HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-03-14, Page 6Japan le going to sttild eighteen now
xsizg Sybil's Doom sent
I ,141111401611.440.111010.0 IA
'cindeoxne, too. She Woke forty eeeare You May Hoe Catarrh mIDDLF AGED PMPLOYEES
old this minate."
MientIngram walked over to the ileac
dueteasteelles, by an occasional peep "Among the men 1 l*iire uine out of tea
, ;at her own rof3y face. HEAD AND THROAT BECOME are better workera at 45 years of ago
'I Lok. Wee a wretch," the widow DISEASED WITH CATARRH Mo. are Men of 25 or :30," declared the
, ,Lhougli eesiii and haggard and hollow. FROM NEGLECTING COLDS secretary and manager of a Chicago
commercial house to a Writer in Bush,
at the baroueVe faCe. Thank insanel Pit‘itin,
it mer 'help to cure this idiot of 1113 nese, "The leverage young man in Wei-
tyed, , .elify even; I'll go down ae I am; AND COUGHS.
"Cyrit Trepuion slFeys his last sleep ea sessecos nese is always seeking a 'soft snap' job,
battleship, at ti eost of $100,000,000.
The Japanese taxpayer will eweat and Catarrh is Treacherous—When Fully and ie not content with sticking it out
Juicier the mighty Pactfic. On this earth bewilderment, increduloui surpriee, ae 3 toe' ;* le isUeeiellayn (dt0nnauies0,7erraVsle:
e,roan. he will trouble ue no enore. This mail &Pee dismay, Were written irresistibly lover.° I shall eome to a final under- Developed is a Horror—Note Its with an employer, through thick and
Owendeleite kept a mirror la the se '
room to refreelt liereelf, amid, her dry -
Said to Be Better and Steadier Than
And Not Know It Younger Office Werkers.
A .$500 fine was imposed On void
aconceru in New York the oter
day for having 170 pounds of eltieken
unfit for bullion food in storage. *
The Supreme Court luxe set aside the
verdict of $50,000 in favor of Cellier's
Weekly in the libel Slit against the Pos-
ture 'Cereal Comde
Company, and has orred
a new trial.
Thomas Edison eaye there will be no
poverty 100 years trona now, Perhaps
the poverty-etricken will derive comfort
from this prophesy, they -need to
have is eostfidence and patience.
To ventilate the London sobwaye 80,-
000,000 cabic feet, of nzonized air will be,
pumped into them. It will prove costly,
but your Englishman does not enjoy
being shunted along in a tube filled
with foul air.
There are now rumors that some of
the accused under arrest for this dyna-
mite conepiracy are prepared "to tell
all they know." A eonfession in the
case will probably hasten its dieposal
and place the guilt where it pronerly
belongs and help in establishing the
innocence of those wrongfully accused.
United. States 3tatisties ssve fir7r
place -as meatan
-eaters to the Australis
who coneame more than double the Can.
adieu pes capita allowance. The figures
thinuntil deerviees becomhighly
Macgregor neay bave lenown him, may in his astonished features and wide-open etandints with him, and have done with , Is e
have seen my portrait. But wheat ean he Y -e s.-, -
really do? Ile can't have me tried again "MY (letr "Mrs. Ingran'L! Good hea- She1050-11(10d to the white drawing
for the deed. done nineteen years age in 1.'enS; WIWI an extraordi&
nal'y clam- rooni,Joue of te long and, splendid with)
Leamington Wood. stolid British. jury '1 Macgregor mad! 'Vie man that tied fogad Cyril Trevartion paeleg to and '
at on that before, and twelve pig-hto ead- egLhandle every topic of the day, from
:verdict of uot the deetinies of nations the colorine
fro With hie usual moody face, while
ed jurymen brought In a
guilty. And except that once 1 never man who can beat me in an argumeut—
of one of Etty's fliinsiest sketches; thre'e, he wiiited. He stopped ashe entered,
Starbilf at her pale, worn look.
left mym
eelf aenable to the majesty Of `Tod have been ill—yoa are ill," he
the law. No, I may safely defy this -Mr. yes, I own it, who Can beat me at chess
and ecarte, vingt-et-un and whist; the :eald, In alarm; "yea are looking wretch
Angus Mitegregor, I think, in spite of his -
knowledge—and he can't be positive as man who writes the most readable books ' em
dly. 'eln Heaven's nae, what is the
of the period, who--111a,d! lely dear 11Irs, matter?"
to m yidentity: He may tell the baronet Ingram, you'll excuse me, but that is all " Mre. Ingram sank down in the white
all he knows—that I am an improper nonsense!" '41vet ,;depths of a fatiteuil, end mado
person—a naurderess"—she shuddered "Very well, Sir Rupert," the widow an impatient movement of her slender
slightly at the word—"the intriguaute said, perfectly unruffled. "I don't want Wand.
who entrapped Cyril Trevanion into mar- to shake your faith in your friend. "There is nothing the inetter—you
riage—a wicked, worthless adventureis.
But will the baronet believe the mon-
strous tale? Cyril Trevanion is here.
Let him ask Cyril Trevanion if 1 am tee
dreadful creature he married so many
years ago. I will deny all, and Cy.et
Trevanion will deny all, and 1 defy the
clever author to produce proofs. reehaps,
the present is not the Cyril Trevaadon of
the preesnt is not the Cyril Trevanio not
the rest; and in that case, I fancy Sir
Rupei 1, himself will be the first to Act
shim down a madman. Suppoae 1 take
the ivitiative and concoct some clever
story for the baronet to-morrew? 1
have staked. all upon the last throw of
the dice, and I am erining to abide by
the issue. I will never go back to the
old life—to that horrible region where
all the women are false as their painted
faces, and all the men are knaves and
brutes. I will be Lady Chudleigh in spite
of fate and Angus Macgregor!"
