HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-03-28, Page 4i
Wiped Out
By Fire
Owing to this unfortunate affair,
which has caused us such a heavy"
loss, we must ask our Customers
to have their accounts paid at
Our office will be in the Griffin
Block till further notice.
Your kind consideration in this
matter will.. greatly oblige
Yours Truly
0. A. BOGERT, General Manager
Capital paid up '. -- $4,700,000
Reserve Fund .: - - - : - $5,700,000
Total Assets - ; - - le- *70,000,000
Open A Savings Account
Each of the branches of THE DOMINION BANK has a
special department devoted to savings.
Such savings accounts receive careful attention, and
interest is allowed on deposits of $l. and upwards.
$1. is sufficient to open a savings account,
Hopedale Sensation Tomato
The earliest, best flavored and
smoothest in the World.
What's coming? Why Seedtirne, then the
Harvest but the Harvest depends very
largely on the quality of the Seeds you
sow. Our Catalogue for 1912 is bigger and
better than ever. Tells you all about over
1,600 kinds of Field Roots, Grains, Veget-
ables, and Flower Seeds, Small Fruits,
Flowering Shrubs, Plants, Implements, etc.
If you cut -this out sending it 'to us with your name
and Post Office Address our Catalogue will be sent
you and a present with it, Do it today, ADDRESS,
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited,
Dept. 75 London, Ont.
A Calf Item.
This is the way the Walkerton
Herald and Times puts it :—A. party
from Chepstow got a calf shipped
up from Colborne, the animal arriving
at Walkerton station on Saturday,
The Chepstowite was assessed $2 40 in
freight for the calf, and this he paid
cheerfully, but he did put up a seem-
ingly righteous kick when a Walker-
ton hotel -keeper undertook to charge
him $2.50 for the keep of the calf frons
Saturday till Monday. The mandate
of the hotel -keeper, however prevailed
and Chepstow's Seemingly salted son
Shelled sorrowfully out,
The Last Act.
The last has been heard of the 'Un-
ited States battleship Maine. 1Jacort-
ed by a fleet of warships and excur-
sion steamers, the hulk was towed
out to sea and sunk in 5,600 feet of
water. With her sinks all the ma-
terial evidence as to whether the ship
was blown up by accident or design,
as she swung at anchor in Havana
harbor a dozen years ago. The Span-
ish authorities have steadfastly de-
nied any complicity in the destruc-
tion of the 'warship, and the conclu-
sions arrived at from the examina-
tion of the hulk after it was raised
from the bottom of Havana harbor
have been more or less contradictory,
� 1 .i. .,..,411....
—There was not a single division on
the budget debate in the Legislature ;
nor an amendment, after a week's dis-
cussion, by that wonderful Opposition
leader. The Whitney Government is
solid with the Province because the
Administration has delivered the
goods every time since assuming
* *,
—Prior to the Liberal success of 1890
Sir Richard Cartwright, then in the
Commons, was known as Blue Ruin
Dick, No sooner did the Laurier
government get into power than Sir
Richard became if not a confirmed
optimist, at least a suppressed pessi-
mist. Now the Tories are back in
power Sir Richard is himself again.
Already he prophesies that within
four years Western Canada will se-
cede from Eastern Canada. Which
serves to remind us that the Liberal
in opposition is a great knocker of
his own country. During the fifteen
years that the Laurier government
was in power the Conservatives
never descended to the level of trying
to make political capital at the ex-
pense of their own country. But now
that Sir Richard Cartwright has
sounded the blue ruin note it has the
old familiar sound.—[Ottawa Citizen.
* * *
--The observant editor of the. Strat-
ford Herald has this to say--"Cana-
d,ians are awakening to the fact that
we have a statesman of first rank at
the head of the Dominion Govern-
ment, It is perhaps natural that the
public should have been slow to recog-
nize this. There has been so much
puffery of Sir Wilfrid Laurier that he
has come to be regarded by his sup-
porters as one of the world's prodigies,
and his opponents have been influenc-
ed into dreading his masterliness. But
while Sir Wilfrid is a 'very able man,
he has been checkmated and bested at
every turn in the opening session of
Parliament by the new Premier.. The
situation is deeply gratifying to Con-
servatives and should also be to all
good Canadians. We cannot have too
many men of first-class calibre in pub-
Iic Life, and should rejoice at their rise,
no matter with what party they may
be affiliated. The rigid adherence to
principle of Right Hon. Premier Bor.
den, his transparent sincerity and
honesty, coupled with first-rate abili-
ty, are winning him, admiration, that
in due course will exceed that which
has been bestowed upon Sir Wilfrid.
