HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-03-21, Page 60
(Boston Transcript.)
She -You married me simply sbeeause I
Pad tnoneY.
lie -No. I married yeti 11.rtip1y because
I ditio't have money.
IS 4 l$
"Why is Jones so smiling?"
"11.14 wife Ints Joined the Society for
the :suppression of Unnecessary Noise,
and be thinks new she will have to Shut
up for a while,"
(Detroit Free Press.)
"1 have ealled to see the heed of the
family." said the etranger.
called the little girl, "here's 4
mauat the door wants to see you."
"Ar 0 you keeping Lent this yea'
"Qh,, ye. We have deelded not to
serve Ice cream when our card, elub
(Chri et Ian AO vocatea
"WhY, man, you have no eusO,, of ha -
mon When I fleet heard that joke 1
laughed till my sane, 'itched,"
"Sr, did I."
(Detroit Free Press.)
"I am afraid I shall have to let that
new maid go."
"What's the trouble?"
"She objects to my going out more
than tvvo afternoons a week."
(Harper's .rtzar.)
ICnicker-It must be thrilling to tread
where man never trod before.
Becker -It is. Try traelting up your
wife's pet rug.
(Boston Transcript.)
Gibbs -One gets no diplomas in the
scbool of experience.
Dibbs-I don't know; the marriage cola
titicate eomes pretty near being one.
(riarperai Bazar)
Literary Wornan-Whatn a hate about
cooing is the plot.
Domestic Iffornan-The plott
Literary woman-Yesuncertainty as to
gYOUZSOZ2VolteiVar,Vaa*MtlitSge ,
22X SYbirs Doom=
"Then yon are quite safe, in spite el
Angus Maegregor. If he doubt a your
identity, they will set him down a snail -
man. Now, you see, there is no alterna-
tive. Yon can't marry me4 you_ must
marry Sybil, the heiress. And when she
is your wife, and you have her fortune
within your grasp, tell her who you are,
and come to me for your reward,"
".And you?"
The widow laughed -a mocking peal.
"Oh, 1 will go with you, then, and we
will ,live in splendor on the spoil -that
Is, if Sir Rupert will be obstinate, and
won't make me ‘my lady,' Now we under.
stand each other, Obey, and 1 will be your
friend; refase, and I will be the first
to tear your mask off, and show you
to the world as an impostor -a base -born
wretch -an escaped galley.stave. Shall
we say adieu for the present? It is time
to dress for dinner. Not being Lady
Chudleigh AS yet, I really caft not take
It upon .nyself to inyite you to atay.
And if I could, I weuldn't. Sir Eupora
is jealous, poor dear."
She laughed again as she rose -a
sweet little laugh -and held ont her
white hand.
"My dear colaunl, pray don't look
quite so much like'e, death's-head and
cross -bones. That flippant Gwendoline
calls you 'The Knight of the Woful
Countenance,' and really you deserve it.
Don't hope to win the handsome heiress
with that moody face. Try to look amia-
ble, if you can. It's just as easy, and
ever so much pleasanter."
He caught the hand she held out in a
grasp that made her wnice.
"And that is the end? There is no
hope? I must obey you, or-"
Please let go my hand; you are
crushing it to atoms, Yes, you must
obey me, or- We wdn't finish, for you
will obey,"
"And if Sybil Trevanion refuses to
marry me'?"
The widow snrugged her moping
shoulders, and moved to the door.
"Look to yourself, then. Poor, weak
heart! don't you know your Shakes-
peare yes?
(Detroit Free Press.)
Mayor Gaynor says that lawlessness In
New York must end. Yes, indeed. The
rim*. thing New York knows the pollee
will arrest somebody'. If it doesn't.
; I
'Weren't you shy when the Judge ask-
ed 'you your age in court?
Yes. I was shy about ten years, my
Like most men I have zny shorteominge
I suppose, but -
Oh, it isn't your short comings father
objects to; it's your long stayings.
* -
(New York Sun)-,
Stella -She used to 'wait for her ship
to come in.
Bella -Now she waits for her husband
to come In.
(Harpers Bazar)
Stella -Do you thina better of Jack?
Yea -her -Yes, while I was kicking tarn
out be pointed out that I made three
Uneecessary movements in doing it,
Husband -A fool and his money are
soon parted.
WIfe-f haven't noticed any of the fool
about you for some time.
Do you believe in the Darwinira. theory
Miss Stickup?
Yes, but I go farther than Darwin
did, for I believe some of our species
have started on their return jouiney.
(Philadelphia, Record)
Bjones-Don't you think a
woman is more popular with
than aoy other kind?
Henpeckke-What other kind
I /
(Kansas Citiy Star)
A North Side school boy was asked
to form a, sentence with the werd "horse
sense." He said: "The man forgot , to
lock the etable door one night and he
hasn't seen his horse Bence."
v : t
(Youths' Companion)
What a curious question this must have
aeemed to little James'.
Hostess-ho.t Wpart of the chicken do
you like best, my little man?
James (passing hie plate timidly) I
like the meat.
(Boston Transeript.)
She -I am weary or being a bachelor
He-Well-er-edo you know I'm a bit
sick Of being a spinster man.
t a, •
the men
Is there?
