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The Wingham Advance, 1912-04-25, Page 8
8 WiAl litatiWin P0NE'Sr IS THE PLACE FOR itit t, .1. Pure :. :,„....it• ;t4-- 1 GroceriesL.; ...1.4,:it ...* it .,. _ ,F.L. , ..,. .... ALL W1;ASK Is M R 'r GIVE US b A TRIAL I wt K I 1 'PHONE 113 MPA'AMMPIONWAMMMANWANAWMAMPMfle. W. NE CENTRAL GROCERY ,J CHRISTIE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 HIGHEST GRADE OF PURITY IN FOO l It is wood to know von get pure Foods WHEN and WHERE VER yon pur- chase them ; but it is BETTER, TO KNOW WHERE to get the H[GH- .EST GRADE OF PURITY, There are degrees of purity in Foods, but there is a big difference between the lowest and highest points. We sell you the best. TRY OUR BAKINQI POWDER 30c. PER LB. This is a strictly pure Cr. of Tartar Baking Powder containing NO ALUM or other harmful ingra,dt- onts. Ic will pay you to use it. 3 lb. boxes Laundry Starch 25c Vanilla, Lemon. and Extracts We got 111e►n put up expressly for onrsolves, and guarantee them pure flavoring extracts. It is not a large bottle, but strength and quality are there. You'll get results. Per bot- tle, 100.4 Butter and Eggs Wanted. WANTED! In the DAUPHIN DISTRICT, a large number of experienced farmers to buy and farm the best land in the West ; improved or unimproved. First-class proper- ties for sale at low prices and on terms to suit. For particulars and booklet giving description of the district, apply to R. C. SPARLING DAUPHIN -- MAN. 0 O 411111113 4111111111111111111111= 25c ti TRE `INGRA ,ADVANO'E Goderich: Blyth. The Goderich Y. M. C. .A , who h the honor of forming "The Scoutb" corps, are materially assts by the Ladies' Auxiliary. Mt'. J. Carrie, one of the lead officers of "The Boy Scouts," happily recovered from a very seri illness at Alexandra hospital, He son of the late Rev, Ur. Carrie, English Church clergyman, M. Charles Lee has at last control of the ""Goderich" hotel, abasing it for $4250, and binds him to retain it for seven years as a s► mer hotel. Ele is a flourishing ba ware merchant and has successfu carried on Hotel Goderich the pas or 3 yrs. ave The Blyth Flax Mill 00, are ad - Boy vertising for land to grow flex on, Messrs. Frank McPherson and D. Floody left for the West this week. If conditions are favorable the latter will move his family out there, 'rhe re -opening of the Presbyterian Church will be held on Sunday, April 28th. Rev,, F, W. Robinson of Toronto will occupy the pulpit. The evening service in Methodist Church will be withdrawn for this occasion,. ted hag has airs is a an got pur- self rm- rd- lly t2 We had much pleasure in noting the Advance of Iast week the gold wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Da of Mitchell, father of the Mess Davis of Hotel Bedford, and reg the absence of the proprietor, w went West. Ex. -Alderman J. Hawkins (forme of Port Albert) with Mrs. Hawk and family have taken up their re dence in Edmonton. While a reside of Goderich, he purchased a good de of real estate, sozne of which he s before leaving; but like many othe who have got the "Get -Rich Quid fever, he may find out later th riches get at a stand still too often. The river Maitland must have gott up a most warlike spirit like t generations of Indians who camped upon, its borders, many years ag when it became so turbulent at East tide, Perhaps the "shades" of t great chiefs have whispered to it th it has to awaken to the fact that it c lie at ease no longer but add to 0 tario's great power developments, in en vis r's, ret ho Ely ins y1- _ nt al I..r,e%",".",.e%r.rw%0s.,".",eN,,n.es......ftek.,••••^^,00yi *news items —A sea sturgeon recently caught at Vancouver weighed 1400 pounds ; the head alone weighed 200 lbs. The fish was 40 feet long. —A new town, to be called Onwatin, is figured out at the junction of the Canadian Northern and the Grand Trunk Pacific, about 20 miles north of Sudbury. ,—Irl. Edmonton, ifin Saturday last, because his mother scolded him, Henry Hill, aged ten years, made a old noose, and, jumping,; from a chair, re, hanged himself. k" at —While a Grand Trunk train from Guelph to Toronto was running be- tween Brampton and Georgetown the en other night, an owl flew through one he of the open windows. ed —A "carpet -cleaner" which was o, composed of a mixture of sand, coal er oil and sawdust, and which sold for he 25c, duped many housewives in Brock - at ville last week, when sold by a plausi- an ble stranger. —A London (England) man has been sent to jail at the age of ninety-three of for forgeries committed in respect of 1- the property of a widow he promised as to marry. Surely he was old enough of to have known better. 