HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-06-13, Page 8w■ 11 11 1111 11 1 1 1 111111 1 111 Hi 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 111 .I I Write us C. N. WINNIPEG PROPERTIES offer a GOOD INVEST - meat and QUIOK TURNOVER. before you cleoids to invest. N. Tial. CY C RIE ER 500 1\X tAi;TuUR WINNIPEG-, MAN. THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. "w. sw mma" ..a"" In the matter of the Estate of Jaynes McGee - late of the Township of Morris in the Coun- ty of Huron, Yeoman, deceased. NOTION is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O. 1 Chip. 129, that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate of the said James McGee, who died on the fourteenth day of April..A.D. 1912, aro required on or before the 19th day of Juno • A.A.1012. to file with 10bt. John McGee, Au- ▪ burn, or Jame. Moody, l3lyt.h, the Executors,a statement with full partieulart8 of their claims and that after the said date the Executors a i11 proceed to distribute the as,ets among the per,ans entitled thorllto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have r► e. Dated at Wingham this 18th clay of May, 1912 DUDLEY 1HOLMES fl Solicitor for Executors. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass. and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. REI1OVED • THE UNDERSIGNED HAS REMOVED TO • MAXWELL'S 4 CTD STAND- OPPOSITE BANKOF HAMILTON e WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO • HAVE OUR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY 4 VVISIT US THERE • LADIES' AND GENTS' TAI- §' LORING IN THE LATEST STYLES A CALL SOLICITED SATISPAOTION GUARAN- TEED C. RITE 44-40ifillislii6004104-44-51r4liThrj and of all the seour ties held by the►n tit anY) FARM FOR SALE. A 175 acre farm ; every inch good soi], good buildings, bank barn, well fenced, on county gravel road, two miles Porte. of Fergus. For particulars address-- W, 5, EVERITT 42 Thnmesvillo, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his 200 acre farm, being lot 35, con. 10: East Wawanosh. There are on the premises a good stone house and large bank barn with stone stabling and other out buildings. There is a good supply of pure water and everything about the farm is in the very best condition. This is one if the best farms in the Township. Easy terms of payment as I am giving up farming. Get particulars on the premises or at the Times Office, Wing - ham, or address GEO. T. ROBERTSON 42 Wingham, P. 0. M. DAVIS Agent for the following Steamship lint s: The Allan Line, the Canadian Nor- thern, the Cunard and the Donald - eon Ocean Steamship Lines. OFFICE—POSTOFFICE FLOCK, WIL GIIA.II. 4 I • ., i . I . HOME STUDY Thousands of ambitious young people are being instructed in their homes by our Homo Study Dept. You may finish at College if you desire. Pay when- ever you wish. Thirty Years' Exper- ience. Largest trainers in Canada. Enter any day. Positions guaranteed. If you wish to Savo board, and learn while you earn, write for particulars. NO VACATION WINCHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON CHAS. BURNS President • • - • I.i:taw. i.. 1.611 . • 1. Principal 4. Our cream waggons are now on the road. If you have not been called upon, let us know and we will place you on one of our routes. We are paying 26 cts. per lb. fat for this week. For next week we pay 26 cts. For further particulars apply to Wm. Davies Cfea CREAMERY KENT BLOCK 1 1 BETTER COMA AND SEE WHAT 25 CTS. WILL BUY THIS WEEK AT i 1 1 MARSHALL' 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c STORE 4111111111111111111115MINIOaaitr woo \yZ! , : ,fit L 4 i f , .142.6 #4:16 HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA J U'NE 11'rii AND 25,mr and every Second Tuesday thereaftuer un- til Sept. 15, via Sarnia or Chicago WINNIPEG and RETURN = $34 00 S EDMONTON and RETURN = $43.00 3 Tickets good for 60 days. Special train will leave Toronto 10 30 p.m. on above dates, carrying through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. No change of cars, The 11lost Popular Route to Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Kawartha Lakes, French River, Lake Superior, and Georgian Bay, Temagami, and I1aganeta- wan River is via Grand Trunk Write for illustrated literature to G. YOUNG, Depot Agent r,... .44444,444~.••••...-44.44444,44 "4,4444,4 .. . Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's are sold at P5 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. CHRTSTTE'S GROGERY PHONE 59 BEST QUALITY RANGOON RICE 5 CTS. PER LB. Tho rice market is high and low grade rice if being freely offered at shipping points to take the place of better qualities. We have tested this rice and have no hesitancy in recom- mending the quality as excellent. JUST TRY SOME Carolina Rice (genuine) per lb. 10c. CHOICE VALUE IN OLIVES The trade for Olives is growing rapid- ly and we aro pleased to offer in this line exceptionally fine stock, both plain and staffed. From 10c to 50c per Bottle. A BEAUTIFUL PITCHER For 15 Cts. Just imported a crate of beautiful, bell shaped, blue and green tintings with scenic picture SEE SOUTH WINDOW Our $3.75 (spot cash) Toilet Sets Are Superb Value. Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs Wanted. sei Toronto Eye Specialist Now In Wingham At the Drug Store of J. W. McKibbon 1-7 FROM ;'FOR TEN I FOR TEN Wednesday, June 12 DAYS ONLV Saturday, June 22 DAYS ONLY Lucknow. The frost on Friday eight was not as destructive as feared,. Mr. Tr ele'ttven occupied the pulpit in theethodi M tot Church Sunday morn- ing. V. Gray of P n gham was in Luck- now on Sunday ; the driver Will now has is a beauty. We noticed the genie] smiling face of your townsman, Mr. H. .Davis, in Lucknow on Sunday. A whole host of people from Luck - now were in Wingharn on Friday "to see the circus" of course. Mr. Dan. McMoran, Lucknow's talented musician, is clerking for Messrs. Murdie & Sutherland, Mrs. Corbett has decided to move to Seaforth, where she owns a beauti- ful home. Mrs. 0. will be missed in Lueknow, Two very popular young ladies of Lueknow will (all being well) be mar- ried next week ; next week our lips will be unsealed and we can give names. Miss Reed, who graduated from the Commercial College in Winger►ern last week, is visiting her grandmother in Lucknow. Miss Reed intends going West in July. The sacramental services in the Presbyterian church last week were very largely attended ; the prepara- tory sermon on Friday was preached by the minister from Teeswater. As I go to press Monday evening, am linable to report results of Mr. Blake's lig livery sale which comes cif on day the Advance cornee out, viz., June 12r,h. Mr. Blake is going West. It seemed as if the auto men turned Last Sunday into a gala day. All day long the cars were running through our village galore ; we recognized among the many, some blue bloods from Wingham. Wingham is fortified by one can- non ; our sepoy town has two. Wing- harn is surrounded by flowing rivers, the river in Lucknow runs across the centre of our front street and like the Thames of old London, England, houses are built completely over run- ning waters. What makes the shade trees so ex- ceedingly pretty in Lueknow, is that on some et the streets, trees are planted on both sides of the side -walk and at top they interlace each other, so that they form to perfect canopy. Thus when the sun is shining, it has an effect which is absolutely sublime. We have a fine library in town and Mr. Graham, who by the way, is a poet of renown. an extremely obliging secretary, yet the editor of the Senti- nel might make it still more interest- ing, if he would adopt the same plan the editors of Wingham have adopt- ed, by simply handing over each week for the public reading table, his many exchanges, for there are always strangers looking for news from the "Auld Hanle." In our last letter we spoke of Mr. Wilson's fine driver ; on Saturday evening he was driving, and also lead- ing a valuable entire horse. Near the station, the latter became unman- ageable, it reared up, upset the buggy, and viciously attacked Mr. 'Wilson, who to -day is walking with a limp from a bite received. His driver then took to its heels and sailed down front street at a furious rate. It turned at Dr. Gordon's, jumped the fence into his lawn, turned and jumped back again leaving behind it the hind wheels and box of his rubber tired buggy, and away again with the fore wheels, not being stopped until it reached Belfast. With the exception of a little lameness to the horse and a broken buggy, everything is again serene. TITURSDAv, JUNE IS, X9> 2 '-.