HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-07-11, Page 4We Want Your Wool. 111.1111111111, We Will Use Youight KING BROS. 50,000 Lbs. Wool Wanted Washed or Unwashed Cash or Trade FINESi' QUALITY Merino Yarns Woollen Sheetings Woollen Blankets Flannelette Sheetings Flannelette Blankets Underwear and Flannels Bring along your Butter and Eggs Highest Prices KING BROS. El .11 1 1 )1'4! �� r 41 1d1" 4116 -+../4 r71 -/r ._ 7 I - Head Office CAPITAL. PAID UP 1)2,870,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 3,500,000 Total Assets 44,000,000 TT is not in its power to purchase that the great- -I est value of money lies. Tho feeling of inde- pendence, and of security against the effects of adverse fortune that a RESERVE PI? ND gives you, is infinitely more satisfying than the passing gratification which you would obtain by spending it. Small amounts which you will hardly miss -de- posited regularly, will gradually but surely, accu- mulate to a sum large enough to insure against the effects of business reverses or loss of employment. C. P. SMITH HAMILTON AGENT - VYINt� HAM ,ui��l�la alttli.f�..��Ir ?s1 i7• f 1 LP/ -- � a r• ,�.w, ...1, r �""�1lia'`l, THE MOST POPULAR AND ONLY DIRECT LINE REACH-- ING ALL SUMMER RE- SORTS IN HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO. Including Muaktlka ta(.kee, Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Maganetawan tied French Rivers, Peuaagatni, Ka- wartha Lakes, etc. llaccellent train service via Grand Trunk Railway System to and from above resorts. Write fol' illustrated folders and time- tan,blea telling you how to get there and containing list of Hotels, rates. etc., to A, E. Duff, District; Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. THE ROAD TO LUCK. The road to luck Ts won by pluck, And reached by long endeavor; 13y toiling on When hope seems gone, By frowns and whining, never, 'Tis found by those Who've earned repose And fortune's smiles by working; The road to luck, Ie found by pluck, 'Tis never reached by shirking. BUSINESS AND SITORTFIAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the akkei-4/ t Wt. 0, A. 12:1,ne,., LONDON, ONT• Students assisted to positions. College in session front Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Bnter any time. J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal CbartertalAecQuftant tit Vice.PrIncipal Amalgamated. It is reported on good authority that the Galt Reporter (Conservative) will shortly take over the Galt (Re- form) and amalgamate the two papers. It is understood the amalgamated pa- per will be independent in politics. Galt is not large enough for two good evening papers, and the move is along the lines of business common sense, SOCIETY WOMEN SAY There is nothing to equal SAGEINE in bringing out all the lovinese and beauty of women's hair. SA.(,IEINE softens harsh, dry hair, makes it rich and luxuriant in color and removes every particle of dan- droil± from the scalp. SAGIt'TN11 is daintily perfumed ; it is not sticky or greasy and is really superior as a hair dressing, Any Woman can improve her appearance by caring for her Bair with SAGG1,1NE. A. L. Hamilton sells a large bottle for only 50e and guar - tees it to give exnellent results, Get a bottle of SAG1:INE today. Bring out all the beauty of your hair and note the improvement in your ap. pearance. Lenders Must Register. The "Act respecting Morley Lend- ing," passed at the last session of the Legislature, comes into force on July 1st, It requires the registration of all money lenders with the registrar of loan companies. The fee for regtstra• tion has been fixed by the Govern- ment at $23.00 Any money lender violating to g rho provialous of the .Act ' will incur a penalty of $200, and on I conviction for a second or third of - i fence will he liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months. A corporation 1 atron convrcted of a t3eccllicl Or subsequent offence will be required to lay a fine not exceeding $1,000. Cabbage Worms And Lice. For cabbage worms, a mixture of pyretbrurtn (insect) powder and flour, one pound of the former to four of flour, kept in a close cannister or jar for twenty hours, will give bide pounds of powder that is death to every cater- pillar it falls upon, according to the late Dr. Fletcher, It not only kills by coming in contact with the insecte, but if rains and dews fall upon the plants, the powder makes a liquid which is likewise fatal. For the lar'g. er growers of cabbages, Dr. Pletcher was of opinion that it would pay to get one of the bellows sold by'seeds- men for applying dry insecticides, For those who grow only a few cab- bages, the simpler way is to take about half a pound of the material, p(tt it in a small muslin bag, then tie that with a piece of string to a stick, and