HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-07-11, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 1 x, 1 l; 2 Hot Weather Accessories Why burden yourself with heavy clothing when yon can procure at a very shall cost something that will keep you cool and comfortable. Lustre Coats, Negligee Shirts, Soft Collars, Sleeveless Underwear, Porous Underwear, Negligee Suspenders, Silk and Lisle Half. Bose, Flannel Trousers, Duck Trousers, Straw Hats, Panama Hats, Mexican Hats, Cotton Jerseys for Boys, and Wash Suits for the little fellows. SPECIAL. Four-in•hand Wesh Ties, 10 cts. each or 3 for 25 cts. 61J 1 1.111.11 141 m114111111ILII 111, 51611i1111tlr17,1n6Y McGee & Campbell CLOTJfIEIZ,s' laL .1bY..E,%OiW FU'RiVISHE I S ISI I. 1.1 1 I. 111. . • 1 1 1 11 111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 WINNIPEG PIPTIE offer a GOOD INVEST. meat and QUICK TURNOVER. Write us before you decide to invest. .i.;r . nuaRC lr (4 RE}3JR OOi) lttt'OAmencit I3x;'a WirrNli'spe, MAN. aenna(cact4Coe. ST. THOMAS, ONT. Unsurpassed for residential education. The "Ideal - College -Home" in which to secure n training for your life's work. Thorough courses in Music, Painting, Oratory, High School, Business College and Domestic Science. Large campus, inspiring environ- ment. Resident nurse insures health of students. Rates moderate, Every girl = needs an ALMA training. Handsome pro- ' spectus sent on Application to Principal. 42 v A • • I WANTED ! In the DAUPHIN DISTRICT, a large number of experienced farmers to buy and farm the best land in the West ; improved or unimproved, First-class proper- ties for sale at low prices and on terms to suit. For particulars and booklet giving description of the district, `apply to R. C. SPARLIN Q DAUPHIN — MAN. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS person who Is the sole head of a family, 16i."or any mals oyor 18 years old, may home- stead a quarter section of available Dominion land iu Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father. moth- er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend- ing homesteader. Dutles,—Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 8U acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties,--iliu't reside upon the homestead or are-omption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra, A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption rnny enter for a purchased homested in certain - - districts. Price .$3 00 per acre. Duties.—Must side sex months in each of three years, culti- vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. 4 W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B —Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for, ■ . Lill IUP III I Lr, 10 .11 II 11.1 Saskatoon The University City of Saskatchewan To the Readers of The Advance: Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at :'5 a box, or three for 110. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. THE SASKATOON INFORMATION BUREAU 1 - has been organized to give you INFORMATION '� AUTHENTIC, RELIABLE, CORRECT regarding Property. Property Values, Loca- tions, and Possibilities in the City of SASKATOON DO YOU own property here? DO YOU know its value ? • DO YOU know what your property is like or how it is located ? DO YOU intend to invest here DO YOU wish tate unbiased and unexaggerated reports on any matters in connection with the City ? DO VOU know how to protect your interests in pro. perty purchased. by you ? flave you protected them—or DO YOU want them protected ? IF SO COMMUNICATE WITH US TONDAY Enclosing One Dollar and giving full particulars of tine information you desire A _a Saskatoon Information Bureau Box 140, SASKATOON, SASK. THE M N. A.M s A.D NCS Wal kerion. Two new cases of diptheria have de- veloped in town during the past week" The Walkerton 13iscuit Works has started running and already souse I splendid lines of goods are being tui n - ed ant and sotne handsonee orders are coming in, Miss Myra I31ackwell, who recently graduated from the hospital here, has been appointed superinter dent of Dr. Hickb' surgical hospital to fort Dover. Mies Mabel Howie, let assistant in the Teeswatez' P. S , has resigned and Left for herr home in Walkerton last week. She intends taking an Atte course in Toronto, John Richard Collins, a prominent Orangeman of Kincardine Tp., who came to the hospital hero about six weeks ago from the vicinity of Bernie, died on Friday last from general debil- ity and heart failure, aged 71 yrs. One man who promised at the altar here a few years ago to do a love and cherishing stunt through life is report- ed to be putting in his pastime swear- ing at the she -end of the sketch and even pounding it at