HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-05-16, Page 6rwon. 011,47.4.11,0-1 _ fyivo f-)AikitAti eseatete ssessenefeekesseesessestue— ITS GENDErS. (entire.) Fr Toeeeer -Neva ee,e-ia., rebtiey in Pis nelie ..tae e nil want geieler "F(ne. money (alike," o "It tstiltst ho 1thity Li; hdV a IIrtn tO beat rng ii the y time." is A SAP. I Doti olt Pre, Feats ) eaehana wore, ti 13 0,N10•011.11P.••••••••"..... SURE HE WOULD. onschaugte) eh -tee -trate -if 1 iet you (ifs tins time win you pi eialee int-, to takt 1 he keeetwq 1>e1ighted half:loner (extetketly.a-ta etiner, teed drink yer1s1h. THE PLEASURE IS ALL HIS. (Bileton Traneeripto Giblie-1 hear that Ilreneen is eery eel). py as au aftenelinner speaker. Thibbs-Poseibly, but theta; more tintn Can he void for his atellence. LtTERALLY. (Roston Transcript.) Pore'erean (to etispieloue strangor at midnight ) W ha t alt • sat doing 111 t his storee glar-Can't Yee eve 1 'in teeing atkiele ..„,, ONE IDEA OF THEM. (Waehington stare "Whitt are tilPSO SOelf:ty people we heat' about?" relieve -tett Air. Coretoseel. "I ilunno," replied the farmer, "but as neur as 1 earl xnaku out they're juet that make a regular 71abit o' wearin' their Sunday clothes every day," UNFORGETTAL)LE? (Rire.) "We a fine play don't you think?" "Quite unforgettable; Mien, shall we hae e supper afterwards?" t • THE VERSE THAT FITS. (Judge,) Blinke-What verse in the Bible best deseribes the college student? Jinks -They toil not, neither do they spin, yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. eat e FIRED AND SHOT. (Philadelphia Record.) Wife -WI -1Y didn't You eorne home, soouer? Staggers -Couldn't, my dear; couldn't; I wash fired at the offish, but you ean ehee for yourself I'm only hair shot. it THE CALL OF DUTY. (Life,) "So Date's wife turned suffargette a matter of n1'11)011)10." "Ilow so?" "Bates ran for office and she role It wile her duty to vote against him." -! THE OFFICE AND THE MAN. (Washington Star.) "Of course you believe In letting the office seek the man." 'Yes, but sometimes you have to eang out a lantern and ring' a leell to let tne office know which way to look." ir • SO THOUGHTFUL OF HIM. (Boston Train:ea:pt.) Bricle,groozn (two days after wediling) -I haven't seen anything yet of that ee,- 0e0 cheque from your father. Bride -Wel), you see, dear, papa heard that your father had already given int one, and he knew we shouldn't care to have duplicate presents. MURDER. (Rochester Times.) you see a 11Y, kill it quick. One tly killed now mettne a reauction of several thousand in the number a few monthe irom now, A DARK SECRET. Judge.) Willie -Say, pop, who elects the alder- men? Wise Father -Hush, my son, you're too young to know. A CINCH. (Exch(nge.) Mrs. E. -nicker -Can you get your boots buttoned without bending your knees? Mrs. Boeked-Certainly; 1 make ml' husband do it. I COMPLAINT REMEDIED. (Fliegende Blaetter.) Cierk-Mr. Sappleigh complains in his letter that he ts not hearing anything further about his suit. Lawyer --Send him a bill. REAL (Louisville Courier Journal.) '\Ve saw 'Vesuvius in action while abroad." • "impressive, no doubt?" "1 never saw anything more Unpress:va in vaudeville and I've seen all the big tkets" t DEADLY HONOR. (Minnesota Alinnehaltan "I simply can't staial the toot of an automoelle horn." "How'e that?" "A fellow eloped with ey aefe in an automobile and every time 1 dear a hoen tont I think he's bringing her back." LOOKING BACKWARD. (New York Sun.) Argus boasted of hie hundred eyes. "But how many of them are foresight and how many are hindsight?" we asked. : t A SURE TEST. (Lippinhott's.) Customer --Do you guarantee this to be CeeerloP tea? Cocksure Salesman -Absolutely, indam, Mr. Ceylon's name Is On every package. CARTE BLANCHE. (Washington Star.) "I think," said Mrs. Cumrox, who eve:v.; arreneing a musical programme, "that Wu. NVAI have a mezzo-sopranno," "AJI right," replied her !Ingham], "don't both. Or me ebout It. Go ahead and see an ar. ten" THE CAPTAIN'S JOKE, udge.) rait- Voyagere-Why are we galling here with the flag's at lialfemaste ("Hotline-outof respect for the Dead SOL,ma'am. SORRY HE SPOKE. (Sunday Magazine.) "V( e, my dear," 1 seid to The wile, 0.0 /nest both evomerniee; hoth." ''Vere ilenry," she said, ten h air of stibnite - aloe to tinpleesant dulY,"You shave ea!? /heti I'll yet Your hnir." QUER CREATURE. tgatlitele steed:ire end Tent -se ek.--Tee Nuritehes have a limier, aco i'"' t 1110.31 itrwi41.1--WW, 1 tileiell-etelti 110 was. the rein littler!letittlieh toilette Tovete - Inn hie ?mine len't ",Temee," tind he Omen' ePak alth 0. eke lay net eel. FIRES HIM, fah( nee liver we. I "Wei- it 0. mem) et. tee seenerease,„ iheehliel, Ire brigade idurrit-e, lie le Cted. 'Pee eafiehile tetra( hid that ,s11111Y t It fir t' rfq4ti'0 in I :Will t :lit,/ 1 "."0 like:allow 'lett. ALL THE WAY DOWN. Ie.:thee:et Tseein "New fee ;,1 th ii ii'.1 teeni?" z.to Ve 1 !it !.:•.!:1 the 11 - ,de eetinter hy 1 rota -eta. "Lonemilt. e 1. Fr, f "No„, ;AV, 1%1:11 tHriti te,.„ biaeita :„. SOgelOgligg/A01111g0MOIOW -0000. -.