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The Wingham Advance, 1912-03-21, Page 4
• 4 Wiped Out By Fire' Owing to this unfortunate affair, which has caused us such a heavy lass, we must ask our Customers to have their accounts paid at once. Our office will be in the Griffin Block till further notice. Your kind consideration in this matter will greatly oblige Yours Truly KING BROS. PRODUCE WANTED.IIIOASH OR TRADE WE WANT YOU Yes we want you as a customer. Ask us to send you our 1912 Catalogue. It's brim full of all that is good in Flowers, Vegetables, Field Roots, Grains, Plants, Small Fruits, Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies, etc. Valuable' information is what we have aimed to give the Farmer, (gardener and Private Planter. All it will cost you is one moment of time and a two -cent stamp. 'Write us to -day, the day you are reading this. DARCR & HUNTER SEED CO., Limited. Dept. 75 London, Canada. 13 D. & I[L's Canldian Gem Swede Turnip ---Acknowledged as the beat feeder, ,the beat Cooker, the best shipper. TRY IT. rice At A Social. • An accident of serious proportions was narrowly averted at the home of Mr. George Ray, at Pine River. a few evenings ago, at a parlor social by the W. F. M. S. A lighted lamp, which was standing on the piano, was acci- dentally overturned, and instantly the carpet, saturated with the oil from / / / / / / / / / / / / ✓ / / 4, ✓ / / / i 4, / / ✓ / / / / / / the broken vessel, was in a blaze. One of the guests endeavored to beat out the flames with his coat, but the gar- ment was burned to shreds. A big quilt. which was next brought into re- quisition, accomplished the purpose and the fire was brought under con- trol after some furniture coverings, wall decorations and part of the car- pet had been destroyed. \\\\\\\\•\\\ \\4\\♦\\\\\\\\\\\\♦ SANCTUM PARMIRAPUS. a -Strange things happen sometimes. The first vote Zion. G. P, Graham (former member of the Laurier Gov eminent) gave on his return to .Perlia - mea was a 'vote in support of the Conservative. Government of Dont R. L. Borden, * ** -�-There is a bill before the Legisla- ture, which, if it comes law, will have a far*reaching effect in preventing municipalities, especially rural ones, from shifting their reasonable obii- Rations with regard to the sick. and afflicted upon the shoulders of; urban and city municipalities. According to the new measure, an institution re- ceiving a patient its enabled to notify the clerk of the municipality from. Which the .patient says he comes, and if no reply is received from the point designated, the cost of the patient is charged up against the municipality in question, and may be collected by legal process. * w* —Liberal papers that have been startling their readers with big' head. lines about the "Bnurassa.Borden Al- liance" are just now waking up to find that there is no such an alliance. In fact, Mr, Borden is steering a straight course, neither scared by threats, nor deterred from the path of fair -dealing by the defection of a few hot -heads. Premier Borden bas gain- ed in strength by bis fearless and suc- cessful handling of a difficult question. The efforts of the Opposition to make political capital out of the Manitoba Boundary Bill, have signally failed. The fact remains—that what Sir Wil- frid Laurier feared to attempt, or fail- ed to settle during bis long term of office, Son. R. L. Borden bas accom- plished successfully in a few months. * ** —That was certainly a most pecu- liar spectacle seen in the political arena last week. In the Ontario Leg- islature, the Liberal leader and his little band were fighting the Manitoba] Boundaries Bill, then before the Do- minion Parliament. At the same time, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and all bis followers (except seventeen) were vot- ing with the Conservative , Govern- ment to defeat an amendment to the bill on the line of separate schools, and the combined majority to defeat the amendment was 136. The Bill then passed by a vote of 107 to 52, or a majority of 55. A majority of the electors will now conclude that Pre- mier Borden has succeeded in bring- ing about a very fair, reasonable and successfulsettlement of a, rather tick- lish and long•deferred public question. The settlement is certainly much to the credit of the Government, Liberal fault-finders to the contrary notwith- standing. �* * —The budget ,speech in the Ontario Legislature, delivered by Hon. L B. Lucas, shows the provincial finances to be in excellent shape. The develop- ment of the province and demand for larger appropriations for Schools, Agriculture, Hospitals, Asylums, etc. has