HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-03-14, Page 4•
r. r
• •
ed Out
By Fire
Owing to this unfortunate affair,
which has caused us such a heavy
loss, we must ask our Customers
to have their accounts paid by
March 15th.
Our office will be in the Griffin
EAcch: kill further notice.
Your kind consideration in this
matter will greatly oblige
Yours Truly
I\ ) • ""'"or''''' 1" ' -;"7 •1
Head Office
. "In". INI1
CAPITAL PAID UP 8 2,870,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 3,500,000
Total Assets 44,000,000
just sa a successful merchant makes every
effort to give his customers courteous, effi-
cient attention, so do the officers of the
Bank of Hamilton endeavor to render to
depositors every service consistent with
conservative banking practice.
No deposit is too small to assure the de-
positor considerate treatment—the savings
accounts of those in moderate cironm-
stances are welcomed with courtesy, and
with that 'absence of undue formality
which makes banking a convenience and
a pleasure.
Splendid Magic Lantern (with 12
slides), Rubber Type Printing Outfit
complete, Steam Engine (nearly new)
with whistle, flywheel and everything
complete for running, Solid Gold Signet
Ring, or Guaranteed Watch free to any
boy. Send your name and we will send
you 80 sets of Beautiful Easter and
other post cards, to sell at ten cents a
set (six cards in each. set). When sold,
send us the money and we will send yon
whichever prize you choose. For sell-
ing 40 sets we will give you a "Simplex
Typewriter." We prepay all charges.
Address HOMER -WARREN 0o., Derst.
123, Toronto.
Beautiful French Dressed Da, 15
inches tall, witl.i eyes that open and
..shut; Rolled Gold Locket and Ohain,
or Solid Gold Signet Ring free to any
girl. Send us your name and we will
send you 33 sets of Beautiful Easter and
other post cards, to sell at ten ante a
set (six cards in eaoh set). When sold,
send iis the money and we will said you
vishiehever prize you choose. For sell-
ing 40 Bete vee will give yea a /tolled
Gold Extension 13raeselels We prepay
ttll charges. A.ddreee HOMER
WARREN 00., Dept. 123 'Voronto.
Banishes Dandruff
It quickly kills- the dandruff germs
that's why dandruff vanishes so
promptly when PARISIAN SAGE
is used
Parisian Sage
Is ,auaranteed By
J. W. McKibbon.
to eradicate dandruff, to stop falling
hair and itching scalp, or money
Get a. fifty cent bottle to-clai and
become acquainted at once with the
most delightful hair dressing in the
"I gladly recommend it as the best
hair tonic I have ever known, I find
it the only hair tonic that will cure
dandruff, cleanse the sealp, and make
tbe hair grow long and beautiful."
Mike- Signa Abls, 2 Farwell St,, W.
Wen c niter, Mass.
totEttgotts. °kw?, M.0„ PassiDENT, W. D. toirmaws, eroteentsioter.
0. A. BOt.W.RT, General Manager
CaPital paid up • , • t%i4,,Lo eleo000°06:°63
theory* Fund 4* • A s.v..f+. *70,000,000
Total Asia* . . ,• •
A Travelling Convenience
Travellere, supplied with Lettere of Credit and Travellers'
Checks, issued by Tat Dinentroli BANK, are 'assured of
ready money at every stage 01 their journey.
They identify the oweeria and tart be 0041ted In any
bertkitig town in the world.
If lot or etelen, they ire Of tie velut to Judet or thief.
—The Postmaster General made an
announcement in the House recently to
the effeet, that Rural Mail delivery
will be pushed energetically, not in a
bap -hazard way, but syeternetically,
at; the Ouancee of the Departnaent will
* * *
—The Conamissioners" for Berlin
have such faith in Hydro.Electric
power, that they have decided to send
their $80,000 gas -producer plant to the
scrap -heap, and depend on the hydro-
electric for power and light. It meant
a sacrifice at first, but they conclude
it will pay In the end,
* *
—lire first real effort of the Liberal
Opposition in the Ontario Legislature
to show their strength came last
week, on the question of Ontario's
boundary northward, The one Labor
member (Studholme) voted with the
Opposition. Hon. Matheson being ill
paired with Sam. Clark, and the vote
resulted in 72 for the Government and
22 for the Opposition or a majority
of 50.
