HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-03-14, Page 3DOES YOUR BACK ACHE
Is You Have Bladder or Urinary
Troubles and Weakuess of
the Kidneys -,Read Below,
Your back aches and fairly groans
with the distress of kidney trouble.
You're discouraged, but you mustn't
give up, The battle eau be quiekly won
when 1/r. Llamilton"s Pills get to work.
These kidney speeialiets bring new
health and vitality to youag, and old
alike. Even one box pro' o their mar-
vellous power. Continue this groat
healer, and. your kidneys will beeome
as etrong, as vigorous, as able to work
as new onee.
Remember this: Dr. Hamilton's Pills
ere purely vegetable; they do ewe liver,
bladder and kidney trouble, They wiN
cure you, or your money back.
Mrs. W. U. Rossiter, wife of a well-
known inerehant in Keneington, writes
as follows:
Ten years ago my kidney trouble
ctarted 1 suffered dreadful pains In
my spine and around my waist, my
back feeling as If hot irons were
running through. 1 ouldn't sleep,
had no appetite, was pale, thin and
very nervous. Cruel headaches, and
despondency added to my burden.
Not until I had tised Or, Hamilton's
Pills did I get any relief. 'They
proved capital and helped me Im.
mediately. Eight boxes made me
well, and now i do my own house-
work, feel and look the picture of
h ealth."
Your cotinplete restoration to health
certain with Dr. Hamilton's Pills of
'Mandrake and. Butternut, Refuse sub-
stitutes. 25e. per box, or five boxes
for $1.00, at all dealere Or the Catarrh.
ozone0o,, Kingston, Out.
mama *a • ...Op
Do you renaember how, from the fence
corner, on a summer morning in haying.
" time, there used to creme a clear, sweet
call, "0, Bob-Whitel Bob White!" with
always tho same pause between the
words and the accent on "White?"
But what you thought of: when you
beard that eall was not the sweetness
of it, nor the gentlenese of the bird
that made it, but good grunting you
were going to have that autumn. Oth-
ers all over the Southern and Middle and
Eastern.States thought the same thinge
and when the cool days came an army
poured out pi the cities with shotguns
and well-trained dogs to make war on
the eeetlest friend the farmers of Amer-
ica, ever had.
The call from the fence corner is eel-
dom heard to -day, and an unpaid helper
who earned as much as any hired man,
has left the fields. You did not know
that during the summer your little
friend teas busy 10 ot 12 hours a day
removing cut -worms, cabbage butterflies,
rattan noll weevils, clinch -bugs, squash.
hugs, lineeian flies,. earpet beetles and
potato bugs, or that during the winter,
instead of "hanging round" like the hir-
ed man, he was picking the seed of rag-
weed end, other noxious plants. In Telt-
as 100 weevils make him only a fair
breakfamt. In Pennsylvania he feels that
100 potato hugs will no more than stay.
his stomach until he can get something
to eat, In Kansas his favorite luncheon
is 1,200 chinclibugs; in Nebraska, 2,000
Hessian flies. The number of seeds that
" be requires for a meal is prodigious.
From 1.000 to 5.000 is not unconunon,
and in the winter nearly all are seeds
of plaet enemies to the farmer.
Only about 15 per cent. of our native
woodlots is reserved from the grazing of
live stock, and hence is in a fair state
of productiveness, The other 85 per
cent, contains but few, if any young;
trees, which, unless live stock is ex -
eluded will not perpetuate themselves,
but will beeome less productive each
year, and when the present etand of
matured trees is gone, will cease to ex-
ist. Investigations further diselose the
fact that, on the whole, the woodland
pasture is inferior, and is valued on an
average, at not over 50 cents per acre
annually by the owners. Thus the wood
lots aro not only unproduetive as tim-
ber -producing areas, with a compara-
tively short period of existence, but are
unprofitable ae pasture Lends as well.
In the majority of cases, the shade is
to great to permit a normal stand of
nutritiongress to grow. This condi-
tion an be improved by fencing off the
best 'portion of timber, reserving it from
live stock and improving the forest con-
ditions by encouraging the growth of the
Mote valuable young trees, which spring
up rapidly. If any open spaees exist,
• they earl, be planted to trees of value for
post and other tows.
