HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-06-27, Page 5Everybody now admits Zam-Buk - best for these,. Let. it, give YOU ease and comfort. Dnicgistr one, Storrs eve,ywhers • 1_ • i1 11 4 - .4 1- 1 - i 1 Ib 1.. II . .� :,I,I 1111,1 1 I i1W 11•1161A -i 11 11Y1 1 VI JI. 1. 1 .11161. AM.. 11111 .1 -Illi, I. 1 1 1 I.1 11 1 I . •I • i I, nl. 1 1 ,1 • THURSDAY, JUNE 2 , 191 2 _ I did 1111.IIf11 a II II 1 1 Y11 1 I 111.IY 11111111 I: 1111111.11001.11111031.111111.111010.111111MINUMIMOMMIIIMINOMOMMI.4'1 11 II 11111 1 11 41 1 11 I 111 WI I 1 10111110101.11.0111 Clearing Line For This Week Only MEN'S SHIRTS. 5 doz. Alen's Fancy Shirts, sizes 14 to 14, good fast colors ; regular $1,00 and $1,25, to clear at 75e. MOULDERS' GAITERS 13 pairs Moulders' Gaiters, all sizes ; regular $2.00, to clear at $1,50. MEN'S BOOTS 15 pairs English Kip Boots, splendid wearing qualities ; regular $2.50 and . $3,00, to clear at $2.00 MEN'S SUITS. Two piece Summer Suits in light and medium greys ; regular $10.00, to clear at $7.00. MEN'S OVERALLS. In black and blue stripes, mostly large sizes ; regular $1.00, to clear at 79c. UMBRELLAS. 2 doz. Ladies' Umbrellas, shipped to us by mistake ; regular $1.50, to clear at $1.00. ee CaMbOi CLOTHIERS - rle MEN'S 'S FURNISHERS I S 1 Iy1I-.•.,1 611 1 .III II1[41,.i IJL1 WI 111.•.. !.I 1.1■L11I .Ig 1 . 1. 11. 1 • 11 '1 1 1 • • . 1. 1. skatoi:n The University City of Saskatchewan To the Readers of The Advance: THE SASKATOON INFORMATION BUREAU has been organized to give you INFORMATIO AUTHENTIC, RELIABLE, CORRECT regarding Property. Property Values, Loca- tions, and Possibilities in the City of SASKATOON DO YOU own property here ? DO YOU 'know its value ? DO YOU know what your property is like or how it is located DO YOU intend to invest here ? DO YOU wish true unbiased and unexaggerated reports on any matters in connection with the ity i?p 00 YOU know how to protect your interests in pro- perty purchased by you ? Have you protected them -or 00 YOU want them protected ? IF SO COMMUNICA'rE ri "�,� rY l�l JI US TO -DAY Enclosing One Dollar and giving full particulars of the information you desire Saskatoon Information Bureau Box 140, SASKATOON, SASK. Clinton. A dog visited the yard of Jos. Rand, and put 20 of his hens out of business. A law cine may be the outcome of the dog's visit, Mr. T, Firth 13,A., Science ;.‘laster a.t the Collegiate intends leaving at natl. summer to take charge of the Selene° department of Lindsay C. L The moonlight excursion to Code - rich last Thursday night was well patronized.. A special train of seven passenger coaches were crowded, 'Wednesday morning new potatoes were sold in town by Mr, .Henry Joy- ner. He planted them two months and three days ago, They were all a good size, considering the backward a Cason, Mr. Jamey Mahaf'fy arrived home on Monday from Elbow, Sask., where be has a bornestead. When he left there last fall his grain was all under the snow, but tate year he had it threshed a'td found it yielded thirty bushels to the acre. While slightly bleached, it was No, 1 sample wheat. The Grand Jury of the County Court made a visit to the House of Refuge, and reports as follows :- We visited the House of Refuge and found there were 90 inmates, 55 males, and 35 females ; all seemed very con- tented and well cared for, and spoke very highly of the kindness and care of the officials of the Refuge, Mr. and Mrs. 111 etch who deserve very great credit for the way in which they keep the house and attend all the inmates. We also inspected the Court House and found everything in good order. A Freak Colt. The Clinton News -Record reports the following :-Mr. Bruce Medd of Mullett had a monstrosity arrive at his farm the other day in the shape of a colt with two heads, two necks and two stomachs. The veterinary who was called in was of the opinion that had he arrived sooner he could have saved the colt as all the parts were well developed. He Did Condense. Editor -How's the new society re- porter ? I told him to condense as ranch as possible. Assistant -He did. here's his ac- count of yesterday's afternoon tea at i%Lcs. Lovely's. "Mee. Lovely poured, Mrs. Jabbet roved, Ws. Duller bored, Mrs. Rilsp- ing gored, and Mrs. Embonpoint snored," SAGEINE CURES DANDRUFF IT IS SOLD WITH A. L, HAMILTON'S GUARAN- TEE OR MONEY BACK. Dandruff is a hair destroyer and SAGEINE is the only preparation that will positively kill the destruc- tive little germ. SAG EINE will bring !ifs and beauty to dull faded hair and make it grow in thick and luxeriant. 