1 fools you to the top of your bent, and A B
laugho ni your fece, She merry a poorSingle Slue** Sod -Two Pairs Broken
* aesesee.
00,1,111 To Know How t.0 Cure C0110, ' for Some Otistomera,
o$k your cousin Sybil,' she tell(' YetlI DiStemper, Colds, Swellings, When a one -legged Men buys a ehoe
'we are too poor to make a love Platen. etc., SEaavoehs yTehaOg*hoto math the one left remaining.
the dealer aencla to the factory for a
Go and marry her, and win back your
losL fortune.' That wa$ her adviee
when yule ask her te be yew wife, oho
oon to Stockoraisers SHOE ormiTtee.
Iv. these daps of the u$e of machluery
Iii every proeees of their manufacture
Wits it not? And you obediently ected 0
upon it at once. Cyril Trevanion, 1
he retorted, stung by the recollection of will never forgive you to hly dying
bow her life had been 44Ve4; "or .you'd (lay!" .
never taunt me with that. 1 explalned-- Hot tears of pride and passion filled
my recentillness-my shattered nerves
,,,,J, the angry blue eyes. $he dashed them
indignently away, and went on;
"I beg your pardon," Sybil exclaimed,If it were in my power to restore
hastily, shrinking sentsitively front the yon the fortune you nave loat, Heaven
eubjett; it wee ungeuerous, but v
stung me into it. X Olt are no friend of
- ' •""liu knows I would open my hands and let it flow like water, / svonld neVer
'Mr, Jgacgregor-all the more reason, 111Y retain one Wilting ,that should right.
good cousin, wlay you should not stoop
fully be yours. But it Is not In my
to the en:W.111M of slandering him be. power, The will thet leaves all to me
hind hie back .4 brave man never stabs
contains a special clause against its
in the dark, Say what you have to .
say to Mr. Macgregor himself -he
ever returning, direetly or indirectly,
bis to you, Should I ever beeorae your
quite eepable, I fancy, of taking wife every stiver goes •that hour to
ot:nmererrt-094bniutghpjue.y don't slight him
great pity that you. and. Mrs. Ingram
the •?Trevaniona of Cornwall. Tt is a
She swept away with the queenly
did net know this sooner. It would
grace and pride characterietic of L
- a have saved me a proposal is morning
Prineesse, leaving the hero of Balaklava from Colonel Trevanlon."
to. anathematize his own folly, and this
lender girl's indemitable spirit.
"You are right," Cyril muttered be -
"A proznising beginning," he mattered, twerprihiteeth; "It wonld, by Heav-
with a bitter laugh; "I am peeuliarly enii
fortunate in my love.reaking. Mrs, in. She stopped at once, facing him full,
her head Wawa her eyes gilt -
gram ought to see inc now.'
tering, her face deathly pale.
Next morning, when the cousins met
at breakfast, Sybil wore her iciest face; "You stand confessed, then," she said,
but the penitent expression of Cyril dis. pantitig, white with anger, -"the cold-
persed the little cloud at once. Ile had blooded craven and traitor I thought
Wended her, and he was sorry -Miss you: And once I loved this man-
Trevanion was a great deal too larges once all the dreams of my life were of
hearted and generous to ask more than Cyril Trevanion! But It may not be
that. So she accepted the olive branch • too late yet. There is anotner will -a
at once, and talked sgood-naturedly to will that leaves all to you. Do you
the young satan'and proraised to walk hear-iali? Ask the lady you lova
over with him to the Priory immediate- where that will is; she ought to know,
' ly after breakfast, to Bei the improve- It disappeared "with your father. Pull
menthe Waabout to make. The . down every stone in yonder old house,
s s work
men were to begin that very day, and root up every tree in yonder park,
nothing must be touched without Sy- search every, inch of the efi
bil's approbation. the old man s body, and find the will
"It is very complimentary to you,
that makes you his heir. Mrs. Ingram
Cyril," she said, carelesely; "but not in will become your wife then, and I
the least necessary to conault me. Of '
course, I should be sorry to see the "And you will take to your spotless
dear old place nnich altered -but 1 arms the bearded Goliath of the Re-
fanv ere is no danger of that."
treat, the handsome. Bohemian, the
it th
our indifferenee to me and my do. bull -fighting: quill -driver, the Robinson
ings and my belongings is plain en. Crusoo of MonkswOod Park!"
°ugh" Heaven knows; Cyril answered, The devilish sneer upon his face might
bitterly. "Thor is little need to tell me have done honor to Lucifer himself, The
of it. „tun), yet it wae the thought of deathly pallor of Sybil'a face could
you, and you only, that ever brought me hardly deepen, but the violet eves look -
1 ed up at -him with a 'glance few men
Which was strictly trim. .Ele thought would care to meet.
"The man that bath a, Olive, I say is
no man,
If with that tongue lie eannot win a
Farewell for the present. When you
have proposed, and she has accepted,
come back, and let me be the first to
congratulate you."
The words svere strangely like the
farewell words of old Hester. She was
gone, with her soft, sliding step and
insolent smile, while she spoke; and the
darkly menacing glance, the look of baf-
fled love, of bitter hate combined, which
Cyril Trevanion cast after her, was all
unseen. It ,might have warned her, if
on the dangerous road she was tread-
ing there had been any turning back.