—We are accustomed to believethat
the rulers of the nations are instru-
mentaI in preventing wars, but ac-
cording to David Starr Jordan, there
is an "unseen empire" that exerts
more influence than any other.
"Debt," according to David Starr Jor-
dan, is better than arbitration or any
peace pact to prevent natipns from
going to war with each other, A war
must be financed quite as much as
the construction of a railroad. A
European war is not imminent now
declares Dr. Jordan, "on account of
the destruction of credit which would
entail loss to the financiers who con-
trol the affairs of the European na-
tions. The financial rulers of this
"unseen empire" work together.
Whatever loans they make, in their
hands is the peace of Europe and they
will see that Europe keeps the peace.
The emperors of finance will see to it
that no petty king or minister shall
imperil their holdings." Dr. Jordan
declares that since the battle of
Waterloo, the Rothschilds have been
the actual rulers of Europe, and that
the European nations are so deep in
debt to them, that it will be impos-
sible ever to pay them off. And yet
the cessation of wars has not been
* * *
--President Taft is of the opinion
that United States law courts need
over -hauling, and he is correct. Here
are a few examples of the law's delays
across the border :—On December 26,
1903, Burney Moore in Indianapolis
was struck by a train as he was cross-
ing a railroad track, his buggy being
wrecked and himself injured, He
brought suit. The jury awarded him
$1000. Three years and four months
afterwards, in April, 1907, the Appel-
late Court reversed the verdict on the
ground that the complaint was "de-
fective." The complaint was amended
and Moore started the ease over
again. The jury this time gave hire
$].600, The Appellate Court this time
—eight years after the injury was in-
flicted --affirmed the judgment. If he
gets the money it will not make him
more than even for the costs to which
he has been,. put. But he may not get
it, for there is still an appeal from the
Court of Appeals to the Supreme
Court, A judgment for $700 in Indi-
ana against a telephone company
whose wires unlawfully strung lifted
a man off a load of hay and crippled
him for life, was set aside by the high-
er courts because the word "thereby"
was omitted from the complaint. A
Los Angeles paper says :—"The con-
gestion of the courts in Los Angeles
is web, that if a victim of an acbident
in which the defendant is clearly at
fault, recovers a judgment and the
defendant appeals, and is again de-
feated, it will take about six years
frotu the time of the acoldet t before
the plaintiff can get the money.
Sallow Complexion
Indicates indigestion, constipation or
liver trouble. FIG I'Itti will ream -
late your system and build up the
nerve forces so that you can sleep and
etajay life. At all dealers 25e and 550c
or The Pig Pill Circ, St. 'Zixortrai ,
Non Taxation -Of Buildings.
(Prom Weekly Sun.)
The activity of Single Tax is a sure
sign of the last stages of a land boom
such as now rages in Toronto, Would
not the remedy which Single Tax
suggestp, of freeing buildings and ins-
provernents from taxes have the effect
of unduly stimulating building and so
of hastening the inevitable collapse?
The arguments which are adduced
in favor of freeing improvements from
taxation have won some support in
the rural districts, but surely from a
misapprehension of the facts. If it
betrue that the mere value of farm
land in itself has practically disap-
peared in Ontario, it surely follows
that rural taxation is in fact a tax-
ation of improvements and that gen-
erally in the townships the effect of
the application of the proposed legis-
lation to exonerate improvements
would only be to exonerate new im-
We are told that if there are aban-
doned farms in Ontario they ought to
be taxed until forced into use. What-
ever may be the justice of the claim to
destroy property in land, the answer
to the extravagant assertion which we
quote is obvious. It would mean the
destruction of the value of the im-
provements which the pioneers and
their descendants have put on the
land during the past forty to one
hundred years. .Besides, no one holds
an abandoned or half worked farm for
an unearned increment, that is, for
speculative increase in its value. And
it may be asked, if the owner under
existing conditions cannot profitably
use such land, who could profitably
use it, when it had been so taxed as to
force it into use according to the doct-
rines of those who advocate the Single
They sing abont the glories of the' man
behind the gun,
And the books are full of stories of
the wonders he has done ; -
There's something sort of thrilling in
the flag that's wavin' high,
And it makes you want to holler when
the boys go marching by.