1' —Among charges made against d Vancouver General Hospital was one d' that dead cockroaches were served in is the food of one of the patients, while o the live insects were described as crawling about the plate. n to —One of the most modern houses of of this progressive age is soon to be d completed at Lindsay, Cal. This up - y to -date domicile will be thoroughly equipped with every modern electri- cal convenience for lighting, cooking, st heating and cooling. From Winnipeg, "Town Topics,' Saturday, April 13,h, we clip the fo lowing :—"Violet Day," which w last Saturday, netted the sum $6750, for the Children's hospita most of which will be clear profit, an will go towards the maintenance fun So great was the demand for viole that the supply, which was by n naeans small (having been based upo the Iarge sale of last year, and eve made in excess of them) ran out qui early in the day, much to the regret the hundreds of busy maids an matrons, who were selling the prett flowers. The Oddfellows have found out one more that their hall, which is a mo popular place of entertainment, is fa too small to accommodate such larg crowds as attended on the evening 0 Thursday, 1Sch inst., the bazaar an tea given by the Woman's Guild o St. George's Church. The day an evening were wet, but in epite of a inconvenience caused by the weathe► the hall (and it is pretty large) wa over -crowded. The ladies netted $250 after all expenses were paid. A. mats cal program was also carried out mos successfully. The affair must hav pleased the present rector of St George's church, Rev. Mr. Fothering ham, it being his initial entertain menta Rev. Mark Turnbull, for many year the honored rector of St. George' Church, has returned from his visit t Mexico, and has rejoined Mrs. Turn bull at Petrolea, where she has been the guest of her son since her return from a trip to the British Isles, th Mexican Rebellion making it impos Bible for her to go on to Mexico. TIi rector, who has shown great courage in spending so many months with bullets ()Wines falling on the roof o the Cathedral rectory, thought that when the rebels doubted his word as being in Chihuahua as a clergyman who visited the wounded and dying, e rector with great presence cf mina rew some sermons that he had pre- ared and had in his pocket at the me, which by showing them to the bels caused his life to be saved. His n liked Mexico, where he was hold - g a position in the Chihuahua Bank, and as the rector is a fluent linguist, he thought by going to his son, that he might assist him very much by perfecting him in that language. ✓ —The place where the Titanic sank, e according to an official of the marine f department here, is about five blin- d dred miles from .Halifax, and the f water at that point, about seventy d wiles south of the Grand Banks, is at 11 least two miles deep. '' —From the manner in which Colonel s Roosevelt has swept Illinois, Pennsyl- . vania, Maine and Missouri, it corn- •- mences to be apparent that he will t have a strong chance for the Re- s publican nomination for president. ' The surprising weakness of President - Taft is no less a surprise than the nn - expected strength of Roosevelt. s --Oa the eve of his trial for house- breaking and robbery, Edward Beau- s rell of Chatham broke jail in Strat- ford, on Tuesday, at dusk. The man gained his escape by digging out the bars of his cell window, having evi- e dently been at the task since his in- carceretion on remand a week ago, after his sensational arrest. —The pit ponies of one cf the Eng- lish coal mines were brought to the 2 surface when the miners stopped work several weeks ago. None of the ani- t mals had seen daylight since they were first taken into the mines, some c as long as twenty years ago. All of them were bewildered, and many were as frightened as though they had been deposited on a new planet, but there were some which showed signs of joy, neighing and rolling