HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-07-04, Page 84 I Only line reaching all Summer Resorts in highlands of Ontario, incluking .M.USKOKA LAKES, LAKE OF BAYS, ALGONQUIN PARK, MAGANETA, WAN RIVER, FRENCH RIVER, TEMe AGAML KAWARTHA LAKES. Full Summer Service now in effect to all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and illustrated folders to any O. T. Agent FIONIESEEKERS EXCURSIONS July 9 end 23. and every second Tuesday therSet.eafter until t. 17, ItItt S'arnia or Chicago. Winnipeg and return $34,00, Edmonton and return $42.00. Tickets good for sixty days. Special train will leave Toronto 10.30 p.m. on above dates, Throngit Coaches and Vullman Tourist Sleeping Cars, via Chicago and St. Paul, NO CitA.NCIE OF CARS For literature, tickets and full informa $ tion call on S. YOUNG, Depot Agent ?ow+. w.."....~...........0...".~....................................^....,,,, TENDERS WANTED. Separate tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Friday, July 5th, 1912, for the following works, viz: - 1st. Patting in cement steps and other. cement repairs around the Town 2nd. Eavetrouehing froat and back of Town Hall. Tenders to state price per foot for trough and conducting pipes. 3rd. Painting outside of Town Hall, glazing and repairing windows, and re- pairing back Ettepa. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. JNO, F. GROVES Town Clerk. Wingham, June 24, 1912. ezo immommansommomm HOME STUDY Thousands of ambitious young people are being instructed in their homes .by our Home Study Dept. Von may finish at College if you desire. Pay when- - "ever you wish. Thirty Years' Exper- ience. Largest trainers in Canada. Enter any day. Positions guaranteed. If you wish to Favo board and learn ▪ while you earn, write for particulars. NO VACATION WINCHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE' ▪ GEO. SPOTTON CHAS. BURNS President ,Principal 4:: f9iiifii**4ititr4V-444-4V-44'n RENVED I • MAXWELL'S OLD STAND kir a; OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON I WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO • HAVE OUR PATRONS AND • THE PUBLIC GENERALLY VISIT US THERE 7k LADIES' AND GENTS' TAI- LORING IN THE LATEST STYLES A CALL SOLICITED SATISFACTION GUARAN- TEED THE UNDERSIGNED HAS REMOVED TO E. C. WHITE! 444144-444-44444. 4. 4. 4* 4144444i iirtd�t�'t�i�+a'li`�c��e�Yr�r'�'Y��lie'te� M 'amen.- iss , WWWW., Last wawanos h. THE FRUIT SEASON IS Al RAND AND SUGAR WILL LIICELY ADVANCE Our price this liveelc'' is $5.75 per hundred for Redpath's Granulated. TRY US FOR YOUR TEA AND COFFEE ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED YOURS FOR PURE FOOD W. BONE CENTRAL GROCERY 'PHONE 113 §NukomwmmmommvmmvxmAinwA Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at P5 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Scobeli Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont, Y..4••••••••101.11 CHRISTIE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 004.11 JACOB'S (BLYTH) BERRIES WHILE THEY LAST Hoibrookes' Malt Vinegar We can strongly recommend this Vinegar, both from experience in its use andalso by the testimony of many of our customers. Rep. Quart Bottles, 20e, Have got it also on tap. Try HolbrookesSardines lOe and 15e Per Tin We believe there is no better Sardine on the market. We've sampled them and find them ahead of most kinds. They are put up in the very best of oil, Nothing better for a quick lunch THIS IS THE TEA AND COFFEE STORE , . . Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs Wanted. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY • .11111011.1iNIIINI N 441.61114.41 UPPER LAKES DOMINION DAY NAVIGATION Steamers leave Port McNicoll Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 p.m. for SAULT STE. MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM The Steamer Manitoba, sailing from Port, McNicoll Wednesdays will call at Owen Sound leaving that point 10.30 p.m. Steamship Express • leaves Toronto 12,45 p.m. on sailing days making direct connection with Steamers at Port. McNieoll SLNGLE FARE 3thewaeen EuXat(11(1)31crdin 074) agtin 20, July 1, Return Limit, July 3. (Minimum Rate of 25c) llotneseekers' Excursions June 25, July 9 and 23, and very Second Tuesday until Sept. 17. inclusive. WINNIPEG and RETURN $34.00 EDMONTON and RETURN - $42.00 Proportionate rates to other points. Return limit, 60 days. THROUGH TOUIST SLEEPING CARS Ask. nearest C.P,R. Agent for Homeseek- ors Pamphlet Jux4Y 10'ila TO 20TH, 1012 TICKETS AND FULL INFORMATION FROM ANY C, P. R. AGENT Aeawamiammomummummveimmemom 1 111111111W111111111M8511% Our cream waggons' are