--ors g _ - • Soo ov 00,00411 ,vvervameowAavotespeemoolOaWvwervoerbaln-vlet:v.te.Th.yrouev.no.V..00vovveleoelweneumogegeweraelmempapaeage .21MMISMIRSOMMIXIMUMOZ ybirs Do alitiaMertMt=202X "'told nu!" eried Charley, eettling his sofa, cueldons. "Don't be ill-ored and eet a f(Slow short. I hate had Ilit1311101'8) end 1 haven't finished. Ma,egregor--oh, hang it! Trevanion --told me to eay he wail coming over this evening if lie ease poseibly get away, and what with ik corpse downstairs, and murderess up - star, and a eiteleton in the Priory to 1)0 exhumed, and an inquest to be held to- morrow, 1 really -think he has his leands full. However, bed; coming, and, if you like, Ill demand his intentione while he's here, and bring him to the point at (Wee) Seeing.. I etneta in a fether's ))laee to you. Hey?" But this time Sybil was really gone, end Charley, settling his pillows, lay beet: and closed his eyes, "Be kind enough riot to ask any more questionee mamma, if you please," Ite sale. plaintively. "I'm fit to drop of ex- haustion-ebeat out ---used up-eomplete- ly flabbergasted! Pray allow me a gen- tle siesta, and doeet exclaim any more. I have nerves, though no one ever con- siders them, and they've been worn to teldle-steing,s by ene tragie events of this day. So absurdly hot as it hae been, ino! And the first of September, and. not one pop at the partridges! Oh! why couldn't Mrs. Illgralll have postponed shooting that fellow four -and- twenty hours, at least?" Charley gently lapsed into balmy slum- ber, while hie mather, quite dizzy with all these horrors and astounding revela- t'ons, sought out her daughter on the terrace. But Sybil was not there. She had wandered off to a little rose -garden, where fountains plashed, and rich red and white roses -the royal flower of love -bloomed in wanton profusion. A fairy vision, she stood there, her little dogs frisking about her and mak- ing fairy music with their silver bells -- the sweetest rose among the roses -when a step came eraishieg over turf and gravel -.-a step she knew dearly and, well : --and a tall form stood between her and i the rosy western light. " bill" She looked up -the eloquent glow on her cheeks, the starry radiance in her eyes -then, again, down. "Dime great darlityes were not so easily met. " et, hat !" he said bendiest, over her, "riot o.ine word ----not one wore. oi welcome for teousin Cyril? And the ring -the love token -I gave you fifteen years ago, and which you vowed to wear for- ever, gone -flung contemptuously into the fishpond! Little traitress! Is this how you keep your plighted troth?" Hie laughed. Then the laugh died aw,..ey, and she came dose to him, with a patine cheek end a shiver. ";011, Cyrill"-she laid both white hands in his, and looked at hirn with tears in her violet eyes -"how could you deeeive me so? And see what a tragedy it has evoked! That wretched man -that wretched woman! And your father -Oh, pitiful heaven! what a fate his has been." "My poor father! But I could not have averted that. When I came to Speekhaven the town was ringing with the news of his disappearance, and the usurper of usy rights was here. It was too late, then. His fate was as dense a mystery to me as to all others. And Sybil, I saw you, and I loved you from the first., and I determined, und.er my in- cognito, to woo and win you. Cyril Tre- vanion hod been the dream and the ideal of your young life. As Cyril Trevanion, there would be little merit in winning you; it might be your own ideal you would still love, not the real man. But as Angus Maegregor, the penniless ten- ant of the Retreat -the hard-workieg magazine hack -to win the lovely heir - ('S e Ao many had sought in vain -ah, that, indeed, would. be a triumph. There is the secret of my long incognito, though I tell it to no one but ;you. And my darling, who so nobly loved. and ac- cepted the obscure author, will love still more dearly Cousin Cyril. For 311C, I am the happiest man on earth!" And then Cyril and Sybil, and Bijou, and Amour set up furious and indignant yelps of expostulation; for this audaci- ous male intruder deliberately kissed their Mistress! "And Mrs. Ingram, Cyril? She is your -your —" "Not wife, Sybil -she never was that; hut she. is the W01113,11 who duped me in- to eloping with her sixteen years ago - who wrought the ruin of ins life. It was no marriage at the bet -contracted by a miner, without a license, and. per- formed by the Blacksmith of Gretna. Ilut from even the shadow of a claim the law set me free years ago. That miserable woman, Rose Dawson, shall not stand one seeond between you and ine. my peerless darling!" "How cruel she has been! bow ter- ribly merciless!" Sybil murmured, 'ern think of your father's awful fate. I .0,7iII never forgive her for that, Cyril - never -never!" "Don't think of it, my dearest; such honors are not for your gentle ears or tender heart. To -night we will find the secret room, and the remains will be placed in the family vault. And. my dear Jove, there is so much to be done that I must leave you at once. To- morrow they hold the inquest, and re- move her to Speckhaven jail; for, of couree, there can be no doubt of the verdict, She was caught 'red-handed.' and by her own son. She horsewhipped him the other day. I hope she reeog- nizee the lex talionis. Pm afraid thet poor, perseeuted Gwendoline will exalt in ihe fall of her foe." th'aceteg the will, ern, "'S7es, Mies Trevanion, and you are a pamper, thanks to yourself. I shall eon - sign that will to the fire immediately I get home. It shoeld never here been evade." "No. nn!" Sybil said, dinging en him; tench no, denill let it stana. It doesn't 11111(.11 metter whieb of us hes your fath- er'inheritance; bet it is your birth- Tipil L. and I had much rather owe every- thing in you. Let it. steed, foul take nu' ne I ant-peimilees Sybil Lem ox--nry lovo. my hero, my brave, tette Cyril!" „end then Biinu. and Amour, and com- pany, nearly went into eonvulsions; for this time it Wee their mietreee who kiss- ed the bearded lanolin -this burden poefieer on their mewed. ' Your slave Ime but to obey, oh, fair- sset In luetes Sybil. By the bye, and tefionoe of nothing. T left poor old lfe :ter eerforming a etma of keen over lug aradostile only Inourner-poor, ereeed creature! Do pm reenlleet her elided plianttier weird propheey. of V,'111;,/; y011 lt•tsril t 0 be the e.ietima."flottle fell .. flie door mem the laet fair degirele 1 ter el! the reeed The doom. has fallen, 01' : :items to fall. 1 froley.'" -1,.,W?" :eybil asked, rather startled. , etseea, you are doomed ---ves. irrevoc- el•!e-- slo Le my wile. within the eext el,: e menthe. at furtheet. thaw which Pe evne *Awful doom could poseibly he - '4 "Very true: so T hall hesitate long 1 Tweet. lakieg the fatal etep. Don't flat- 14-:-. 