(j, and traces of them are being with pvinfnj POIXAnticy for o�l by tile I)%, Ills ization meeting in Ottawa this autump
b4tbY found foi- miles Ile furthest. lered with fits and gashed with a Knife, of stigate I, atiration," it 114ts been off,* 1 the proposed Domillio
around, T er an hoijr, but t1le task of getting procl, Ic lly , n council.
antil her frall body as a mam 0�1 The discipline coramittee, i
report of damage Is 41; the home ot Mit joi-Atcl ntl timbem is botli hard 1ld ailliolilleed that the proclaniation haA PRINCE'S LOVE consist ng
I I'Mk- brains were knocked oq-Lt xgptyist ThOwas Beare, about eleven miles i .1 brilise nd it netwokt of cuts. of :Dr. (Spiunkie, Dr. K S. .0 vesoilers alld, liallihir" January 1, r Iti tile aThird I trep. Often N%ere fled ILI) to southwest of Itegina. His house all(I tilose whom, they seek to reselle. fliNt day Itijoll which the ILet will be- all D . Wickins, submitted it report
British nd 9hot at, Somothiu.-s tbey that o his soll were swept away 1,AnjbuIttneo On. the third floor im n unoccupfecb d r s, had autcornobiles, wagons onie Girl in koto Only One for tfindin Yordlets of "gailty" of offencos
wery Pitt in rows a -bullt%t sent nd all of the occupants were badly with stretchers re s000n. bearing the Ill. The of tile law will 11avo 'tk the case of two physicians.
through several of thenj together. To bruised and battered I look the roe,ky, treeloci,4 gronnd j
el up, althougli. 0`1108 to hospitals and homes, tbe t�jfectjvj, of collipletely eorganiz- Hfin. re I Dr, Oloorge X. Shaw waki guilty of
the little hotly was found, the de-' fe
Ill.; frieild6 a in-im blind- not seriously. The next holle In the farniin�, a, propession, of s;orrow in strIk- ing the t.,xi.9tilitr 1.1ourtj olf tll�pro- infamouiq and. dlogrAce,fol" conduct in
0 muic
fold a, girl all d end her to Alvity found plaill OT IPuth Of the tOrm W-fts that of Walter hiry coiitrasL to whiA th000e gayly -decor. vilv'e, tlid. n1a," . advertising, The sentence of the couuQil
dest, terially changing the legal " from the houre. He would then, zboA StePhensoll. lie and h1i wife were atod streets had expected, to see oil the a 'Vienna., July Bucharewt npw.q. manifte's crisle. e spot her Live fire% were jilit" ad 4 u e 's I I procedure by limitin the litigation to There wasn't a tthW ft reaerved until siext meeting, when
.1 ultdpr b ly I j r d and are t I both in following morning. uIlL. appeal. it the time 'Paper Publishes a remarkable story there -Will be a large me.mbership.
, of tq
the old people. A mail would be imsked bed* Mrs. Stop e W B C e 9; . sitill,mis. alent that allcr
h a .1 wa pi k d While. Regina. was a city ot gloom Kiwi to the Legislature the bill croated of the romance of the young Bul- ht he tispit -,ts it clu(t to- The case of Dr. B ` 11 Hawke, of Tor -
1011" to blow down a rifle barrel for amuse. UP a hundred and fifty yards from wl)cjj we left, one 1� wa r (I capturing the Luau or aten who
'Just rL1lIlQnlj)CAr 11,
111011t; innocently he would do it, and the house. The force of the storm 1110,11 rilany delegations garlan Crown Prince Boris, Who, ld had beld Ow clillil prlsoiwr through the onto, a fugitive from ju6tice, on a
The -with thankfulne,48 th;nt if the mtorm ivaited upon the Covernment in ielation Is said, fell In lov with Princess night, charge of murder, was not dealt with,
-it once t1te trigger would (be pulled and was Stich that she was practically liad eotne -.in hour ear4ior the rulnLA to its f.onte)its. The elmnaes were deem- Elizabeth of Roumaenla through hav- end will not be until the evidence is
ul'.4 IT. his head would be blown off. Families SLrIpped of her ClOthing. Incredible and linpoft. Whoever it ws that pprand.pol. tho taken.
. Fox. togeter. An f tiol-loan as it might seem, h churches muRt liave added all alarming ed to be of such radicalo Int ing seen her photograph. child to enter the houSe =11 Dr. Albert W. Stinson, of Cobourg,
ivesti- ollief was barled alive in t'lle Prel3elice her feet were torn off her, Mr. and raimber to the dead UA, while lind it ebariteter that the Governwelit, deeideLI Prince Boris has never met Win- then torture. her wlih. it knife until ti.
n the Mrs. Ste Come an hour )ater,'-when the evening to withbol L the operation of the ktat cess Elizabeth, who is the eldest for procuring two abortions in Cabourg,
of his wife, and ellildren; the $Vife Ivar, Phenoon came from Picker- stab wound. in the heart n 'It ev' 04% bebeaded -and the child.ren dIS3110111. ilig township, near Whjtby, Ont. Thqy ineal was being prejx�rcd, a series of to furnish opportunity to 1,110 daughter of the Crown Prince of Rou- imminent,ran lt-way llpfore the dawn af- in 1909 was found guilty and his cer-
ttion. bPTed' ,and thrOoWn. OIL to fire. TWO were married only three months ago, fires would almost urely have added to and public to beeolne conversant with mania, but he saw her photograph ter Putting the. body in a small box -and tificate; taken,
'Alich hundred l4hes day was quite A. (10111- Another newly -married couple the horror of the calainity. it nd nittke such representations :is whert the Queen of Roumanla vIsIted etarrying the, box and. Julla's clothlyt- Dr. 11inxia, Thompson was exonerated
it tile who were victims of the cyclone were 0%01 they desire. In sortie quarters the long the Bulgarian Court a year ago, to Di& vamilt lot, only a few stplj4 from' on a charpe of advertialuff.
10, to Mon. penalty. The Ilet of horrors ir. and Mrs, Dunlop, who came from play in. the necps.4ary proelatira- Immedlatly on coming of age, the. basement of the hollpe. nelit's be Continued indefinitely, but enough Western Ontario. They were mar. tion that Ole operation of the legisl- Prince Boris Inforrhed King Verdi- ON -4 ]NIAN ARRENTEM. March liw% been said to ehaw its nature. rfea at Christmas. Their lionie, which tiOn. 1111d. I)Q011 ftbandoned, ftud to such nn, hia father, of his desire to marry ow Yorlc, uly C400D LAND
obser- W01.1ENT AICE is only three miles south of Regina, WHITF,, SLAVES the of the proclaination. w -Ill ooine the Princess. fie declared that other- who owns st, coal nd wnod cellar ii(ILAIr Ad be Nvo wonian's honor was r3afe, t1iough was completely its It pronounced Amrprisu. wise lie would remain Single all his the v,leatit, lot demolished, Mr. The law abolihes ttl the Division nd life. itat affection and simple virtuo we`�e Dunlop had a, wrehohed ankle, while linors was found yesterday dying -with Mr. Whitson Tells of Con -
,state. inkim
ension admittedily feattirm Gf the tribal life. his wife Was badly bruised but not Di63ional Courts of the Iligil. Coiirl; KIng Ferdinand had no objection 'O
forty th wonnils in her bodv*. was ar-
e they Moral offences we,re perpetrted arten SerlOu4)% Opposite their place -was How a Toronto Girl Was and establidics two branches f the to the match, but King Carol, of Rou- -da and locked up eharal ditions in Clay Belt.
n mls- under of fiendi,311 iyjgpjlj_ the residence of Mr. Robert Kerr, Suprenle Court, to be known, l-espective- mania, on being approached, objected ell with lizinicide., Florenco "MoN, who
where Mr. Andrew Roy, of Flowick, for political reasons. King Ferdt. identified Orecl as one of thp� threa. men
te ein- it. For roule reasoli, one of the women Lost in Chicago. ly, as the Appellate Court of the Sa-
ent to offended her inater, and lie t Once Quebee, was visiting, and who was prome Court and the High Court Divis- ilan, however, persuaded the Aus. she ays hired uIla and another girl Toronto, Jiuly 8.*_,N1r. J. F. Whitson,
it and had. her hung 111) aild iscourged. Instantly killed. Mrs. Kerr suffered !on of, the Supreme Court of Ontario. trian Emperor, during his recent visit fnto n CAIRT, W1118 c?pnt to ilia Cililldren's coillinissioner for the OntArio Govern.
t the old person Court of ppeal will horeafter be to 'Vienna, to use his Influence ith inent, who is spending that portion of
slaugh, serious injury and Mr. Kerr is still Striking Experiences Re. Ito
Com. tered to top theul giving the N-011,11go. III Lhe Regina General Hospital. His known a the Appellate Division of the the King of Roumanla. file "ell' tile $5,000,000 a-ppropiiation for North.
olved, genCY&UGn good To av�id leay. little daug h ccessful that ther ties.%. Kaye, Ing the traces ot bter lias her arm broken. lated by Rev. Dr. Moore. )IIprejjIL, Coviri; of Ontario, tind the bill The child tP11A epnflie-01I.A storleB, how- ern Ontario. which is to 'be used thbi
0 111119 I left of the buildings; evell States that this division 01all ilot I)e official announcemetit, of the engage- reports in entqLusiastic language
of flogg"19' a systel"t was the ment of the young people is expected "Prl- Rnd the police -are, far from solu- ;f Pos6jj)jljjjC4 . I
Sousa d -opted Of ficin& -t le cement foundations are groui of the clay belt. I victims, arl:116, Id deeined to be a new court, but only
A. Al- fastening tile e, I into powder. ng 00 . f shortly. tion of the crime,
bodilies together nd I continuation of the existi urt o Nel sfitisf1w) now inore than before
igh Court Division ivill sinee travelling iltroligh the townships
hig them Under the %urface of t,110 r Thos. Harley, of Toronto, who was Toronto, July 8.—Horw the whit& 01,%vO Appeal. Tho H where so many zmall clearings have
on the rivers. They V,'QrL1 ilally dragrged oil ePOrted MiSsing, has been located at tniffic, ra.vages Toronto -wa d1set-osed be similarly regarded as. being contin WITCH GIRL
well half dead a 11(i t the temporary hospital, slightly hurt, in a c c' -is- BIGAMY CASE beel made, noting the changell condition
somethum Ile seem .od- inoidents dramatically uation of the old court. All -the jut
on Calvin PrPrbyteriazi G'hurch near. - diction, power ad authority of tile old of the land after ;having been burned
Whe. confined III t�h'(' by was also baujy wrecked, The next described. t Elm Sta-eet Alat1todist Court of Appeal Li,iid Divisional Courts off, thus affording drainage, that no
ide of stocks t -hey wee treated WIth farni, struck was that ot John Church last night. R Indians In Panic Over Her
Peru able ev. T. Albert are vested in. the new Appellate Divis- estimate has yet a;ppemred on theublic
-A an would go RTound Mooney's, endent of the de- ion. it i flso provided that there Two Alleged Husbands Ap- recor& of thhe quantity or percentae
'ter the. Victim'q body n Alleged Evil Deeds.
t1al at AV-ith a, 4r�,IW,) -a�d bat Which Is rented by Mr. and XTOOTe, D. D., superbit
1101.1gli 'InVid death nereffully relp, Mrs. Jaines) old cou try People. partnumt. of temperane; and, inoral ro. Iof tile new Appel- e:ir in Guelph Court. of good layid," said Mi. Whits'on in a.
