HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-06-13, Page 140T11 YEAR, NO. 41. EDITORIAL PARAORAPIIS. —Berlin, Ontario, was declared a city on Saturday last. * * —With beefsteak and leather both advancing in price, our present inclin- ations rather favor the steak for dinner. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Ohurch in session at Edmonton adopted the report on Union, and will work with a view of bringing about the desired object. —The New Brunswick general elec- tions have been fixed for June 20. The last Reuse of Assembly wag composed of thirty-three Conservatives and thirteen Liberals. * * * —The Saskatchewan elections are dated for June 14th. Premier Scott • is the Liberal leader, and Mr, Mull - take leader of the Opposition. The railway question is the leading issue, although the Liberals are trying to drag in the Reciprocity fad. * * * —No dear reader, that hump in the road where Maple street joins Jose- phine street is neither a turnip pit )1' nor a potato deposit It is an speci- men of the scientifie (?) workaleeing done under the :enpervision of lize Street Committee. Neither is it te,,, dyke, though in wet weather it maty be used as s013. Nor does ,it,yitdd beauty to our nein street, beeeff our autoists are troublesiewitfreagigestion, * few tuns over it at full speed is guaranteed to shake down any ordi- nary meal. * * * —One of the results of the Titanic disaster has been to draw attention to the life boat accommodation and ser- vice on passenger steamers. On her last voyage to New York, the steamer Rotterdam carried ten extra, life boats and besides this, there was a card in each cabin, inscribed with the name and number of the lifeboat to which the occupants of that room were• as- signed, and also a diagram showing its position on the boat deck, so that in case isf danger, each passenger would know what boat to go to, thus preventing a panic, and facilitating escape. * ** —The Canadian Forestry Associa- tion will this year follow the plan of 1906, and hold a big Autumn Forestry Convention in Victoria, B.O. The date fixed is Sept. 4.6. This is upon the invitation of the Government of that Province. Bon. Richard Mc- Bride, the Premier and Hon, W. R. Ross, Minister of Lands, are forward- ing the plans, so as to make it one of the largest things of the kind held in Canada. The Secretary, Mr, James Lawler, of Ottawa, is now consulting with these gentlemen and Mr. John Hendry, of Vancouver, the President of the Association, in regard. to final details. —The contest for the Presidential nomination of the Republican party in the United States is one of the hottest fights in the history of the Republic. With Roosevelt an ex - President, and Pres. Taft both after the nomination, the Republican party seems hopelessly divided. A number sp.... of things may happen as the result of the bitter contest—the wreck of the Republicans and a Democratic victory, or both Roosevelt and Taft may have to give way for a Republican nominee )•- acceptable to both parties, though with the present stets of excitement, the latter scarcely seems probable. * * * —What next ? Papers were re- cently delivered by a aeroplane. On May 20th Farnum Fish made a fifty mile flight from Milwaukee to Water. town, Wisconsin. He carried a bundle of newspapers and dropped some off at the various towns en route. He made the flight against a strong head wind and flew across Milwaukee at an altitude of only about five hundred feet. A few days before this he tnade a flight from Chicago to Milwaukee in two hours and six minutes, carrying a consignment of silk for a depart - Ment store. Moot of this flight was made at a height of 0,000 feet and an average of 72 miles per hour was maintained. The Winghain Advance. WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1912. 