Bub when the shoutin's over and the
flghtin's done, somehow
We find we're still dependin' on the
man behind the plow.
In all the pomp and splendor of an
army on parade,
And through the awful darkness that
the smoke of battle made ;
In the halls where jewels glitter and
. where shoutin' men debate,
In the places where the rulers deal
out honours to the great,
There's not a single person who'd be
doin' business now,
Or have medals, if it wasn't for the
man behind the plow.
We're a building mighty cities and
we're gainin' lofty rights,
We're winning lots of glory and we're
settin' things to rights ;
We're showin' all creation how the
world's affairs should run ;
Future men will gaze in wonder at
the things that we have done.
And they'll overlook the feller, just
the same as we do now,
Who's the whole concerns foundation
—that's the man behind the plow.
S. E. Kiser.
Doctor Agreed Zam-Buk Was
“Best Possible Treatment."
Mrs. Albert Sawyer of Midland,
Ont., says .1---W bile living in Brant-
ford last winter my little son spilled a
vessel of boiling water over his neck.
Ile was terribly scalded, and we im-
mediately called in a doctor. The
treatment did not seem to give the
child ease or heal the terrible scalds,
so after a week's trial we got some
Z=cni Buk and applied it. It gave the
child ease almost immediately, and
after a few days' use the scalds seem-
ed to be getting along finely.
"To make quite Sure that all was
right, however, we called in a second
doctor. He said everything was go.
ing along splendidly, the scalds were
healing and the little one would soon
be quite recovered. Then we told him
Zam-Buk was what we were using,
and he said we could use nothing bet.
ter. Zam-Buk worked a complete
Mrs. S. Smith and Mrs. J. H. Teakle
of 73 Brock St., Brantford, who knew
of the above accident, and what fol-
lowed, write—"We certify that these
facts are true in every detail."
Mothers should know that for
burns, cuts, soalds, bruises, eczema,
piles, and skin diseases, there is no-
thing to equal Zr,tn-Buk, That was
the opinion of the doctor connected
with the above case, and is the opinion
of hundreds of other doctors the
world over. Zam-Buk is obtainable
from all druggists and stores 50c box,
or Zs,m-Buk Co„ Toronto.
A Happy' Hone.
Six things are requisite to create "A
Happy Rome." Integrity must be the
architect ; and tidiness the uphosterer,
It rrtust be warmed by affection, and
lighted up with cheerfulness ; and
industry must be the ventilators, re-
newing the atmosphere and bringing
In fresh salubrity day by day ; while
over all, as a protecting glory and
Canopy. nothing will sefltce except of
God. To be happy at home is the
ultimate result,of ambition, the end to
which every enterprise and labor
t 'nde, and of whish every desires
prompts the prosecution. It is indeed
at borne that every man roust be
known by those who would make a
jut e•titnate either of hie virtue or
felicity; for mullet and et ibeoidery
are alike oectratoria[, and the mind lie
often dressed for chow In painted
honor and l otitioue benevolence.—
This Offer Should Gain. The Con.
fldence Of The Most Skeptical.
We pay for all the medicine used
during the trial, if our remedy fails.
to completely relieve you of constipa-
tion, We take all the risk. You are
not obligated to us in any way what-
ever, if you accept our offer. That's
a mighty broad statement, but we
mean every word of it. Could any-
thing be more fair for you ?
A most scientific, common-sense
treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which
are eaten like candy. Their active
principle is a recent scientific discovery
that is odorless, colorless, and taste -
leas very pronounced, gentle, plea
sant in action, and particularly agree-
able in every way. This ingredient
does not cause diarrhoea, nausea,
flatulence, griping, or other incon.
venience. Rexall Orderlies are pard•
cularly good for children, aged and
delicate persons.
If you suffer from chronic or habi-
tual constipation, or the associate or
dependent chronic ailments, we urge
you to try Rexall Orderlies at our
risk. Remember, you can get them
in Wingham only at our store, 12
tablets, 10 cents ; 36 tablets, 25 cents ;
80 tablets, 60 cents. Sold only at our
store—The Re :all Store. J. W. Mc-
Four Horses Killed.