.d hiln. fl��. Both are. in the hospital Ett Regina, late as are for the do- - P report to I`Toii. IV, H. Hearst, Minister
to 500 deN1, 1110 Whol eo�untry reeked with a10119 with their child anti a ljir form of the Nlpthudist Chureb and dated at
apital, laugliter, wan. ed sptc-h of Ont., de,pateh: -side Drocityll-e de-sliatch.: Ten�,p *.,-xcjtexn o r ivbions, Mt 0neltralle, ,lune 27. OT111I&S Co.,gpjjj�j ().ffAR(3EAS, preacher. all thues lie t�t least two by side In. the police court this morw �prevnlis'at the little inallan vlllaqe CFE t.
ravel- The cyclone destroyed the dairy 0, "Much of the land classified by sur.
b"I'l),rity diclosed in barn, along with the cattle, o Emphasis, lie ald, should t the pl:103- tell consIsting of five Ing sat lildward Wollis, of vIt. Forest, Regis, whi livin,p, In veyors in their reports are musker, or
f Thos, division-, will be, nulubervd conqecIlt!"" and 1". ong, of Toronto. Both of dre S a es of Ja nillil- ly. these men say they married the same nd ln.%IA-red by the accus-ations levened north thiq report does not regot ,,lone on the E Illott and the t bl ly drained "'I he
St to mes El. ont iinle be ladd on the f ight to n
I. west t0gtilt`10113' of the Boarbadoes men, whose liott, but missed both houses. ed that ill makin tI I-walnst Iola Razon, a nr%tive Orl t fif- continues, %The nioss and bluk 'loam
ate the white Slave traffic. This -vile I t is provid le woman, and she also appeared in teen, who Is belleved to posess nn evll is all underdrained. with good clay. In
town depoqitionq aecompally it. 3t is arnply The best favored scheme for re. ency had repre%antatives 1P Toronto 61011"N6 all 'mmttGre ancl procee(lings police court on the charge of bigamy. eye, and to whose p(Avers of witaliery by jindependent building the homes here is that tile wilicrit' jl,,Ivc been heard ar in which Both Long and Wollis went on the t if the same, rich land wa In. old
,'-N,ir Tloger Casement adds the exrjolence Dominion Government assure $1,000,. and agents who -woTked through the are attrIbutd the madneq,% of (logs and ontaTio it ivoiilil be, all brought under
0 000 and the Provincial towns and, villages of OaWrLo. Froan jurgitlent is pendin-g May lye Plitered stand and testified to having married death of live stack. The indiawl (I'D- eultivatioil. The Pountry to me. looks
f tll(,Ee Barbdian froin Government and otllca�%vjse perfected in. the intine the woman, and the
whOSP (Widolice two extracts oly are $1,000,000 of Insurance policies cover. July I of last year unil Domlition. Day of the old court but only !or th-ese conclusive, Long testified that lie kno�vledge of farRi.
that 1 $ that -whenever she 01116roll get Ing the devastmed area, and the city just celelwted, twenty-five mothers had
appended, for they aro of the
there assume the balance of $1,000,000. sought ilki. aid. in efforts to, rescue their purpwes sliall the -Court I�e deemed to was married first in E ngland in 1885, cl.-M run ma(3, anlmai,s 4,1e, ncl rest. Irere N one by tanley S. Lewis, ox!4 after the eild od the present year. but that his first wife died In .1901, t-b-cir lives bave b"n nide bideovs, The
Islave a native of The street ral-t-tvay expects to open dai�oghterrs. Two of the twelty-five ab. ,�Ljl 1111:fIllip3ined caee wi-11 be dealt N\,Itli after which he came to Canada. 1 -.Ie Y its- up again to -night, 0 dieffie mon boen unalAe to CAN'T WAIT
I bare seen Tlidians kill6d for sport, solutely n-nd in. the by the court under their reoxWpnized married this womart in 1905, and tied up to trees nd shot t by ted on the north of one Of them, tho u.ere form and procedure. 111red with her for more than two th-e e-oll pirit. The tell thmr
Tv of F oriseca side for lootilig, and were given sell. pathedc slid trttgi-. The maotlier took years, wheu they had some financial obildren to sbun Ilie witeli qlrl, and
I (One of tile overseers) and the others, lieved �fter thoy -Nvere drinking they tences from three months to a year. handsomely printed lettea-1 )lead with The position of iany of the troubles, and she left. warai-igs ave been Oven not to let lier Peter Ryall Not Satisfied
,oduc- sonintime.,; do t1lis. 1.111 . �vould The Relief Committee doctors ha a fincily tpe written letter to Ishow Dr. is isointewhat, affected. The present chief In June, 3912, she married Wollis sbad-o-yrr Zall on any i'n'fmber or the tribe
f pay- ley �1,0111(j tal,"e It treated at least 200 calls I a ve . it wrv3 th(,., decoy letter w3ijeh justice of Ontario, the present chan- at Mt. Forest, and then the charge
u1mi out of the cccepoj) nd. tip. him, t(., p. treatment at their offi or id and -NrooTL collor and the present eblef justices of nor on their bors,e, cattle or Mile With Indefinite Delay.
ces. * dced her dau,ghtex to go ito (1hi<xigo divt was laid. After the evidence of both Clifefs clealcleci In �counoll that the g1rj
in ,ion,$ of the 111,0,`11 COUTt will TLAain
itting 6t.hirn for target. T Two persons reported missing, Miss t 0 mv niutqt 1mve the trie at once, and he ha
rform thic
Oil off pit spen, the Indin Mlled ill"s, Davidson, of P MI ituil,tion. Mile yoling wo, heirYazk. and titIC6, except men had been taken the case v, as 90
Pith a Toronto t1lat the chief jUstj h xelicqaer e U
t f and alan hot after the.%, hd beell flq!z- Doyle, or t rince Albert, and Ersal man diad,a, goo(I position. iN ce of t c e dJourned for a week. ne to Luerne lmountainrg, Where an un- Anxious to have the mystery over, the
i had his CRY, have been located busine-sr, firm, but ,offere& Blier`l divilAoil. Airill here -after be designated cle is engaged In basketmnklng. Tola. 1.9 3,000 Farmers Dank cheque eleaT d p
ged. Other.4 T have Peon killed by the and are iven.
ration It described as a, bright, pretty glrl, -wh I ter R- c3e name as men.
the sinall Tnolian boys being in salary y "blu! bq,p,ma Chicago clijef justiceof the exchequer. But it is -'e an, vho,
TO REBMjjj). llonle. I -Ter -but cherlshea arabitlons. of becomIn & teach- tioned by former General ManAger Tray.
into "muchitchos.", These boys tlao provided that when vacancies MORMON SUIT
R er of her tribe. It Is elleve that ers !ii. this connection last Saturday,
egina, Sask, Despatch—r
.ro-clity plaus the daughter acceptedl d Nvitli n1aelletts, and they th off SIT0 111111P a,. occur n the office of chancellar and few cever trIcks pxformed by her at a wants the enquiry' resumed quickly.
Putu- I e being laid for r(jj)Ijij;iij1jF I
man would Q*lit t1leir becads off gainst tarti-d far Obleago. chief justie the afice shall be af-bol- sch-00-1 entertaftlnient have given rise to Mr. Ran 'writes to r William er.
t I` ` of the devastated� ca,pital Of the prova- AL Port Huron ehe Imught a piotuxe ihed. Whe. the present inel, the superstitio which stalks -mbroad, edith under the date of Jul
narles free Rtulnpr-. I Fousem do the fol. ince. It is announced that a now I) nibents Woman Charged With US- _y 3:
16Willg thilig: 'TYCI xteard and wroe on it.. "All affe so 'r Dear Siri—I espectfgli3r request a
fa, cease to ]told office thoTe will b sh Crapper Block will be erected as 60011 far." That was the ],*t he or. ruvia,11 �,:irl minding child of his, a baby It(,- as the old site can be cleared. 237d of b 1),e,. in addition to. tho chief justice af posing of. Daughters. very early resumption of the inquiry res.
had by one of bN Tildian -%vonien. Dr. 'Nloore, when croin,p to the St. 1jauls, Oiitario, but one chief ju6tice, -ivho pecting tile introduction of my name,
would Since Mouday morning hundreds conference, 4stoppe,oj ov Y A
quite It oung er V 0. abe, deqianated chief justice of the VE. and particularly to ascertain who saders irl, iid he 'of carpenters, 'bricklayers nd IabOr- He went to t -Ii d-dretas of the busivess high couTt. The j.dgee rebadit. the eame Travers was protectiiiw and to whom
With 11) a I
carrvim, the baby and it pleked i ers have been busy clearing away the firnt in que (I ' Liverl)ool, July 8.--Einily Doughty
ti, leaf of tobacco �nd put it !it tion, and loun(t 1-1� a precedence amon, themselves- io they lid he ledyp his word.' that he would
.igenu- it debri and repairing such structures vjtcajjt�. lot with . P
Le .0"It the)'- as can be put in sha.pB R JiLtle bitilding near ,, feNv. tole, Only now Xcitlie the oblef -,justice of was not divulge the name of the recipient.
It h at inouth. emno remaded in a Liverpool cour yes. No Appropriation Made by
and the baby was crying, nd At the Polieo Ontario nor any of the preset judges terday oil . charcre -of attempting to I ivill be pleased to have 1r. Hunter,
t nor work. On the north side, where the qlI,,Lj-terS the cl�lvf a-ld, vietilin of the court a Parliament Yet. espon. IW SIM 110 Nnt 0P girl 1110. �i apeol without Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, aud the Farmers
]list fiFtt, dONR,station was linusualy severe, the, Of the wite 63ave traffic!' parocure her dauhter, 'Kalhel, ged 17,
1 aressing their consout, be required to per1oTm Bank party further examined to aseer.
and Work of recongtruntion. is prot., Dr. fo or for ukiAvful wirooit,-6 On behalf of
It lot nd ber Mouth cut Ile ".lit 0 WTrNsed 1ruilifiN-ttioni .1 -hat any duties except sitbing Oil Ap- ULln if :1 was concerned in the charter
ianged to W"14411, nd then in an dluiralYle manner. The houses 'line mon. and four women, had Iwon peals niny be lieaw& and disposed of by Samuel David *ijee, oT Salt La&e City- Ottawa, July 8. --The militia, or the cheque.
ber (lown to tbe rivel metit is -still engaryed. in carefully scruti.
3&rba- n came un he dre�jr his revolver that can readily be made habitable convieted in. Cna,da, last year Of jvIxjt.e Lne (became acqualirted with the latti- 0 0
were are redeiving first attention. ing application.4 for the grant for wbe , oirrt of fur judes- except lil. caiBee "Your obedient servant
led roduce4i Latin all STORY or, EYjP_WrXNHSS ';Iect a (Signed), Peter Ryan!'
d shoter, and one of his men, -na-n hirce of Of ion,4 afil crimina veterans of 1866 and 1870.
traffie agency, and timt 4 ily eeven yea-re.ago, alid was int
fit the 1110n, in, achlition to imprisonvnelit, a�ppeals. to the two dauhters, Alice and Afabel. The pplications continue to far out. 00codillo" (a nickn" tile - big rign. Toronto despatch -11r, rt..A.. Robinson, ivere tsentCAnced to the 1, Withina few days lie left- Liverpo-ol for
Illell MUM WS Orctavio or '-Nfigllel P -e"9110)- Asgociate S-ecretar of the Board of o- IDie flrsb court provided ' number thi-4 total of those who fought BEEN IN THESHOPS OF
that ennie ont nd drew his revolver an(l. ci�i Spi-vice and 1,,,'�angrclism of the Pres- for will Consist o1j.310 613ief .1115tio(. of L.Tke, City, aompanied by Alice. the Feninu, ,k. number of applidation PARIS.