now on the road. If you have not been called upon, let us know and we will place you on one of our routes. We are paying 26 cts. per lb. fat for this week. For next week we pay 25 cts. For further particulars apply to Wm. Davies CLiznite:. o CREAMERY KENT BLOCK The Council met in Belgrave. June 21th ; all the members present ; min- utes of last meeting read and con- firmed, Communication from Engineer Fuce In reference to amended report on the Toll drain received, Me. Puce also insisted on his resignation as Tp. Engineer being accepted,, having given up his practice in this part of the country. Resignation accepted and a By-law was read and passed appointing Chas, D. Campbell of Galt, Engineer for the Tp„ under the Ditches & Watercourses Act, D. A. Dunbar was present asking the Council to have the north branch of the Hallahan drain cleaned out as soon as possible, Moved by Scott and sec'd, by Burchill that Dunbar's application be complied with and that the clerk be instructed to have the necessary by-law in connection with this matter prepared for next meeting of Council—carried, Campbell—Burchill—That the Reeve and Couns. Scott and Stonehouse be instructed to view immediately both the 10th line and Marnoch river bridge sites, and further that they also pre- pare plans and specifications and call for tenders for the building of addi- tional bridges at approaches to the above mentioned bridges—carried. The following accounts were order- ed to be paid :—Wrn. Wightman, salary as assessor, $65; P. W, Scott and J. N. Campbell attendance at County Council re bridge matters, $5 each; John McCreight, cedar posts, $4.00 ; S. Young, straightening road, sideline 39 and 40, con, 10, and repair- ing culvert, con. 11, $17.75 ; R. B. Mc- Gowan, repairing washout con, 3, $13 80 ; John T, Coultes, drawing tile and putting in culverts cons, 7, 8 and 0, $7 ; A. Porterfield, rent of road al- lowance con. 9, $2 ; The Municipal World, supplies, $2.55 ; Robt. Shiell, 112 yards of gravel, $11.20; Henry Cade, 146 yards of gravel, $14.60. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, July 8th, at one o'clock. The engineer's report on the Toll drain will be read and considered at this meeting. A. Porterfield, clerk, Belmore. Miss Bax left for Stratford Satur- day, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johann visited friends in Brussels last Saturday. Mrs. Bremner visited friends in Teeswater on Wednesday of last week. Miss Annie McGrogan of Toronto is spending a few weeks under the parental roof. Jas. Merkley is busy in this neigh- borhood sawing wood, Mr. Wm, McKee had about 70 cords cut last week, Rev. Mr. Collis preached a, very touching and helpful sermon on Sun- day night to a good congregation ; it was his farewell. Mrs. Wm. Edwards entertained the school children on Friday afternoon to many selections on the phonograph which were much enjoyed, Mr. and Mrs. Appleby, sr,, visited friends here last week ; we are glad to . see them able to be out again after their long illness during the winter, On Saturday last Mr. W. McGrogan was notified that he had been appoint- ed postmaster in Belmore, and the office will be moved to the new stand in a few days. We are glad to hear that Charlie Chillick of Teeswater, formerly of this place, has so far recovered from his serious accident as to be able to resume his duties. Quite a number from here attended the very large barn raising at Mr. Renwick's on Wednesday of last week. Everything went well ; no accidents happened ; about three hundred men, women and children were present. We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Henry Marshall, who died on Wednesday of last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. Metcalfe, The funeral took place on Saturday to the Wroxeter cenaetery, Sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved family, Brussels. There were 8 or 10 garden parties, picnics and entertainments on the pro- gram last week within a radius of ten miles from Brussels. Mrs. (Rev.) Oaten, Miss Beryl and Beverly left for their cottage at Hut- ton, Muskoka, on Saturday. They will be away during July and August. Reeve Leckie has gone on a business trip to the West, He will visit. Win- nipeg, Regina, Edmonton and other points and will be absent three or four weeks. East Huron Agricultural Directors met last. Saturday in the Council Chamber and spent several hours planning for the Fall Fair, which wilt be held in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, October 3 and 4. The case of Sinclair vs. Querin was an appeal by plaintiff from the judgment of the County Court of Huron