HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-05-16, Page 88 THE WI GRAM ADVANCE WtiittIWWWWIN1SAMAWIAWMINWAMANI �y w c� i 1 E'S IS T111 PLACE FOR . q ��1y1.aP ure Uroceres ALL WE ASK IS GIVE US ATRIAL • CENTRAL GROCERY 'PHONE 113 ON yN.' RNI MAAMM'IAAIWMMAWMMM CHRTSTTE'S, GROCERY PHONE 59 Y/eYggMkTT..-00.1,14VONWP.W.41,~44.0.M.MR/FA'.NOWIN ..Nw.YM11.U[. A CLEAN UP IN I E ONLY 7 CTS, PER TIN We've only got a limited quentity of this )iue but wish to clean up quickly on it. At 70 you save 30 per tin. GOOD VALUE IN COTTON CLOTHES LINES 15e, 20e and 25e BARBADOS SUGAR FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES This is, we think, the finest quality of Sugar of its kind yet .offered for sale. It is puri sane and as far as we can judge WILL NOT CAKE. Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs Wanted. THE UNT,RSIGNED HAS REMOVED TO MAXWELL'S OLD STAND OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO HAVE OUR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY VISIT US THERE LADIES' AND GENTS' TAI- LORING IN THE LATEST STYLES A CALL SOLICITED SATISFACTION GUARAN- TEED Lucknow. A hotel dinner in Lucknow four months ago was 25e, now it is 00c. Why? Anniversary sermons wilt be preach- ed in Lucknow Pveobyterian Church next Sunday. The fine new Presbyterian Church on the 2nd will be opened up a week from Sunday. Tn Lucknow house-cleaning is in full swing, and every one works, but fath- er. Poor father. Treating at the bar is bad, very bad. Is it not a reflection upon tem- perance people that they follow the same practice in the restaurants, Travellers to town early come, Work like lightning to get done At ev'en time, away they hike, To stay all night, they do not like. Did it ever occur to you 1Ir. Editor the absurdity of total abstainers call- ing themselves temperance people ? How can (I ask) a man be temperate in that which he abstains from com- pletely ? Evidently W, J. Spindler believes in catering to all kinds and conditions of men. We noticed in his window on Saturday, amongst a variety of other cakes, there was Devil Cake and Angel cake, and sad but true, the people's tendency seemed to favour the Devil food, In the estimation of many the electric lights of Lucknow are a wee bit high ; they go out sharp at mid- night, and on the "straight," each light costs 75c per month, and no morning service either. The sooner Lucknow now owns her own electric tight plant, the sooner will the minis taunt of cost be reached. Allow me Mr. Editor once more to comment on local option. The editor of the "Sentinal" in one short para- graph is very optimistic. What he says Sir, is true, as far as it goes. But is it fair in a case like this to look at one side only ? Should not the pros and the cans be placed together, in order that the cons may be rectified, so that the pros may shine forth with greater splendour. He speaks about accommodation that a restaurant can offer. The restaurant he refers to is a good one, but it cannot furnish sample rooms for the travellers, neither can it furnish beds, I have known the two hotels to be taxed to the limit on more than one occasion, and now that the large one is closed, Mr. McGarry can not extend his walls like an umbrella, and ladies coming to town with their husbands, after their shopping is over, have no pleasant waiting rooms wherein to wait until their hubbies are ready to go home again. Travel- lers coming on the late train will find Mr. McGarry a genial host, and good entertainer, but they run a risk of either dreaming in a chair, or sleeping on a table, as his accommodation now is taxed often to its very limit. A troupe staying over night in town could hardly be considered unless they bunked in the Opera House, or reclin- ed beneath the star -lit canopy of the sky. The editor of "The Sentinel" writes some good articles, but now he seems unable to suggest an antidote that will convert this chaos of con- fusion to order. In speaking on local option matters do not imagine that I see no redeeming features whatever in local option law, but the after -math is not so luxuriant as some had fondly anticipated. There are bleak places to plant, tender blades to nourish, and rough places to be made smooth, 1E1 N WHITEj H. DAVIS Agent for the following Steamship lines: The Allan Line, the Canadian Nor- thern, the Cunard and the Donald- son Ocean Steamship Lines, OPFICE--POSTOFFICE BLOCIt, WIN(IrA,1I. a k. Vic, CANADA'S DOUBLE T1tACIC LINE HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS ----TO-- IV' STERR.N CANADA CIrUOAGO ADM sill. P.A.TJL May 14 and 284 