HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-03-07, Page 6rwram
Chureh Trustee -Did you occupy your
last pulpit with eredit?
Now Rector -Entirely. There was
never any cash connected with it.
(Now )701* Stm.1
KnIeher-donee got out of the wrong
tide Of the bed. this Morning.
lloche vouldn't help it; it was a- ,•
sleeping ear and every side*was wren,
. •
llitu•per's Weeklytt
"fins Dinny got, a eteady Job, yit,'errs.
511.ileahey?" asked Mrs. lirannigaii.
"Be hoe that," said. Mrs. MuleaheY.
"They've slot hlin. ro the penitinehery
ear twinty years."
(Boston Tranecript.) .1
leiree Little Girl -Your papit and num-
ma are not your teal parents. They only
adopted you.
Second Little (*irl-ell the better. My
'parents picked nee out, yours had to take
you Just as you eame.
I ;
tBoston Transcript.)
Shen was reprov.ing ate brother for
acting badly. "Think," he said, "think,
or the disgrace to your name; thoueande
of yeare from now you Will be caling a
man who acts badly a "Ham. len
the reproof earn* too late.
• At
"1 want a clreise to put on around the
house," said the lady the department
"How large is your house, madam?"
lavired the fresh clerk:
(Londoia Opinion.)
Ife-What's the matter with poor young
Shea -The doctor says it's locarnotor
Ile -Ah! I'd have the beastly things
taken off the roed if I bad my, way!
(Christian Inielligencere
"Tommy," said his brother, "you're a
regular little glutton. How can you eat
so natich?"
"Don't know; it's just good heels," re.
Jited tbe yeungeter.
e • t
(Houston Post.)
"I told him there were a dozen of•people
-right here in town' who had never heard
of him."
"I ,gueas it took him down a peg or
"I guess it didn't. He started rpt
out to. find them and. borrow manes?.
"r-fow- did you get your wife to forego
her desire -for that expensive evening
"Told her it was just the thing a plain
woraare needed."
4 kl4r4t
ttglestatainttglitit=ggettra MOM
opening a men and a woman stood,
where, a that hour, he would' have look-
ed for no one -where. at any hour,
-few over came. They were knurling
very talking very earnestly, and
in the mans tall, dark and muscular,
Je revogniv.ect at first glance Cyril Tre-
But the WOntall—wlit»vas ehe ? Sure -
le• not the widow? No. She turned her
face toward hint even 48 the thought
(-messed his niirel. aud eelf-posseesed gets
Macgregor was, he barely repressed an
exclamation of ainazemeet as his eyes
fell upon her fate,.
It wag old Trester-crazy Heeter, the
witch. the fortune teller -who stood fac-
ing the lord of Monkewood Priory,. in
the rosy dawn of the new day, kalung
on her etaff, with her eveird face and day that aces Teevaerorbneeenwibllorsnnavip you "For many' years, writes Richard
McCallum, Stirling, Ont,, "I have sufs
weird esvitchelike dreSs,looking very like wish you had
one of three beldanice who, occosted She turned this these and hobbled out fered, from Catarrh, and continually
the Thane of Cawdor on tile blasted. of sight; and Cyril Trevanion threw one hawked and toughed, so that my
h tl f Fares arm over the braneh of a tree and kid ; throat was always in an inflamed, ire
'Yon'? have heard.- of tho search that
'was meths': Sybil siontinued; "long and
thorough, and in vain. The. secret ois
Monkswood Waste is its secret, stilt --
well kept: 1 hnow nothing against airs.
Illgram. Common. sense every way
proves it to be an absolute absurdity
that ehe ean in any manner be implicat-
ed. And yet -Oh, Mr. Macgregor, help
me if you can. Fathom this terrible mys-
tery, and I will thank you foreYer!
thought when Cyril. eaule-allut Cyril lia3
come, and what does he care? The wo-
man who slept on her post, by his fas
tiler's dying bed. holds loin fettered body
aud soul. tie has no thought, by uight
or by day, but for her."
The pessiOnate, impetuous tears start -
ea to her eyes. She turned -away prone-
ly, lest he should. see. But 'Macgregor's
dark eyes saw most things, and. his "faee
clouded a little now. ,
"And do you, care?" he asked Jo a
deep, Intense voice, "whom he loxes or
whom he hates? eau it signify to Mies
Trot -anion?"
The question might have been ineolent
on any other lips, and haughty Sybil
inieht have turned upon him in amazed
anger. But, sOmehow-ah! who knows
why? -it was Macgregor who spoke; and.
the delicate face drooped away, . and
the lovely, transient glow arose and
faded, aid -the haughty heart fluttered
under her sable eorsage.
"Na" she. said, "It is nothing to Me
-lees than nothing, But I loved my
Allele very dearly, Mr, 'Arategreger, and
Cyril is his son. Once I loved.hirte too
ealoete aeo-o, little child of fonr-when
he was, oh, so different. He gave Me
this ring. have worn it for hie ;slake
for fifteen, years. I will never wear it
• She drew it, Off.
There was a sparkle of light; then
!t, was flung impetuously into the
depths of the fish -pond, a glittering
morsel for pike and perch.
"Let the waters take it," she said,
"less faithless than hel And yon. pro-
mise me, Mr.' Macgregor, you will de
your hest to help me In this dreadful
darkness whieh shroud.s. the poor gen.
gral s fate?
"I promise, Miss Trevanion. I will
do my utmost, and ,succeed,, if I can,
where the ,best detective of Scotland
Yard failed. The mystery of Monks -
wood wine be a mystery no longer, if
mortal man can. solve it. I do my
best, I promise."