let it hang from the end of the stick. With another light stick, tap the bag, and jest enough of the powder will drop on each cabbage to kill all the caterpillars an it. This way is more economical of material than the bellows, but not so economi- cal of time. Some entomologists re- commend Paris green, either dry or nrixeci with water, but Dr. Fletcher considered this dangerous, on account ot the possibility of the poison getting into the center of the cabbage head through the tunnels which the cab- bage worm has a habit of eatiog into the center of the head. For the aphides or plant lice on cabbages, the remedy is spraying with kerosene emulsion or whale -oil soap solution upon the first appearance of the lice. The formula for kerosene emulsion is coal oil 2 gallons, rain water 1 gallon, soap I pound. Boil the soap in the water until all is dissolved, then, while boiling hot, turn it into the kerosene, and churn the mixture constantly and forcibly with a syringe or force -pump for five minutes, when it will be of a irnooth, creamy nature, If the emulsion is perfect, it will adhere to the surface of glass without oiliness, As it cools,• it thickens into a jelly-Iike mass, This gives the stock ernulsion, which must be diluted with nine times its measure of warm water before using on vege- tation. The above quantity of three gallons of emulsion will make 30 gal- lons of wash, Dr. Fletcher used to state that infested cabbages might be dipped in kerosene emulsion before storing for winter. As the eggs are laid in autumn on the leaves of cab- bages and turnips, remnants of these crops should always be plowed down as soon as the crop has been got in. INSECT STINGS AND SUM- MER SORES. Insect bites and stings, blistered feet and sunburn ! These three things, or any one of there, may spoil some days of your vacation, or make your work a bore! Zam-Bak is the remedy you need ! It takes the "burn" out of these reel, inflamed patches where the sun has got home an you ! It eases bad rnoF quito bites, and it soothes and heats blistered fest and hands. In the hot weather young babies suffer greatly f(om heat spots and chafed places. Here, again. Zarn-Bak will give almost instant ease 1 Mothers should always keep Z1m-Buk bandy, and should use Z tm-Buk Soap fur baby's bath. For cuts, burns and more serious skin diseases, such as eczema, blood- poisouing, etc , and for piles, Z tm-Buk is absolutely without, an equal. All druggists and stores 50c box or Z am- 13uk Co., Toronto, Why Price Is High. That feast or famine, the consumer roust pay the price, is the conclusion to be granted from a somewhat start- ling explanation given by J. Ruddick, Dairy Commissioner for the Domin- ion of the price of butter throughout Ontario. Despite the: fact that at this season of the year the cattle are standing knee deep in grass, and that the best possible conditions for milk production and the manufacture of butter prevail throughout the Domin- ion, the price of the commodity has risen several cents a pound and this despite the fact that it is conceded the Dominion at this time of the year is producing sufficient for its own con- eumption. Why, then, should the price rise ? Mr, Ruddick supplies the explanation. Ile says that this is the month when the cold storage men buy up butter to hord against the high price and scarcity of the winter months. The reason, then why the Canadian housewife is paying from three to five cents mare for butter in the banner month of the year is so that the cold storage man may reap the harvest when the commodity is scarce in the winter. Hair quickly Stops Falling Itching Scalp Vanishes Overnight and Dandruff is Abolished. There is one hair tonic that you can put your faith id and that is PARIS - AN SAGE, It stops falling hair. ormoney back. Drives out dandruff or money back, Stops itching scalp, or money back. And W. alcli;ibbon the druggist sou know so well is the roan who sells it, i"AI#,1 S1AN A i S sat C� X.( splendid rid d hair p rears ; dressing it is so daintily erftxtrre and rete ahing that it makes the ecalp feel fine the rr i x nut el ou apply it. It y is used daily by thousands of clever women who realize that PARISIAN SAGE keeps their hair lustrous and fascinating.Ifyou tivehair trtxble s get PARISIAN' SA�E today at J. W. Meltibbon's and druggists every- ; where, Large bottle 60 cents TELE WIN HHAM ADVANCE Seeing; this splendid. range places you under no obliga- tion to buy. We guarantee the "Pandora" just as willinglyasMcClary people because we know its perfec- tions just as thoroughly. 