June 11 and 25 and every second Tuesday thereafter un- til September zgth WINNIPEO AND RETURN • $34.00 EDMONTON AND RETURN • $42 00 Tieketf will ttlaobe on Palo on e.ert,aitt dates via Sarnia awl Northern Navigation Colri- Througlt Pullman Tourist Sleeper* will be operated in connection with above exctir- Piona, leaving Toronto 10.30n m. NO CHANGP OP CARS roll part fettlar4 and tickee8 froth any Grand '.eruufz Agent. or write A. E. D1.7101' District Passenger Agent Toronto 1r .. .. .v 4141+.r�i^l_ Gorrie. Miss Mary Dobbs was a Fordwich visitor on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Little daughter Jean left on Tuesday. Rev. R, Collis of Wroxeter paid Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong a visit on Thurs- day of last week, Mr. David Bradnock, who spent the winter with his son, William, in Cali- fornia, returned last week. Mr. Steinrniller, who purchased the grist mill from Hamilton Son, mov- ed his family to town last week. Messrs, 0. Andrews and Jno. Hamil- ton, jr., had an auction sale on Friday afternoon last. Geo. W. Walker wielded the hammer. Rev, J. W. Hibbert preached in Kincardine on Sunday and presided at the annual Board meeting of the Methodist Church there, Mr. Isaac Bricker died at his home on the Oth of .Howiek on Monday morning, The funeral will be held on Wednesday to the Gorrie oemeterp. Rev. Mr. Andrews of Fordwich oc- cupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church on Sunday morning, and Rev. W. W. Leach of Toronto in the even- ing, Rev, Mr. McLachlin of Stratford oc- cupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mr. Arthur Dob- son, who with his wife is visiting his 1 parents, Rev, A. B. and Mrs. Dobson of r'ordwich aecornpanied him. Mrs. D. Hicks and Mrs. Jas. Arm - 'strong were in Brussels on Friday of last week attending an Executive meeting of the Woman's Institute and making arrangements for the District annual meeting which is to be held in ' Jamestown in June, The annual meeting of the Gorrie .Branch of the Woman's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. 3, Arm- strong on Wednesday afternoon, 8th Inst. The following officers were elect sd for the coming year. Presi- dent, Mrs. G. W. li`nowlsan ; ince,- Pres,, Mrs. r, 'W'hite ,' Seed, Mrs. J. Armstrong ; Treas., Mrs. J. Beswith- eriek ; District; Dir„ Mrs, D. Hicks Auditors, Illayth Gregg and Marry Dobbs. Wroxeter. Clarence White of Atwood. spent Sunday with his parents here, Mr, W. C. Montgomery of West Toronto spent last week with friends. in town, John Black of Belwood, Ont,, ship- ped three cars of cattle from here on Friday Last, !qr. and Mrs. H. Hothouse and family of Clifford visited Mr, R. 1'. Aitchison last Saturday. Mr, Andrews of the Bank of Hamil- ton staff, Gorrie, is relieving Ray Carr of the staff here, who is enjoying bis vacation. Mr, W, Kaake left on Monday to work on the C.P.R. He will be em- ployed erecting stations on the dif- ferent lines. Rev. Malcolm Lindsay of Newbury occupied the pulpit in the Presby- terian Church here last Sunday. He will preach next Sunday also. The Junior team of town played Gorrie at Victoria Park, Gorrie, on Friday last and were beaten by a score of 16-0. The batteries were McKerch- er, Ballantyne, White, Erwine. We notice that at the recent ex- aminations in Toronto University, W. J. Perrin, son of Rev. L. Perrin form- erly of Wroxeter obtained the degree of 13. A. Sc., and also a diploma with honours in Electrical and Mechanical engineering. Will is now on the staff of EIectrical engineers in the works of the Canadian General Electric Co., Peterboro. Morris. Morris voters will vote law to raise $23,000 for June 8. Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Roll will be held on May 27th. There are a few appeals. Workmen are busy at the enlarge- ment and improvements being made at Henry Johnson's residence, 5th line. The Local Option contest will be on the program. in Morris township next January. There are two hotels in the municipality located at Walton and Belgrave, on the By - bridges on James Russell, 5th line, is one of the veterans who did duty against the Fenian raiders in 1866, and is conse- quently entitled to the $100 grant from the Dominion Government. Assessor Watson, who has been "on the job" for 35 years has completed his roll for this year and from it are gleaned the following statistics of interest—No. of acres resident, 55,221; non-resident, 1001 ; acres cleared, 44,- 551; acres of woodland, 4226 ; acres of slash land, 1199 ; acres swamp, marsh and waste land, 4901 ; value of real property, $I,457,135; value