<,har- r -I - byterian 0hurch, retitriied eGterday Ontario nd the other judgtie o the lonbeequently re- have been passed, but the nioney is not
shot the rl, too, Nor body as bill' The latter' mother
led. TO appellate divicAon, The a4t provde cei'ved news that Alice 'had comnlittleAl The fetiph of black bas been over.
rnelt from Regina, where. lie was witness of being paid as yet. Parliament passed no ' and the soft colors and lines of
y Stin(la, t ellicide in cns-equence of -her t) thrown,
,mlLinct 's devastation, bat the judges of the slupreme court tippropriation for the pu"se; and file ersonality have come back In -
47 crue3ty nd drinking habits, 1 not Itere i,; a final c\cerrit from the evi. Robinson gave the following inter. hal IOTtiwlth cal.1 - meetingr to releet en pay- to, fashlon�
o Put M r. LettM Of It Illoet a1feetjollato chr. 1111(litor-goneral stnds betivt e rate blouses of colorod tulle to
delice of a ein amount of the disaster: te the second dii. ients for there tire no votes, "I
meg a. Barbarian Not Enough Cars to Hatudle the acter, addreese-rd. to Mabe Dong,lity, then MW.11_h tile sk-irt, display little trimming,
Witncqs had senn so innny killed that "Teti ago I saw a ralildly-evolv. u.- tiion,al vourt for nexf, year. Whenever pased -between Leo and 1fre. Douhty. Fands could, of course, be ralsed by astde from narrow pialtings of the same
had lie. could not rvnieniber ll "of them, Ue 0101�(I. inlilar to tlI0 One V1,11110 at the Good Wheat. the voilume of bitaineuss, in the ,ippelh%fe governor-geno-ralIg warrant, but Colonel materlal.
1119 V The mother 111160 TeC6'1Vef1 IL lieW.,Iptuper l, attractive t6que has a soft, draped
ad -evil women ano ebildren ina oil Sunday lat. NVith the n1ein. division giall require n, eAdtional di i.
would h, Re., IlAqhes does not intend to ask for a Crown of filet lace. Tho brims of er-
cuttino' reporting Lee's marriage to an -
r not ed because. tbe-y Nvoifld not -%,vork rubber. ory of whEtt tilen, .1 niade plonal 0011121 Or courts tile jud06 of tile 0
July S.-.jxjl n ofiber rraTit. miric and a small black aigrette trinrisithe
e Iong, qup.renlo eaurt shll (3elect jud Woman. It is alleged that the d the Some Nvere sbot. some were. beheaded record time in reaching the King's Hotel gas to lert side.
cool sprillir gl,(...,Lt]Y it, 'n mother nevertlieless, endavored L&Send There Is nearly as tnuch marabou and
.4 dono with inacbete. Ile bad. seen women from the C.P.R. station. III few sec. Vored the 3nove. constitute them, INTIlerp a, vaealley oc. cuts by t.b(,- death Or rervintion. of a ifalbel to 13R.1t, Lake City, in order that HAMILTON MAN DEAD. feather trimming on sprIng street cos -
ii the and Children beliorailed and the, little ba. onds fter my arrival at tli�- hotel every. 'I'Llylt of the large tluantitfies of damp . 6130 ulight become. Lee's third tumes froni P&rJs as there was for nr
and 16 becolnim the duty ty
iceless, bles tnkelft froin their mother-, thing loose was whirling around !it tile Ud tOu jo -th , of the jhid e Winnipeg, Man., 1ttly &.—A well trimmIng on the finest winter models.
jqI1 andi r at MAter.. I 0 episode In t -he life
I as thrown away alive, to die thus- at oth- rotunda, People who had been, read. grabi of 111 kindc;. As the weath,er has Of tile Supreme court, at it inectin known figure of Brandon. passed Love, that Is but an
o' 'it called. foT rparpoe, to oleet a of man, Is the entire stor� cf the life of
usket, or titneg th -.; would sniash the I ]leads ing or conversing began to inovo unea,91. witrined III) apprehension j1p,s been grow. away in John Porbes, who was one woman.—uNrane, do Stael.
0 71o." frolu the udge to fill the vacancy for the re. a of this district. A woman needs a stronger head than
tholu. against trees or throw them into the rl- lyp and a feUl sought Places of sa-fety. in(), that the -re would be b BABIES' BODIE of the old tinier
or col- Vor. 0110 mall, killed the Indians for nien ruRbea to the doors, and by tojt,,�Ij -,oin�r forwarcl, it ce I th t mainder of the y&tr. Forbes was a building contractor and her own for counsol; ishe stiould marry.— the TTe bad just rehirnotl !ionic, nd their combined strenuous efforts kcp� The eb pro�jde-,� for titonflily %it. built several largo blocks and other Pedro Calderon do la Barea, lueAl
Lhis appreliensi(ill wa foundepol, its Your true flirt has 9. coarse gra
British after ditildno aw some Indian prison- thetu closed, rior a few minutes the S e 'a fing" of a, divisional court e.veol;t (.1ur- Thrown into the Gambage blilldings here. He was born in Hard. notil; well modulated and well tutored.
it d from oae of the large in there Is no fineness In It.—Donald
.fr the 1011,4 All tho exiotinty Ilton, Ont., sixty years ago, and but
anding Pr and inquired where they efune front. ene was such as to make tll(' 11106t graill handling firms trj-day that I S e lie roa & "'
af ter- TTe. Nvaq told that they lind )lot been anxious; o it id, t rin they .1-el"063.8iols �nd rules of court practica Dump at Westmount. came to Brandon thirty-five years
.1 were ndnIinall to Fort Wil. Wemen are in ilia moral worid wbat
orance Iong He Called tile I)ovq till ]one was driving signboards, fences, pertaining to the 00
exisithirt ,coilrfs, are ago. Tbo funeral t k place to -day. flowers aro in the pnysical.—Pierre Syl-
0 M; MU, CA COAL- at was ce Im d would t"'ille One to he avetroughs, eloetric si'n, and Do) ' rel)mleib and those pregribed by the vain Marechal.
IL, 9 dition re orted to thein were certain- j to wit. -rtixinly, sc Tnilialis Olit 0110 by P ontreal, July &-�Yheij the carter When a wront We& possess" a woman,
mon unquestionably continue to be, killed. They were all ;]lot. A man i6l' Day IIPOOMHOTIA nt, it farioun -rate )). It wa,% intimated that judicature act a-ro ulAtibated. SHOT his WIFE, much bitterness flows from tier tongue.
tb(. result of employing 6emi-white Nvith oil(%. foot, who could not walk was thl-oligii the air; plate-ghass windows otber firin might join in tho It is regarded tq not improtbablo that Who usually takes the of dogs —Rurlpides,
crashing oil M tt I In love, the confidant of a w6man�s
savages and full blooded negroes in ono of them. Ire went hopping along. le liew Veb OId-, JullY 8--M - 01
were idewalk or into the pitt-fing into ffet of th' nd cats from the medical fa,eulty of Belle-vilk�
til M storeq while false walls above buildings tiou. From various ources it was as- ma -,y neemitAte tile w'fe of rk Attory, farmer o sorro,�N, often becomes thib consoler of It.
the prosecution of trading methods fir bail beert tarved, too, befor 19'. I eertined tha:b the jIjIW)0r of Cars wait- 4PPOint'1101t Of University drove tip to tile Nvst. I 0 -Anonsrxtlous.
whicli they were paid on commission After hooting tho they liad inan were dnsh(x1 to the street below. 11" hig oil t1io traeU4 for their turn at the fit1ditional high court judges, mount near Bayside, Nylilch is six: miles Nest of Small bows of rub ted velvet fastened
and by reaulte. buriied lso. side the bot -el were crying children, nerv. V3 -�z 0.4 t incinerator lie startled the man the was ami -dentally llot yeetex. by a bckle of brifflants give a smart
driers w,4 large., runing from 200 up- in charge -with the nnouncement: 'her husband. As' be fired, at it touch to black patent leather slippen for
Rul;ber had to be wured, and the There ave nny number of witilesstig. Otis wom011, And anxious men. Tito elen, day by
tric lights Went oitt, and then for a, f(sw wiirds, and soine of these cars ave stat- S (11 have brought ymt soibe, babies to- flc�lc Ole blackbiras whi,ch Were esifiro. evonLng wear.
natives were compelled to Recure it, jill of v,hom tell the same, story of brii- y.y -% Tucked and bordtred cotton creves of
ed to haxe been standing oil the tracics BIT HIS LIP in the givrd-on t -he Nvoyman filinss, finish are the latest fabrics being
Thero wAs no pretence of justice or tol and slaugliter. Yet, re, speonds Icept flashing fitfully with a sinee i
itning-like effect, eVentiially it-twing iniddle of Tho attendant did not take, the mat- fitepped from bell,ird the 'barn tAventy shown for lovely evening gowns for the
f air treatment. Flogging by tapir ploto -.III([ inaeeeible, tho. Putuninyo Ii W debutante,
thel Plae ill darl4ness. ter 80TiOU81Y and it was on3y -whell vets S jpk n j
yairda distat and tTi , i he Xarrow strlos of Jewel whose colar
hide, whips was introduced on suh diti itot appeal to the ontside worM un- 9ITho hotel bnggage lad bep.n POLICIE 101-111!FS' OFP105RS. While Judge Summed Up some time later the liodieS Of SiX ih- hQftd !by PaTt Cd the, Her inur matches the gown with 41eh they are
"Ale and with such terriblo, results tit at I-acit horrible ories begran. to lealc fants in jars and proservod in fiti paiziful, ,but not d4ngerom. to be worn, now outline black velvet and
1,hat the , va tt majority of the -entire out. standing at the Aurb, b I I tg 1110 s'p 1 t P. I tile 11rantfor(t desplitc.h.- At the., 'aniorra Trial were foitn(I In the pile where the refuse satin slipers.