The portion to be used for pasture
should have the surplus trees removed,
reserving only those neeeseary for
In this manner a great profit will be
realized than in the haphazard method
of attempting' to maintain a woodlot and
pastnre in the same area lt is just ea
logical to uttempt, to grow eorn in a
field and at the same time allow the live
stook to prieture in it.
During these winter months inueb
work nen be earried on in the woodlot
in the Avay of marketing matured tint-
ber, removinty, -"weed trees," whielt may
be injuring growth of more value. Spaces
may be eleared of ironwood, water
beech, gulled unmerchantable trees, and
the spaces replanted to something of
value in the spilug. Almost every
woodlot can 1-e improved in some man-
ner, and operations of this nature wlil
greatly inerease its produetiveeess and
at the same time insure its perpetuity.
The United States Department of
_Agriculture calls attention to the feet
that American foul brood and EON -
peen foul brood has been found to ex-
ist in Erie county. The department
has no means of knotrin,er how long
the disease has existed in the region,
but desires to notify bee -keepers of the
trouble and suggestthat, if not already
informed concerning the disease, they
inform themselves at once. Very fre-
quently colonies of bees are destroyed
by disease and the loss is attributed by
the bee -keeper to some other cause.
Farmers' Bulletin No. 332, The Treat-
ment of Bee Diseases, gives a descript
tion of the brood diseases and methods
of treatment. It will be sent free on
request to the Secretary of Agriculture,
Washington, D.C,
Attention is also called to the fact
that the brood diseases do not at all
injure honey for human consumption,
so that there need be no fear on the `
part of purchasers of honey.
Every one that eveare laee shoes
knows that there is a tongue of leather
under the plaze where the two sides
of the ehoe meet, but there is none
ta button shoes. Probably very few
persons know that this is a compare-
tdvely modern idea asid is not for the
purpose of keep the laces from hurt-
ing the instep but is to keep ,out rain
and snow,
There would be no dtscomfort if the
laces touched the sock, but no mat,
ter how cloeely a ehoe may be laced
up there is always a slight epaco
which would allow rain to. relate?' the
C. Maltese') Has Had Rheumatism
All His Life.
But Dodd's Kidney Pills Have Bone.
fited Him so Much He Reoommends
Them to Others -.-Why They Always
Cure Rheumatism.
Holberg, B. 0,, March 4. -(Special) -
That Dodd's Kidney Pills .will cure
Rheumatism has been proved. again and
again. Where the dread disease is mak.
ing ite first inroads into the systena the
cure is quick and complete. Where the
rheumatism is of longer standing it
takes longer treatment, but the result
is always the same. Dodd's Kidney Pine
always cure. Probably the hardest test
•Dodd' s Kidney Pills have ever been
given is in the ease of Mr. C. Matteson,
of this place, It is beet stated, in hie
own words:
"I have been troubled with rheuma.
tient all my life," Mr, Mattesen, states,
"but I am happy to toll you that I
have received so much, benefit front
Dodd's Kidney Pills that I can re-
commend them to others,"
Here is a ease of the longest poseible
standing. But Dodd% Kidney Pills will
surely cure it. Why? Because uric acid
in the iblood is the cause of rheumatism,
and Dodd's Kidney Pills take the tilde
acid out of the blood by making the kid.
n6y$ do their proper work.
Ile was adjutant general of the
army and was suspended ,by Presi-
dent Taft's ordere pending discipline
for writing („Insulting letters" to Sec-
retary of War Stimeon and the chief
of staff of the teemy.
(I'&cCall's 'Magazine.)
e?'rer itaspjhr died alnd the other derteens
ej3;oeold athottlitt)tle eenelatretel o S
nighie At first he declined, but finally
Sunday night, when time for the eul-
ogy arrived, be arose sioNvie And said:
"Brcdren and sistern, I promised ter say
sumpen good about Deacon jasper to"
nigbt, an' X will say we all hopes he's
on triter we knows he Mel."
this Food.Toide QuIeldy Restores Strength
After a vetoes Illnets, ordinery food stated
be supplemented by a strengthenine tonic.