* * *
—With reference to the Canadian
Navy, the Dominion Government bas
made this statement, through the
head of the Marine department ,—
"After much consideration and
enquiry as may be necessary the
Government will present its naval,
policy to Parliament and to the peo-
ple, That policy will undoubtedly
require legislation which will in-
volve the repeal of the present Na-
val Service Act. In the meantime
that Act will remain on the statute
book for purposes in connection with
tbe fishery protection service and
otherwise. Before any permanent
naval policy is put into fence, the
people will be given an opportunity
to pass upon it."
• *
--The actions of the Suffragettes to
beenro their dernaudA) are not flatter-
ilog to the fair 60X, To think of so-
called "ladies" smashing windows and
pulling policemen off their horses ;
then 124 of them being arrested and
jailed, 'partakes of the nature of
rowdyism. Sonia of them have been
imprisoned for two months. Possibly
they could do their duty to their
families and the country better. by
staying at home, instead of smashing
windows with hammers and acting
the role of disturbers of the peace.
Such actions are likely to defeat the
object they have in view. Those who
act in that way give evidence that
they are not fit to be trusted with the
* * *
LAndrew Carnegie is still pursuing
his beautiful dream of universal peace.
His gift of $10,000,000 to a peace so-
ciety seems to have had no effect
either upon the Italians in their raid
upon Tripoli, or upon the "malignant
and turbaned Turk" in resisting the
raid, nor yet upon the autocrat of the
frozen North, Russia, who is apparent-
ly intent upon swiping Persia. But
since Andy cannot promote peace
,4,mong nations, he has, turned his
;.,titention to promoting it among
families, and to this end he has estab-
lished at Pittsburgh a school for
wives. There the young matron will
be instructed in dressmaking, milli-
nery, cooking and housekeeping in a
scientific ana economical way. She
will be instructed in the art of extend-
ing the purchasing ability of her
husband's income. It will be impress-
ed upon her that, however great the
dereliction, and however infelicitous
the remarks of her husband, she is not
to unhang from the wall the framed
motto of "God Bless Our Home," and
break it over his head. She will be
told in the peace school that "a soft
answer turneth away wrath ;" that
hubby must be soothed with soft
words, not irritated with unkind. ones,
and that the road to an enduring
place in his heart of hearts is through
his stomach.
* * *
—The unrest and disturbance of poli-
tical and social conditions in the old
land is clearly indicated in the fol-
lowing paragraph from the Guelph
Daily Herald :—Great Britain is in the
throes of the mightiest conflict which
it may be said to have gone through
since the days of the Spanish Armada
or the Crimean War., Only this time
the fight is from within, not without,
They add to the titanic struggle for
better living conditions on the part of
the coal miners, the suffragettes add
the petty annoyance of their struggle
for votes—which is another instance
of the prevailing social unrest, .The
hand-to-mouth existence which pre-
vails in the old land is seen in the
total dependency of so many indus-
tries upon almost daily receipts of
coal. The shutting down -of the mines
has been followed by the closing of
industries employing thousands of
Wotkpeople, and so the miners' steug-
gle is bringing about a paralysis of -
trade which is tapping the very life
blood of the British nations'e nros-
perity., Inertia, is creeping silently
over the Isles, throwing millions out
of employment, stopping the running
of railroade, tying up shipping, and
creating a frightful donditiOn of aff site
amongst thousands of innocent poor
people, who will be unable tOr purchase
fuel at the price asked for it. Thze.,
in turn, if long contieued, le bound to
result in inclastria.1 and asocial unrest
and disorders.
Try This Fir Chilblains,
Poe Ilblain a corropondent
says, use potato water, Boil the
plutto with kkill on adaing a little
salt While 000king. Boil until very
soft and then apply the water to the
affected port, The worst ehilblains
will, our correspondent says, be re.
m red with three application* of the
potato water..
The Council met in Bluevale on
alenday, March 4; members all pre-
sent. The minutes of last meetiog
were read and Adopted on motion of
Wheeler and MI cl3urney,
Wheeler — McBurney — That the
Clerk be instructed to oak the Ivo
Wingham papers for tenders for the
printing required by the municipality
for the year commencing April 1st,
1912, Tenders to be received by the
Olerk before next meeting of Council
Moffat t—Wbeeler —That we grant
$10 to Wingb am Hospital— cerried.
Wheeler—Moffatt—That 13solaw No,
5, 1912, be passed for the appointment
of the following Fence Viewers for '
the current year :—Namely W. II.
Mundell, Thos. Aitken, Wm, S. King,
Thoe, Haugh, S. Vanstone, Jas, E.