times. The neighbors are aroused over these repeated outbreaks and unless hostili- ties cease the police are likely to be called and the statutes thutnbed over the affair. A Brant ferttner went into the Walkerton egg emporium last Satur- day and started to fill his pockets with eggs. He was discovered in the act, and ehortly after leaving the building was captured by one of the firm who did a marathon down the street after him. On being taken back to the office of the company, Constable Fer- guson was telephoned for and that official succeeded in removing forty eggs from the pockets of the man. Kincardine. The annual excursion of Wingham Sunday Schools is dated August lst, On Thursday, June 27, Mr. Kenneth McKenzie, who resides on Victoria St., was stricken with paralysis, On Friday, June 28th, the F. E. Coombe Furniture Co. By -Law and the improvement by-law both car- ried. Mr. McKay bas agreed to remain Principal of the High School, at $1500 salary, although he had an offer of $1600 elsewhere. On Sunday evening in the Metho- dist church a very large audience as- sembled to bear the farewell sermon of the Rev. ]3. T. Ferguson, B. A., who closed a successful fo ur year's pastorate. He preached one of his excellent eerrnons full of injunction to make Christ the Master and serve Him. Before leaving Kincardine, Mr. Ferguson was presented with a purse of gold by his congregation. Here Is a Money saving Oppor- tunity of the Utmost Im- portance To Vou Sale Starts Saturday, June 29 Important to you because it offers you just the goods you want, just when you want them, at prices way below normal. We honestly believe that never have the people of this community been offered such a chance for substantial money -saving on high grade goods, at a time when the goods are wanted most. Real hot summer weather is yet to come. Moss; of you have a lot of summer clothes yet to buy. You are here offered a chance to pocket immense savings—but you must act quickly. Don't make the mistake of waiting until the last days of the sale. This is the time when you need these clothes, and these are remarkable prices. We expect the biggest business we ever had. Those who come first will be happiest. FOR 15 DAYS. It won't do you an ounce of gooc1 to read this "red" unless you come to the store and see for yourself that we will really sell you goods as here advertised, Which means a salving to yen on every dollar's worth you buy from us during this sale. ysale, . r greatest Is snot an ordinary but an extraordinary sale ---the re bargain events in the history of Wingham vicinity. Sale opens on Saturday, June 29. We want your Pro ute, and pay highest priors. S. ROBIN Farm anD G&rden FRUIT TREE ENEMY. Celled Pear Thrips, but May Feed or Work on Other Plants. A recent surprise to entomologists hi the finding of pear trips in New 'S<orlt state, soya a bulletin of the state age!. cultural experiment station. This in. sect has been pi sent iu California ill destructive numbers for several years, but it was unidentified In the east until the spring of 1911. In 1910, when the loss from the thrips was greatest, pear growers in the region about Germantown, N. Y., found their Kieffer crops reduced from one-third to nine -tenths or even more. The mature thrips is a very minute insect, only oue-twentieth of nn incli long, It Is dark brown in color, ap• peering almost black on casual view, and bears four peculiar long, narrow, feathery wings, which gage the thrips its old name, "fringe wings." Tint wings are simple, and each consists merely of a single strong rib bordered by closely set long hairs. These adults come from resting cells in the soil, where they hate spent the winter. The elate of emergence varies with the season, but is apparently timed to precede by a few days the swelling and opening of the pear buds. While commonly called "pear" thrips, this pest may feed or work on quite a range of plants. It was found, In New York during 1311 on apple, apricot, cherry, peach, plum and quince as well as on pear, and in Callforniaa it also attacks almond, fig, grape and English walnut, If it becomes established in the east it may have to be fought on the above fruits and probably others. As a sticking insect the thrips can- not be reached by internal poisons, but must be destroyed by contact Insecti- cides. It is not difficult to kill if reach- ed, as the spraying experiments of Photograph by New York state agr•teul- tural experiment station. RIE PIER rEAR BLOSSOM AND LEAF CLUS- TERS INJURED BY TIIIIli,'S. 1011 proved that it n-ould be destroyed by a good wetting with any of the in- secticides used. 