HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-04-25, Page 44 • m P.•Y7y.. ._ 7rvT,-.,.. ,,..,..-�: 1..�.. •-..-.»— C'. F W, A►\ �-••CT• ��n..�. r r. 3t+ HIGHEST UALITY ar I and t Seei?s RED CLOVER MAMMOTH RED CLOVER TIMOTHY ALSIKE CLOVER ALFALFA CLOVER Buy Maugel seed now, they are going to be scarce. All the best varieties, such as : GIANT YELLOW INTERMEDIATE; GIANT WHITE SUGAR MANGEL ROYAL GIANT SUGAR MANUEL YELLOW GLOBE MAMMOTII LONG RED BEST VARIETIES TURNIP SEEDS Derby New Century Good Luck Perfection Kangaroo Jumbos Hartley's Bronze Top Hall's Westbury Highland Prize Gloucester Green Top Yellow Aberdeen, Purple Top Grey Stone ALL KINDS PRODUCE WANTED 1 1 air— '3 k -t4.4N:ditsttl - ANNiat igkil'1R4�th'A'Cl=,t4 10laiflei16.1 +1 Lel! 4i}(7L.V THE .SIR EDMUND B. OSLER. M.P.. PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE•PRESIDENT. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager Capital paid up -'c - •4 -'. 11';$4,700,000 Reserve Fund ^, • A + ), - t .- $5,700,000 Total Assets - - - ' - '"d - $70,000,000 1 A Travelling Convenience Travellers, supplied with Letters of Credit and Travellers' Checks, issued by THE DOMINION BANK, are assured of ready money at every stage of their journey. They identify the owners, and can be cashed in any banking town in the world. If lost or etelen, they arc of no value to finder or thief. WINGHAM BRANCH, - - N. EVANS, Manager, "Buying Lots in a Y apidly Gr . w ing City, will Make "my Faster than any Other Safe and ound Investment in the World." + p {+44 Y i• .• HOSE who have never been West have no idea how the cities there spring up ire a short time. It is in such places that enormous pro- fits are made in Real Estate. Nowhere on earth can Real Estate be bought with such certain assurance of immediate rise ire values, as in Saskatoon. known rule of normal growth and hs.s attracted far-seeing capitalists from all over this continent and the British Isles. SASKATOON invited the citizen and the investor be- cause SHE ,HAD THE GOODS; be- cause she showed increase of 500% in building, 300% hi population rein- forced by a yearly stream of perman- ent settlers who are still pouring into her tributary territory by the thousand, And this wonderful percentage of increase is going to con-, Untie right along until you will hardly recognize ton years hence, the SASKATOON of 1011. SASKATOON sa.INIa The Central City of the West Tho Fastest Growing City of the Day is"wit .allG.�ri,Y�a.E11JJilatoi In 1003, SA.5KAT0,ON was nothing but a camp. To -day it is the commercial Heart of Saslgtitche- wan with 20,000 progressive citizens. In live years it has broken 'every Now is Eke Time to Buy Lots in Stre it ear line under construction, will Come within half a mild of our property. PRICES ARE LOW, TATO I)IU TRACT IS GOOD. THE PROPERTY IS WITH- IN THE CITY LIMITS, ANI) THE PROSPECTS P011, PROFITS Alin EXCEPTIONALLY GREAT. OUR GUAR. ANTER—Wr guarantee to refund all monies to any purchaser of Lots in '1: uxedo Park, Saskatoon, who is not perfectly satisfied with his investment after six months. WRITE: ToyhAY for full particulars, neaps and other printed literature, and join those w ho are making money in Saskatoon REAL ESTATE. Write at once as prices Etre advancing. THE WALCH LAND CO• be hors in Western Farm Lands, Town Lots and Properties 339 Confederation Life BIdg., Toronto ]beat. On, :o t WINNIP: EG• Telephone: lot talo TRE_ WINGT• AM ADVANCE Tuuisw.Y, APRIL 25, I9T ABOUT TORONTO. TWO LIBERAL OPINIONS. A WONDERFUL [)ISCOYERY There are 39,000 telephones in Tor- onto. The area of Toronto is 28 square miles. Toronto's net debt stands at $30,217,- 510.07, Toronto was founded as a French trading post in 1740. The ordinary expenditure of the city during 1911 was $8,073,027. There were 10,050 births in 1011, 5,- 312 marriages, and 6,328 deaths. Toronto is the second largest city in Canada. Montreal being the first. Toronto was incorporated as a city in 1831, with a population of 9,254, Toronto has nine public hospitals for the care of the sick, Altogether there are 65 hospitals, asylums and public homes. There are six daily newspapers in Toronto, 49 weekly papers, 20 semi- monthly, 76 monthly, eight quarterly, and