HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-06-27, Page 8Ai LWA .,, 1.a' DOMINION DAY Siusie Fa.'e For Round Trip Between all Stations ilk Canada Qood going June 28, 29, 30, July 1, Return limit July 3, 1912. (Minninwurn rate 25c) -rammiwwww.vaNar... �$E FRUIT SERSON IS AT RAND AND I1OMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS July 9 and 23, and every second Tuesday thereafter until Sept. 17, via ;carnia or Edmonton,andniretgandurn $42.00. return 1 Tickets good for sixty days. Special train Will leavo Toronto 10.30 p.m. on above nates. Through Coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cara, via Chicago and St. Paul.. NO CHANGE OF CALLS tion For literature, tickets and full informs S. YOUNG, Depot Agent r mho mmo SUGAR WILL LIKELY ADVANCE Our price this week is $5.75 r r Granulated. x; TRY US FOR YOUR LI TEA AND COFFEE y; ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WA,N'TED T. ,R WING -WAIT Belrnore. Polonats Whitechurch.Whitechurch. Geo, Mooney of Ripley was in town on Monday. aseew Willis McCormick of Arthur epeut � .K� Sunday to town. Mrs, Rich of London is visiting Wingham friends, Miss Snyder of Elora is assisting in the G. N. W. Telegraph office. 1. per hundredor apats R d h' 4 TINDERS WANT.PD. Separate tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Friday, July 5th, 1912, for the following works, viz: - 1st. Putting is cement steps and fi other cement repairs around the Town e H 41. Zia i, Eavetrotushiag front arid back of Tawa Hall. Tenders to state prion r per foot for trough au 1 conducting pipes. 3rd. Painting outside of Town Hall, glazing and repeiriug windows, and re - YOURS FOR PURE FOOD . BONE pairing book steps. CENTRAL GROCERY The Iowest or any tender not neoes- a Eerily accepted. JNO. F. GROVES 'If.titiMMNIAMWYMt Town Clerk. 'PHONE 113 Wingham, Jane 24, 1912. Miss Edith Buchanan has returned from a visit with Toronto friends. Miss Levis of Clinton is the guest of her brother, Mr, Lavis, of town. Mrs. Grisdale spent a few days last week visiting friends in Stouffville. Town Clerk Groves and family spent Sunday with :friends at Acton. Misses Florence Imlay and Ada Plaines are home from Stratford Nor- mal School. k Miss Lydia Kew visited Mrs. AIvie A. Fleming at Ward's Island, Toronto for a few days. .1� „ Capt. and lYlrs. Rock, formerly of the S. A, Corps here, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Law, k- Mr. Percy Greer of Winnipeg was in town on Wednesday, renewing former friendships. Mr, Sam. Greer of New York, re- -1 Dr. de Van's Female Pills STUDY Thousands or ambitious young people are being instructed in their homes by our Home Study Dept Yon may finish alt College if you desire. Pay when - over you wish. Thirty Years' Exper- irmee. Largest trainers in Canada. 1 Anter any clay. Positions guaranteed. 11 you wish to Faye board and learn while you earn, write for particulars. NO 1.rAOATIoN WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE • GEO. SPOTTON CHAS. BURNS President Principal .. Till 4 '�� vi RE 0 ED j THE UNDERSIGNED HAS REMOVED TO MAXWELL'S OLD STAND OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON 4. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO ' t HAVE OUR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY VISIT US THERE t LADIES' AND GENTS' TAI- LORING IN THE LATEST v STYLES A GALL SOLICITED SATISFACTION GUARAN- TEED T E. C. SHITE A reliable French regulator; never fails. These phis are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de van's aro sold at r.i a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Scotch Drug Co., St, Catharines, Out, CHRISTIE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 ANOTHER DROP IN SUGARI THIS WEEK Holbrnokes' Malt Vinegar We can strongly recommend this Vinegar, both from experience in its use and also by the testimony of many of our cut -homers. Rep. Quart Bottles, 20o. Have got it also on tap. Try Hororookes' Sardines IDc and I5c Per Tin We believe there is no better Sardine on the market. We've sampled thein and fled them ahead of most kinds. They are put up in the very best of oil. Nothing better for a quick lunch THIS IS THE TEA AND COFFEE STORE Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs Wanted. —_�— C RAILWAY UPPER LAKES � DOMINIONCANADIAN PACIFI DAYCANADIAN PACIF GLE FARE NAVIGATION ' Between all stations in Canaria. Port Ar- thur and Nast. Goad Going June 28, 29, Steamers leave Port BZcNfccll Monde s ` 20, July 1, Return Limit, Jury 3. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays ' " (Minimum Rate of 250 and Saturdays at 4 p.m. for - Iiomeseekers' Excursiolns SAULT STE. MARIE, PORT ARTHUR June FORT WILLIAM _ uno July 9 and and very Second Tuesday until Sept.t17, inclusive. WIEDMONTONaandRETURN E' RETURN - $42.00 542.00 Proportionate rates to other points, THHROUGHeturn TOUIST SLC$P1NO CARS .Ask nearest C.P.tt. Agent for Iiomeseeli.- Makinr direct connection with ors Pamphlet Steamers at Port lVi y WXNNIPxjG �!%X-IIII3ITION, Tti 1OTxr To 20Tir, 101:1 AMIMMISOMinianiniiiiiiNaMMEN TICKETS AND F (ILL INFORM The Steamer Manitoba, sailing from Port MoNicoll Wednesdays will call at OwenSound leaving that point 10.30 p.m. Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12.4,1 p.mn. on sailing days . � n z b or MeNicoll 1 our cream 'waggons are now on the road. If you have not been caped upon, let us know and we will place you on one of our routes. We are paying 26 cts, per lb. fat for this week. For next week we pay 25 cts. • dor further particulars apply to Dn co.m. mitAh.ob, LimitedCREAN ERYKENT BLOCK cent of Ireland, called on his couein, W, J. Greer, this week, Miss Mabel Shiell of Toronto is at- tending her brother Herb's wedding on Wednesday this week, Mrs. Kew, sr., is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Walk= of Sault Ste Marie. Mr, and Mrs. G. L. Thompson of Toronto spent Sunday with the tat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coulter, of town, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clegg are on a trip to England. They sailed with Miss Mathews on the Royal George, on Tuesday last. Mr. J. S. Cunningham of Paris, a district organizer of the Loyal True Blue Association, is in town this week assisting the local lodge here. Mr. Match of Shuter street left for Leamington on Monday, where he has secured a good situation. His family expect to remove in a few weeks. Mt'a, Wan, Lowry is visiting in OL'illita, Miss Bax, teaches', leaves for ford on Satin day. Mrs, Wrn, Edwards and ch visited friends in Listowel and last week. Miss Gertrude and Master Miller spent a few days in Fo last week. Mrs. Gibson of Hamilton 1 guest of her son, Rev. Mr, Gib the manse. Mrs. Newton's many friends ar to hear that she is convalescing her serious illness. Mr. H. Thompson, a former chant, will resume business after 1st, in the store occupied by Mr. COX, Mr. and Mrs. Mulvey, Wing attended the funeral of the late EJali on Saturday, and spent Su at bIr. John Mulvey's. Promotion exams, were held i school last week, and the boys girls are looking forward with anticipation to the coming holidays. Sacrament will be held at McIn- tosh's Church next Sunday morning. The preparatory service will be ducted by Rev, Mr. West of Blue The funeral of the late Mrs. Hall of Detroit who was for years a resident here passed through on Saturday on its way to McIntosh burying -ground. Confirmation services were held in the Catholic Church at Teeswater on Saturday, and in Formosa on Sunday by his Lordship Bishop Dowling of Ramiltou. Many children from our village and vicinity were candidates. Mr. B. A. Hiscox is busy packing his stock prior to his removal from our village. Much regret is expressed that this has had to take place as during his short stay Bert has by his genial. and obliging ways made many warm friends. There are rumors that our village is to be improved by the addition of side- walks. Messrs. Findlater & Abraham went to Bluevale to interview Coun- cil regarding it. We devoutly hope these rumors may be a glad certainty before the summer ends. Wends Mr, Wan. ! errie, her son Sanittel and bis wife from fattleford, were stmt. the guests of Mr. and Mise Ferris of the 2a.d for a few .days, They called wren on several of their old acquaintances Gorrie in, the village and vicinity and left on Tuesday for Olinton and Goderich.. Harry Mrs, Ferrie, sr,, will be remembered by many, as oho and her husband once r°°osa lived in the little log house on the hill s the just above where the creamery now stands. Over 30 years ago they went son at West, and have prospered with that country ever siuce. e glad Mrs. Thomas liirehonse, Mr. John from and Miss Pearl left on Tuesday for the West, where they will spend a few met.