Par this purpose
NA.DRU 64 CO Tasteless
Cod Liver 00 Compound
lerecommendedvere highly. in itsprepare-
Ben the disegreelble !leveret tee heturel
CM Liver On Is entirely removed, while its
well know e touriehing and it:sue-building,
qualitiee stre retatteel. Then we acid leyece
phtsphitte to build up the nerve, Extrect of
Wild Cherry (for the Lungs and Brew:Mal
Tubes), and Sxtreet Malt (a food ittel0
Which Aide in tee reserneetton Of ether feeds,
Childree ssriteatar erifey the pleetent
Bever alt.bru-Co Tottelest Cod Liver 011
Compound, end eulekly regale health end strength
when Nature 1* tided he this esiurel (cod -tome.
Tour Druggist ba s In 150e.nadai.00)1eitles,
National *Iv and Chemita) CO.
of Candao
044.011v•443 et -ewes eraeiso slue
ADEMArtft. *CtilliATY0UAttiy.
Do you realize that to gol
through life tortured and
disfigured by itching, burn-
ing, scaly and crusted ec-
zernas, or other skin and
scalp humors is unneces-
sary? For more than a gen..
eration, warm baths with
1.1:tau:Era oap
And gentle applications of
CuticUra, Ointment have
proved successful in the
most distressing cases, of
infants, children and adults,
when all else had failed.
Although Outieura Soap and Ointment aro sold
by druggists and dealers everywhere, a liberal
sample of each, with 32,page booklot on treatment
of skin and hair, win bo Ent, post-free, on appileak
tion to ',Cutieura," Dept. 911, Boston, U. S. A.
.1,4 I I I " I I•I II I... I 1
I " "
Retired 'Unionist leader, is becoming
a great devotee of golf. The former
Leader of the Opposition, in, Parlia-
ment is not daunted by inclement
weatlaer.Recently on the links of
Cannes, he played all day during a.
steady downpour, and declared after-
ward that he had enJoyed it all,
(ingston Standard,)
To Texas they have a law requiring
sheets on the beds of hotels to be not less
than nine fet in length, and it is pro-
posed to pass a similar law in New Yorke
Anti why not? A sheet should be long
ertough to tuck in well at the bottom, so
that the traveller's feet may be eovered
and to fold Over at the top so that he
may not come in contact with the Wan.
ket wbich is not changed every night
and whieh is not, therefore., nom) too
clean. It is a good move, and we ea.,
dome it thottgh our feet aee not very big.
In appearanee and utility this silverware is
exceptionally attract! Ye. They aro buffer polish-
ed as carefully tee any piece of Sterling Silver
overproduced. A handsomer lino in graceful-
ness of pattern and yieliness of finish is not
found lii tho market. bRealAtliAllidge?1
01 S1X TA SPOONS, 13 6
&Mee In PUFF LIN0u RACK BOX is given FREE for
selling only sa.eo worth of lovely Gold Embossed
Picture Post Cards at 6 for lee. . The very latest
designs In Views, Floral, Birthday, Comics, etc.
The fastest sellers. Just ellow them and take
in the money. le rite to day and get a package.
Hurry now, for we _give an extra, present for
proaltness. COBALT GOLD 1'1I CO. Dept.
, 40e orohto, Ont.
Itomain Gressler, the Prenett aviator,
was praising Paris In the saloon 01 net
Provence. "Dverybotly praises Paris,"
he Said, "nverybody loves Paris. Alter.
rnent gehtlernan eta to me yesterday:
'Some Americans don't like Paris at
firer. Inn the taste grows on them,'
"Dld you like Peri& at fret?' I asked.
'Did I?' he replied. 'I came home in
eteeragea "
"Grounds for divor
Added to the Long List due
to This Famous Remedy,
Glanford Station, have taken
, Lydia Pinkham's
Vegetable Come
pound for 3reare
*. and never found
any medicine to
empartesve ituhteitru.
had ulcers and fall,
.. unl doctors did me
no good. I suffered
dreadfully uotil 1
began taking your
medicine. It has
also helped other
women to whom 1have reeommencled
It. ' -Mrs. UMW CLAItIco GlittifOrd
Station, Ontario.
cseeezsewsio.o aseserechssPow":6""1
This Is the kismet spring hat, The
latest fad is to be photographed at
a Mirror and thus bring out all sides
of an attractive hat. This style of
hat has the turban effect built high
in front with roses and the long
stalks of the sprays of smaller flow-
ers drooping over the back.
Cramps at Night
Require Prompt Remedy
Adonizind Pain Prevented by Keep.
in Nerviline Handy On
the Shelf.