one directory company. Passenger trains to the number of 135 enter and leave Toronto each day, and an average of 200 freight trains enter and leave the sante day. There are 43,451 children attending the public schools, 3,069 the high schools, 6,787 the separate schools. There are 1,000 principals and teachers in the public and high schools, and 172 kindergarten teachers. The police department numbers 475 men and officers, including a mounted squad of nineteen men, and two ser- geants. There are five patrol waggons one prison van, 137 patrol signal boxes. There are ten police stations and three ambulances. Toronto has the following number of educational institutes : Public schools, 71 ; high schools 9 ; technical, 1 ; sep- arate schools, 22 ; Protestant industri- al schools, 2 ; Roman Catholic indus- trial schools, 1 ; 40 colleges, seminaries and pay schools ; three cathedrals, about 215 churches, 10 synagogues, 48 missions, five missionary training schools, and nine convents. HEART TROUBLE When uric acid is dissolved in the blood it thickens the blood almost to a jelly, this is what causes the heart to flutter and seem to stop because it is weakened by the strain uric acid puts on it. Anti Uric Pills drive out all uric acid. poisons from the system. They are quick and safe and guaran- teed by A. L. Hamilton. See that the name B. V. Marion is on the package. HEALTH EPIGRAMS. An open window is better than an open grave. Warm rooms have killed more peo- ple than ever froze to death. "A "stiff drink" makes the stotn- Regarding the policy of Me. Rowell 1 An eminent scientist, the other day, and thtt.t of Premier Whitney along gave his opinion that the roost won. t.mperanee lines, many opinion.; have' d"f'ul distulvery c,f ""rat Y'ett,r's vas 9 the 0iecover'y of Viivo-Buk, duet been expressed. Here APO two, br'tli I think 1 As soon as a single thin layer from stzong Liberal papers , of Z un-liuk is applied to a wound or n (Situcoe Reformer). { start', nuch in]airy i.H insured egairt.t, blood puieon I Not oust !pedes of As betwet n the policies of Mc. , nlierotto has boort found that ' uin- Fianna, Mr, Rowell and Mr, Spence, Bolt does ,lot kin! the Reformer sees only a question of i Tarn again, As soon asZatti-13uk is expediency. All three of thein will a,,ppliNd 10 tL snx't', of tto elan or to skin disease, it stops the smelting, Thar say th"y want to make people sober; is why children are t+arrh friends or all three still leave it open fur certain ' Z am -Duk, They care nothing for the favored individuals to have alcoholic ; Hc,ieuee of the thing, All they know. is that 'd.irn-I3uk ',tops tl�,eir p.uin. ligeot' in their possession and coneutue Mothers should r1Hvet' fnrget t.11is. it legally. Ail three suggested poli. ` Again. As soon as Ztui•X3uk is ap- cies only give form to what, in the plied to a would n to a diseased part, opinion of their sponsors, is the way the cells beneath the skirt's surface art, to combat the evil of excessive drink- , so stimulated that new healthy tissue! ingmost effectivelyand with the I is t)uic'kly formed This forming of i'rpsli healthy tissue from below is least danger of introducing some Za.tsi-Buk'e secret of healing. The tis - greater evils. All this being self- j see thus surface formed melitd'ailly cis asts no oto di the evident, the Reformer refuses to look 1 r- used tissue above it. This is why upon the proposals of Mr. Rowell and 'I,airi•Buk cures are permanent. 111r. Spence as being founded upon j Only the other day Mr. Marsh of principles of any higher ethical quality 101 Delor'irnier Ave„ Montreal, called than the suggestion of Mr. Hanna, upon the Zein -link Co.. and told theta that for over twenty-five years he had (Stratford Beacon,) i been a martyr to eczema. His hands If Sir J'amee can bo induced to , were at one time so covered with sores hasten the fulfilment of his promise, that, he had to sleep in glovPe Four Mr, Rowell need not worryabout the' years ago +m Buk was introduced, to him, and in a few months it cured bar—with the treating habit gone, the him. 'Tu•day--ovea." three yours after bar will soon follow. Itis c'ur'e of a disease he had for twen- ty-five years—he is !