Sho arose at last. It was past three wait and see. Do you wielt rae o a
vanion Arms,' with you 'hail fellow
by her watch. Tlae fire had smoldered swer those letters for you you spoke
well met' amid all the clowns in the
out—the wax -lights cast flickering, fan. of yesterday?" the bee. county, and I, in a cap and ribbons,
tastie shadows upon the dusk oak panel- 'elf you will be so very good,"
making myself fascinating behind a
ingsand the. widow shivered with a sense onet murmured, plaintively. "The
greasy 'bar, dealing out gin and water?
of chill. She walked. over to the toilet wretched state of my health, nsy—"
My ‘dear Colonel Trevanion, I know
. 1 "Dear Sir Rupert, I know. It is a
• tell et from the firet to be none
"Is your breath bad?"
"Id your throat eore?"
"Do you cough at night?"
"Is your vole° raspy?"
"Toes your nose etop up?"
"Have you nasal discharge?"
"Do you spit up phlegm?"
"Has your nose an itchy feeling?"
"Have. you pain across the eyes?"
valuable and perhaps indiepenealne.
"Long experience with einployees of
all ages has convinced me that men of
45 or even older make better subordin-
ates than younger men. Of course this
may not apply in hiring men for some
job, but as a rule it is a ,eare policy
to pursue.
"Young men. holding position of
More or less responsibility in the offices
of a eoncern ate mare easily temeted to
"Ie your throat irritable, weak?" spend money that does not beloug to
"Dou you sleep with month open?" them, especially when they are entrust -
"Are you subject to sneezing fits?" ed with it over night. Take our col -
"Do your ears roar and buzz?" lectors, for instance, who etart out at
"Are you hard of hearing?" 7.30 a.m., and are not required to re -
If you have any of these indications port at the office again nntil the fol -
Believe him sane as long as he will al- see me as 1 ani, that is all. If mY of Catarrh, lure the trouble now—top lowing morning.
low you. I am very willing. Only if wretched looks disenchant you, I shall it before it gets into the lungs or bron- "I could recite several instances of
the mania does allow, if he does insist bo obliged to them—for once," chine tubes—then it may be too late. young men who came in the 'morning
upon mistaking me for all manner of ,Cyril Trevanion set his teeth, his dark The remedy is "Catarrhozone," a direct after' and told Inc they were Short be -
improper and unpleasant persons, I look feu growing darker with anger. breathable cure that places antiseptic cause they had been in bad company
to you for protection. Perhaps I am "You are merciless," he said. "I love balms and healing medication on every the night before and had spetri some of
silly, but I really don't like to be told you, and this is how you meet me. I spot Nat's tainted by catarrhal germs. the money they collected. The man of
I am the living image of 'a woman so came here to -day to ask you to be me' 45, particularly a married man of that
vicious and unprincipled that he evould wife! , There can be no fallu ith Ca-
re w
not let her carese a dog he cherished.' Alm Ingram laughed—a laugh of in- tarrhozone--for years It has success- age, knows that he eannot afford to
He said as meich last night, you remora- describable scorn. fully cured cases that resisted other take such chances, henee be is 'pore
bor. And I don't think Colonel Tre- eMuch obliged. I ought to feel flat- than I the enormous benefit one gets age to furnish bond, because we know
remedies. "No one can know better honest. We do not require men of that
vanion felt flattered when told he .so tend, I suppose; but really I can't say from the very first day's use of Ca- from experience that they are as a rule
vividly resembled the galley -slave at that I do. You want a wife, do you? tarrhozone," writes T. T. Hopkins, of dependable."
Toulon," and you want to raarry me, on the e -4
Again that look of perplexity and Westvale, P.Q. "I had for years a
principle that what won't keep stubborn case of Bronchial Catarrh,
"Gad!" he said; "you're right; it can't, , ear noises, headache, sore eyes, stop.
ped -up nose and throat. It affected ',your LITTLE SURPRISES.
dismay overspread the baronet's face, will keep two. What do You propose
be pleasant; and it's rather odd. of Mae- Menkswood, among the rats and the my appetite and made my breath coo<letihicago Tribune.)
ng has been s unusual late -
Mr. Cyril Trevanion? Will we go to
gregor, I allow; yet, as to being mad, ghosts, and subsist on the Memory of rank. Catarrhozone cured quickly." iwya, wages a
, that 1 tun going to raise your
dollar a week."
my dear Mrs. Ingram, it's impossible
the family splendor gone by, and the Mr. O'Hayre,ll Is p.etcoeop tloint go,
for -me to credit that." , bounty of our rich friends? Or shall G C t h
Get a arr ozone, use it, and you are Shorten it up a bit and we'
"Your poem,
Mrs, Ingram bowed. D. we set up a public-houee, like one's 1 sure of cure—beware of imitations and "Tbank you very much, officer, for
substitutes. Large size Catarrhozone, heipirfig me through4i, ,,
that crowd. Spend
"As you please, Sir Rupert. We wi
Maid and Valet, and call it the 'Tre- with hard rubber inhaler, lasts tWO thisforg" 1'V -that Mr, .Ttackson?
months, and is guaranteed. Price, $1, .... floware,erlogt?I's tgenc(ifut11111
Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. Yeso'LliingleatIsali ails you, sir. No,
Is no charge. Good morning, ,sir."there
at all dealers, or the Catarrhozone Co., 't., : .,
.. table, and bega,n to reraovo her jewe s
. your in e
Australia ... .... 202.6 Ile. per capite , and laces, looking angrily at the pallid, pleasure, I assure you; ,and dearest
New Zealand ... , elesa Ib. rer capi"a heegard face her mirror showed her. Gwendolinee3 lessons can wait. Why of the strongest; but, upon my word
U. S. A. .. • . 1853 ibs. per capita "What a faded wretch I look!" she should you fatigue yourself writing, I never thought you would fall to such
Canadian .. • 129.0 lbs. per capita thought. "And If I lose my beauty,-. when I am ever delighted, to save you a depth of idiocy as this, much less
ropOse it to Inc."