'In if, T ehall teeth to my dooni Odthin the next three Monett. If I you found 22§Z consent in three years you may thiuk ,youreelf fortunate, Here comes mem- ma, svith a lave that is a whole catech- ism ill it Self. 'NOV, dtlIr I11111111l/a 1 she takes the fell of her pet, .Mrs. Ingram, _ very deeply to heart." ".1. eltall beat a retreat," said Tre- Vallifill. "Tell my lady I am driven to death, and we'll answer 'queetions by the wholesale the next time I Qom° over. For the present, my deareet, adieu," Ho made his escape barely. in time, and rode hack in the silvery 'September twilight, to the Prior'Retreat-the *house of mourning now -where old. Ilester still rocked and .crooned over her dead, and the wretched murder- ess 4..rouehed in the &lumber above.: The inquest W4.144 held next day, and the verdiet returned, "Wilful murder." A earritege and two eti ili3 tit btes were in waiting to convey the prisoner to Spelt - haven jail, to stand. her trial, at the aut- umn assizes, for life. As they led her down, haggard, hol- low -eyed -her beauty all gone in a night --sbe paused on the threshold and aeked to see the servant ,Toc, It was a strange request, but they granted it, and, Jo, with his cap pelled far over her eyes, slouched forward with hanginghead, and hie mother bent f or - ward and. kissed him. "You are my eon," she said, "and 1 am sorry I 'struck you. I don't ask you to forgive me; I don't deserve it, and you can not; but forget me, if you Call. It asas just retributi-on that you should have arrested me in the act. Good-bye!" And then she turned to Cyril Trevan- ion, standing with folded arms, tembly stern and grave. "I neither ask you to forgive nor for- get. You will be happy in spite of me. I did, my best -I fought .to the last. 1 would have killed you if I could, but you have won!" They led her away. She -spoke no word az the carriage whirled throw -v.4 the town, followed by the hootings and gruyere of the mob, who 114312,1kt have torn her to pieees could they have reached her. They locked her in her dreary cell, which she was to leave but for a colder And. darker home, and left her to herself and the long, pitiless night. And. in the morning they found her dead. A tiny knife -so tiny that she ;had hidden it in the thick eons of her ;hair -lied opened a vein, and, without , ,word or ery, she had lain there alone 1 and bled to death. inelAPTER *XXX. Laid. in a rude pine eoffin, without 'shrive or ehroud, they buried her, in the twilight of the same day, in the dreary prison burial ground. And among all who had admired the brilliant widow, there was not one to look his last on her now, or mourn over that tunhaelowed grave. , And a week later a long and stately procession followed the plumed hearse that bore General Ewes Trevanion to his ltnet resting place, in the vaults of the old monastic church. And the lion of - the day -the talk of the county -this modem hero of romance, Cyril Trevan- ion, followed as chief mourner, looking unspeakably handsome and patrician in his .sables -a corsair or a lord to the life, There had been still. a. third funeral - a very quiet one -and Gen. Trevemon's younger son, so foully murdered, was 'also laid in his long !name. It WAS a. g,rievesonae week with its three funerals: and straightway they were buried and out of sight, people set themselves to the task of forgetting as rapidly as might be. It was the old sublime lesson of life over again -your fate and mine, iionie day -told in three words -dead and forpt ten. :Perhaps'of all who remembered, there was none felt the pain of loss more acutely than Sir Rupert Chudleigin ells astonishment, his indignation, his dis- gust, were altogether unutterable. And he had been so awfully near making a donkey of himself, tool "Thank God! I never asked the wo- man to marry me!" was his first fervent aspiration. "To think of her being so • stupid as to let herself be found out!" But he missed her terribly. Like Lady Clara Vere de Vere, the "languid. tight of his proud eyes grew weary of the roll - nig hours," and. like the high -bred, heartless beauty, he 'sickened •of a vague disease" -the :horrible disease of ennui --more horrible than hydrophobia; itself, The long September and October days were endless; no one to amuse him -to play witching little games of ecaxte, to ' sing hint to eleep, to read for him in a voice that was ,as the music of the spheres to write his notes, to arrange his pdows and footstools. Sir Rupert fell a prey to green and yellow melan- choly, and "man nor woman delighted hint not." But Gwendoline was happy -emanci- pated. Gwen! Free to ride into- Speckhaven, and over the purple bills and golden downs and shitigly shore, with the darkseyed Ado - 1118, bound in. the royal scarlet and gold of the service. Free to make love to him, and bring him to the point, and elope with him if he chose. But Men- tagenet did not choose -he was a great deal too lazy for any such exertien. He stroked his brown moustache, and re- igned himself to be petted and made much of with a gentle resignation touch- ing to see, but he didn't reciprocate - not muele But G -wen saw him every (lay, and all of every day that parade fetid mess 'inners, etc., didn't take up, and fewer,* cup of bliss was full. . 