HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-06-27, Page 4THE WINGHAM ADVANCE ANC: We Want Your Woof j We Will Use You Right KI1lTG BR( S. 50,000 Lbs. oolWanted Washed or Unwashed Cash 011 Trade FIIiEST UAI,ITY Merano Yarns Woollen Sheetings Woollen Blankets Flannelette Sheetings Flannelette Blankets Underwear and Flannels Bring along your Butter and Eggs Highest Prices KING :.ROS. ,ai vOA t.• --'r q, l.� ), •-,.•., . r I , - 1 L.. , ' ",.%n '. ,.1 _i .I L.. ., �. 1.1i , Head Office HAMILTON iu r 11_—.1•11111/- CAP!.ITAI, PAID UP 0 2,$70,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 3,500,000 Total Assets 44,000,000 T' is not your earning power that will measure your happiness in the later years. Your saving power alone can nes sure yon against the time when yocr earn. power will be reduced. A savings account at the Bank of I3nm'I• ton would be a help toward acquiring the habit of saving. The same courteous, Fiii• ciente attention is given to all depositors whether the account be large or small. IJ C. P. SMITH AGENT WINGIIAh1r fy WORRYING WILL KILL, (By E. 13, Warman, A, AI.) Worry kills ; so does wrong eating. It has been truly said "to eat the right food and worry about it is no better than to worry about something else and eat the right food." The fact is we should not worry about any- thing, It` Wier said tban done, I grant you ; but it eta.n be done, You ishould nee a little philosophy. Worry never helped any ane ; worry hinders and is detrimental to anyone. Therefore, you should not worry, There are many persons seeking .a blessing of some character, but so worry, fearing they will not get it, that when they do get .it they are in no condition to enjoy it. Last year, in Chicago, there were 12,242 suicides, Among the profes- sional men physicians headed the list and clergymen the nest. Think of it? The one best qualified—or should be— to look after the physical well-being ; the other best qualified --or should be —to look after the spiritual well-being. Out of this number 0114 of the suicides were caused by despondency—but an- other name for worry. I firmly believe that one who wor- ries is not a Cheistian in the truest sense of the word. Ile may profess it but he does not possess it in its fulness, He may "belong to the church" but clxurchianity is not necessarily Chris- tianity. If one worries he has not faith. If he bad faith he would not worry. The terms are not compatible. Science clearly demonstrates that worry injuries, beyond repair, cer- tain cells of the brain, and that the impairment of this centre weakens other organs which are thus made susceptible to various diseases. What to do to avoid worry ? "The most manifest method to suggest," says the Columbus Journal, "is to get up and Leave it—take a walk, seek the woods, change your thoughts, forgive your enemies, wear a flower, talk to the birds, make love to your wife or your husband. A hundred ways there are, alt depending upon the resolution and the will of the sufferer, and if he hasn't these he is a goner, A. man who is chained down to some little disappointment and breaks up his brain cells on account of it has him- self to blame. He should go at some- thing else," It was St. Frances de Sales who said :—"Do not look forward to what might happen tomorrow ; the sante everlasting Father who cares for you to -day will take care of you tomorrow xnd every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it, Be et peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations." • You must Iearn to burn the bridges lehind you, for "open once the door .o trouble, and its visits are three - told : first, anticipation ; second, in actual presence ; third in living it Iver again." Remember that "if you never trouhle trouble, trouble will never trouble you" and you will never worry +ver that which is past—it cannot 'owe back to you—only the present is yours. No man need worry who keeps his eyes on the level and his feet on the Fundamentals. Any one can get along when everything is all right but it takes the man of cool, deliberate judgment to get along when every- thing is all wrong. It is then that right living and right thinking are able to prove their superiority over the careless, thoughtless and slip -shod manner so prevalent today. The one possessing health and strength will rise above the conditions surrounding him, while the poorly nourished brain and body of the dyspeptic will be the means of the unfortunate one not being able to rally, and in this phyei- cal and znental depression come the thoughts of self destruction, Stti,Ju heone of the `Veery —ho _will receive cur rite Contest checks • ;`" „,„ 0 as sow sr NU se so os So dos se so se sr* see COUPON • w. r►i a CANADA CEMENT COMPANY • UMrtED Herald Building, Montreal Please send me full particulars of the 1912 Farmers' Prize Contest, and a free copy of your book "What the Partner Cate Do With Concrete." Name k.wi1.MW4. 