HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-04-04, Page 5THURSDAY) APRIL 4 1912
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Smart Easter
The Easter Season, has ushered, in the bright days
which suggest New Hats, New Gloves, New Neck-
wear, and many other articles, not forgetting a
New Spring Suit and Overcoat,
We ha,ve made provisions to supply the wants
of a great many Men and Boys. If in need,
you will find the nicest and brightest stock of
Spring Goods ever shown here,
A splendid assortment of the new shapes in Black
Stiffs. The leading shades in Fedora and Telescope
shapes ; prices ranging from $1.00 to $2,50.
= In Light, Medium and Dark Greys, also Tans ;
$1.00 to $1.50 a pair.
Here you will find some exclusive lines in the
right shades; 25c and 50c.
Easter Shirts, Easter Collars, Easter Hosiery, &c
And don't forget that we have what you
want in the line of Clothing.
leGee & Campbell
Fifteen Hundred Dollars
worth of Watches, Rings,
Solid Gold Bro- oches,
chains, Lockets and choic-
est Jewellery of all kinds
that were saved in the
Everything must be cleared
out at Half Price and under,
before the 15th of April.
Thc Wilson Block Opposite National Hotel
A pamphlet is hatted by the Toro's -
to Humane Society. It points oni
that doge are subject to many ma-
ladies, that they may be snistaken for
rabies, They have epileptic ate. dins
ing which a frothy saliva le emitted
as the dog liein a convulsion, but the
animal may recover in half an hour.
.A rabid dog will lap water, contrite y
to most ideas, as hydrophobia, only
develops in the human being.
Foaming at the mouth, raging mad.
nes, and fits, are the last forms of
rabies, The first signs are seeks In
habits -the dog's behaviour is -entirely
°hanged, and its countenance is alter-
ed. AD affected animal becomes drill,
gloomy, and mentos-a and tries to
bide itself in out -of -way places; or
when spoken to by its matiter, it lottk.
up apparently with an effort to be
cheer ful, its countenance dropping the
moment afterward e into an expres-
sion of wretchedness, and its eyes star-
ing with a sad void in them. It my
snap at the air and show a, disposition
to eat rags, wood, earth, etc.
When these signs show themselves
the animal should be isolated and no
nne allowed to go near it unless a vet-
erinary. When a peculiar noise nei-
ther a snarl, bark, nor howl, but-. a
mixture of all is beard, you may be
sure it has the disease. It will, if
freed run away from the master and
keep an till it drops exhausted.
A dog suspected of having rabies,
especially one that bas bitten other
dogs, or people, should be captured
and placed in confiaernent and its con-
dition carefully studied for at least
ten days.
How frequently would this course if
adopted, relieve an injured person
from terror and even uncertainty, and
save a valuable animal
When a dog is decidedly mad, all
other dogs bitten by it should be kill-
ed, whether they appear to be infect-
ed or not, as the disease may remain
latent in thein for several months.
A Statement Of Facts Backed By
A Strong Guarantee.
We guarantee immediate and posi-
tive relief to all sufferers from Con-
stipation. In every case where our
remedy fails to do this we wilt return
the money paid us for It. That's a
frank statement of facts, and we want
you to substantiate them at our risk.
Rexall Orderlies are eaten just like
candy, are particularly prompt and
agreeable in action, may be taken at
any time, day or night ; do not cause
diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive
looseness, or other undesirable effects.
They have a very 'mild but positive
action upon the organs with which
they come in contact, apparently act-
ing as a regulative tonic upon the
relaxed muscular coat of the bowel,
thus overcoming weakness, and aiding
to restore the boWels to more vigorous
and healthy activity.
Rexall Orderlies are unsn rpassable
and ideal for the use of children, old
folks and delicate persons. We cannot
too highly recommend thein to all
sufferers from any form of constipa-
tion ad its attendant evils, That's
why we back our faith in them with
our promise of money back if they do
not give entire satisfaction. Three
-es; 12 tablets', 10 cents, 36 tablets,
25 cents and 80 tablets, 50 cents. Re-
member, you can obtain Rexall
Remedies in Wingham only at our
store -The Rexall Store. J. W. Mc-
of Californi*
The Finest Strain In the
Riots About Indigestion And. Its
Relief That Should In-
terest You.