'there were other beatified people in ' the world, too, and perhaps, !Sybil Lertiox and her lover led the Vet. Don't ask inc to tell you how liappy they 'S VC re, .As if 1 eould do- it! You have been that; way yourself, I dare say, and more then once, and if you multiply your emotione tenfold, you will about hit the mark. . The nuptiale Were fixed for !slay; Sy- bil svoula not hear of anything sooner, "We are very happy ns we are, rny colonel," hie fianeee said, hitting him with e ratie.-Sprity, "How do I know I will be half As happy when a hunidruni Mrs. Trevanioe? lee:Mike, 1 shall wear my mourning for a year, Ah, Cyrill he was very, very good to me -the deer old geneeel. Surely that tribeie to hie memory is the least we ('an pey hire," Consia Cyril aequieseed, of eonrse• I What eommited of hitt dashing little One - I (Thy officer would he not have ite- quimed in? And he wee SO haneY, ee unutterttbly blesaed as it eVaS, The Prior's 'Retreat was atill itie home, and To Wae Still hie faithfid henchman, al-. , .though it more ekilled valet had been I lately %sported. Ile was very buey and - Very hitppv. The old Priony, go lottg . lett to deeolation and &Pay, wee being . repaired tnd fitted.- up. Workitieri, up-' Ilioleterers, latideeape •gardeneee, hteste of halide, :were at work to Make Menke - '1V(101:1 130fisorti as .the nee. When bride 1# OT,!1. 001,41,111000,10V001111W and brideferooru retnrned from their bliesful wedding tour next animate it would Monkewood AVasite no more, itiutiodi.st.loilewo"Ude ab waseall, the blaze of yule," ..would reign in and lei grold The wiater paeeed :happily and rapidly andspring eame. And Sybil iied eoffed her umeriung robes for airier gamente, and the must megnificeut oe'trouseeaus NV UN ready, the marriage eettlentents signed, the bride -maids; named, and the guests bidden to the marriage feast. And it came, that cloudless morning* rt Mayeetaireet month of all the year -- and the very Write in the grand, eo- mantle woode seemed eplitting their throats ringing out their tong s of joy. The snivel.. eldines of the old church rang jubilant perste and wedding anthems, and the eharity ebildren strewed the road with flower, and, robed in white, chanted canticles of joy (lamentably flat, by the bye), And Sybil -44a Prin.- cesse-beautiful, stately Sybil, with her Violet eyes and mignonne face-- the -vile ginal blushes coining and going beneath that priceless bridal veil. Ahl if 1 if only could immortalize myself by paint- ing her. "Bliesful bride of ,e blieeful heir," tie Mr, Tennyson remarks of an- other high -horn totiple-nothing short oe a poet laureate could possibly do her justice, As for Macgregor -nay, let us beg his pardon, Cyril Trevanion -he looked, as he alsveye looked, grand en- ough, royal enough., handeome evough fos,Viet111,cilitghey were married, find kissed and congratulated:, as I hope we all will be some day, arid the nuptial feast was eaten, and the healths drunk, and toasts made and responded to, and Lady leemox, the first brideonald, Miss Mud- leigh, probably, because it was not her- self and Plantagenet, and my lady, be- cause it was the correct thing to do. And Charley beamed serene and inef- fably calm iu satiety, and t-hought the whole thing extremely silly and insup- erably stupid .And the bridegroom chaf- ea horribly, at; the impatient wretches are prone to do, and could have seen the whole of the speeelt-makere and toasteleinkers at the bottom of the Eng- lish Channel with all the pleaeure in But it ended at last, and traveling gear was donned, and Cyril Trevenion handed his bride into the eagriage and sprung aiter her, with a "good-bye, they old follow!" and then were off d Side by side they sat -it wee two Months later -watching the sun of Sor- rento go down behind the misty peaks of Caetellamare. -Wondrouely lovely looked that Sarrentine landscape, light. ed by the sinking sun of july, and wondrously lovely also looked Mrs, Cy- ril Trevanion, gazing out upon it with dark, dreamy eyes. The English mail had just arrived, and Cyril sat, or rather, lounged beside her, sorting lettere, paper, books. lie took up a volume, eloth-lett ered, very neat panendee, ehean, at three shillinge and six - "Here sve are, Mre. Trevanion!" he said, removing his cigar to make the re- mark (there are vices that even the ad - purifying influence of the nuptial knot cannot break) ---"here we are, your hus- band's latest literary effort, neatly bound in cloth. 'The Belle of the Billows, first edition, ey Angue Maegregor. Il- lustrated by Phie, Frontispieee ;if tee author,' Complimentary notices of the press. Wish to see it, madame?" Sybil nonlegal upon it with a Mlle crymoofw cllicileitg:itits.vhat a (harming portrait, Cyril! Only -not half handsome en. (nigh!" (A profound sahtion from the euthore "I always thought I ehortid !!he to marry a literary men, anl see how the dreams oe my life tenni! true. ely C'y- ril, my hero, my author! I wonder if any one in the wide world is half as happy as L 'Sella') will you begin. an- oteaer, Monsieur Angus elaegreteor?" "Shan't lr nit tt any more," said her hiteband, lying heel: and lettine himself be earessed with tin' grand nonchalance of lordly man. -I'm going in for the doice far 'dente after tine, and your duty he it to see that nore of my rose leaves are crumpled, w line you it at ed fen. I've been eesayist, -magazine your lord's. ieet ana wave your datfugg, hack, dramatise.. story teller long en- ough. wrap meself in the leaves oi the lot as for the future, live in nectar and ambrosia, ntei my- wifen smiles, and let the world. slide." "You'll do nailing of the sort, sir!" in high indignation. "Your wein's smiles will be few aud far between, if you grow fat and lazy. No. hirt1 married that 'distinguished author. Angus