necessitated increase of expendi- ture. Education alone now costa $2,374,314, in comparison with less than one million dollars in 1904. But the revenue has more than kept pace with the expenditure. Whereas, dur- ing the twenty years, 1874-1894, the revenue only increased from $3,446,347 to $3,453,162, and during the ten years 1391.1904, from the latter figure to a little over four million dollars—during the past six years the figure has risen to $9,370,853 --the Iargest in the his- tory of the province. Instead of a "mythical surplus," there is a hard - cash balance of over a million and half dollars, The revenue is not derived in ways despoiling the latent wealth‘of the province. Timber limits are not sold in reckless fashion, but their ex- / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ✓ / / / / / / / / / / / / / 4, / / ✓ / / / ✓ ✓ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / r / / / / / / / ✓ SASKATOON The Fastest Growing City in the World porviTTiort 1i3 December, 1911 POPULATION i a� Saskatoon has made wealth for more men of moderate means than any other city in Canada. It is surpassing the records of growth in population, wealth and land values of all other cities on the Continent. Saskatoon is attracting wealth, population, railroads, industries, 'wholesale houses, commercial enterprises, and all the rich and varied resources of the most marvellous country in the world,–' -THE CANADIAN WEST. The tnost wonderful and out• standing fact about Saskatoon is (and we want you to bear this in mind) that Saskatoon is yet in its infancy, and it still oilers you an opportunity to acquire great wealth from a Com. paratively small investment, if made at the present time. SASKATOON Real Estate is a stare, sale and profitable investment. Saskatoon realty has a definite certain fixed valuo and so e(lnfldent are Wo that values in Saskatoon 'will increase, that We offer to refund an moneys paid to us on account ofSa rkatoen pmpertp trftersix months ifyou are not entirelp satisfi ped with pourinvestment. TUXEDO PARK Is the best subdivision now being offered within the city limits, taking price and location into l'rrinsideration, Tuxedo Park is on a high elevation overlooking the business section of the city. Lots ranging from $125.00 to $225.00, enabling the man of small Weans to p ur. „chase several of our lots. Remember the guarantee of Money beck at the Elm& of six months if not satisfied, is *hatched to eve* agreement of sale. Write us today for illus. trated pamphlet and join the throng of prosperous people who aro investing their money in Saskatoon. Don't delay. Buy now at the present prices as there will be a decided advance in prices this spring. Write us to -day white you sire thinking about it, and we Will ae nJ yoU r► copy of our Prase Booklet *bout Saakateon THE warm LAN co. isfig Contedefrlatioitiro swig., Toronto. Hosoit Orn c testg Diettkisce ie horse,-) UN 4 90 +,\.41.Mt....r.�. •,!�:t:,. *,. Winnipeg \. hi .4 4,. °+,,.4 b '4 4 •+, l.. ei , X h , a 1 +. % . 1 % > ` "k 4 . 'e t % 9 % % g... 0,. ,mss THE WING AM ADVANCE pleitation le so regulated that Targe wood only, carefully measured,, is taken out, and the young wood is allowed to remain. The same prinei- ple rune through the administration of all our share of nature's bounty. Dowered as is no other province in. our whole commonwealth, Ogtal•io is. now so governed that every year finds her In a sounder and happier position. * * * —The Postmastee-General spoke en. eouragingly on the extension of rural Mail delivery, when he said recent, ly :--"The Government regards rural mail delivery as important and soon Will have a system to lay before the House. Already there has been laid before them a project for dealing with rural delivery in a more business. like way, and with Lees • duplication than obtained under the late Govern- ment, The people will be served bet- ter, than by the loose way in which the scheme had formerly been carried out. He would soon ask the House to concur in the establishment of a speci- al branch of the department to deal with this subject, The cost would amount to something, but the money would be well spent. The routes would be mapped out ' in a regular, systematic, economical manner. They could not go into every county at once, and they must plan each ses- sion's work so as to fit into the next one." * * * --Hon. W. T. White, Minister of Finance 'delivered his first Budget speech on Wednesday last in the Cam- i:eons, and his successful effort shows, that Premier Borden was not astray in his choice of a Minister of Finance. The revenue for the year ending March 31 will be 136 