Nichol, Jas. Lovell, F. Wright, jr.,
E. Orvis and R. Leatnorne—carried.
Rotherforcl—Moffatt—That we grant
the sum of $25 to Turnberry Agricul-
tural Society to help to build foot-
McBurney—Wheeler—That By-law
No. 6, 1912, be passed for the appoint-
ing of the following pound -keepers for
the current year —Robt, McKague,
Jas. Barton, Jas, J. Scott, H, Tucker,
Wm. Mines, Jas. Kirton, Pater 8,
McEwen, F. W. Wright E. Orvis,
J. Williamson, J. Mundell, W. Max-
, V, - • .mm. ‘gmm
"Sk% VA • •\t‘S "CitSCA iSZ bkStOCZIolk
• • """#07.00..
Rutherford—Moffatt —That By-law
No. 7, 1912, be passed for the appoint-
ment of the following pathrnasters for
the current year—J. 3. Abram, W.
A. Mitchell, P. Dawson, N. Scheeter,
11. Godkin, jr., J. Tervitt, W. H.
Mundell, S. Marshall, A. Lincoln, An-
drew Campbell, J. Weir, W. Camp-
bell, R. Jenkins, T. P. Jame, G. Case -
more, J. Bonen* S. Woods, Alex.
Forgie, R. Gilkinson, W. Hangh, P.
Clarruthere, W. Deans, T. Firmen, W.
A, Mines, 3, Wylie, P. McDolikall, 11
Casemore, I. Wrigbt, jr., H. Timm,
S. King, J. Elliott, P. McEwen, J.
McEwen, jr„ F. Wright, jr., R. Hop-
per, T. Hyslop, J. McEwen, sr., W.
Jewitt, D. H. Moffatt IL Black, P.
King, H. Diment, E. Jenkins, J. R.
McKenzie, W. Gallaher., I, Wright,
sr., W. McNaughton, R. Hogg, F.
Anderson, H. Merkley, J. Lane, W.
Abram, 11. Muir, W. Lackie, J. Md.
feat, J. Mitchell, J. Reid, G. Srigley,
J. Wellwood, A. Waite, R. Campbell
and R. Musgrove—carried.
The following tenders were received
for the bridge abutments — Messrs.
Duff & Stewart, $1440 or $4 25 per yd.;
G. Bartley, $110 for one and $4 25 for
other per yd. ; 0, Barber, $1200- or
$3,80 per yd., excavation 50c per yd. ;
R. Vint, $1240 or $3 05 per yd.
Wheeler—Rutherford—ThEet we ac-
cept Mr. Vint's tender for abutments
at $1240, work to commence on or be-
fore June 15th and to be completed
on or before Aug. 10th next—carried.
Tbe following accounts were passed
and cheques issued: Municipal
World, assm't, notices, $1.15; Treas.
of Wingham Hospital, grant, $111 ;
Duff & Stewart, snowplough, 50c ;
Turnberry Agricultural Society, grant, -
Council adjourned to meet on Moe -
day, April 8th, at 10 o'clock.
John Burgese, Olerk.
Your Money Back If You're Not
We pay for all the medicine used
during the trial, if our remedy fails to
completely' relieve you of constipa-
tion, We take all the risk. You are
not obligated to us in any way what-
ever, if you accept our offer, That' a
mighty broad statement, but we mean
every word of it. Could anything be
more fair for you ?
A most scientific, common-sense
treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which
are eaten like candy. Their active
principle is a recent scientific discover y
that is odorless, colorless, and taste-
less ; very pronounced, yet gentle and
pleasant in aetion, and particularly
agreeable in every way, They do not
cause diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence,
griping, or any inconvenience what-
ever, Rexall Orderlies are particularly
good for children, aged and delicate
If you suffer from chronic or hahit-
ual constipation, or the associate or
dependent chronic ailments, we urge
you to try Rexall Orderlies at our
risk. Remember, you can get them in
Winglaarn only at our store. 12 tab-
lets, 10c, 86 tablets, 253, 80 tablets, 500.
Sold only at our store—The Rexall
Store. 5. W. MeKibbott,
Made, Strong by Vinol
°t 'wish / could indude every moths
er who has a delicate, sickly child, to
try your delieioue cod liver iron thrift,
"It restored bur little daughter to
health and strength after everything
Wire had'falled. It tastes sO gOoci she
loved to take it—not a bit of cod i1ve1r
oil taste.--41rst Ct.W. Stump, Canton,
The roam: Vivol f to tuecessful
in building uri puny, delleate, ailing
children, is because it is a combina-
tion of the two most worldfamed ton.
les—the medicinal bodysbnilding ele.
menti of cod liver oil, aided by the
blood.tnaking and strength -treating
properties of tonin iron.