---.x.1.0- Morris. Wroxeter, Council met on Monday, May 27 ; Mr. and Mrs. 3', N. Allan visited all the members were present. friends in Galt last week. The minutes of last regular meeting Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Aitchison visited and ofhe t two special meetings were friends in Harriston lastFaiday.read and approved. The council was then formed into a Mr. Alex. McKercher of Howick Court of ReyisIon on the assessor's visited friends in Galt last week, roll and the following changes were Mr. dao. Moffatt of Peterboro visit - made. ed his home in T'urnberry over Sun- S.t,erlot p . N. 4, con, 1, 20 acre da tranafet'ed fc'orxr John Duckett to W. y J Henderson ; John Rintoul F, S. lot Miss Agnes Black of Toronto is N 17, 18 con, 1, added ; Thomas enjoying her holidays at her home Hodginson, M, F. S. lot 4, con. 1, here. added ; Anson Shaw, Thos. Forbes, A, Stepler, menagsr of Traders Jas. Clarke, Geo. Redman, Sam. Walker and Wm. Thuell had their Bank, Harriston, visited R. 1'. Aitcbi- dogs struck off ; Alfred Button as son on Friday last, sessment lowered by $300, The court Mr, Geo. 3. Town is erecting a new of Revision was then adjourned. summer kitchen to his hotel which The engineer's report on the ;Bird will add greatly to its appearance. drain was read, and as no names were 1<lr. and Mrs. Norman Barris of added or withdrawn from the petition, Ilershel, Sask., are visiting at the on motion by Laidlaw and 'Thuell, the fearmer'ca mother, hire, (leo. Harris, of report was provisionally adopted, The report on the Magee drain was town. then read and as some of the parties One of the pretty and interesting interested wished to have cortin events of the season took place at the changes made in the construction of home of Mr, and Mrs. David Galla - the drain, the report was referred to way, con. 15, Howick, on Tuesday, Engineer Roger for his approval of June 4th, when their third daughter, said changes, on motion by Thuell Elizabeth, was married to Mr. Fiem- and Elston. ing S. Ballagh of Culross. Immediate- Laidlaw—Elston—That we appoint ly on the hour, 4 30 p.en., the bride Gee. Procter as weed Inspector—car- entered the drawing -room leaning on rigid. the arm of her father, while Miss Elston—Thuell—That we accept L. Ewma Ballagh, sister of the groom Belmore. Mrs. Bremner visited friends in Wroxeter on Saturday. Rev. Mr, Lackland of Walton has been appointed to the Wroxeter circuit. Mr. Shaw of Bluevale occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Communion service will be held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, 23rd inst. Messrs. B. A. Hiscox and W. Chap- man spent Sunday at their homes in Teeswater. Mr. Carr, Wroxeter, took the ser- vices in the Methodist Church on Sunday morning. The contract of repairing culvert at south end of village has been given to Mr. William Willie. Mr. Will. Edwards is having the lumber from his mill delivered iu Wingham this week. Messrs. Darling and Inglis attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Gibson in Hamilton on Monday. Mr. Findlater is making extensive alterations and improvements to his house in the south end. Friends from Picketing camp in their auto to visit Mr. and Mrs. Thos Appleby, 10th of Turnberrv. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Ballagh, who were married on Wednesday, 5th inst. Many from hero took in the circus in Wingharn on Friday last, and judging from their accounts it also took them in, Quite a number attended the con- cert consisting of magic lantern views and gramophone selections given in the school -house on Saturday evening by a blind man and his daughter. The tidings of the death of Mrs. Gib son, wife of Rev. Mr. Gibson of the Presbyterian Church in this village was received with deep regret and sorrow and deep sympathy is extend ed to Mr. Gibson in his sad bereave- ment, Interment took place in Hamilton. The 'Women's Institute will hold a meeting in the Foresters' Hell on Wednesday, June lOch, at 3 p. to Miss Mckt.urchie of Harriston will give an address. There' will also be a short program of readings, recitations, etc A cordial invitation is extended to al the ladies to be present. DAY Lim ROBBERY. If your scalp is itchy you have dandruff ; and dandruff is the thiev- ing little germ that will surely rob you of your hair, That germ must be killed if you want to save what hair you have and grow hair_ that is heal- thy and clean. SAGEINE is the ae. knowledge't1 dandruff germ killer, it k sold at 50e, a large bottle by A. L- 1lsunilton in \VinRhatu and rigidly guaranteed to do as is elaiwed for it. You eannotaffi»d to neglect your hair at.d your future appearance when such a hair tonic as SAGEINE awaits you at A. L. Hamilton's, It is daintily perfumed and W not stick' or git'easy, Loohy's tender for 2 culverts on Mu: - ray -Lamb drain at $815, to be built according to county epecifications— carried. Thuell—Fraser — That