A Case in Point Illustrated.
Deadly cramps -the symptoms are
not to be mistaken. Suddenly and with.
out warning the patient experienoes
aueli agony in the stomach as to eon.
tort the eountenance and cause him to
ery aloud for help.
Then it is that the wonderful power
of NerviLine can make itself felt -it
cures so quiekly.
"Last summer I was stricken with a
frightful attack of cremes, 1 feared the
pain in my stomach would kill me.
"My eyos bulged out and. the veins in
my forehead stood out like whip -cords.
"My cry attracted a neighbor, who
earae to my assistance, and itt a moment
or two handed me half a teaspoonful of
Nerviline in some sweetened water.
"It seemed as if an angel had charmed
away the pain. In ten seconds I was
well. Nerviline has a wonderful name
in this locality, and is considered beet
for cramps, diarrhoea, flatulence, etones
melt and bowel disorders. I urge all my
friends to Use Nerviline,
No home is safe or earl afford, fo miss
the manifold advantages of having•Ner-
viline on hand in ease of aceident or
emergent sickness. Large family size
bottles of Nervline, 50c,; trial size, 25e,
all dealers or The Catarrhozone Co.,
Buffalo, N. Ye. and Kingston, Can.
Mrs. Mabel Van Dyek Bell, of Cove
ington, Ky., recently appointed a 'Unit-
ed States commissioner, is one of the
low women in the 'United States with
Judicial powers.
She presided over her first case
with much dignity, in a "robe of of
flee" Consisting of 6, white shirtwaist
and a brown tailored skirt, She is
small and petitss.
Mrs, tell had been a deputy In the
office of United States Court Clerk
d'olan Menzies. When the district was
extended Menzies as no longer able
to perform the dual dttties of clerk
and commIesioner. ft then devolved
UpOil United States Judge Cochran to
natue a neev commissioner. The ex.
perience that Mrs. Bell had gained as
a deputy clerk made her eligible for
the position. ,
As commissioner she holds prelim-
inary hearings 111, all eases developing
in her Suriedietten, either dismiseing
the prieotter, if there is insuffloiont
evidence, or holding him to the next
term of tho court.
Violators -of the postal and internal
revenue laws, moonshiners, eounter4
feitere and even an oecasional banker
whose particular kind of "frenzied ft -
mimeo" may diepleaee Thiele Sam, are
brought before her,
Mrs, Bell has two boys, Davie and
Sautes, Before going to the federal
building to preside over her eoitrt
Mrs. Boll puts on their dean bibo
nt tuckers and etas there off to
(Detroit rice Vreeso
iouely but surely the word "hello"
Panes from the offieIal iteteture Of tele.,'
ethane thilt, and *inks into the diteard.
Telephoont temperas have long froWned
nnsn the expression. absently the Pere
tteAstureed taboted It, end Mt*
th & Nertliweetern Itailreed
hat d the same thing,
Another Cure
Harvey Bank, N. B. -I can highly
recommend Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vege-
table Compound to any suffering
woman. 1 have taken it for female
weakness and painful menstruation
and it cured me. - Mns. DEVEns
Because your ease is a difficult one,
doetors having done you no good, do
not continue to suffer without giving
Lydia E. Pink/13111's Vegetable Com-
pound a trial. It surely has cured
many cases of female ills, such as in-
flammatien, uleeration, displacements,
fibroid tumors, irregularities,periodic
pains, backache,that bearing -clown
feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and
nervous prostration. It costs but a
trifle to try it, and the result is worth
millions to many suffering women.
II you want special advice
write or it to Mrs. Pluicham,
Lynn,. Mass. It is free aid,
always helpful..
In the Poultry
":' lets n ' tiete'"7",
In the eurrehit issue of Farm and
Fireside the poultry editor makes the
following interesting report:
"The price of fresh eggs went soaring
after Thanksgiving, and just at that
time nearly all hens quit laying. They
did not go on a strike, but just quit
beeause they had to, I have reeeived
quite a number of letters from people
in several States asking why the hens
do not lay, and how to make them lay.
Two farmers wrote that they had about
decided to sell all their fowls but about
half a dozen, betause when the priee of
eggs was high they did not lay, and
when it was down below eost of feed
they laid steadily.