He held out his hank He had long,
slim feet and hands --intensely patri-
cian -and Sybil laid her delieate rose -
"One, half the world doesn't know how
the other half lives,". -quoted the Wise
"1 never' knew tbere were so Many
people .to mind their own business,"
murmured the Innocent One.
(Boston Transcript.)
Kitty -Tom says I grow younger every
Iack-That's a positive fact. Why
shculdn't be surprised to see your name
soon among birth notices.
1 1 a
vanion; woo her, win her old love and C
--marry er; take her out of Xcigania,
and do it at once,"
smoldering. embere are easily rekindled .ures Old. Folks . „oughs
She struck her stiek fiereely into tlie Do
yielding sod and turned te go, The - man -
before her stood motionlees ae et
ure of dark Marble, ti
"-And if elle refuses?" he said, between
How Lincoln Presented His Great
esn't Dleturb the Stomach, Eases
at Once and Cures Thoroughly. Laughter, by preserving the life of tile
President, *wired the nation in. its "mots
tal need." An old friend of Mr. Lin-
his teeth. MANY THOUSANDS.
'Then look to youreelf. It will be sear
coln'e, waiting outeisle the door of the
executive office, heard high) ringing
I laugh within, and remarked to others
tura to act then, and you will $ee what
mercy 3: will show you. 4 she rapes ' Beeanse you aro old is no reason saamung near, "That laugh is Vie Vremi,..
and persists ia refusing, there will be 1Gr suffering with everlasting eengh'' dent% life-oreserver " Limbs's lough.
no one on earth to blame but yourself. ing-thoee terrible cite% troubles and - ' '
difficult breathing can be thoroughly became eontagionee infectious, epidemic.
1 will show you then how I treat fools
cured with Catarrhosene, You (simply The Government, the army, the whole
end of the avenue; then elle turned
She hobbled away; she reached the breathe the healing, -vapor of Catarh, north learned froerhim to look on the
finnes are cooled by your breath into in this way Abraham Lincoln came to
ozone, and instantly its rieh`baleamic bright side of everything. s
the tiniest eeesses of the noSe, throat, I be the 'savior of his country. A memor-
Cyril Trevanion still stood where she
vilest, bronchial tubes and lungs, able day on whieh he tried to give his
bad left him his face literally black, meareet adviser's a laughing leeson was
with rage and -fear and hatred. Just think of it --a dived breathable
"When Sybil Lemox 'I'revapion. sans hiedieine, full of soothing antiseptic in September, '02, Ile had calfed the
'Yes e01110 to me mud tell ine," she said, pine essences that reaelies every sore, .Cebinet together for a epeeial purpoee.
Aften: they were assemblal-the story
"I don't want to see your face before congested membrane in two seconds. No
side. was told years afterward by Secretary
drags ao take -nothing to herrn or
lt`At.;e1 if she Says no?" ground out
through his set teeth. • en the StOnlaeh, bemuse Catarrhozone Stanton:
' "The Pressident turned to us and said:
"Then I will come to you; and the • is the purest, safest vough, eatarrh and 1
oold remedy ever devised. "'Gentlemen, did you ever read any -
thine from Artemus WardS'r
ea, t o . .
.•- . itable condition.
Angus Mitegreger barely repressed a. 1 his face thereon.
"Doctors' medicine did not help me
whistle of intense isurprise. Then elide ' "'Wish I had never been born!'" lie .
&illy Ids face eleamd and brightened. repeated, with indescribable bitterness. in the least, and all other remedies 1
"HawkLaey'told me there wes an old "My God! how often have ' L wished used were quite useless. In one case
grandam somewhere, and, by all that's that l They say my mother died. raving . it was time wasted in snuffing powder
lielleatiOrtai, it turns. out to be old Hes- _ mad. I think lasy mother's son is likely up the nose; in another using a greasy
to follow. her example, Hester-Maegre- ointment, and SQ on. Not one of
ter, the tnliteethwoidtchin!
th:fe lettliltvenIlfafonrcrunethteelrl! gor-Mrs, Ingram; I have reason to. fear : Ahem was. the least bit of good.
fhe three; and. Sybil Trevaniona-• bean- "I heard Catarrhozone favorably
er'e madness; and, by Jove! if she is
the grandam, she's the cleverest old: tiful, gentle, and. sweets -sI fear most of . spoken of, and tried it, Really it benet
fited me more in a few hours than
lady in 1.1ngland. Shall I play evege all." eyears of treatment with doctors' arid
I am not a particularly humbler Chraisktee
inn, but 1 think I could stoop to avon gregor came out frem his leafy screen, ' continued using Catarrhozone, and in
"Receiving such immense benefit, I
dropper for once? It is for Sybi a s . He stood there so long, motionless his
face lyince on his arm, that Angus ilea- -
r other so-called remedies.
lower degradation -4f there be a, lowey ceolly struck a match and lighted a ci-
deep than eaveedropplag-for her sake.' gale
Ire stood quite still, screened 0.9xa" "Poor devil!" he sea; a few weeks I was templetely cured of
Catarrh end threat trouble."
pletely by the huge branches of a giant • of roses. This poor wreat'swilltoot fights ' ' Get Caterrhozone- to -day. Large size
1 coots $1.00 and lasts two months. Sinai-,
e.hel, seeing them plainly, yet all un-
eeen. The tableau Was worthy more'
spectators. The old. woman-swithered,
wrinkled, Indian eolored---stood with
both handeaelasped on the head of a
etout cane, a red cotton handkerchief
knotted under her chin, her locke of eld
fluttering ;scantily beneath, two piere-
ins°. black eyes fixed fiercely on the face
, above her. And Cyril Veva-Ilion stood
with folded arms silent, m.00dy, sulky,
hie eyes fixed on 'the greensward, A look
of sullen fear in his ewarthy face. He
had muttered something eurlily between
'hie teeth, and the old. woman's glitter-
ing d'es flashed. fire, and the whole
face flemed red with anger.