Alec- gregor,' and that 'dietnemislied author' he must renutin to the (relit Of the chap- ter. He must eclipse Disraeli, out-flerod Herod, or Sir Cresswell Creswell will issue another divoree." "Very well, you small Amazon., tlon't enrage yourself. Anethiug for a quiet life. What are letsbande good for, if not to obey their wives?" And right here, en passant, I may remark that "Angus -Macgregor" has gone in for literatere once again. "Here's it. letter from Gevendoline!" exclaimed Sybil, f,rnatebing up a very rose hued and violently perfumed tn. velope. "Let us eee what she has to say." Of course; it IITMS a "plaid letter," crossed and recrossed; and this is what Miss Chudleigh had to say, in the strongest it lies and capitals "My dearest, dearest. dearest Sybil, - IS the honeymoon over, and have you re- covered your senses suffieiently to hearken to anything so cold as mere friendehip? I, too, ant going to be mar- ried! "The murder is out, and I may go on. Yes, my own beloved Sybil, in spite of Cyril Trevanion, Plantagenet and I are about to wed. Oh, blissful thought! Oh, rapture 111111tterab1113 they say in the 'Children of the Abbey.' And, oh, my Sybil! the time 1 have had bring- ing that wretch to Oa! point! He Wouldn't propose; and as for encourage- ment, good heavene! the amount of en- noitragement I've thrown llevay Upon Plantagenent would. make the very hair of your chignoe rase! And then came the awful news, a week after you Ieft -his regiment. the ---th Royal Itifles, VIIIs ordered to Canada! To Canada! ltaney my feelings! 'I never 5:11(1 a word. to anybody. r tooil a hint froin Illy late )reeeptresseel loaded. it pistol with cof- fee beans, mounted Flash of Lightning, and rode. off to conquer or die! 1 had no mamma, to make him deelare his at- tentions; and papa, ever since the lags of Mts. In late heen moping like an old hen seiththe dietemper. I rode to the barracks, demanded to eee Lieutenant Dobbs, ordered him to mount aud ride with ine, and olive out of sight and hear- ing of everybody. 1. drew forth my dead- ly weapoe atid. preeeoted it hill at MS iOrtrth vast voat button! " 'NnW, then, Lieutenant 'Plantagenet Stanley Delibe,' I said in that hoarse eepulehral voiee hi which Methyl playe Lady Maebetit. *you have trilled with My., affeetions loug enough! The -th is Ordered to Cenada. Plantagenet Dobbs, 3011 111 11 lleVer g0 to ( %nada "T &dare, SOH', my valets was titt • gruff that 1 nearly heaved myeelf. Fee Plenty, he looked fit to drop. (Contiteued 011 allOfillOr page.) got 44.4%4.404wowp.,,,Nrwcor...,4•0.40,44.44,4444.4.4444104m04044,...4-, WHEN III A MAN (4,0'4 ell!:,Ixty-four Per Cent. of H4tory's Big Men .Over 50, Is man at his best between 00 and 70? ryas is a HOME DYE • "that ANYONE eon use : A hundred men, the foremorit uf the race, an ehown by their echieeennente, were selected. The utmost iiertithly was 04.0'c -hied bY the Judges, and the list W1n- 110Wed (10Wn tih the hundred gestiee. All big grains. The great battle, picture, book, titate- craft., or whatever each ontes tine of production, was then traeol to the de- cade In the actor's life. The aotoonding figrree are that the ten years between - GO and 70 produced 25 per cent. of the werld's greatest achievements by Its greatest men. Between ;10 and (10 are found 25 pee cent. of the master deeds. 11 .t the age between 'le aad oaneeare almost as fruitful, being 23 per vent. of great acts. If we aro to believe Dr. William A. NS Reiland, the compiler or these statioties, 61 per cent, of the most remarkable things dohe by the 100 of the most re- markable men of all history were the product of their lives after they were 50 years old. "The Age of Mental Virility" Is it book of Intereet. This ie cheerful reeding. We are all looking forward to at least 80 years. That our best reenits should be after we are 60 is good news, :Edit there are twu or three ifs In the way The coMpller worked with 100 of the best of our speckle. These were men, superior human animals, their superior- ity extending through all their being - pliysical, mental, spiritual. The Ordi- nary human animal may doubt his part in eueh vitality. None or tlee great hun- dred were dry goods elerks. railroad con- dustors, housewives, or any other of the type of plain everyday toilers, such as WO are. In other words, the greatest are in it class by theraselves.-New York Mail I dyed ALL. these DIFFERENT KINDS of Goods wifh the SAME Dye. I used OLEAN end SIMPLE to Use. NO chance of ming the WRONG Dye for the Goode one has to color. &II colors from your D'rtspAist or ; Dealor, VRRE Color Card and STOItY Booklet 10,' Tilg) Johnion-Richurdson Co., Limited, hlontronl, - 111,efl•MTVCIM7telgggIgAggIg.,11thlste_roo•OW,A414"010Colgsellgvirreoogonev•••••••. • Woman's Death Not Publicly M ou rn ed. No matter what the social status of n. Palestine -woman may be in strictest obedience to the honored Oriental rules, her decease le not publicly lamented nor IS the community as a whole affected in any particular way by any manifest of bereavement On her account. When, on the other hand ,a prominent male member of a elan or family in the smaller tewne or country villages of Palestine departs this life there is then much ado by way of ceremonial and rit- ual performed in order to express in due form a correct Idea of the loss sustained to the whole countryside.,. On such oc- sions "days of lamentation" extending from seven to forty days, according to the miportance of popularity of the dee oettser, are observed, (luring each of Which one or more sheep are slaughtered "In atonement for his soul," and it feast spread before the assembled mourners,- Trrom the London Graphic. ‘0401 11 EDUCTION, THEOLOGY, MEDICINE, ▪ SCIENCE, ▪ Including