HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-03-07, Page 5• • TUURSDAY, MARCH 7, 191 ".11111111 THE BALANCE OF OUR OVERCOATS BOYS', YOUTHS', MEN'S AT 257. DISCI UNT All the different styles, including the popular 2 -way Collar Coats, in Black Beaver, Black Meltons, Fancy Tweeds, Etc. A rare op- portunity. You can save money by buying for next winter, even though you don't require a new Coat this winter. — 11 BOYS' PEA JACKETS We are clearing out the balance of our Boys' Pea Jackets at ridicu- lous prices. This is a splendid Coat for school wear. No boy can afford to be without one at the prices we are offering them for. cGee & Campton CLOT,FILE•RS* dr -ea MEN'S PURATISHEIZS nummegnummanumassaimpiamor Rinter Term from Jan. 2nd CENTRAL /alai Superior Business or Shorthand Ec77-/ cation lithe Great and Popular ELLIOTT I ' Graduates readily obtain good. positions and the demand is fully THREE TIMES LatOUR SUPPLY. This College is open all year. Students have lately taken positions $50, $60, $75 and $100 per month. Enter now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCiPAL. Corp Yonge and Alexander Sta. TORONTO1 ONT. STRATFORD,, ONT. Our classes are now larger than ever be. 'fore, but we have enlarged our quarters and we have room for a few more stu- dents. Yon may enter at any time. We have a staff of nine experienced instruc. tors and our courses are ithe best. Our graduates succeed. This week three re- cent graduates inform um that they have positions paying .$65, $70 and $125 per month. We have three (3epartments— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write for our free catalogue now. D. A. 14cLACHLAN Principal 1 1 That's a good thought. It indicates a desire for improvement in your baking-talent—an ambition to increase the deliciousness of your bread and pastry. Don't let that good thought perish. Turn on your will power. . ACT You've thought about tryi g URITY FLOUR Now Act !! r011, some time there has dwelt in your mind the thought of trying PURITY FLOUR— the flour that consists wholly of the 'high-grade portions of the best Western hard wheat. 1 1 3 4 4 LOUR "More bread and better bread" ipprivuNDER: On aecount 4• of the extra strength and era quality of PURITY FLOM1,, best pastry -results are obtained by adding more shortening than is necessary when using the ordinary Ontario or blended flours. Also add more water when making bread, Add PURITY PLOUR, to your grocery 110 richt zloty. 'Ott 0141) fl WINGIIAM lilt WM. BON t AND KING BRO&. ortositiotatoWLLJ ow* otos* olio lotto tatotio THE LIVE STOCK QUESTION. (From Farineret Advocate) Canada has a rapidly -increasing population, the increase being largely urban, The demand for neat for the home market increases yearly* Is the supply keeping pace with these Oon- ditions ? Decidedly not. Where should our live -stook products come from? There is no doubt but that the best place to produce Iberia is on our own ger:adieu farms. In the Maritime Provinces the dairy cow is pushing to the fore, and during the past few years the beef breeds have barely held their own, while the sheep induetry is not thriving. Even Ontario, the Bo, called banner live stock district of the North American continent, made en increase in beef cattle in ten years of only 50,000 head, and ber exports to Great Britain fell cm in five years over 106,718 head, while there are now over 800,000 fewer sheep it the Province than in 1006. In the Western Provinces, "King Wheat" hes driven the rancher out of business, and all the average farmei seems to think about is his cereal °role The West is short of cattle, having 10,000,000 less than .a decade ago, and the cattle of the future mutt of necessity be raised on the farms now devoted almost entirely, if not ex- clusively, to grain growing. Alberta has reached that low ebb of beef pro- duction so characteristic of countries changing from ranching to grain - growing. How long will she remain so ? Quebec reports beef cattle almost entirely crowded out by the rapid dvance of dairying, and British Columbia continues to be a large consumer, rather than a great pro- ducer of live -stock produets. Even the hog industry, especially in the West, is not in the most progressive condition. Such is the state of Canada's live- stock industry, the industry of which until just recently everyone spoke in glowing terms, believing it to be paramount, True, we have made progress, but not strides we should have' made. The real cause of con- cern, however, is the shortage of beef cattle, and the remedy seems to be "mixed farming." CAUSE FOR ALARM. Loss Of Appetite Or Distress Af- ter Bating A Symptom That Should Not Be Disregarded. Appetite is just a natural desire for food. Loss of appetite or stomach distress after eating indicates indiCes- tion or dyspepsia. Over -eating is a habit very dangerous to a person's. good general health. It is not what yoo eat but what you digest and assimilate that does you good. Some of the strongest, heaviest, and healthiest persons are moderate eaters. •There is nothing that will cause more trouble