1 NI 1/Y111 10 1 1110 I 11111 NOW I I I Garden Party. Keep in mind the evening of June 20th, and the A. Y. P. A. garden party on the lawn of Dr. Tainlyn, The Citizens' 13a.nd will furnish music, and there will be addresses and vocal selections. Heavy Rains. Wingham has bad a lot of rain this spring but other places have had more, Just recently, the most terrific thun, der and rain storm that ever passed over Flesherton district in the mem- ory of man visited that section of country. Fields were so deluged that the grain was washed out and carried away. In parts of Colling- wood, lawns were destroyed, streets torn up, poultry and swine drowned, and buildings removed from their foundations. Suspended Publication, Tbe "Wednesday Sun" published in Mt. Forest is reported to have sus- pended publication. Mt. Forest had two good papers, the Representative and the Confederate, and a third was Sunday School Excursion. The date for this excursion has been fixed for Tuesday, July 10th, at the time of the Kincardine Old Boys' re- union. The day is likely to be pro - 'Metaled Civic holiday for Wingham. Football Games. Two autos ernaviFid the Wingham Football team to Seafo\th on Friday, where they played with the team of that town, and lost byli score of 2-1. On Monday( they we'nt to Brussels, and lost by mgeore Of 1-0. Canned Rhubarb. Cut the rhubarb when it is young and tender. Wash it thoroughly ; cut into pieces about two inches long. Pack in sterilized jars. Fill the jtzs to overflowing with cold water, and let them stand ten minutes, Drain off the water and fill again to over- flowing with fresh cold water. Seal with sterilized covers. When requir- ed for use treat the same as fresh rhubarb. Green gooseberz les may be preserved in the same way, Political Conventions, not necessary, but a couple of yearEast Huron Conservatives hold their ago, the Sun was established by par ties opposed to the stand taken by the two local papers in supporting local option, but the public in.general did not countenance such a move. Con- siderable money has been sunk in the venture, and just what the outcome will be is hard to say. The this d paper in Midland has ceased publi- Mr. Joynt of Lucknow is President, cation, after $5000 was dropped in 3 J and D. Holmes of Wingham, Seem - years. tarp. Those interested should keep these dates in mind -14th, 18113, 21st. annual meetiug in Brussels en Friday of this week. North Huron Liberals hold their annual 'sleeting in Wing - ham, on Tuesday, 1Sth inst. Then on Friday, June 21st, the Conserves ives of North Huron will assemble in conven- tion, in Wingham, for the election of officers and transaction of business. Junior A. Y. P. A. The opening meeting of the junior branch of the A. Y. P. A. was held in St. Paul's scho ..e, on Thursday evening of steweek, fter a short program, jfe members e Toyed them- selves pl ying games; t en refresh- ments w re served. The f Illowing are the officers elected—Pat .n—Miss E. Cornyn Pres., Miss azel Moore; Vice -Pre ., Geo. De 11; Sec., Miss Marion reasurer, Harold Drummond; Convenors—Social com., Miss Nora Smith ; Program, bliss Olive Knox ; Missionary, Miss Beatrice Johnston; Visiting and Lookout, Miss Alice Reading. This Society has started under favorable circumstances with a membership of about fifty. Value Of Vegetables. Spinach, containing as it does a. large amount of iron, can scarcely be ignored as a valuable spring vegetable dish. Rhubarb is rich in oxalic acid, which does much to tone up the system. Onions contain much nutri- tion, but are most valuable for tbeir pungent oil, which is rich in suiphur. Asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower and celery are chiefly valued for their mineral salts and for the bulk, variety and relish they give to the diet. Cab- bage contains a great deal of sulphur and for this reason frequently causes flAtulence. Cauliflower, which is of the same family, is more easily digested. Celery is said to be more digestible cooked than raw. Beets, carrots and parsnips an contain a large percentar of sugar. Carrots and parsnips vsfn n young and tender are very nutritious. To Bee -Keepers. A valuable pamphlet has been issued on Bee -Keeping by Hon. Martin Bur- rell, that every apiarist should secure. The pamphlet points out that bee. keeping returns the