over and over on the ground. --The announced policy of the On- tariy government in the matter of bilingual schools appears to adequate- ly meet the situation. It is proposed that in the case of scholars who can- not speak English, the first year shall be devoted to instructing them in that language, so that during the rest of their attendance they will be able to take instruction in English, The schools will be closely supervised so as to ensure that this system will he ad- hered to, and if there is any persistent intention evinced to depart from it, state aid to such schools will be can- celled. On the other hand, if ,diMcu1- ty is experienced in securing teachers competent to instruct the first forms in English and to carry on the work of the higher forms in the same lan- guage, the government will endeavor to extend additional financial assist- ance to ensure that the French pupils gena good English education. in L,UcknoW. Tommy Treleaven has comtnenced work toward rebuilding his dant re- cently destroyed by the flood, Joseph Agnew, town clerk, has been for severaal days at death's door, suf., fering from pneumonia, His condi- tion is at present somewhet improved, In consequence of the terrible in- jury received last week when kicked by one of his father's horses, little Johnny Forster died on Saturday. All that medical science and skill could do was done for him, but to no avail, He was only 3 years, 11 xnonths and 28 days old. The funeral was held from the residence of his patents in West Wawanosh on Monday to Kin- loss cemetery. Deep sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones in the loss of their bright little boy. On Saturday morning the house belonging to Mrs. A. Smith of Kin- loss, was discovered to be on fire Mrs. Smith was absent at the time, and only the children were there, It. is supposed that the fire originated from a defective pipe or chimney, and that it got worked into the roof under the steel shingles, or into a partition. Considerable of the furniture was saved, but the loss on the house and qn the contents that were destroyed will be heavy. The insurance carried was comparatively light. Horseshoe Superstition. It is not difficult to understand why lovers of horses came to adopt the horseshoe as a talisman against mis- fortune, says the London Globe, Horses were considered to be especial- ly liable to the machinations of witches. This fact stands out in all the records of the Lancashire witches and other evil hags. If precautions were not taken these mischievous witches would ride the horses at dead of night over the hilts, and when the owner came to the stables in the morning he would find his animals in a lather and utterly exhausted. A horseshoe fastened over the stable door was believed to ward off such evil. There is no superstition more deeply ingrained in all classes of society than that which is attached to the horse- shoe. As an emblem of good fortune it holds pride of place. Nelson did not disdain to nail a horseshoe to the mast of the Victory. In the early part of the nineteenth century, the horseshoe was very highly prized, and there were few London mansions where it was not displayed, while humbler folks were at great pains to fasten it over their doors. Horses were not shod either by tha Greeks or Romans. The ancients were content with wrapping fiber cloth round the feet of their horses in cold weather, or when it was neces- sary to pass through miry districts Instead of troubling about horseshoes they devoted their attention to hard- ening the hoofs of their mounts. Nero, who ever strove to outdistance his contemporaries, caused his horses to be shod with silver, while his wife's were resplendent with gold, but in no case were nails driven into the hoofs The practice of shoeing horses by driving nails into the hoofs was in- troduced into Eogland by William the Conqueror, but such a practice did not make any headway for centuries. The Indians, who had no superior as horsemen, never thought of shoe - ng their mounts in any way, and yet hey were capable of performing re- markable journeys over most difficult ountry. The Sandown Derby was won by a horse running in a natural state. The race was run twice owing to the fact that three horses made a dead heat on the first occasion. Prior to