thltn a disordered stomach, and many people daily con- tract serious maladies simply through disregard or abuse of the stomach. We urge all in Wingham who suf- ter from any stomach derangement, inclige.tion, or dyspepsia, whether acute or chronie, to try Rexall Dys- pepsia Tablets, with the distinct understanding that we will refund heir money without question or formality, if after reasonable use of this medicine, they are not perfectly satisfied with the results. We recom- mend them to our customers _every day, and have yet to hear of anyone who has not been benefitted by them. We honestly believe them to be with- out equal. They give very prompt relief, aiding to neutralize the gastric juices, strengthen the digestive .or- gans, to regulate the bowels, and thus to promote perfect nutrition, and eradicate all unhealthy symptoms. We urge you to try a2' box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, which gives 1.5 days' treatment. At the end of that tirnsi, your money will be return- ed to you if you are riot satisfied* Of course, in chronic cases length of treatment varies. For. such cases, we have two larger &tee, which sell for 50c and $1,00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at out store—The Rexall Store—S. W. Mcliibbon, Would You Exchange Could you be Rockfeller and he be simply you, • With health and glorious appetite te gild your point of view; Would you exchange your blessings for all that'e on Johns slate— Ells bank roll, bis dyepepsia, and his shining pate ? New. Train Official, A anew system Of colleting tickets and fares is now being successfully operated oo the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, which is not only business- like but convenient for the passengers. Tao train condector has now nothing to do with the handling of tickets or casb Iiis businees, as in the case of a ship's captain is porely to manage his train and alt tbe efileials who operate it, His authority is absolate. The tickets and fares are all collected by an °Metal corresponding to the purser of the 'Mercantile Marine, who is known as the retrain agent," and *hose whole day to to took after the fatee. The Editor of the "Vanleek LtIII Review" has this to say of the G. T. P. trait( Agent 4'l1e is an official that Was new to me, and I watt par- ticularly interosted in him, X Watt more partieularly interested hi him because of his extreme politeness to, Mid oonsideratiett for, hie patasengers. T•R 74 WIN (3113 A N B' FREE IF IT FAILS. Your None,' BadIf YOU AV) Not $atistied With The Medi" eine We RecQrnnend, We are so positive that our remedy will permanently relieve constipation, • no matter how chronic it may be, that We offer to furnish the medieine at our expense should it fail to produce satisfactory results. It is wore() than useless to attempt to cure constipation with cathartic drugs, Laxatives or cathartics do much harm. They cause a reaction, irritate and weaken the bowels and tend to make constipation more chronic* Besides, their use becomes a habit that is dangerous. Constipation is caused by a weak - nese of the nerves and muscles of the large intestine or descending coloo. To expect permanent relief you must therefore tone up and strengthen these organs and restore them to healthier activity. We want you to try Rexall Ordey. lies on out recommendation. They are exceedingly pleasant to take, being eaten like candy, and are ideal for children, delicate persons, and old folks, as well as for the robust, They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They apparently have a. neutral action on other associate organs or glands. They do not purge, cause excessive looseness, nor create any inconvenience ,whatever. They may be taken at any time, day or night. They will positively relieve chronic or habitual constipation, if not of surgical variety, and the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments, if taken with recta, larity for a reasonable length of time. 12 tablets, 10 cents ; 86 tablets. 25c ; 80 tablets, 50 cents„ Sold in Mechem only at our store—The RexalI Store. X. W. McKibbon. Remedy per Hard Milkers. Hard milking is due to an abnormal' contraction of the sphincter muscle, regulating the stream of milk from the point of the teat. On the other hand a cow losing her' milk is due to a relaxation or an abnormal expan- sion of the sphincter muscle at the point of the teat., Many a valuable, herd milking cow has been ruined owing to the fact that the milker has been compelled to use a milking tube and by the use of the milking tube the cow has becom�. infected, oftentimes losing one or more quarters. It is not advisable to use a milking tube if one can possibly get along without it, The proper method of handling or overcoming hard milking in cows or heifers is by the use of a teat plug. The teats should be washed, with a germ killer solution and the teat plug dipped in the same solution, then dip- ped in a little healing ointment and passed into the point of the teat. The teat plug being self-retaining should be permitted to remain in the teats