If We can inane° yott to try a bottle
ot Vito! as a bodybuilder and
strength -0006r tor your ehild, and
Yet do not find it is all we °halt WO
will t6tarti your menez on deraand,
I. W. Meitthlbot4 Druggist) Winghata
Experienced mothers say
Zam-Buk is best for chil-
dren's injuries and skin
troubles, because:
- It is herbal—no poisonous
mineral coloring.
It is antiseptic—prevents
cuts and burns taking the
wrong way.
It is soothing—ends pain
It heals every time.
Just as good for grown-
Sold at all stores and
And Lame Back
Can be cured. by the great fruit kid-
ney and liver remedy.
se Brantford, Ont.. Aug. 13, 1911,
Your medicine, Fig Pills, has work-
ed wonders for me. The rheumatic
pains bave entirely left 1330 and I owe
everything to your remedy. You are
at liberty to publish this.— R. H.
At all dealers 25e and 50 cents or
mailed by The Fig Pill Co., St.
Thomas, Ont.
Shorn Of Her Crown Of Beauty,
Loses In Love And Marriage.
Hair is certainly most necessary to
woman. Who could love and marry
a bald-headed woman 2 What charms
could one array to offset such a dis-
figurement ?
A woman's goal is usually love and
marriage. Her crowning glory is her
hair. The loss of her hair mars her
beauty, happiness, and success. Yet,
right here in Wingham, there are
thousands of women who are neglect-
ing or injuring their hair to such an
extent that it is only a matter of time
when it will be utterly ruined.
Many women destroy the beauty of
their hair through thoughtlessness or
ignorance of certain facts. They use
curling irons over -heated, or to excess,
which destroys the natural oil of the
hair, causiug it to split, break, and
come out. They do not shampoo their
hair often enough, or too often. They
use soaps or preparations which con-
tain ingredients positively harmful to
the scalp and hair.
As a result of such treatment, dand-
ruff is created, the hair loosens, boss
color, falls out, and baldness cam-
rnences, unless proper and prompt
precautions are taken in time. Then
again, microbes and. certain diseases
bring about unhealthy scalp and hair
Almost any woman may rid herself
of dandruff and diseased scalp and hair
if she, will but use the right remedy,
and We will positively guarantee that
it will either cure dandruff and bald -
nese or it will not coat the user any-
That's a pretty broad statement, but
we will back it and prove it with our
own money. We will return your
money if you do not find that Rexall
"03" Hair Tonic is an entirely eatis-
factary remedy that will promote hair
growth and overcome scalp and hair
troubles; that it will grow hair even
on bald heads, unless all life in the
hair roots has hen extinguiehed, the
follicles closed, and the scalp is glazed
and Shiny. It gets its name from the
fact that It grew hair in 03 out of 100
cases, where it received a thoroughly
hard, impartial, and practical test.
We Want 'god to try IlAxall "03'
Some Bargains in -
Town Property
Frame Clottage—parlor, dining rooro,
kitchen, three bedrooms, pantry, aloeets,
hard and soft water, good garden, stone
°eller, firm location, Price reasonable,
Half Story Frame House. with large
barn—wilt be sold right.
Small Cottage. Owner wants to leave
town. A bargain.
Brick House, with conveniences—well
situated. A choice home, for sale
Small Farm, 35 to 40 acres, near town.
The above are only a 'few of the pro-
perties we have on our list, Otbers will
ba advertised in this space weekly
Properties in Town Plot, Whitechurch,
Belgrave and Bluevale. Farms in sur-
rounding Townships,
N B.—We have a buyer for a suitable
100 acre farm near Wingham
a large number of experienced
farmers to buy and farm the best
land in the West ; Improved or
unimproved. First-class proper-
ties for sale at low prices and on
terms to suit. For particulars
and booklet giving description of
the district, apply to
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; never fails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Iren,s are sold at
F5 a box, or three for $10, Mailed to any address.
The Seoboll Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass
and Weather Insurance; coupled
with a Real Estate and Money
Loaning business.
OFFICES—Corner Patrick and Centre streets
Offices 43
Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143
Residence, Dr. Calder 151
Dr, Kennedy specializes in Surgery.
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to
Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle or bogs to feed for mar-
ket can have it on reasonable terms.
Money transmitted and payable at
par at any Bank in the Dominion.