105,0 lbs. per capita what have I left? In a few years 1 will the trouble? And if you feel inclined P
to ,01' ten,
British . . afeafeiea,nefeu.11y And
I _ 4 I will finish that treatise of bothaey,,lowokitehd uipns•oi
and—great heaven! what will become of , HoThach's I commenced yesterday."
the craven soul within the man made
be an old woman—old, ugly, wrinkled, .
The New York civic envier' me thenee - Mrs. Ingram knew as well as Sir Rup- ..
WS eyes fall, even while he round out
Mrs. Ingra.m disrobed, and leaving all ert himself that there was nothing on
eels are held. responsible to pay
suppressed. blasphemies bet2ween his
their bMs. Last week several fire- earth the matter with laim, except
men were brouglit before the deputy
commissioner and. fined five days' pay
each, and ordered. to pay butchers' and
grocers' bills of from $30 to $47.32,with
the alterna,tive of dismissal from the
service. The rule was laid down that
civic employees must not beat their cre-
• ;
The New York Food levestigation
Committee traces the high Neat of diving
to an, excesaive number of retailers. It
says there are 13,000 ef them in New
York city, while 8,000 would be enough to
supply the needs of 6,000,00000113=01S.
What is to be done about it? Trusts and
combines may be legislated 'against, but
bow to prevent a man from opening a
.store? And if it -could be done, who
would be entitled to say how many
stores &hall be opened, and who ahall be
privileged to open them.
1 • t
a y
Venice is to be connected with the
island of the Lido by a subway tunnel
which runs under the lagoons. The is-
land is much frequented. in summer, and
lies about two miles off. The city -ter.
minus of the electric line is to be local -
ed at St. illerk's Place, in the heart of
town, and the road will be at some dis-
tance below ground, about 25 feet, so
that electric elevators are to be put in
for this purpose. The tunnel will run
vas years and years—so long, she shud- in a straight line under the Giudecca
the tandles burning, went to bed. It chronie laziness; but it suited her book •
very well to make hereelf indispensable; "Listen to me, (eyril Trevanion,", the
dered at the dreary retrospect—since she
and when they Adjourned to the library, widow said in an altered tone, , ca" and St. George Islands, and will end at
had dared to sleep in the dark. For a she was tenderly solitious on the sub- don't be a fool, and don't be angry. I
the Lido at the point known as Four
dead man's face rose up in the spectral ject of draughts, and wheeled up his do not love you, as you very well know; Fountains. It is expected that the trip
will be made in about five minutes.
gloom, pale, menacing, terrible—to easiest of easy chairs, and arranged his yet, if the wealth that has gone to
haunt her remorseful dreams. She footstool, and drape& the curtains to . Sybil Lemox eve's yourse I would marry
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
nestled, down among the yielding pil- shade the light, like a mother might you to -morrow. But it is hers beyond
low, to -night, with an unutterable have done by a dying child, And the redemption, and you and I eau never CRUST OF THE EARTH.
sense of weariness and misery, and. aw- pretty black face looked sweetly con- be more to each other than friends.
ful dread. of the future.. cerned, and the long, black eyes so ten- Your friend I am very willing to be, The ocial cruet of the earth, with a
specific gravity of only about 2,5, as
"I, begin to believe that sad. old Ara- der and. dewy, and the perfumed. hair if you take my advice and act wisely.
bian proverb," she thofight bitterly, brushed his hand, as the handsome head. I know you! Don't make an enemy against 5.7 for the entire globe( crust
"Man is better sitting than standing, bent over her tasks, that—oh, calm- of me. You have one already, and a and liquid or semi-liquid interior) is
lying down than sitting, dead than ly- said by Rosenbuseh to consist of the
beating pulsee of sixty-five! no wonder dangerous one, in that xnan Macgregor."
various elements' in the following pro-
ing down !' "
you quicaened to the speed of a trip- "Curse him! yes."
The breakfast hour was late at and- portions Ly weight: Oxygen, 47.29 per
hammer. "Ire saw you at Toulon. Do you , , — , ,.. 0, , 1 ' in m 7.81;
leigh Chap, and Sir Rupert's guest met , eerie., silicon, ...1.-1 , It um u ,
Perhaps Thackeray was right after remember him?"
Sir Rupert at that niatutinal meal -with iron 5.48. calcium, 3.77; magnesium,
all in his sarcastic remark' that "the "No—that is—do you mean to say 0 ' •'
a face as bright and cloudless as the (91: sodium 2.30. potaseium, 2.40;. hy-
woman who knows her power may mar- you believe me to be the conviet he `'- - - ' • ' •
sunlit August sky. The white ,cashe drolen, 0,21; titanium, 0.83; carbon,
mere robe, with its clierry-colored trim- ry WHOM.SHE LIKES." The capitals spoke of last night?" ,
0 0 99. chlorine, 0.01; phosphorus, 0.10;
mings, corded about the slender waist, are MS bwrt. "Colonel Trevanion doa't IlluSter—it — '
, manganese, 0.08; sulphur. 0.03: barium,
seemed even more becoming that the . Mrs.