ENGINEERING Arts Summer Session duly 3 to Aug. 17 The Arts course may be taken by. corre s pond e n c e, but students desk-. ing to graduate roust attend one session. Short Course for Teachers and gen. eral students July roth to vst. For calendars write tbe Registrar O. Y. CHOWN Kingston, Ont. N IVERSI XING STON JANE AusTEN AT BATH. Bath, NVIl Ore it 113S been dtleided to erect a pedtdtal in memory of dune :Sutton, was the home of the novelist from 1 801 to 1 ere Her father, wheee health had broken down, removed thither frem Steventon, leaving his son dames in cheeps of the reetory as locum teens. The deughters did not seem to have been consulted with regard to thee ehange oi plane. Mee; Constanee Hill, in her book, "Jane Alveoli, Bee Howe and Her Frienee" th:).t. "keening one day from a walk. its Cloy entt.sred the room their mother grepte.1 tluen h tile in- elligen:.e : girh,, it is settled. We have decided te ltsive Steven! 011 filld go to Bate: Ti Wow, w!lo nitt never been from htyme anti had not lieu rd inueli about th. ma 1 1 er. it wits such it slued: that elm feinted away." Ai though both "N ortintriger Abbey" and "Persua- sion" (I Pal N'er.t.7 largely with Bath, neither of them wat writ Len in that. eity.- Weiitmi Lv I. Gaze 1 to. Dabcras e Sigl:ft.tg.7.2.griftegttitagagigUtlillgtdil is certainly one of the most dieagree- able aiilllentS WM:11 liC11 is heir to. Coaled toegue-bitter taste in the mout nausea dieziness - these combine to make life a burden. The cauee is a disordered liver -the cure Dr. ielersees ndiaa Root Pills. They go straight to the root of the trouble, put the liver right, cleanee the stone. eel' and bowele, clear the tonglic and take away the bitter taste from the mouth. At the first sign of bilious- ness take Dr. Morset,'s Indian Root: Pins 40 A PERSONAL AFS:RONT. Striking members of the Amalgamated Shirt Stitchers were holding a i!confer- W1 tI ere is that tall, thin girl who join- tthe Ilion e last week?" inquired the e!..e. delegate. Tee secretary arose to reply. "Sbe handed in her resignation this morning." "What was the reason?" "She took offenee when she was called On tn aCt aS it picket." When Your Eyes Need Care Try 11,turine Eye Remedy, No Smarting -Feels Fhae-Acts Quickly. Try it for :Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book ie. each Packageefurlue is coinpouridett by our Oculists -not 0."Patent Med- icine"- tint used in successful Physicians' Prac- tice for many- years. NoW dedicated to tho Pub- lic and sold by Druggists at 250 anti we por Bottle. Maine Eye EalYo in Aseptic Tubes, 21;c and M. Ifilurine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Rorer PATIENT LOST. (Montreal Gazette.) A NeTV Jersey court rendered a verdict agalast a patient who Sued a, doctor for $25,Uno datnages because he left a pair of fbreePS in the interior of .the subject af- tee ao operation. There .was no doubt its to the ownership of the morceps, as the patient had been operated on before by another surgeon. But perhaps the cutlet was of the opinitio that a fair exe chalige is no robbery. A gOOd surgical instruinent is worth as much as a datn- 1 ag%4 appendix. — Ask for Minard'e and take no other. . __-..,,,,.....b,.._. - UNLUCKY NUMr3ER, The Visitore-Why are you here my misguided friend? The Prisoner -Pm the victim of the unlucky number 13. The Visitor -Indeed; how'e that? lite .nirsonern-Twelve jurore and One Tlie judge -Sporting Times. 000••••••.Ogorioo.0.410.o. eseee, I. NAN DRUNC Women's commonest ailment -the root of so much of their 111 -health -promptly yields to the gentle but certain action of Na-Dru-Co Laxatives. 25c. a box at your druggist's. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL co. or CANADA, LIMITED. 161 -d 01,11 11,111111 I MINISTERS' SALARIES. (Montreal 'Witness.) There is no religious tenet that has taken so strong a hold of the popular mind of to -day as that the clergy should be unworldly and should live altogether above and beyond any consideration for this world's comfort. The idea that a minister should get a good salary is ac- counted by many a popular declaimer as a sufficient condennuttiou of all re- ligion. It is, according to the advocates of the people, for such that religion ex- ists:. This tenet is hugged in the very face of the fact that the average II -11111e - ter is kept on. an allowanee that makes hl e life one of anxioue, anei 11 grace is not abundant, narrowing peuury, with abundant remuneration often than a bricklayer, and that Often obtained under almost humiliating, elm:turista:wee. Suati are their conditions that they are ex- pected to take advantage of and to plead for special privileges of cheap tickets and discounts, some of tines.' embarrassing to selferespect. Those who think such con - (Maws ideal for the clergy might per- haps ask Ott-lint:rives .11110tilt,O1' the ter oWeS hIS 111.111 they do, or vvitether what is so good tur the min- ister's soul might not benefit them- selvee. : PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind. or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by tee new ab- sorption treatment; and wiil also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own lecality, if requested. Inunediate relief anti pernaaneut mire assured. Send no money, but tell others of this olfer. Write to -day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box I', 8, Wind.sor, Ont. MYST(FIED. (Aluotreal Herald.) A number of Englishmen, who were bound fur New Voile, Met tugetilPr 011 board a Cunartler. WI:en in midoccan, Smitli gave n sup- per, at wideil champagne alammied, a»d 'wee partaken uf freely by all, part! eU- Iti. YIN;elltX iett1r 2:41111") /rig one of the party was on deck. rather NI:1y, when a