RATES.—$5.00 and under, 3 cts
$10 to $30, 10 ets. $30 to $50, 15 ets.
Same rates charged. on principal
banking points in the U. S.
1‘..N Y person who is the sole head of a family,
or any male over 18 years old may home -
=add 4kwa'frogrgTs' °art ilvea•ZilljeJDZIgT
k 0
The ilamust appear eent;nig tt encyi%-tiVey iir thotho
distriet. Entry' by proxy may be made at any
arnT on mucerittach!
condittons by fatbcr, moth -
e soti, g r, brothor or sister
ing homesteader.
Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cut-
tivation of the land in each of three years. A.
homesteader may live within nine miles of bis
homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely
owned and occupied by him or by his father,
mother, son, daugliter, brother or sister,
In certain' districts a homesteader in good
standing may pre•empt a quarter -section along-
side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre,
Duties —Must reside upon the homestead or
IfYgi ntee°1101113 znnths in 1
acres el:, rnneFealithilittite.licnIsFatinrii
Ple°414Aell-1 crvhh-rel4girl; t ggiestkvieTrr
tittr foni,
edr who has exhausted his home-
diatrieta. Price $3 00 per acre-. Duties —Must
side s.x months in each of three years, (min-
vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.
Vv. w, COltY,
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
X.Et —Unanthori2ed publication of this ad-
vertisement will not be paid for.
Heir Tonle at our risk. You surely • Jas. Walker & Son
cannot lose anything by doing so,
while you have everything to gain.
You had bett4r think this over, and
thqt come in and see us about, thiq
oiter. Yon will be well repaid for
your visit to our store, Itquember,
y u ran get Roxall Remedies in tiller -
eonnaartnity only at our store. --The
itexall Store. J. W. Mettihbon.
We are specially qualified Under.
takers and Embalmers, and those
entreating their work to nati may rely
reealveden It 'el) done Nlghl, -OallR
atn residettee.
0010* Phone 100 nate* Phone ita
Fond of Coffee?
Dalton's French Drip Coffee, the best on Palo, roasted right,
ground right, absolutely pure, at We a JI. Palton'e Coffee
Pot or rivrcolatt.r, given free with two lh4, of Dalton's °ogee.
44- mdk•clm,-emmom•••••••• -rm..,
Another shipment of Choice Fish this week, quality guaran-
teed, prices right. We handle a big range—this is the place
to buy Fish right,
our Big Clearing Sale of Winter Goods contiones. Rubber.),
Sox, Overshoes, Mitts, etc., at a big Facrific. in price. Tre-
mendous Bargains in Underwear, beettmakep, lowest prices.
We want all kinds of produce, and we pay good prices for
good produce, Bring along your butter, Eggs, beans, appl(s,
dried apples, carrotp, beets, parsnips, cabbages, et-. Any
kind of good produce taken.
Bi Q CleanuSweeo Sale
.. AT...
Our March Clean -sweep Sale of
all Fall and Winter Goods starts
Saturday Morning, March 9th
Every dollar's worth of Fall and Winter Goods must be sold within
the next 15 days, to make room for the largest stock of Spriug Goods.
We do not believe in carrying goods over from one season to another.
Our stock is always new and up-to-date—no old goods here. This is your
opportunity to buy all your goods at bargain prices. Positively and abso-
lutely the biggest values for your money ever offered,
Look for the,Big Red Sign
5. RO B 1 N$
,Opposite the Presbyterian Church.
likm 11,1 . 1 1 1 1
1 M ,11111•11•
I.I. 4*. ig.11t • No mg. him!'
For some weeks our Spring G-oods
have been arriving and are now on
counters for your inspection. We
have .bought more heavily than usual
and you will be sure to find something
to your liking among this great assort-
ment, which includes 100 pieces of
Crum's. English Prints, as you are
aware that Crum's is a household
word in regard to Prints, perfectly
fast in color,, and beautiful patterns.
Anderson's Scotch and anadian
Gingham, Silked Checks, Printed
Foulards, Radium Foulards, Plain and
Printed Voiles, Sepetive Crepe, Em-
press Poplins, Shar Su Repps, Etc.
We also have in stock the greatest
display of New and Up-to-date Waists
ever shown in this store. They have
the latest Set in and Kimono) Sleeves
and are marked very low for quicic
sale. Come and see what we have
and get our prices before sending
your money out of town for some-:
thing you have not seen.
Trade of All Kinds Wanted in Large Quantities.
J. A. Mills
(Successor to T. A. M I LLS)
PIT l'.1" 14 80
I 4