direct profit of a honey crop and the indirect one of improvement to yields of clover seed and fruit. It is observed that a bul- lock after being fed and cared for during an entire winter will not realize much more than the produce of a colony of bees in a single season. This treatise of forty-five pages, which is helpfully illustrated cov- ere, in plain language, the whole field of. agriculture, including equip- ment, management, the production of honey and wax, diseases, legislation of the various provinces against bee dis- eases, etc. It is designated "The Honey Bee," Bulletin No. 2 Copies may be had free by applying to the Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. * * —The Italian -Turkish war still drags on wearily -with an occasional battle. So far, although the advent - Age appears to reet with the Italians, there are few if any signs of peace. Both nations are apparently tired of the conflict, and if Italy IS finally victorious, it is questionable if any. thing will be gained, and she will find herself in financial diffitulty, home affairs, negleeted, and the nation faded by the re -action that invariably fol. lows a prolonged and not altogether popular Conflict, Other nations are adopting the "Let them fight it out" policy. In the meantime the soldiers who are killing each other o or dying of disease in the hospitale, could Scarcely tell you What, the war le in- tended to lot ing hout, or "What they killed each other for." What a te, flection on the civilization of the 20th Century I Will Be Dear. Under the heading—"Poultry will be dear. Eggs and butter short and price too high to pack," the Toronto Telegram says :—The present outlook for fall poultry this year is rather dis- mal, Reports to the merchants are to the effect that Cold and wet weath- er have seriously damaged the young chicken crop, and this fact with the high price of eggs will make the avail- able supply of chickens and ducks this fall rather scarce. The egg con- sumption is enormous, and re$orts from Chicago show supplies to be 2,020,900 cases, against 2,690,700 eases, for the first week of June last year. Formerly Of Wingham. Died at Scott, Sask., on Wednes- day, May 5th, Ariel Gertrude Park wife of Mr. Elgin A. Wakelin and daughter of Mr. Halsey Park of Amherstburg, formerly of Wingham. Besides her husband and father, she leaves an infant son, ten days old. also five sisters—Mrs. Lang, Round Plains, Ont., Mrs, Wenzel, New Hamburg, Out., Mrs. Oliver, Vancouver, B. C., Mrs. Nicholson, Dauphin, Man., and Marguerite at home and three broth- ers, Maurice of Dauphin, Man., John of North Bettleford, Sask., and Nor- man of Kindersley, Sask. The funeral service was held at Scott on Friday, May 17th, after which the remains were taken to Dauphin, to the home of her brother Maurice. and buried on Tuesday, May 22nd. The three broth- ers and two sisters, Mrs. Oliver and Mrs. Nicholson attended the funeral. Mrs. Wakelin was an active member of the Church and Sunday School in her girlhood and during her short married life, and will be greatly miss. ed. The many beautiful wreaths and sprays of flowers were testimonies of the love and esteem in which she was held. At The County Council. Recve McDonald returned on Fri- day from the County Council. One of the questions affecting Wingham vas the distribution of the Hospital ,rant. This had been divided pro - rata, and there was an effort to have the $600 divided equally between Wingham, Goderich and Clinton, but it was finally decided to apportion it as follows :—Clinton, $100 ; Wingham, $250 ; Goderich, $250. Another mat- ter under consideration was the forma- tion of another School Inspectorate by taking three townships from Huron, Ashfield, Turnberry and Rowick, and Kinloss, Culross and Carrick from Bruce, with Lucknow as a centre. This was voted down. By glancing at the map, it would be easy to see a better arrangement", if a third Inspectorate is to be formed. The other matter affecting Wingham was the appointment of a High School Trustee for Wingham in place of W. Nicholson, removed. As