HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-03-07, Page 88 CREAM WA TED In Any Quantity III. I I I „I I We are opening a Creehmery in the Kent Block, Wingham, and putting in the best machinery for turning out Butter of the best quality. We have secured one of the best butter makers in the country, and solicit your cream for which we will pay the highest price. As soon as our plant is in- stalled, we will be pleased to have you call and inspect our system of opera- ting and testing. If our canvasser has not already called on you, he will do so in the near future. Do not make other arrangements until you hear from us. It will pay you to send us your cream. We intend making Butter summer and winter, and will, take your cream twelve months of the year. Th° Wm. Davies co. Limited WING HAM • 1111111111111111111111611111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111=1 er/%000%eriltem/ftesImessOl'eaPtIeesollestoole/matioolemAlow4Illimeoikeo%In Oats, Corn, ran and Shorts We have in stock now a car of Choice Feeding Corn, also a car of Ontario Oats, for quick sale. ...NOTICE... We will deliver Corn to either Chopping Mills on • reasonably short notice for farmers' convenience. Plenty of Bran. and Shorts in stock. Another car to Arrive in a few days. SEE US FOR FEED J. L. AWDE 'www THE GREATEST PREMIUM OF THE YEAR Will be equipped .tor 011, Gas or Electricity ....ASK.... Henry Christie THE LEADING GROCER Who has the Lamp on exhibition. Those who do not win the Lamp will receive the usual valuable pre. tniums. Free to the Local Person virbo sends the most RICHARD'S PURE SOAP and RICHARDS' QUICK NAPTHA SOAP WRAPPERS TO WOODSTOCK, ONT. CONTEST CLOSES APRIL **MST 111 Beigrave. The little son of J. Stewart. Is in very poor health. The Misses McOlellend were called to Toronto last week on account; of the serous illness of their aunt, In the Church Union vote at the Presbyterian Ohureli the ballot stood 52 for and '70 against, as far as re- ported. We report with sincere regret the death of Mrs, Thomas Proctor; see obituary page one. Among those present at the funeral were—Mr. Jas. A. Brandon and Mr, and Mra. Robt. Bruce of Drayton, Mr. Brownridge and Mrs. Irwin of West Toronto, Mrs. Gunn of Buffalo Rev, and Mre. f3ran- don of Caledonia, and T, S. Brandon of Stratford. On Tuesday, February 28th, there passed away one of theold time resi- dents of this locality in the person of James Wilkinson, who had been in poor health for eorne time, but whose demise was hastened by a stroke of paralysis last Sunday. He was a well known farmer of the 4th line of Morris Tp., before retiring and, taking up residence in Belgrave, Mrs. Wil- kinson died 0 years ago. Four daugh- ters—Mrs, 0. Wheeler, Mrs, R. Ander- son,Mrs. Geo, Procter and Mrs. R alcOrae and four sons, John, of Grand Rapids, Mich, Wm., of Morris Tp. ; James in Florida, at present and Thos. of Escanaba, Mich.) survive. The funeral was on Friday, interment being made in the Brandon ceme- tery, Mr. Wilkinson was born in England 79 years ago where he was also married and came to Canada in his young manhood. He was an in- dustrious, genial man, who made and kept many friends. As an exponent of good farming and good stock keep- ing be was a success. In church rela- tionship he was a member of the Methodist church and in politics a Liberal.. Mr, Wilkinson, was a man of high and was ever ready to lend a helping hand ,to every good cause. On Thursday evening, February 29, the Belgrave Old Boys met at the home of Mr, D. Sproat and presented him with a gold -headed cane as a token of their high esteem for him as a citizen. It was the occasion of Mr, Sproat having reached the age of 76, and on account of his being born on February 29, this was only the 18th birthday he had seen. Mr. Sproat was born in Scotland, and came to Canada when eleven years of age. For a number of years, he was a contrac- tor at Edmondville and Seaforth, and for a few years was in the sawmilling business in Ethel. In 1895, he came to Belgrave and opened a mercantile establishment, where for many years he proved himself to be reliable, straight -forward in his business deal- ings, and prominent in every thing pertaining to the welfare of the com- munity. He is a good neighbor, a firm friend, and is familiarly known as "Uncle Dave." The Advance wish- es Mr. and Mrs. Sproat many happy years yet of residence among their Belgrave friends. The following is the address that accompanied the gold - headed cane presented ;— To Uncle Dave Sproat—On this your