of April 23, 1012. An action by plaintiff for $500 damages for injuries sustained by being thrown out. of defendant's hotel by defendant. At the trial the action was (Unbiased with caste, Appeal dismissed with costs. A. Rutledge and Chas, Workman caught a mammoth blitek bas in the Maitland here above the clam, Taos. day evening abdut 7 o'clock, that measured 80 inehes and weighed 10 pounds. It put up a great fight and it was too easy job to land it, In fact it had to be dispatched with a Pitch fork before it could be taken from the water as It snapped viciously at Its taptor*,- THE WINGRAM ADVANCE Whitechurch, A large number attended the Catho- lic picnic at; St, Augustine On MondaY, Mrs, W, Treleaven and family of Lucknow spent Dominion, Day at the home of Mrs. Millar in the village, The :yonng people of the Presby- torial1 choir' held a picnic to Silver Lake on Saturday, and had a pleasant outing. The Epworth League visited the Epworth League at Brick church last Wednesday evening and had a social time. . Mr, Taylor of the Bible Society gave his illustrated lecture "A Trip through Canada with the Bible Society," in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening last. Rev. J. A. Walker preached his farewell sermon on Sunday evening last. He left on Tuesday for his home in Exeter, where he will remain a short time before entering college. The public schools closed last Friday for the holidays ; both scholars and teachers are enjoying a rest. Miss Cassie McDonald will continue to teach in No. 10, Kinloss, and Miss Cayler in No, 14 Wawanosh, Mr. Asquith of Auburn was in the village on Monday looking over the Producer gas plant .here with a view to putting in a similar one in Auburn. The Whitechurch plant after many backsets is no‘v in first class order p,nd giving good service. Several farmers around here are putting in s ubstantial improvements this summer. Harry and Leask Mc. Gee have each built a fine cement silo. Win, Purdon is building a drive - house with a cement basement under, F. Henry has raised his large barn and is putting a fine high wall and modern stables under it, and is putting a galvanized roof on part of the build- ing. S. G. Holmes has raised his barn and is putting a cement wall and stables under ; he also has put on a galvanized roof, Geo. King has built a new barn on a cement basement into which he is putting modern stables. T. Gaunt has put cement stables under his barn. Chas, Martin is building a fine barn on his farm on the 10th, Mr. Henderson is busy getting ready for the postoffice. He has moved the office up to the street door, where it will be more convenient for the public. We understand that Mr. H, took exception to our remarks re the change in the postoffice last week, but we wish to assure him that no offence was intended, If he reads the article carefully, he will see that there is not the slightest reflection cast on either him or Mr. Patterson, The item was aimed at the politicians who amuse themselves slapping at each other like school boys in the matter of removing country post. offices Morris. The next meeting of Morris Council will be held July 29th, Miss Bessie Watson is holidaying with relatives in Chatham. Misses Amanda and Stella Nethery purpose taking a trip West next week,m and Mrs. Jno. Watson spent Dominion Day with friends at Lon- desboro. Miss Hulds, Rutledge of the 3rd line is under the doctor's care with blood -poisoning. Mr. Jos, Miller 3rd line has bad his residence beautified by a coat of paint and two verandahs. Mr. Robt, Maguire lost a very fine thoroughbred cow one day last week ; she died very suddenly. Miss Stella Nethery of Cookstown is spending a few days at her home, 3rd line, before going West. W. Leonard McCutcheon, who is studying dentistry in Philadelphia is home on a visit to his parents on the 6th line, We regret that Mr, Robt. McMur- ray has been under the physician's care for the past few weeks, We hope for a full recovery. Mrs, Chas, Birney and Mrs. A, Mc- Avoy of Exeter, also Miss Lois Birney of Windsor are visiting the former's sister, Mrs, Harry Hopper, 3rd line Morris. That was a serious loss that came to Richard Proctor last week. One of his best horses, for which he had re- fused $250, was found in afield with its leg fractured. As there were no marks of other injury on the animal, it ,is mystery how the accident happened. The valuable animal had to be killed, The Garden party for Trinity Church, Belgrave, at W. G. Nich'ol- son's was an immense success. There was a large attendance and an en- joyable time ; the ladies supplied plenty of eatables, the programme was