110. Dont's For Wives. "Put these up in your wife's mirror, where she can see them every tnorn- iug," said the Rev. W. W. Bustard, itockefeller;•'s pastor of the Euclid Ave- nue Baptist Church Cleveland, in in- troducing "Ten Don'ts for Wives." His "don'ts" are as follows : 1. Don't rnarry a man for a living, but for love.. Manhood without money is better than money without man- hood. 2. Don't overdress nor underdress ; common sense is .sometimes better than style, 3. A wife with a hobble skirt and a husband with patched trousers make a poor pair. A woman can put more out of a kitchen window with a spoon than a man can put into a cellar with a shovel. 4. Don't think that the way to run a house is to run away from it, It is wrong to go around lecturing other women on how to bring up children while you are neglecting your own. 5. Don't tell your troubles to your neighbors. They have enough of their own, Fight it out with your hasband if it takes all. summer, 6. Don't nag. The saloonkeeper is always glad to welcome your hqsband with a smile. 7. Don't try to get more out of a looking glass than you put into it. Nature's sunshine is better for wo- man's beauty than man's powders and paints. 8, Don't rake gamblers and drunk- ards out of your children by running whist parties for prizes and serving punch with a stick in it. 0. Dou't forget to tell the truth, es- pecially to the conductor about the age of your child ; honesty is worth m ore to you and him than a nickel. A boy who is 8 years old at home and 6 on the cars will soon learn other things that are not so. 10, Don't forget that home is wo- man's kingdom, where Elhe reigns as queen. To be the mother of a Lincoln, a Garfield, of a McKinley' is to be the mother of a prince. HEADACHE is caused from the blood being thick- ened with uric acid poisons circula- ting in the head. Anti Uric Pills cure all forms of kidney trouble. They are so good and so sure A. L. Hamil- ton guarantees thein. Be sure you get Anti Urie Pills. B, V. Marion on every box. The Studebaker Automobile. An interesting development of the automobile situation in the Dominion is the formal entrance of Studebaker Corporation as an active contender for the Canadian trade, The Stude- baker interests are now in control of ' the Walkerville, Ont., plant, formerly t known as the E, M. Company of Canada, and are opening up an agres- sive movement directed not only at . I the trade of the Dominion, but also t toward caring for, to a great extent, the immense foreign automobile busi- ness, which has been, up to date, handled largely from the Detroit plants of the concern, The Canadian business has been entirely reorganized and is now known to the world as the Studebaker Corporation of Canada, Ltd. The American and Canadian plants combined will this year pro- duce and market 50,000 cars of the Studebaker B. Ai, F. "30" and Stude- baker Flanders ''20" types -a total product valued at approximately $50,- 000,000 and unequalled by that of any other manufacturer. Their adver- tisement will be found on page 4. Mr, D. Bell is the agent in Wingha,m for this firm, , Her • T� E �. SOT L PULAR STORE OWHYWINGHAM x W . INT a- A M THURSDAY, JULY 11, X9I2 By F. A. MITCHEL Patience CIoutlnilatt wal$ al young Quaker widuw of Philu(leiphia some 200 year's ago and but twenty-three years of age. Patience's c(nts('I1'n(e Sln(1 heart were so tender that when trite found herself obliged to disappoint of pain any one ,:he stood stock; still, When she inrurried 1';nock (.uo(ltnttn it was its a dutiful maid in obedien 'e to her father's tuauclate. She had pre- ferred Purdue F airwenthe►', but paren- tal authority was all llo t'r'rful in those tltlys, and she did not even encourage kali. When her husband dial, 115 50011 ns It was proper for a roan to alai her to be his srlfe Benediction Turner dill so. 'l'heti c:anle !" atirweathet', just one week later, end gu re her the salute in- vitation. There was no parental nuthority now, for her father was dead end she bud become her own mistress. She found herself obliged to give pain to one of her suitors. Each urged his suit and gave her to understand that if she re- fused him he would seek death. Per - don vowed he would seek it in battle with the Indians. who were lurking near the settlements with hostile in- tent, and Benediction declared that he would turn pirate. Patience was horror stricken at these threats and almost felt it her duty to marry Benediction because by turning prate he would certainly lose his soul, which was far more precious than a marl's life, but she was unable to de- cide upon ally course, so she kept put- ting her lovers off with one excuse aft- er nuotber till they were worn out with delay, while she was worn out with th('tr 1tnpurttlnities. Finally they both agreed that if she Mould telt which of them in her heart She preferred the one whom she did not prefer would abandon the tick' to the other without laying any blame upon her. But it was trot tl matter ot blame from theta. but a