millions, and the expenditure, 97 millions, sothat there is a surplus of consolidated fund re- venue over consolidated fund expendi- ture of no less than thirty-nine mil- lions, the greatest surplus the country has ever known. With this surplus, as the minister pointed out, not only will the capital expenditure of the year be provided for, but there will also be five millions available for the - partial payment of the obligation of ten millions for implementing the G. T. P. bonds, an entirely unexpected expenditure. To sum•up, the revenues of 1911-12 have been sufficient to meet all current expenditure. all capital ex- penditure, half the obligation for G. T. P. bonds and the reduction of the national debt by ...over a million dollars. To Save Ginseng. , A bill has been introduced in the Ontario Legislature to prevent the extermination of ginseng. Digging or gathering in its wild state is pro- hibited between Jan. let and' Sept. Mt, penalty for violation not less than $5 or more than $20. Half of penalty goes to the prosecutor unless other- wise ordered by the convicting magis- trate. Judgments By Wholesale. Six thousand judgment summonses, according to a news despatch in the Regina Leader, were issued in Jan- uary in the district of Saskatoon alone, against farmers and merchants dependent on farmers for their money. This is an appalling record. Over four thousand of these judgments are said to be against farmers who have lots of wheattto sell, but cannot disease of it for want of care. Big Seizure Of Liquor. On March 12th, License Inspector Beckett of Owen Sound, seized one hundred and fifty gallons of whiskey in five twenty -five -gallon barrels, on the road between the Village of Chats- worth and Owen Sound. The barrels were addressed to Robinson, Chats. worth, and were being transferred in a sleigh to Owen Sound. The inspector claims to have knowledge of whom the liquor was being taken to ,and will begin legal proceedings at once. 4 Peculiar Accident. One day last week two men near Leamington were conveying a waggon loaded with seven milch cows and one calf to Blytheswood, and while going through a drift, the snow gave way under one side of the waggon, and the large rack turned on its side, leaving the cattle banging by their necks. Help was called and in a few minutes all were chopped loose, when it was found that one of the best cows was dead. It was also a narrow escape for the drivers, who were thrown under the load. All About Wood. The chief point of interest at Met division court in Mount Forest was a suit entered by a West Luther farmer for $9, the price of a load of wood, against a citizen who claimed that the wood was short and of poor quality. The farmer was allowed $5 50 and had to pay his own costs. There was a sequel to the suit. The farmer struck another citizen, Who made some remark about the suit and was haled before Pollee Magistrate 1Vfa0Gregor, who imposed a fine of $5 and costs amounting to about $6. GOOD HEALTH. Vint And Vitality Are assured If yer.1 will cleanse your atomaoh of undigested food and foul gases; the exe,ess bile trona the live and the waste matteir from the intea• tines and bowele by the use of :SIG PILLS the great fruit kidneysliver,stonnaeh and bowel remedy e At all dealer* 25 and 50 tent boxeei or mailed bq The Pig Pill Co., St. Thom, Cita. • -- ..- el.,, iNt'W'sb,.c:*-scs3N„vsN\IN.\;Nsr.,,s .N " CC3 S R 41. 4. • i .4444144444.4 `iw MMY, MARCII 21, 19I2 4 REDRoSE TEA "is*oodtea" Lucknow. The local Methodist vote on Church Union stood as follows :—Officials, 16 for, 5 against ; members over 18 years of age, 81 for, 21 against ; naembets under 18, 20 for, 3 against ; adherents, 13 for, 5 against. The official vote was practically a full one, but only about 50 per cent. of the members and ad- herents voted. On Wednesday night, T3, J. Blake's double sleigh with a driver, a com- mercia,l man and a load of trunks aboard, was upset. The occupants were left behind and the horses came galloping toward the village. Turns ing at Murdoch's corner they nearly went into McLure's ' grocery through the window, and the remains of the sleigh were left there, smashed against a telephone post. The team continued their run, away past their own stable and up Station street where they be- came stalled in a snow bank and were caught. The six men who acted as pallbear- ers at the funeral of the late Mrs. Johnston on Tuesday got the surprise of their lives when on their homeward journey. Oa the advice of one of their number, who has enjoyed no peace of mind since, they returned by way of the gravel road to avoid pitch - holes elsewhere. .In some