eighteenth birthday we, take the op- portunity of testifying to you the high esteemin which you are held among us, and of conveying to you our best wishes for your happiness and pros- perity. We rejoice to know that your birthday comes only once in four years, so that you do not grow old like the rest of us, We are gratified by the fact that when you retired. from business some time ago, you chose still to make your home among us in a place where you have lived so long, where you are so well known, and so highly respected by all, young and old alike, and where you have ever had a share whatsoever was for the welfare of the community, We wish you to accept this CANE, as a slight expres- sion of the high regard in which you are held among us. We trust that it may be long before you need it for support, but hope that it will in the mean time remind you of our friend- ship and esteem. To Mrs. Sproat also, whose excellent care has helped so much to preserve your youthful ap- pearance and spirit, we would tender our best and kindest wishes, and hope that you may be troth spared to many years of happiness and usefulness. Signed—Belgrave Old Boys. Belgrave, Feb. 29, 1912. Gorrie. Mr, and Mrs. L. Shire spent part of last week in Toronto. W. and W. Pomeroy shipped a car of horses West on Tuesday. Miss Annie Murray spent Sunday with her sisters, Misses Murray. Mr, and Mrs. Darroch of Lakelet spent Sunday at Mr. S. Nay's in town. Mrs. Burrows of Tempo, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Hibbert at the Methodist parsonage, Mr. John Jardine, who with his wife has been visiting friends in and around town for thepast two months, return- ed to his home, Tugaske, Sask., on Tuesday. Mrs, Jardine will leave next week, Mr. J. L. Wilson and family are moving to Fordwich this week. Mr. Wilson has resided on a farm north- east of Gorrie for a number of years and the family will be greatly missed in the Presbyterian Church and also in the social circle. But what will be a loss to Gorrie and vicinity, will be a gain to Fordwich. The vote on church union taken in the Presbyterian Church is as fol. lows—Session for union 2, against 5; members. for 20, against 31; adherents for 8, against 9.The vote in the Methodist Church. is Quarterly Board —.for 12; against 11. Members over 18 years of age—for 100 ; against 66 Members under 18—fot 19 ; agaitist 4. Adherents—foe1/47 ; against 16, Wrozeter. A Shredded Wheat banquet was held on Monday evening. Miss Hull attended a wedding in Walkerton last week. M. Savage and fatnily have Moved' into the Preebyterian Manse. Dr. and Mrs. Jackson returned Met week, .after visiting friends in To. ronto. The Roe, Mr, Wren of Ethel prea,chs ed anniversary sermons in the Meth°, diet Church het Sunday, having ex. changed With Mr, Collie. The Rev. Me. Bell ef Molesworth preenhed in the Presbyterian Church laet Sabbath and declared the pulpit Vacant, Mr. Fraser of Toronto will preach next Sabbath. Before leaving for Moorefield the nein L. Perrin was presented by the trtembere of the Bible Mae% with a beautiful umbrella and kindly Worded addrese. On Tueaday evening, of last Week, he Was aloe presented with a well filled purse by the eengretgas Ion TILE WING it A 31 Bluevale., Mi?, and Mrs. R. 0. Owens, who have been visiting In this; locality for the past two monthe, returned this week to their home in WelwYn, Sask, Mr, W. J. Johnston left on Satnts day with hie family for Gladetone, Manitoba. He took with bin a car- load of settler's effects', stook, ina- plemente, etc., also a fine new piano, which he purchased from Mr. D, Bell of Winghaw. The report of Blisevale Public School for February is as follows :— SUNI011. DRPARTMENT subjects arith- metic and geography ,• maxinaurn 200, pass 120, honors 150. Names with a * omitted one subject. Sr. &h—L. Pat- ton 187, M. Ratty 119, E. Aitcheson 130, C. Diamond 120, Wilma ti haw 95, W. Stewart 54, E. Jewett 125, Jun, 4th—O. Curtis 181, M. Black 01, 0. Black * 00, M. Gray * 51, L. Brecken- ridge 62. Form 5-3, Patton 15'0, R. Taylor * 72. Form 8-1.1. Elliott 166, C. Jewett 143, J. Gray * 80, E, Gannett 20, W. Haney 120, J, Nicholson 95, B. Badman 114, R. Breckenridge 12, M. McGee *30, W. Haney * 20, ID Ruth- erford * 20, L. McKinney 70, P. Smelt- zer * 36' E. McKinney * 85, E. Church- * 10 A. E. Posliff, Principal. JUNIOR DrsAnatnENT—Namee in order of merit. Sr. 2nd -0. McDonald, R. West, H. Messer, W. West, A. Smelt, zer, H. Robertson, A, Little, G. Case - more, G. Champion, R. Champion. Jr. 