"You're a fool, Cyril Trevanion!" she
cried, passionately, striking her stick
ulster). the greund; "too great a fool •to
tay and play knave, • Worse, you're a
co -Ward.! Do you think I don't know
how you ran like a frightened- school
bov the other day and left the girl, who
leaf palm therein, with. still anther thought you a hero, to face an angry
roseate blush. It was quite a, new trick bull alone?' Another man came to her
: on Sybil's part -this blushing -and be- eescite, and you -you cut a fine figure,
rn er beautifull coming crawling back, shame -faced and
cae leY,
. •T evanion forsooth!
`tHow kin.d it is of you!" she said, sheepish. You a r
grateful tears standing in her eyes. I tell you," striking her etick again,
She seemed so utterly alone, 'poor child, and raising her voice to a ahrill, cracked
in. her anxiety, and. this matter was treble, "1 .om ashamed of you myself!"
so' very near her heart. "They say, "Hadn't „'you better arouse the par -
Mr. Nutegregor, all authors are more ash?" Cyril Trevanion said, with a sup -
or less like their work.; but you. are not pressed. oath.. "If you only sent for me
in the least like you're." . here o begin. y Id- nagging, you may
"Nicer, I hope?" the .aothor • sug- as well let me go. If Pm a coward, 1
IlIntit have inherited it from your side
"Ever so much ulcer!" the young lazy of the home. The Trevamons, at least,
answered, saucily. "I don't half likee were never that."
your tone 'in print; and tho sneering, • ."Nor ingrates," cried the old woman
sarcastic, bitterly cynical way you . bitterly. "But it fool and a coward is
speak of- women , is simply :raise and lwaye en ingrate What did you come
with. fate,. according to his 'light, and
tries to 'better hiinselfd like a man's
valet, gets badgered and bothered and
hutted down on all hands, until even
his worst enemy might afford to pity
him; and I suppose I ought to he that,"
He sauntered out up' the. avenue, de.
liberately,' to the spot where Cyril Tre-
Iranian. Stood. At the sound of the ap-
proathing fecitstepa, the.heir of Menke -
Wood lifted his head and :stared at the
unexpected apparition,, with the wild,
hunted lbok Of a -stag at bay.
"Colonel Trevanion, I believe," Mac-
gregor said, quietly, as though it were
noonday and. the Prior's Walk the high-
road. "I had no idea you were fond of
day -break Constitutionals. We -poor de-
vils of scribblers who sit up half the
night over 'our 'foolscap and our lost
highly eenSational chapter, find this
sort of thing necessary.. Don't let me
disturb you. Pin going- back, and going
to bed. Good -morning," .
He strolled away, puffing energeticaa
ly. His landlord IL ad not spoken, nor et -
tempted to speak. He was ghastly pale.
"I -have eased my conscience a little by
showing mysetf," Macgregdr ped, en-
tering his domicile. "I can't say find
listening pleasant. _and so' he's to woo
and. win Sybil? Ah, well, we'll see! As
the Turks -say, Kismet! What is writ-
ten, is written!"
On that rainy night, while Charley Le -
mo drove the tenant of the Retreat
through the darkness, the elegant widow
had sailed away to her room, her silken
splendor ttailincr behind here always ser-
pentine in its glimmering twists, bee
you - to this place for? Tell me that. 'Was
jewels eparkling, her ribboas fluttering.
detestable. You may :say what
it to woo and win the heiress of Tre-
She hiseed Mies Chudlearli on the is 1-
. . (rate. Record) ples.se, sir -you and the rest of the
Film -Gee, that's a toted suit you have cold-blooded cynics -but there are we- vanion. with her splendid _beauty, her
night, and pleasant .dreams," as sae
pt!r landing and gayly bid 'her "Good -
men alive--hoste of them -true - and splendid dowry, her grand -old lineage,
• not:9 And what do you do? You
swept into her awn room.
Perhaps the agreeable widow .had. her
charitable wish, for Gwendoline's drelians
were apt to .he pleasant, with the angelic
faces of the cornets and ensigns from
Sphckhaven beaming luminous. through
the rosy, clouds of sleep.
But lier own dreams, waking and
sleeping, were not pleasant. She sunk
.down into a ghair, a miracle of amber
satin and downy puffiness, and, the
smiles'and. the radiance, and the happy
lirightness dropped away from lace mid
eyes, like a mask,- and deft adark, brood-
ing, seseworn countenance in their
stead. •
She elevated her stint, arelied feet, (Olt('
in the daintiest. of high -heeled bottines,
upon the steel fender, and frowned
thoughtfully into the .fire. For all the
rooms nt Cudleigh Chase were vast, tend
apt to be chilly, and Mrs. Ingram was lee
fond of warmth and light as a tropical
bird. So, these -August evenings, a-
, . •
FIam—Yes, it's crash!
tender- and faithful, and good to the see a wax -doll widow, a penailess ad -
How beautiful she looked! The cheeks venturess, and you ge, mad and blind and
s -ogre."'
• besotted. for lo-ve of her. Fool! dolt!.
(Lite) brightly flushed, the violet eyes flash -
The Musician -Hang it Blink, don't you _ Ina, the proud little head. thrown 'Zeck driveler! Why did not leave you to
realize tb,at one • of your shoes squeaks - " starve, or rot, or die a dog' death in
In B flat and the other in G maJorl sen Annus Macgregor, your cynical
1? a ditch, as you deserve? You allow the
• srold'en prize to slip through your fing-
• heart •needs a triple corselet of steel to ,
NO OTHER 'BOSS. ' . Ward. off the blind god's arrows hot .