So Ingram sat d6wn before the is ever the sign of a coward. Yes, 1 ,
O.03. chromium, 0.01.
many -hued silks and moires she donned barone , , e
t lookine 111-e some exquisite cab- do. You are that escaped convict, and—
in the evenings. It was a tete-a-tete inet picture, and wrote his letters and bear the brand on your arm, er shout- —
,_ . .. . . . ,.. , . .e.,_ . ..., . . .,.. . . . _
_ __—
breakfast this mernina.. Miss Chudleigh read aloud. while the hot August morn- der, or somewhere, if you only liked to .
s . .
had been up and off for a breezy 1norn- in, woic o , . .
i ht oaks and an escaped convict. Will you tell me I
long before father or governess thought ileeelies, and the bees. boomed drowsily menet you are besides?"
I birdssung in the display it. You are an imposter and
ing gallop over the golden Sussex downs green darkness of themg y
1 "No. I shall not!"
Just as you please. 111 find out Ior
opening their eyes. in rcee -and li y -cup.
Taxation of bachelors as occasionally "And hoW do you like my friend Mac -
proposed is but a survival of something gregor?" the baronet asked, putting the "In the spring a young man's fancy - niyaelf, then. Shall I tell von what
like .perseeution that pursued them long very question the widow was wishing to Lightly turns to thoughts of love," you. are? Stoop down; wails have
hear; "very clever, fellow, Macgregor, ears."
aeo. -Even in
s Connecticut in 1030 a I
though he 'does support the most far- says Mr. Tennyson; end in the sultry There was an unpleasant tightness
was passed which would not "allow enY fetched theories and deny the most pal- heat of August, a lazy, beauty -admiring About the pretty month, an unpleasant,
young unmarried man to keep house," tatable. facts. . Ve‘p, brilliant conversa- old man, with nothing else to do, and steady glitter in the black eyes. One
•iorrnalist,. isn't he.. ' a pretty woman ever before him, may little hand grasped the .man'e wrist like
and Hartferd taxed "lone anon 20 still -
he widow raised her dimpled, slop- turn his a Piney lightly in that directioni a steel fetter, and drew hirt1 down. He
lings a week" for the "selfish luxury ei ing shoulders, and arched t
the slender ,, ' n -
bo. Certain it is that Sir Rupert kiss- bent his head and she whispered half
black brosye. edthe widow' e hand, with a glow on his a dozen words—no more --in his ears.
solitary Hying." But forty-three years
"Dear Sir Rupert, will you think me
thin, high -bred face rarely seen there, But they sent 'lila) recoiling, with a
later a special town order gave permis-
the dullest of heretics and recusants if
as ,she arose to go.
ereniandens oath. .
sion for two bachelors to 'keep house to- I say I don't like Mr. Macgregor? And
"I keow you want your noonday,' nap, "Who told you?" he criedhoarsely.
gether, "so they carry themeelves Bober- will you permit me to ask you a few
and I have finished M. Holbach,' she
"Something very like it," replied the
"Are you a female devil, or what?"
lv and do not entertain idle persons to questions concerning himr .
"A whole Pthnock's Ca eclusni, if you said, 'ga;91&• "I shall go in search of
widow with a hard little laugh. "And
the evil expense of time by day or
chooee, madame." • my runaway pupil now, and give her
you thought to outwit me? Now, Shall
night." "Then did you ever know Mr. Mac- ber music leseon. Farewell.
we be friends or enemies?"
------e-e-4. gregor before he appeared in Speck- And then the elegant little lady sailed
The Mew Presbytery is moving in down upon her for a
haven, two or three months ago?" away and Sir Rupert eloeed hie eyes and
He stood glaring 44No.., lay back in placid ecstasy. moment, ,
a ea--
the direction of compulsory church at s "Was he presented by any friends of "That woman Is a jewel; I appreciate with that lulumaniacal lightin his eyes that Charley Leniox had once
tendance. Under A. neW interpretation yours, or did you pick him up) as Sairy her more and more every slay. What a .
before remarked.
Camp would say, 'promiscuous'?" pretty little soft voice she has! And "V. 0u are mistress," he said, in the
put upon the suspension regulatioits the
"I picked him up promiscuous. I saw those wonderful eyes—soft, luminous,
same hoarse way. "What do you want'."'
presbytery clecidied it is legal to sus- he was a most intelligent and. agree- melting!" The baronet smacked his
Only your good and my own. 1 want
pend any member absent from chureh able fellow, and, initelldigent grid agree- venerable i lips.t "A.Niitl her eill,illes make
you to marry your cousin Sybil and her
far one year or more either because of IT: ifileaooklbvesrnoens. t Aitugi entoiteimeavoeroyalbi bush, one t made
of- f oltittey, , Ihbusst :Ira
pusre musk.'
splendid dowry, and I want—see how
waning religious interest or a dis- another eentleman when he meets him And she never bangs a door, and she frank I can be ----I want to marry Sir
grim -tied feeling toward a ministlenve The Oven. although there be no third party never bores one when one doesn't want Rupert Ohudleigh myself,"
ministere when discusthe ma
sine tter on hand to repeat the invariable formu- her, and her manners are perfeet„and Cyril Trevanion broke into a harsh,
a la, 'Sir Rupert Chudleigh, allow me, my she is past mistress of the high art of , discordant laugh.
said" aeventy per cent. of n.on-ehurch- estimable friend, Mr, Angus Macgregor, dress, and her singing in enchanting, "Sybil Lemox is a, lady; she won't
goers were "backsliding," many of them celebrated traveller, distinguished au- and—in short. I hone she won't take it marry me. And Sir Rupert Chudleigh is
former Sunday sehool superintendente, tiler, etc., etc! No, Mrs. Ingram, I into her head to 'better herself' by get- a gentleman; he won't marry you. Bar -
church members and leading eitizeree.
P' cked the hermit of the Retreat up, and ting married, or any nonsense of that onets don't marey their daughters' gov-
a very delightful and social hermit I find sort, for some years to come. I wish ernesses, except in a lady's novel."