efforts of tll(% filicbral black to sit ti, in 10 0 male, population and nivelt of the fe- ftor invoAlgation the British eom- milt of Ulf 1"Olice SWOatel* Stilts tOr 81111111 bOYS And z1rIs
in tho liftrtie.4s, home and waggon u,era chief (larpenter, of is oluniped that, the drivers wordq had show It basket weave border, which dee-
mate were iscared with terrible wounds pany. tjetina- oil tile bpst newifti-sed pile. soine -NIontreal, ws ejected presidont, The ally signicleallee. WOODSTOCK PRINTERS OUT. orates the small tollogaun, cap, lhe coat
w:Melt often aused death, d al t tbrew up he coneoRsion a-ild -00lit illto tance away, N17hpil the stol'lli had par- ntlj(,r officers Vit(irbo, ltftiy, 6.--Tha presiding The Wetmount were adviskl of Woodsit*ck laconsequenee sweatert and tbA leaging,
betray the rphige of his follow(we was oit. Senor Aou, th(I Vice -President, , , Lttrge drumed or slilrred velvet hots 1A
It was a I. ed, Chief Williams, ljolidoi,- crotary-trea. 11140 I'll the ("amorra, trial to -day con. the fact A.nd thev011:1diatply reported of the failaro of the WooLitook so, treated. vorite prortice Uiat nnire and the Chief tially abided. and 'Tonil Was exffieftt , ac i1nn, - blae)Cor neal hrown aro smart for after -
uninjured, h(' W-18 TO1111Y Chief 114tairk, of Toronto; tintled his 81tinliting 111) of the testimony the Matter to -doroner who to, deal -with repro�sentatives, (if pool'i Ivedr. Little trininting appears oil
were flogged because of their own 11(plidator. , 1conled Iveri, during the two earal trial as to ordereA that all the bodies be oonvey- the rVypogra;phio:tI Union there, the tvile- these, usually a small stigrette.
shortcoming,,; in rubber collection and vjjjl in ollt% can s,ly that tjjL Colonel W.. WhRe revers on coats arn trimmed with
,y �WOO(j, ()ttawa, 9
I Iga "It wa.,q only wbon we went upstairs -y of the tt"used in the eti to the, morg whe-ro, an investi aettrrs and operators of typo c0sting Wi differelit. widths of Wadic elva r1b.
it '13, parento for thoe of their little ifnx, uperintondent fliat wo to roalivaL NvIvit had h Campoall, Montreal, and (!Ili(,f (111glio -day. IllAchines have gono 011b OA eftpl, bou and the hats seen at the Ituropeati,
dren, who. were. forced to tand by I'll(, 11riti0i (11overnment N bollin ap- (,j j mutdcr of Gennaro (Itiocoolo and IN-Tario tion will be held to
poned. To the we,;t and north theqcone 0 id little more thn all hour's %�inter Ilesorts show quantitles of rib-
whilo the mother were practleall preqqed,aftergivino tho On sorde fit report of it few, mintife before wn.,4 imrPeogniv. ft.-Jolin, N. 11., %va-4 eho-4en Cillitiolli 0t coolo in une, 1006, He, di davo notiep. b o It s.
to death. en and wonien for to tako remodin.l. notioll of Imeeving. pot ontit, any of the details in. explain. OLLIOED WITH WHALE The Review to -day, onle ota Wth Fashion N favoring embroldevy to an
unns.udl degree.
After flit, first words of ttinqve- ing the t1w. jilry -wid, referred at f4evell pges, duplical" of Thul
llou tberll Wily /illy one tholight--those solne length to the of Errimno A new staff ii 110illre in quant) y or at.te tiug NEC, 4uly 1). --A <�olliiou are assured a place In
to wvws SINP030041 IAV th IDROWNED IN TUS OP WATC.q. 41714 tied tinlibled jilles ettia initisvillod live% The tr.*. )$ it) An;erica, with II, oil fl) U'ralla 11.1111C vaused A14rettes are PlAted flat on the brim
1wistod bellinil 010ir raill W.14 wtill falling lwavily. 1111t 111011 lilt his )ips Illitil they were Riell spriolls to the TURNEW SUST TO WALL. of Velvet hnt�4.
at the an(I they were States iq the bi-st to liurried off. Ag Ave himpol't-lie vorner Met it ill-Igle 111pth I'It blit tholl'oll Operto,. for t. Tolmsp haiidlc-s continile f-lislilobable for
Own ill tIIA t1gonitzing. pwftion And to 111-ra t1w 111,grent for of sout'll Railway r4rept it 0111%, froill the 11101st inten4a fluAt ilm ves,wj was 0 Sit 8. A Ott (1�
Iiarw4ol (if the promenaae.
A Nvilell, while 1paning over a, not to !It. crew of AN men nd pas.menger who al,cits and atlit flor I garnitures.
with their feet well ahov(� the groll"d Lett(ir has 11foell ('01181(if-V %volliftil. with PX �(Ilt hii prolill 111nut turer naino(l ellatz Son. T -111-Ing g1ves P1,01111pe of Amall flt
81"OtIrgOd Oft fl'Mr ilether limbs aud ql)T(! UJOI Oat, t0l) 411 U'lleed to-dity tit four woni11s, ill, a
rAntio trying to keep it e ww4 ov(,r- terrilpt thl% ,'Ildge. reachpd, Itere to-dity. The not-itlent liap. Tbs� two (lominating parrisoll ftbries
JuAver bftck. - pri,4ouinpitt for h -qv At t meet. (birlim, tho coniltig
Pprij. 4ttand.,t lilgh in tlle gooil (it or ht'l. owl) nild 1;1%1. bIlby's hend, while Nine by all bily penect after keeping - 4�eai�,pn mill UTTRY AT of the t!nitod stftte,4. whI61- It is behind ber, a working -nit I tit w,aF4 varry. hig I.ISt 111outh t tit ftlid'taffo-ta.
bw tuld. falling in, w,4 drokviied. ffol! .111114 (1011F)i to. the VC680 afloat "two day -.4, tlle- Crew a 4 taltot; dellglit in UIP vevIval of tho
�13ijt flime- wore trlfler.. The voirmilt- Fivid, i -A 'not too to bor frightene(i la(I of four b1ftild wa in , barit nway, hit, of the were. unn-ni- 1jad to It -ave her whell the �ualps mcamo ive it Neal lyraneli in A1.9ace -Lorra Itit-, of 0111 , Map taftetsts
loo took evidence Til-omilre, or five N talwart ministor from t the tinie. mid arriv ed too h1to to ef nlouAly tit the niurder elioked. The inpil, rowed 120 Tyiil(,8 to- the Vrench odety, Herr turitod L4tcru of rinub, lt Nvas no Ullt ill Ally t1le, tolig,1011,; 0941111, Ole, 6,,t8t tAkel thp, 1W.1IY. whilo 1114 06111. lfe(.t it Dr, N14rteh0l, or of it;id. hiq wife. The ward tll(,v were piekod up it ))list of William to flio ivall latesl nothis u -ted As trimming for
'�e to pour kero-wite oil r I �rg TIN room, Tu m1wwor iry it 4 �t of t1ji-4 Countr llkvo roAolvo.ij 1,6 ,),Ilioll Off( . tovy rownrios abou
I.e, eollpillded 01.0 an voni-tittifer of t1le bml(l guilty fhv it fishing sehooner' Tim, ,vt1s it N'aturAl pongee on men, and vvotnen aiill theu aet fire to, t.,11ic! liptioll, evip r 1. d Ivith CAR, the 1,41111pror, -11 it no ono el.v�,dopq# tho wotimit ropliest. INo, they waq of belont hia, to a (-rilAM A990ell-tioll. lo.q do Ar4lin feturpi:l in pnnge(,e.
I. IV "
4 1; 40 4:00111 LICK III
thilt plIA of brick, scanting, litrulture
--Only One Appeal.
. 0 %; L 44 W&AIINY IFI&JA IL
1111,11roild ILIA ulght w1wil. tlin pabsen-grer
Soarchers on Ash Heap, 4
0`VQr Mat old queswost Ot mteopatity
was telliporary. 1111611
Indians Soaked irA oil ;and
Will Begin Rebuildin Re.
aml, every equipment. Tber'
. 0 21re 801110
rr)fteli on the littlo coat road wito vrurh-
givelt a yestorday
when tt resolutlou, wItJOI, boded no gu��kj
The dieil In. fljoir long w%rehes -Lander
burdeim s lipavv a.4 The
olooker. but most men Nvork as t1lose
who k1low tile
The conipletp reorgaiiNtititat. the
ed Bko it box of between, two io.
eolot-hr" With
Col. defeatod by 17 to 5.
Burned Alive.
gina at
sacredness and precious-
oil it stpep grade, tile
14". 440allun), who is In'ttotimily
vkahl gang offioitll.i took life inerely for
of life. Tho first mail reached is lifeless,
111011 Nvith It$
Latrobe nd Ligonier llwipitals over-
little irl wha lu
r% d7
tiouthpleeo" at, Vito converttiou for
Men and Women Beat
the amuscuieut of tho thing, and one
day une wan aloliv killed twolity-fivo
story Of' Man W110 6aw all(I
but still vinned he-
that Cruel pile, is AI)IO to �Spepk.
lilultation of appeal.4 aK by the
taxed nearly a score. of hiju P4 art,
fit Pittsburg Itotipitals wherp they
f ri, lu 4111Q, (if the 111k)Ht street,,
the university. preentvd. I� resolutioll
to the be
and Clubbed to Death.
#3 boothig) cutting off the
beads of others and hall -ging ILI) the ireSt
Felt the CycloneW
The, doctor has crept througli the debris
and LI givilit-, 'him IL tiolulant, no calls
reforitt act of Ron, rllshetj in ipeclat train lit -it 111g,ht. Ot
ed J)y the J,t�yjfjjature !it 1009, will be the inissing Oat wero thought to haye
Ill tho effect that 110 perSoll SWUM
9rant(-,-d 0 tbo illedi
found thim nionfln ,, It, f -al Col-
0 JpLy wiln 11!144 vinit fillfillAA +h" ro 111ra.
0 'o sanditl fol
Londoll, July nel
this country ar, the PILU111111yo atr
Thq. bave beelt at last fully reve
the public by the report �f Sir
do Janivro 1009, who was s
the British (A'overnment to the el
distriet, of South America to !live
Vol'tain terrible storles which ha
I'd out a.; to tile Way ill 1011ch a
IN'll rubber voinpany, employing
subjects, ilegroes frow Barbadoe
beon oil the work of col
Re left ht the middle and in September reached his
nation. He wasaccompanied to th
by three representatives forming I
hil commission, despatched, by th(
pany, whose methods had been hn.
ed, the Peruvian Amazon. Clommany
three gentlemen were Messrs. Lo
Barnes, 11. OW-U'd and. H. 11"
Thoy took no ctual part in tbe I
gration beyona being present whe
witnesses Were heard, but they p
ery facility in the way of investig
The hearing of th; -witnesges,
took place in nearly every case spot, lasted from ugusi 28, 19
jj(-(-, 3, 1910, and Sir Roger Casei
report, which -wa.,t dated London,
17, 1911, was based oil the actual
vation of his own -eyes. I t sho
said that the vitnesses gotave their
ment,i with a good deal of pprell
aud, under considerabre pressure, a
'narrating not only their ow
deeds, but those of their immedia
floyers, of whom the worst se
lave been two inpli called FouAeQ
Normand. It may be added th-9
directors of the I'leruviall Aniazon
pan- -which !I; thus so much hiv
are 11. N1. Read, Sir John Lister -
Bart, J, R. Glubbins, Baron de
Delro, Senor J. C. Arana, Senor
arco and T. F. Medina.