Mr, John Chambers, a farmer living
on the lith con., Minto, met with a
heavy loss on Tuesday, approximating
perhaps $1,000. He let four fine team
horses out of his stables for water and
exercise, and they raced away to the
Grand Trunk railway track in time to
meet the noon train from Southamp-
ton coming down the grade at a high
rate of speed. In vain the engineer
blew his whistle, the frantic animals
dashing madly ahead of the train, and
the driver had no alternative but to
put on full speed and kill the horses or
to slow down and perhaps ditch the
train and kill or maim the passengers,
He chose the former, killing three of
the horses outright and the other had
to be destroyed—[Elarriston Review.
Dandruff Goes
Quickest Dandruff Cure World
Has Ever Known.
If you want to get rid of dandruff in
the shortest possible time get a bot-
tle of PARISIAN SAGE to -day and
use it.
Besides banishing dandruff and
making your scalp immaculately clean
PARISIAN SAGE is guaranteed to
stop falling hair and itching scalp
and impart life and beauty to the
One of Rochester's most prominent
barbers writes.
Gentlemen—"I am a barber of fif-
teen years experience, have used
many things for hair but never found
anything equal to PARISIAN SAGE
for removing dandruff. It is also a
splendid hair dressing and quickly
stops itching >;calp. I have used it for
the last three years." T. D. Smith,
Chamber of Commerce Bldg, RocheR-
ter, June 27, 1911. PARISIAN SAGE
is sold by J. W. McKibbon and drug-
gists everywhere for 500.
Beef Pot Pie.
Out two pounds of round steak into
small pieces ; put it on to stew very
slowly for an hour in a quart of
water ; add a tablespoonful of but-
ter rolled in flour, and a minced onion.
Boil, peel and quarter six potatoes ;
make a crust of a pound of flour, a
third of a pound of beef suet, a pinch
of salt and enough cold water to make
a dough. Line a deep baking pan
nearly to the bottom with the crust,
then put in layers of meat and sliced
potatoes alternating with small
squares of crust. Fill the pie to the
top with the gravy in which the meat
was boiled ; cover the top with crust,
putting a small paper funnel in the
centre of the pie to allow the steam to
pass out and bake in a moderate oven
for an hour. This is an excellent cold
day dinner.
"Dr. Miles' Nervine
Raised Me From
the gave" -
Mrs. Taylor
This is a strong statement to
make, but it is exactly what Mrs.
Thomas Taylor, of Blum, Texas,
said in expressing her opinion of
this remedy'.
"Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine
raised me from the grave and X have
much confidence in it. I can never
say enough for your grand medicines.
If anyone had offered me ,if loo.00 for
the second bottle of Nervine that I
used 1 would have said 'no indeed,"'
Blum, Tex.
Nervous exhaustion is a C0111.
mon occurence of modern life.
The wear and tear on the nervous
system is greater now than at any
tiirie since the world began. For
sleeplessness, poor appetite and that
"run down" feeling, nothing is so
good as
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Your nerves are your life and
lack of vital energy makes existence
a misery. Dr. Miles' Nervine will
tone up your nervous system,
Ask rniy druagll~t. If the fl rat bottle falls
to barlefit, your money la roturned.
MIL*$ MIRDIOAL 009 i'AihM% bit
Two farms listed during the past
week, close to. Winghana, with good
buildings and valuable timber, An
opportunity that should not be
We f till have a number of good
town and country propert es on our
Property in Wingban* sells better
than in any of the surrounding
towns, yet there are always some
bargains to be bad from people who
desire to move away.
It will always pay to see us before
Ritchie & Cosons
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body
to its proper tension ; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will
make you a new man. Price $3 a box, or two for
55. Mailed to any address. The aeobell Drug
Co., St. Catharines, Ont.
a large number of experienced
farmers to buy and farm the best
land in the West ; improved or
unimproved. First-class proper-
ties for sale at low prices and on
terms to suit. For particulars
and booklet giving description of
the district, apply to
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; never fails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at
$5 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address,
The Scobell Drug Co„ St. Catharines, Ont.
For Superior Business or Shorthand Edu-
cation is the Great and Popular
Graduates re adily obtain good positions
and the demand is fully THREE TIMES
OUR SUPPLY. This College is open all
year. Students have lately taken positions
at $50, $60, $75 and $100 per month. Enter
now. Catalogue free.
Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sta.