3ageine grows beautiful hair, soft and fl.ffy. It is a most delightful dressing ; it le not sticky or greasy and b daintly perfumed. Get a large bottle to -day from A. L. Hamilton only 50e. We know you will realize ho v well you spent the small amount. Dominion Fruit Crop. An excellent crop of apples in Can- ada this year is predicted in the fruit crop report recently gotten out by Mr. A. McNeil of the Dominion Fruit Div- ision. There is little bud or twig kill= ing in evidence and prospects are for a favorable showing of bloom. Pears share well in the came good condi- tions. Extremely low temperatures in January and February seriously injur- ed the peach bloom and in certain orchards the trees have been injured. This is particularly true in Essex and Kent and in the higher ground in the Niagara district. In 13ritish Columbia conditions have been favorable to peaches. Cherries have not suffered seriously from winter injury. Grapes have wintered fairly well. The tent caterpillar is reported from Eastern Ontario, New Brunswick and parts of Quebec. Canker is reported as serious in tunny orchards. The report snakes mention also of the large progress that has been made in orchard culti- vation, in spraying and in the forma- tion of cooperative fruit associations. A TRIP TO me COAST, VIA 'CAN• AMIN PACIFIC RAILWAY. At this season of the year tt great many are planning their summer va- cation. What could be more delight - fin than a journey through the Ca- nadian Rockies Vancouver ? A trip of this nature Affords the traveller en opportunity of learning the wonderful resources and opportunities through- out Western Caanada, besides enjoying the world's greatest; scenery in the Canadian Rocky Mouritaint', where the Canadian Pacific have established palatial hotels which afford every poaaaible comfort to the tourist. The Canadian Pacific is the logical' route to the West, affording the finest equipment and fastest tealn service---- it is the only All -Canadians Route - no change, of Cars -all equipment is caviled and operated by the It P. H affording the highest foray of efficiency •- dining -car service up-to-date in every partiettlar; Also oberating mod- ern eleet,ric•lightt'd compartmentpartmerit li bra - sty observation care on transcontinen- tat tralne - - only lines operating through standard at'ae tourist sleeping cars to Winnipeg end Vancouver. It would be to the advantrigee of any pears;on contempl,atiog .a, holiday trill Of a•ray description tis consult nsyarest O. P. R. Agent tot illustrated Mere,. tore and full partieularee, or write M. t. Murphy; District Passenger Agent, Toronto. THE WINGITAM ADWANOE I lephant Crushes Man. Accidental death was the verdict1 of Coroner Dr, Hardy'e jury at the is quest on V'illiartt Johnston, the els. pbant trainer who tivas tusked at a circus at Milton a few days ago, The trainer was walking its front of the , animal when he slipped and in an effort to save himself his hook caught in an abecess in the elephant's ear. This so enraged the beast that it crashed the trainer to the wall at d . gored hien to death. The elephant I was a pet and was never known to abow temper before. EFFECTS OF URIC ACID. EFFECTS OF URIC ACID indigestion, gout, neuralgia. nausea, gravel, rheumatism, dropsy, lumbago, nervousness, heart disease, failing eyesight, sediment in urine, stone in the kidney, dizziness, headache, Anti Uric Pills drive out all uric acid poi- sons from the blood. A. L. Hamilton, sells them and guarantees them. Re, member the name Anti Uric, B. V, Marion on every package. #%".wM'�"%..".. W JV1/"^. .wry VC. Z. Ift. The matter under this head is supplied by the Wingham W. O. T. U. Andrew Carnegie's advice to young men was :- 1 -"Never enter a bar -room, nor let the contents of a bar -room enter you." 2 -"Do not use tobacco." 