the second attempt the owner of Marden gave orders for the light plates to be removed from the hoof. of his nominee, with the result that Marden gained a comfortable victory. Even at the present day in Japan the modern horseshoe finds a strong com- petitor in the old fashioned sandals made of straw which are fastened to the horse's hoofs after the manner of equine "cricket shoes." SATURDAY EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK We purpose selling a window full of boxes, each one guaranteed to contain 25c worth of goods seleo- 1 .T ted from our store and many to Po contain 75o and $1.00 worth of hand painted china and other use - f ul articles. 1 W Remember the tithe --8 o'clock. 11R 20TH CENTURY ""MENESEPUNG." or Old Proud Menesetung, Once the Red Man's joy and pride ; ho camp'd among the Maples, With tomahawk, at thy side. on now must the White Men's voice Obey—no matter how strong ; ✓ he's bound to "Get -Rich -Quick," By his "power" ---right or wrong-- EIoise A, Skimings, BIuev'aie. Rev. J, W. Andrews and Mrs, An - Th Spring Underwear just arrived, ® Fo 1 MARSHALL's 5c, 10c, lSc and 25c STORE ells costomonsmosismosoussistisas as* dr CANADA'S DOUBLE TRACK LINE HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To._._, WESTERN CANADA, VIA CHICAGO APRIL 16th, 23rd and 30th And every second Tuesday thereafter until September 17th inclusive. Special train will learn Toronto at 10.30 p trr, on above dates for Edmonton and points in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, via Chicago and St. Pant, carrying through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleepers, No change of env. Full particulars from any Grand Trunk .Agent, or C. R. McOntchnon, Alberta Gov- ernnrent Agent, Palmer H'ottso Block, Tor- onto, Ont. MOST POPULAR 1tOUT1 TO BUFF AIJO NEW YO1 E` Pf1I1'rAfl1 LPHIA A1ONPR +`AL DETROI p CHICAGO tat via Orantl Trunk, the only double track route, STEAMSHIP 'iIMETC ON SAI. VI3. ALL LINE. rot tickets and all information apply to r A, 1:. DUFF District Passenger Agent Toronto ewe of Fordwich visited with friends in the village this week. Rev, W..1. West, M.A., attended the meetings of Maitland Presbytery at Bellmore and Dungannon on Wed- nesday and Thursday of this week. Special anniversary services were ducted in, Knox Church last Sab- h by the pastor, Rev. Mr. West, o has been 15 years in this his t pastorate. During his pastorate, membership has increased in the arge from 197 to 298, 813 members ve united with the church, an mage of 23 members a year. The Ings to nlissione have increased m $fly to $500 a year. The value of property 11$ years ago was about 00. During the pastorate a new d has been built at both appoint- nts, a new church ab I3ittevale and church at Esdiee has been renew. and now the property is valued at 000. While many good fatnllies e removed from the eharge others e come into take their place so t the numbet► of families is about same ae fifteen years ago. The b Home" in Knox Chuveh on natty was well attended, though Weather WAS unfaeorable. con bat wh firs the ch he ave giv fro the $25 she me the ed $17 haV hav tha the ":A the STOMACH TROUBLES Cured By Vinol—Here is Proof Seymour, Ind.—"I was troubled with a chronic $tomaoh trouble, and .h've weeks ago it got so bad I had to give up work I had tried various Medi- cines without relief, and. was finally induced to try Vivol. After taking the first bottle I was greatly benefited. Am now on. the third bottle and ready to resume work. Am rapidly gaining in weight and strength." Edw. Nie- man. It is the curative medicinal eln- reente of the cods' livers, combined with the strengthening properties of total° iron contained in Vinol which makes it so successful in restoring perfect digestion and at the same time it builds up the tired, over- worked and run-down syste1 . 