'rile difficulty is, how ever, that the adults very soou get into the 'buds, where spray tnixtures can- not reach them directly. Early recog- nition of their presence and prompt, thorough, quickly repeated - applica- tions are necessary for success. The nicotine preparations are very effective, especially when combined with an oi1 emulsion which has a pen- etrating quality. In spraying two objects should be kept In mind --first, to kill the winged thrips working in and about expand - In buds and blossom clusters to pre- vent Injury to the tender flower and leaf parts and, second, to destroy the larvae after petals drop to reduce the number of insects which will mature in the ground. Value In Straw Stacks. Many farm teases this year contain a neat' and wise provision stipulating that straw niust either be converted into manure on the pretniseq or its equina• lent in manure returned by those carry- ing it away. City dealers who have gone to the country recently to con- tract straw here met with Pint refusals Where strnw has been sold to neigh - boys the return of manure has been demanded. The average farm owner eve! when a nonresident is learning that stili depletion is poor policy. -- Breeder's Gazette. 00 0000 000 1n spring the farmer is down and out—clown In the furrow, out in the field. 00 000 000 Melon Dugs, To ,get r)tl of the melon aphis, the little bug that spoils your crops, spray the nines with as mixture of eight pounds of Whale oil or laundry soap to fifty gallons of rates, or one part "black leaf 40," a tobacco concoction, to 1,000 parts of Water to which whale oil or larindry soap has been added at the rate of row, pounds to fifty gallons of water, agar 'S the professor of onto* niOfogy at the Kansas Agricultural col- lege. A Freak Colt. The Afildmaty Gazette repotrte ttie following :—A colt Wag born this week on `'t'V, 11. I1.oltztnan'a farm north of Mildmay that wal something of a monstrosity, The colt was a4 good . one, with itis the �exot.ptroii of a deformed front leg, on which the knee cep warn On the back a the joint inatead of the Wit, This caviled the colt's foot to mitring g forward from tie knee instead of backward.- The animal was killed, the owner despairing of it ever being 1 able to walk. Fa ana Garden PLANNING THE FARM HOME. Worth Any Farmer's White to Pay Closo Attention to the Details,. In the introduction of a bulletin re- cently prepared by A. T. Irwin of the Iowa Agricultural college relating to the adornment of the farm home atten- tion Is called to the fact that neat, con- veniently arranged buildings and a well kept lawn attractively bordered with trees and shrubs add greatly to the ap- pearance and value of the farm and to the happiness of its occupants. A well thought out plan is the first requisite to get these results. as in the absence of a definite scheme serious mistakes are likely to be made. '1.1his plan should include the location of buildings, drives, walks, trees, shrub- bery and every other feature which contributes either to the convenience or ornamentation of the place. The locution of the house and farm build- ings is the first consideration. Even though It happens that some or all of these are already on the ground a plan for their locatign is ituportant. New farm homes are erected to supplant old ones, and other new farm structures are added, which mate practicable a general consideration of the entire building scheme. Material improve- ments can often be made in a farm- stead by a readjustment as new build - Photograph by Iowa State college. TIMM AND DESOLATE FL1111 EOMB. Ings are put up, though the best re- sults are obtained where things are planned right from the start. In selecting a site for the house good. drainage is the first requisite. A south or east slope is generally to be pre- ferred, while a north slope is undesira- ble. 10 its location give the house greatest prominence. The farmstead first of ait provides a home, and the residence should stand out as the cen- tral and most couspicuous feature of the picture.. To place the barn and other buildings in front of the house is to reverse the logical order of things. Locate the house back far enough from the highway to afford privacy and give a good stretch of lawn in front and yet not so far. back as to suggest a spirit of exclusion nor with a Lawn so large that it cannot be properly cared for. The general farm buildings should be in the rear of the farmhouse and the stable at least 1�,0 or 200 feet away. Locate them to avoid odors be- ing carried to the house by the Sunt - mer winds. So far as practicable ar- range the farm buildings to serve as a windbreak. Locate the yards on the sieie farthest from the house, though it Is often an advan`taage to provide a paddock near the blgtrway for the dis- play of the farm herds. The business side of the farm must not be Lost sight of. and special fea- tures of the general building equip- ment may be given prominence, such as the seed house or any other impor- tant feature of the place. 