.Although Indigestion, and Dyspepsia,
are so prevalent, Most people do not
thoroughly underetand their cause
and. cure, There is no reason why
most people should not eat anything
they de ire -if they will only chew it
()irefully and thoroughly, Many act -
gaily starve themselves into sickness
through fear of eating every good
looking, good smelling, and good
tasting food, because it does not agee
with them,
Tice best thing to do is to fit m -
seir to itigititit any ?poll friod.
We believe we can relieve Dye-
- We are so confident of pis
fact that we guarantee and promise
to supply the medicine fvee of all cost
to everyone who will use it, who is
uot perfectly satisfied with the results
which it produces. We exact no
protnises, and put no one under aey
obligation whatever, Surely, nothing
could be fairer. We are located right
here and one reputation should be
sufficient assurance of the genuineness
of our offer,
We want every one troubled with
Indigestion or Dyspepsia in any form
to come to our store and buy a box of
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them
home and give them a reasonable trial,
according to directions. Then, if not
satisfied, come to us and gett. your
money back. They are very pleasant
to take.; they aid to soothe the irri-
table stomach, to strengthen and
invigorate the digestive organs, and
to promote .a healthy and natural
bowel action, thus leading to perfect
and healthy digestion and assimilation.
A 25c package of Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets furnishes 15 days' treatment.
In ordinary cases, this is sufficient to
produce a cure. In more chronic
cases, a longer treatment, of course, is
necessary, and depends upon the
severity of the trouble, For such
cases, we have two larger sizes which
sell for 50e and $1.00. Remember,
you can obtain Rexall Remedies in
this community only at our store -
The Rexall Store, J. W. McKibbon.
A Long Sentence.
At Salt Lake City, George Parry,
aged 38, charged with attacking an
eleven -year-old girl, was sentenced re-
cently to serve sixty-one years, Or un-
til he is 99 years old, in the penitenti-
ary. Parry was pardoned in 1910
after serving nine years of a twenty-
year sentence on a similar charge.
Tuberculosis Decreasing.
According to the report of the
Registrar -General, showing vital sta-
tistics in Ontario for 1910, which .was
issued recently, the number of deaths
in that year from tuberculosis was the
smallest in thirty years. The »umber
in 1910 was 2,291. The ratio of deaths
from tuberculosis to population is also
the smallest in thirty years. The de-
crease is most marked since NM
which Dr. J. W. S. McCullough, who
prepared the report, attributes to the
active movement for the prevention of
the disease. Let the good work go on.
Something bas already been done, but.
es the figures show there is still plenty
of room for improvement. Two thou-
sand two hundred and ninety-one
deaths from tuberculosis is far too
heavy a toll to be exacted by the
"white scourge," in a healthy Pro-
vince like Ontario.
and a two -cent stamp is all it will cost you
to get our big, beautiful Catalogue of every-
thing that is good in Seeds, Plants, Fruits,
Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry SupplieS,
It contains so much that is good we cannot tell
you here, send for it, and judge for yourself.
We have twelve big pages of the latest and best
introductions, the Cream of the Whole World, and
every 'variety is well worth twice the price we aslc.
Valuable Prem'ums also given.
You Cannot afford to miss the opportunity of seeing
what we have to offer you for 1012.
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited,
World, Dept. 75 London, Ont. 12
Here Are A Few Of Our Clearing Out Prices:
A 3 piece Parlor Suite, Silk Coverings, reg. $30.00 -for $21.00
40 00 -for..... , 80 00
84 00 -for 25.00
28.00 -for„10.00
6) leather Seats, reg
4. 44 44
t 1
4* 41
Dining Room Chairs,
$27.00 -for
3, oak (set of
Dining Room Ohairs,
Oak (set of 6) leather seats,
$22 00 -for
Dining Room °hairs, 31 oak (set of 6) leather seats,
$20 00 -for - ,, . .