Hereafter the rule as to "purging the that noodle, Trevanion, would cease "How rude you are!" Mrs, ligrani
rolls" will be mere Strictly enfarced. "Yes," Mrs. Ingram said, quietly; hunting her down, and. Marry hie 'eonehl, murmured, reproachfully. "Baronets
* t* "Mr. Macgregor, as he chooses to call as he ought to do." don't .espouse governesses, as a rule, I
himself is a, very pleasant companion if 1
"And yet—you 'damn him -with faint or Gwendoline and dragged her to the neither am I treated as such; and this
0 praise,' my dear lady. And he 'choose p ano, and held her captive there for particular baronet will marry me. And I
lecture contributes his exocriencels in
recluein the high cost of living. Ti
to call himself Macgregor,' does he? two mortal hours. Then it was lunch- am going to be the Mint charitable of
students, one of whom was suffering Pray, what they ought he eall himself, eoft time, and directly after luncheon Lady Bountifuls—a mother to the poor
from tuberculosis, began to diet, and in and what on earth do you know of the Mise Chudleigh was marched , off to for miles around, and a step mother to
man, Mrs, Ingram ..), t Freneh and drawing, bitterly against her
a ix months' test gained in weight and that dreadful romp, GiVendoline. Yes,
,...."Slr Rupert,"_the lady said, Farnestly, will. It was past fhur, and the after- Colonel Trevanion, I am destined to be
iiiiprOVed in health on a. bill of fare coat. I recognized colonel Treva,mon's ten! noon sun was dropping low,.before the
Lady Chudleigh, and I will move heft-
ing them $22. So Pleased were they ant, last night, as a person I met in governess consented , to liberate her
Ven and earth to see you the happy hus-
Vienna many years ago. A man—it wretdie"erf'
with the remit that *they kept it up for bend of our queenly Sybil."
sounds ineredible, I fear, but it is true— She stood alone in the schOol room,
"What the deuce do you want me to
two years. Here is the material con- man sane on all points but one—mad among maps and blackboards and writ -
mimed in six menthe: on that. In short, a monomaniac. It ing desks and scattered booke, afthr e_i_ 37_, , _
rnarr her for?" the gentlenia,'n asked
,r,esinig into Ine habitual sulkiness:
21/e dozen eans baked beans • • • .$2 27 raz during my husband's life -time; bug. Gwendoline had rushed frantically away,
iw 1 1,42 (10Ze 11 boX:e4 of a patent food,. 2 10 neSS had taken him to Vienna, I ac- leaning againet the marble ehimney Whats it to you?"
9 mile condensed milk , . .. .. .. 10 companied hiin, and one night, as some Piece, With that grayiSh look of worn 1 "It le a. groat deal to me. Don't yoa
101 pounds dates .. ..... ...... 3 02 social assembly, I met this man. I real- pallor that always overepreed her fade Glow nate her?"
10 pow& raw peanuts .. .. . .. 60 ly forgot the name he bore then, but it when alone. The broad . road may be Cyril Trevanion stared. The evil gilt
3 quarts cottonseed oil „ .. .. .. 55 certainly was not Maegregor. His mono- strewn with roses at firet sight; but ter was very bright now in the bltrek
:Bread, butter and extras .. ....11 70 mania was well understood among his when we tome to trend it, we find the eyes, the evil -smile dancing on the thin
......---..--.....44 'Viennese friends—it was in mistaking thorns pierce through the rose -leaves lips.
, identities. For instance, he would meet sharply enough. Standing there, 11Ins. 'Yes, I hate 'her," Mrs, Ingram said,
Dr, Anderson, the Yale University roil mid be suddenly struck with the Ingram looked wearied of life, of the airily, "as only one woman can hate etli-
gymnasium direetor, 31115 eompiled sta- )(lee that you reeembled some person he world and all therein. other. You want to know why, do you?
had s en before. He would brood over
tistiey e overin 0 fifty yea re, from which
A Philadelphia physician in a recent and yet ---P re. ngram conscientiously' sought admit; but I nen no ordinary governess,
a the idea a little, and finally insist that
he eonelueles that athletes are not Awn. you a ere the persom I heard many
ter-Iived than students of sedentary most laughable anecdotes of his halluein-
Atiein at first, but it eame.home to me
habits. lIis tabulation ehowe that, of
unph aeautly when he insisted that I
10,9'22 student from 1855 to 190'5 inelu" Wa 4 a "Alademoiselle 'Rose—something, a
sive, 1,400 are dead and 9,516 living. The balletql,anerr he had known in tngland.
pereentage of death here is 12e) per cent. Lae:. night, at first, I hardly knew him;
the 'va,it beard alters him greatly; lint
of the 207 athletes hole 1855 1,o 1005 when he mounted hie old hobby -horse
J -------------------1 ereentage of 7.2. And told me I was like that -el forget
er only le little over half that of the her—and Colonel Tre-
hi v. image of a galley -slave
general graduate,. Of eoursa 1)1.. Ander- - T:ntleit- -I remembered one.
WO; figures ate open to thil t)biPe' IL sound4 strange, I admit, but it te.poai-
Where w
drearily; "or am to go on forever like because hate her. She is younger -
t 1 I on the rack? Will rest n I are handsomer than I am richer
ill it till end?" she wondered Well take a woman's reason; I hate her
46O TO
PER 1,000
' THIS is a HOME DYE ••
can use
I dyed ALL these
of Goods
with /he SAME Dye.
I . I
4J Many of Canada's shrewdest and best informed investors have bought Westera
Canada Power Co. Bonds. At their present. price of 90 they pay over 534%.
The plant is located 55 miles from the growing cities of Vancouver and New
Westminster, B.C, and has secured perpetual water rights from government. .