Cyril Trevanion rode slowly homeward
through the sultry gray of the August
evening, his gloomy face set in an ex-
pression of dark, dogged resolution. It
was "written," it was his fate; those
two women so unlike in all other things,
so like in this one fell purpose, were
driving him headlong to his doom. They
had him hopelessly under their heels.;
f Practical filtered to Horsemen shoes are made with the utmoot exact.
every farmer,' horse -owner and stock.
It is a matter ef vital importance to
atIloamPaTtelVstliQlalli raelailtniinagesaltley APvi"tli
the greatest nieity in size, style, meter -
raiser to know exactly what to do when ial and V11101*
one of his animals is taken suddenly Few people have feet exactlY alike;
oleic, commonly the lett foot is larger than
the rigb,t, so that one shoe may fit a
The letter of Mr. Frank G. Fullerton,
little more 'snugly than the other. Cern-
of inestimable *elite, and. tells et hie nionly, however, people buy ahem in
regularly matched pairs the differenee
experience in curing ailing stock during
the past thirty-eight years. in their feet, if it is noticeable to them
SAVED when my horse took
"Several years .age
. . .
colic I used to give
1RY in hot milk, but in a
them Cayenne Pepp6r
NERVILINE few cases wily did I
help, and because I
, had no pruner means
atshand I lost several
valuable animals. Sonae one told me of
the success Mr. Wendling, of Brockville,
Ont., had iu his racing stables with
'NerviIline,' so I laid in a supply. It
"wasn't very king before Nerviline saved
the life of a, valuable stallion of mine,
which was worth at least $1,000.00. This
horse was taken with colic, and would
have died had it not been for Nerviline.
I have used Nerviline for reducing swell.
ings, for taking out distemper lumps,
and easing a bad cough, and always
found it worked well. I recommend
every man who owns horses or cattle to
keep Nerviliner on hand."
Large size bottles, 500; small size, 25e;
all dealers, or . The Catarrhozone Com-
pany, Kingston,' Ont., and Buffalo, N.Y.
Wine H was a great painter
who had the unusual good fortune to
have his merit a.ppreciated early in life,
But no one ever presumed less On a wide
reritation. Affectation was a weakness
ifIrimoin. which biz sense of humor saved
In his biography, lately written by W.
H. Downs, is printed the story of a Now
York gentleman of wealth and artistic
tastes, who made the journey to Scar.
bore, Me., where Homer had his studio,
to make the artist's aecitaintance.
On his arrival he found the studio door
locked; the olimer was /umber° to be
seen. He wandered about the cliffs for a
while, until he met a man in a rough old
suit of clothes, rubber boots and a bat-
tered felt hat, who carried a fish pole.
He accosted the fisherman thus:
"1 .say, my man, if you can tell inc
where I can find Winslow Homer I have
a quarter for you."
"Where's your quarter? " said the
Be banded it over and was a,stounaltd
to hear the 'quizzical 'Yankee fisherman
etty. "1 am Winslow Homer!'
The sequel of this unusual introduc-
tion was that Homer took his new ate
quaintance back to the Studio, entertained him and before he. left sold him
pieture.-Youth's Companion.
of Mies Trevanion and her splendid "You coward!" she aid;.l"you base,
base coward! Gal As long as
rent roll and dowry. They were svalking base,
we both live, never want to look upon
along a cool, leafy arcade very near
the west ,gate of Monkswo'd, very near Paul' face againl"
the Prior s Walk, as he said this. "I will go, her cousin answered, livid
with suppressed rage; "and I will take
A vivid eontrast they were. Sybil, so
your advice, I will tear down the old
fair, So bright, so beautiful, her beauty
house, I will uproot every tree in the
only get off by the sombre hue of her
park, I will search every inch of the
dress and coquettish, little black hat;
he so dark, so reedy, so stern. ground to find the old man's bones,
and the paper that makes a beggar of
"It was for your sake I returned to
Speekhaven," Colonel Trevanion contin- Y°11, haughtY Sybil! And when
that day comes, out you go -yon and
ued, looking at the grass, at the trees,
your whimpering mother, and your cub
anywhere but at that bright, fair face,
Of a brother! They can go back and
With its crystal eyes -"for yours alone.
starve on kale and heather, and in their
You loved me once -as a ehild, least.
beggarly Highland castle, and you, my
I came back, in the hope that you might
princess, can fly to the open arms of
forget my past, and love me still; and,
I saw you beautiful as a dream, but
"Hold!" exclaimed a voice that made
cold as a statue of snow. Yee, Sybil,
the leafy arches ring.. "You snake! you
my cousin -my love -you have my sec -
reptile! you less than, reptile! Another
ret at last. Is the old affection hopeless -
word of insult to that lady, and, by the
ly dead? Have you no place in your
eternal Heaven, brain you!"
heart for Cyril Trevanion?" Macgregor stood before them, tall,
The words were well enough -but the
tone! Ah! hypocrite and dissembler strong, black-browed, terrible. towering
up in his magnificent might like, the
though he was, the false ring of spuri-
c. e na.
there was no alterative but blind abed'.