~till cured, and has had no trace of any return of the eezea ! Allrndruggists sell Zam-13uk at SOc a, sox, or we will stead free trial box if you send this advertisement and a lc starnp (to pay return postage,) Ad- dress Z in-Buk Co., Toronto. THE EFFECTIVE LAXATIVE. Tastes Like And Is Eaten Like Candy. In our experience in the handling of drugs and medicines, we believe we have never bad experience with any Remedy that gave such satisfaction to our customers as do Rexall Order- lies. This Remedy is not like any other laxative or cathartic. It con- tains all the good features of other laxatives, but none of their faults. Our own faith in Rexall Orderlies is so strong that we offer them to you with our own positive personal guar- antee, that if they do not thoroughly satisfy you, you only need tell us and we will hand back to you every penny you paid :is for them. Therefore, in trying them upon our recommenda- tion you take no risk whatever. Rexall Orderlies taste like and are eaten like candy. They do not gripe, cause nausea, excessive looseness, or any other annoyance. They act so easily that they may be taken at any time, day or night. They are parti- cularly good for children, aged, or delicate persons. They are put up in convenient tablets in three sizes of packages. Prices, 10c, 25, and 5Oc. Remember, Rexall Remedies can be obtained in this community only at our store --The Rexall Store, J. W- McSibbon, Wingham. ach warm, but the skin cold. teesiseeeieweineualegaisausssuesiesseesi A stitch in the underwear may save a stitch in the side. A mustard bath for the feet will do far more to ward off pneumonia than a gallon jug. A dirty well is more dangerous than a dirty kitchen. The farmer who locks his doors and uncovers his well gives entrance to a more hostile enemy than any thief. If your roof and your well both leak, fix the well first. A good iron pump costs less than a case of typhoid. Good water is one of the best in- surance policies a family can carry. It takes time to boil a baby's bottle, but it saves sorrow and sleepless nights. Flies in the kitchen may be almost as dangerous as Rough -on -Rats in the pantry. If some people were as much afraid of flies as they are of bad water, there would be less typhoid. Good water is more to be prized than rubies, and clean hands are bet- ter than much fine gold. The fly has small feet, but a million typhoid germs can ride comfortably on one of them. A light overcoat is better than a heavy cold. Many a cough ends in a coffin. A stuffy room is the germ's best ally. A little ventilation is more effective than ruuch quinine, There never was so cold a day, but that a little fresh air was healthful. A fiy in the milk often means a mernber of the family in the grave. Wire screens in the window may keep crepe from the door. 'teen flies from the house and you will help keep the doctor from the gate. LOST VITALITY CAUSED BY KIDNEY, STOMACH AND BOWEL DISORDERS St. John, N.B,, September 18th, 1011 --My brother was a great sufferer from kidney, stomach and bowel troubles and was given up by two doctors. He was advised to try your Fig Pills, which he did, and after taking five boxes was completely restored to health and is better today than he has been for years. You cati'G recommend Pig Pills too highly. J. W. Manvers At all dealers, 25 and 50 Dents or Tho i+gig Pill Corr St. Thoma , Ont. 1 i1 A Big Calf. A calf, which at the time of bird,, tipped the scales at 135 pounds, was horn Saturday on the farm of Mr. Jos. Groves, of West Oxford. The immense size of the calf has created a great deal of interest, and it is de- clared by stock raisers of long ex- perience to be the largest they have ever seen. THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN is ;just from teri to twenty years o1dWr rhea he looks when be is a rheumatic suite, er. .Rheumatism racks thea whe le system. The constant dull pain pulls the face out of shape and a rnan with rheumatism is old ar. forty. Rheumatism can be cured. Rheum() will cure it quickly and permanently by enriching the blood and driving out the uric acid poisons. that wear out the system. Since Rheum() be- came l:hewn we have been unable to mention the names of the numerous persons