of build- ings, $637,100 ; property exempt from taxes, $306 ; business assessment, $3,600 ; taxable income $600 ; total assessment, $2,098,435 ; No. of resi- dents, 2125 ; persons from 21 to 60, 660 ; births, 13 ; deaths, 15 ; No. of dogs, 350. St. Miens. me post( t'tice has been moved to D, `'Vooels' store, Mr.John Joynt had lightning rods s put on his red brick house last week, Mr. WmWoods spent a couple of days with his daughter, Mrs, Jas. Irwin, Kinloss, We bad quite asnow storm on Monday, Most of the people are through seeding. Miss Curran has returned to her borne after spending the winter with some of her relatives. Mrs, Hugh Anderson of London has returned to her old home to spend the summer there. Her daughter, Mrs. Black, spent a'few days with her. The following from Wingham High School spent Sunday at their homes here—Misses A. Ruthet ford, Chrissy Miller and Edna and Nina Woods.. East Wawanosh. Robt. McBurney lost a fine horse last week ; one of his working team, Mr. Scott was in Montreal this week to meet the Grey Percheran he is importing from France, and expects to be home the latter part of the week. Brick Church Epworth League has elected the following officers :--Presi- dent, Wilfrid Reid ; lst Vice, Mrs. W. Reid ; 2od Vice, Mrs. J. Pattison ; 3rd Vice, E. Walker ; 4th Vice, Myrtle l3eecroft ; Cor. -Sec., J. 1). 13eecroft ; Rec.-Sec., T. E. Irwin ; Treas., John Beecroft ; Organist, Miss M. Beecroft. The Treasurer reported $20 on band. The League raised $80 for the For- ward Movement during the past year. Salem. The farmers in this vicinity are mostly all through seeding. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher spent Iast Sunday with the latter's brother, Wm. Jaques, near Lakelet. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weir visited their daughter, Mrs. John Hartley of Clinton a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker visited last Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Alex. Forgie, of Turnberry. We are sorry to hear that Jean Andrew and Wylie is still under the doctor's care, An Anthe West suffering from acute rheumatism and for heart trouble. A scratch on polished furniture can be almost obliterated by rubbing vigorously with linseed oil. TELEPHONE NOTICE. TOWN OF WINGJIAM. COURT OP REVISION. Take notice that the Court of Re- vision on' the Assessment Roll of the Town of -Wingbatu will he held in the Council >. Chamber on Monday, May 27th, .commencing at 8 p.m. All parties interested; will please take notice and attend, JOHN F, Groves, Clerk,. Monday, May 1341, 1012, TENDERS WANTED TOWN OF WIM-1AM. The use of the Telephone has be- come so much a necessity, that non - subscribers of the system in Wingam forget that some subscriber may want to use the same telephone on business, and the same old cry, "Line is busy" is heard on every side. Nou-Subscrib- ers must not use subscribers' tele- phones, and if detected will be cut off. S. Binkley, Local Manager. The above applies with ecjual"force to non -subscribers using te1ep)Ions lin the lines of the North Huron .Tele- phone Company. In future the; mile of charging a ten cent toll td0: � iblP=sub- scribers will be strictly.enfdrtc di Sttt _ Scribers are entitled ,tq:,and? s'hou" receive all the benefits • of .the ;servic and not be interrupted by parties wl pay nothing towards na•inta_iti ng tlje • system. Mrs. Geo. McOlenaghan and Mrs. Robt. Ireland of Teeswater locality called on Mr. and Mrs, John Bush one day last week. We are sorry to report the illness of Master Frank Westlake, who is undergoing treatment in Wingham hospital for spinal trouble. We hope no serious results will occur, and that the young patient may soon be restor- ed to his usual health and strength. The Epworth League held its elec- tion of officers last Thursday evening. The following are the officers for the ensuing year :—Hon. Pres,, Rev. R. E. Collie, B. A, ; Pres., Waldo Weir; 1st Vice Pres., Mae Hogg ; 2nd Vice, Ira Neill ; 3rd Vice, Chas, Lathers ; 1th Vice, Eva Bolt ; Sec., Gordon Wray ; Treas., Clara McKersie ; Or- ganist, Margaret Anderson. Grey. Mr. H. Moore, teacher of 5, S. No, No. 4, ,spent Sunday at his home in Brussels. Mr. Robt. McKay of Ethel filled the pulpit in Roe's Church last Sabbath morning in the absence of the pastor in Listowel. Mr. John McAllister who has been visiting relatives in this locality for some time, returned to his home in Toronto last week, Dr. F. T. Bryane, who has spent the past eight months with his brother, Dr. W. F. of Carmangay, Alberta, re- turned home last week for a short