The territory of Putumayo lies
north bank of the Amn7on. River
tip on the higher reache% and tlw�
east of the Andes, oil file other ;
which lies the main territa of th
the. dominant Power, with its capi
Linia, on the' Pacific ide. Alt
thus eparated by pnly soino 400
nilles. s a bird flip -t4, from the c
the territory Is really -.its difficult
cess its is Odcs,4a, front London. T
lers frorn Litna, have to. journey
via Pnama and thence south -ea
the mouth of the, Amazon and the
u)) the. river to Iquitos, the nearei,-t
(if importance and the head admi
tive centre of tile district
The only labor on the spot wa
Of tho nailves, and is )to mincing the matter --the
trarle introdueod. in possibi
'worst guise. Indeed, there is I
parallel in. the whole hiito
thiA nefariou traffi-c to the uur
horrors peedil were inti
ed under L -IP pretended system o
the native% for the unrem
toil they were compelled to p in turniitg to profitable aecoun
other.-, their -own propert, whit -I
without thf. f4ightest conside
been wreistpd from tbeni.
�rhe Congo erinies were As
pl,ay to the atrocities on. the
mao. Fearing neither 01od nor
--for th P few Qtholic missio
protested in earnest, outspoken
!on, but in vain, 1bile the Pe
authorities eitber could not or
not intervene --the rubber cr
employed the means of torture
all. the refinements of modern i
ity At first it Nafj fortunctt
neliher the British Governmen
the public had any part, lot.. or r
sibility in the of grek
and blood. But this " 8 al Iva cl
in 1,905, hen eome thirty. -Aix
than negroe — British ubjjects
engagred to -,wt %ci deputies to the
American filibusters.
Thev were not wor." than the
wht) &nployed them, but front
time a regime set in wliich ws
acterized by dreaful of e
and by erlinei which were re
in the extreme. These acts wer,
Avon, denied, but the excuste w;
forward that the Indiins 'had
rrkl isonle. white ettlers and
rins. Tt
ppropriated. tbeiv ,I
have been. surprising had the
done so, for the invaders arme
youth of the tribes, just s iva
on the Congo, and 10O-�ed them 0
ilefenceless communiky — defe
Rince their simple weapons, 8
the, bloWpipe and the ancient Tf
had been purposely taken from
At this stage the concession f
lecting the rubber was sold to
Peruvian Amazon ompany, a
trading concern of admit��(l t
and high morals, but-, as it wa
wardq found. of astoundiric, izn
until they wvre with 4mists, o'It I's 110 'ifts a, bloodst,alned ;we with. jintnodiately itud lirill beell in the afl but two v av % 11
wt I-ot halt it front llkr 11101ts of act pased at the last seth-
rutuid their ut,,&4. ono il), tied tip need. goille handkerchiefs, boys.$ I yen. goine into force fortually on Jim r found laniong the list of injured. .1-t Tliml $!()It of the legislature, repreHeating
I Regitia, Sitak, ture to stt. 11111,11) boy and poured bolne kerosene oil over . %, tIllit 11 fvo These latter, rs.. ettle of Wil. with stab 1voltildm and Ilyllur
which, are coming Ju from the coun- k;ceonds there I next. r) . pen, and ljo� It(.Jl Wilt NVIIS not P0eket with a, hand Urey, of the oftme Her Me welit out Willie
reles T t it 111191tt then try 4how that tile. cyciolle swell -kerchief 13 Vvin. I ovt!r that the osteopaths, before, they could
tIITQW 'Illin luto, fire, "The boy Qcrealn- t Oyer in. Tho rea bandItla, of the Iallorer and the leislation as drafted by ilia WOro found in the Ayrocknge this inoirn. U�y to revive a. district at least eleven intles souti, J)"Retice. must paws certain exambia-
ocitlos. v;l otit Itud to be taketi. out, but West ot here au(I rintay nilles nort'll. 'tlle Sunday lik of the bank clerk wcr� Attorjwy-uleneral and onst,eted Iq the ing clasped in each -others araw, Tb(, ffir her to name or RIPol to 11P W16 .4001-i Up.1) i. 0 n ce 11011se three years ao, it is provided death ligi: was further increased this demcrlbo the 111all who bati. maltreated. tiom prescribed -by tile goverantept.
.1loger 'No rt-gard wa,; pnid to age F Arm houses w1itch were -iji the track 'It t110 Of t1l - Dr, X J. Gibson, of Sault 6te. arie,
of Its fury were picked up III frow -wonien still im, under section .13 ilijit ,tlli$ 1141t % s 0
to paper . 11jIll llo,t morning when Walter s8erum, of c. Jior so, Deteetives found tho hoij e hit and Dr. NV, Spankle, of Wolfe Toland.
tit Itio o r %Voinon were killod (t fre. Do-.�L,$ and Smashed into Icludillig that pile have Poll collie inLo force 1111til. 11 ay to be nalaw Koesport, succumbed to his injuries, which ulla, had been enticed an(I the ore appointed delegates to the organ-
:Z� . A apartment in which %ho Irad been tmt- lj.V quelitiv ft -s liten. A waflipr isitoklin ber Nvoo(j, and traces of them are being with pvinfnj POIXAnticy for o�l by tile I)%, Ills ization meeting in Ottawa this autump
b4tbY found foi- miles Ile furthest. lered with fits and gashed with a Knife, of stigate I, atiration," it 114ts been off,* 1 the proposed Domillio
around, T er an hoijr, but t1le task of getting procl, Ic lly , n council.
antil her frall body as a mam 0�1 The discipline coramittee, i
report of damage Is 41; the home ot Mit joi-Atcl ntl timbem is botli hard 1ld ailliolilleed that the proclaniation haA PRINCE'S LOVE consist ng
I I'Mk- brains were knocked oq-Lt xgptyist ThOwas Beare, about eleven miles i .1 brilise nd it netwokt of cuts. of :Dr. (Spiunkie, Dr. K S. .0 vesoilers alld, liallihir" January 1, r Iti tile aThird I trep. Often N%ere fled ILI) to southwest of Itegina. His house all(I tilose whom, they seek to reselle. fliNt day Itijoll which the ILet will be- all D . Wickins, submitted it report
British nd 9hot at, Somothiu.-s tbey that o his soll were swept away 1,AnjbuIttneo On. the third floor im n unoccupfecb d r s, had autcornobiles, wagons onie Girl in koto Only One for tfindin Yordlets of "gailty" of offencos
wery Pitt in rows a -bullt%t sent nd all of the occupants were badly with stretchers re s000n. bearing the Ill. The of tile law will 11avo 'tk the case of two physicians.
through several of thenj together. To bruised and battered I look the roe,ky, treeloci,4 gronnd j
el up, althougli. 0`1108 to hospitals and homes, tbe t�jfectjvj, of collipletely eorganiz- Hfin. re I Dr, Oloorge X. Shaw waki guilty of
the little hotly was found, the de-' fe
Ill.; frieild6 a in-im blind- not seriously. The next holle In the farniin�, a, propession, of s;orrow in strIk- ing the t.,xi.9tilitr 1.1ourtj olf tll�pro- infamouiq and. dlogrAce,fol" conduct in
0 muic
fold a, girl all d end her to Alvity found plaill OT IPuth Of the tOrm W-fts that of Walter hiry coiitrasL to whiA th000e gayly -decor. vilv'e, tlid. n1a," . advertising, The sentence of the couuQil
dest, terially changing the legal " from the houre. He would then, zboA StePhensoll. lie and h1i wife were atod streets had expected, to see oil the a 'Vienna., July Bucharewt npw.q. manifte's crisle. e spot her Live fire% were jilit" ad 4 u e 's I I procedure by limitin the litigation to There wasn't a tthW ft reaerved until siext meeting, when
.1 ultdpr b ly I j r d and are t I both in following morning. uIlL. appeal. it the time 'Paper Publishes a remarkable story there -Will be a large me.mbership.
, of tq
the old people. A mail would be imsked bed* Mrs. Stop e W B C e 9; . sitill,mis. alent that allcr
h a .1 wa pi k d While. Regina. was a city ot gloom Kiwi to the Legislature the bill croated of the romance of the young Bul- ht he tispit -,ts it clu(t to- The case of Dr. B ` 11 Hawke, of Tor -
1011" to blow down a rifle barrel for amuse. UP a hundred and fifty yards from wl)cjj we left, one 1� wa r (I capturing the Luau or aten who
'Just rL1lIlQnlj)CAr 11,
111011t; innocently he would do it, and the house. The force of the storm 1110,11 rilany delegations garlan Crown Prince Boris, Who, ld had beld Ow clillil prlsoiwr through the onto, a fugitive from ju6tice, on a
The -with thankfulne,48 th;nt if the mtorm ivaited upon the Covernment in ielation Is said, fell In lov with Princess night, charge of murder, was not dealt with,
-it once t1te trigger would (be pulled and was Stich that she was practically liad eotne -.in hour ear4ior the rulnLA to its f.onte)its. The elmnaes were deem- Elizabeth of Roumaenla through hav- end will not be until the evidence is
ul'.4 IT. his head would be blown off. Families SLrIpped of her ClOthing. Incredible and linpoft. Whoever it ws that pprand.pol. tho taken.
. Fox. togeter. An f tiol-loan as it might seem, h churches muRt liave added all alarming ed to be of such radicalo Int ing seen her photograph. child to enter the houSe =11 Dr. Albert W. Stinson, of Cobourg,
ivesti- ollief was barled alive in t'lle Prel3elice her feet were torn off her, Mr. and raimber to the dead UA, while lind it ebariteter that the Governwelit, deeideLI Prince Boris has never met Win- then torture. her wlih. it knife until ti.
n the Mrs. Ste Come an hour )ater,'-when the evening to withbol L the operation of the ktat cess Elizabeth, who is the eldest for procuring two abortions in Cabourg,
of his wife, and ellildren; the $Vife Ivar, Phenoon came from Picker- stab wound. in the heart n 'It ev' 04% bebeaded -and the child.ren dIS3110111. ilig township, near Whjtby, Ont. Thqy ineal was being prejx�rcd, a series of to furnish opportunity to 1,110 daughter of the Crown Prince of Rou- imminent,ran lt-way llpfore the dawn af- in 1909 was found guilty and his cer-
ttion. bPTed' ,and thrOoWn. OIL to fire. TWO were married only three months ago, fires would almost urely have added to and public to beeolne conversant with mania, but he saw her photograph ter Putting the. body in a small box -and tificate; taken,
'Alich hundred l4hes day was quite A. (10111- Another newly -married couple the horror of the calainity. it nd nittke such representations :is whert the Queen of Roumanla vIsIted etarrying the, box and. Julla's clothlyt- Dr. 11inxia, Thompson was exonerated
it tile who were victims of the cyclone were 0%01 they desire. In sortie quarters the long the Bulgarian Court a year ago, to Di& vamilt lot, only a few stplj4 from' on a charpe of advertialuff.