. -
Dining Room °hairs, 3 oak (set of 6) leather teats,
$17 00 -for .. - .. .
(set of 6) leather teats, tog.
14 -
reg. $86 00 -tor... ........ ,..,.$27.60
82 00 -tor... . . ... 20 ts)
20 .... .... 10.00
Dining Rowel ()halts, h' oak
$14 00 -for .
A Buffett, .44 oak, pOlitthed,
in „lel oak ilaihh,
At prices as low as any large department Storer; In Toronto or
Loticlon, if you are Willing to deal on their tenet, SU: OAS/re
S. GitActy
CheapTea is DearTea
SO declared the mother of a small family
not long ago-
-And proved the statement true by simply
relating her tea experience.
"I used a 30e. Tea for years," she said,
"One day the Grocer asked me to try a 40c.
package of Red Rase -he told me it was
better Tea. I found it better Tea, and -before
I had quite finished the first package I thought
it made, more Tea. The second pound L used
with care-
-And found out
that less Tea in the
Pot made a richer,
finer.flavored Tea,
if you know what \s"
I mean."
We know exactly what this lady meant-
-40c. Red Rose Tea is a richer, stronger Tea,
more delicately flavored.
The 30c. variety makes about 150 cups-
-Whereas the 40c. Red Rose Tea makes about
200 cups.
So --You might a wll have better tea for the
same cost in the long run. •
There are several grades of Red Rose Tea selling at
different prices, but the 40c. grade seems to please
best. It is not only fine Quality but goes farther.
"Red Rose Tea is Good Tea"
TEA(is 0051:
:4* 0
7, • +e,
" Our claims are proven by statistics" .
The Fastest' Growing City in the World is i
SAS AT,...,,,,
� .,
I ,
Buy land in Saskatoon -NOW
Population -1903, 113; 1911, 19,000.
Building -1903, tents and shacks • 1911, 1,000 residences
erected in ono year, and $5,000,006.00 in building permits.
This years's increase for February alone is 600.5 per cent,
Assessment -1905, $750000; 1911, $23,392,528.00.
Business -Great wholesale centre, over 200 wholesale
houses established; factories, commercial trading of all kinds ;
the buying centre for that part of the province.
Situation -Supreme commercial influence over 45,000
square miles, no other city near enough to compete.
RailroadS-Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern, Grand
Trunk Pacific. 26 passenger trains arrive and depart daily at
Saskatoon's three railway stations, over nine different lines
of railways.
Future -The fastest growing city in the world, growing all
the time, and with amazing rapidity, increasing land value's,
trade opportunities, and bringing in more wealth daily.
The rush of new people into Saskatoon this spring will cause a
continuous increase in REAL ESTATE values.
W%are offering for sale lots in
A beautiful sub -division, within the dty limits, and in the most
desirable portion of Saskatoon, overlooking the business section.
Lots are sold on easy terms. These lots aro sure to double in value.
Buy to -day and get the fullest profits, as prices are advancing.
Write us at once for infortnation.
339 Confederation Life Building, - TORONTO
Head Office, WINNIPEG Phone Main 5390
" NN,1•9,
- OF
We have just passed into stock a shipment of the BEST
STYLES for Spring Wear of New Coats and Suits.
These Garments are well made by expert tailors,- and
our selling prices are considerably below the cost of
made-to-order Clothing. See our display of Ready-to-
wear Garments for Women in our show room on
second floor.
Fine range of New Top Skirts in all the Best Cloths, com-
prising Voiles, Serges, Lusters, Panamas and Broad Cloths.
Our prices begin at $2.50. Bee our Special Skirt, a bargain
at $5.00.
LA.DIES' COA.TS, any length, from the Short to the Long.
Plain Serges or Fancy Tweed Effects. Special prices on all
styles. Finely tailored and fit perfectly. See our leader
at $10.00
TAILORED SUITS. -Made of Imported Tweed. Coats are
nicely lined and finished in the best style fit guaranteed.