from whore we have received testimonials. Rheuren is positively guaranteed. A. L. Hamilton, your druggist, will tell you just bow good it is and wham everyone in town thinks of it. Rheum() is $1 00 per bottle at A. L. Haunilton's or direct all charges prepaid fr'oin B. V. Marion, Bridgeburg, Ont. , It ,t str ti At The Chi-Namel Store Vied. and Thurs., ' `ay 1 and ielataiiteleeelee ..1•111 ,, .,... We have the sales agency for the line of all- purpose varnish, which is so far ahead of any varnish that has ever been sold in this community, that we particularly desire an early opportunity to show its good points to some member of every household in our business district. What we want you to know about this wonder- ful varnish is something that cannot be told ; but we can show you in a very few minutes that you get more for your money every time by using Chi -Name. Varnish for floors, woodwork, furniture, or anything about the house on which varnish is used. This varnish is furnished in the natural color and also in a full variety of colors. It can be hammered and boiled and otherwise abused without showing any signs of abuse. Any amateur can apply it to large surfaces and get just as smooth a finish as a pro. fessional finisher—no laps, no brush marks, no blotches to snake a patchy appearance. You will thank us for this invitation after you have come to know all about it. Other features we want to show you are the Chi. Namel Readymtocuse Graining process, by which you can cover all blemishes i>ii your old floors and make them any color you wish, and also produce the grain of oak or other woods. Old carpets can be made into rugs and a new hardwood border will take the place of the ugly floor- ing at a cost of but 2c per square foot. We will gladly explain all these features at our store if you give us the opportunity. Richardson ANOTHER CHA CE We always have good properties on our liNli.et, but occasionally we are able to call attention to some- thing t-pecial, r1iis week we a're c•ffering for quick sale a ] story frame house with stable and good garden in one of the b�iat localities in Winghani at a right price, as the owner is leaving town. Also valuable corner property with two lots and good dwelling and small stable. We have properties ranging in price from $500 to $6000, so that we can suit everybody. itchie Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Many Business Colleges 1 close for vacation during July and August but the large and popular ELLIOTT Ad/ 1 t TO}ONTOa ONT. does not. Students desiring strictly high grade training for choice positions are in- vited to write for our catalogue. Enter npw if you can. Our eroduates readily get employment. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste. 5/inter Term from CENTRAL STRATI ORD. ONT. Our classes are now larger than ever be- fore, but we have enlarged our quarters arid we have room for a few more stu- dents. You m •y enter at; any time. We have a staff of nine experienced instruc- tors and our courses aro the best. Our graduates succeed. This week three re- cent graduates inform 11S that they have positions paying $65, $70 and $125 per month. we have three department s— Comtnerciaa,l, Short hand and Telegraphy. Write for our free catalogue now. D. A. 11TcLACELAN - Principal G. 11. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate of the Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of ',Co:onto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OYER H. E. ISARD & CO's. STORE DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFFICES—Corner Patrick and Centre streets Pnowns— Offices 43 ltesicience, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Caldor 1,iI Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and 'Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Beal Estate and Money Loaning business. A. E. S IT BANKER WING -HAM -- ONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bank in the Dominion. RATES,—$5,00 and under, 3 cts. $10 to $30, 10 cts. $30 to $50, 15 as. Same rates charged on principal banking pointe in the U. S. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH a WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY person who is the Soto head of a family. or any male over 18 years old, may home- stead a quart et! section of available Dominion +a land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or ,Alberta,. Tho applicant must appear in person at, the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father. moth- er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend- ing homesteader. Ditties.—:six months' residence upon and cul - titration of the laud in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a fern) of at, least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt n quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acro. Duties.—blast reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (inclnding the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter fora pnrehased homosted in certain districts. Price $3 00 per acro. Duties Must side sax months in each of three years, eulti- ;1 vato fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. w, W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.- Unanthorized publication of this ad- vortiseMent will not be paid for. 1 Jas. Walker & Son W INUMAM UNDERTAKERS Wo are sli etaily qualified Under- takers and Embalmers, and those entrixstln thole work to vs may rely On it being well done. Nights cants r • received tat reeidenco. done 100 Musee Ph se THE PEOPLE'S . LE'S PO l.J LA.R STORE WING -HAAT AGENTS--- AGENTS-'-- LADIES' HOME JOURNAL HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS orainorra S OE We have just received another large shipment of the very NEWEST, NEATEST, MOST STYLISH, PERFECT FITTING BOOTS and SHOES. We'll be pleased to show them to you. Women's Patent Pumps and Patent Buttoned Oxfords ; up to $3.00. Women's Patent Button Boots and Dongola Blucher ; up to $3.6i). Women's Dongola Tie and Blucher Oxford—$1.50 to $2.00. Women's fine Dongola Blucher, very comfortable ; up to $3.00. MisEes' and Children's Patent Pump, Dongola Boots and Slippers. Men's Tan Blucher and Patent Cult Blucher ; up to $5.00. Men's Dongola, Box Calf, Velour Calf, English Kip, &e. Boys' Patent, Dongola., Box Calf, Kip, &c. 3 SPECIAL CLEARING SALE OF BOOTS SND SHOES 5 Pairs Dong. Blucher Oxford, for Women, reg. $2 00 for... ,$1,49 7 .. '' 1 I 4 .. „ 1 75 for.... 1.29 10 " Patent Oxfords for Women, reg. $1,75 for 1.29 6 " Tan '' " 2 0:t for...... 1.48 0 " Dongola Blucher Oxfords for Women, reg. 41,50 for1.19 7 " " " '' " " 1 35 for. .99 A few pairs Women's Patent Pumps, reg. $2.00 for 1,49 COUPO . S REIEEMED (ioupons worth 103 each will appear in advertisements of the Quaker Oats Company in the leading Canediau and Am,-rican magazines during May and June. Coupons worth l0c each will appear for a few days in aivertise- ments of the Jun. Taylor Soap Co., adverti.,iog Berax and Iufanrs Delight Soap. These will appear in the daily and weekly news- papers. Cut these Coupons out and bring them to us promptly. 2 a'. We have jast received a large quantity of Infants Delight Soap. Large cake -3 for 25o. Guest room siza-2 for 6o. Alisaastaseeaessassasasaessasasaessaissasessestenn ass 1 11 y 1 1 +1.M...i1�`a�'�-+---.s..�li�Y-`_ _ hlll.Nrr ..MrL[.w�44+WiMN WNM.IMWi/IY{W4`4 `•. --. .It.I�r�-t.�r.�l.lra•>a���...Y'rrir I1 . I ,tl...r, „r., IN II .1V..II,YY.Jr .rr 1.111W .,.,.. L .i.rJ .. Now that Spring is at hand the house cleaning will be in order for some time and nearly every woman will want some new furnishings for her home. Some particular room will need a new rug, carpet or covering of some kind, and to meet those requirements we have put in a larger assortment than ever, in LINOLEUM AN OILCLOTIIS We have Nairn's Scotch Imported in X quality, 12 patterns to select from, also Inlaid Linoleums and Lloor Oils. SQUARES & CARPETS We have in stook for your inspection— Union and Wool. Squares suitable for bed rooms. Tapestry Rugs from $5.00 to $15.00 each. Velvet Squares in Oriental and other designs ; Wilton's Squares, Brussels and Axminster ; all Imported.. Also Lace Curtains, Curtain Net and Scrims. 4L MJ •t,LMAMJi.i.K. _�.4�.',..' ••"••S Yiu.::n:.�ior':.rwri. All kinds Produce takenra=Potatoes, Beans, Butter, Eggs, Etc. MAo (Successor to T. A. MILLS) ' TIONI;a 89 ilis WINGHAM - 44, a a 1 a -1 i