00M '000 UM Address ,. 44, yawl0•014 000.01000111 .. 0M...,...b.Y a....:�rw.uaA. q. uNUW gmunuUal.1PI..flH...OlIq 0.0444444011110R111B.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 f N. t $ HERE will be twelve cash prizes in each of the nine provinces (108 in all) in the 1912 Prize Cdntest for Canadian Farmers. The 1911 Contest Was so successful in awak- ening interest in the use of Concrete on the farm, that a second contest, in which three times as many prizes are offered, was decided upon for this year. The Contest this year is divided into three classes, "A," "B" and "C," and there will be four prizes in each class. (First prize, $50; Second prize, $25; Third prize, $I 5; Fourth prize, $10. ) Thus there are three $50 Prizes, three $25 Prizes, three $15 prizes, and three $10 Prizes, far rack province. DESCRIPTION OF CLASSES In Each Class there will be First, Second, Third and Fourth Prizes ($50, $25, $15, and $10) for Each Province. CLASS "A" -".Prizes to be awarded to the four farmers in each province who use tnost "Canada" Cement on their farms in the year 1912. CLASS 'frr---Prizes to be awarded to the four fanners in each province who send photo. Graphs of the best concrete tvor•k done with "Canada" Cement on their farms in 1912. CLASS "C"—Prizes to be awarded to the four farmers in each province Who send In the best dtsertiptiorr, tel/int how any piece of concrete work Was done with "Canada'' Cement. (Entries for this prize must be accompanied by pboto- t=raphs of the work.) Don't think that you must use a large quantity of dement in order to win a prize. The quantity of cement used does not count in Classes "W' and "C." Many of last year's prize winners used very little cement. When you enter the Contest, you have a chance to win a cash prize of $50 as well as the certainty that you will add :t pirnuraiene' improvenrcne to your farm. If you havebet a copy, be sure and ask for our book, "What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete." It will not only eu gest many improvements that you can use in entering the Contest, but will tell you all about the use of concrete on the farm, lust write your name andaddress on the embed coupon, or use a postal card, and we will tend full particulars of the Prize Contest And a copy of "what the Panne? Can Do With Concrete" to you +sbsoluttly free. Adtlrot;ts Publicity M ttnagcr Cariada Germs at Cor 1pany Limited S01 Haraldd �. I g« -A Montreal iT IS UP TO YOU. Growl, and the way looks dreary ; Laugh, anti the path int bright; POP a welcome smile Ilriugs sunshine, while A frown :;huts out the light. Sigh, and you "rake in" nothing, Work, and the, prize ie won ; "An. the nervy man With backbone can By nothing be outdone. Bustle, and fortune awaits you, Shirk ! and defeat is stere; For there's no chance Of deliverance For the chap who can't endure. Sing, and the world's harmonious, Grumble, and things go wrong, And all the tirne You are out of rhyme With the busy, hustling throng. TCick, and there's trouble brewing, Whistle, and life is gay, And the world's in tune Like a day in June, And the clouds all melt away. An Aged Blacksmith. At the age of 103, Michael O'Neil of Uxbridge, has all his faculties=, is as clear-headed as a man of fifty and is physically active. Although retired for many years, on Monday last he shod a horse, just to show that he could still do it. A Record Price. The highest price, according to deal- ers, ever paid for food cattle in New York State, was paid on Thursday for a carload of live beeves, sixteen in all, at the stock yards in Jersey City. A slaughterer paid for the lot the rate of $0 50 per hundred, live weight, just as the cattle stood in the cars. The ani- mals had been grovvn in the West and fattened at Lancaster, Pa. Crops In Bruce. The Chesley Enterprise, in report- ing on the condition of crops in the townships of Etderslie, Bradt, Green- ock, Bruce, Kincardine and Huron, says the hay crop is better than it has been for years, and many fields are expected to yield two tons to the acre. Fall wheat, where it was not winter killed, gives