"1 have found it very difficult to
make people underetand that a hen
cannot make egge and feathers at the
sante time. She een lay while she is
shedding her feathers, because there
letthen no drain on her vet= for
ahy other eurpoees. But when the new
coat of feathers is started, she quits,
simply beeauee she cannot do double
duty ---make featherand egge at the
same time. When people learn tido
fart, they will not expect eggs from
a hett that is growing a coat of feathers.
And then they may also learn how to
manage their hatehing and feeding so
as to get eggs in the late fall and winter,
when they want them badly. And when
they learn that there will not be any
market for egg -making eempounds, pep-
pered •stock foods, panaceas and back-
breaking bone -utter,
"Pullete that are hatched early in
April will make layers of Thanksgiving
eggs if they are fed during the summer
so that they will be matured by that
time. As a rule people feed their little
obleks very well, but when they are
pretty well feathered the supely of
food given them is not sufficient to
push them rapidly to maturity, There
is only one way to feed growing pullets
eatisfactOrily, and that is to keep an
The fancy end of the pouitry business
isa paying propoeition and always will
You r s
for Health
most powerful germicide known
to science. In attual test, one
in one hundred porta of water
killed sports of virulent and=
int less than an hour. PURL`
carbolic acid fails to kill this germ
in twenty-four hours.
Yet PAREXTE cuncrelit, is
NON - PO/S0110VS, non - cor-
rosive and non -injurious to human
is also an irresistible deodorizer
and antiseptic. This IS the ellen:li-
ed Supplied with the PAIIItYTE
In...imm,fedSanitary Chemical Closet.
Send for booklet on modern
sanitation "The Nth to
Realth."A,sk your deeler or order direct.
"FARKIITE kiHs Germs -4110f Them"
PARIKX114/1IYTE taivirrE0 2
1011010,0 IttRiX115t(1 VANCOUVAR
be, but thin* are rapidly .changin ad
in a few yeere the show bird will have
to have good laying record as well
tie fine feathers end Aimee.
There le nothing better than aoda
water for fewle whose droppings are
vot in normal condition. This soda
water is made as follows; T,Tse three
beeping teaspoonfuls, of soda (Wear.
bonate) to one pint of water. Shake
well, Doe, teaspoonful to eaeh of-
flieted fowl. Follow with a one -grain
quinine Pill each night for three nights
in eucceselon.
The feet that some of your neigh-
bors have a fine lot of belie Viet molt
early and well during the winter is
evidence that all could do as ivell If
they would give proper attention to
their poultry. Time who have plenty
of eggs during the winter months
have them bevause they know how to
care for their hens. Those who do not
have plenty of treeli held eggs during'
the winter fail beeause they either do
not know how to 4Ntre for the hens or
else do not apply their knowledge. It
costs little Deere to feed a ben for a
whole year that lays fifteen eggs than
it does to feed, a hen a whole year that
leys none at all, and it is really less
trouble to care for hells properly than to
care for them improperly. A poultry..
man we know made a profit of $1,400
during the last year from 900 hens,
Other people with an equal lumber or
fewer hens have kept thou at a. loss.
All could make D3Ore than tt1.50 from
every hen they have if they would
select them as they should, feed them
as they should, and care for them in
a proper manner,
According to Joseph 'Wallace, in-
flammation of the oviduct will 'check
the flow of carbonete and phospate of
lime, which give to the shell its hard-
ness; or the system xnay be deficient
in some of these constituents, Conse-
quently the laying of eggs without
shells, or with soft ahells. Egg binding
follows, An egg drops from the cluster
to receive its natural coatin,,e, of shells;
there being a deficiency of shell matter,
the egg remains longer in the oviduet,
in obedience to nature; another follows
that One, and soon another, all await-
ing their turn to be coaled. The pre-
sence of so many eggo without shell
crowding one another for several days,
is very apt to cause fever or iliflam-
illation of the oviduct, whiein of courses
obstructs the pa,ssabe. If the hen eon -
not expel those eggs, and 310 immediate
relief is given, the heat of the oviduct
literally bakes the contents of the eggs,
end a tumor forms and inoloses the
eggsin a tough seek which shows it-
self in the bagging down eo common in
among old hens.