sleward. RILIBIrt(:;•ga•ephritc•IcOn, sir. but Mr. l4rulth would like to see You. Re is still in his state- room." The other haetened down, arid feund Smith with a wet towel round his head. "Ilellott, old shnp, how are your lie astOeh,Ii dIlli_itlin all right," was the reply, "I Wasn't very squiffy, you know, though I did have it good ehare of the 'fizz,' 1, re- member everything that happened, but there's one .thing that puzzles 010. T know 1 etood the Supper, but, 1 say, old -chap. who the dickens paid for the cab?" Old Sores. Lumps in Breast, Growths removed and heal.. ed by a simple Home Treatment No pain. Describe the trouble, we Will send beak and testimonials free, tam CANADA CANCER INSTITUTE, Limited 10 Churchill Ave., Toronto. Cleveland'Best Fly Catch4r. Wilbur Cox is the ehampion fly catete er of the eity of Cleveland in the anti -fly eampaigee Yesterday afternoon Cox, who hs 18, and liVCS Collinwood, made his appear. axes) nt th,e anti -fly headquarters at the city hall with 800 dead flies. All of these he had sought inside of the building paper of summer cottagea on the lake front near Euclid Beach park. In killing them he used a rolled newepaper. The boy receives: 81) cents. bounty is one cent for every ten flies. ---Cleve. land Plain Dealer. Keep MInard's Liniment In the house, re t•• THE. CALL OF DUTY. 'So Batts' wife turned suffragette as a matter of prineiple?" "How :to?" "Bates ran .fer offiee and she felt it was her duty to VC -Act Life. 'You can't eitt some people by ignorieg them completely, but the suburbanite discovers that lie can't apply the same rule to his lawn, oloogiglovmookaamstommlegoomommgm.1 1610•11mooloWryogoogg000no111,0 4 ro, 4.40 FfirDISIrempERrilligiPtrIt)rrs"' 0124 otorrosi rovipir. Sure cure ,tio4 prtsltpe preveetive,e0 inatter how horses et an see ere intectild OICP0104.1 LiStUirdv giVenon the tongue. sets or; the blood sod alarmist expels the poisonous earns from the body. rives nestere per in and SbeePo 1034 Cholera in Poultri. I.argest sUughvotc.ok remedy. CUr011 La GritePts amoust human beings and is a glae Wile)? revisdY. 500 anti Sr bottle; $5 and .1; a 4040m. Cut this out. Keep it. Show it to Your dr a1s1, who will get it for you. Free Booklet, "Distemper, Causes and Cures. DISTRIBUTORS -ALL WHOLESALE DRUGOISTS SPOI1N meotgAi‘ CO., cootobtis mod IljacIeriolfaioN• OPOPYrY0-1,,111.2.W4 rt. .) 200400 IN COLD GIVEN AWAY FREE CPA PE NREOQA ROY Rai VPM1. yBRAPRBRE ATSWIZYREBR CPAHE ERPA canyou atranee the aboVeeets of jumbledthtirn !otters into e ees of eleht well known oVamissasmais f , oh larZot nurnber the num of Tweity Debars, Should two Vcrsotte wick anmers equflaBillitisci:tPjetatct$5#::;V:oe°11:74:3dtCP:711.0 rn.kItp, Thi ; in:nen:mewls tie elm ABOVE PRIZE. It is no coy ta*it, bmferencl yol; can protebiy make out csr ill of them. To the potion Teht;$1.1.1) *nuke 0131 tho lurgc.tt number we will • iise the sum of One linutired Dollars. To the person making out the aecend largest number the AMA .of elite • 1.;..11ars. To the porton 'Asians:the third lurgetotOursber 111, suM 'I'birty Dollars. To t..e perocAprix_Ing,tne rriz,es wiAt De divided between them. teach re4elrIntr 17020) Should three rend in equally correct W1611'0110 the t three imices have to be divided. (earls recthing $6o.o.4„ Should four persons send equally correct anowera, V de viol e stun of Soorhon will to equally divided (each receiving $so.00), and eek on in liko proportietv,provided • 2i -y comply whit a simple condition stAlx:mt:h)111,:eownitnz woori.l:Das40.b1)05n7as janosiiw,erirsataAr:clieet7. NV1:. DO liar - o• I anything like a complete list, wiite AB At 04C0 enclobing a -cent stamp for Ottlf tepiy. DO ear nereve, ssesse ce NT OF Yong AtONEY WIIEN YOU ANSWER, 111IS ADVEWPI61CMIANT. /1 you can make 11 itlTE; (men. Address, coi .eceesesseasees . „ mos sousiimer. ANIMALS AND TOBACCO. Texlierimente were made upon rabbits plackeu as nearly as possible in conditious similar to those of a smokerafn the Kele of a ghtee Ian jar, under which the rab- bit v. as plaeed, a hole was made on it level with the animal's nostrils; Into true hole a .elgarette wits introduced. By an - Utile!. °lithe: a SLOW respiration was made. By this means the eombustion ot the elgarette wae kept up. It was con - named hi from twelve to fifteen minutes. 1 -hall no hour later the jar was venti- late0. The rabbit thus reepired every day, in frum, etX to eight ileum the smelie of ten elgaterettes; that is, from twiady to tweoty-rive grammes or tobac- ee Vivo iII nicotine. Prom the first week the rabbits snb- jecteti to this treatment showed name excitation, diffleulty of breathing, and an abundant production of nasal muc- ous. Then there was noted a slackening in their movements and a lose of appe- tite. Bu1 the rabbits had become used to the 'smoke, and no longer showed signs of excitation. In all the rabbits, however, after some time there eould be noted progressive 'wasting. leeperiments made with complete and incomplete extraets of tobacco, and with tolbacto from which the nicotine had been extrauted, showed that this wasting is due out only to the loss of appetite, but that the tobaceo eremite contains, besidee the nieotine, ft substance which has par - ale sing effects and which brings about the wasting or the animal. ----- ogimilligivileri{iagCliamintognoweievekiwagessaLrodasmosovvviOvoccilitoolitIMONININIVIIIIIP MAKE YOUR N TILE COST - KU TO $6.00 PER 1400 _ HAND OR • POWER SEND FOR CATALOO E ;FARMERS' CEMENT TILF. MACHINE CO.,' WALKERVILLE, ONT. A STRANGE F;GURE OF SPEECH. One of the Titanic survivors -a sal' 000 steward -was close to the steamer when she went down, and, in searching for a simile to give an idea of what he heard at that last dresulful