the Advance announced last week, Mr. Rich. Van - stone was appointed. Reeve McDon- ald is on the alert at the County Council when anything affecting the interests of Wingham arises. A Pretty June Wedding. The home of Mr. D, R. Moffett, Ex - Reeve of Turnberry was the scene of a very- pretty wedding on Wednesday, June 5tb, when the measriage was solemnized of their daughter, Jessie AL to Gioia J. Higgins of Turnberry. At half -past four o'clock to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march played by Mise Jeanette Ritchie of Wroxe- ter, the bridal party took their places beneath a beautiful arch, decor- ated with myrtle, ferns and lilliee ef the valley, where the ceremony, Was performed by Rev. L. Perrin of Moore- field. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charm. ing in a gown of cream satin striped voile, trimmed with lace and pearl beading, and wearing a veil of tule caught with Mlles of the valley, and The present price will not permit of carrying a sheaf of roses and earns. - egg shortage, and next winter mer- tions. After congratulatione'the chants anticipate that eggs Will sell gtteete to the mamba of 125 sat down for much higher prices than during to a sumptuous eupper prepared by the past winter. There is a prevalent the hostess in bet usual good style. shortage of butter. The West shows The evening was spent in rootlet sing- e shortage of 12 344,700 lbscompared ing and dancing. Preeente numerous with the figuree of thie week for the and eostly testified to the popularity same week last year, when there were of the bride and groom. Guests were 17,080,600 noun& in sight, and hope of present from Clinton. Ilidgetown, any material redaction temote. The Wtoxeter, Peterboro, Winghatn, heavy 0001 of lia,y end elover le look- Moorefield and Mut Forest, Mr. ea forward to ass relief in some re,. and Mr. Higgins will take up house - spots feottt the present high prieset of keeping on the groom's fine farm in ineett.Tttrnbery Won The Race. At the picnic of the Young Ladies Class of Central Church, Stratford, Miss Hazel Brandon won the 100 yard race, and was awarded the Baines' Trophy Cup. Mimi Hazel's friends in Wingharn hope her cup of pleasure will always be full to the brim. Mixed Marmalade. Peel pineapple and chop or Shred it. Cut rhubarb into small pieces. To weighed quantity of pineapple add three times as much rhubarb. To every pound of fruit add three-quarters pound of sugar. Let stand over night and boil next day until pineapple is clear. Examination Notes. Messrs, Rogers and Hoggarth will conduct the annual Departmental Ex- aminations at Wingham ; Principal Smith of Wingham High School, at Brussels; Priucipa1Sta1ke of Wing - ham Public School, at Wrox er, and Principal Hartley of Clinton • ublic School at Blyth. The junior,' High School Ent ance Exaininatis s will commence me 19th and ill be in charge of Pri i al 5 ' of the High School, assisted by Miss Brock of the Public School. The results of this examination will not be available be- fore July Oth. Presentation. The members of Mrs. (Dr.) Rut - ledge's bible class met at Miss Cope - land's on Tuesday, and enjoyed a pleasant social evening. They pre- sented Miss Ethel Musgrove, a mem- ber of the class, with a handsome fern and brass jardiniere, in view of an approaching interesting event. Unexpected Death. This week, we regret to report the death of Mr. John Thornton, a young man, in the prime of life. He was taken ill while at work last week with appendicitis, On Sunday, an oper- ation was performed, which it was hoped would result in recovery, but other complications set in, and on Tuesday evening, he passed away. Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Thornton, formerly of Wingham, and was a steady, indus- trious young man, a member of the A. 0. F., of the Fire Company, and of the Citizens' Band. He leaves a young widow and two children, who have sincere sympathy in their very sad and sudden bereave- ment. The time of the funeral is not decided as we close our forms, his father and mother being at Aberdeen, Sask. STATIONS OF MINISTERS. • The following are the stations of ministers on Wingham and Goderich districts of the London Conference of the Methodist Church. WINO 11Allf DISTRICT. Wingham—W, L. Rutledge, D. D. Kincardine—A. J. Langford Lucknow—Geo. McKinley, B. D. Brussels—F. J. Oaten, Ph, D. Teeswater—W. J. Ford, L. L. B. Ethel—D. Wren, M. A. Fordwich—J. W. Andrews Gorrie—J. W. Hibbert Wroxeter—R. S. Lackland Bluevale—J. E. Cook Ashfield—J. J. Durrant Ripley—Geo. W. Rivers, B. A., 13. Bervie—B. II. Robinson, B. A. Belgrave—J. Kilpatrick, B. A. Tiverton—W. J. Huston. Whitechurch—J. A. Basset. G ODERICII DISTRICT. The Holy Communion will be cele- brated in $t. PaAll'd Church on Sunday next at 0 a,m. Presbyterian Sunday schools in Can. ana increased to 3,529 last year, an ad- dition of 127. They raised $114,000 for current expenses and $60,000 for mis- sionaries. A special Vestry meeting has been called for Monday, June 17th, at p.m, in the school -room of St, Paul's church to deal with the bequest of the late Mr. T. A. Mills. Wingham Salvation Army Band went to Kincardine on Saturday and on Sunday held successful services in the Town Hall. They were cordially received, and invited to return and hold a week's services, Next Sunday Rev, G. W. Rivers, 13. A., B. D„ of Ripley, will preach anniversary sermons for Wingham Epworth League. The morning ser- vice will begin with a floral process- ional of the Junior League. Special music will be furnished by the choir. The Leagues are looking forward to a successful day's services. Rev. F. Swann, formerly of Blue - vale, bas gone to British Columbia to take charge of the mission station at Kitamaat, B.C. He was accompanied on his journey west by Mr. Swann, who hes been appointed assistant superintendent of the mission. They will be assisted in the work by Mr. Swann' s sister, Miss Swann, who was sent to Kitamaat a year or so ago by the W. M. S. Last Sunday evening in the Metho- dist Church, the Epwoi th League had charge of the service. On the plat- form were—Messrs, E. A. Hammond, President, E. H. Bird, G. R, Smith, all of whom took part in the service, and Mr, J. C. Smith, Principal of Wingham High School, who kindly assisted by giving an address on the text—"AndJabez was more honorable than bis brethren." The choir render- ed several pleasing selections. The Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, now in session in Edmonton, reports as fol- lows the vote on Union :— For against Elden ..71e per cent. 23& per cent. Members " " 31+ Adherents.72i " " 27i " " Combinederit. vote -601 per cent. 301 per c Or, 150,175 votes for, and 01,925 against but only half of those entitled to vote availed themselves of the op- portunity. Chas. M. Sheldon spoke wisely, when he said—"There would be fewer miefits if every young man would humbly say, as he reaches the place where he must leave the old home, or the college or school, to go out into the great world himself : "Lord, show me the path for me to tread. Disclose to rue the door of my opportunity. Take away my doubts, and make clear to me the way of my life, You are the pilot as well as the captain of my ship, and I dare not set out on high seas without you." At the Anglican Synod in Hamilton, Bishop Clark of Niagara said, as soon as the union of the three great bodies of Methodism, Presbyterianism and Congregationalism had been brought D. about, the Anglican Church would be prepared to go with them. Rev. Dr. Lloyd, vice -provost of Trinity College, said his life was pledged to the con- local Iftents Goderich (North Street)—A. Brown, Goderich (Vittoria, St )—E. Medd. Clinton— (Wesley Church)—J. E. Ford Clinton (Ontario St.)