disinclination to give either et theta pain. She de- clined to consent to this proposition, but said she wool() pray to be shown her ditty. She prayed, but no sign catne to guile her. One day when she was making can dies her two lovers eatne to her to gc'ther, and Benediction said: "llistress Goodman, by thy indeci- sion thee are giving both at ns pain, whereas if thee would choose one of Us thnt one woutd be happy. We pray thee therefore to ehoose between us. naming that an(' thee would wed." The )vulovt' hen red a deep sigh, hut slid not reply for some time, evidently trying to say sotrlc'thirig and failing. fltulily, taking Ile a '('addle in each hand, she matte the following proposi Um): "Take each of you one of these enn dies, light llietit at the same moment and the one that burns the longest him will I wed." Thnnkful at the prospect of ending the suspense under wWeil they lived. ('11►'1) took .11 el -incite. They had been east its the saline mold and were con sentiently of equal length. Each Ivoulc1 burn from two to throe hours, The widow brought her stool and ttiut and. lighting a blaze, touched it to eneh en mile at the tams') Moment. Tb(11 she told her suitors that when they hod burned to the socket of their eau diesticks she would `orad tor them that they might see with their own eyes which would go out first and that one she would wed. "W'y'e need not fear, Patience," said ft'nedic'tion, "that thee wilt tamper with the ranchos, bemuse thee have only to choose between ns without their deriding for ,you. 'Therefore we may safely leave them in your care." "[int," said Pardon, "we will come in et the end, that he who is favored and he who is not shalt see with hie own eyes." Renediction went to the wood and wollca'0 baek and forth with his hands clasped behind his back, sorely disturb cd by anxiety. During the long pe.. riod of his uncertainty there was uo suspense like this. Pardon went into his libralr'y--there were but two books in it, the Bible and a ropy of Shake- speare's plays --and. taking up the lat• ter, read a few scenes front "Othello." lu this war' each passed the time till be should be summoned to learn his fate. At lust a messenger came fi'om the Widow that the candles were burning ow, and each suitor repaired to the neat kitchen of Dame Goodman, where hey were burning. Benediction turn- ed white at seeing that his candle wast but half an inch long, white that of i its rival was an inch. Pardon's coun- enanee did not chane. hitt he cast a glance aside at the widow. "It Is not meet," groaned flenedie- tioln, "that 1 should remain longer- here, ongerhere, since it is certain that I have lost." Lie went otlt, the widow still keeping her eyes fixed on the floor and her hands clasped on her bosons. Then Pardon 'Vent to the table, look- ed first at one enndle, then at the oth el', and. seeing a few tiny white grains that had been spilled on the dark pol- ished wood, bent tow to See what they were.. w \"iettin a finger, he put It on the groins and touched it to his tongue. i1e .started, his face lighting up with a toot; of great happiness. 'Theo he went to the widow, who stood still bent, and put his arms about her, wh11e her head sank upon his breast, The grates 00 the table were salt. Played ail n Wick salt ceases a candle to burn slower. we GUARANTEE RHEUMO to give entire satisfaction to all then. mule sufferers who age it. Rheumo is so good we have received hundreds of testimonials from prominent peo. pie throughout Canada and Urtited `.ltatep. Re hum() drivesevery particle of utile, acid poisons from m th e blood ood enriching it and rxrins rret xa rsen , Don't allow the disease to go so fax that you at'c a deformity from the tortlxrett and pains it, inflicts. Rheu mo and isyour safeguard r ndA..L,llar,rtnil o gurantees gRheurno to do all that is rnlattned. We have confidence in Ittteirrno or we would not guarantee its WHEN GOING TO MONTREAL, DETROIT, CHICAGO, BUFFALO, PHILADELPHIA OR NewYORK. Travel via Grand Trunk Railway System, the "Only Double Track Route."Excellent trate service and smooth road. bed, Electric lighted Pullman Sleeping cars on night linins. lull information, Tickets, .#erth-te- ae v tions may be obtained fromany Grand Trunk Agent, or write A. b . Duff, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. There are a hundred reaso s why you should live in •Wingham, A few. of them are; --- It is a wide awake town. Has large manufacturing industrial. Good i ailway fa ilities. 1111 taay eltctrio light and power at low prices. Splendid schoole, Good boating atul fishing. A well developed sower system. Abundance of pure water Beautiful maple lined aveuues, Z.'ine Churches. A well equipped hospital. Banks, stores, hotels and offices second to none. Real Estate values firin, SPECIAL TfI3 'WEEK. The residence of Mr Tt:utoh on Shuter Street will be sell right, as the owner has gone to L3am'ztgton. Ritchie & Cosons REM. ESTATE AND INSURANCE G. J. ROSS, D,D.S., LDS. Honor Graduate of the Royal Col1.'ge of Dental Surgeons of. Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER II. E, ISARD & CO'S. STORE O. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Ileal Estate and Money Loaning business. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General. Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OrrIcn IN MCDONALD BLOCK DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OMC/IS-Corner Patrick and Centro streets PHONES-- OlIlces 43 liesidence, l)r. Kennedy 113 Residence, Dr. Calder 1:11 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye:, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eylistes ed. thoroughly tested. Glasses properly DR. ROBT. G. REDMOND M. R. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lona,) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) ARTHUR J. MUM D.D.S., L,1).S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Lieent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office in Macdonald. Block--- WINCii IAM General flospital. (Under Governmea. J Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished Open to all regularly licensed physicians Rates for patients (which inolude board and nursing) -$4.0) to $15.00 por week, according to location of room, For further infortna- tion-Addross MISS L. MSTIIIEWS Suporintonde tl, Box 223. Wingham, Ont). R. VA1JSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at, Iowest rates. OirinoF :-13isavi:r LLoent, WINGfAM. DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham. E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office .-Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840, Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in savable property on the cash or pre xniunn note system. GEO. SLRnuAN, Joni DAvnasoiv President, Secretary. RITCHIE ire COSENS, Agents, Wingham, Ont W. R. I-IAMIILY, i3,Sc., I.B., C. . Special attention paid to diseays of Women and Qhildren, having taken, postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine, Office in the Ken rttsidenoe, b-- tween the Qtteen't1 Hotel and the Baptist Church. All burliness given careful attention. Phone 54, P. 0. Box 118 H. DAVIS Agent for the following Steamship lusts: Thio Allan Lina, the Canadian tor• thorn, the Canard and the Donald- son Ocean Steamship lvairios, Or on Pos'tols'i'xcs oto 1 t WiNoilC.l.g, 1 i 1 1 z._ AGENTS --- AGENTS— LADIES' ROME JOURNAL ROME JOURNAL PATTERNS p I I err & Bird ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR MEN We have just received another shipment of Men's Negligee Shirts, in a host of colors, mostly stripe patterns, all good washers, sizes 14 to 16., our special clearing sale price, only 50c. Natty Neckwear, in the long tubular shape, the kind that slide easy, and tie in small knots. --50c. Men's Summer Hosiery, a host of patterns, also plain black and tans at 2 pairs for 25c, Here's Something New and Inexpensive. EiffelTower Lemonade, put up in 5c pkgs and 10c tin, and its good too. One 5c package makes a quart of Lemonade, just the thing for hot weather. Dalton's Littre Juice and Lemonade in 10c bottles, no trouble to make cool drinks,, simply dilute and sweeten, Fresh Peanut Butter at 20c lb., just the thing for picnics, etc. Try tis for Bulk Pickles, sweet, sour and mustard pickles, the very best on the market. Lipton's Jelly, a delicious desert in Lemon, Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Port ; only 10c. Bee Jelly Powder, all the flavors ; 5c pks. 1 20 lb. sacks of Redpath Sugar, the best for preserving only $1.25 per sack. WOOL! WOOL VANTEO IN LARGE QUANTITIES I am prepared to buy any quantity of Wool and will give the highest price --cash or trade. Our store is full of bargains in all lines. I have Wroxeter Yarns and Blankets and Sheeting, which is superior to the or- dinary make of yarn. AIso Men's and Boys Suits in the latest cuts and weaves. Dress Goods of all kinds, Ginghams, Mus- lins, and all Wash Materials. Ladies' ready-to-wear Wash Skirts, House Dresses, White Waists, Etc. Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children, made of good strong material and will stand lots of wear. I have a large stock of Linoleums ; twelve patterns to select from. Oilcloths and Borders. Rugs of all kinds, Tapestry, Velvets, Wilton's and Aaminsteii's, in Oriental and other styles. Come and see what we have before buying elsewhere. P dlr'ti�W �C.L �L 466.4 .Ya.I WI Ii.itl,14i .1iLte...16h-ibiammeeiseelsisommimmennimmomm u.d All kinds Produce taken ---Potatoes, Beans, Butter, Eggs, Etc. J. A. Mills (Successor to T. A. MILLS) or JroS + O WI N GHAM ii