And at the t tremendous appari-
ence. ous coin was there, and the girl's keen
41' ear eaught it from the first word. tion the hero of Batakhiva cow -
"1 -will do it, since I must," he said, She looked steadfastly up in his . face,
ered like the hound they called him;
inwardly; "and if she refuses, let them a cynical smile eurving the rosy lips. but the sullen doggedness within. gave
take care! Coward as I am, I can. be "Cousin Cyril,» she said, with that
him still desperation to go on.
dangerous when goaded. to desperation. provoking smile, "when did Mrs. In
A coward frenzied into fight is ten -blunt "1 will leave her to her ehampion,"ahe
gram jilt you?"
more terrible than a brave man. I will said, with an evil sneer. "I was going to
ask Sybil to be my wife before 1 ."Sybill"
"Yes I knowThat ook of shocked
add, she could fly to the arms of Mac:
*. l
But when, in the crystal moonlight, indignation is very well got up, but it gregor, when--"
the ex -colonel reached the villa, it was doesn't in the slightest deceive me. It He never finished the sentence. Mae-
gregor literally seized him in Ms mighty
to find himself baffled. for that time at must have been last evening, for you
least. Through the French windows of haven't seen her to -day. My poor cousin, arms, and hurled him headlong into a
the drawing room, standing wide open,
he could see the graceful figure of the
heiress seated at the piano, and the man
he hated most on earth standing beside
her, looking as happy as Adam in
"May the old demon fly away with
him!" muttered the Indian officer; "if
I had a pistol I wbuld be tempted to
shoot him where he stands. By Heaven!
I would marry her now if I could, were
it only to triumph over him. No one
need look twice to see what those two
ftiees say."
He wheeled round and walked off to
the stables to smoke and amuse himself
with the steeds. He had a passion for
horses, and the Treve..nion stables had
always been the pride of the family. Be
emerged just in titne to see the tenant
of the Retreat take Ms departure. Sy..
1)11 stood in the brilliant moonlight on
the portico, and looked up in his face
with shy, happy grace, alf new in his ex-
erienee of her, as she gave Macgregot
Why, I could have told you from the i ng e o tern.
"Lie there, you dog, you cur! If it
first how it would be. Prince Fortuna..
were not for *Miss Trevanion's presence,
tus, In the fairy tale, or Sir Rupert
Chudleigh, are the only men to suit I would break every bone in your cow.
ardly eareass!"
little 1VIadame Ingram."
His face blackened with anger. He He did not deign to give him a second
had guessed from the beginning that look. He turned to her, his passionate
this would be the result -he had said face changing at once. She still stood
so -but the defeat was none the less erect, panting, white to the lips, an out -
And with the raged -and insulted queen.
stinging when it came.
consciousness of utter loss came the • "My dear Miss Sybil," he said, as he
knowledge of how peerless, how lovely, might have addressed his queen, 'let me
how wealthy she was. be your escort home, That scoundrel will
"You. pay me but a poor compliment, give you no more trouble at present* 1
Colonel Trevanion," the young lady fancy!,
said in slow, sarcastic tones, "to come She held out her hand to him blihdly.
here this morning, and offer me the She was so sensitively proud, and the in -
hand. and hea,rt Mrs. Ingram refused suit litsd been so coarse, to brutal.
last, night. Believe me, I know fully, and Macgregor lifted it to his lips, then
appreciate at its true worth, the love drew it under his ann.
. you have lavished upon me since your "Let us g.o," lie said, very gently, "The
return: But I did not think -no, .Cyril walk will do you good."
Trevanion, I did not think you would
She let him lead her away. She had im-
have insulted me by such an offer as
ler hand . this." plicit trust end faith in him.
"Remember your promise," she said, ,'In•sulted, Sybil!As they pasted out of the ieltfy Copse"
softly; "I shall never know peace until aWhat is it but an insult?" the young they came face to face with the baleful
the mystery is solved." old fortune-teller, Hester. Her beaky
. girl cried, hr eyes flashing blue fire
"I am not likely to forget, Before yon black eyes wore a lurid look of rage, and
der full moon wanes, the secret will' be her theeks aflame. "Do you think me,
sho shook her stick vindictively after the
blind? bo you think me an idiot? Has it
He held her hand just a thought not been plain to all the world that Pa!tr-
She. refuses him, and he hurls him
longer, perhaps, than there was any- real • Mrs. Ingram has held you in the Tad -
from Mtn like a. dead dog! But their day
necessity for, then he was gone, Ile dest of mad infatuations from the first?
kept no horse -he rarely rode, yet he Have you had eyes, or ears, or thought will eorne-hers will, and soon. The stars
could go across country like a bird; and for me? And when she rejects you, as have told it"
to -night he crashed through the dewy I know she has rejeeted you, you come She watched them out of Sight, They
grass and tali ferns with long, swift to me. For what? For epite and ity conld hear her plainly crooning her own
HostHoots, MonYer shair15t no gang-
strides, He passed very close to where msh
oney! Or, perhape, e has advised propheey, as, they walked aver the sun-
ent the heal The niclit's just beacon. Cyril stood,. whistling an old Seottish you to do itp--sueli a prudent, far-seeing,
"The* doom eltall fall on Monkswood
Guest -Nae, 1 ara no gangen, but I. air that Sybil' often played, and with an kind-hearted little woman no she ist
501 e ce. , Hall! ,
thought I wad jest say guid nicht, while, inexpretsibly happy glow on his hand. Cyril Trevaniort, if you had strtn...k me
his right hand vindictively, and ilia than foeasking inc to be your wife!"
black eyea glared in the darkness, like The pastionate words poured Vehera-
recognize yet
(Ironton Opinion.) the eyes of a beast of prey. entiy out. He Made no attempt to
n fa, The hidden watcher elinehed think I could lutee forgiven you sooner Our a y sen her grace
Dark falls the doom upon the last
Fair daughter of the race!