—S. J. Alli Seaforth—A. W. Barker, 13. D. Holmesville—R. J. McCormick Blyth—Geo. Jewett Benmiller—A. W. Brown Auburn—R. A. Miller Dungannon—J. E. Hunter. Nile—IL Williams. Walton—S. 0. Edmunds. Londesboro—J, H. Osterhout, 13. A, Varna --T. J. Snowden HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. By H. S. Reporter. Parents of pupils attending the High School are requested to see that all books belonging to the library are returned as soon as possible. The winners in the Easay contest are :—Form 1, Miss Jean Webb. Form II, Miss Marion Allen. The following students of W. II, S. were successful in passing tbe exa Eminations of the Faculty of Educa- tion and have been awarded First Class Certitieates :—Mise 1. E. Agnew, Miss P. MaePherson, Mies It David- son, II. IL Thompoon, W. C. McKee, It. Weir. G. 111. Goble secured a see- ond clans eertificate. J. W. Arieley passed his first year in Arts. Mee O. Cruickshank passed In second year Household science. Miss Meijorie Gordon secured her 13. A. degree (first-class honors.) The following were i.uccettsful in their examinationa—T. Robinson, Clifford NO. Miss G. Ornikshank, Mise Irene Davis, Clifford Treleaven ; also Will. McLean and Geddes Wilson in 8rd year medicine, Mrs. 5, Irvine and family left on Wednesday for Winnipeg. Mrs. Thomas of Chicago is visiting her 'lister, Mies Houghton. Miss Minnie Bosman of Toronto is a guest at Mrs. A. E. Lloyd's, Miss Ausebrook of Goderich is the guest of Mrs. Dudley Holmes, Miss Lena Bennett of Walton spent a few days last week at Mr. S. Ben- nett's, Dr. G. B, Smith. of Toronto, is the guest of his brother, Mr. A. E. Smith, John street. John Young of Toronto is visiting at T. T. Field's. He came up on his motor -cycle. Mies S. N. Robinson of Wroxeter. has been visiting her friend Miss Lil- lian Moffat. Harold Buchanan came home from Massie, and left on Tuesday for Weyburn, Sask. Rev. E. H. Croly is attending the meeting of the Synod of Huron in London this week, Miss L. Kew is holidaying in To- r.onto. Miss Stewart of Blyth is re- lieving in her absence. Superintendent Gillen and other G. T. R. officials were in Wingham on Saturday for a few hours. Mr, F. Buchanan spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday at St. Thomas at the London Conference. Rev. Jas. Kennedy returned to his home in London, after a two weeks' visit with his son, Dr, J. 13. Kennedy. Mrs. (Rev.) E. H. Croly and Master Jack have gone on a visit to relatives in Montreal and other points in the east. Mrs. Geo. Johnston of Arthur, ac- companied by her daughter, visited her brother, Mr. James Phalen last week. and Mrs. Wm, Taylor and son Bruce, of Leduc, Alberta, are guests oanf obelhr.. and. Mrs. W. J. Currie, Wass - Mrs. Shillington has returned to her home in Windsor, after a week's visit with her mother, at the Methodist parsonage. . Mrs, P. Chevalier and little daugh- ter of Maple Creek, Sask., are visiting at the home of Mrs. C's father, Mr. Geo. Wade. Mrs. Joseph Bowman has shipped her furniture to Cobalt, where her husband has been for some time, and the family remove there this week. Mrs. R. H. Forster, her son, Van - Stone, and her COUSIID, Miss Dick, of Charleston, Missouri are visiting Mrs. Forster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. VanStone, Mr. Robt. Johnston returned from Toronto last week, where he had op- erations performed on his eyes. We hope his sight will return to its nor- mal condition soon. Mr. and Mrs. R. Vanstone and their two daughters and Mr. and Mrs. R. Clegg, Mr. and. Mrs. Evane spent Sunday in Southampton. Two autos conveyed them to and fro. Mr. David Bell, and his mother, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and son, of Turnberry went to Mitchell on Sun- day in Mr. Bell's auto, and report a pleasant trip to visit friends. Mrs. Tony Nichol is still very 111. To -day (Wednesday) is the 33rd day of her illneas, and there is very little im- provement as yet, if any. Her many friends hope for improgement soon. Dr. Margaret C. Calder visited with Mrs. Dr. Gunn in Clinton on Monday • last, prior to Miss Isabel Gunn's de- parture for Europe. Oa Wednesday Dr, Calder attended the Huron Medi- cal association in Seaforth. summation of union. He thought a united Christian brotherhood was not far off and that Canada always abreast of Anglo-Saxon progress, would be the country to lead the world. Rev. Dr. McKay, preaching at the Presbyterian General Assembly