good, and the Band from Wing - ham gave plenty of good music. $120 was taken at the gate, and $80 over the counter at the booth. Mr. Nichol- son made everything as pleasant as possible for his guests. St. Helens, Mrs. Robt, Woods and Miss Winnie I are spending a week with friends in Stanley. Miss Ruby Taylor of Guelph is spending her vacation with her grand- father, Mr. Wm, Humphrey of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs, Retry Woods spent Sunday last with the latter's mother, and father, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. jobb of Wingham. We are glad to report that Mr. Jack Webster is improving after his serious Illness. Mr. Webster has had blood poisoning in his band and on Sunday last had to have one of his fingers amputated, belt he is no* feeling bettet. Turnberry. Connell met in Clerk's office, 13lue vale, on Monday, June 21.th ; members all present; minutes of last and special meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Wheeler and Ruth- erford, M cRurney—Wheeler—That By-law No, 15, 1012, be read and finally passed —earried, Wheeler—Rutherford—That $20 be granted for sidewalks at Behoove— carried, Council decided to pay 8 cts, per yard for gravel, McBurney—Rutherford — That tile be granted James McTavish to lay a drain for 50 rods on 5th con. side load —carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued —Canada Ingot Iron Co., iron tile, $3 t,80 ; a Merkley, gravel, $2 50; S. Marshall, drawing iron tile from Wroxeter, $2; Wm. Elliott, tile, $10 00; James Porter, drain acrosaroad cons. 10, 11, $5 ; Geo. S. Cruickshank, repairing culvert W. T, P., $7 50. Election June 8th—Wm. S. King, $10; John W. King, $10 ; Alex. McPherson, $10 ; David Wal- lace, $10. John Burgess, drawing By- law and Returning Officer's fees, $10 ; A. Cleghorn, livery delivering ballot boxes, $2 50; Stephen King, refund statute labor, $4 ; John Abram, grant sidewalks, Behnore, $20 ; Robt.. An- clerson, gravel and damages, $5 IO; John Smith, balance inspeting Jobb's bridge, $7,50 ; McKinnon Bros., bal- ance approach Jobb's bridge, $98 45 ; McKinnon Bros., filling at. Zetlaud side road, $9,50, ' Council adjourned to meet Monday, July 20th at 10 a. m. The adjourned meeting of Court of Revision was opened at 2 45 p.m. June 24th; members of Court all present. The following changes were made in Roll :—N. H. Telephone Co, assess- ment stands ; James Elliott, dog assessed, bitch struck off. The Court of Revision there closed and the As- sessment Roll as amended is the Roll for the current year. John Burgess, Clerk. Salem. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Bolt are visiting friends at Woodstock. • Mr. and Mrs, Win, McKersie spent the holiday with friends at Hamburg. A number from here took in the sport's in Wroxeter on Dominion day. Mr. J. J. Weir of Clinton Collegiate Institute returned home for his holi- days, Mr, Wm, Abraham spent a few days last week with friends in Was wanosh, Miss Gertie Bush visited friends around Teeswater a couple of days last week, Thomas Abraham of Morris called on his brother, Wm. Abraham one day last week, Mrs, Hugh McTavish, who resides near Stratford spent the holiday with friends around here. Mr. and Miss Wright from near Lakelet called on Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McIntosh last Sunday. Miss Ballagla from near Guelph is at present visiting -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Higgins, There was a large crowd out to hear Rev. R. E, Collis preached his fare- well sermon last Sunday. Mr. Thos. Hoperaft's mother and his two sisters from near Toronto spent the holidays with him. Robert McMichael purchased a; fine 3 -year-old colt from Wm. Mines to re- place the one he recently lost. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Palmer visited Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dane of the 14th con,, Howick, one clay recently. Ed. .Taques and his sister, Miss Elsie of Lakelet vicinity also Miss Goodfellow of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher last Sunday. The Ladies' Aid will hold a garden party on Mr. Albert Gallaher's lawn on Tuesday evening, July 9th. Tea served from 6 to 8, There Will be a booth on the ground. The Winghazn Citizens' Band will furnish the music. Come and enjoy a good time. Blyth. Rev. Mr. Fear delivered his farewell sermon in the Methodist Church here on Sunday evening last, and the fol- lowing week took up his charge at Highgate. Mr. Levi Lott of Wingham was in town last week. He had been in the vicinity for a few days purchasing horses. Ile picked up a few light ones back of