visit, ' Mr, Geo. Johnston received 1000 plants of hedge trees last week. Mr. Johnston has a, good idea of what Makes a pretty home, and will soon have one of the nicest farmers in this section, Wort. Cote took his engine to Sea- forth for repairs last week. It being badly disabled after the fire, Mr, Cole purposes rebuilding as soon► as possible and will finish his sawing of loge bafore threshing season Cam. modem I. H .B. Elliott, Secretary; • •1 WINGHAM MARRIJETS. Tenders will be received lav the un- dersigned, up till 4 p.m., May 28th, 1012, for the repair of the washout to lower mill darn and race. Tenders to state price per enbic yard. The Cor- poration will furnish gravel near at hand, Work to be completed by July 1st, 1912. The lowest or other tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to JOHN F. GROVES, Secretary, Of Wingham Water and Electric Light Committee. Wheat—(new) $1,:00( to -$1.00. Oats -50 to 50 cts. Barley -75 to 80 cts. f Peas—$1 00 to $1,10' is' Hay ---$1200 to $184 a tom;, , Butter -20 ,to 22 cts, . Eggs -22 to ` cts. ' :u s' Potatoes -1.00 tb 1.00 per bush. * Live Hogs—$8'50. . .y:r.. . For full Toronto martet '•rpor1 see pages.. 21 .., • i Teacher Wanted. Qualified teacher for S. S. No. 5, Morris, duties to commence after va- cation. Applications received up till May 31, by Geo, W. Proctor, Sec.-Treas., Belgrave, P.O, t 4,:m �'I FOR A LONG LIFE ..,., •.i. rt. Those Interested;,111ea e.':R, ad, Fresh air and exercise, '}with prosier food and a sufficient amount of sleep, are the essentials. Under such a regime of living, germs cannot develop, and manydis- eases are prevented. - t Should the system require a tonic, take only such as you know their in- gredients—such is Vinol, whioh is a delicious combination of the health - giving properties of the cods' livers, with all the useless grease eliminated and tonic iron added, happily blended in a mild, medicinal wine. For this reason. Vinol is regarded as one of the greatest body builders and invigorators for aged people. It invigorates and builds them up, and keeps them up. We sell Vinol with the understand- ing that if it does not give satisfac- tion the price will be returned. J. W. McKibbon, Druggist, Wingham Take One P111, then— Take it Easy. Take What Pill ? Why, a Dr. Miles' Antl•Pain Pill, of course. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Headache, Nervousness, Rhein matisrri, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia, Backache, Stomachache, Period, ical Pains of women, and for paiin in any part of the body, "1 have used Dr. Miles' medicines for over 12 years And find thein exe:elleht. I keep Dr. Miles' Anti -Baia Pills in the Douse All the time And would not think of taking a 'journey withoatt them, no matter how thort a disbanees 1 ant going. I cannot praise them enough." Miss LOU M. Ckltraaczrti.i 63 high St., Penacook, N. it At all drugglets. 25 (16sea 25c. MILES 1VIED1e AL, CO., "4oronto,Caf, (_esu, Township Of East Wawanesh, COURT OP REVISION. Notice is hereby given that the Oourt of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of East Wawa - nosh will be held in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, on Tuesday, May 28th next, at 10 o'clock a.m , for the purpose of hearing and settling com- plaints against the said Assessment Roll. Parties having business at the Court, will please attend at the said time and place without further notice. Alex. Porterfield, Township Clerk. Dated this 13th day of May, 1012. r WINNIPEG PROPERTIES offer a .GOOD INVRST- ' (nest and QUIOK TURNOVER. Write us before you decide to invest. N. PERCY GR ER 500 MCARTHUR B'r.'GG WxNNIPIia., MAN. 01 0190111100411* ,1 SPECIAL 1 • Wp1lo•W4 • �. ... � � yMi SPRING UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY AT TH1I POPULAR PRICE - 15o and 25o { MARSHALL'S 5c, ltc, 15c and 25c STORE 0 OM 02111S610N1=010 MUM 40111101MINMEO SO Elictrtc Restorer for Men • Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vita and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make you a new man. Price $8 a box. or two for 85. Mailed to any address. Tho Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. HOME STUDY Thousands of ambitious young people ' are being instructed in their homes by our Homo Study Dept You may finish . at College if you desire. Pay when- ! ever you wish. Thirty Years' Exper- lance. Largest trainers in Canada. Enter any day. Positions guaranteed. - IE yon wish to t•ave board and learn while you earn, write for particulars. NO V.AO.ATION WINCHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON CHAS. BURNS President Principal pa EGGS FOR MATCHING. Rose fomb Rhode Island Reds, pure bred. 75 cts. per 15 eggs. Special price on incubator lots. A. E. GALLAHEIt Lot 16 and 17, con. A, Howick 33-40 Wroxeter, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Martha Colvin, late of the Village of Teeswater, in the County of Bruce, widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 55 of Chap. 26, Statute of Ontario, George V, that. all persons having claims or demands tigainst the Estate of the said Martha Colvin, deceased, who died on or about the Nineteenth Day of Decetnber, 1911, are requested to send by post prepaid or deliver to John J. Stephens, SohcitelpforThomas 13 Aitken and Christopher Martin; 1t coutors of tho said Martha Colvin, deceased, or to the saki Executors at the Vil- lage of Tceswater, Co. of Bruce, nn or before the 27th day c/f May, 1912, their Christian and surnames and addresses with full particulars in writing of their claims and statement of their accounts and the nature of the Oeourities (if any) held by them duly vertified by statu- tory declaration. And take notice that after the said 27th day of May, 1012, the said Thomas 13. Aitken and Christopher Martin, the said Executors, will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said ,Executors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by thorn or their SollMitor at the time of such distribution. Dated. April 23rd, 1012. Johrx J. S'rsriENs, Solicitor for the said Executors. our cream waggons are now on the road.' If you have not been called upon, let us know and we will, place you on one of our motes. We are paying 26 cts. per lb. fat for this week. For next week we pay 25 cts. For further particulars apply to 0 06, Co. Limited CREAMERY M. KENT BLOCK 11147h.,GiOttd41,10411lt.i.t.ilt.Iti i11i midi ill 1mil 111 1161111111141.l,Q I( Il. 4a4.4d ..1111464/40.3..li tit BREAD BREAD BREAD FIVE ROSES FLOUR It is the simplest thing conceivable to make the very choicest of Home Made Bread when you use Five Roses Flour. It remains sweet and wholesome when other bread is not palatable. Remember you don't need to bake every day to have good Home Made Bread when you use Five Roses Flour. It remains moist and utritious for a week. Try it and be convinced. -�1 IThi SAVING One 24 lb. bag Five Roses Flour, costitig 85e, produces 221 loaves bread. Ones 40 lb. bag five Roses Plonr, costing $1 65, produces 45 loaves bread. One 08 lb. beg Vivo Roses Flour, ceding $3.26, produoes 00 loaves bread, Start right now Get a bag—Save money ---Sava a change— Be convinced. onotwirdowirme L,. Awde THURSDAY'. MAY x6, 1912 Free Gift For The Boys and Girls For 3 Days More Only 4, Until Saturday, May l8th, we will give free vd every pair of Girl's Shoes -- Ono nicely finished Skipping Rope or a Wooden Bat and Rubber Ball And for the Boys A first class Baseball Bat or a real good Baseball known as the "Pitchers Pride" NEW STYLES OF SHOES FOR THE GIRLS NEW STYLES OF SHOES FOR THE BOYS TAKE A LOOK uIIN OUR NORTH WINDOW 4 Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR Sf�o.� LADIES M LARGEST RANGE OF NEWEST WASH GOODS WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. LADIES' DRESSES Something cool and dainty for hot weather, in linen, blue chambray, white pique, with short sleeves, low necks, all sizes, 14 yrs. to size 42—prices, $3.50. CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES This is the first; season we have handled Children's Wash Dresses, and we find thein in big demand ; in ginghams, checked and striped, made, with set -in -sleeve, in sizes — 2 yrs., 4, 6, 8, 10, ] 2 and 14 yrs. ; Prices, 65c, $1.00, $1.25, $2 00. MISSES' W SH DRESSES Misses' One -pieced Dresses, made in ginghams, linens, chambrays ; sizes -14, 16, 18 and 20 yrs. ; the newest style and best fit, with short sleeves and low neck ; prices, $2.00, $2.00, $3.00. CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS The stylish little Snit fox summer wear for the up- to-date boy is Buster Brown, with the big collars, in good washing materials, (made in linens, gaIaties and linen suitings ; prices, 75e, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 ; sizes, 21-, 3) 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years. Call and see them. BOYS' WASH BLOUSE SUITS Natty Blouse Suits in all sizes, made up of linens, chambray and striped galaties ; prices, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, Come in and see our big assortment of Men's, BoS's and Children's Straw Eats. 1'�.. HANNA -&. CO. Sole .Agency House of Flobberlin, Ltxmited. 4' 4