- months with the rest of the family, July who have made that country their His- home. Their many friends wish them a pleasant trip. bar', Rev, J. A. Walker will preach hie Mrs. farewell sermon in the Methodist nday Church next Sunday. Mr. Walker made many friends in the circuit dur- ing his year's ministry, and they ate all sorry to lose hirn. He leaves the circuit in a much better condition than be found it, although his pre decessor did much in the same Hue, as two years ago the circuit was in a very fair way toward becoming extinct. Oqe thing Mr. Walker n our and glad con - vale, through the medium of the League Eliza demonstrated clearly was, that the many The Belmore branch of the man's Institute held a very succes eating in the Forester's Hall Wednesday afternoon, the 10th i he local president, Mrs. Wm. Low cupied the chair in a. very able m r, Miss I-elen McMurchy of Har- ston gave a very inspiring and ructive address on "Social Resp bilities" which was listened to w plisses Edith Freeman and Margaret m Irwin spent last week visiting the T latter's cousins Mr. and Mrs. W. R. oc Farrier, 12th con,, West Wawanosh. ne Mrs. Jos. Bowman and family re- ri moved to Cobalt this week, where Mr. st Bowman has a paying position. We si �Vo- sful on net. ry, an - are sorry to lose this fine family from ra our town. si Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lott are now so living in Binscartli, Manitoba. Will. by ought to do well but there ; the West an wants good, energetic, industrious young men. rec roc • Mr. Gus. A. Schmidt came home th from Victoria hospital, London, *last ser week, somewhat improved. His fel- ho low citizens will be pleased to see him soc fully restored. mo young people of any congregation could enjoy the healthiest kind of social evenings, where they enjoyed themselves thoroughly without either dances or kissing games. The games, which were used, were calculated to bring out and develop the mind and the speaking powers of those taking part. A Mock Parliament was the leading feature of the evenings, Oa Monday morning hast as our genial Postmaster was sorting the morning mail he noticed a letter from the Department to himself, On open- ing it he found it to contain the cheer- ing news that the office was about to be moved back to its old stand in Henderson's store, from whence those wicked Grits took it about 15 years ago. While no one objects to Mr. Henderson as postmaster, still every one feels sorry that Mr. Patterson, who has been a faithful servant and very obliging in the discharge of his duties, should lose it just because he happens to be identified with the side that is out. Oh Politicians, where is your boasted greatness ; playing ball with a two or three hundred dollar postoffice, that can be moved up and down the street in a clothes basket. M in- Bluevale. on- James Masters is recovering from ith his late illness. pt attention. Miss McKague, p dent of the Teeswater Institu as present and gave many help ggestions to this young. A readi Mrs. Arkell, song by Miss Cly d others, a, dialogue, recitations a. ngs by the school girls were all w eived. After the completion e program a dainty lunch ved by the members and a soc ur spent. The membership of ,t iety was increased by many ne tubers. re- te, Mrs. Sanderson of Toronto has come NI to Bluevale for the summer, ng Several from Bluevale will attend ne, the garden party at Eadies' on July nd 3vd. ell Mr. West attended the meeting of of the Presbytery at Wingham on Tues- ivas day. Tal The garden party given by the con - be gregation of Knox Church was a w decided success ; $115 was realized. Mrs. Brigham, who has resided with R her niece, Miss Houghton for some for time past, will spend the summer with 40% friends in Hensall, Goderich and else- for where. Miss Houghton is at present Tot staying at the residence of Mr. Cas- 597. sels, Minnie street. Quite a pleasant party of Wingham people left to -day (Wednesday) for a trip to the West. They were—Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Isbister and daughter, also Mrs. Scott, sister of Mr. Isbister. They go by boat from Port McNichol. The Advance wishes them a pleasant trip and safe return. Miss Mathews, superintendent of the Hospital is away on a ten -weeks' trip to Europe. She had the oppor- tunity of acting as chaperone for two wealthy ladies, who pay all her ex- penses, Her Wingham friends wish her a pleasant trip and safe return. In the meantime, Miss Myrtle Imlay is in charge, and is proving very effective. Jamestown. Quito a number from here took ad- vantage of the Model Farm excursion 011 Saturday. Dr. W. E. Bryans and bride of Carmangay, are here on their honey- moon and are receiving the congratu- lations of Many old friends. A quiet and pretty wedding wa8 eport of promotion exatninatio Belmore. Marks required to pa in each subject and 60ee of tots honors 75% :—Sr. 3rd to �. 