3 --"Concentrate. Having interest upon a certain line of work, continue and combine upon that line." 4 -"Do not shirk ; rather go beyond your task. Do not let any young man think he has performed his full duty, when he has performed the work assigned him. A man will never rise if he acts thus. Promotion conies from exceptional work, A. man must discover where his employers interests lie, and push for these. The young plan who does this is the young man whom capital wants for a partner. He is the young man who by and by reaches the head of the firm." 41.1.1 WINNIPEG PROPERTIES offer a GOOD INVEST - meet and QUICK TURNOVER. Write us before you decide to invest. N. PERCY GREEK roe MoAwrinm 33'L'G WINNIPso, MAN. SUNSURN, BLIST1ERS, SORE FEET, artZ.110.301urk Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. ) hosphouol will make you a new man. Price it0 a box. or two for ;l5, Mailed to any address. The Scolol1Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. H. DAVIS Agent for the following Steamship lines: The Allan Line, the Canadian Nor- thern, the Cunard and the Donald - Eon Ocean Steamship Lines, Orl'FICE-POSToFFXon Bea0K., WING1141i, WANTED ! In the DAUPHIN DISTRICT, a large number of experienced farmers to buy and farm the best ]and in the West ; improved or unimproved. First-class proper- ties kr sale at low prices and on terms to suit. For particulars and booklet giving description of the district, apply to R. C. SPA.l_LING DAUPHIN - MAN. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS A NY person who is the sole head of a family, 11 or any male over 18 years old may hotne- -stead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands .Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, en certain conditions by father, moth- er, son, daughter, brother or sister of Intend- ing homesteader. Duties. -Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the laud in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. - 1 In certain districts a homesteader in good - I standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along- . side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties.-Mnst reside upon the homestead or i • pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the I time required to earn homestead patent) and I cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his borne - stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homcsted in certain i districts. Price; 3 00 per acre. Duties. -Must side six months in each of three years, culti- vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. - N.13. -Unauthorized publication of this ad- ..: vertisement will not be paid for. Here Is a Money Saving Oppor- tunity of the Utmost Im- portance To Vou Sale Starts Saturday, June 29 Important to you because it offers you just the goods you want, just when you want them, at prices way below normal. We honestly believe that never have the people of this community been c,ifered such a chance for substantial moneysaving on high grade goods, at a lime when the goods are wanted most. Heal hot summer weather is yet to come. Most of you have a lot of summer clothes yet to buy. You are here offered a chance to pocket immense savings -but you must act quickly. Don't make the mistake of waiting until the last days of the sale. This is tbe time when you need these clothes, and these are remarkable prices. We expect the biggest business we ever bad. Those who come first will be happiest. FOR 15 DAYS. It won't do yen an ounce of good to read this "ad" unless you come to the store and see for yourself that we will really sell you goods as Here advertised, which means a saving to you on every dollat'e worth you bay from tis during this sale. This- is not an ordinary sate, but aro extraordinary sale -the greatest bargain events in the history of Winghatn vicinity. Sale opens on Saturday, dune 29. We want your produce, and pay highest prices. R THE SMALL FRUIT SUPPLY. Very Few Farms Have Enough to Keep Home Tables Filled. Very few farms are supplied with half enough small fruit. In the way or strawberries I have had ail we could usefor many years, but ft is accom, pushed by setting out a new patch eaci* alternate spring, says a correspondent. of Orange Judd Farmer. Two hundred or 300 plants will be enough to set a bed that will supply twice as many berries needed by the largest family. I always set that many because they ripen in a busy time and then we can get them picked on shares and have plenty for our own use. Some one not so fortunately situated has enough by picking ours, and it costs neither of us au outlay of eash. I raise the berries, the other fellow gathers them. I have followed the same plan with the raspberries for the last few years. Currants are not often found on farm fruit plots. They are a good fruit for some -purposes, and almost every farm- er'a family could dispose of a few gal. Ions of them in pies, jelly or even with sugar and cream when dead ripe. I twee a nice patch of the seedless blackberries. It is of long bearing, and If some nurserymen were advertising it they would call it an ever bearing fruit, for it stays in fruit for a long time. I like it also ou account of the lack of seeds. Of course grapes are a standard fruit, and the old Concord is found everywhere 'There are many varieties that will grow in most localities. As focal conditions have touch to do with the problem, It is best to consult your nearest nurseryman. Put out some white ones, some of the red ones, both early and late, but do not fool with the tender sorts. Busy fanners do not have the time nor inclination to lay down the vines and cover them with dirt, as some do In order to fruit the tender sorts. 