from one ranking to another. This will positively overcome hard milking in cows and heifers. This same treat- ment is exceedingly valuable in tbe treatment of sore teats where the sore is at the point of the teat, where it interferes with flanking. —The potatoes stored in pita throughout Grey County have been destroyed by the terrible frosts pre- vailing through Jan. and Feb. liAlluLcERstEzEmAity.EARs ;AM:141K HASINO RI( E.D,A tuRv: Mr. J. E. Arsenault, a Justice of the Peace, and Station master at Wellington, on the Prince Edward Island Railway, says: "Four years ago slipped. in the station and fell on a, freight truck, sustaining a bad dut on the front of my leg, I thought this would heal, but instead Of doing so it developed into a bad ulcer, and, later into a fora of ec2e1na which spread very rapidly and also started. on the, other •leg. Both legs became so swollen and eore that I could only go about mY work in, having theM bandaged* My doctor said I mast stop work and lay Up, After Slx months of this trouble consulted another doctor, but with no better result. / tried all the salves, linimente and lotions 1 heard of, but instead of getting better I got worse, "This was my condition when 1 got my first box of Zam-Bult. Greatly to my delight that first box gave me re. 3 continued to apply it to the sores, and day by -day they got better. I could see that at last 1 had got hold of something which would cure me, and in the end it slid. " It is now over a year Abider, Zartt. 1311k worked a Miro in My case, and there has 'been no return of the often's." .41 Such is the nature of the great cures which Zatn-tuk to daily effeeting, Purely herbal in composition, this great balm le a sure tura for alt akin diseases, told sorest-, chapped betide, frost bite, ulcers, blood -poisoning, will- cose sorts, niles, scalp twee, ring- infleted patches, outs, Intrust and bruises. All druggists and stores sell at Eee. bot, or post free from Zattalluk • 11/30/1 reeeipt of price. A Sign of ithe.,Tin es EMU; are becoming very careful about what they eat and drink— Tbe preference for goods in sealed packages —especially in food stuffs—is now quite definite and. becoming more so every day. We must frankly admit that there are.sound reasons for this preference. Food stuffs cannot be ex- . posed to Varying atmosphericconditions with- out losing both strength and flavor. Tea—of all articles of everyday diet (excepting coffee, perhaps) needs protection most, and best merchants have' been quick to appre- ciate the fact. So mucb is this the case that the selling of loose Tea iu bulk willsoon be a thing of the past. RED ROSE TEA reaches you with all its vir- ginal flavor, strength and purity- -It is s,ealed in air -tight packages—dust and • damp-proof— RED ROSE is a blend of the best Indian and Ceylon Teas. —The former assures generous strength and richness—the latter that coaxing, delicate flavor, Qualities for which Re4 Rose Tea is famed. • Ask your Grocer for the 40c. package of Red • Rose and you'll get better Tea—Tea that spends • farther—for the same money. You want'" Good " Tea—well, Red Rose Tea is Good Tea" k\. REDROSE IFEAIten 210 rISMAMNINWWWWWWWMANSIMAMNifisWAIWAMMAANNWMAMANW ViiiMANMeNAWASIVW 1 Coming 'a; PROF. JULES WILT, DEMONSTRATE AT THE QUEEN'S HOTEL WINUHAM WEDNESDAY MARCH 13th '..BALD MEN.. Buy your Toupees or Wigs direct from the manufacturers and save middle- men's profits. Pay no fancy prices. Toupees from $20, $25 and $35, Wigs from $25 to ess. J.- IT 1.4 E S t,Szr, 00. 481 YONGE ST. - TORONTO WANYAMMAMWANWANYMVAMNIMYN ..LAD1ES.. Come and inspect our fine selection of Parisian , Hair Goods Switches Poinps , Transforma. tions and Wigs Terminus Selected. According to the latest reports it seems probable that Port Nelson will be selected as the terminus of the Hudson Bay Railway. A map show- ing the conditions of navigation pre- pared by the hydrographic survey which visited the locality last summer shows that with the removal of a few sheets a perfectly accessible harbor, from one to four miles wide and from 20 to 60. feet deep, can be made: On Small Farms. Eighty British farmers who are coming to Kent county to settle on land iet Tilbury Hut township, known as the celery and onion district, where they will engage extensively in gar- den farming. Houses for the farms, which average in area about 20 acres, have been built in Toronto, and are being shined to Tilbury Est itt sections and they will be erected short- ly. It is expected to have 590 farmers locate on this land within the next two years, and from a population of a few,hundred to increase it to about 8,000. —A marriage ceremony was pet - formed in the free ward of Walker- ton hospital one day recently* The lady accompanied the clerygmart to the bedside of the groom. —During a recent snowstorm, a Lucknew milkman lost his way in that village, and before he found his exact location, roiled with his parts ttd milk into the biggest gravel pit in t village. Bad storm, that cer- to, Rut Pa Miss l< Y FAILURES Powwow...L..6.1.4m an Sage Overcame L3-.r's Hair