4c al 700. Honors—Fate Lawren EllaL+-'aket 576, John Lawren 574, George Marshall 558, Grace Re don 555, Gertrude Miller 528, Blanch Irwin 526, Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd. Tot 600. Honors—Emanuel Marshall 47 Harry Miller 474. Pass—George Lun 426, Nicholas Willie 403, Stella RP well 300, Alex. Kirby 382, Della Lyn 372. Sr. 2nd to Jr, 3rd. Total 60 Honors --Mildred Baker 5411, Murra Mulvey 504, David Marshall 48 Irwin Edwards 453. PASS —Edna Ros well 376. Jr, 2ad to Sr. 2ad. Tota 550. honors -- Alberta Baker 482 Margaret McGrogan 474, Agatha Wil lie 428. Pass—Matthew Shiestel 402 James Weishar 300, Edward Mc Grogan 364, Mary Lynet 356, Kathlee Lynet 334. Pt. 2nd to Jr. 2nd—Gor- don Mulvey. Sr. lst to Pt. and— Mary Baker, Clayton Newans Ger trude Willie, Samuel Marshall, Bohn Eaket, Vera Lynet, Kate Shiestel Eva Stokes,—Annie ba. Bax, Teacher. Salem. • A number from around here took is the excursion to the Model Farm Iast Saturday., Rev. W. J. West and Mrs. Welt ns visited with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. -Dob- ss son on Friday. Mr. West assisted at 1; the preparatory communion service h. at Gorrie and Fordwich the same day. ce Children's Day was observed in the ce Methodist Church, Bluevale, last Sun- d- day afternoon, when an excellent e missionary programme was rendered al in a very able manner by the three 7, schools of the circuit, consisting of d solos, duets, recitations, orchestra s- music, etc. The address, given by et i%ft. Arthur Shaw, superintendent of 0. the Johnston's School, "On the Effects Y of Sin on the Life," was listened to 0, with much interest and profit. Brief addresses were also given by Mr. %V. 1 Hall and Mr. Wm. Soueh, superinten- dents of I3luevale and Browntown Schools. The programme was in . charge of the pastor, Rev. J. E. ' Cook. .A liberal offering was receiv- n ed by the schools for missions. St. Helens. Road work is the order of the day. Mr. John Barbour is visiting friends Mt' near here solemnized on Wednesday, June 12th, bI „ r at Cloverdale Farm," the home of S. and Mrs. Snell, when their second be visite v daughter, Miss d'eaan, was united in oe, a marriage to W. M. McDonald of oer i Jamestown. The bridal party took their places under an arch tastefully arranged with ferns and flowers, where the ceremony was performed by Rev, Mr. Wishart, 13. A., of i3, us- sels, in the presence of only the im- mediate relatives of the contracting parties, The bride, who wag given away by her father, was becomingly attired in a pretty gown of oreana Marquisette with tulle veil fastened With it wreath of Orange blossoms and carried a< shower boquet of white car- nations and ferns. The wedding march Was rendered by MOS Tena mean Snell, sister of the bride, who wore a Mr. dainty dress of white mull. Janet spent Miller made a charming little flower mr, girl and ring bearer and was dressed me ho its a pretty gown of white, embroidery. Styod< After Congratulations were received the h txt t str e is sat t down t� a bountiful wedding supper prepared by the attend hostess in her usual good style. The may o presents were costly, beautiful and - Ftle useful and bespoke the very high of last esteem in Which the yoting couple it - Mre. held, , their a . and Mrs. Robert Ireland, from Teeswater, visited friends around last week. and Mrs. Jaques of Michigan d their niece, Mrs, A. E. Galla - few days last week. They camp n their auto. Mr. Robert McMichael lost a fine 3 - year -old mare from paralysis last week. This will be quite a loss, as he will have to purchase one to take its place. The S. S. will hold their anneal picnic in Mr. Ed, Palmer's grove on July 4th. Come and enjoy a good tim». There will be a booth on the ground. Hawick Boundary. Road wont is in progress, which s rough roads for a while. and Mrs. Ross of Turnberry Sunday with friends in IXowiek. and Mrs. Waldo Welt, called at Me of Mr. and Miss Longley ozx ty last, o a number from these parte ed the camp meeting near Mild. n Sunday last. tide from Michigan spent part Week at the home of Mr. and Ntriria, D line , they came in nth. around St. Helens at present. Mr, and Mrs, John Irwin of Kinloss Spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Woods. • Mr. and Mrs, Dave McDonald of Winghani spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Thos. Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Johnston of Stanley visited at the home of Robin- son Woods last week. 1te'c. Mr. McIntosh has returned from the General Assembly at E3.