It makes any person :eel erawley t
Buk at. night will
bring ease by morns
inst. Zarn4lituk stops
the smarting, heals
the cracks and
makes the hands
Iktrs. A, Ir. Phillips, of
Ayer's Cliff, Que., says:
"I suffered terribly frops,
chapped hands. Sometimes
- 1 almost cried with the pain
and smarting. ZarneBuk was
recommended and it gave me
ease almost as soon as applied.
Now my hands are quite
GIMAsiotil.;se Zarn•Iluk ter ell skin
eruptions, ulcers, pets, outs, burns sed
all skin injurio9, foe, box 611 druggist..
and stoles,
al •lt ll.6643kkv.h-d.odielit41,446111,4WSZ**Oirt0-141. i_2
••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• .1••-•*••
talk about these pests of the poultry
house. When writing of them the
writer feels that he la thoroughly in-
fested with them. We bare had a pod
deal of experience with them. Mites do
not etay on the fowls, but rather they
hide in the cracks of roosts and bores,
to COMO out in the night to pester the
hens and obtain their sustettance. Lice
will hide in the plumage of fowls, and
if perehanee they are brushed off, they
tvill hide in a crack until an oppOrtan-
ity to get on a fowl again which they
will do. They bother fowls day and
night. Cleanlincse is n, good thing to
keep down lice and mites, but what the
good housekeeper would term cleanli-
ness will not augur in the poultry house.
Spraying and keeping the walla arid
roosts saturated with various kinds of
deeoctions that will keep down these
peste is the kind of eleanliness meant.
The dust bath is also a fine thing for
Wellave been very successful in keep -
beg these parasites down in our poul-
try houses by using a spray of emulsion
made as follows. Boil two bars of com-
mon otiap in some water. Then add to
tem gallons of kerosene two quarte of
gasoline and One pint of erede carbolic
nal. Add about four gallons of rain
water. Emulsify the whole and spray
the ineide of the building and roosts
with the decoction. Use it generously
and no lice or mites can stay. This
Makes a strong solution, but it will not
get the lice that are oft the liens. Spray-
ing the Melee shortly before the liens
go to roost, will kick up such a liet of
fumethat most liee will have to go.
The majority of markete prefer yet-
low-ekinned earenosos. Tho bulk of
the moat of a fowl is plaeed on the
breast and thighs. It is important to
have a breed that grows rapidly and
floelies up young.
(Stoutiee Compaulon.)
Aot repartee has not entirely
pet.red from Nugressiontit debate.. Dur.
'Mg a reeent dlsettssion of the bill to ere -
ate O. eltilaten'e bureau in the Depart-
ment et Colrain:Ice and Labor, one Sott.
tater deelared intst the measure we* tri
1 it/eigrYt
replied Follatt.r TtorrOi, ttIIO!atm.
street! the Ien
Women ore Themselves to Dinmo
for Much of Their Suffering,
Women are weak, yet under a Sallie
they will try to hide pain and suffering
that eny man .eould not bear patiently.
If wore= would Only remembed that
their fre-quent failures of health arise.
from feeble or impure Wood their lives
would be smother .and they would long-
er retein'ilteir natural charm.
When the blood fails then begin those
dragging backaches and headachee; un-
referehing sleep that ea nisei dark lines tin-
der the eyes; dizziness; fito of depree-
eion; palpitation or rapid fluttering of
the heart; hot flashes and indigestion,
Then the cheeks grow pale, the oyes dull
and the complexion blemished.
IrVomen should know that usueh ot
thio suffering is needicos and sten of.
promptly remedied. Purify and en-
rich the 'blood through the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Ville aud your
fferin,g will vanieb. Thotesande oi
women know that Dr, Willi:toe' Pink
Pill8. ieve brightened their iivee by
making the new, goret 'Moon of
helots', and so toning up all the vi -
tai organs into healthy, vigorous nes
Von. Here is an inetaaee from
Among many, Ulm Cora A, Cornell,
St, Co tharines, Ont,, says: "liver
sinee the age of fourteen 1 have suf-
fered terribly with pain; in my back,
and severe beadaehee, i was a13o
much troubled with indigestion and had
to be extremely careful as to my diet.
!Ind sometimes did not feel like eating
at all, Some tWO years ago the head-
aches became so had that 1 had to give
up my position, which wee clerking in a,
store, where, of course, 1 woe conetentiy
on my feet, 1 took a poeition in an of•
flee, where I could he seated most of the
tint°, but even thee I suffered terribly
IITOSt of the. time. .As the, mediebie I
had been taking did not help mel finally
detided to try Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills.