4 . 2
ere between your idiocy and yottr
(Catholic, Standard and Times) . I rom those killing eyes of blue! cowardice And you run after thie paint -
:indeed? I didn't kuow he had been so ' 1v. "I did not before. I spoke of WO- ' , for paths!"
ea, penm e6
'1 s governess, who laughs at
Dubley le his -own boss now. r ° 'I believe it now," he -ertid, very quiet- ,
sueceserui. P • 3- ou your
He isn't. He's looking for a Job. , men as I found. them. I ean never speak Tim ritge flaming in the fierce old.
' of them like that atraind face, inthe flaehing old eyes, in the high
. And then he lifted -the fair, White cracked voice, was something quite ap-
• hand to his lips and kissed it, and let Palling. The man before her shrunk like
(New York Gun.)
lenickere-NVIat sort of a reformer is it fall. And the dinner -bell Tang, and a whipped hound. Its fear of her vs
stain from food to make the price go through the hazel bushee skirtieg the "I will endure it no longer• --not. one
Rocker -He wants other fellows to al).
clowo while he eats It. • - fish -pond near. clay longer!" old Treater went on. "Drop.
boe Charley% serene face appeared suddeisly •unmistakable.
,, "Are you two flirting or fighting? . the widow and wia the heiress, or drew
1, You look tremendously in earnest; and ' the consiequencee! Yon are afraid of me,
' really, how one is to me in earnest ' Cyril Trevanion, ami you have reason
' about anything, with the thermometer em aer
Wow. During the time it too kyou to set- ' at boil , , ,.,
her heat-- Let's no to dinner." "I haste reason to be afraid of a good.
Mr. isubdub--Tou Women are mighty
ect that hat I won out and made two
Tier:tired dollars.
Mrs. Flubdub—I'm glad, dear. Voull
need It.
(Chicago, Tribune) '
A Boston contemporary announces the
engagement of the son of Dr. Francis,
H. Rowley, "president of the Society for
the PreVentioti of Crilelty to Animate and
Mr, Rowley.
(Philadelphia Record)
Jecknon-Our friehet the poet seems to
be in great feather to -night. He Is laugh—
ing and talktn,g at a great rate.
Carrie -Yes; He 'wrote a Deem to -day
:Ind he is catkling over '1113 Iay.
Urea, Wilite-I euppose that In heaven
we will bo disappointed In not _fitiding
certain people there.
Aire. 011119 -Yes. l3ut we'll be more die.
appointed at finding certain other peoRle
t here.
mettles -1f Miss LarkSbur made no reply
teem you proposed to her, on 'wha.t
itecrltridg ire she suing you for breech of
promise? _
Xing -she claims; that her silence gave
- • -I
(Went Nvaiter)—ThIA tome has it hair
in It.
Weiter—Vhat's 114) hair. It's a erftek in
the plate.
Cluest.—Wo a ferule, erack that can wig.
(fieeton Transcript.) *
laireon-ef hope, Mr. Stavaivay, that
weer% eou made your New Year'a resoln-
time.; that you Included a resolee to go
to Moroi'.
Str-yaway-Pareon, if t keep all I'Ve
tittyloi 1 won't. need to go to churett.
a•hiladelpeilt Iteeserib
et a ilinner to T.ord Lister a epeakee
eabi; "Aly Lord, it is not a profeselOrt,
it ift not a nation,* it is humanity Riven'
hieli evith imeovered }lead efilutem you."
retiogy• looted go no fitreher. The ainount
ul terratie tife eityrel by antieeptie eur-
efee beyeitol (ttlettlation.
tA'ambingten Star.)
-Settle of your friceids este, you Will to
614Nklidater and sante tate you evoret.o
rent -bed tlue wary et ttte-e,'
-whet de eat, ex me to , t.
tfli ef tin" ;eft mel reit mei try
1,4k '•.nritilrer
effort f s ealen'Add OX11$1,11Sted many people" the heir of Monkswood
The e o p --
him; he was unable to finish his own retorted, etung into sullen defirtnee. "
sentence., They went to dinner where
believe in my soul I'll go dowh to th
my lady greeted them, and dul the moot,
ot the talking. For the heat had wilted
Charley, and left him nothing on earth
to say; and Sybil, in a "tremor of sweet
b)iss" falling fatally in love, though .
she 'did. not -know it, eat somethingeo'
who kaeowe what? -and haaelty looked
acrose Me at the dark tetteat isf the
Lady Lemox and Mr. Maegregor sat
down in the lamp -lit drawing-roarn to
their eternal whist; and my ladymade
a eood thing out of the author's pre -
occupation, and. won two or three head-
fuls of shillings. And Sybil, away in a
- eerner where the piano stood, and the
. lamp -light never came, played dreamy
improvisations, with a quiet, tender hap-
piness in her face.. The moonlight tell
oil the graceful, girlish figure, the etate-
ly head, the delicate, perfect pro-
file, and the authoesteyes wandered often
from the cards to that fairy visioe. it
was lateewhen went away, and. Sybil
said good night with ,ft shy grace all
new, and "beauty's bright transient
glow" coming and going On her ex
quisite face. It was late when'he left,
late when he reviled the Itetreat, his
pretty home, hidden as the covert of
a stag amid the tOwking elms and
beeeh.ee; but not too Lite. for workitig
and. smoking, it 'appeared. lie threw
off his dress -coat, lighted a. eigor, drew
ti pile of MSS. before him, and sat down
to write: and while the Ammer nielit
wore on he smoked and he wrote, the
pen serawling at a railroad pace over
he peper, the only stoppages when
he paused to ignite a freeh Havana.