- xnonton and occupied his own pulpit on Sunday. The Entrance exam, were held in St. Helens school last week. There were thirty candidates writing. We hope they may be all successful. Little Gertie Atcheson had the mxs- fot ten° to break her leg on Monday morning. White out driving with Miss Aitcheson, the line broke and the horse stopped. Gertie fell for- ward and before she was caught her leg beeame entangled in the spokes and was broken below the knee. Olenannan. Mr, Richard Wallace is recovering from his late illness. Mr. Thomas Aitken who has been tendert' the Dr's care lately is visiting his daughter at Paisley. The annual garden party of ladies' eongt•egation will be held at Mr. David Ea,dir,r�' residence on the grd of July Wingham Citizens' land will render choice snttsie end a good programme will be given. Tea served from 0 to 8, and refreshments on the grounds. tiverybody welcome. Guaranteed by McCtary's to save fuel—to cut out dust, fuss and bother and to heat your house evenly and comfortably in the coldest weather. We guarantee the "Sunshine" Furnace to save enough to pay for itself quicker than any other furnace you can buy. 311 Belgrave. Orville Taylor, of Calgary, is visit- ing his uncle, Postmaster Taylor, l3eigrave. Mrs. Coale of Trowbridge was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Stewart, last week. John and Miss Mary Grainger of Brussels called on old friends bete during the past week. Harry, son of Sam. Deacon, met with an accident last week, fracturing one arm at the elbow. The contractors for improvements at the Foresters' Hall, are making good headway with their work. W. 11. and Mrs. Smith of Toronto were visitors with Dr. and Mrs. Stew- art, while on an antis pleasure trip. Miss Minnie Nethery and Misses Ethel and Bessie Watson dined at, Mrs. Daniel Wheeler's on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Durrant expects to leave for his now circuit, Ashfield, next week. Mr. Kilpatrick is the new minister. The school picnic was a splendid uccess; everybody enjoyed them- selves. The married women's baso - ball team may enter the League, The W. F. M. 5, of Knox Church celebrated their .silver Jubilee on Tuesday. Mrs, (Rev.) Ferguson oc- cupied the chair. Mrs. (Rev,) Perrie of Wingbam gave an address. Brus- sels Society was also represented. A most profitable and enjoyable time was spent, CORN! CORN! A carload of Feed Corn for sale of our warehouse on G. T, R Another car just to hand, also a car of Canadian Oats,--TIPLING & MILLS, A carload of Western oats received. —Tipling & Mills. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The undersigned will let on the ground the contract of putting in a tile drain, known as the McKenzie— Colvin drain, about two miles in length, commencing at lot 22 and ending on lot 17, cons. 4 and 5, Cul- ross, on Tuesday, July 163.h, at 2 o'clock p.m. Constructed under the Draio- age Act. Contractor to furnish ail material. Plans and speeifrcation can be seen at the Clerk's office in Tees - water at any time. Kenneth McKenzie, Inspector, George Falconer, Reeve. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up till July 5th, for improv- ing Holmes' School House, S. S. No. 6, Tnrnberry, as follows : -- Galvanized roof, storm windows, painting walls and ceiling, and other minor repairs, work to be done by August 15th. Further information can be bad from Trustees. Lowest or other tender not necessarily accepted, James Snell Edward i'eraliias 4:3-14 Win. S. King. NOTICE OF CLOSING We, the undersigned Solicitors, of the Town of Winghani, hereby agree to close our Offices during the months of July and August as follows: --On each week day, except Saturday, at 4 p.m., and on Saturday At 1 p.m. Dudley Holmes .T, A. Morton R. Vaanstone esas ammininatear. assaiwame. am AND1 WIIAT 25 CTS IWILL BUY TilISIS WEEK A I MARSHALL'S I SC, IOC 15C tdd 25a 5TOt2B BETTER COME SEE �hlit+Mt�r eNrrk THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 191 MONDA Y NI1XT, JULY 1 D QMIN1ON DAY BEING A PUBLIC HOLIDAY, THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY. GOING TO TRAVEL THIS SUMMER IF SO YOU SHOULD NAVE A SUIT CASE OR TRUNK^ BORROWING IS POOR BUSINESS Especially when you can buy so cheap. For instances -WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH A SUIT CASE OF GOOD AP- PEARANCE FOR $135 BETTER ONES ALL THE WAY UP TO $6.50 EXCELLENT VALUES IN TRUNKS il118 Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR sho, LADIES .Glia i.lw ..rd.Gyld. r. IJ i,Li ,. d arilaZe.41 20 Ladies' :ons Coat On Sale This Week In light fawns, greys, blues and blacks, sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, semi lifting styles ; Sale Price for this week, $8.25. Regular $10, $12, $15 Coats. 15 Ladies' Shor Coats In fawns and blacks, all sizes in neat styles. Regular $8.50 and $1O.00. Sale Price $5.75. Summer Wash Goods In Indian Head Suitings, colors, linen, pale blue,mauve, rose. Regular 15c yd. Sale Price, 11e. 41100011410101004... HANNA & CO. Sole Agency Houses of notaberlint Limited.