2nd—S. Elliott, E. Elliott, M. Casemore, C. Elliott, R. Barrett, S. Gallaher. Sr, lst—J. West, J. Wat- son, A. McKinney. Jr, lst—K. Mc- Donald, I. Wilson, H. Watson, J. Breckenridge. Average attendance 13,—F. I. Aitcheson, teacher. Belmore. Mr, Chas. Eaket returned from Victoria, B. Ca last week. We are pleased to see Mr: John Abram around again. Mr. Thos. Kirby of Detroit is spend- ing a few weeks at his home here. Mies McCallum of Stratford is sup- plying in the school here till Easter. The wind 'storm last week blew the front out of A. Miller's blacksmith shop. Mr. A. Marsden bad his ankle crush- ed while working in the saw mill last Thursday. Miss Lizzie McKee left for Stratford on Saturday to prepare for her ex- aminatien at Normal. Mrs. Chas. Eaket entertained the young people last Friday evening. All report a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pomeroy return- ed to their home in the West last week and Mr. Wm, Pomeroy left on Tuesday last with a carload of horses. Mr. Phil Baker and family are mov- ing to Wingham this week, Mr. W. Ferguson has bought the property here and intends moving in next week, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Armstrong of Fordwich called on friends in these parts last week. Mrs. J, T. Wylie left last week for a month's visit with friends in Toronto and Niagara Falls. Chas. Rintoul's pale was well at- tended last Monday. Everything was sold at a good figure. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallaher gave an oyster supper to a few of their friends last Friday evening. Mr. Haney of Bluevale got the can - tract for building the new school- house on the boundary north of here. Salem was well represented at the Wroxeter Methodist anniversary last Sunday and Monday evening: The debate—"Resolved. that the union of the three churches would be to the best interest of Christianity was won hy the negative which was up held by Mr. W. A. Mines of Salem and. Mr. Henry Harding of Wroxeter. Tbe affirmative was upheld by Mr. W. E. Lucas of Belmore and Mr. A. E. .Gal- laher of Salem. East Wawanosh. Mrs. John Wightman is very ill at present. Mise Howard, who has been so ill, is recovering. Miss Antiie Williams left last week for London, to fill a position as milli- ner. Mr. J. Dow's sale last week was largely attended, and brought high prices. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams enter- tained a number of their young friends one evening last week. The ratepayers around Westfield held a meeting on Friday night to discuss the building of a new school- house. • Mr. Albert Walsh, a son of Mr. E. Walsh, a former resident, is renewing old acquaintances here, while conduct- ing revival meetings in:aBlyth. St. Helens. Miss Salkeld of Goderich is visiting at the home of Mr. Isaac Miller. We are sorry to report W. T. Todd has'been sick lately, but hope he will soon recover. Mr, and Mrs. John Reid of Wing - ham spent a few day S at the home of Mr. Robt. Woods last week. James and Melvin Irwin of 2ad con- cession of Kinloss spent several days lase week with Wm. Woods, Mr. Stephenson of Stanley and Mr. Alton of Belfast, called on friends around St. Helens on Sunday, The weekly meeting of the literary was held last Friday night and was very saccessful. A debate is to be held at the next one to prove "The world is growing worse instead of better." Turnberry. Report of S. S. No. 0, Tornberry. Sr. 4th—Jessie HolMes, Ethel Chand- ler, Louisa Snell, Dorothy Roth, George Dalgleish. Sr. 3rd—Percy King, Henry Holmes, Robert Me - Katt ue. Jr, 8'd—Nornia Foxton, Emma Snell. Lizzie McKague, Gertie Fallis, Ewart Linklater, Sr. 2nd— Harold Showers, °barite Showers, Dan Roth. jr, 2od—Harold raffle, Pt. 2nd —Etta Faiths, Frank Roth, Clifford Jenkins, Edith Jenkins, Harald Fox ton . Herbert Fox ton . St. Pt. I—Osear Holtnee, tenni Chime; ler, Alfred Mitchell. Jr, Pt.. johneton.