• The rosy glimmer of the new day was
lighting the east when be pushed the
MSS. front him and arose.
"Pour o'elock," he said. "Time for a
constitutional under ths trees, before
toffee and turning .
Th'init on his shooting•jaeket
ond went ow. Tho ea rl y August
morgines dews there in the heart
of Monkswood. was inespressiblv neace-
ul. and still. The dew glittered on OM
and bale the N oaring lake burst forth
In tile mittiu teatime. ond air Wit -4 sweet
with ie.; faalineee and woodlabd per -
'Arne, mid etilinese Sone. primeval
wade -eta -I itdent.i,
Tiff- ,ilitlivrtutit(11 in the Prior's Walk
Lthe tfralgil AM UV Mtn(' 7)eo often
the hunted monke had paled, telling
Issids. Ile sad eaunteted .ftbout
iota' way (loan, when he sitftsily 45top,
0.11d drew beck, for it the other
sea youder, Kline fine day, and mak
an end of it all. What with your nag
ging and my own plotting, and run
ning the risk of discoetery each heti
wood -fire glowed in the grate, and len.
dered superfluous the witx tapers burn-
ing on the dressing table. .
Long after all the household .were at
rest, long after Mr; Angus Alacgreger,
her bugbear, was sleeping the. sleep of
of the day, my 1ife4 is not so pleasant, the just, Miss Cluidleights governess sat
Load knows, that 1 should wish to keep there; with that darklyfreivning face,
it. met a man last night --curse 2ihrt! starieg at the red eoals.
--and he knows who 1 attiaas well' as "Who is this men?" she thought-.
you do." 'this mysterious hermit of Monksivood
"Where did you meet. him? Who iss Retreat, who knows me, and who knows
lie?" that other impostor calling himself Cyril
"1 inet him at Chudleigh. Ile calls Trevanion? Ca,n 'it be -'-could it be, in
himself Angue Macgregor -an author, or spite of all, the real Cyril Trevanion,
something of the sort -and he is the - alive and in the flesh?"
tenaiiJ the Retreat. That stupid fool,
Reedwortli, rented it before I came
here; Mid he as good as told me, last
night, he had seen me at--"
He stopped and grasped his Mortt
like a Man half choked,
"At Toulon," finished the old woman,
coolly. "Very likely he did. I've heard
of him, and lie has been a great, travel -
or. He may fancy he has seen you. Ile
will find it difficult to prove it, and
he will hesitate before slandering a
geiltleman in your position. But you're
an idiot, as I told you, and worse than
an idiot, to linger here at all. r Marry
Sybil Lemox and take her out of the
country. Avoid France and England as
Yeti Would a peetilenee, The Continent
is wide. You may snap your fingers at
the Whole world, if you possess common
prudence, with (lettere]. Treyanionte
heiress for your wife."
"She will not marry me," Cyril Tribe-
vanion said, moodily, "She disliked inc
from the first; she barely tolerates Me
nows I believe in my soul," with a deep
oath, "she is half in love with that iris
fernal Macgregor ever sinee-"
"Ever eince he saved her life- ever
sinre you ran away," interrupted the
fortime-teller, with etieerieg emphasis.
"Tt is very likely ineed, Olt, poor, weak,
miserable eoward. Why d ( iiot ( is
own you at your birth? You, with all
the chances ever mem bail to win and
marry lier out of hand, let them slip
one by one, tUbi alIoW it strange
step in and bear off "the prize. No
woraler she.hardly tolerates you 0 --
moody. sullennent, making an in-
fatuated fool of yotirieU nimut • elm-
periug ddU of a widow, and treatieg tier.
the proiidest girl in Englend, with
gloesey Ind f arrnee. u o t
bewitre of Ale! Don't tootle my atter
any hEg1iet.-dofl't 1 warn s'ou,
ken* what 1 am, Give up ,yolir siCkett-
ing felly; devote yourlelf to Vies .Tre-
The next moment she could, have
laughed aloud at her own folly in even
supposing such an impossibility.
(To be Continued.)
The lateet additioa to the prize com-
positions from children of the public
schoole now rests at the Franklin Build-
ing, the headquarters, of the local scliool
system, and is a most naive diseretation
hen "V7ltcn I Grow hip." The author of
the composition iS an. eight-year-ord girl
who plays With done and is in -the third
grade. The teachers all believe she htsa,
the correct idea, of leap year, for she her
announced in her composition that fele
intends to marry the little boy who fits
across the aisle from her,
"Vlten I tun nineteen," begip,' this
work of art, "I am going to be ;school
teacher. When I am 25 r am going to
get married
Here followe the name of ,the unfor-
tunate lad of 8 1-2 years. ;
"If the Bret child is a perl it will be
named Freida, Eghert. Ifit is a boy it
wilt be named Legates]
And then the concluding line bribes.
.sadly prophetic
eMaybe I will be ttl Old maid."
icago ribune)
The following am tug story Is told of
Mr. ittergan:
Afinerteing Before 'au, as 1 110. GClitle.
Melt, Without Hav ig Mid Thin, to rte -
lotto A.!** iletilark
Ladies end Gen etn$ev
en, a ere Cold
sraa Rendered it Ise Illedeee tYriable to
Sing This Evenin
We Are ning ter ate Ierientls,
te to settee Intonate Triumph of
sere Priiieiroes
leo Your See iy On SinIggete
With Please
tweeted 1 uses Stesekoo. I'd anet as
'Vier sleep '1- e AA Not.
IrOlt Well Own tas, Israeltahtah
You Pai 11 lonreissed.
ler.sizes.gslie and 50-e. All dealers, or The
'Catarrhozone Company, Buffalo., N. Y.,
and Its'ing,eton, Ont.