000 • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000090.00 0.000 0 WANT FRUIT? SPRAY. Everybody likes fruit. Fruit can no longer be grown with- out spraying. Nobody likes to spray. And so we are up against It It is spray or go without fruit. Now is the time to study this matter and find what style of sprayer is needed for our own circumstances. One thing Is es- sential --no matter whether it be a hand sprayer or a power spray- er, the force must be sufficient and the nozzle of the kind which will deliver the spray in a fine mist and send it with force enough to enter the calyL--Iowa Homestead. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e G c Q 0 0 a o00000000000000oa0o000* o0 Excellent Wire Splicer. The neatest and strongest splice can be made with this little Instrument: It is made of a strip of iron one Inch wide a n d one-eighth inch thick. One .J +� rig.1. <1;a2. end is cut nar- row and is bent into a hook large enough to tit neatly the lar- gest wire to be spliced. At the sides of this two notches are filed, as shown in rig. 1. In rig. 2 the splicer is seen in eacopii position on the F1 ¢•3. wire. The arrow indicates the di- rection in which to turn to make the splice. A pair or large pincers or a vise should be used to hold the two wires between the coils while turning the splicer. In I+"ig. 3 the splice is shown as finished. The length of the handle may vary. If the splicer Is to be used for net wire, of course the handle cannot be longer than the width of the mesh; otherwise six or seven Inches Is about right for No. tf wire. If it is to be used only for small wire the length of the handle should be re- duced for the sake of convenience. - Iowa Homestead. The Useful Radish. When sowing onion seed mix in some radish seed. it germinates more quick. ly than onions, and the rows can be cultivated before the weeds are fairly started. 'without radishes the row cannot be seen for several weeks. Orchard and Garden. --4.1 The quickest growing tree for a shelter belt Is tbe willow. Strawy, stalky manure makes an ideal mulching fertilizer for both young and old apple trees. A great many are literally dying from starvation. This coarse manure will conserve moisture and fertility. While sand; soils are probably good for strawberries, any soil not too rich will bring good results. The land should be well tnanured and thorough• ly cultivated. Long Island gardeners have been shipping hampers of assorted vegeta- bles to New York families. A uniform price of $1.50 a hamper (holding more than s1 bushel) is charged the year round. The plan is successful, al- though used on a small scale. • Remefnber that the wood aehes that come from the cook stove, fireplace or furnace are the best kind of fertilizer for the orchard, lawn or garden. If climbing cutworms bother orchard or other erops by eating buds and foil• age scatter poisoned bait about. This is made by mixing one pound pent green with twenty pounds bran and adding one to two pints molasses. Keep this away frotn the chickens. Followed lis Pother.- /len years after his father hanged himself in the barn in rear of the old homestead in East Avenue, six miles east of Wilson, N Y. Laben Olmstead, a farmer T3 years old, followed the salve course lost week. flee tied the fatal cord from the same beam as did his father. A quat reel over money matters with hie wife provoked the suicide. CLT PRIGS .,. AT Is.... I ARK'S MONEY SAVING CHANCES for Every Day Buyers. CUT PRICES Good From Monday Morning Un, til Saturday Night. CORSETS 50 pairs Corsets, new style, me- dium bust, suitable for average figures, extension skirt ; dollar value, sale-- 75o. HOSE 12 doz. Women's Fine Black Cot- ton Hose, seamless, fast color, all sizes; 2 pair for 25o. SILKS 8 ends shot Bilk, fancy stripe, Louisine; reg. value 50o, sale -40o DRESS GOODS All lines of Colored Dress Goods; 600 