00.000.00 The fartn is the basis of all industry, but for many years this country has made the mis- take of unduly assisting manu- factures, commerce and other activities that center in cities at the expense of the tartn.-- James J. Bill. 0.000.00000•.0.0000 Dosing a Sheep. Sheep medicine needs to be given carefully and should be as small as possible in quantity. Doses are admin• 'stored by holding the annual between the knees and pouring the fluid into the mouth, observing the slime precautions as to coughing as with other animals. The best forth of bottle in the ttbsenc"a of the patented article is that in which sauces are sent out. They are strong, have a narrow neck and are generally of about the right capacity—six to eight ounces.--Americau Cultivator. Protect Sheep From Dogs. A Minnesota farther says tttat tie keeps dogs away from his flock by putting up in his pasture the dummy of a man holding a stick for a gun. This dummy is taken down every morning and put up again in the even. ins at different pierces trona night to night. tie says a sheep killing dog will not go near enough to the dummy to discover that it is a bogus plan. Value of Mulch For Feuit. With coarse nitalch close around fruit plants and a fine earth mulch between the rows large treys may be carried safely through. severe droughts. Coni• naenee at once and continue until prod acts erre mature.-lousehold Journal. County Committee. Those appointed by the 'County Council as, a committee to arrange the Co. exhibit at the Ont. Fruit t row- erns Pair at Toronto next Fall WPI`O F'.IVIetealf, Myth ; R. It Sloan, 11oltt esv11Ie ; Thos. Curry, Brussels ). I. Ilatnliek, Codeeleh ; and J. A 141nilou,t b, Aebfield. They are strong on fruit, and with Air. 14ieteaalf ars cliah-pian they shoniri do goo<1 work. The Oonnity Council granted $200 for the exhibit. 5 44,44.4.I6I ,la r.�rIJ SNAPPY STYLES ..FOR ., SUM SER AT POPULAR PRICES We can supply ycu in quick time with extra special values in all kinds of Ready-towwear Garments. We offer you a range of Summer Dresses for Women, Misses and Children at very low prices. STYLES PRICES PIT WORKMANSHIP Children's Dress in pretty styles, sizes one to five years, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. Misses White Dresses, nicely made, trimmed with lace and embroidery ; some special prices are $2.00, $2.50, 83.00 and $4.00. 11 m Women's White Dresses in the best styles ; at $2.50, $3.00, 83.50, $4.00 and $5.00.. Some Dresses in Women's sizes, made of Chambray trimmed with Check Gingham, a bargain at $1.50. White Skirts all sizes, special values at 75c, $1.00, 81.25, $1.50 and $2.00. EXTRA SPECIAL 10 pieces 27 inch Flouncing Embroidery ; deep work, all Swiss Muslin, ten different patterns to sell quick -95 cts. Bargains in White Waists, several broken lines, val- nes up to $1.50 ; your choice ---95 cts, No. 2 line of White Waists to clear ; two doz. broken sizes, val- ues up to $2.00 each, your pick while they last for 81.19. Women's Linen Shirts, good styles will give wear, to clear—$1.39. CORSETS A special line to clear new model with hose supports ; dollar value, 75 cts. H. E. Isard & Co. Fall Term from Sept. 3rd. Arrange Now to Deter the ELLIOTT TOItONTO, ONT. the school that has a groat reputation for giving superior business and shorthand training. Graduates get and hold good positions because they are thoroughly prepared. Write for Catalogue. Open all rosy. linter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonge and Aletander Sts. OCENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE Our courses are up•to-date and practical. We havo a Iarge staff' of experienced in. strttotors and our graduates ¢et the high grade positions. NVe do mare for our students than does any other similar school. Wo havo three departtnents-- Commerctal. Shorthand and Telegraphy. You owe it to yourself to know what we are doing. Get oUr free catalogue at once. D. A. McLACHLA1t • Pt i cipel TIIE DOMINION BANK BIR EDMUND e. psete, M.P.. PRESIDENT. W. b. MArrHEWs, Va#1 •PRESIDENT. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager Capital paid up v.x . ." 114,700,000 Reserve Fuad • . A,. r , • $51700,000 Total Assets r. • 11 . • *tO,000.000 A mor Farmers` Sale Notes 'the Domitiiott Bank coileots Partners' Sate Notes, pled makes advances otr such notes at reasonable rate* Partners, Traders and Merchants sauna offered the hest banking fatilities obtainable. Ilt this bank, WINGHAM BRANCH, a • N. EVANS1 Manager'1 iii111U.l'1114aaYa 41 11 111 I1.1.I l I.III