(Marie Louise Moss, in The Christian
What matters it how long the clay,
If having done the best I could,
I look 'back at its close and say,
"I've wrought some little good?"
What matters it how long the years,
It I shall know when life- Is done.
Though wrought with toil and pain and
The Victory has been won?
• e
Send for free sample to Dept. H. L.. Na-
tional Drug & Chemical reo., Toronto.
_ • • ^ ^ F. • - - • _
an S. aeolognert Sut:vey.)
The earnest use nsbestos 'was for.
spinning and weavin ix, to make infante.
hustible thread and yarn rope and cloth,
end this has eoutinued to he the most
important use of asbestos ever shwa
the days of the Greeks and Eton -mos.
Only the hest grades can he used for this
nurPose, acordIng to J. S. Diller, of the
United States aleoloaleal Survey. Thread.
can now be emu' so fine that it will run
about :12,000 feet to tile pound,
• -
Minerals, Liniment Cure
Garget in
-Of ('c'urse there are rules. •
Not everybody follows theserules.
Notaa few disapprovp of wearing black
But that does not one whit. affect these
J'. iVIlO. :wears (.reae
iiicnths at least.
A. crepe WI is worn over the face for
of crepe are permitted dur-
ing the1,.....econd nine months. •
Ycuthful widows soon east aside the
bonnet for a hat witti crepe bordered
A 'mother wears mourning' fora child
or n child for a parent oue year, and
crone for the first three months.
For a sister, a hrother,or a grandpar-
ent crepe is worn for- two or three
ntoutli then black three months, black
and •Wliite, and then •somes colors again.
ftir nlgliteen
, -
(Washington Star.)
"afer' wife says women ought to vote."
says Mr Meekton. .
"Well have ydu got any objection?"
"No. J3tit there's going to be a ter-
rible rowif the women of our community
get the vote and tlin try to vote for
anybody except her,"
If Tormented With Corns
Save yourself pain, worry and dis-
tress by using the never -fading Put-
nam% Painless Corn and Wart Extrac-
tor. If. is reliable and, nets. quickly.
Price, 2ic, per bottle.
(Philadelphia Record.)
Silieus-Which would you rather lose,
Your money or your friends?
CYrilouse-What diferenee does it make?
Yoe can't lose ape and keep the other.
"get a member of the Cabinet smiled.
Ale for myself 1 was angry, aad looked
to eee. what the President meant. It
seemed to me like buffoonery. Ire, how-
ever, decided to read as a chapter from
ArteeTlue Ward, which he did with great
deliberation. Haying finished, he laugh-
ed heartily without a member uf the
Cabinet joining in the laughter.
" he eaid, `let's nave another
ehapter; and he riiad anothee chapter,
slideoril.nrggIrvehaetthaes: 1 should s er
• alIT'facis leave coll-
the meeting -abruptly, when he threw
the book down, heaved a long sigh, and
" 'Gentlemen, why don't you lapilli?
With the fearful strain that it upon
me night and day, if f did .not laugh
I should die, and you need this medi-
cine as much as I -do'
"He then put hie hand in liie tall hat
thet sat on the •table and pulled out a
email paper."
The `little paper" was the emanelpa-
tion proclamation. --Wayne Whiitole, in
the February Iftimpton. •
VURIF100 8:0 R
Canadian Branch: Purlfleo 00.i arldgeburg, Oat,
• ..--•,
(Cleveland. Plain: Dealer.)
"laract that Mrs. Templetownsnrown
tho most entertaining ereatuie!*;
"r notioed the erowd around hr. What
WW1, ehe talking about?"
"Why, about, the awfal tillage that
happened to her when she watt ju the
When Your Eyes Neekeare
Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Sniar—Feels
Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for iced, Weak,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus-
trated Book in each Paeltage. '.iforlue is
compounded by our Oculists—nut 0, ,inttent Med-
icine"— but used in successful Physicians' Prac-
tice far many years. Now dedleated to the Pub-
lic and sold by'Druggists ut 25o and GOo poi. Bottle.
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 24c and Gee.
IVIurIno Eye. Remedy Co., Chicago
. Windows rubbed Once a week with a
cloth dipped in alcohol will, it is said,
he free from frost in the coldest Sverttlea
er. .
Marks made by seratehin matches on
the wall can be readily removed by rub-
bing lightly with a pice of cut letnen.
then with a cloth dipped. in whiting and
finally washed with warm water and
soap. .
Never salt meat that is to be brined,
ak, it hardellS the tibiae: of the meet and
tends to retrace the juicee, suggests a
woman of experience., Salt on the plats
ter just before -a-ending to the table..No
meat shohia be site duneooked, lett
after the surfnee has been seared end
the meat is partly eooked.
Aa electric. fan. ea' near ft radiator
and directly Wine,' it, will throw cur.
rents of hot air about the room, quick-
. ly raising the temperature without in-
crea'sing the amount•of fuel used.
Ti vinegar is added inetead Of water
to ntoistea stove polish. two good -re-
mits will be obtained. First, the work
of poliehing will not •he as hard. and
secondly the polieli vill lest much long-
;To clean 14 traW nuating put three pints
of bran in two quarts of water and boil.
When.it is nearly veal wash the Mating
with it and afterward dry it well with
a clean cloth. Add ii little sale to the
water for white matting and vinegar fLie•
red. . .
IF.Winter weather roughens and reddens
your shin, caueing chaps, chilblains '
and generb.I dlsoOmIort, try
'01.14•11r. .