and 65c value on sale at 50o. SUITINGS Clean u -s in Suitings. You have had evidence of great value offer- ed here before, but this special offering eclipses anything we have made; one dollar to one fifty Suit- ings for 09o. WIDE SILKS 86 inch black Taffeta 75c 86 inch black Pailette $1.00 40 inch black Pailette 1.25 36 inch Colored Messaliue , 1.00 40 inch Colored Pailette 1.25 VOILES Fancy Silk Striped C o l or e d Voiles; sale price --50c. LADIES' SUITS Special cut prices on Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Tweed and Serge Suits; see the bargain at $13.75. TOP SKIRTS New Voile and Panama Skirts at cut prices; special, to clear, $3,95. WAISTS One dozen Lawn Waists, good style, trimmed with lace ; out price --$1.00. GLOVES - A special lot of Long Gloves, white or black; a bargain -50c. DRESSES Fancy Gingham Dresses for Girls of 8 to 12 rears; special price $1.39 CUSHIONS Fancy Damask Cushion Covers, good colorings, strong cloth; your choice 25c. UNDERWE, .R Ladies' Summer Underwear, vests and drawers and combinations ; see our special vests -2 for 25c. WHITE WEAR .Test received New Whltewear, Gale Make, a Fpeciai line of White Shirts marked LOW to sell QUICIC -only $t 00; and Gowns at 75o; Drawers at 60o. EMBROIDERY 10 pieces Flouncing Embroidery, 27 ince ses wide, fine Swiss quality with deep work; regular selling price boo, on sale -89o, LACES One thousand yards of Torch= Lace and Insertion to match, new patterns; reg. value XOo, sale -5o. CURTAINS 12 pairs white Lace Curtains, choice patters; reg, value $1.25, cut price x$1.00, MATS A lot of Door Mats to clear, nice colorings and fringed; a price -25o BLINDS 5 doz. Spring Roller Blinds; your choice -25e. RUGS A lot of one piece Bedroom Rugs with nice borders; sale -$5.00. MADRAS A special line of colored Madras, double width; to clear -20o. CORSET COVERS 5 doz. new Corset Covers, em- broidery trimmed, special; on sale --25c. SKIRTS Black Moreau and Sateen Under- skirts to clear ; $1.25 value for $1.00, Men's Wear Store The values are strong and many in Men's Youths' and Eoya' Ready -to -put-on Suits. INCREA.SED SALES is evidence strong enough to convince of the extra good value to be had in our Men's Wear Section. Men's Fancy Worsted Suits, well made and good quality linings; new cut special -$10,00. Men's strong wearing Pants, fancy stripe; cut price -U.39. Boys' fancy Tweed Suits. new patterns, to clear at $4.00 and $5.00. Men's Wearing Tweed Suits ; cut price -$7.50 BOOTS AND SHOES Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes at out prices; see our Boys' wear- ing Boots at $1.25. GENTS' FURNISHINGS A line of Men's Top Shirts to clear feat, black, small patterns, all sizes; 50o. . TIES Silk Ties, dark or light colorings. hook on; to clear --15c. SOCKS Seamless all wool black Cashmere Sox -25c; 2 pr. Union Sox for 25o SHIRTS Men's Outing Shirts, good ma- terial, fast colors, fall sizes; special prices -76o to $1.00. Phone us your order for Groceries. We think we can save you money in this department. H. E. Isard & Co. 44111111111111111MUMINIMINIRININIEN Fall Term from Sept. 3rd Arrange Now to enter the ELLIOTT TO O iTO, ON the selteoi that has n great roputation for giving superior business and shorthand training. Graduates get and hold good positions because they are thoroughly prepared. Write for Catalogue. Open all year. Enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonge and Aloxattder Ste. CENTRAL STBATFQRD. ONT. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE Our courses are Up-temlate and practical, We have a large staff of experienced In- structors and our graduates Bret the high grade ppositions. Wo do more for our students than does any other similar fobeol. Wo have three departments -- Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy, You owe it to yourself to know what we are doing, Get our free catalogue at one°. D. A.. Becx.ACDLAN - Principal 1 THF DOMINION BANK Int EDMUND 0. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEW8, VIOE-pRE#1DEN'i. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager Citpital paid up . . • 114,700,000 Reserve Fund • . . • • s5,tO0,0oo Total Assets '� `� x • $70,000,000 Open A Savings Account Each of the branches of Tae DOMINION Batik has a special department devoted to savings. Such savings accounts receive oar"eful attention, old Interest is allowed on deposits of $1. and upwards. $1, Is sufficient to open a savings account. WINGHAM BRANCH, ,. .► N. VANS, Mania