promise of a good yield. Wet weather in spring has, however, drowned out the low areas sown to spring crops, the pea crop being parti- cularly hard hit. RHEUMO CURES RHEUMATISM No matter how long standing your case may be, don't despair, get a bot- tle of lt,heumo today, A. L. Hamilton sells it with a guarantee to benefit you. Rheurno is wonderful in its quick action, the pain ceases, the muscles and bones are rid of soreness and stiffness and very soon a Rheum() patient is able to have the same strength and vitality of youth. Rheu- rtro builds blood so rich and thick that uric acid cannot possibly exist. ahem -no costs only $1 00 for a mouth's treatment from A. L H t,milcon t+r direct all charges prepaid from 13, V. Marion Bridgeburg, Ont, There Was A Difference, In Wright County, Iowa, the boys and girls above the 4th grade in 31 schools were asked what they intend- ed to do. One hundred and fifty-seven of the 10.1 boys replied that they would have nothing to do with farm- ing. One hundred and sixty-three of the 174 girls likewise voted against the fartn. Three years later, during which time instruction had been given in agriculture and home economies, the same question was asked of the pupils in the same schools, This time 162 of the 174 boys answered that they intended to become farmers, and 101 of the 178 girls were planning on remaining on the farm. . Huron Rifle League, The annual June tournament of the Hugon County rifle League was held yesterday at the Point Farm range. Ten rifle associations were represent- ed, with a, total of 150 men, Some splendid shooting was done, nearly fifty scores being 60 and over, out of at possible seventy. The shooting was over two ranges, 200 yards and 500 yards. John Scott, of the Lochalsh association, won the medal for the - highest aggregate, with a score of 68, 31 at each target, Colborne association won the cup for team shooting with a score of 620. Dungannon was second with 000. Three possibles were made - at a single target, .ASK MR. BROWN ETere's Some Impotrant News for Men Who are Growing Bald. PeoplA who have taken our word for it that PAR.ISCAN SAGE is the real h'tir grower, beautifier and dandruff cure have never been disappointed. Fiera' s the word of a person who took our word, "I have been using PA.RISIA.N SAGE about a year. When I begatx to nee it I had only a light "fuzz" on my head, Now I have a good thick growth, and it is growing thicker and longer fright along. Many people don't believe it can be done, bait I know from. my own experience With PARIS- IAN SAGE that it can ; I reeonanabnd it in the fullest confidence.--- Glainse brown, 703 North Fillmore St., Mary, viliw, Mo. The Above staternezit WWI mases to I?r. O. 1). Koch of the Koch Phartna- say, Maryville. 14itx t April 20tho 1011;. Large50 cents at J. `'VU'. IYICLClI1+ bon's anddrnggiete everywhere. It guaranteed. I ,,S II'... A DONATION Fly OLIVER J. EARNED "You think .you would make a, go burglar, do you --never get caught a all Oat? 1'd like to see you try It. silk stocking like you would soou taken. You wouldn't have the collie to save yourself." "1 wouldn't mind trying it just once "I'll give you an Inducement. I'll 11 you a hundred you won't go into t house of some eminently respectab family --whom you don't know, min you—and rola them of some article." "That's just the kind of a Job I'd 11 to try. The danger in it would Make tearfully interesting," "And if you got caught it would gty you an excellent opportunity to sho your presence or mind." "So it would. 1 think I'll go you." "Here's my check. We'll put th stakes in Hawkins' hands." This dialogue occutred between Die Thurston and Ned Chamberlin at Club, and the nest night Chamberlin i evening dress sallied forth to burgle ire a gentleman's dwelling. He walke slowly up an aristocratic avenue, an selecting a house midway between tw street lamps and standing well back 1 shadow, he entered the yard aucl, to Ing the parts of a burglar's jimmy fro his side 'pocket, began to screw the together in order to secure the lengt of handle required for leverage. The mounting a side porch, be pried up window, and entered a room. He stood listening for awhile, bu hearing no sound, began to explore. faint light• from without barely en abled him to move without stumbl)n against anything, and he got his hen on a large uncovered table. Suspec ing he was in a drawing, room, he wa Jaunting for the sideboard, when ther was a sudden burst of light. A youn lady stood at the door of the room with