1 ',e,,of a supply, and cOeli lett they were
lielplreg inc and 1 eontinued taking tee
pifl for several months until I felt per.
featly well, • Althongh my doctor tithes.
ed me not to go letek to mv old pcei-
tion, 1 decided to do so,. and hare not
felt auy ill effect, 1 ne-ver have ,back -
Retie now, seldom a .headaelie, and all
traces of the indigestion have disappear-
ed. I cannot speak too -highly of Dr.
Williams' Pink Me and i hope this let-
ter will help someone who suffer e as
used to."
Sold by all medieine dealers or by mail
at 60 eents a box or six boxes for $2.60,
from The Dr, Williamel Medicine Co,,
trockville, Ont.
This photograph of the suffragette
leader 'waia taken as sh.e was carrying
away country produce sold by the
New York State Women's Suffragette
Association at their fair, Dr, Shaw's
64th birthday was recently celebrated
by the assoeiation.
(Buffalo News)
If any man ever admired his wife, that
man was Bowler. Ana WhOU the Fite-
boodlee asked Mrs. Howler to get up and
sing "There is a Garden la My Face,"
the husband glowed with pride. No mat-
ter tbat she had a face ince a hippo-
potemus and a. voice like an elephant, he
tat beaming on her as she sang, and
could not refrain from bending over to
his neighbor and whispering, "Don't you
think my wife has got a fine volcer
iitWlehaaetal' said his neighbor, who was a
"Don't you think my wife has got a
fine voice?" repeated Howler,
::DIVoilnattt?;e6t2 think my wife's got a fine
voice?" reared Howler,
"Sorry:" returned the neighbor, shak-
ing Ifie head. "Can't her a word you say
That awful woman over there is making
such a frtghtful row, singing."
hi:fob:5 Gm
- *
Clew York Herald.)
011ie James, of Kentucky, recently .a
Representative, but now a Senator, tells
of the Vine when he was driving through
a hilly section of his native State partly
for Pleasure and partly on business con -
beefed with las politioal hopes. He came
to a farmhouse where there wee at nice
tooting well and windmill, and he pulled
In.and asked the fanner if he might have
a drink.
, "Ah're sorry, sah," said the farmer.
"Ah'd certainly like to 'comm.:elate you,
but X eyant. Ef you all jest drop into
Jones 'plaee, alma a mile further on,
maybe you oan git sonnehing."
"l3ut I thought 1 noticed a fine well
here en your place," said the Senator
trent ICentuoky,
"Why, that's water! 1 didn't know
you wanted water. X thought you asked
Me for a driuk. YOU. sure eae have all
the water you want."
fixtures sold under tile name "sooth-
ing" tiro usually dangerous to the life
of the little ones whom they are sup-
poeed to help. They eontain opiates and
narcotic% and any sIeep prompted
through their use is false eleeo--to be
plainer, the little one is drugged into
nieensibility. The only absolutely guano.
toed remedy for ittlo ones= -the only
remedy backed by tire guerautee of a
governmeut ftualyot to cuntain ii op-
itttee, narcotics or other harmful drugs
is Baby's Own TabletS. They cannot. tog.
tibly d harni-thny always do good.
Thousands of mothers have learned
their value. They help not only the neW
born babe but also the growing child.
Stomach and bowel troubles; worms,
colds, simple fevere ate all banished by
them and they 1,11.4M149' that refresh
in eleep s helpfnl 1 t h nto, 'net
Tablete aro Seld. by ni.,tiein.,1 nr
by mail at, 23 eent A `t! from the Dr,
Williams Vedieine co 'Or elo Ont,
(arper'a mazr.)
Elitt-erhere goes the iuckleat girl
what reevect.
101/1--NethiPg elm eats makes tier rat.
(Detroit Free Pre,)
opo you intend to sue s*our wife for
divorce'?" the reportere Asked.
“IN'ty Lat is in the ring," he eellea Ilav-
aloliton Transoript.)
-Atatul-1.5-as sleek on hie knees whan Le
pzeposed to you?
Ethel -No; lee eeemed to be up in the
(Boston Transeripta
dtdge-Wintt ie the oharge agahist thie
Policernan-Ilolding trutu up awl
kneeki»g him down, your honeor,"
(New York Sun.)