—Annie Barber, teacher. Thos, Stewart of near Lion's Head during the resent etorns. was four d in a enoav-dtife, not far twin his home frozen to death The 0, P. IL announces that its lake fleet Will be withdrawn from Owen Sound and the Georgian nay terMinue Win he Port McNieelli ADVANOB kr r THE ,DOMINION BANK Sin EDMUND O. OSLtM.P.. PRESS:VIT. W. D. MA.TriiEWil, C. A. BOGERT, General Manager Capital paid up *4,700,000 Rc%orve Fund 4, • *5,700,000 Total Assets • • • • • *10,000,000 A Necessity When Travelling Travellers Checks and Letters of Credit, issued by this bank, are cashed in any part of the world. They are self -identifying, and make It an easy matter to procure ready money at any stage of the journey. If lost or stolen, they are of no value to finder or thief. Full information regarding these conveniences of travel, may bo obtained at any branch et TiS Domenori BANK. WINGFIAM BRANCH N. EVANS, Manager. Cburcb 'Pews Last Sunday, the congregation of St. Andrew's were pleased to have ad- dresses from Rev. Dr. Wilkie, a re- turned missionary from India. The vote on Church Union in Brus- sels Methodist congregation divided very evenly, 'standing 98 for and 99 against. The vote has been com- pleted. Knox Church, Clifford, voted strongly against union, the ratio be- ing nearly 2 to 1. At Belmore and Mcinfesh Presbyterian congregations, it was nearly unanimous against union. The vote on the Basis of Union at the Caledonia Quarterly Board stood 23 to J in favor of the BaNis. A unan- imous vote of the Quarterly Board to return for a third year was declined by the pastor, Rev. J. W. Brandon. The, vote in Kincardine Methodist Ohurch on Union is given as 227 in favor, 20 against. In Knox Church in the same town, the vote static' 135 in favor of Uoion, 136 against ; 120 favored the basis and 154 were op- posed to it ; membership 429. Rev. J. B. Saer of Toronto, who was the firstpastor of the congregational Church in Wingham, will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist Church, morning and evening next Sunday. Evening subject "Jerusalem and its hallow- ed associations. Everybody welcome. The Induction of Rev, L. Perrin, late of Wroxeter into charge of St. Andrew's Church, Moorefield, took place on Thursday last. Mr. Perrin was highly esteemed in Wroxeter, where he did good work. isle will .no doubt be equally successful in Moore- field. The Junior Epworth League of the Methodist Claurch, will give a very attractive programme at their enter- tainment on Thursday evening, to which they will be pleased to welcome all who may find it convenient to come, The young people have made great preparation for this evening's entertainments Beginning next Monday evening, March lith, and continuing for two weeks, there will be held in the Baptist Church a series of special evangelistic services, The pastor will be assisted by Rev. W. W. Wylie of Clinton, late of the Manchester City Mission, Man- chester, Eng. Special singing and Mr. Wylie's addresses will be the features ,of the meetings. A cordial invitation is extended. A large congregation assembled in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening, to hear two addresses on the subject of Church Union, now before the Presbyterian, Methodist and Con- gregational...Churches. The pastor ptesided and opened the eervice in the usual manner. Mr. John Kerr was the first speaker and presented his views in favor of Union in an excel- lent address of nearly forty-five min- utes, showing the advantages, of the proposed union. He was followed by a speaker who for about fifty minutes endeavored to point out the undeeir- ability of the proposal. Although the service was lengthy, lasting over two hours, the audience seemed, deeply interested in the addresses. Lost Fine Marc. Mr. John McCreight lost a fine mare on Thursday last. He was crossing the railway track on his farm, and in going up the slope from the track, the mare got off the road into the deep snow. She was loosened from the sleigh, and able to go to the barn, but died soon- after, She was a valuable animal and heavy with foal. Mr. Mc- Creight has had his share of troubles, and this is a heavy loss, as spring is approaching, Will Buy Fream. Mr. Atherton of the flrm of Wns. Davies Co., Limited, Toronto, was in town on Saturday. In the building recently purchased, the Kent block, the firm intends installing an up-to- date butter making plant, which they propose to run twelve months of the year. They have secured an expert butter -maker and are now asking the farmers to send, them cream. They will have individual cans, and the latest methods of testing, etc. Mr. A., H. Wilford, the energetic manager of that part of the business is now busy securing patrons of Witigha,m's new industry. Don't miss seeing Alberta. Farm Products in (Impose. Special Oar at G.T.R. Yards on Saturday afternoon, Mar. 16th. WINONA MARKETS. Wheat—(new) 95e to 05. Oats -43 to 45 cte. Barley -75 to 80 eta. Peas --$1 00 tct $1 10 Ha—$10.00 to $11.00 a ton Butter -80 to 82 cte. Egge-25 to 25 ate. Potatoes -80c to 1.00 per bush, Live flogs --$040. rot, full Toronto market reports see page 2. APPLICATIONS 'WANTED. Applications will be