"The bat shall flit, the owl shall hoot,
Grim ruin stalks With haste!
The doom shall fall when feionksweod
Is elliarantgled to Monkswood Waste!"
Sybil 'shuddered hysterleally-ititicgre.
gor only laughed. t
"A dismal predietion-rnelodratriatic,
too, as anything on the botird$ of the
Priticess. The old lady has a, turn for
poetry, it would seem. Those verses
must be original, and the MUSIC also. I
Shall go to her, some day, and have my
fortune told. I wonder why she honors
you with her especial hatred?"
Veativo thish inquiry _ "If I ally had a pistol!" he hissed f theek them His cowardiee and his
sateen? for the secoild titne under hia breath, sense of gtint were too great.
Clerk -Yee,
sirFestive DIdividtlal-Well, lab my bat 011 Would thoot him down-eoward as atti ,,You do well," the went en, "to re -
straight? -like e dog!" call the old love, the childith worship
The hires of Trevanion steod on the I bad for ray soldier cousin. But the
Cyril Travel:ion of fifteen years ago
disappeared. She lingered still, tensped
THREE GENTLEMEN Al' ONCE. moonlit portico until the tall Macgregor
is not the Cyril Trevanion of to -day,
(New York Sun.)
nuts) grioned. by the uuutterable beauty of the n glit,—
Yoa have chabged,, I think, ,as no man-
Tou „gota. twit kickins my dog when her cousin strode tip.
even changed before. That olii dream
arevala," he Said. "You, Cyrilt" she said, wittLa little
of your return. There ia not a laborer
vale; "bow late you are. You have
PAINLESS DENTISTRY. 1()ereenietso8iy?udleigh Chate, of course," in yorider field, but has os Warte.
One glance at Cerberus delayed the etttet, rousing frotn some pleasant re- died a violent death in the first hour
eellg ..leverel ages.
heart as you, and you know it. How
Menton Trauseripta "MY being at Chudleigh Mate is no dare you, sir, ask the to marry you,
'Miss Ann Teek-lal like to go shopping matter of antrile, that I .nn ace. At; without affeetion-without even re.
with you this afternoon, but the dentist to the lateness -it le as early for me, speet, think -for my wealth, seid
:41.184 Pert -well, earn you allot) with reintiee, as for the 'gentle hermit Who spite the widow Ingram? 'How dare
iss to fix my teeth. 6
mrrows like tin mulergroand. mole in you do it, tar?"
me while he's doing it?
Monkswood 'Retreat, I saw him go She stamped her little foot paltion-
THe MATTER OF RIGHT. just now." etely, she elinehed one tiny hand until
The colr rose in Sybil'a, fair faeceehe the none tunk in the pink paint; the
The Theoriet-A man has a Tight to in. sparkle in her eye, even in the moon. ‘vounaed prideL
slit upon being tne head of hie own I- i t the eheeks hot, the
could see -the angry flush, the kindling -'violet eyes were black with singer and
lieestamid„ 0 . i whole fate afIne.
Tae Pesfilatist-lre-e8, and a men has el- '' ' be kind ou 11 t reeol. So Angtre Macgregor saw her, at he
Will you nd. en g 0 .
tO A right to sittp a tiger on the noase, loci, Colonel TreVaMen, that the ‘titi-
hut. etood under the shndow of hia front.
(Washingitm Star.)
"t.lfl you think young women ought to
$olu the tutfragetesV asked the Young
"1 do," replied Mr. Groweher. "I arn
M favor of' anything thet win take their otioned urwromisinp enough. rti $ e f •
Min ;i t foi.t that „this
dereround mole' yea speak of so eon -
life. He sitvod door syeamore and Watehed them eoues
teraptuougly raved my
my life at the -risk of his own, and in.
gratitude neter was a failing of the and,
Cyril Trevanion *talked moodily by
lier side, bit eyes downcast, not daring
vanions until -of late." itself tree to, meet those flashing, fearlfkst glances,
The laiught head raised
the *bright blue oyes flashed indignant his craven soul quailing within him.
fire. Truly, Cyril Trevsnion's wooing "Do you think I cannot lee her work
°They can be ungenerous, At least," "her IAN, designing proupting? She
"I don't knosv," Sybil answered. "1
never injured her. As ft child, I rentern.
beis she WAS the wily living thing I ever
feared. She always teemed to hate me,
and she has sung that dreary rhyme af-
ter me Whelleler late has met me."