Troubles PA RISIA to grow bair guaranteed b gist 3. W. Me hair, eradicate ing scalp, dr every town in Ca Kos gel" letter. Rie,,tpeAfoirli5sOicAeNntss4 cro2,..., 13 the beat bah. 4welnd.1eaint 11ndAanedrujlere.:l°st7lli'1tthr°uAht.proidfvee; we‘stsalcladdend my scaip was OAas could be, / tried everything, in '-'1"1 ty I tried PARISIAN s21, and lifter tieing One bottle my 1,, I every woman 'who went :arutri°f1011; flair td use IIA.IIISIAN; SA a Mils* ta, grow, and has grown 1. inehes inside of two montMInn On is iaot guaratateed aald heads but it is well known drug.. n to stop falling uff and stop itch - back. Sold in by leading &mg- ttle. Read 11/is The Horse's Friend. The staunchest friend that the horses of New York have is Mrs, Maude Harvey of No. 77 West Fiftieth' street. Mrs. Harvey is a woman of wealth, but she spends days upon the streets looking for horses which are being abused and making the drivers be considerate of their charges. The, colder the" day and the fiercer the storm, the earlier she is out on her mission of mercy, and during the summer, when she says horses suffer most, she spende at home only tbe time necessary for sleeping and eat- inc. When she walks along the • street about seven out of ten drive's of every class of vehicles salute her is she passes. 0.t• • V,.:1 New Spring Goods • 111 1.; HIMINI1 1 • 18101,%"•• We are passing into stock large shipments of New Spring Ooodsc comprising Imported lines of Dress (foods, Silks, Velveteens, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Embroideries, Laces, Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, Linol. eiliT18, Oilcloths, Madras Curtaining, Prints, Qinghams, Chambiays, &c. See our Large ,A,ssortment of Flouncing Embroideries, We have all widths. Prices begin at 25e. PRINTS! PRINTS ! PRINTS! We have never shown such a nice range of Patterns and Colorings in Crum's English prints ; every piece guaran. teed. See them. BARGAINS IN SILKS oliradveringforpwlaiedeed scaty stores. Yard Wide Black Taffeta SiIk, our special cut price, 75c. A Complete range of Coloring in 36 inch Pailette Silks, 'bought at a cut price 44ou our large order," our selling ' price will be $LOO. DRESS GOODS Make it a point to see our new Dregs Goods; all the latest weaves and colorings are shown here. MEN'S WEAR STORE Men's Furnishings for,firing wear in adl the latest novel- ties; see our New Negligee Shirts — best makes, New Collars, New Ties, New Braces, New Hats and Caps. (1OTHING New spring Clothing is already in stock. We handle four different makes, so that our range is large, our prices are the Lowest. "Give us a look." • d I • . od imdi 1 I 11. K Isard & Co. " The Style Stores for Men and Women." 4411FENNOINISSIMEMINIMOZNINEMIMMIIIIINIK 11 / ", • 1"•' "'. nn ' • ._14.."111‘1,141 (•1, Head Office HAMILTON CAPITAL PAID UP., 6 2,870,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits3,500,000 Total Assets .,44,000,000 It is not in • its power to purchase that the greatest value of money lies. The feeling of independence, and of security against the effects df adverse fortune that a reserve fund gives you, is infinitely more satisfying than the passing gratification which you would obtain by spending it. Small amounts—which you will hardly miss—deposited regulariy, will gradually, butsurely, accumulate to a sum large enough to insure against the effects of business reverses or loss of employment. C. P. SMIVI A.GENT . WIN -GUAM 1 / .W1 I' • •.1,6! • 1 '1 • 11 se, Sleta Itrugor, tiro svntow DON'T think that concrete can be use'd only for building bridges, silos, walls and walks; because if you do, you will probably overlook all the places where you, ' can use it now. T. L. Irving, of North Georgetown, Quebec, used concrete for 81 different purposes on his farm. in 1911. There are probably- at least a .dszen profit- able uses for concrete on your farm at the present moment. Perhaps you haven't thought of .0 onerete, except for a new barn, or a ello, or some other big improvement for which you aren't quite ready yet. That's why yott should read "What The Fanner Can Do With Concrete" your eyes to the hundreds of uses that other fanners ?lave found for this inaterial. Xn plain language, and with the aid of many DhotographS, it expIttins just what these ties are, and how they can be applied to your farm. Concrete can not only :be used for all the purposes to which wood has been applied, but nisi. many others for which wood would never be tuItabio,. It is not only a building material; it's a, "handy" 1ria. terial, something that you'll grow to depend upon more and more, aa you learn its posSibinties. So write for this book. You'll find it Isn't Catalogue, ito' Art arOUnieht for you to buy our Cement. Every ono of -Kt 160 gnat is devoted to tailing you what farmers bawl done and Can de With concrete. WS MUM PM, TUE AMINO. 'tour name on a. postal, or in 8. letter, bring the book to you by return Mail. Or use th coupon.. Address CANADA CEMENT CO., Ltd. Natibnist Bank nundh* IVIONMAL • SEND MEYOUft BOOK ""k• 0041*. ildordiii*A4•1.0.4....•••••••1 •••