10, to Mon. penalty. The Ilet of horrors ir. and Mrs, Dunlop, who came from play in. the necps.4ary proelatira- Immedlatly on coming of age, the. basement of the hollpe. nelit's be Continued indefinitely, but enough Western Ontario. They were mar. tion that Ole operation of the legisl- Prince Boris Inforrhed King Verdi- ON -4 ]NIAN ARRENTEM. March liw% been said to ehaw its nature. rfea at Christmas. Their lionie, which tiOn. 1111d. I)Q011 ftbandoned, ftud to such nn, hia father, of his desire to marry ow Yorlc, uly C400D LAND
obser- W01.1ENT AICE is only three miles south of Regina, WHITF,, SLAVES the of the proclaination. w -Ill ooine the Princess. fie declared that other- who owns st, coal nd wnod cellar ii(ILAIr Ad be Nvo wonian's honor was r3afe, t1iough was completely its It pronounced Amrprisu. wise lie would remain Single all his the v,leatit, lot demolished, Mr. The law abolihes ttl the Division nd life. itat affection and simple virtuo we`�e Dunlop had a, wrehohed ankle, while linors was found yesterday dying -with Mr. Whitson Tells of Con -
,state. inkim
ension admittedily feattirm Gf the tribal life. his wife Was badly bruised but not Di63ional Courts of the Iligil. Coiirl; KIng Ferdinand had no objection 'O
forty th wonnils in her bodv*. was ar-
e they Moral offences we,re perpetrted arten SerlOu4)% Opposite their place -was How a Toronto Girl Was and establidics two branches f the to the match, but King Carol, of Rou- -da and locked up eharal ditions in Clay Belt.
n mls- under of fiendi,311 iyjgpjlj_ the residence of Mr. Robert Kerr, Suprenle Court, to be known, l-espective- mania, on being approached, objected ell with lizinicide., Florenco "MoN, who
where Mr. Andrew Roy, of Flowick, for political reasons. King Ferdt. identified Orecl as one of thp� threa. men
te ein- it. For roule reasoli, one of the women Lost in Chicago. ly, as the Appellate Court of the Sa-
ent to offended her inater, and lie t Once Quebee, was visiting, and who was prome Court and the High Court Divis- ilan, however, persuaded the Aus. she ays hired uIla and another girl Toronto, Jiuly 8.*_,N1r. J. F. Whitson,
it and had. her hung 111) aild iscourged. Instantly killed. Mrs. Kerr suffered !on of, the Supreme Court of Ontario. trian Emperor, during his recent visit fnto n CAIRT, W1118 c?pnt to ilia Cililldren's coillinissioner for the OntArio Govern.
t the old person Court of ppeal will horeafter be to 'Vienna, to use his Influence ith inent, who is spending that portion of
slaugh, serious injury and Mr. Kerr is still Striking Experiences Re. Ito
Com. tered to top theul giving the N-011,11go. III Lhe Regina General Hospital. His known a the Appellate Division of the the King of Roumanla. file "ell' tile $5,000,000 a-ppropiiation for North.
olved, genCY&UGn good To av�id leay. little daug h ccessful that ther ties.%. Kaye, Ing the traces ot bter lias her arm broken. lated by Rev. Dr. Moore. )IIprejjIL, Coviri; of Ontario, tind the bill The child tP11A epnflie-01I.A storleB, how- ern Ontario. which is to 'be used thbi
0 111119 I left of the buildings; evell States that this division 01all ilot I)e official announcemetit, of the engage- reports in entqLusiastic language
of flogg"19' a systel"t was the ment of the young people is expected "Prl- Rnd the police -are, far from solu- ;f Pos6jj)jljjjC4 . I
Sousa d -opted Of ficin& -t le cement foundations are groui of the clay belt. I victims, arl:116, Id deeined to be a new court, but only
A. Al- fastening tile e, I into powder. ng 00 . f shortly. tion of the crime,
bodilies together nd I continuation of the existi urt o Nel sfitisf1w) now inore than before
igh Court Division ivill sinee travelling iltroligh the townships
hig them Under the %urface of t,110 r Thos. Harley, of Toronto, who was Toronto, July 8.—Horw the whit& 01,%vO Appeal. Tho H where so many zmall clearings have
on the rivers. They V,'QrL1 ilally dragrged oil ePOrted MiSsing, has been located at tniffic, ra.vages Toronto -wa d1set-osed be similarly regarded as. being contin WITCH GIRL
well half dead a 11(i t the temporary hospital, slightly hurt, in a c c' -is- BIGAMY CASE beel made, noting the changell condition
somethum Ile seem .od- inoidents dramatically uation of the old court. All -the jut
on Calvin PrPrbyteriazi G'hurch near. - diction, power ad authority of tile old of the land after ;having been burned
Whe. confined III t�h'(' by was also baujy wrecked, The next described. t Elm Sta-eet Alat1todist Court of Appeal Li,iid Divisional Courts off, thus affording drainage, that no
ide of stocks t -hey wee treated WIth farni, struck was that ot John Church last night. R Indians In Panic Over Her
Peru able ev. T. Albert are vested in. the new Appellate Divis- estimate has yet a;ppemred on theublic
-A an would go RTound Mooney's, endent of the de- ion. it i flso provided that there Two Alleged Husbands Ap- recor& of thhe quantity or percentae
'ter the. Victim'q body n Alleged Evil Deeds.
t1al at AV-ith a, 4r�,IW,) -a�d bat Which Is rented by Mr. and XTOOTe, D. D., superbit
1101.1gli 'InVid death nereffully relp, Mrs. Jaines) old cou try People. partnumt. of temperane; and, inoral ro. Iof tile new Appel- e:ir in Guelph Court. of good layid," said Mi. Whits'on in a.
.d hiln. fl��. Both are. in the hospital Ett Regina, late as are for the do- - P report to I`Toii. IV, H. Hearst, Minister
to 500 deN1, 1110 Whol eo�untry reeked with a10119 with their child anti a ljir form of the Nlpthudist Chureb and dated at
apital, laugliter, wan. ed sptc-h of Ont., de,pateh: -side Drocityll-e de-sliatch.: Ten�,p *.,-xcjtexn o r ivbions, Mt 0neltralle, ,lune 27. OT111I&S Co.,gpjjj�j ().ffAR(3EAS, preacher. all thues lie t�t least two by side In. the police court this morw �prevnlis'at the little inallan vlllaqe CFE t.
ravel- The cyclone destroyed the dairy 0, "Much of the land classified by sur.
b"I'l),rity diclosed in barn, along with the cattle, o Emphasis, lie ald, should t the pl:103- tell consIsting of five Ing sat lildward Wollis, of vIt. Forest, Regis, whi livin,p, In veyors in their reports are musker, or
f Thos, division-, will be, nulubervd conqecIlt!"" and 1". ong, of Toronto. Both of dre S a es of Ja nillil- ly. these men say they married the same nd ln.%IA-red by the accus-ations levened north thiq report does not regot ,,lone on the E Illott and the t bl ly drained "'I he
St to mes El. ont iinle be ladd on the f ight to n
I. west t0gtilt`10113' of the Boarbadoes men, whose liott, but missed both houses. ed that ill makin tI I-walnst Iola Razon, a nr%tive Orl t fif- continues, %The nioss and bluk 'loam
ate the white Slave traffic. This -vile I t is provid le woman, and she also appeared in teen, who Is belleved to posess nn evll is all underdrained. with good clay. In
town depoqitionq aecompally it. 3t is arnply The best favored scheme for re. ency had repre%antatives 1P Toronto 61011"N6 all 'mmttGre ancl procee(lings police court on the charge of bigamy. eye, and to whose p(Avers of witaliery by jindependent building the homes here is that tile wilicrit' jl,,Ivc been heard ar in which Both Long and Wollis went on the t if the same, rich land wa In. old
,'-N,ir Tloger Casement adds the exrjolence Dominion Government assure $1,000,. and agents who -woTked through the are attrIbutd the madneq,% of (logs and ontaTio it ivoiilil be, all brought under
0 000 and the Provincial towns and, villages of OaWrLo. Froan jurgitlent is pendin-g May lye Plitered stand and testified to having married death of live stack. The indiawl (I'D- eultivatioil. The Pountry to me. looks
f tll(,Ee Barbdian froin Government and otllca�%vjse perfected in. the intine the woman, and the
whOSP (Widolice two extracts oly are $1,000,000 of Insurance policies cover. July I of last year unil Domlition. Day of the old court but only !or th-ese conclusive, Long testified that lie kno�vledge of farRi.
that 1 $ that -whenever she 01116roll get Ing the devastmed area, and the city just celelwted, twenty-five mothers had
appended, for they aro of the
there assume the balance of $1,000,000. sought ilki. aid. in efforts to, rescue their purpwes sliall the -Court I�e deemed to was married first in E ngland in 1885, cl.-M run ma(3, anlmai,s 4,1e, ncl rest. Irere N one by tanley S. Lewis, ox!4 after the eild od the present year. but that his first wife died In .1901, t-b-cir lives bave b"n nide bideovs, The
Islave a native of The street ral-t-tvay expects to open dai�oghterrs. Two of the twelty-five ab. ,�Ljl 1111:fIllip3ined caee wi-11 be dealt N\,Itli after which he came to Canada. 1 -.Ie Y its- up again to -night, 0 dieffie mon boen unalAe to CAN'T WAIT
I bare seen Tlidians kill6d for sport, solutely n-nd in. the by the court under their reoxWpnized married this womart in 1905, and tied up to trees nd shot t by ted on the north of one Of them, tho u.ere form and procedure. 111red with her for more than two th-e e-oll pirit. The tell thmr
Tv of F oriseca side for lootilig, and were given sell. pathedc slid trttgi-. The maotlier took years, wheu they had some financial obildren to sbun Ilie witeli qlrl, and
I (One of tile overseers) and the others, lieved �fter thoy -Nvere drinking they tences from three months to a year. handsomely printed lettea-1 )lead with The position of iany of the troubles, and she left. warai-igs ave been Oven not to let lier Peter Ryall Not Satisfied
,oduc- sonintime.,; do t1lis. 1.111 . �vould The Relief Committee doctors ha a fincily tpe written letter to Ishow Dr. is isointewhat, affected. The present chief In June, 3912, she married Wollis sbad-o-yrr Zall on any i'n'fmber or the tribe
f pay- ley �1,0111(j tal,"e It treated at least 200 calls I a ve . it wrv3 th(,., decoy letter w3ijeh justice of Ontario, the present chan- at Mt. Forest, and then the charge
u1mi out of the cccepoj) nd. tip. him, t(., p. treatment at their offi or id and -NrooTL collor and the present eblef justices of nor on their bors,e, cattle or Mile With Indefinite Delay.
ces. * dced her dau,ghtex to go ito (1hi<xigo divt was laid. After the evidence of both Clifefs clealcleci In �counoll that the g1rj
in ,ion,$ of the 111,0,`11 COUTt will TLAain
itting 6t.hirn for target. T Two persons reported missing, Miss t 0 mv niutqt 1mve the trie at once, and he ha
rform thic
Oil off pit spen, the Indin Mlled ill"s, Davidson, of P MI ituil,tion. Mile yoling wo, heirYazk. and titIC6, except men had been taken the case v, as 90
Pith a Toronto t1lat the chief jUstj h xelicqaer e U
t f and alan hot after the.%, hd beell flq!z- Doyle, or t rince Albert, and Ersal man diad,a, goo(I position. iN ce of t c e dJourned for a week. ne to Luerne lmountainrg, Where an un- Anxious to have the mystery over, the
i had his CRY, have been located busine-sr, firm, but ,offere& Blier`l divilAoil. Airill here -after be designated cle is engaged In basketmnklng. Tola. 1.9 3,000 Farmers Dank cheque eleaT d p
ged. Other.4 T have Peon killed by the and are iven.
ration It described as a, bright, pretty glrl, -wh I ter R- c3e name as men.
the sinall Tnolian boys being in salary y "blu! bq,p,ma Chicago clijef justiceof the exchequer. But it is -'e an, vho,
TO REBMjjj). llonle. I -Ter -but cherlshea arabitlons. of becomIn & teach- tioned by former General ManAger Tray.
into "muchitchos.", These boys tlao provided that when vacancies MORMON SUIT
R er of her tribe. It Is elleve that ers !ii. this connection last Saturday,
egina, Sask, Despatch—r
.ro-clity plaus the daughter acceptedl d Nvitli n1aelletts, and they th off SIT0 111111P a,. occur n the office of chancellar and few cever trIcks pxformed by her at a wants the enquiry' resumed quickly.