'Ery a bottle of Vinol with the un- derstanding that your money will he returned if It 4os$ not help you, J', l of ibbon` Druggist, Winghstn NOW TO RISE IN THE WORLD clerk who keeps his mind bright, who is quick and up to date, need not always be 4 clerk. Some day ho will be an em- ployer himself. By RIEDrNTG, Ti?INIt- ING AND mrcauxtrivG H' I It S E L F he becomes worthy of better things. Every employee, no mat- ter what his position, makes himself more valuable to his employer and himself by reading the press. I't" IS MIND TIIAT WT S NOWADAYS. The Man who knows and acts on his knowledge is the man who gets there. t3 )W't WATCH THE CLOCK, WATCH THE NEWS THROUGH THIS, YOUR HOME PAPER. Wroxeter. Mies B. Ritchie is visiting her aunt in Galt, 3, H, Perrin visited his parents in Moorefield over Sunday, Mre, T. Savage is moving into Mrs. Smith's house on Howick street. R. Aitchison of Traders Bank paid a business trip to Rarriston last Friday. C. D. Simpson of Stevensville, Ont., visited friends in our village last week, R, 13. Harris has sold his property to George Muir. The. former intends moving to Toronto. A meeting of the tennis club met in Munro's store last Friday evening. The officers appointed were—Presi- dent, D. McTavish ; Vice -Pres., Rev, R. E. Collis ; Sec.-Treas., N. S. Ryan. The court is now open for members. An interesting event took place in manse, Moorefield, on Wednesday afternoon, the 10th inst., in which Mr. John S. Hupfer and Miss Jane McLean of Howia&k were the prin- cipal parties. The Rev. L. Perrin, a former pastor of the bride spoke the Magic words that started them to- gether on the voyage of life. The marriage was of a quiet nature owing to recent bereavement in the bride's family. During the ceremony the bride wag prettily attired in cham- pagne colored silk net, carrying a beautiful boquet of roses and carna- tions, The wedding march was relayed by Miss May Perrin. Mrs. Uupfer was the recipient of several useful and pretty gifts; among them was a buffet fi one the groom. The happy couple will reside in Hawick, one mile south of Wroxeter, We, with their many f" tends wish them bon voyage through life, ONTARIO Provincial Loans of $2,000,000 and $210,000. THE GOVERNMENT OF TIIE PILOVINCE OF ONTARIO, under the authority of Chap - tor 4, of the Statutes of Ontario, 1911, invites Subscriptions from the public for a loan of $2,000,000 on bonds of the l'rovinco of Ontario, or "Ontario Government Stock." The bonds will be dated 1,t May, 1012, and payable on the 1st November, 1911, in deno- minations of $1,000 each, with coupons attach- ed for interest at the rate of 4 per cent,er annum, payable half -yearly, on the 1st May and 1st November in each year, at the office of the Provincial Treasurer, Toronto, or at the offices of the Bank of Montreal, in Montreal Canada, and in New York N. Y at (he holder's option. Bonds will (be mad© payable to bearer, hut on request will be registered in the ofllce of the Provincial Treasurer and en- dorsed as payable only to the order of certain person holders will be exchanged for "Ontario Ciov- ernme y me. Also balance of Algonquin Park Loan of $210,000 on the same terms and with the same dates, under the authority of Chapter 9, 1 George V. The issue rice 19 2, will be 102 f rrurineach $100, andthe month afterthe 31st day of May, 1912, the issue price will be 102 and interest accrued from the st May, 1912. "I Suffered Intense Pains in My Left Side." Do you realize it is better to be safe than sorry, that it is the best policy to lock the stable door before the horse is stolen? Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy cured Mrs. C. C, Gokey, of a stub- born case of heart disease, such as thousands are now suffering with. Read what she says: "Before I began taking Dr. Miles" Heart Remedy 1 t'ad been suffering from heart trouble for over five years. I had grown so weak that it was impossible for me to do thirty minutes work in a whole day. I suffered intense pains in my leftside and under the left shoulder blade, I could nut sleep on the left side, and was so short of breath that I thought I should never be able to take a full breath again, The least excitement would bring on the most distressing palpitation. I had scarcely taken a half -bottle of the Heart Remedy be. fore I could see a marked change in my condition. 1 began to sleep well, had a good appetite, and im. proved so rapidly that when I had taken six bottles I was completely cured. MRS. C. C. GOKEY, Northfield, Vt. If you have any of the symptoms Mrs. Gokey mentions, it is your duty to protect yourself. , Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy. is what you need. If the first bot- tle fails to benefit, your money is returned. Ask your druggist. MILES MEDICAL CO,, Toronto, Can. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. .The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Morris are asking for tenders for the construction of two concrete culverts, each 15 feet long, 14 feet road- way, on the Murray -Lamb drain, and one concrete culvert on the Nichol drain, 6 feet long. I beams with reinforced floors. Tenders will be opened at the hall on Monday, May 27th, at 2 o'clock. Plans may be seen at the Reeve's or the Clerk's residence. Applications will be received at the same time for the posi- tion of Weed Inspector. 33-84 A. MAcE W E N', Clerk. H. DAVIS Agent for the following Steamship lines: The Allan Line, the Canadian Nor- thern, the Ounard and the Donald- son Ocean Steamship Lines. OFFICE--POSTOI! FILE BLOCK, WIN GIIA3I. s or corporations, and on request of - HOME S - zat Stook" at an time. - ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK IS- SUED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE SAID ACT ARE FR +,s; FROM ALL ON- TARIO PROVINCIAL TAXES, CHARGES, SUCCESSION DUTY AND IMPOSITIONS WHATSOEVER. Purchasers of Stock or Bonds will be re quired to send certified cheque with the application payable to the order of the 4r4" iq • Thou -ands of ambitious young people • are being instructed in 1 heir homes by aur Itonie Study Dept You may finish at College 1f yon desire Pay when- : aver you wish. Thirty fears Y+txper- fence, Largest trainers in Canada. Enter any day. Positions guaranteed. If you wish to Faro board and learn - = while you earn, write for particulars. • NO VACATION WINCHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON CHAS. BURNS President Principal "'Provincial Zreaasuror of Ontario.' Consolidated sliev©ued iFundhof Ontario, and is chargeable thereupon. A. J. MATHESON, Provincial Treasurer. Treasury Department. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, .April 190, 1912. Newspapers inserting this advertisement without authority from the Department will not be paid for it. TO CONTRACTORS. Tencers will be received up till 12 noon, May 11th, for enlargement of the Foresters' Hall, BeIgrave. Plans and specifications can be seen at residence of the undersigned members of the Build- ing Committee. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Henry Hopper W. J. Geddes 31— Janet McCallum. FOR SALE. Miss Houghton's beautiful brick resi- dence, on the south-west corner of John and Francis streets, Wingham, every- teing modern ; electric light, furnace, bath. toilet. 33-35 C. N. GRIFFIN, .Agent I UOS FOR HATCHING. Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds, pure bred. 75 cts. per 15 eggs. Special price on incubator lots. A. E. GALLAHER Lot 16 and 17, con. A, Howick 33-40 Wroxeter, Ont. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS REMOVED TO MAXWELL'S OLD STAND OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO HAVE OUR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY VISIT US THERE LADIES' AND GENTS' TAI- LORING IN THE LATEST STYLES A GALL SOLICITED SATISFACTION GUARAN- TEED LAST CALL FOR POTATOES We will pay $1.00 per bushel for all Potatoes coming in to May 1st. After that, prices will depend entire- ly on local demand. Parties having Potatoes for sale should deliver to us now. SEE US FOR SEEDS. ip Awde ihL111 Aim LG y :ii, tlail . E'Jl irr iStiL it i .ilyi I■ THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 912 The "Octoroon" Friday_13vening(this week) :April the 26th We have the best band in these parts. Help them keep up their reputations by attending the "Octoroon." THEY NEED THE MONEY White Nu -duck Buttoned Boots For Lariles Will be rnuch in evidence his season. TREY ARE THE VERY LATEST SHOWN IN OUR NORTH VINDOW 411.6,iiii Sae illis ey Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR Sf/A. LADIES GU TAII.O "` ING It's because "Hobberlins" made to measure clothes are as near perfect as skilled tailors can make 'em, that we are able to guarantee to every customer perfect satisfaction or your money refunded. You are invited to look over the spring Suitings that come from the greatest mills in the wand. Youll find all the popu- 1ar weaves. The Strong Magnet of the Season is Our Line at $22.00, We want your produce, we pay highest prices. IIANNA Sole Agency House of Hobberlin, Limited.