Can develop 100,000 H.P. as demand increases and should earn this year three
times bond interest. Engineer in charge, R. V. Hayward successfully constructed
Mexican Light Heat tk Power Co. In addition to high rate of interest bonds
should appreciate considerably in next Year. Directorate includes Sir Max
Aitken; C. H. Man; A. R. Doble, Secretary Bank of Montreal; Mo. Hendry ;
Wm. McNeill, Vancouver; Mr. Campbell Sweeney, Manager Bank of Montreal,
Vancouver. This is an exceptional investment opportunity from standpoint of
both security and interest. Write us for full particulars. •
Manalzer LONDON (om)
ISSUE NO. 10, 1912
J- poration mile from Wingham P. O.,
churches, public and high schools, brick
house, six rooms, large cellar, barn,
stone stable underneath, drive house.,
now coal and wood shed, spring ereelc,
miles. pears, plums, small fruit, $1,050.
J. 0. McGregor, Wingharn, Ont,
CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use.
NO chance of using the WRONG Dye for the Goods .
one has to color. MI co'ors front your Druggist or
Dealer. FREE Color Card and STORY nooklet 10,
The dohnbon-Richarclson Co., Limited, Montreal,
(Montreal 'Herald.) .
The Queen's student 'who had.endeavor-
ed vain to ascertain the identity of SL Liu% ersit.3. btiett, Montreal,
the mysterious Pilate ma;,, have been ,
' • i (f the finest type "Just a word of pmts.:: for Gin Pills.
But even so. W7e cannot but regret that
The Arnott institute treats the CAUSE,
nqt the HABIT, and permanently cures
tleii most hopeless looking cases in four to
eight weeks, Write for proofs, references
and information to 12
tTntii the.preseent timer it W113- thought
that tattooing on the skin was of a per.
manent diameter, but it ie sair that a
French fumy of ficer has d iscovered it
process which, if carefully followed, will
take these marke from th,e fleell so et-
feetually that they cannot be deteeted
by any means whatever. The procees
consiete of first rubbing the skin until a
thin layer of the surface is worn away,
then applying a mixture of lime, slaked
just b-efere use, and powdered phosphor-
us. The tattooed part having been coat-
ed with the paste, a piec of gauze is laid
over it, covered with a bandage. The
dreseing is removed after 48 hours, The
scab is allowed to dry in the and
collies away in about a fortnight, with-
out leaving a scar. If any trace of the
tattooing thee; remains, the treatment
- is repeated. The discoverer claims to
have applied this treatment in a great
many eases, with pei fael sUcCeSii,
(Lippincott's Magazine.)
"People who seek books from the fic-
tion section make some- funny breaks,"
says a librarian of the Library of Con-
gre.te. "1 have made a note of a num-
ber of these, but none of them amused
me more than, the request of a sour -look-
ing spinster.
"Eine sternly demanded of me a copy
of "The Itecolections of a Liar," I told
her that didn't know it, but that
could give her "the Recollections of a
Married 1,‘,1 an."
•"fhat will do,' she said acidly."
(New 'York herald.)
Hailed with joy by the jokesmith and
with dIsmaY kW the Very thin pr over-
plemp of the fair aex, the hobble skirt
will soon be no more, for Paris has de-
creed for garments constructed on more
11bNeorawl that 11
it is doomed its merits may
be appreciated more than they were when
It appeared. It at least had the advan-
wtahgeereo.f being a more sanitary garment.
Minard's Liniment for sale every -
(New York Sun.)
The resulea of the last censuses in the
three Scandinavian nations of Europe
show a marked decline in the rate of in-
crease of population. This is most pro-
nounced in the case of Norway, where
the percentage of increase for the decade
is but 0.8 per cent., against 12.0 for the
nrevious decade. Between 1904) and 1910
Norm ay increased by 163,000, Sweden by
380,000, and for five years Denmark's
growth was 162,000, The population of
the three countzles in 1911 was as fol-
lows: Sweden, 5,122,000; Denmark, 2,767,..
((00, and Norway, 2,893,0W. Copenhagen,
the largest Scandinavian city, had with
its suburbs, 509,000, and without them
462,040. Stockholm had 842,000, and Chris-
tiania 243,000.
• a muscular t. laist an )
Abeut fifteen months ago 1 could not
be dnever came across those finae.
passages of striking and impassioned
Itterriture, as beautiful as anything else
in the Nnglish lant.Nage, and a, little
mare upliftin.,s. •:.•hich describes the last
dais of the rounder of the Christian
• Rcliglon. The Christianity of our day
Seems to be beeoming 0. sort Of perco-
lated C7hristianity, reaening men through
the medium of modern writings and mod-
ern organizations and activities rather
than straight from its primitive source.
Perhaps our ancekenr..4 read their Bible
a little to exclusively, and the
C it s modern expounders
too little; Lilt there is a happy mean be- '
tween that and not reading the Bible at
A paper in the neighborhood of Johns-
town advertises a church pew for sale,
"commanding a, beautiful view of nearly
Alinard'S Linni)Pirt Limit el.
the whole. congregation."— oona a -
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Croup; fottnd nothing equal to it; Sure'
Measuring respectively 9 inches, lo
ehes and 12 inches in diameter, the three
bell -domes of the whistles of the White
Star Liner Olympic are the largest of
their kind ever made.
Spanking does not cure children of bed-
wetting. There Is a constitutional canoe
for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box
W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to
any mother her successful home treat-
ment, with full instructions. Send no
ineneY, but write her to -day if your child-
ren trouble, you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the chances are it can't
help it. This 'treatment also cures adults
aria aged' people troubled with urine dif-
ficulties by day or night.
(Cleveland Plain Dealer.)