"I think I know," llaegregor, said,
°You know!" The violet eyes looked
up at bine it wonder. There was a euni.
et% smile upon his face at he met her
"Yes, I think I know. I will tell you
some day, Miss Trevanion, and many
more thingt than that -,-when 1 ceri mut.
tor outage. Itere we tire tat yoor gates.
Por the present adieu."
(To be Continued.)
• .
at all, not being enough to make any
other mire° desirable.
But there are People who buy shoes
of different sizes or widths, in which
case the dealer breaks two pairs for
them, giving them, to fit their feet,
One shoe from each. In such et143eS the
dealer mateheo up the two remaining
shoes, one from each of two pairs, just
as he would where he had broken one
pair to sell one he to a tine -legged
But a man doesn't have to be - one -
legged or to have feet of uneven sizes
or shapes to make him trek the dealer
to break a pair of shoes for lairn. Here
WaS a man with two perfeetly good
feet who came into the store where he
was accustomed to buy and who wanted
on this occasion one shoe, Travelling in
a sleeping car his shoes had. been inixed
up with others and he had got back
one of his own and One( of some other
znan's, a fact which he had not diem'ered until he was too far away from
train and station to make return and
setting things right po•ssiblet and now
be came in to buy one shoe to match his
If you suffer from bleeding, itehing,
blind or protruding Piles, send inc your
address, and I will tell you how to
cure yourself at home by the new ab-
sorption treatment; and will also send
some of this home treatment free for
trial, with references from your own
leeality, if requested. Immediate relief
and permanent cure assured. Send no
money, but tell others of this offer.
Write to -day to Mrs. M. Summers, 13ox
P. 8, Windsor, Ont.
"Did your cook say right out that
she wanted yciu all to stay at home that
"No; but she put onions in every
mouthful of food sve had to eat that
day." -New York Sun.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
The Lady -How much milk does the
old cow give a day, Tom?
Tom -About eight quarts, ma'am.
The Lady -How much of that do you
se -About twelve quarts, ma'am.-
The Sketch.
When Your Eyes NeekOare
Try Murine Eye Remedy. No SynartinK—Feels
Fine--Aots Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus-
trated Book in each Package. Murine is
compounded by our Oculists -not a "Patent Med
Wino"- but used in successful Physicians, Prao-
EGO for many years. Now dedicated to tho Pub -
e and sold by Druggists at Mc and We per Bottle.
urine Bye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 260 and 600.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Father Xavier Manion, of Dubuque,
is fa.mous for his wit, but a laborer on
the railroad rather got the better of him
the other day, says the British Chron.
The laborer, one of Father Xavier's
parishioners, was laying sleepers under
the superintendence of an Italian, and
the good priest smiled and said:
"Well, Pat, how do you like having an
Italian boss?"
Pat smiled back as he answered:
"Faith, father, how de ye ioike havite
wan $"erself?"
MInard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
(Catholic Standard and Times.)
"People nOWadays," said the Old hottse
cat, ' don't know how tO raise children.
Thea let the youngsters have their own
wfne tOo Much.'"
"That's right," replied the old breed
hen. "Nove look at these chicks of mine.
The- Wouldn't have amounted te (MY.
thing if they hadn't been sat upon,"
The door of adversity has 'Push,l
emblazoned on it.
Well, Well!
1 clued ALL these
of Goods
with the SAME Dye.
1 used
CLEAN c.nd SIMPLE to Use.
NO chance of using the 'WRONG Dye for the Goods
ono has w color. Allcokgra from your Druggist o.:
Dealer. FREE Color Card stud STORY Booklet 13,
The Johmou-Richardson Co.. Limited., Montreal,
,1 1,, .0 1 , 1 • 'St
Al-ne 0, Co v/004,4t44,
7neet,..000-16r44 toarr,16
2,6 9'ftee4:-
ISSUE NO. 114 1912
convenient to Toronto. For partl-
eulars write to Q. A. Bridgwood,
inount, Ont. J
, _
Scenery, flowers, eetnics. Wise old
Indian comie song, very popular, 15c.
Palmistry chart tells your fortune, 10e.
Postpaid, The Huron NoVelty CO., Box
Toronto, Ont. '
Let Me Tell You How.
Free Circular,
W.A. STARNAMAN, 47 Wellington
BfR1.11+1, ONT.
Thomas 1‘1orLaint,EtlieFAveTtAerLa4n landscape
painter, says the Boston Herald, lias an -
?voted his life to the delineation of the
Rockies and Sierras.
Mr. JITorap, on his return on the Min-
netonka from Switzerland, said to ci re-
"The Alps are nothing compared to
the Rockies. He who'after seeing the
ehould go to the Alpo, would
suffer the bitter disappointment of the
sanitary engineer in Venice.
"'See Naples' '-remarked the engine•er,
'and die. SmellVenice-same result?"
MInard'a Liniment for sale every-
(Ottawa, Journal)
The labor leader who recently took 00*
%tFiOrl to criticize the Boy Scout move-
ment as a military organization destined
to ,stand in the way of the doctrinee of
_apeace will gain little sympathy from
Pehinking Men, As General Baden-Pow-
ell has repeatedly stated, the Boy Scouts
organization does not form a Military
body, nor Is It easy to see how the train -
ilia that tends to make the lads alert,
honest, humane, energetic and patriotic,
can fall to win hearty aproval from ev-
ery elas of citizene.