Putu- I e being laid for r(jj)Ijij;iij1jF I
man would Q*lit t1leir becads off gainst tarti-d far Obleago. chief justie the afice shall be af-bol- sch-00-1 entertaftlnient have given rise to Mr. Ran 'writes to r William er.
t I` ` of the devastated� ca,pital Of the prova- AL Port Huron ehe Imught a piotuxe ihed. Whe. the present inel, the superstitio which stalks -mbroad, edith under the date of Jul
narles free Rtulnpr-. I Fousem do the fol. ince. It is announced that a now I) nibents Woman Charged With US- _y 3:
16Willg thilig: 'TYCI xteard and wroe on it.. "All affe so 'r Dear Siri—I espectfgli3r request a
fa, cease to ]told office thoTe will b sh Crapper Block will be erected as 60011 far." That was the ],*t he or. ruvia,11 �,:irl minding child of his, a baby It(,- as the old site can be cleared. 237d of b 1),e,. in addition to. tho chief justice af posing of. Daughters. very early resumption of the inquiry res.
had by one of bN Tildian -%vonien. Dr. 'Nloore, when croin,p to the St. 1jauls, Oiitario, but one chief ju6tice, -ivho pecting tile introduction of my name,
would Since Mouday morning hundreds conference, 4stoppe,oj ov Y A
quite It oung er V 0. abe, deqianated chief justice of the VE. and particularly to ascertain who saders irl, iid he 'of carpenters, 'bricklayers nd IabOr- He went to t -Ii d-dretas of the busivess high couTt. The j.dgee rebadit. the eame Travers was protectiiiw and to whom
With 11) a I
carrvim, the baby and it pleked i ers have been busy clearing away the firnt in que (I ' Liverl)ool, July 8.--Einily Doughty
ti, leaf of tobacco �nd put it !it tion, and loun(t 1-1� a precedence amon, themselves- io they lid he ledyp his word.' that he would
.igenu- it debri and repairing such structures vjtcajjt�. lot with . P
Le .0"It the)'- as can be put in sha.pB R JiLtle bitilding near ,, feNv. tole, Only now Xcitlie the oblef -,justice of was not divulge the name of the recipient.
It h at inouth. emno remaded in a Liverpool cour yes. No Appropriation Made by
and the baby was crying, nd At the Polieo Ontario nor any of the preset judges terday oil . charcre -of attempting to I ivill be pleased to have 1r. Hunter,
t nor work. On the north side, where the qlI,,Lj-terS the cl�lvf a-ld, vietilin of the court a Parliament Yet. espon. IW SIM 110 Nnt 0P girl 1110. �i apeol without Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, aud the Farmers
]list fiFtt, dONR,station was linusualy severe, the, Of the wite 63ave traffic!' parocure her dauhter, 'Kalhel, ged 17,
1 aressing their consout, be required to per1oTm Bank party further examined to aseer.
and Work of recongtruntion. is prot., Dr. fo or for ukiAvful wirooit,-6 On behalf of
It lot nd ber Mouth cut Ile ".lit 0 WTrNsed 1ruilifiN-ttioni .1 -hat any duties except sitbing Oil Ap- ULln if :1 was concerned in the charter
ianged to W"14411, nd then in an dluiralYle manner. The houses 'line mon. and four women, had Iwon peals niny be lieaw& and disposed of by Samuel David *ijee, oT Salt La&e City- Ottawa, July 8. --The militia, or the cheque.
ber (lown to tbe rivel metit is -still engaryed. in carefully scruti.
3&rba- n came un he dre�jr his revolver that can readily be made habitable convieted in. Cna,da, last year Of jvIxjt.e Lne (became acqualirted with the latti- 0 0
were are redeiving first attention. ing application.4 for the grant for wbe , oirrt of fur judes- except lil. caiBee "Your obedient servant
led roduce4i Latin all STORY or, EYjP_WrXNHSS ';Iect a (Signed), Peter Ryan!'
d shoter, and one of his men, -na-n hirce of Of ion,4 afil crimina veterans of 1866 and 1870.
traffie agency, and timt 4 ily eeven yea-re.ago, alid was int
fit the 1110n, in, achlition to imprisonvnelit, a�ppeals. to the two dauhters, Alice and Afabel. The pplications continue to far out. 00codillo" (a nickn" tile - big rign. Toronto despatch -11r, rt..A.. Robinson, ivere tsentCAnced to the 1, Withina few days lie left- Liverpo-ol for
Illell MUM WS Orctavio or '-Nfigllel P -e"9110)- Asgociate S-ecretar of the Board of o- IDie flrsb court provided ' number thi-4 total of those who fought BEEN IN THESHOPS OF
that ennie ont nd drew his revolver an(l. ci�i Spi-vice and 1,,,'�angrclism of the Pres- for will Consist o1j.310 613ief .1115tio(. of L.Tke, City, aompanied by Alice. the Feninu, ,k. number of applidation PARIS.
<,har- r -I - byterian 0hurch, retitriied eGterday Ontario nd the other judgtie o the lonbeequently re- have been passed, but the nioney is not
shot the rl, too, Nor body as bill' The latter' mother
led. TO appellate divicAon, The a4t provde cei'ved news that Alice 'had comnlittleAl The fetiph of black bas been over.
rnelt from Regina, where. lie was witness of being paid as yet. Parliament passed no ' and the soft colors and lines of
y Stin(la, t ellicide in cns-equence of -her t) thrown,
,mlLinct 's devastation, bat the judges of the slupreme court tippropriation for the pu"se; and file ersonality have come back In -
47 crue3ty nd drinking habits, 1 not Itere i,; a final c\cerrit from the evi. Robinson gave the following inter. hal IOTtiwlth cal.1 - meetingr to releet en pay- to, fashlon�
o Put M r. LettM Of It Illoet a1feetjollato chr. 1111(litor-goneral stnds betivt e rate blouses of colorod tulle to
delice of a ein amount of the disaster: te the second dii. ients for there tire no votes, "I
meg a. Barbarian Not Enough Cars to Hatudle the acter, addreese-rd. to Mabe Dong,lity, then MW.11_h tile sk-irt, display little trimming,
Witncqs had senn so innny killed that "Teti ago I saw a ralildly-evolv. u.- tiion,al vourt for nexf, year. Whenever pased -between Leo and 1fre. Douhty. Fands could, of course, be ralsed by astde from narrow pialtings of the same
had lie. could not rvnieniber ll "of them, Ue 0101�(I. inlilar to tlI0 One V1,11110 at the Good Wheat. the voilume of bitaineuss, in the ,ippelh%fe governor-geno-ralIg warrant, but Colonel materlal.
1119 V The mother 111160 TeC6'1Vef1 IL lieW.,Iptuper l, attractive t6que has a soft, draped
ad -evil women ano ebildren ina oil Sunday lat. NVith the n1ein. division giall require n, eAdtional di i.
would h, Re., IlAqhes does not intend to ask for a Crown of filet lace. Tho brims of er-
cuttino' reporting Lee's marriage to an -
r not ed because. tbe-y Nvoifld not -%,vork rubber. ory of whEtt tilen, .1 niade plonal 0011121 Or courts tile jud06 of tile 0
July S.-.jxjl n ofiber rraTit. miric and a small black aigrette trinrisithe
e Iong, qup.renlo eaurt shll (3elect jud Woman. It is alleged that the d the Some Nvere sbot. some were. beheaded record time in reaching the King's Hotel gas to lert side.
cool sprillir gl,(...,Lt]Y it, 'n mother nevertlieless, endavored L&Send There Is nearly as tnuch marabou and
.4 dono with inacbete. Ile bad. seen women from the C.P.R. station. III few sec. Vored the 3nove. constitute them, INTIlerp a, vaealley oc. cuts by t.b(,- death Or rervintion. of a ifalbel to 13R.1t, Lake City, in order that HAMILTON MAN DEAD. feather trimming on sprIng street cos -
ii the and Children beliorailed and the, little ba. onds fter my arrival at tli�- hotel every. 'I'Llylt of the large tluantitfies of damp . 6130 ulight become. Lee's third tumes froni P&rJs as there was for nr
and 16 becolnim the duty ty
iceless, bles tnkelft froin their mother-, thing loose was whirling around !it tile Ud tOu jo -th , of the jhid e Winnipeg, Man., 1ttly &.—A well trimmIng on the finest winter models.
jqI1 andi r at MAter.. I 0 episode In t -he life
I as thrown away alive, to die thus- at oth- rotunda, People who had been, read. grabi of 111 kindc;. As the weath,er has Of tile Supreme court, at it inectin known figure of Brandon. passed Love, that Is but an
o' 'it called. foT rparpoe, to oleet a of man, Is the entire stor� cf the life of
usket, or titneg th -.; would sniash the I ]leads ing or conversing began to inovo unea,91. witrined III) apprehension j1p,s been grow. away in John Porbes, who was one woman.—uNrane, do Stael.
0 71o." frolu the udge to fill the vacancy for the re. a of this district. A woman needs a stronger head than
tholu. against trees or throw them into the rl- lyp and a feUl sought Places of sa-fety. in(), that the -re would be b BABIES' BODIE of the old tinier
or col- Vor. 0110 mall, killed the Indians for nien ruRbea to the doors, and by tojt,,�Ij -,oin�r forwarcl, it ce I th t mainder of the y&tr. Forbes was a building contractor and her own for counsol; ishe stiould marry.— the TTe bad just rehirnotl !ionic, nd their combined strenuous efforts kcp� The eb pro�jde-,� for titonflily %it. built several largo blocks and other Pedro Calderon do la Barea, lueAl
Lhis appreliensi(ill wa foundepol, its Your true flirt has 9. coarse gra
British after ditildno aw some Indian prison- thetu closed, rior a few minutes the S e 'a fing" of a, divisional court e.veol;t (.1ur- Thrown into the Gambage blilldings here. He was born in Hard. notil; well modulated and well tutored.
it d from oae of the large in there Is no fineness In It.—Donald
.fr the 1011,4 All tho exiotinty Ilton, Ont., sixty years ago, and but
anding Pr and inquired where they efune front. ene was such as to make tll(' 11106t graill handling firms trj-day that I S e lie roa & "'
af ter- TTe. Nvaq told that they lind )lot been anxious; o it id, t rin they .1-el"063.8iols �nd rules of court practica Dump at Westmount. came to Brandon thirty-five years
.1 were ndnIinall to Fort Wil. Wemen are in ilia moral worid wbat
orance Iong He Called tile I)ovq till ]one was driving signboards, fences, pertaining to the 00
exisithirt ,coilrfs, are ago. Tbo funeral t k place to -day. flowers aro in the pnysical.—Pierre Syl-
0 M; MU, CA COAL- at was ce Im d would t"'ille One to he avetroughs, eloetric si'n, and Do) ' rel)mleib and those pregribed by the vain Marechal.