Winter Termfrom Jan. 2nd
Our elasse:; are now lamer than ever be-
fore, but we have enlarged our quarters
and we have room for a few more Stu-
dents. You may enter at any time. We
have a stiff of nine experienced instruc-
tors and our courses are the best. Our
graduates succeed. This week three re -
cont graduateR inform us that they have
positions paying $65, $70 and $125 per
month. Wo have three depe.rtments—
Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy.
Write for our free catalogue now,
D. A..mcLACHLAR - Principal
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar-
ket can have it on reasonable terms.
Money transmitted and payable at
par at any Bank in the Dominion.
RATES.—$5.00 and under, 3 ate.
$10 to $30, 10 ata. $30 to $50, 15 ets.
Satre rates charged on principal
banking points in the U. S.
person who is the sole head of a family,
.A." or any trial() over 18 years old may home-
stead a quarter seotion of available Dominion
land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta.
The applicant must appear in person at the
Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the
district. sentry by proxy' may be made at any
agency, on certain conditions by father moth-
er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend-
ing homesteader.
7)utioa.--Six months' residence upon and mil-
tivation of the land In each of three years. A
homesteader may live within nine miles of his
homestead en a farm of at least 80 acres solely
owned and Occupied by him or by his father,
tnother, son, daughter, brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader in good
standing may pre-empt a quarter-seotion along-
side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acro.
Duties. --Must reside upon the homestead or
pre-emption six months in each of six years
from date of homestead entry (ineluding the
time required to earn homestead patent) and
cultivate fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted his home-
stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption
may enter for a purchased homested in certain
districts. Pride $3 00 per acre. Duties. -Hunt
side six months in each of three .years, eulti.
irate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.
Deptnty of the Minister of the Intortor.
N.i3.—.Unauthorized publication of this ad-
vertisement will not be paid tor.
Jas. Walker & Saiz
We are a;peclally qualified Under-
takers ted Embalmers, and those
CotrustiOrt their work to IIs may rely
on lb being well done. Ntathti oa fla
received atl reddened.
flee Phone 106 itotnle )mons
At This Store Von Will find The
Newest Styels in Fashionable. 1
Spring Dry Goods.
New Silks in black, coloring and fanoy.
New styles and shades in Suitinge and Waistings.
New Allover Laces in black and colors, very pretty.
New Insertions to match Allover Laces.
New Laces and Dress Trimmings, all newest shades.
New Dress Buttons --metal, horn and pearl, all sizes.
New Coat and Dress Linings, plain and brocaded.
New Corsets and Brassiere. We are leaders in the very
newest styles of Corsets.
New Floor Oilcloth and Liuolenms all widths.
New Curtains, Lace, Net, Chenille and Damask.
New Window Shades, Curtain Rods and Poles.
We are agents for Home Journal Patterns and Ladies
Home Journal.
Hill111111WU Wl1llld1111 111111l11I1liill1l1l1W.11lJlill11/I LU.11j
Big Clean -Sween Sale
Our March Clean -sweep Sale of
all Fall and Winter Goods starts
Saturday Morning, March 9th
Every dollar's worth of Fall and Winter Goods must be sold within
the next 15 days, to make room for the largest stock of Spring Goods.
We do not believe in carrying goods over from one season to another.
Oar stock is always new and up -to -date --no old goods here. This is your
opportunity to buy all your goods at bargain prices. Positively and abso-
lutely the biggest values for your money ever offered.
Look for the Big Red Sign
Opposite the Presbyterian Church.
For some weeks our Spring Goods
have been arriving and are now on
counters for your inspection. We
have bought more heavily than usual
and you will be sure to find something
to your liking among this great assort-
ment, which includes 100 pieces of
Crum's English Prints, as you are
aware that Crum's is a household
word in regard to Prints, perfectly
fast in color, and beautiful patterns.
Anderson's Scotch and Canadian
Gingham, Silked Checks, Printed
Foulards, Radium Foulards, Plain and
Printed Voiles, Sepetive Crepe, Em-
press Poplins, Shar Su Repps, Etc.
We also have in stock the greatest
display of New and Up-to-date Waists
ever shown in this store. They have
the latest Set in and Kimono► Sleeves
and are marked very low for quick
sale. Come and see what we have
and get our prices before sending
your money out of town for some-
thing you have not seen.
Trade of All Kinds Wanted in Large Quantities.
A '4,: 1 l _ Alleanaimmimustaatiiimarmsawirastsimatarminteno
J. A. Mills
(Successor to T. A. MILLS)
'PII0N 141 BO