Ste11a-4)11 the bride's father give ber
Bela -Yee, as thOugh elle was a library,
JI, won't support her afterward.
(Harper's Dazarn
Agnes -Why didn't you !Invet the bur-
glar who was found under your bed?
Gladys -He said that if 1 wouldn't
have hire arrested he'll never tell bow
dusty he got.
(New York Sun.)
le:nicker-Is their car up to date?
Bocker-Well, it's /mid for with next
year'e money.
hlre. lenicker-But there) are no elosets.
Agent -Absurd, madam, the rooms
thernselvee are Closets.
(New Yorlc Press.)
eyelly was Joitah thrown overboard?"
"I'm not sure, but I've alwaye thouirli
he was the first man to rock a boat."
"Why are you so vexed, Irraa.?"
"I am so exasperated. X attended a
meeting of the Social Equality League
and ray parlor maid presided, /tad she,
b.ad the audacity to call me to order
three times."
(Boston Globe.)
"Gee, but it's tough to have to tell a
bright, pretty, attractive, faeolnating giri
the fervor of whose proposal showe how
undying her affection is, that You tau
oney be a brother to her."
(Smart set)
Shortleigh-,afy uncle Frank is a verie
table Klondike.
Longleigh-Wity, bow's that?
Sbortleigh-Pleaty Of Wealth, bue wed
and distant.
eNommweit 400
(Boston Transcript)
Wtie-How nice it would be If an thence
Da this world would work in /warmer**.
Hueband-Wouldn't it thought For in-
stance, if coal would go up exid down
with the thermometer.
Griggs -Jones has it position now as
buyer of gowns and milinery,
13rigge-Yee, I heard he was raarrled.
4 • ;
(Washingtoo Herald.)
"Do you take thee woman for better or
"I do, judge, I do. I3ut I hope we kin
kinder strike atl ‘WereZe."
411. I
(Pittsburg Thxkell.)
Fan -Why tioa't 3,fote dance mere?
, Tau -Well, I'Ve had riVe proposal," al.
ready this season WhIic aitting out
dances in th,e conservatory.
(Harlem 14 fv.)
Cuatomer-What have You l'ot.ittlho
Ship o or oranges?
General Storekeeper -welt we have
((Thristian Advocate.)
"Vv*113'. mall, You have no sense of
' humor. When 1 finst heard that Joke
laughed till rny sides ached."
"Ho did I."
(Boeton Transeript)
"So lirown heti it in for me, has he?
What would you advise me to do?"
"Have it out with len."
(Detroit Free Press.)
"Is his credit good?"
"Good? 1 should say it is. Nirety, his
grocer trusted him for a pound of botter
(Christian itegister.)
"Is there anything you can do better
than anyone else?"
"Yee," repided the &Mall boy, "1 tan
read 121Y own writing."
(Itarpor's Bazar.)
New Cook -I allua haslet on the misses
cooking the dinner the first night 1 ar-
mistress -Good heavenet Why?
New Cook -After that aulethlag taglea
good te the
(Boston Treteseript.)
"So old Blackstobe, the Ineeryer, Obeeet-
ed to "your owing on bis daughter last
"Yea, but 1 knew how to fiX it. 1 asked.
for a stay and it wee granted."
(Youth's Companion.)
A Mgt 8,c1iool freshman wrote to a
inverne pubmeatdon, earnestly inquiring
'what he eliould do to win a corning
event In school athletic's-100 yard attete
"Atm a littie faster than the other fele
lows," Wrote the editor in repay,
(Bolton Thanseript.)
rrnYed letatteele-kEver have dySOPCY
Dusty elhodeseeetnet's clat?
F. F. --Dat Means trouble after your
D. It. --Not me, My trouble °Whet! afar*
my meals,
"Dees she play a good game of cards?'
"'Very. Six Lew afternoon clithe havo
bete, I:allied lust to net rid or her."
(ite tI4 finder.)
Ife-aely dear, sou etteel tee twee,
toenay Ti rave limn Loot, tet yOt.1.1. pufi`v.
FAA -And poi :.,pq en too 1.P.11
011 Dal: •:+4
(poeteti Trarsoorioto
1ettee...01)es y(Itir 'wife ;VA engee
171 tete:needed telkinA?
PLiAtill 1knev.