her finger on an electric button She appeared astonished, not at find ing some one in the room, but som one in evening costutne. Chamberlin braced himself for th encounter. it was his right, under th provisions of the bet, to tell any stor be pleased, and he decided to tell th true one. "1 beg pardon for the trespass," h said, "but I am sure—that is, if you ar a woman of the world -1 shall hav your sympathy after you have hear the reason for my being here, las night at the --- club 1 bet a frien a hundred dollars that 1 would bur glarize a dwelling, bringing him som stolen article to prove the robbery If you will permit me to take away spoon I will be happy to donate my winnings to any charity you ma suggest." The girl by this time had regained her composure, for Chamberlin spok softly and did not seem one to b afraid of. Nevertheless she consider ed him to be one of those villains who dress themselves like gentlemen fot the purpose of aiding them to hood wink whoever they may .meet. She pretended to believe hes story and. go ing to a sideboard, opened a drawer and took out a silver spoon with the family initial letter on it. This she tossed on the dining table and stood waiting for him to withdraw. Be saw by the pallor on her face and other signs that she was badly frightened, and be felt a pang at having caused her an, noyanc-e. So instead of going at once he stopped to reassure her. Taking tq card from his pocket and a pencil, be asked her to what institution he should send a douation. She was not especially interested in any and for n moment could not think of any. While she was trying to do so an elderly :gentleman, with a gray mustache, step, ped into the room. The girl turned paler still, if that were possible, fearing that the story would not go down with the new comer and there would be trouble. "Uncle," she said, "this gentleman has made a bet that he would rob this house." "Indeed!" sale the uncle quietly. "Yes, at the -- club. He Is to win $100 and give It to any charity 1 mai' suggest." "A hundred dollars! 'that's no price for a gentleman burglar to pay for tlul privilege of robbing a house. IIe might have got away with $5,000 or $0,000 worth of property. , Couldn't you make it $1,000, sir!" Chamberlin was very rich, but rich men don't like to part with their mon, ey any better than poor men. He said he might double the amount of hes tvinnings. Thu gentleman stepped to a telephone in the hall and called for a police station. Chamberlin was cornered. 13e called but that he would make Ms donation $1,000. "1 have called the pollee," said the gentleman; "it will now cost $2,000." "Dowel" creed Chamberlin, fearing that before be could assent the price Of his experiment would go up another thousand. "Alt right;" retnarked the gentleman. "Never mind the police. have you a blank cheek In yottr pocket, ser? If 80 please make the amount payable to 5t. Luke's hospital." Chamberlin, who carried a cheek - book always with him, wrote a check tor $2,000 and handed It to the gen- tleman, who took it and said: "0wendotin, this is Mr. Chamberlin. 1 met him once at his club, but he has forgotten me. Ile ran afford to pay for tiny creak its which he May ehootle to Indulge." "Ouod�pess gracious(" from Gwen. i Irish Emigration. Since the great Irish famine of More than sixty yearn, five and a quarter million emigrants have left Ireland, and most of them eaaame to Aimerica, .the number is a million more than the prreaent population of Ireland. The Itrieh Anti- t igration League is try. lag hard to stem the tide that is so rapidly draining the island 'of its men. settle women. TIIURSDAY, JUNE 27, I9I2 TORONTQ REAL ESTATE TIIE P�OPLE's raPuLA.R STORE On the principle tltnr, "far off hills look green" a large amount of Ontario's money has been invested iu Western Gowns of doubtful posslhtlities, while right at our door, in the city of Toronto, are to be found what are i,robably the best real estate) invtstzuents in Canada. Toronto will add to its population this year as .sonny people as there are in two towns like Saeketoot. Toronto bas a population of 420,000 and is growing rapidly. The opening up of Greater Ontario the rapid snttliug of the West, the en targement of our canal system, all cozen bine to xnake'roronto the most IAvora, oly situated city in the Dominion. Its growth during the next few years will surpass all past records.' We can give valuable information to intending Investors, as we have niade a personal inspection of the different parts of the city, Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE G. B. ROSS, D.D.S,, LAS. (Ionor„Graduate of the Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, HIonor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE (MR II. N. ISA12D & CO'S. STORP, a. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and 'Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OrFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DRS, KENNEDY & CALDER OFFICLs--Corner Patrick and Centro streets PHONES — Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 113 Residence, Dr. Calder 161 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eyo, Ear, Nose and Throat. lyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. ROBT• G. REDMOND M. R. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lund.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) RTIIUR J. IRWIN ` D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Office in Macdonald Block— WJNWiAM General 1iospit di. (Under GovernmeL a Inspection,) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished Open to all regularly licensed physicians Rates foratients (which include board and nursing) -14.93 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion—.Address MISS L. MATT13.E+ WS Superintendelb, Bos 223, Wingham, Onb. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. OI+`FIOE t—BEAVER BLOCK, WINGHAM. DICKINSON St HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office: Meyer Block, Wingham. E. L. Dickinson - Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND. SOLICITOR, MONEY TO LOAN. Office :--Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Offlee GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in surable property on the cash or pre zniaam note system. Ono. SLEEMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE & COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont OVER 6S YEARS' EXPERIENCE TnAbitr MARKS bss�teaivst 0PY'Rfe:Hrs &C. Anyenei (lending n ittoteh and doeeripnttan mny Qnlekly aeenrtnittour opinion free whether an invention la probablypatont b1o. Ctlmmrtnten• tone etrtetllycontidontIInl. HANDBOOK an Patents Bent fres oldest agency for 'Nettling patents. Potents token through Munn(,o. t�ocoiyo rpectal notice, without °ba,15 the Scleuflftcumerlt6aiis .A. handsomely ilttttetratod wr'crekty. throat rtr- C�aaniadaa. of 7b h year, a osaagcaprepaid�esoid'for b nal newodu alorw by i�N Co aetor adwlil, New� r% PAI%t is Ilio aslitaltan,l• , `VING.TI.A1� AGENTS--- AGENTS--r. LADIES' HOME JOURNAL "11OME JOURNAL PATTERNS err & The July "Ladies' Home Journal" now in stock, containing many new ideas, and some excellent literature ; try one ; only 15c a copy. JUS?' A :'RI VED 1 An excellent assortment of Umbrellas and _4 Ladies' Black Parasols, scores of different handles in plain wood, and others with gold and German silver trimmings, some entirely new designs, and absolutely the most select stock outside the city displays. " See our window display of these goods. The newest in Bead Trimmings and Fringes at our novelty counter ; 35c to 50e a yard. Men's Black Fur Felt Derby Hats, the very latest in style, wide leaf and rounded crown, only Men's 2 thread Balbriggan Underwear, all sizes ; a cool, comfortable Summer Underwear; $1.00 a suit. Big Fruit Values, at this store, we always have fine Lemons,, Oranges, Bananas, Etc. Ilome Grown Berries this week. sinsenewasessigunmaingasto bakaub'mwatimtfl.srL'I-rrrw +�.�.,<...agem aan om 1 • a I I 1 WOOL WANTED IN LARGE QUANTITIES II alb prepared to buy any quantity of Wool and IWill give the highest price—cash or trade. Li 3 ......Om 111.. -..'.w •1.1 L,4 . V.I. la Our store is full of bargains in all lines. I have Wroxeter Yarns and Blankets and Sheeting, which is superior to the or- dinary make of yarn. Also Men's and Boys Suits in the latest cuts and weaves. Dress Goods of all kinds, Ginghamp, Mus - ]ins, and all Wade Materials. Ladies' ready-to-wear Wash Skirts, House Dresses, White Waists, Etc. Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children, made of good strong material and will stand lots of wear. I have a large stock of Linoleums ; twelve patterns to select from. Oilcloths and Border's. Rugs of all kinds, Tapestry, Velvets, Wilton's and Axminsters, in Oriental and other styles. Come and see what we have before buying elsewhere, �... �., I.,' All kinds Produce taken«»Potatoes, Ilealns, Butter, Eggs, Etc. J. A. Mills (Successor to T. A. MILLS) *PIIONVI 89 WINGHAM Wire 141.11111 W 611. 1 .1 11