in Edmonton last week, said :—"If we had fifteen hundred conseerated min- isters in the Canadian Presbyterian Church and 200,000 consecrated church members, what would happen ? We could win the world. The world's greateet peril is that the church should fail in her duty. There are two dangers to which we are to.day especially exposed because of the rush in which we live. The first is the loss of vision of things unseen. The corn - menial activity is such that we are in danger of having our eyes blinded by the god of this world and of losing the vision of the Eternal. The second danger ie loss of conviction of truth." The annual report of Wingham Methodiat Church for the year ending April 30th, will be distributed next Sunday. It shows all fluancial de. mends liberally sustained Weekly offerings amounted to $1513 15,3 pew rents, $404 73; loose collections, $302.- 02; church improvement fund, $1486.. 77, For Missions, the following sums were contributed — general, $389 ; Senior League, $421.00; Junior League, $15 00 ; Sunday School. $180; W. II', M. 5, $200 00 ; total for miss storm, $123.5 10. The total raised for all porposes during the year was $5769 38. The membership is now 500, The Senior Epworth Leanne reports membership of 100, and funds raised, $.503 00; the Junior League $OO 83 'rho Sunday School report a a total working force of 480, and amount raised during the Year. $501 00. The report is very compreheneine, and given all necessary information of receipts and. expenditure. Nine (loathe occuered during the year viz— Itobt. ROW MAI NI PS, 110110Walts Mrs, Jefferson, Mrs, Rutledge, D. Ferrier, Mise Anderson, Allan Galbraith, Mists Ciera Brotk, Mrs, WM, ressants Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers, Read Willis & Co.'s advton page 8. The Choral Society purpose holding their concert on Friday 2811. It isn't bashfulness that keeps some men from wanting to meet their obli- gations. Mr, John McLean is having a fine large veranda erected in front of bis residence. SUBSCRIPTION 1 20 0 I':1$171101gmTavAlLTAlict BUTTERXILIC FOR SALE ;—Apply at The Wingham Oreamery.—The Wm. Davies Co. Limited. The Royal Scarlet Chapter will meet in the Orange Hall on Friday, June 14th, at 8 p, mi.' Business of importance. Rev. R. Hobbs removes this year from Exeter to Toronto and Rev, W. G, Howson from Wailaceburg to Glencoe Wool Wanted, -50,000 lbs, Highest prices, cash or tracie,--King Bros, The etore recently vacated by J. Walton McKibbon is being fitted up as offices for Wingham Business Col- lege, and will be neat and convenient. Residents of Wingham will regret to hear that former citizene, Mr. and Mrs. John Tariff of Stratford are both in very poor health, and wish them recovery. WANTED. — Two bright, smart young men, to learn the Upholster- ing. — Apply to Walker & Clegg, Wingham. Teams and men are at work repair- ing the damage done by the flood at the Lower Wingham dam and race. Mr, McCallum is over -seeing the work, and it is progressing nicely. Business in hay pressing is so brisk with Tipling & Mills, that on Satur- day, Mr. Tipling went to Toronto, to purchase a second hay press. With a number of buyers in the field, they are capturing the business, LOST. —On Saturday last, between Wingham and Isaiah Stewart's, a hand -satchel. Please leave at the Advance office. Use warm water to sprinkle starch - el clothes and the effect will be twice as satisfactory. Culture is all right, but no amount of culture will make a man stop snor- ing in his sleep. Whip cream in a pitcher instead of a bowl, to do it in half the time and without spattering. A carload of Western oats received. —Tiplingi& Mills. The Advance regrets to report that Mr. Gus, Sehtnidt is now in Victoria Hospital, London. A happy event takes place today at Mr. Wm. Eiliotee, Glenanna,n ; particulars next week. The Goderich - Detroit excursion takes place on Friday. A number of our citizens will enjoy it. Trunks and Valises Big stock to select from at lowest prices.