peculiar manner when crossing the railway tracks, the sleigh runners caught and slewed along the rails, the horses gave a jerk at the psychological moment, and the big, double seated sleigh with the six big fellows among the robes inside, was overturned like a teapot, spilling robes, cushions and occupants into about an inch of slush by the roadside. Some of them were wet to the skin, and one or two sustained slight bruises, but fortunately no in- jury was done and not a word of un- becoming language escaped them. -- •(Sentinel. CAN VOU ASK MORE ? Your Money Back For The Ask- ing. You Promise Nothing. We are so confident that we can furnish relief for indigestion and dys- pepsia that we promise to supply the medicine free of all cost to every one who uses it according to directions who is not perfectly satisfied with the results, We exact no promises and put no one under any obligation what- ever. Surely nothing could be fairer. We are located right here where you live, and our rebutation should be sufficient assurance of the genuineness of our offer. We want every one who is troubled with indigestion or dyspepsia in ;any form to come to our store and buy a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, Take them home, and give them a. reason- able trial, according to directions. If they don't please you, tell us and we will quickly return your money. They have a very mild but positive action upon the organs wits} which they come in contact, apparently act- ing as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus overcoming weakness, and aiding to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Three sizes, 25c, 50e, and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at our store—The Rexall Store, J. W, McKibbon, "Dr. Miles' Nervine Completely Cured Our Little Boy of Fits. A family can suffer no greater affliction than to have a child sub - lett to fits or epilepsy. Many a father or mother would give their all to restore such a child to health. am heartily glad to tell you of our little boy who was completely cured of fits. lie commenced hav- ing them at io years of age and had them .or four years, I tried three doctors and one specialist but all of them said he could not be cured, but Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and I)r, Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills made a comptete cure. lie is now hale, hearty and gay. it has been three ears since he had the last spell. I shall give Dr. Miles' medicines praise wherever I go. You are at liberty to use this letter as you see fit and anyone writing to me I will gladly .answer if they enclose stamp ot reply," 1. M. BOGU , Windfall, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine is just what it is represented to be, a medicine compounded especially for nervous, diseases, such as fits, spasms, St. Vitus' dance, convul- sions and epilepsy. These diseases frequently lead to insanity or cause weak .'rlinds. Dr. Miles' Nervine has proven most e#fcctive in reliev- ing these dreaded maladies. Sold by ail druggists. It thck float boons tails to bsn6fit your rrienoy is troturet.d, otiwita teltalessit, 00., Toon* '(seep Some Bargains in Town Property Frame Cottage --parlor, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms, pantry, closets, hard and soft water, good garden, stone cellar, fine location. Price reasonable. Half Story Frame House, with large barn --will be sold right, Small Cottage. Owner wants to leave town. .A. bargain. Brick Hotl,se, with conveniences—,well situated, A choice home, for sale reasonable. Small Farm, 85 to 40 acres, near town. The above are only a few of the pro- perties we have on our list. Others will be advertised in this space weekly, Properties in Town Plot, Whitechurch, Belgrave and Bluevale. Farms in sur- rounding Townships. N.B.--We have a buyer for a suitable 100 acre farm near Wingham. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WANTED ! In the DAUPHIN DISTRICT, a Targe number of experienced farmers to buy and farm the best land in the West ; improved or unimproved. First-class proper- ties for sale at low prices and on terms to suit. For particulars and booklet giving description of the district, apply to R. CI. SPARLING DAUPHIN - MAN, Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion 4f the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's are sold at P5 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Co., St, Catharines, Ont,. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFFICES --Corner Patrick and Centre streets PRONES-- • Offices Residence, Dr, Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr, Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM -- ONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or bogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. . Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bank in the Dominion. RATES. -$5.00 and under 3 cts. $10 to $30, 10 cts. $30 to x50, 15 ets, Same rates charged on principal banking points in the U. S. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANYperson who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old,may home• stead a quarter section of availabe Dotninion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or ,Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district, .Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father moth- er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend- ing homesteader. Duties. --Six months' residence upon and eut- tivation of the land in path of three yearn. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and ocoitpic'd by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter. brother or Plater. Tn certain distrlots a homesteader in good standing may -pre-empt a quarter -section along- side his homestead, Price $3.00 per acre. Duties. --Must reside upon the homestead or tre-emption six months in each ot six rears front date of homestead entry (including the tinto required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted lig home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption Ina enter ter a purchased hooated in certain districts.mPride $3 00 per sore, Dhutiee.—Mast Side s►x months in each of three years, OW*, Vete fifty soros and erect a house worth $3300. W, W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of that Interior. N.D.- Lrnaitthorleed publication of thid ad. vertisetnent Win not be paid for, elsof Jas, Walker & Son WINenaile UNDP RTA K RS W(e are speoiallyr qualified t,Tndor- ta'kere and Embalmers, and thoeo entrusting their work to me may rely +alt ifs being well dello. Nights delle reobirred ab mildew °Moo Phone led Mese Phone 126 mITmmnmmTmMmmMmmnemmMmmRmmMmTMImmrmMm Spring Dress Goads • Disolay Some of our now goods already in stock and DOW is the time to get your choice. A splendid range ot Voiles, in Pinks, Create, Sky, Brown, etc and only 74u a yard, Dainty new A`o'laira, in Light Blue, Navy, Brown, Whits and only 500 a yard.. A beaperutiful yardBiack, Sil$ and Wool Striped Voile—at, only $120 . Its about time to be getting Spring Clothing, and we invite you to come in and see these and many oiler of our large assortment. Big display of Laces, Ovex'iaees and Trimulinas, the very best patterns and qualities at the very lowest prices, Men, how about a Spring Suit ? We have a r;mall stock of splen- did Clothing which we are bound to get rid of, Splendid vo n s, ✓ stylish models. and every nue a good fit, Boy's Bloomers, all sizes, splendid for school boys, at only $1 00 a pr. • KERR & BIRDI Big Clean -Sweep Sale ...AT... / ROBINS' STORE, WIN6IIAM Our March Clean -sweep Sale of all Fall and Winter Goods starts Saturday horning, March 9th AT io O'CLOCK. Every dollar's worth of Fall and Winter Goods must be sold within the next 15 days, to make room for the largest stock of Spring Goods. We do not believe in carrying goods over from one season to another. Our stock is always new and up-to-date—no old goods here. This is your opportunity to buy all your goods at bargain prices. Positively and abso- lutely the biggest values for your money ever offered. Look f©r the Big Red Sign S. ROBINS BARGAIN STORE.. Opposite the Presbyterian Church. FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT OF SPRING GOODS For some weeks our Spring. Goods have been arriving and are now on counters for your inspection. We have bought more heavily than usual and you will be sure to find something to your liking among this great assort- ment, which includes 100 pieces of Crum's English Prints, as you are aware that Crum's is a household word in regard to Prints, perfectly fast in color, and beautiful patterns. Anderson's Scotch and Canadian Gingham, Silked Checks, Printed Foulards, Radium Foulards, Plain and Printed Voiles, Sepetive Crepe, Em- press Poplins, Shar Su Repps, Etc. We also have in stock the greatest display of New, and Up-to-date Waists ever shown in this store. They have the latest Set in and Kimono Sleeves and are marked very low for quick sale. Cone and see what we have and get our prices before sending p g your money out of town for .some- thing you have not seen, Trade of All Kinds Wanted in Large Quantities. , .■i.�.w,a,aerr J. A. Mills (Successor to T. A. MILLS) e ' o +' 8 WIN HAM