IL, 9 dition re orted to thein were certain- j to wit. -rtixinly, sc Tnilialis Olit 0110 by P ontreal, July &-�Yheij the carter When a wront We& possess" a woman,
mon unquestionably continue to be, killed. They were all ;]lot. A man i6l' Day IIPOOMHOTIA nt, it farioun -rate )). It wa,% intimated that judicature act a-ro ulAtibated. SHOT his WIFE, much bitterness flows from tier tongue.
tb(. result of employing 6emi-white Nvith oil(%. foot, who could not walk was thl-oligii the air; plate-ghass windows otber firin might join in tho It is regarded tq not improtbablo that Who usually takes the of dogs —Rurlpides,
crashing oil M tt I In love, the confidant of a w6man�s
savages and full blooded negroes in ono of them. Ire went hopping along. le liew Veb OId-, JullY 8--M - 01
were idewalk or into the pitt-fing into ffet of th' nd cats from the medical fa,eulty of Belle-vilk�
til M storeq while false walls above buildings tiou. From various ources it was as- ma -,y neemitAte tile w'fe of rk Attory, farmer o sorro,�N, often becomes thib consoler of It.
the prosecution of trading methods fir bail beert tarved, too, befor 19'. I eertined tha:b the jIjIW)0r of Cars wait- 4PPOint'1101t Of University drove tip to tile Nvst. I 0 -Anonsrxtlous.
whicli they were paid on commission After hooting tho they liad inan were dnsh(x1 to the street below. 11" hig oil t1io traeU4 for their turn at the fit1ditional high court judges, mount near Bayside, Nylilch is six: miles Nest of Small bows of rub ted velvet fastened
and by reaulte. buriied lso. side the bot -el were crying children, nerv. V3 -�z 0.4 t incinerator lie startled the man the was ami -dentally llot yeetex. by a bckle of brifflants give a smart
driers w,4 large., runing from 200 up- in charge -with the nnouncement: 'her husband. As' be fired, at it touch to black patent leather slippen for
Rul;ber had to be wured, and the There ave nny number of witilesstig. Otis wom011, And anxious men. Tito elen, day by
tric lights Went oitt, and then for a, f(sw wiirds, and soine of these cars ave stat- S (11 have brought ymt soibe, babies to- flc�lc Ole blackbiras whi,ch Were esifiro. evonLng wear.
natives were compelled to Recure it, jill of v,hom tell the same, story of brii- y.y -% Tucked and bordtred cotton creves of
ed to haxe been standing oil the tracics BIT HIS LIP in the givrd-on t -he Nvoyman filinss, finish are the latest fabrics being
Thero wAs no pretence of justice or tol and slaugliter. Yet, re, speonds Icept flashing fitfully with a sinee i
itning-like effect, eVentiially it-twing iniddle of Tho attendant did not take, the mat- fitepped from bell,ird the 'barn tAventy shown for lovely evening gowns for the
f air treatment. Flogging by tapir ploto -.III([ inaeeeible, tho. Putuninyo Ii W debutante,
thel Plae ill darl4ness. ter 80TiOU81Y and it was on3y -whell vets S jpk n j
yairda distat and tTi , i he Xarrow strlos of Jewel whose colar
hide, whips was introduced on suh diti itot appeal to the ontside worM un- 9ITho hotel bnggage lad bep.n POLICIE 101-111!FS' OFP105RS. While Judge Summed Up some time later the liodieS Of SiX ih- hQftd !by PaTt Cd the, Her inur matches the gown with 41eh they are
"Ale and with such terriblo, results tit at I-acit horrible ories begran. to lealc fants in jars and proservod in fiti paiziful, ,but not d4ngerom. to be worn, now outline black velvet and
1,hat the , va tt majority of the -entire out. standing at the Aurb, b I I tg 1110 s'p 1 t P. I tile 11rantfor(t desplitc.h.- At the., 'aniorra Trial were foitn(I In the pile where the refuse satin slipers.
efforts of tll(% filicbral black to sit ti, in 10 0 male, population and nivelt of the fe- ftor invoAlgation the British eom- milt of Ulf 1"Olice SWOatel* Stilts tOr 81111111 bOYS And z1rIs
in tho liftrtie.4s, home and waggon u,era chief (larpenter, of is oluniped that, the drivers wordq had show It basket weave border, which dee-
mate were iscared with terrible wounds pany. tjetina- oil tile bpst newifti-sed pile. soine -NIontreal, ws ejected presidont, The ally signicleallee. WOODSTOCK PRINTERS OUT. orates the small tollogaun, cap, lhe coat
w:Melt often aused death, d al t tbrew up he coneoRsion a-ild -00lit illto tance away, N17hpil the stol'lli had par- ntlj(,r officers Vit(irbo, ltftiy, 6.--Tha presiding The Wetmount were adviskl of Woodsit*ck laconsequenee sweatert and tbA leaging,
betray the rphige of his follow(we was oit. Senor Aou, th(I Vice -President, , , Lttrge drumed or slilrred velvet hots 1A
It was a I. ed, Chief Williams, ljolidoi,- crotary-trea. 11140 I'll the ("amorra, trial to -day con. the fact A.nd thev011:1diatply reported of the failaro of the WooLitook so, treated. vorite prortice Uiat nnire and the Chief tially abided. and 'Tonil Was exffieftt , ac i1nn, - blae)Cor neal hrown aro smart for after -
uninjured, h(' W-18 TO1111Y Chief 114tairk, of Toronto; tintled his 81tinliting 111) of the testimony the Matter to -doroner who to, deal -with repro�sentatives, (if pool'i Ivedr. Little trininting appears oil
were flogged because of their own 11(plidator. , 1conled Iveri, during the two earal trial as to ordereA that all the bodies be oonvey- the rVypogra;phio:tI Union there, the tvile- these, usually a small stigrette.
shortcoming,,; in rubber collection and vjjjl in ollt% can s,ly that tjjL Colonel W.. WhRe revers on coats arn trimmed with
,y �WOO(j, ()ttawa, 9
I Iga "It wa.,q only wbon we went upstairs -y of the tt"used in the eti to the, morg whe-ro, an investi aettrrs and operators of typo c0sting Wi differelit. widths of Wadic elva r1b.
it '13, parento for thoe of their little ifnx, uperintondent fliat wo to roalivaL NvIvit had h Campoall, Montreal, and (!Ili(,f (111glio -day. IllAchines have gono 011b OA eftpl, bou and the hats seen at the Ituropeati,
dren, who. were. forced to tand by I'll(, 11riti0i (11overnment N bollin ap- (,j j mutdcr of Gennaro (Itiocoolo and IN-Tario tion will be held to
poned. To the we,;t and north theqcone 0 id little more thn all hour's %�inter Ilesorts show quantitles of rib-
whilo the mother were practleall preqqed,aftergivino tho On sorde fit report of it few, mintife before wn.,4 imrPeogniv. ft.-Jolin, N. 11., %va-4 eho-4en Cillitiolli 0t coolo in une, 1006, He, di davo notiep. b o It s.
to death. en and wonien for to tako remodin.l. notioll of Imeeving. pot ontit, any of the details in. explain. OLLIOED WITH WHALE The Review to -day, onle ota Wth Fashion N favoring embroldevy to an
unns.udl degree.
After flit, first words of ttinqve- ing the t1w. jilry -wid, referred at f4evell pges, duplical" of Thul
llou tberll Wily /illy one tholight--those solne length to the of Errimno A new staff ii 110illre in quant) y or at.te tiug NEC, 4uly 1). --A <�olliiou are assured a place In
to wvws SINP030041 IAV th IDROWNED IN TUS OP WATC.q. 41714 tied tinlibled jilles ettia initisvillod live% The tr.*. )$ it) An;erica, with II, oil fl) U'ralla 11.1111C vaused A14rettes are PlAted flat on the brim
1wistod bellinil 010ir raill W.14 wtill falling lwavily. 1111t 111011 lilt his )ips Illitil they were Riell spriolls to the TURNEW SUST TO WALL. of Velvet hnt�4.
at the an(I they were States iq the bi-st to liurried off. Ag Ave himpol't-lie vorner Met it ill-Igle 111pth I'It blit tholl'oll Operto,. for t. Tolmsp haiidlc-s continile f-lislilobable for
Own ill tIIA t1gonitzing. pwftion And to 111-ra t1w 111,grent for of sout'll Railway r4rept it 0111%, froill the 11101st inten4a fluAt ilm ves,wj was 0 Sit 8. A Ott (1�
Iiarw4ol (if the promenaae.
A Nvilell, while 1paning over a, not to !It. crew of AN men nd pas.menger who al,cits and atlit flor I garnitures.
with their feet well ahov(� the groll"d Lett(ir has 11foell ('01181(if-V %volliftil. with PX �(Ilt hii prolill 111nut turer naino(l ellatz Son. T -111-Ing g1ves P1,01111pe of Amall flt
81"OtIrgOd Oft fl'Mr ilether limbs aud ql)T(! UJOI Oat, t0l) 411 U'lleed to-dity tit four woni11s, ill, a
rAntio trying to keep it e ww4 ov(,r- terrilpt thl% ,'Ildge. reachpd, Itere to-dity. The not-itlent liap. Tbs� two (lominating parrisoll ftbries
JuAver bftck. - pri,4ouinpitt for h -qv At t meet. (birlim, tho coniltig
Pprij. 4ttand.,t lilgh in tlle gooil (it or ht'l. owl) nild 1;1%1. bIlby's hend, while Nine by all bily penect after keeping - 4�eai�,pn mill UTTRY AT of the t!nitod stftte,4. whI61- It is behind ber, a working -nit I tit w,aF4 varry. hig I.ISt 111outh t tit ftlid'taffo-ta.
bw tuld. falling in, w,4 drokviied. ffol! .111114 (1011F)i to. the VC680 afloat "two day -.4, tlle- Crew a 4 taltot; dellglit in UIP vevIval of tho
�13ijt flime- wore trlfler.. The voirmilt- Fivid, i -A 'not too to bor frightene(i la(I of four b1ftild wa in , barit nway, hit, of the were. unn-ni- 1jad to It -ave her whell the �ualps mcamo ive it Neal lyraneli in A1.9ace -Lorra Itit-, of 0111 , Map taftetsts
loo took evidence Til-omilre, or five N talwart ministor from t the tinie. mid arriv ed too h1to to ef nlouAly tit the niurder elioked. The inpil, rowed 120 Tyiil(,8 to- the Vrench odety, Herr turitod L4tcru of rinub, lt Nvas no Ullt ill Ally t1le, tolig,1011,; 0941111, Ole, 6,,t8t tAkel thp, 1W.1IY. whilo 1114 06111. lfe(.t it Dr, N14rteh0l, or of it;id. hiq wife. The ward tll(,v were piekod up it ))list of William to flio ivall latesl nothis u -ted As trimming for
'�e to pour kero-wite oil r I �rg TIN room, Tu m1wwor iry it 4 �t of t1ji-4 Countr llkvo roAolvo.ij 1,6 ,),Ilioll Off( . tovy rownrios abou
I.e, eollpillded 01.0 an voni-tittifer of t1le bml(l guilty fhv it fishing sehooner' Tim, ,vt1s it N'aturAl pongee on men, and vvotnen aiill theu aet fire to, t.,11ic! liptioll, evip r 1. d Ivith CAR, the 1,41111pror, -11 it no ono el.v�,dopq# tho wotimit ropliest. INo, they waq of belont hia, to a (-rilAM A990ell-tioll. lo.q do Ar4lin feturpi:l in pnnge(,e.