Prices are moderate, and begin at $13.75.
NEW WAISTS.-Jast received a large shipment of the best
makes in Tailored Waists, a choice assortment of Plain or
Fancy Designs. See our Guipure Lace Trimmed Waist at
cut price -$1.25.
Our sale of Silks will be continued, as the stock must be
further reduced. Spring stock of all colors in yard wide and
40 inch Silks are now in stock, also Fancy Stripes, Checks
and plaids.
AIN One Hundred and Twenty Yards of
" Fancy Shot Silk in Stripes. Regular
1 value, 65c -Sale Price, 43c,
WANTED. --Large quantities of all kinds of
E. Isard & Co.
" The Style
Stores for Men and Women."
. 1 1. „ I
11 1.1)1, .11.11 1 11
' -
Head 0 (flee
CAPITAL PAID UP $ 2,870,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 3,600,000
Total Assete,,, . 44,000,000
TT is not your earning power that will
-I- measure your happiness in the later
years. Your saving power alone can as-
sure yon against the time when your earn'
ing power will be reduced. asessalsal sess6
A savings account at the Bank of Hamil-
ton WO-Uld blip towards acquiring the
habit of saving. The same courteous, effi-
cient, Attention is given to all depositors
whether the account be large or small.
Interest in poultry raising seems to
be on the increase this spring. Per-
haps the high price of eggs clueing the
winter has had something to do with
it. At any rate there seems to be
more inquiry about poultry and
poultry raising than for -some years
back. And it is well that it is so. In
a country like this there is really no
excuse for bringing in eggs from other
countries to supply the needs of our
people. If every man who keeps hens,
whether he lives in the Suburbs of
some town or city, or on a farm,
Would give proper attention to his
laying Ilene, there. would be enough
eggs produced in Canada, to supply
all our needs and with some to spare.
The question ie not eo much more
hens, but bens of better quality, and
which are properly eared for, So far
as food products are coneerned we are
a eummeteprodueing people. We pro -
duet!, for six or eight, months of the
year, and then lay off for the balante.
OE course production frons the soil,
such, as grain, fruit, etc., can only be
carried on during the growing season.
But we htve gotten into the habit
of thinking that all other lines of
production must 15 laid aside too.
There should be Mote butter produced
during the winter months, and eggs
too. Both butter and eggs have sold
at record price q during the past few
months. While it maycost more to
produce these products in winter than
in Rammer, the extra prices obtainable
in winter will more than make up for
the extra toot. If the laying 8048011
Of one half, or even one-qttarter, the
hens kept in tole country "could be
changed from summer to winter, the
situltion would be very much im.
, 1
.111111111 1111 ill
When a farmer opens
his first bag of cement
he has taken a long step in the march of Progreso,
svhich leads to Prosperity.
After he uses that bag --if only for a. hitching -
block or a porch step -he has learned some profitable
He knows that it doesn't take an 'expert to use
eoncrete successfully.
He Ithows that he has added a permanent improve-
ment to his property, something that will last as long
es the farm Itself.
known that he has added convenience,. and
therefore profit, to his hOrrie.
He knows that it ditin't cost him more, in mbrity or
time, than if he had used an inferior material and
made a tentporary improvement.
to knows that he Wants to read the book,
"What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete",
to ilnd out how he an apply these lessons to other
places on his farm,
This advertisement is to tell him that his copy of
this profusely illustrated book is ready to be rnalled
as soon as he tends in his name and address. It
makes no difference whether he has yet used that
first bag of cement or riot If he hasn't, the book
will tell him hew to use It to the best advantage.
And in artY case it's
A hundred and sixty paces of plain descries
Vora telling how other ?antlers have inked ono
trete, with photographs to Iliuttrato every WA*
grAph 15 the text*
Just send your barna and address on It Postai
Iri a letter, or use the coupon, and tib book Wili
be tent by Mon Mall,
Natiotal &ilk Bonding
• •*" NM'