Upper lip drawn up -Pains in chest.
Deep lines under eyes -Nervousness.
Contraated lines. on forehead -Head
Horizontal lines on forehead- Mental
Linos abou t mouth -Pu] mono ay ail-
Dr, Maximillian Kuznik, in an addreSa
before the Chicago Homeopathic Medi-
cal society, says that modern 'physicians
instantly diagnose many- ailments by
the markings of the face. After telling
the meaning of the -above facial lines,
he said: 4
"When the eyes are sot far apart,"
declared Dr. Kuznik, ",it is a sign that
the possessor has a good sense ef loca-
tion, If they is a hollow in the center
of the forehead at is a sign of a poor
memory. .
"A large. bump on top of the head is"
a sign of self-esteera, not conceit. When
i a man is conceited, he think e that he
amounte to a whole lot, but when be
possesses self-esteem be knows that he
is all right. Self-eeteem is but a step
higher than conceit,"
We have at least one "big thing" to
oor credit that America has not so far
accomplished. The Sheffield Choir, now
singing in Australia, represents the big-
gest touring musical enterprise on rec-
it lumber 230 all told, and when they
return to Yorkshire in a few weeks
hence they wi:1 have eovered 33,000 miles
in seven months. The cost of the tour
will be $300,000, the transport and hotel
expenses' absorbing $225,000. The choir
has sung to, crowded .audiences in Can.
ada, New Zealand and Australia, and if
the receipts are equal to the -expenses
the promoters will be satisfied. The
youngest member of the choir is a boy
of 19, the oldest a man pf 72. Three of
the chorister a are circumnavigating the
globe hatless. -From the London Ohron-
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
GenCemen,-Theo(ore Dorais, a cue -
tomer of mine, was eompletely cured of
rheumatism after five years of suffer-
ing, by the judicious use of MINARD'S
The above facts can be verified by
writing to him, to the Parish Priest or
any of his neighbor.
A. C)TE, Merehant.
St. Isidore, Que., 12 May, '98,
(The Popular Magazine.)
Not everything that is called milk Is
milk. Some of It is chalk and water,
or scene other imitation, according to a
remark, °nee made by John D. Rockefel-
ler. The oil magnate was entertaining
some poor Children from the slums on his
stock farm near Cleveland, Ohio, and
had given each of them milk, drink, part
of it, at least having come from a $2,000
prize cow,
"How do you like that?" Rookefeller
asked of one little freckle -faced boy.
"Gee, It's fine:" responded the boy, and
added, after a moment of reflection: "I
wisht our milkman kept a cow!"
Prayer is the peace of our spirit, the
stillness of our thoughts, the evenness
of our recollection, the .seat of our medi.
tation, the rest of our cares, and the
caltn of our tempest, Prayer is the issue
of a Auld mind, of untroubled thoughts;
it is the daughter of eharity and the
sister of meekuees, Ito that prays to
God with a troubled and discomposed
spirit is like him who retires into a bat-
tle to meditate, and sets up his closet in
,the outquarter$ of an army, and Chooses
a frontier garrison to be wise in.
lPor so have I seen a lark soaring up-
wards, beaten back by the sighings of an
eatierit wind, and tleseending more et
"every breath of the tempest than it
could recover by the vibration and fre.
quent weighing of his wings, till the
little creature MO forced to It down
and pantand stay til the storm was
overt and then it made a prosperous
and did rise and sing as if it had
loned musk fita motion from an angel.
---.Teremy Taylor.
tte-t know how this catastrophe has
crippled you, end es one of your oldest
friends I should like to help you. 1. will
buy your furniture for $00 franee.
st...You're Very kiwi, but 1 just sold
)t for C25 fran'S.
rdlowed pourteif to be
robbed like that?
Yeast --"Your nose is red. You look
,-e. re If you wea bard drinker." Crim -
ton boak--"That's my business." "W'ell,
it looks AS if you'd been very successful
In. businest."-Vonkets Statesman.
Send for free sample to Dept, H. L., Na-
tlenai Drug & Chemical Co., Toronto.
. .7,
MInard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
After he had tried for a momezit to
aset bis key Inserted in the keyhole, he
stepped back and leaned against the
side of the vestibule. Then he scratched
bis head In perplexity and said:
'It'sr sthrange! I never knew before
that we had one of theshe revolvin'
doorsh here,"
'Would you win a girl's affection?
Cali these maxims to your aid.
'Twill not count if you are friendless
And against all men arrayed.
Sne will give you her devotion
For the foes that yoe have matte
But if you should be mare happy
With companionship to trade
If the noble wise successful
On your fellowship are stayed
Site will then he sure to love you
For the brothers you bave.made.
Bet though both conditions mentioned
May with safety be essayed.
-There is one thing to remember
That should make you he afraid
She will never, never love you,
For the, sisters you have made.