moment, he found a most curious one, and One that at first thought gives the mind a painful ehoek. The mingled ales, he said, eounded like the barking of dogs la it kennel At feeding time! A sensis five pereon, even though he had pe- eked wove n. reeemblance, would not heve .mentioned it to ()there.. and yet, now that it has heen mentioned, one L'12 hardly tielly tile probability of its marvelous aeeuracy. Ahnost certainly those last Vries tvere quite inarticulate, fie; utter despair always is, and for a moment they rose nuil, fell, a lugubri- ons ululation. The very braveet may' have been silent, but such self- control is ahnoet superhuman, and for its ab- sence there is no reproaele--New York Times. etinard's Liniment C Dear Sire,- Your elINARD's LINI- MENT is our remedy for sore throat, eche; and all ordinary ailments, It never fails to relievt, and eure prompt 1 y. eilARLES wno:Yr ON. Port Mulgrave. WRONG TREATMENT. tMontreal Herald.) An attempt eommtt suicide is in tile eyes of our law a crime; but it is also in ' the cycle of most people of modern views a pretty good evidence of disordered nerves or intelleet. The distressing scenes which aecompanied the arrest and taking to jail yesterday of a young wo- man charged were this offence Wrre suen as to suggest that eome unsuccessrul would -he suloides may be very different fro mordinary crizninale, ilow would it be, roe a change, to am, on the aesump- tion of derangement rather than on that of creme, and to defer the prosecuting of the unfortunate vietim until the doe - tors have had a (thence to say whether he or she WaS responsible? -- NOT FLATTERING. Dubbleigh-Somehody told me to -day the t 1 was handsome. Miss Keene -When was that? Dubbleighento-day. MissR.cen- No, 1 mean when were you Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. . • TAILORS' THIMBLES. If you have ever noticed a tailor's thimble you nto6t have observed that it it not like the one your mother or your sioters use, bemuse it has no top. As there is it. reason for everything, there ie a reason for this. The stuff your mother sews on is usu. ally very light and the needle is ecteily 'melted through by pressing the top. of the thimble against the eeedle. But ' tailors often have to sew very toarse and heavy material and they eannot get enough pressure on the top of the thine. tile, so they use the side and therefore they have no use for a top, — ISSUE NO. 20, 1912 Mpg= • 110:10,1 ovorivomadouvosagmfiViolg016101101100. s...non-loa • AGENTS WANTED, A GIeNTS!--SURE MONEY-MAKER IH 1-1our dollar book, "DestruetiOn of Ti- tanic," Beet book printed; vommission per eent.; outfit free; freight paid; crodil given; eneloee poetage, ten cents. Nichols Co., Limited, Toronto, Calla". V,Volmaftilorig • = FITS CURED Send for Free Book giV- Ing full particulars or TRENCH'S RelletElnY, the NS' °rid -fan -loos Cure for Epilepsy and Fits. simple home , treatment, 25 years' success. Testimonials from all parts of the world. Over 1,000 In one Year. TRENCH'S REMEDIES, LiMited 107 St. Janus Chambers, Toronto SPRING. The lovely spring with rippling rills And sunshine dappling up the hills, With, beautiful. bright birds awing - This is the spring the poets sing; But little Johnny does not see The wind -flower blowing on tb.e lea, Spring means to him not limpid But baBtli:elfeosa puddling and mud pie. Only one per cent. of the area of Ireland contains_mafketable timber. Sleeping outdoors yet? go to court to have a mandamus. Us common 101119 don't have to • The little candle throwsits light With most persistent flash; Yet lighteth not for yon or nee Tile mystery of hash, ( Maypole Soap POR HOME DYEING Washes and dyes at one operation, giv- ing remarkably clean, bright, fast colors. Dyes cotton, wool, silk or tures. 24 colors, will give any shade. Colors 10c, black 15c at your dealer's or postp'd with b'k. let "How to Dye' from F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreaf oor THE VERDICT. Mrs. Hamilton, Fish Webster at a luncheon in Newport sant 'if a young oveingligie "hi W110 had just returned fro•m Paris: "Rile studied, you knee., under De Reszke. They tell a story abeut her. "One afternoon. in the presence of the whole class she an an aria of Puc- „ the While she Was, singing the maestro walked up and down mot - tering 'Mem 1)1001"Peetel' an11 sleet like expressinne. When ahe finished everybody looked at him expectantly, anxious to hear the final ve•rdiet. "Nr. de Iteszke strode op to the girl, laid his hand on her shoulder in a gentle, fatherly way, and delivered his verdict in "a' Menrit1111101111'' he said, 'Marry soon. Good bye.' "-Milwaukee Evening Wis. comae gvagengogo CAUTIOUS. eeleeeland Plain Dealer.) "Those Turks are .strong for tradt- tient?. Here's a, etory about a woman :speaker In Constantinople who aroused tt soom of indignation by appearing in pubileaithOut a ven. Seems absurd, neesn't it?” "Well, 1 dont' know; I'd have to see the lady before I expressed an upinion." Minard's Liniment useu by Physicians THE ASSES. (sTancouvee Saturday SlieSet.) An Irishhian, with a very thiele head ef hair was one day in the centre of a few Englishmen, aho endeavored to etelek Joltekt at his expense. "Why," exclaimed one of them, "your bead or hair is like a stack of bay." "Well." returned Pat, "that's just What Myself was thinking when I saw am many asses round It.' 10•Oommil. A purely herbal balm; beet thing for the tender skins of children, yet powerful enough to heal Sin adult's ohronio sore; highly antiseptio; oases pain and emoting soon tie applied -- that ia Zamoriukt Remember It le nursly herbal—no mineral polemist no animal fats. Power and purity combined I Ya,{1PIIWPAUI.1111101.11111111.0.0.11,1,.......1.4/1 OWN ntly