—W. J. Greer. Dr. Morrow of Arthur had his arm broken by the crank of his auto flying out of his hand and striking his arm. A towel dipped in hot vvater, wrung out and applied to the back of the neck, will elite the severest of head- aches. John D. nockfeller's income is only $140 a minute. A month at that rate would be sufficient to suit the average Mr. J. R, Bone, recently elected President of the Prese Association is one of the young and rising men in the field of Ontario journalism. He is managing editor of the Toronto Star, and a brother of Mr. Wm. Bone of Wingham. LOST. —Between Bluevale and H. Diluent's. on Sunday morning, a grey shawl. Finder please leave at Isard's store, or R, Shaw's, Bluevale. Mr. Geo, Shaw shipped eighteen fine horses on Tuesday, to Winnipeg. Among them was a team of greys, whose value ran away up into the hundreds. George is a good judge of a horse and selected some good specimens that ought to sell well in the West. CORM CORN! A carload of Feed Corn for sale at our warehouse on G, T,1?, Another car just to hand, also a car of Canadian Oats,—TIPLING & MILLS, E. H. Glenn, Principal of Tiverton Public School, and son of Mr. and Mrs, John Glenn of Winghatn, bas been engaged as Principal of Grand Valley Continuation School, at an initial salary of $1100, and will com- mence bis duties after midsummer holidays, The Advance congratulates Everett on the progress he is making. AUCTION S ALE, —There will be sold at Hill's Hotel, Bslerave, commencing at 2 p. m. an Friday, June 14, one car- load of cows and other cattle. Terms 6 months ; or 3% off for cash.—J. J. Shannon, proprietor. BIRTEIS. Arbuckle—In Wawanosh, June 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Arbuckle, a son. Kinder—At the ' rectory, Gorrie, on Monday, June 3rd, to Rev. and Mrs, B. A. Kinder, a, daughter. MARRIAGES. Snider—Irwin—At the manse, Blue. vale, on June 5th, by Rev. W. J. West, .M. A. Mr. A. S. Snider of New Leaskard, to Miss Alice Eliza. beth, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Irwin of Wroxeter. Hiegins—Moffett.— In Tnrnberry, on June 5tb, by Rsv. L. Perrin of Mo- orefield, Mr. S. Ciotti Higgins, to Mies Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, D, Moffatt. Ballagh—Gallowey.—On Howick bd'y by Rev. R. Collie, Mr. F. Ballagh, to Miss Lizzie, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Galloway. DEATHS. Cooper—In Howick, on Tuesday, Jane 4, 1912, Edward Cooper, aged 78 years. .i•Nes,•••••• 131 uevale. Mr. and Mrs. West visited at Moles- worth manse on Friday last Mr, West conducted the preparatory service there, Rev, Mr, and Mrs. West are visiting in Hamilton and Woodstock this week. Mr. West will attend High court of the Canadian Order of Forest - ere, of which he is nigh Chaplain. The garden party to bo given on the 19‘,11 inst., by Knox chureh congre- gation, promises to be one of the best they have given. Tea served front 0 to 8 p.m, Wingham Citizens' Band will be present and a good musical and literary program:no will be rend. ered. wiNaliAM MARKETS. Wheat—(new) $1 00 to $1.00. 0 1,4-50 to 50 eta. Barley -45 to 89eta, Peas—$l 00 to *110 flay—$12.00 to $13 00 a tor, Butter -20 to 20 dm. Egge— 19 to 19 eta. Potatoes -1.00 to 1.00 per bueh. Live ilogs—$8.10. 29 eta. For fail Toronto market reports See page 2. 111111 SEE II 11110•III Mr• Montgomery THE TORONTO EVE SPECIALIST NOW AT MY STORE AND WILL REMAIN FOR TEN DAYS ONLY UNTIL JUNE 22ND 'GET YOUR EYES RIGHT' J. W, NicKibbon; rhe 041.1.1apeei Salo! 1 HER SHOES ! 1 There's nothing to which a well dressed Woman should give more attention than the correct dressing of her Feet. The Woman that comes here for her Shoes, will wear handsome, stylish, perfect fitting Shoes, 1 The Summer Creations 1 $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 to $4.00. There's but little satisfaction in quoting a Shoe price without show- ing the Shoe at the time. Prices are so similar and Shoes are so different. SEE 13S FOR TRUNKS AND VALISES W. J. Greer SOLE AGENT CALL 'PHONE 52 FOR BEST PRICES Print or Roll Batter Strictly Fresh Eggs The VIOL Davies tited SVOOESSOAS TO WM. ARMOIIR gSTAIN WINGtIAM