-New York Herald
a1 4.,
LADIEsi IlsoyaePollthadiPslinalitzeelliFeh 141)9
with Goid BOW and Crown,
stem wind and set, and a beautiful leather
Bracelet. This is a very stylish and safe way
to wear the watch. We give both these splen-
did premiums FREE for selling only $4.50
worth of beautifuliy Llthourephsd and Em-
bossed Ploture Post Cards at 6 for 10e.
These cards are the latest designs View*,
norai, Birthday, Comics; also Valentine,
St. Patrick and Easter in season. Write
to -day and we will send you a package of cards
which you can sen in every house and soon be
the proud owner of this Elegant Witch and
Bracelet. Our agents are delighted with these
premiums. COBALT GOLD PEN GO.,
Dept. mg. Toronto. Ont.
(New York Sun.)
To begin with the languages that re-
quire special forms of type there are
thirteen publitations in New York City
In Hebrew or in Yiddish, -three of them
daily newspapers with a combined cir-
culation of 27,000. There are nine pap-
ers printed In Arabic, two in Chinese,
one in Japanese, three in Armenian and
four in Greek. Three papers in Rus -
Bina are published in New York City
and one in Ruthenian; a Jersey City Ru-
thenian newspaper has a circulation of
20,00n. For Bulgaria. we must go to a
snia,-, town In Illinois, and for Servlan
to Chicago. The Southern Slays are
represented in New York by three Croat,
one Slovene and two Slovak periodicals.
The Poles have one In New York and
one in Brooklyn; the Bohemian Czechs
four in New York and sixteen in Chi-
cago' the Lithuanians have two papers
in New York and the Letts one in Fitch-
burg, Mass. Of the non -Aryans two
Maygar papers serve the New York
. Hungarians, while the Finns have one
periodical In 'Brooklyn.
Otmadian Branch: Perlfleo Oce, sriugeburg, Ont
When you were a boy you used to sing
"On Greenland's Icy Mounto.in"-Well,
the country is simply a vast nest of
greet mountains covered with snow, ice
anti glaciers. These are known as live
s.nd dead glaciers, the dead glaciers are
a mass of snow and Ice which has ac-
cumulated between gorges for a million
years or more and have become so con-
densed that you could not penetrate the
mass extent by a steel drill,
The live glaciers are those that break
eft and fall itito the waters and become
fleeting masses of ice, often inflicting
damage to ships. Where the sun can
strike a spot the trees, which are of a
dense growth, but small, wear the most
beautiful green. -From the Engineering
Never slit your boots -that doesn't
cure the corn, Just apply that old
standby, Putnam's PainleSS Corn and
Wart Extractor. It acts like magic, kills
the pain, removes the corn, does it with.
out burn or scar. Get the best-Put-
nam'e Painless Corn and Wart Extrac-
tor, the sure relief for callouses, bun-
ions, warts and corns. Price 25c. As
substitutes are dangerous, insiet on get-
ting "Putnam's" only. Sold by drug-
Teacher -Now, children, here's a lit-
tle example in mental arithmetic. Frovi-
old would a person be who was born in
Pupil -Was it a man or a woman?-
A simple and good rule to remember
and to follow is to buy nothing in the
baking powder line unless all the ia-
grediezas aro plainly printed in Eng-
lieli on the label. Thia information is
stated on every package of Magic
Baking Powder. All grocers ;ell it.
(New York Sun.)
RIntcker-But Oita parrot doesn't say a
Dealer -My dear sir, that siMply shows
his intelligence.
Shipping Fever
Influenza, pin dee, epizootic, dletemper and all nose and throat dia.
eases cured, annM
d all others, o atter how "exposed," kept from having
any of these diseases with SPORN 'S._LIQUIL, DISTEMPER CURE.
Three to eta a O
doses often cure case. ne o0.0ellt bottle guaranteed to
do so. nest thing tor brood mates* Acts ea the blood. 60e and $1 a
bottle. and 511 a dozen bottles. DruegIsts and harness altops.
-ALL o.ch
A.LED6RLOttIaoloithon. iumans, U.S.A.
FREE TO YOU The boat premiums sold Mitten values. ever offered. Gold mal
I Silts& Wetalleti, Gem sst Riageesid Erooehea ifolghteaProduo.
tin MovieliPleiere Motidaea, misty deesrststi Toa Selo, Silverware, Ateiffiloo*, Lovely Dreseed
Polls and many other bettutilal premieres even FREE torten:gout high close Gold Embossed Pie.
sere rest Card' ttt 6 for loc. near centattroi the very l-atest designs in risesi. Viriltisy, flollflab
Views, Cottle., fict., in era/die-bolos and of *nob ennerior quality taitt yot win hsvs no trouble 4111.
Ing therm i
‘..)0 otia *in soy of theta splendid pfarehrielt rby*lolling $11.00 Worth mid toward., and it yoa will
*rite todayysti can Alto Itin ane of tho Zittirlf Preilithhisi W. etti &the to gums who s.re prompt.
Send tit your MOM! and addrass, plainly *Otto, *naive 'rill totirsta you a Oaokagio of oat& and AO
lolg ibretntran list We get a grOto.tleattaapasset ers_tatie faroge.sle lantatmeeti. why?. TIECAUS*03114
PREMIUMS ARE 71111t EEO, CORALT eft.* PESO OIL 'hat* MS, I. fir MO. 0 OW