received until 4 p.m., 12th Inst for a young lady to assist in the Supply department of the Electric) tight. No knowledge of sten. ography required. State wages, and for fall partiottlarte apply to JOXIN F, GROVES woistu mak, FREE TO BOYS Splendid Magic Lantern (with 12 elidee), Rubber Type Printing Outfit complete, Steam Engine (nearly new) with whistle, flywheelandeverything complete for running, Solid Gold Signet Ring, or Guaranteed Watoh free to any boy. Send your name and we win send you, 30 sets of Beautiful Easter and otherpost cards, to sell at ten Cents set (six cards in each set). When sold. Send us the money and we will send you whichever prize you choose. For sell- ing 40 sets we will give you a "Simplex Typewriter." We prepay all charges, Address HOMER-WA.RREN Co., Dept 123, Toronto. FREE TO GIRLS Beautiful Frenoh Dressed Doll, 15 inches tall, with eyes that open and shut ; Rolled Gold Locket and Chain, or Solid Gold Signet Ring free to any gir]. Send us your name and.we will send you 3..) sets of Beautiful Easter and other post cards, to sell at ten cents a set (six cards in each set). When sold, send ne the money and we will send you whichever prize you °boos°. For sell- ing 40 sets we will give you a Rolled Gold Extension Bracelet. We prepay all charges, Address EIOMER - WARREN CO., Dept. 123 Toronto. WANTED! In the DAUPHIN DISTRICT, a large number of experienced farmers to buy and farm the best land in. the West ; improved or unimproved. First-class proper- ties for sale at low prices and on terms-, to suit. For particulars and booklet giving description of the district, apply to R. C. SPARING DAUPHIN – • 41111111111011111M11111601110 411012111/1101111 (00 • 1 Visit MARSHALL'S Spokane. /—TO- - Wash. Seattle, Wash. Vancouver, .. B.C. • $42 75 Victoria, 13. C. ( Portiane, Ore. Nelson, B.C. San Francisco, Cal. Los. Angeles, Cal. San Diego. Cai. Mexico City, Mex. 5, 10, 15 and 25c Store. FOR BARGAINS Produce taken as cash Bring us your butter and strictly fresh laid eggs. H. J. MARSHALL al* anamimi SIMMS 411111111111111111111111 Me CANADA'S DOUBLE TRACK LINE Low Rates to Pacific Coast Frotn Wingham, Ont. MARCH Ist to APRIL 15th $42.45 THE POPULAR ROUTE TO WESTERN CANADA VIA CHICAGO The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway short- est line, fastest time, finest service be., tweet* Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton. FUN information from O. A. LAMONT, Depot Agent • - CHRISTIE'S GROCERY PHONE 69 Aylmer Canned Goads Totnatoes, 2 for. 25c Pumpkin, per tin ...... ... • we Corn, per till 100 Peas, Standard, 2 for ..' 25o Peas. early June, per tin15o 40.4•••44400teloomommo own SPECIAL VALUE IN TEA AND COFFEE Will be pleased to have a trial order PICKLES - Sweet (3 Wide) per bottle .150 Sweet, bulk, per qeart.... ....... 300 Soo, bulk, per quart 2503 Bottled Pickles, from loo to 25o per bottle. TIIVRSDAY, MARCH 912 Every Woman interested in choice Shoes will enjoy seeing our display of Below we show you one of the very newest, which we have jut placed into stock: This Shoe is made of GUN METAL CALF—one of the best wearing leathers made. You can keep this Shoe either dull or can polish it almost as bright as patent leather. It has the new short vamp, stub toe, high arch, and for the,p.fice is exceptionally good value. We have it in either buttoned or laced, in all sizes for Wo- men to 7) SAMPLES OF THIS SHOE IN NORTH WINDOW Willis ef Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE 7,0047, FOR LADIES ,s//04,- Spring Ready Wears SPRING SUITS FOR LADIES Let us show you this Spring's newest designs in Ladies' Suits. We have a complete range so show you in all the new shades for Spring in good weight cloths, in Blacks, Blues, Tweeds and Tana, in the new 1.0ity Cuts' and Styles. We can save you money on your new Spring Snit, also give yon better satisfaotion. We take special orders and special measurements. Our Suits range in price—$13 60, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $25,00. MISSES' SUITS We also have a good range of Miss( s Suits. The new Suits for Misses have a very smart cut and appearance. Made in Blue, Tan and Grey. Prices—$12 00 and $15.00. LADIES' SPRING COATS In our Coat Department we will have many straining styles to show yott in light weight, also Oravenettes—the new Long Lapel Coats— slightly Semi Back. made in Tans, Careys, Navy and Black Serges, Ladies and Misses—prices—$10.00, $12,10, $16 00, $18 00, Call and get our Spring Catalogue; Bntterick Patterns always in stock HANNA & CO.