The maid was in the back yard hang-
ing out the Clothes.
"And that, said the queen, • 11 ,
"is the way we lost her. The woman
h es next door looked over the
fence and offered her a dollar a week
More than we were giving her."
MInard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etos•
Winkleby gazed at the new triplets
with fatherly pride, but not a little ap-
prehension in Ills eye, nevertheless.
Hawkshaw, N. 13., Sept. 1, 1905.
(Lippincott's Magazine.)
Sir Walter Raleigh had been celled to
take a cup of tea with Queen Elizabeth.
"It :WiIts very good ot you, Sie Walter,"
said her majesty, smiling sweetly .upon
the gallant knight, to ruin your cloak
the other day so that my feet should
. not be wet by that horrid puddle, May
I not instruct the lord high treasurer to
reimburse you for it?"
"nowt mention it, your majesty," re-
plied Raleigh. "R only cost two and six
and have already sold it le an Ameri-
4 = T..) get her poor (log a. bone.
lug, she hadn't had any meat for a
GS And so her poor dog got a cold storage
ector f • £8 000 "
Shirelohyr G 1.31it when she got there she remerbered
that. owing to the high cost Of liv-
walk across my room, suffering severely
with Rheumatism. I took Gin Pills and
became quite Well."
Samuel Lungmore.
Write us for free sample of Gin Pills
to try. Then get the regular size boxes
at yuur dealer's or direet from us --50e
b0X, 6 for $2.5',). Money refunded if Gin
Pills fail to euro. National Drug &
Chcmical Co„ of Canada, Limited, 'Dept.
If. T. , Toronto.
(Albany Argus.)
The decision of the Board of Contract
and ',Supply to purchase two more spray-
ing machines for use on the seade thees
of Albany will be commended by tho
people of this city. There are three
spraying machines 110w available and
when two others are added a determined
cempaign to save the ties of this citY
shculd be waged. A few dollars should
not stand in the way of preserving what
shade trees we have left. The art of
transplanting teees has eundergone great
improvement within the last quarter of
a century, and it is now possible to sue-
eetstully transplant a tree that has
attained years of growth. It takes a
1itt7e more work and a little more care
fer r. time to line the streets with trees
that have reached a height of 25 or keir
feet. but they ale w ()it t extra
fort. The maturer trees are better able
to withstand the attacks of Insects and
• eaa be enjoyed from the time they are
set out, whereas a sapling gives no
shade and is of little beauty.
When Your Eyes Need,Oare
Try efurine Eye Remedy. No Smarting—reels
Fine—A.ets Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak,
Watery Book 10
and easter italactkeldlgeE.yellstsn..inielies-
trated ceinei9enaea by our Oeullsts-not; a "Patent Med-
Ile and sold by OruggIst s at 250 cold No per Bottle.
Merino Nye soave in Aseptic Tubes, 2eu and bee.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chloago
Old 11lother ItublArd went to the eup-
STOPS COUGHS PRICE, 25'CENTS Littlte%gli.) Pee ), she lost her sheep,
- And slie diAn't know where to find
Happening tO stroll down to the stock
(Baltimore Evening Sun.) exchange one Cho, she saw them
waiting their turn, with tow well-
Baden-Poweii. has done things. And he dressed and discreetly-geStieUlating
11 I them
has written abnut them and lectured wolves direct:Is be nt
about them lie's turned oht books on
pig -sticking or hog -bunting, reconneis-
aids tO Seoutingr sport in war and scout-
ing for bOys, atia ens written and pub-
lishod ttccoante 4,1 +lie downfall of prem.
rich and the Ifatabele campaign, and has
given us sketelies illast Africa, and—
in short he has crammed hiinself ot
eXperieneo and then emptied it out for
the benefit of the world, and that's
_something that comparatively few. rsd-
corpuseled men have &Me sueeestauly,
• He started with the Thirteenth Ilus.
_ "1,3 in 1876 and fought with thetti
cm. Afghanistan and South .Afriea. Ire
operated in ZuiTylatid, and was assistant
military seeretary or &Mita, teed he eorn-
Manded the native Levies of ,Ashanti and
was breVeted colonel for valor in Matt-
belehand and raised to major general at
the defence of Matelting. He went to
.the TrallsVa0.1 in the Boer War and or -
gar ized the South African Constabulary,
and bees.me Inspector -general of all
RIM etniesty'si cavalry. Ito erowded in-
to hie life more /stet -lea than could be 1114
vented by the linagInatleet Of a Itipling,
and to ICipling, indeed, lie furnished ma-
terial to polieli his literary erowe.
Snell a mnii thiS, with stielt a his-
tory. apeeftis irostinetively to the mind
of boyhood. Mit all his reeord,
with all his achievements land With all
hi4 books, parhaps lie himself will admit
that the biggest thing he ever dld WAS
to Orgarilte the lloy Rebut*.
"What are yen thinking, dear?" asked came and scouting, cavalry instruct on,
Mrs. WinklebY, Softly.
"Nothing, dear, nothing,' he said, fal.
teringtv, "only don't you think tnat it
woeld be witer for us, hereafter, to
build un our little family on the instal-
ment plan."
thie—stre c let a , ,
never come in this world, or must I than 1 ant—purer, better, happier than I
wait for it until they lay me yonder am. And 1 hate her, and she hates me."
le the ehureli-yard?" "Arid bemuse you hate her, you want
The door opened; a servant entered. to sec hor my wirers
Mrs. Ingram lifted up ber wan, haggard 4,1,.Ixactly, I need hardly ask a better
fee. revenge. If she marries you, it Will not
01hat is it, "Mary?" !the asked, list- t
ue you—,the man—she marries. 1) will
lessly. he her own ideal, Cyril Trevanlon, whein
"Colonel Trevanion, ma'am. lIe is in. she has loved from ehildhood„ who lies
the white dra‘ving.roorrt, Which lie says dead. at the bottom of the Southern Sea.
he wants to see you, rna'arn, most par- 13y the by, is it indisputably certain
tieular." that lie is deed?"
tion that athleticism has inn to ex- tively true; the Malt, sane and Intel. "Verv.well.; I will go deetvu. . .