44 Western Canada Power Co, First Mortgage $94 Bonds selling at 90 yield
This company has perpetual water rights from government on Slave
Lake. Plant is located 35 wiles from Vancouver and New Westminster, B.C.
which cities It supplies with electric power. This year's net earning should bc
over 3 times bond interest. Can develop IMMO H.P. as needs of rapidly grow.
ing British Columbia demand; Engineer in charge --Mr. R. F. Hayward, late of
Mexican Light Heat and Power Co.; President, C. H. Cohan. Directorate, A.
R. Doble, Secretary Bank of Montreal; Sir Max Aitken; T. J. Drummond,
' President Lake Superior Corp.; John Hendry, Vancouver; Wm. McNeill, Vancou-
ver; Campbell Sweeney, Manager Bank of Montreal, Vancouver. Western
Canada Power Bonds will appreciate in value. An absolutely safe and profitable
investment. Write us for literature with list of bondholders anti full information.
1.0Nu0t4 (ENO.)
ISSUE NO.'9, 1912
In Grand. Trunit Pacific Townsites af
In centre of town. Bargales. No better
'Investments 'than these lots. Apply
'WHEELER'S Agency, 2 Toronto Street,
;•-,1646616 . R11 11,, 1 w. 1 1 1, ,o11111,4lo 1 1k••••••••raladl,
Professor Harry Thurston Peck is a
foe to the hidebound and pedantic
grammarian. the type that deelares "to-
morrow is.:hronday' is wrong, the right
version being "To -morrow will be Mon
Professor fleek, says The Tribune, re-
buked the hidebound gyammarian. at a
_ studio tea in New .York with a story.
"A lady," he said, "had a. rather dissi-
paled husband. and one evening she .said
to a friend:
"I wish I knew where George Waiii"
41 preeurne, dear, yon 'mean you wish
you knew where lie is 4.e" , •
...STEs I don't," said the lady. "I know
where he 18. Ife is upstairs in bed with
bloodshot eyes and a terrific headache. I
Want to know where he was!"
Witch Hazel Ceara
The creamy ingredient, sooth and soften
the outer .ekin, while the Witch Hazel
penetrates and herds the deeper tissues.
Delightrul after shas,ing cr teaching. P
26c. a bottle, 'at your ciruggIst's.
Chairmail taddreeeing a mieding) --"I
am sure We Will all itt' very sores, mil'
.4ecretary le not here. to -night. I cannot
I say we misse 'is staeant ,ehair, but I do
set, we :nise 'is vataint facia." ---TIt-Bits.
.....0**414 V .7. ..,....
•Mlnardl.s Liniment Cures Diphtheria%
,...... ,../...,,..,416ft.410.0.......1.••••••••
(R&itiester Herald)
The assUrftneo that, a cremators, sten be-
, built in this city at an early date is one.,
which will being a feellag of gratification
to a good many of out. eltizelis who are,
firmly of the opinion teat there Is no
way of disposing (1f the deacl quite teauttl
to tr.eineration.
A publication ju-t off the prese en-
titled "Land A Living and Wealth." Hill
fit,Ory of farming and eocial eonditione
in Weeteen Canada, has-been leentel lee"
the (Slum! Trunk 'Pacific Railway,
/ It is a publiention of 5d page e printed
on enamelpa per, is profusely il1ie4trat-
ad and rontaine it series of artieles writ-
ten by practical men on suhjects of in-
terest fo these looking to better their
present condition.
,Some of the &u'tie1c oii tide' publieit-
tion are:
"Soli of the T
il Perititory," by
Professor Clifford Willie. formerly pro-
Peewit- of the of the South Daltote
-State {:ollogr:
"Soil Vertility," by Professor James
IT. Pettit, Profeseer of sell fortillity nt
the University of Minas.
"Farming," by teofeeser Thomas:
Artie. formerly Profeseor at the On-
tario Agriveltural College.
"Connnunity Life," by Ernest Cawo
"Mixed Farming," by H. •E. Young,
Director, Farmers' Testitute.
"gociel Conditions," Profeesor
nvine, formerly profegsor Agrieul-
teral Department Tows, State CsIlege.
In addition to these intereeting arth
ries, it eynopeie of Northwest
Land :Regulations,' "Settlers' Freight
ilittee," "Customs Rogniationl," "Freight
Regulations," "Stetisties of the Progreee
or weetere Canada," eh..
The 'tenor of the hook ie printed
thtee colors, and depiele 11 vietvlie
field of flax in Western Canada
Copy may be had ty writing to Ole
Geninal Advart',Ine; -Went, thrall
'Drunk Paeifie llailene, Niontreal.
is a .HOME
I. at use
ied I clued ALL ihese
of Goods
wilt the SAME Dye.
01,.EARI and SIMPLE to Use.
_ NO chance of using the WRONG Dye for the Goods ;
cine pas to color. A,I1eo'ors front your DruggIst or
Dea.ef. 1,1211?. Color Gartland STOItY llootaer 10.,
• l'he Johasou-Iticharcisots.Co,, I.Inilted, Montreal, ,
THE MAN OF 45: .
nAnrong Ihe men. I hire. nine out of
ten itre hotter workees at 45 yeare of
age than are inert of '25 or 30," deelared
the secretary an(1 manager of a Chi-
eago eremite reial hvise. • Tnis executiye
believes that the man of 45or there-
abouts is in 'the prime of life, *pity deafly
and mentally. Men of mauve years are
more .ecliable, he avers," more truetwor:
thy, and are .11.01 alit to be possessed of
that reethesmele anti indecision which
eo often charecterizee youth., and whieh
leads younger men conlinuall;V from one
position to anothee. The average young
man in business, he holds, is itlways
seeking it "soft snap- Job, and not
content with sticking it ant with an em-
ployer, throteeh thick and thin, men his
heeOlne highly valnable and per-
haps i nd is p so lilts -Bus! nem
M inardes Liaiment Cures Distemper.