Auburn. One morning recently, while Mr. J. Caldwell was bringing the cows up from the pasture, he saw a dear in Mr. Rouse's field, Something very unusual in this vicinity. North and South Huron and West Bruce Orangensen are invited to as. semble at Blyth on July 12th, 1012, to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, The pro. cession will form on the Agricultural grounds at one o'clock p.m. and pro. ceed to the grove at the south of the tovA, where addresses will be given by the following gentlemen :—Dr, Milne, 13,2017i) of Blyth ; Bro. T. Stesse, art, County Master of North Huron ; Rev, Croly, County Chaplain ; A. B, Musgrove, M. P. 1'.; James Boesrnan, 1\f, P. ; Mayor Spotton of Wingham ; Rev. Cooper, of Milverton ; Revs. Os- terhout and rearcey, Londesboro ; Rev. Parr, Blyth. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphotioi restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension restores 'Om and vitality. Premature ddettV and MI0411001 weakness Averted at once. Phoiphondl will Make you a new Men, Prietle II L1014 Or. two for COailed any arldtesii. 10,011004)011 Until 111,9It,C1111101111000egkit E3iuewile, Next Sunday Rev, J. E, (look will preach to Bluevale Orange Lodge in the Methodist church at 10 30. Visit - log brethren cordially invited. The Garden party on the Methodist Church lawn last Wednesday was a decided success. The Wingham Cit i. zeas Baud did excellent service, and the evening was very much enjoyed. The receipts together with that xe ceived from the autograph quilt Made by the Willing Workers, amounted to over $200 for the Society, Surely the ladies are rightly named "Willing Workers." WANTI411), Two bright-, srnait young men, to learn the I7pheleter- Apply to Walker & Winghans, "The nderstudy of the Sun." 312 W. R. IIAMBLY, Z.D,, 0,Y, Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Bar- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54, P. 0. Box 118 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The undersigned will let on the ground the contract of putting in a tile drain, known as the McKenzie— Colvin drain, about two miles in length, commencing at lot 22 and ending on lot 17, cons. 4 and 5, Cul- ross, on Tuesday, July Nth, at 2 o'clock p.m. Constructed under the Drain- age. Act, Contractor to furnish all material, Plans and specification can be seen at the Clerk's office in Tees - water at any time, Kenneth McKenzie, inspector, George Falconer, Reeve, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up till. July 5th, for improv- ing Holmes' School House, S. B. No. 6. Turnberry, as follows : — Galvanized roof, storm windows, painting walls and ceiling, and other minor repairs, work to be done by August 15th. Further information can be had from Trustees. Lowest or other tender not necessarily accepted. .Tames Snell 1iidward -Tenkins 43-14 Win. S. King. NOTICE OF CLOSING We, the undersigned Solicitors, of the TOM', of Wingham, hereby agree to close our offices during the months of July and August as follows:—On each week day, except Saturday, at 4 p.m., and on Saturday at 1 p.m. Dudley Holmes J. A. Morton R. Vanstone 'WI .111 USINESS AND SI -1.0 TN:HAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the e_ed&treL.,enee Y. M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to position College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt 3, W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartercd Aceountalii. 13 Vice -Principal I.eillting6111011410211 BETTER COME AND SEE WHAT 2 CTS. WILL BUY, THIS WEEK A T MARSHALL'S se, toe, 15c and 250 STOR1 Lammiesvearionitatatiniationi a. 2 2I 'A .1( I 4. 1 0, p. THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1912 e*reee'SSes,Se GOING TO TAKE A TRIP? IF SO YOU SHOULD HAVE A SUIT CASE OR TRUNK BORROWING IS POOR BUSINESS Especially when you can buy so cheap. For instance --WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH A SUIT CASE OF GOOD AP- PEARANCE FOR $1.35 BETTER ONES ALL THE WAY UP TO $6.50 EXCELLENT VALUES IN TRUNKS Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE 1•100#1.- *V•"•'•i • ' ' • • • • • FOR LADIES 20 Lades' Long Coats On Sale This Week In light fawns, greys, blues and blacks, sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, semi fifting styles ; Sale Price for this week, $8.25. Regular $10, 312, $15 Coats. 15 Ladies' Short Coats In fawns and blacks, all sizes in neat styles. Regular $8.50 and $10.00. Sale Price $5.75. Summer Wash Goods In Indian Head Suitings, colors, linen, pale blue, mauve, rose. Regular 15c yd. Sale Price, 11c. HANNA St CO. Sole Agency floute of Hobberlin, Limiteclo