. ThLteruldtiorttpopettroelo,wseorldrozolzrinilet.e. 10 "Would I venture, here else?" 1 tell
emg mud; more in the laet 2e yeal'e than you I SaNY the ship myeelf burn to the
ligent. owl t tlentekin every ether way,
formeily; hesichei \Oki), tile compari-, 18011.,il'f,te'll TeInt,bilielf:tietelie,Aelrilitgt ilit.vi! she
"They calls her 'arideorne, they:does 'water)* edge, and. every soul on beard
—master and the gentlemen from Speck. porrish with her. The 'taffeta Light'
son,j 4161314 not be MOP In•trveert mod- /Arlene neirate more marvelous ea501 Of
italtell, t wish they eorthl toe her now. Nve4 to the bottom two years Apo and
Hi. but lx,tween io%er 0 :101. i i tea in- • If r Welt tO paint and powder and. dem Cyril Trevanion among the test"
elate exereise ana over eedental y ltelt- nvillift OverY (LAY."
the widow mused. Mid slit not hed.
ing. and tiV eNereiel4 of 41 - stare life. 50 11M(1) il t stake, sue would have laugh. up like she does, they might eel me
cro b41 oonuntteo
C* -40.64- OW;
4-evizoct ale
(Rochester Union and Advertiser.)
Erie's boy aviator, Earl Sandt, is a
pretty lucky youth, for it is better to
be cut and bruised by a fall on the ice
of a. lake, as he was Tuesday, than to
drop into the water and drown, which
would have teen his fate had the acci-
dent occurred later in the season. The
boy's start from the Canadian side, to
which he had flown in the afternoon was
made at 5.50 o'clock. This is too late,
It would seem to most of us, for the start
of a trip which entails such danger as
the flight Over Lake Erie does. The
fot:lhardiness of the flying in the dark
Is shown by the fact that the youngster
had to walk ten miles on the ice after
11,s fall and -was almost exhausted whan
chance led him across the path of boys
who were skating along shore. The
Parents of this youngster, or if he has
11J parent, the authorities should forbid
his making flights that tempt fate so
boldly. It would be well to begin at once,
now that the flying season is at hand,
to take measures in every part of the
country against fights of a dangerous
t 7 r
If you haven't tried Putnam's Corn
Ex:tractor you haven't used. the article
that will remove corns, callouses and
sore foot lumps in the shorteet Clue.
Don't waste another cent in plasters,
pads or salves—get the guaranteed Corn
Reliever, Putnam's Painless Corn and.
Wart Extractor. It acts quickly, never
pains, removes the eorn forever. Price
25e, Sold by druggists.
Little, Nelly told little Anita, says the
aolorado Springs Gazette, what the
latter termed a "little fib."
Anita—"A fib is the same as a story,
and a story is the same as a lie
Nelly—"No, it's not."
Anita—"Yea it is; because my father
said so, and my father is a professor at
the university."
Nelly—"I don't care 11 he is. My father
is a real estate man, and he knows more
about lying than your father does."
Canadian Branch: Purifleo 00., Bridgeburgi Ont.
(Cleveland Plain Dealer./
"I understand you had your feeble -
d on take a term in mental effic-
"Yes, and it has done 'wonders for
"What's he going to do now?"
• a. ..a.1.0.4..,,*•,..,.. • .4.4.....•...•• ...., ....,. am.*
reirlDisinEm pER Pink Eye, Eitizootio,
Shipping Fever.
sad Catarrhal raver.
Sure cure, and poallve preventive, no matter hew horses st any age are A.
Infeeted or 'exposed,' Liquid, Riverton tha tongue, acts on the Blood and .
Glands, expels the poisonous germs from the body, Cures Distemper in Dogs
and Sheep, and Cholera in Poultry. Largest selling live stock remedy. Cures
. Le Grimm among human beings and is a fine kidney remedy. soa and 14 •
nettle; se and sit a &man, Cut this out. Keep it, Show it to your druggist,
, who will get it for you, Preb Ilooklet, "Distemper, Causes and Cures."
SPOON MEDICAL CO., Chemists sad Ilactarleinists, Glittgb mo.„Ata,jt.
0 Toilet Sets* FREE
4As.le 9411, rt., I • • t
ness, so write te y. eos 1. CIQLD ewN40.. $01 TOrOlit(), Otairitaletesitanifraxose
A toilet set is a very necessary artiele Ofl
every dressing table and the One vie offer as
a premium will commend itself to the most
reflood and attintio tante. Tho ease in
tecriknalsuainigatiltairrgeLlohrae? orarPahyta VtlitsallittlItePeatan
PuffLined and fitted With a handsomely
Enlhornaod ?lank Kliror and
tnlirlghliewlyitntol Anlbeht 11°F14111EarillOrlYsellginive .°0 (1"
worth of in'etty Litheareahed and Etna,
e VOW., FLOISAlt, lItTITDAY, (.30M103' 5130
TbrgriePtkirretirtfititet Clittliterr t%dttiii6irrtr81,°eine
PATTIt AtiTRA dett$011. write
girds wh oh you eat sal in every r
to -day an we will send yen pamtsE ci
we 6,13164re eXtra, preaOnt pt.
. C. .0%.**** AL% , ****01.4 ,„,*0***„0 t444 . . 11•10.6A-‘,.. tua*,•••••114.**A,***-
w •
11* •