3 -04 -
Yrirk Suno-
eaw the sword zuspendee by a hair:
"That's nothing dangerous," he cried.
,"MY own hair often lasts alter the bar -
says it es ranee; out."
An effort was made the other day to
hail Milwaukee as the premier frog
town of the country, but without sue
cess. But -before Judge Neweomer had
'been able to reahb a decieion he had
learned many things regarding the eus-
toms, mannere and ll8pi of frog.
Some of these things were as follows:
A one ounce frog 14 ideal for fish
"Many frogs die as soon as they leave
Milwaukee. Frogs ehipped from Indiana
cities live longer.
Indiana. is the beet frog State in the
A frog in the tadpole state -when
growing it tail -is worthleee as fish
A "frog's leg" frog is different fro:ri
a fishing, frog. -Front the Chicago Tri-
The voiceless language, silent speech
That mean so much.
Marion Bridge, C. B., May, 20, '02.
have handled MINARD'S LINT-
MENT (luring the pest year. It is al-
ways the first Liniment aeked for, here,
and unquestionably the best seller of all
Ute different kinds of Liniment I handle,
Sigel in a bakery window: "Home.
made pize."
Card in reetauritnie "Small steak, 20
cents. Extra small steak, 25 cents."
.Advertieement in a poultry journal:
"Plymouth Rock hens ready to lay $1.23
From a prepared roofing ad: "It's
bright, red eolor is permanent ,and %yin
remain. permanent."
In report of a wedding: "The eere•
money was performed. by two Jewish
A Milwaukee 11eper informs us that
"John Huckbod.y, of Wausau, lost thirty
eheekens by freezing to death."
On eouponi "The holder of this cou•
poll, when properly punched is entitled
to one of our beautiful photographs."
An English report on education says:
'Tlie female teachers were instrueted in
plain cooking; they hadin fact, to go
through the process of cooking them-
selves in turn." --Boston Transcript.
Minard's Listiment Cures Colds, Etc.
,\11g.7.1,at th
' buy a ear
if it -weren'to
for ne
"Having to look out for the other id -
"But if you had a earl the other fel-
laz.,t,vould have to look out for you,
'Gee! 1 never thought of that! I'll
buy one."-jud.ge. 4 17
To All Women : I will send free with
full instructions, my home treatment
which positively cures Leucorrhoea.
Ulceration. Displacements, Falling of the
Womb. Painful or Irregular Periods.
Uterine end Ovarian Tumors or Growths.
also Hot Flushes% Nervousnees, Melan-
.elicly. Pains in the Head, Back or Bow-
els. Kidney and Bladaer Trouble, where,
cased by weakness peculiar to our sex.
You can continue treatment at home at
a cost of only about 12 cents a week.
1`.1.7 book. "Woman's Own Medical Ad -
vier" also eent free op request. Writ.
to -day. Address Mrs. M. Summers, Box
5. Windsor. Ont.
'Scales `r" the eardware merehaarl
said "Yes. sir; Anty of 'ern. WhaS
kind do vou went to look at?"
-Well," meditated the customer
with the retreating chin; "I've heerd
a good de -al about these San Jesse
ocalee. Friend of mine 6tLys evere
farmer out hie way ha..s got '-ern, You
might show mo one of that kind."
Fthil:::1E TO VO U • Pit',:rettrArgi
Ing Moving ricipre bits.thines, finely deCorated Tea 'Sets, Silverware. Accerdions, Lovely Dressed
Dolls ond many other beautiful premiums given FREE for selling our high class Gold Embossed Pic.
iore Post Cards at a for lOc. Our cards are the very latest designs in floral, Birthday, Relldox•
Views, Comics, ttc.. in artistio colors and ut Ruch superior quality that you will have no trouble stU.
.,,ou can win any of those splendid premiums by soiling 10.00 worth and upwards, and 0 you wilt
write todayyou can else win one of the Extra Premiums IT6 ate giving to those who aro prompt.
Send Us your naule ani1 address, plainly written, and wo will forward you a package of cards and oar
big premium list. we get a groat many_ repeat orders from our customers. Why? BECAUSE OUR
PREMIUMS ARE TIM BEST. coam2r GOLD PEN 00. Chopit. 375,Toreenito. Ont.
A (tents' or Males' Solid Gold Watch Costa from $25
tO $50. no not throw your money awey. If you desire
to secure a 'Want which to -keep time and last well will
be equel to Any Solid Gold Watch Scud us your woe and
address linniedlately and agree ttl sell 10 boxes only of
Dr. Alaturin's Famous Vegetable 14114 tit erea a hex.
They are the greatest reinedy on earthdortheeure of
poor and impure blood, indigestion, headaches, consti-
pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidney_ dis-
eases, mid nil female weekursses: they are the Great
1110Od l'UTilleT and Invigorator, a Grand Tonle and Lite
Builder. 'With the Pills we senc110 artielea of Jewelry to
give itwity with the pills- this makes them easy to melt
This is the chance of a lifetime. Do tietmies it, Send ue
your diller and we will mend you the 10 boxesepest paid.
when yen have sold them send us the money seatio) and,
we will end /on
the same day the nioneylareceived.
We are giving_thes ese beautiful WatchtO ittleettise
eur Remedies. Thift is a veni opportunity to eecure
valeanie'Weteh without -having to spend a eeni. And
our Wateh it a. steal wind and etent set and not tee cheap '
hack Wind artirte generally gl-en vretnietns. bend
tor our puts withoutdoial. Aadrees
M E DI CI N O. Nvatelt Dort, 2o, Ont. -