we accet t Geo. Ba,rkly's tender for culvert on Nichol drain at $185, engineer's plans. The following accounts were passed and paid— John Nevins work on road $5 50 ; Allen Adams repair culvert $t• 60; Peter Moff.tt fixing nnrth boundary $5 50 ; J. A. McLean bill of timber let line bridge, $58 30; E. Pollard pt. payment Sed line bridge, $25 00 ; William McMichael filling washout $S 00; Henry Bosman gravel $1 60 ; W. J. Scott fixing bridge $2 00 ; Municipal World supplies $8 OS; Canadian Express 40 cts ; Geo. Mason envelopes $1 69 ; J. E. Taxman tempor- ary culvert, $4.00 ; ,Luxton Hill, lum- ber, $ t 11 ; Bell Telephone Co., $80e ; Geo. White, work on west boundary, $3 00 ; James Gibson, filling washout, $5 00 ; J. J. McCaughey, fixing tile 50c ; and filling washout, $2 00 ; Rus - SP1 Fear, filling washout, $5 75 ; W. Cooke, sheep killed by dogs, $7 00 ; Walter Forest, Board of ,Health, $17 00 ; John Watson, assessor, $80 00 ; Time. Miller, tile and work on E bdy., $30 75 ; D. Jordan, washout on side - road, $1500; D. Jordan, putting in tile, $3 00; Albert Crooke, filling washout, 8.50; Thos. Marshall fixing bridge, $2 00 ; Wm. McCall, tempor- ary culvert, $1 00 ; Wrn. Shortreed, culvert south boundary, $5 00 ; Tele- graph company. 25e ; Duncan Laidlaw farm bridge McCall drain $15 00 ; R. Shortreed, farm bridge McCall drain, $15. The Council then adjourned to meet on Monday, June 17th. A. MacEwen, Clerk. Howick. Mr. John Porterfield, jr., 12th con., has a goose which has laid over forty eggs this spring and is still laying. Mr. J. Renwick has improved the appearance of his farm by erecting a new wire fence across the front of the property. The masons have commenced the wall of Walter Renwick's new barn. Mr. Renwick is building a concrete wall this time and expects to have everything ready to raise about June 20th. Mr. John Corbett, who has been confined to his led for several months, is still Buffering much pain and no hopes are entertained for his recovery. The old gentleman is over ninety years of age and is one of the early pioneers of Howick. A mud turtle with the letters W. H. carved on the shell, was found in John Porterfield's hay field on the 12eh con. last week. The turtle was a very large one, the shell being about 14 inches long and 12 inches wide. The initials on its back and a hole in the shell would indicate that it had been in captivity some time ago. On Thursday afternoon of last week Mr. Wm. Reid's horse had an exciting runaway and got quite a bath in the Maitland. Mr. Reid tied the animal in the shed, but the animal broke loose and ran away. It ran through the river into Mr. Fred Siefert's field, continuing in its mad career up the hill to the road fence, down the fence to Sotheran's bridge, where it attempted to ford the river on to the road, but the river was too deep and the current too strong. Horse and rig were carried under the bridge, where the two became separated, the buggy being left there and the horse swimming down to Sotheran's flats, where it was soon captured. The buggy was fished out, and was found to be badly damaged. The horse was not much the worse of the exciting runaway.—[Fordwich Record. Corrie. 1Vf r. Lorn Shire went to Elk on Monday. H. V. Holmes was in Toronto couple of days last week. Miss Edythe Perkins was a Toronto visitor for a few days last week. Rev. R. E. Collis of Wroxeter visit- ed at Dr. Armstrong's on Tuesday. Miss Lulu Darling visited with her friend, Miss Jeanette Black in Wroxeter on Monday. The June meeting of the Woman's Inst. was held at the home of Mrs. John Evans on Wednesday after- noon. G. W. Walker and A. M. Hamilton are representing Court Gorrie No. 57 C. 0. F. at High Court in Hamilton this week. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Miller and three daughters of Nelson, British Columbia, are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Dobbs. Mr. Miller, who is a brother of Mrs. Dobbs, is Superinten- dent of the mountain division of the 0. P. R. in B. 0, They intended coming all the way in their private car, but haviug so many friends to visit along the route, decided to leave it in Winnipeg and travel the rest of the way by 0, P. R. Blyth. A number of otir citizens intend tak• ing in the excursion to Detroit on Friday. A. vote of the ratepayers will be taken on the Waterworks bylaw on Tuesday. G. M. Chambers and Mr. Howlett are the delegates from the Methodist Church at London Conference. Miss Maud King, Deaconess, octet'. pied the pulpit in the Methodiet Church Sunday Morning; the evening servicei Was withdrawn, Lake for a • played the wedding march. The bride and bidesmaid, Mies Myrtle (I3llawsy, looked quite pretty. The bride was gowned in white silk, trimmed with pearls and crystals, while the brides- maid wore embroidery. Both car- ried large baguets of carnations and rneidenhair fern. The groom was at- tended by hie brother, Mr, Arthur 13ellagh. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a necklet set with rutty, pearls and emeralds, and to the hest man, a pair of gold cuff links. The ceremony was performed by Rev, R. E. Collie, B. A. of Wroxeter, in the presence of about fifty guests, the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. The presents were both numerous and beautiful showing the high esteem in which the young couple are held. Mr. and Mrs. Bal- lagh take up their residence at once on con. 2, Culross. Their many friends and relatives join in wishing them a long and happy life. Howick Boundary. Mr. and Mrs, J. Henry have moved to Harriston. The men are busy with the road work around here. Miss I. Doubledee spent last week with friends in Harriston. Miss 13, Longley spent part of last week with friends in Toronto, Mr. Thompson intends starting busi- ness again in the near future in Belmore. Master C. Cameron of Toronto call- ed at the home of Mr. Halliday, B line, last week. Mr. Ira Neil had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow on Friday last; it is quite a loss at this season. Mrs. Geo. Newton, 17th con., who underwent a very critical operation a short time ago, is doing nicely ; a trained nurse from Fergus is in at- tendance and we hope soon to see Mrs. Newton around again. A very happy event took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. D. Galla- way, 15th con.. on Tuesday last, June 4th, when their third daughter, Mitis Lizzie, was united in marriage to Mr. F. Ballagh, a prosperous young farm- er from near Teeswater. Rev. R Collie of Wroxeter performed the ceremony in the presence of about 50 friends of the contracting parties. We wish Mr. and Mrs, Ballagh every happiness. Quite a few improvements are being made on the boundary this year. Mr. Lane is building a new pig pen, Mr. Ira Neil a new house, and Mr. Doubledee cementing his stables. Then as we go farther north, we see the new race track on Mr. Mulvey's farm built for the purpose of training and exercising the fast horses around here owned by Mr. Mulvey. Mr. J. Fitch, Mr. T. Fortune, Mr. H. Mc- Glynn and Mr. A. Miller. There is also a rumor that a grand -stand is to be built, so when. the Belmore races take place, by paying 25 cents you may have the pleasure of looking on from an elevated position or by the small sunt of ten cents you may have standing room. According to the Assessor, Owen Sound is growing and the population is now 12,914, an increase of 651 over last year, while the assessment is $7,356,065, or an increase of $352,040 over 1011. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Stall Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK tiNWtlitYWii iiitiWe WaleWrh ieWii iWWWtrfWW1 "c 1. ORANGES Now at their best ; sweet . ... a, . and juicy ; all sizes -25c pik to 60o a dozen. This week will be the •-r-tr. best week for: r PINEAPPLES w‘.. 1i %I Don't miss them. Try lye for your „M TEA and COFFEE All kinds of Produce Wanted. W. BONE CENTRAL OROCERY 'PHONE 113 ANYMYNNOMMOMINA a Cool Summer Shoes For The Kiddies We are to leave from two to three months of warm weather and ''lest we forget" permit us to draw your attention to the fact that the children feel the oppressive heat of summer just the same as do adults. Therefore Cool. Shoes or Slippers for the Child- ren at this season of the year are alrnost a necessity. 11 We are we make a our selection showing an excellent variety, in fact specialty of Children's Footwear, and is equal to that of the big city stores. This illustration shows the popular Roman sandals This Shoe has an exception- ally nice appearance on the foot, and looks particularly effective with colored hose. It is just as cool as the low Slipper and al most as cheap in price. We have two styles of this line and we would like to show therm to every mother interested. Sizes from infants, 2—to young ladies, 2. LOOK IN OUR NORTH WINDOW W•11•5 & C 1 a i Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE 7dX O. FOR .f/OE LADIES . WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK , • HANNA et CO. Sine Agency House of Hobberlin, Limited.